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Author Topic: Question and Answer: What do you guys think?  (Read 9584 times)

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December 07, 2017, 10:30:59 AM
Read 9584 times


Because this forum is extremely diverse in terms of opinions and ideas, I thought it might be interesting to do a sort of Q&A with the members of this forum! Below are a series of popular questions on the topic of the Dyatlov Pass incident, so go ahead and post your response with the respective numbers. It might be an interesting way to introduce ourselves and our ideas and our opinions on the matter! Here they are:

1. In your opinion, what's the most overlooked detail of the whole incident?

2. What's one unimportant detail that you think people give too much importance?

3. Do you believe in some kind of government involvement? If so, how?

4. Do you believe the death of the nine hikers was somehow caused by faults made my the group itself? If so, which ones?

5. What do you think caused the injuries found on the bodies? (Missing tongue, head trauma, broken ribs, etc.)

6. Where do you think the radiation came from?

7. If you could ask one question to anyone involved in the accident (not counting the victims) what would it be and why?

8. Do you believe there is some kind of missing information that could potentially solve the mystery? If so, what?

9. What is something (in relation to the accident) that you wish people knew more about? Why?

10. In your opinion, what is the least plausible theory? Why?

11. In your opinion, what is the most plausible theory? Why?

12. What is your favorite source of information on the matter, and was it the same one that got you hooked on the Dyatlov Pass Incident? If not, what was it that made you interested in the incident?

December 07, 2017, 10:37:36 PM
Reply #1


GREAT THREAD IDEA!    Here goes mine. 

I can change my mind on a dime.   grin1

1. In your opinion, what's the most overlooked detail of the whole incident?
Bread.....  lots and lots of rye bread. Several pictures eating it with loggers and reports state the bread was thrown about EVERYWHERE in the tent. Regardless to what theory you subscribe to.... I wanna know why so much freaking bread!

2. What's one unimportant detail that you think people give too much importance?
Foot steps...  way too many variables and lack of documentation.

3. Do you believe in some kind of government involvement? If so, how?
Yes, I think the gov 'may' have had a methanol spill in the area

4. Do you believe the death of the nine hikers was somehow caused by faults made my the group itself? If so, which ones?
Most times people die or go missing in the wild its because of several bad decisions. In this case it starts with the route deviation, where they dug in etc.....

5. What do you think caused the injuries found on the bodies? (Missing tongue, head trauma, broken ribs, etc.)
Wow... this one can be a book!  Some are frostbite, some are scavengers, some I swear are hand/hand combat type wounds, falling into ravine onto rocks below, or being tossed there. Missing tongue is from rotting/thawing face down in a running creek... same with eyes.

6. Where do you think the radiation came from?
Several of the group worked with enriching uranium and/ or were apart of a cleanup team that did exactly that just prior.... OR, was Igors "radio" study actually the type that goes boom and he had another home made heater that uses no wood. Radio isotope heater....  Surely that found in the tent would be embarrassing for the state and would be covered up rapidly.

7. If you could ask one question to anyone involved in the accident (not counting the victims) what would it be and why?
Ivanov....   Why are you so freaking computation?

8. Do you believe there is some kind of missing information that could potentially solve the mystery? If so, what?
Lots of stuff not released Im sure....  could be one of a million things.

9. What is something (in relation to the accident) that you wish people knew more about? Why?
Within the tent contents there was a small figurine of a hedgehog, and the owner is still a mystery.... because its interesting

10. In your opinion, what is the least plausible theory? Why?
Magnetic field levitation or whatever... because thousands of people have been there since and no such event has happen.

11. In your opinion, what is the most plausible theory? Why?
This week....  its mass hysteria from ergot poisoning.  Ask me next week.  lol

12. What is your favorite source of information on the matter, and was it the same one that got you hooked on the Dyatlov Pass Incident? If not, what was it that made you interested in the incident?
Easy... Dyatlov-pass.com and this forum are the best sources, but I first saw it on the discovery channel, or was it the History channel?  Many years ago, all I remember is radiation, eyes and tongues missing, left tent half naked, cut out of tent in panic etc etc..
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

March 02, 2018, 12:37:34 PM
Reply #2


1. In your opinion, what's the most overlooked detail of the whole incident?
The fact that the rescue volunteers hacked into the tent themselves with icepicks seems pretty major to me. Especially because one of the main details EVERYBODY gets stuck on is the rips in the tent,
 which seem irrelevant to me

2. What's one unimportant detail that you think people give too much importance?
The tears in the tent and the eyes and tongue missing from Lyudmila Dubinina. I mean she was basically a skeleton when found. It's a no brainer why her body didn't have any eyes or tongue.

3. Do you believe in some kind of government involvement? If so, how?
I don't think the government killed them, accidentally or otherwise, but it seems likely that they would cover up things that would make soviet society look bad or any details that would not sit well with their ideals. Like if there was any evidence that the group had been doing some kind of drugs. In my opinion that would be quickly hidden away from the prudish soviet society. It would be better to pretend like it was some freak accident than to face the embarrassment of these perfect, young soviet pupils getting high and getting themselves killed.

4. Do you believe the death of the nine hikers was somehow caused by faults made my the group itself? If so, which ones?
Yes. Firstly, they had actually strayed off their intended path due to bad weather conditions, then the tent was set up in a poor spot away from the cover of the forest. Then of course they must have lost their cool and left the safety of their tent to die of exposure. When it's -22 degrees Fahrenheit outside, it doesn't take many mistakes to get yourself killed. I'm also starting to think there may have been some actual fighting among the group as well.

5. What do you think caused the injuries found on the bodies? (Missing tongue, head trauma, broken ribs, etc.)
Natural decomposition and injuries related to falling on rocks which one would expect from people wondering around a mountain at night. Also I agree that some of the injuries seem like fights had broken out. In particular Rustem Slobodin. I think he very well may have had his lights punched out for whatever reason.

6. Where do you think the radiation came from?
What Loose Canon said.

7. If you could ask one question to anyone involved in the accident (not counting the victims) what would it be and why?
I would ask pathologist Vozrozhdenny if he was sipping vodka during the autopsies. Why so vague? Why so rushed?

8. Do you believe there is some kind of missing information that could potentially solve the mystery? If so, what?
Missing toxicology report?

9. What is something (in relation to the accident) that you wish people knew more about? Why?
Survival in extremely cold conditions.. could come in handy

10. In your opinion, what is the least plausible theory? Why?
Anything supernatural.

11. In your opinion, what is the most plausible theory? Why?
There are several that are plausible.. anything ranging from infrasound to drugs to an avalanche false alarm etc etc

12. What is your favorite source of information on the matter, and was it the same one that got you hooked on the Dyatlov Pass Incident? If not, what was it that made you interested in the incident?
This website has been the best source of info by far. Followed by Donnie Eichar's book.

March 17, 2018, 11:48:18 AM
Reply #3

Per Inge Oestmoen

Because this forum is extremely diverse in terms of opinions and ideas, I thought it might be interesting to do a sort of Q&A with the members of this forum! Below are a series of popular questions on the topic of the Dyatlov Pass incident, so go ahead and post your response with the respective numbers. It might be an interesting way to introduce ourselves and our ideas and our opinions on the matter! Here they are:

1. In your opinion, what's the most overlooked detail of the whole incident?

The fact that the injuries suffered by the victims were all consistent with there being an attack on the group, and that the ravine close to the so-called "den" was not nearly deep enough to bring death by falling. Also the group's leader Igor Dyatlov must have been attacked; he bore signs of having been tied hands and feet in order to hasten his death by exposure.

2. What's one unimportant detail that you think people give too much importance?

The supposed cutting of the tent from the inside. Even if the tent was likely cut from the inside, that does not tell us who cut the tent.

One female seamstress claimed that the cuts were made from the inside, and another (unnamed) investigator later supported that assessment. However, there is no adequate report of how exactly this conclusion was arrived at. Moreover, all the knives belonging to the trekkers stayed in their sheaths inside of the tent, and no knife was ever found outside - not at the fire under the cedar and not at the "den" where the last four members of the team had fled from their attackers. It seems probable that the attackers cut the tent, either in the process of forcing the nine victims out or because they wanted to render the tent unusable.

3. Do you believe in some kind of government involvement? If so, how?

There evidently was a government involvement in preventing the investigation from going deeply enough into the matter to prove that the tragic death of the nine trekkers were the result of a resourceful, intelligent and well planned attack. Why the government would prevent the case to be fully solved, is a good question - but we cannot know the answer unless someone talks.

4. Do you believe the death of the nine hikers was somehow caused by faults made my the group itself? If so, which ones?

Judging from all the evidence we have, first and foremost the autopsy reports, the only responsible were the ones who - with almost full certainty - attacked and killed the whole Dyatlov group. One can make the case that the Dyatlov group were in the wrong place at the wrong time, but it is those who commit a crime which are responsible for the deed.

5. What do you think caused the injuries found on the bodies? (Missing tongue, head trauma, broken ribs, etc.)

The missing tongue could have been cut out by a knife, but unless there is clear evidence of a knife cut it seems likely that since Dubinina's corpse was in an advanced state of decomposition the tongue had been rotting away.

The other injuries were without exception consistent with an attack. Those four who supposedly died last show clear indications that they were attacked with lethal force. Contrary to a belief that is rather widespread, the severe fatal injuries could not be the result of a fall because the ravine was not deep enough to cause death by a single fall. The injuries found on the bodies were of a type typically seen when humans with evil intent attack. It does not take a bomb blast or superhuman strength to cause injuries like the broken ribs of Dubinina and Zolotaryov. Repeated very hard blows to the rib cage or the jumping up and down on the person would lead to precisely this kind of damage. The absence of outer bruises on the rib cages of these two is as expected, as they were rather well dressed. The same is true for Thibeaux-Brignolles. He had massive head trauma with multiple fractures of the skull without damaged skin, and this was natural when he wore headgear that protected the soft tissue but could not stop the force from the hard blows which crushed bone. The injuries of Kolevatov also demonstrated that he had been attacked. His broken nose couid theoretically have resulted from a fall and the same with the deformed neck, but not the wound behind his ear - and together these injuries strongly suggest that Kolevatov was murdered.

6. Where do you think the radiation came from?

There is no record of any incident or explosion in the area that could have exposed the group to radioactivity, so to me it seems probable that the clothes were already contaminated from before.

7. If you could ask one question to anyone involved in the accident (not counting the victims) what would it be and why?

Then I would ask Vozrozhdenny and the other investigators and experts what they withheld from the public and why.

8. Do you believe there is some kind of missing information that could potentially solve the mystery? If so, what?

The only thing that can definitely solve the case, is if some of those who know what happened at the fateful night in 1959 finally break their silence and talk.

9. What is something (in relation to the accident) that you wish people knew more about? Why?

I would encourage people to read the autopsy reports closely. I would also want more people to be aware that the very serious and fatal damage to the four who were found last cannot possibly be caused by a fall in the area where they were found, and that all the injuries were typical of what can be expected as a result of an attack with evil intent. I would also point out that there is no indication whatsoever that the group members fought each other. The diaries and the pictures all betray a friendly atmosphere, and there was no history of these people having been hostile to each other.

10. In your opinion, what is the least plausible theory? Why?

Supernatural ones are in my opinion clearly the least plausible ones. Every piece of evidence indicates that the Dyatlov Pass Tragedy were caused by perfectly physical entities.

11. In your opinion, what is the most plausible theory? Why?

The most plausible theory is in my opinion that the whole Dyatlov group was attacked by human beings who came to take their lives. The injuries when analyzed and the fact that they all died lead to this unpleasant but realistic conclusion.

12. What is your favorite source of information on the matter, and was it the same one that got you hooked on the Dyatlov Pass Incident? If not, what was it that made you interested in the incident?

This web page sparked my interest. I particularly like the autopsy reports, which tell us a lot when carefully read. Also, I have found that Svetlana Oss' book "Don't Go There" is recommendable and contains a lot of very enlightening and valuable information even though I will also emphasize that no one can say with certainty who killed the Dyatlov group unless someone who knows comes forward with the full story of who the killers were.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2018, 11:53:10 AM by Per Inge Oestmoen »

April 25, 2018, 04:34:25 PM
Reply #4


Because this forum is extremely diverse in terms of opinions and ideas, I thought it might be interesting to do a sort of Q&A with the members of this forum! Below are a series of popular questions on the topic of the Dyatlov Pass incident, so go ahead and post your response with the respective numbers. It might be an interesting way to introduce ourselves and our ideas and our opinions on the matter! Here they are:

Modified by OP 5/21/18  thumb1

1. In your opinion, what's the most overlooked detail of the whole incident?
Wow, what a great question. It's so hard to pin-point just one detail that gets treated as an afterthought. Sometimes I feel like the only person in existence actively questioning the level of decomposition of the Rav 4 bodies. Not only do I question the level of decay having been preserved underneath snow & ice for three months in minus zero temperatures/conditions EVEN WITH THE IMPENDING SPRING THAW, but  I am beginning to question my understanding of science and the laws of biology/chemistry as I've always understood them:

Freezing temperature preserve biological matter. As I resigned myself to explaining Dubinina's missing glossal tissues as the result of naturally-present microbes in the running creek bed in which the bodies were discovered, I still can't get over the fact that I've always understood those microbes, particularly those heavily documented in the study and science of decaying human bodies, aren't particularly active in sub zero temperatures. Again, this is a highly documented phenomenon. Have we gone back to spontaneous regeneration and other medieval laws of science? When you leave a piece of meat outside in room temperature conditions and above then come back to it a week later, the meat didn't turn into a crawling pile of maggots through magic and an act of God. We now know that flies and other insects laid eggs on the decaying matter, recognized by smell and heat, which flourished on the pile of rotten tissue as it produced gases and other molecules that naturally sustain the embryonic stage of life for insects.

This doesn't happen to the chicken legs that I just put in my freezer (maintained at 0 degrees.) In fact, all I need to do is pull out my chicken legs and thaw them responsibly in cold conditions to prevent those dormant microbes from going to town on my hard earned dollars and spoiling my kids' dinner. By doing this, I will find perfectly preserved meat arguably as fresh as the day it was killed or bought or whatever you want to say. So why didn't this happen with the Rav 4?

Any plates I've ever streaked in microbiology were always incubated at body temperatures: roughly 97-98 degrees Farenheit. We know that the body increases it's temperature to febrile conditions in order to burn off illness-inducing bacterial infections. Conditions in the sub zero renders most living organisms dormant if it does not kill them (as in the case of human beings who generally succumb to hypothermia rather than just systematically shut down to remain dormant until a later thaw.) Please tell me I'm not the only person that just can't explain this away.

2. What's one unimportant detail that you think people give too much importance?
A couple things:
a) The medicinal alcohol on the inventory lists later found by the first search & rescue team and cracked open to be enjoyed while their comrades' frozen bodies unknowingly lay buried in the snow nearby.
b) The radioactivity on select items of clothing found with the Rav4. I think this detail has been grossly blown out of proportion and for whatever reason it exists, it's become a massive red herring.
c) Zinaida's romantic involvement. Although I see no evidence that she was romantically involved with any of the men in this party, it is highly speculated that she was in fact the girlfriend of Igor. I don't believe this. I believe they majored in the same study at UPI and were very close friends with common interests. Her past relationship with Yuri Doroshenko was long over and she even writes about her secret jealousy when she sees him holding hands with a girl in the Blinov party shortly before both parties split (feelings I can relate to as a woman of course.)

3. Do you believe in some kind of government involvement? If so, how?
I absolutely believe the government was involved, however more as a matter of national security. We must not forget this was the height of the Cold War in 1959. In America, elementary school children were having regular drills for a nuclear event. Emigrants unfamiliar with snow would panic at the sight of inclement weather thinking it was fallout. That all being said, as an American of 34 years, I always pictured the Soviet government as being able to make people, places, and things just disappear. So why leave everything on the slope to be found. It seems it would have been easier to just make it a missing persons case than this huge mystery that doesn't add up were this truly a government act.

4. Do you believe the death of the nine hikers was somehow caused by faults made my the group itself? If so, which ones?
I don't. The thing is, I'm just not a huge believer in coincidence. If the ENTIRE group of 9 people met their demise on this slope because of reckless camping skills or decisions then these were THE unluckiest people to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The fact remains that all 9 were highly experienced with this type of trek, and they went on this mission very well prepared--fully capable. I've yet to come upon any argument that they were ill-prepared. The highly planned trip to Otorten was simply a matter of getting a piece of paper from the Communist Party stating that these individuals were a level 3. Several of them, particularly the women, even had experience with unexpected and emergent events while hiking in the wilderness with no help to be had until the end of their tours. This trip was important to them. Clearly they remained in excellent spirits to the day the diary entries abruptly stopped. I don't see them jeopardizing their mission with drugs or alcohol. I don't see them jeopardizing their own lives or the lives of their peers by acting irrationally or irresponsibly. I certainly don't see this group of people making fatal rookie mistakes on a trip that had so much riding on it for all of them, particularly Zolotaryov whose livelihood depended on this certification.

5. What do you think caused the injuries found on the bodies? (Missing tongue, head trauma, broken ribs, etc.)
As to the internal traumas of the Rav4 particularly, I can only say that an unknown force of high magnitude is responsible. While alive and coherent enough to feel the damage. Every scrape. Every bruise. Every broken part of these kids' bodies. Everyone of them--the physical nature of the damage--I believe to be man-made and that does not exclude themselves (including the women!) being responsible for so much battering. The particularly odd injuries such as missing eyes and tongue I have resolved after a very long time of study to be the result of predation and microbial activity.

6. Where do you think the radiation came from?
I believe the radiation actually came from the source of the clothing. I believe either his person was contaminated at the scene of an incident at a nuclear facility or the clothing was cross contaminated by something in his possession. That's the only sense I can make of it.

7. If you could ask one question to anyone involved in the accident (not counting the victims) what would it be and why?
Yuri Yudin: a) How did this event change the course of your life?
b) How did you cope with knowing you most certainly would have been victim #10, and seeing the treatment your friends received post mortem how did you feel about this?
c) How did losing some of your closest friends affect you having never seen justice for their lives or death?
d) How did these things shape the rest of your life?
e) Did you feel anything when you made your personal trip the Dyatlov Pass, the scene of the incident?
e) Are any of these the reason you became notoriously reclusive?

To All Immediate Families: a) How did this even change your feelings about your government if it changed your feelings at all?
b) How did this even shape the course of your lives knowing such lack of compassion was given to your family?
c) What are your own thoughts on what happened to your babies on that slope?

8. Do you believe there is some kind of missing information that could potentially solve the mystery? If so, what?
I'm honestly at a point with this case that I feel like even if the missing documentation were to somehow surface, none of it would bring us any closer to a solution. In all probability it would just be more vague details from people that don't know anything and won't elaborate on their thoughts. I almost believe that a lot of the missing pieces are a result of the cultural differences--I don't see a whole lot of compassion here surrounding the death of 9 kids that took one hell of a beating. Were any information available to solve the mystery, I think it would come in the form of an eye witness. Maybe not first hand accounts, but rather somebody that overheard a conversation maybe? Something of that nature.

9. What is something (in relation to the accident) that you wish people knew more about? Why?
I wish we knew more about the documented injuries to each and every body in fine detail including possible causes. I think we tend to write the first five off as hypothermia being the cause of death and forget the damage to the bodies of these kids. Every person suffered physical injuries of some form.

10. In your opinion, what is the least plausible theory? Why?
The stove. I believe there would have been an odor detectable were these students smoked out of their tent in an emergency. Smoke is not an odor that dissipates easily. This was a heavy canvas fabric which would hold odors like nobody's business. Nobody noted any such thing and I believe it would have been noted had it existed. Followed by sound waves.  The odds of all nine students being affected by sound waves capable of producing feelings of panic, sickness, and fear in only a fraction of the test population? Come on, it's a stretch. A couple *may* have been potential candidates for feeling these effects, but I highly doubt all 9 student would fall victim to the potential effects of the low sound waves. Gravitational fluctuation and ball lightning are as far fetched and irrelevant as aliens. They don't make the list.

11. In your opinion, what is the most plausible theory? Why?
I can't bring myself to resign myself to any theory. I just can't. Nothing fits and without more proof it's unfair to blame soldiers or native tribes. I am convinced that the Rav 4 perished due to avalanche. As for why they all fled their shelter to begin with and all ended up frozen on a mountain, I simply don't know. I'm stuck between murder and some natural phenomenon.

12. What is your favorite source of information on the matter, and was it the same one that got you hooked on the Dyatlov Pass Incident? If not, what was it that made you interested in the incident?
I actually go through this in some detail in my introduction to the group. I fell down the Dyatlov rabbit hole and found myself becoming more and more obsessed with the facts of the case. I'm hypersensitive to the actual human beings these people were. They deserved justice. Their families had to continue on never knowing what happened to their babies. Those were their children for Pete's sake. I just can't wrap my mind around the grief those closest to this group must have experienced. So that's what keeps me passionate about Dyatlov. Svetlana Oss wrote an amazing book proposing her murder theory. Although I don't treat her book as the Gospel on the DPI, I think her book was among the more well written. Donnie Eichar's book Dead Mountain was easy for me to digest because he was an American in unchartered territory which is much how I feel on the outside of all of this to this day--almost unwelcome to the forums because why would I care about Soviet students from 60 years ago that perished on a mountain ski trip in the Northern Urals? I do care. They were people for crying out loud. They deserved so much more compassion than what they received.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2018, 11:12:31 AM by CalzagheChick »

April 25, 2018, 09:00:11 PM
Reply #5


Where did the "alcohol wasn't touched" come from?  Just curious, because a member if the search team drank the damn thing day 1 of finding the tent while the victims were still presumed simply lost and would be found nearby at any moment.  So basically the contents of the flask were gone before the contents of the tent were even recorded.    dunno1
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

April 27, 2018, 06:47:35 PM
Reply #6


Where did the "alcohol wasn't touched" come from?  Just curious, because a member if the search team drank the damn thing day 1 of finding the tent while the victims were still presumed simply lost and would be found nearby at any moment.  So basically the contents of the flask were gone before the contents of the tent were even recorded.    dunno1

It's one of the many discrepancies I have written down in my notebook so I'll have to go back and find them, but I swear I came across two separate documents--the first one stated that all the alcohol was accounted for. The second document was like a checklist before they left on their trip stating how many mLs (200 I think? I don't remember). I guess this means I must produce both documents to make sure I've read correctly. I certainly don't want to confuse anybody any further than everything out there that's been embellished, misstated, or just made up completely.

February 05, 2019, 12:09:47 AM
Reply #7

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Because this forum is extremely diverse in terms of opinions and ideas, I thought it might be interesting to do a sort of Q&A with the members of this forum! Below are a series of popular questions on the topic of the Dyatlov Pass incident, so go ahead and post your response with the respective numbers. It might be an interesting way to introduce ourselves and our ideas and our opinions on the matter! Here they are:

1. In your opinion, what's the most overlooked detail of the whole incident?

key information that indicates that most of the group (even those without life threatening injuries) did not die from hypothermia

2. What's one unimportant detail that you think people give too much importance?

the tent and the scene around the tent. This scene has been significantly messed up by the search and rescue party

3. Do you believe in some kind of government involvement? If so, how?

not deliberately, but possibly indirectly

4. Do you believe the death of the nine hikers was somehow caused by faults made my the group itself? If so, which ones?

its very difficult to believe that these experienced hikers caused their own demise.

5. What do you think caused the injuries found on the bodies? (Missing tongue, head trauma, broken ribs, etc.)

Falling between 5 and 7 metres. The question is how come 3 of them were so clumsy or uncareful to fall.

6. Where do you think the radiation came from?

Well it’s difficult to say for sure, but even more relevant is why did they look for radiation

7. If you could ask one question to anyone involved in the accident (not counting the victims) what would it be and why?

pathologist - what caused Doroschenko Foam from mouth . Because this is important to determine how they all died

8. Do you believe there is some kind of missing information that could potentially solve the mystery? If so, what?

there seems to be a lot of deliberate vague statements in autopsy reports.  Also no toxicology reports

9. What is something (in relation to the accident) that you wish people knew more about? Why?

what else did they check for radiation and what did they find.  Because it talks about clothes and nothing else.

10. In your opinion, what is the least plausible theory? Why?

aliens. There is no evidence

11. In your opinion, what is the most plausible theory? Why?

something toxic. Because it seems all deaths could be explained this way and there is no toxicology report.

12. What is your favorite source of information on the matter, and was it the same one that got you hooked on the Dyatlov Pass Incident? If not, what was it that made you interested in the incident?

dyatlovpass.com and this forum.  Watched an episode of unsolved mysteries on the Quest channel and then searched web and found this site.

February 05, 2019, 07:08:13 AM
Reply #8


Really good questions, Armide (Edit: Not Star man)! Here are my answers.

1. In your opinion, what's the most overlooked detail of the whole incident?

That noone survived. It is obvious, but overlooked. Natural phenomena usually kill a group of nine people at a blow or they don't. Some are always lucky to survive natural disasters. They chain of events doesn't look very natural here.

2. What's one unimportant detail that you think people give too much importance?

Cuts in the tent.

3. Do you believe in some kind of government involvement? If so, how?

Yes, but it's impossible to prove, just speculation. The group may have been infiltrated by stately actors (KGB, military). And I think it's likely they entered a secret military test site. The sloppy and hastily closed investigation indicates there was some kind of cover-up. Government involvement, sure.

4. Do you believe the death of the nine hikers was somehow caused by faults made my the group itself? If so, which ones?

Pitching the tent on the mountain was an ok-decision. They were experienced, well prepared and equipped and knew what they were doing. I don't think this was a fatal mistake. They may even have had a secret agenda to camp on the slope of the mountain.
In the first two or three hours after leaving the tent they made rational decisions. The tried to improvise, organise and survive. Over time the cold and hypothermia led to irrational behaviour and decisions. As a side effect of hypothermia the affected persons loose their mind and even become «combative».

5. What do you think caused the injuries found on the bodies? (Missing tongue, head trauma, broken ribs, etc.)

A shockwave, a fall or even a kick of a moose, fist fights among some group members (Btw. do not underestimate angry moose! These are nasty kickers and stompers :)).

The Missing tongue of Dubinina is a result of decomposition.

6. Where do you think the radiation came from?

First I thought that the radiation came from the Kyshtym disaster where Krivonischenko had worked and helped to clean up the mess. But after considering that these clothes have been washed in the creek for at least two month, I changed my mind. Radiation at the time of the incident must have been much, much higher. Therefore I believe that a local source caused the radioactive contamination on the clothes (fallout, radioactive waste, experiment with radioactive material). Is it a coincidence that all contamined clothes were found in the ravine and that these four have been found 2 month later? I don't think so. They actually stopped looking for them and may never have returned. In addition I find it very interesting that the helicopter pilots refused to transport the bodies and asked for zinc coffins.... How would they know about a possible radioactive contamination?

7. If you could ask one question to anyone involved in the accident (not counting the victims) what would it be and why?

I'd ask Mr. Putin. He was a KGB man. If there is more to the case he would certainly know or could open the secret files. (Of course, he won't. Neither will I ask him.)

8. Do you believe there is some kind of missing information that could potentially solve the mystery? If so, what?

A thourough scientific analysis of the area around the DM could solve the mystery. This would include soil, rock and wood samples which could easily be tested for radiation or unusual chemicals. Even annual rings from trees could tell us a lot about what happened 60 years ago. But the Russian authorities prefer to measure some slope inclinations. Oh, well...

9. What is something (in relation to the accident) that you wish people knew more about? Why?

I would like people and relatives of the victims to know the truth. Why? Because we should not go gentle into that good night.

10. In your opinion, what is the least plausible theory? Why?

Aliens. If they managed to reach our small planet they could do better than that!

11. In your opinion, what is the most plausible theory? Why?

I rule out aliens, avalanches, gravity fluctuations, predator attacks, stove accident, killer metorite, infrasound. All other theories are possible.

12. What is your favorite source of information on the matter, and was it the same one that got you hooked on the Dyatlov Pass Incident? If not, what was it that made you interested in the incident?

I investigated unsolved mysteries like the Beast of Gévaudan. Then I stumbled upon the Dyatlov Pass incident. Dyatlovpass.com is the best source of information and discussion, of course.


« Last Edit: February 05, 2019, 11:54:12 AM by Dominov »

February 05, 2019, 07:33:54 AM
Reply #9

Nigel Evans

Because this forum is extremely diverse in terms of opinions and ideas, I thought it might be interesting to do a sort of Q&A with the members of this forum! Below are a series of popular questions on the topic of the Dyatlov Pass incident, so go ahead and post your response with the respective numbers. It might be an interesting way to introduce ourselves and our ideas and our opinions on the matter! Here they are:

1. In your opinion, what's the most overlooked detail of the whole incident? Dark orange skin, there are very few explanations for this, NO2 is a good one and it fits with Yuri D's foam on cheek. An even better fit is that the funeral photo of Yuri D and Zina shows his face to be darker (more exposure). An even better fit is that Lyudmila's face was yellow-brown except for the chin presumed to be inside clothing. Even better is that there has been a very similar incident at Chivruay.
2. What's one unimportant detail that you think people give too much importance?Cutting the tent from the inside.
3. Do you believe in some kind of government involvement? If so, how? The NO2 theory needs a source, it could be natural or man made (rocket fuel).
4. Do you believe the death of the nine hikers was somehow caused by faults made my the group itself? If so, which ones?No.
5. What do you think caused the injuries found on the bodies? (Missing tongue, head trauma, broken ribs, etc.) The injuries are ambiguous and cannot on their own create a narrative other than imo they rule out an internal struggle.
6. Where do you think the radiation came from? The radiation was consistent with background levels.
7. If you could ask one question to anyone involved in the accident (not counting the victims) what would it be and why? Whilst Ivanov and Okishev stated that evidence was confiscated they never detailed what it was. It is clear that photos and notebooks are missing, the group diary and ortorten news are typed copies etc.
8. Do you believe there is some kind of missing information that could potentially solve the mystery? If so, what? See answer for 7.
9. What is something (in relation to the accident) that you wish people knew more about? Why? Phenomena believed to be the result of natural electro magnetism (ball lightning, microwaves).
10. In your opinion, what is the least plausible theory? Why? Aliens.

11. In your opinion, what is the most plausible theory? Why?A poisonous cloud of NO2, possibly including N2O.
12. What is your favorite source of information on the matter, and was it the same one that got you hooked on the Dyatlov Pass Incident? If not, what was it that made you interested in the incident? This site, several books.

February 06, 2019, 05:00:06 AM
Reply #10


Because this forum is extremely diverse in terms of opinions and ideas, I thought it might be interesting to do a sort of Q&A with the members of this forum! Below are a series of popular questions on the topic of the Dyatlov Pass incident, so go ahead and post your response with the respective numbers. It might be an interesting way to introduce ourselves and our ideas and our opinions on the matter! Here they are:

1. In your opinion, what's the most overlooked detail of the whole incident?

2. What's one unimportant detail that you think people give too much importance?

3. Do you believe in some kind of government involvement? If so, how?

Hello, I offer you my point of view:

1. In your opinion, what's the most overlooked detail of the whole incident?
Zolotarev hard injured chest (broken ribs) but camera around his neck stayed intact.

2. What's one unimportant detail that you think people give too much importance?
„The Case was closed abruptly“.
I hear that at that time, in Russia every investigated event which was not solved up to few months was closed, it was normal procedure.

3. Do you believe in some kind of government involvement? If so, how?
No.  Not because I would not believe that the government is able of such an act, but because the evidence say otherwise. Missing traces of stranger traces, stupid way to disposal  of inconvenient witnesses by this way, longer time of survival from leaving the tent to deaths and various places where they died. And I dont believe that the group was infiltrated by agent (I like American movies, but I always take them with reserve, they're just fiction.).

4. Do you believe the death of the nine hikers was somehow caused by faults made my the group itself? If so, which ones?
It is quite possible. Build a tent in the open in an area that has a bad reputation among the local people (even Igor been warned any man).

5. What do you think caused the injuries found on the bodies? (Missing tongue, head trauma, broken ribs, etc.)
A shockwave, but not from a missile/rocket.
For me, the biggest mystery of the whole night is what happened in the ravine.
Missing tongue of Dubinia tongue could be a result of decomposition but I am not sure if in this cold condition and within such a short time it could happened.

6. Where do you think the radiation came from?
Two of them worked in some industry with small radioactive material. If there was radioactivity in the air from the bomb, it would be on all bodies and not just on two pieces of clothing!

7. If you could ask one question to anyone involved in the accident (not counting the victims) what would it be and why?
Since I believe in the reincarnation and life between lives, I would certainly ask the dead students. They are the only ones from whom we would have learned the true truth about whole sequence of event.

8. Do you believe there is some kind of missing information that could potentially solve the mystery? If so, what?
Perhaps the authorities / government are aware of what an unknown physical phenomenon has occurred there, but they do not want the world to know it. Firstly, because they can not explain the phenomenon, and it makes them vulnerable in the world's power struggle, and it would be possible to use such a phenomenon as a potential weapon in future. Already Nikola Tesla had some secret experiments with electricity that could have been the subject of government.

9. What is something (in relation to the accident) that you wish people knew more about? Why?
If the physical phenomenon could not be clarified, at least the families and friends would know that no one was murdered.

10. In your opinion, what is the least plausible theory? Why?
Aliens, bear, stove accident, fight between students, mushroom poison.
Aliens. I believe they exist but the events in Dyatlov Pass contradict this. The stove was not used at that night. The mushroom during winter...no way. And fight between students does not respond to serious injuries in the ravine.

11. In your opinion, what is the most plausible theory? Why?
I mostly believe in theory of plasmoid lighting balls (https://sites.google.com/site/mezoelectric/dyatlov-pass-incident-1). This part of Ural is well-known for higher electromagnetic anomalies and ball-lightings. And this theory explains well the tent escaping and organized movement to the forest without possibility to take clothes from the tent.

12. What is your favourite source of information on the matter, and was it the same one that got you hooked on the Dyatlov Pass Incident? If not, what was it that made you interested in the incident?
My first information which arise my interest in this mystery was the book from czech author Martin Lavay: Kdo zavraždil účastníky Djatlovovy expedice? (english: Who killed the participants of Dyatlov expedition?)

4. Do you believe the death of the nine hikers was somehow caused by faults made my the group itself? If so, which ones?

5. What do you think caused the injuries found on the bodies? (Missing tongue, head trauma, broken ribs, etc.)

6. Where do you think the radiation came from?

7. If you could ask one question to anyone involved in the accident (not counting the victims) what would it be and why?

8. Do you believe there is some kind of missing information that could potentially solve the mystery? If so, what?

9. What is something (in relation to the accident) that you wish people knew more about? Why?

10. In your opinion, what is the least plausible theory? Why?

11. In your opinion, what is the most plausible theory? Why?

12. What is your favorite source of information on the matter, and was it the same one that got you hooked on the Dyatlov Pass Incident? If not, what was it that made you interested in the incident?

February 06, 2019, 05:03:35 AM
Reply #11


Hello, I offer you my point of view (I previously incorrectly placed my comment):

1. In your opinion, what's the most overlooked detail of the whole incident?
Zolotarev hard injured chest (broken ribs) but camera around his neck stayed intact.

2. What's one unimportant detail that you think people give too much importance?
„The Case was closed abruptly“.
I hear that at that time, in Russia every investigated event which was not solved up to few months was closed, it was normal procedure.

3. Do you believe in some kind of government involvement? If so, how?
No.  Not because I would not believe that the government is able of such an act, but because the evidence say otherwise. Missing traces of stranger traces, stupid way to disposal  of inconvenient witnesses by this way, longer time of survival from leaving the tent to deaths and various places where they died. And I dont believe that the group was infiltrated by agent (I like American movies, but I always take them with reserve, they're just fiction.).

4. Do you believe the death of the nine hikers was somehow caused by faults made my the group itself? If so, which ones?
It is quite possible. Build a tent in the open in an area that has a bad reputation among the local people (even Igor been warned any man).

5. What do you think caused the injuries found on the bodies? (Missing tongue, head trauma, broken ribs, etc.)
A shockwave, but not from a missile/rocket.
For me, the biggest mystery of the whole night is what happened in the ravine.
Missing tongue of Dubinia tongue could be a result of decomposition but I am not sure if in this cold condition and within such a short time it could happened.

6. Where do you think the radiation came from?
Two of them worked in some industry with small radioactive material. If there was radioactivity in the air from the bomb, it would be on all bodies and not just on two pieces of clothing!

7. If you could ask one question to anyone involved in the accident (not counting the victims) what would it be and why?
Since I believe in the reincarnation and life between lives, I would certainly ask the dead students. They are the only ones from whom we would have learned the true truth about whole sequence of event.

8. Do you believe there is some kind of missing information that could potentially solve the mystery? If so, what?
Perhaps the authorities / government are aware of what an unknown physical phenomenon has occurred there, but they do not want the world to know it. Firstly, because they can not explain the phenomenon, and it makes them vulnerable in the world's power struggle, and it would be possible to use such a phenomenon as a potential weapon in future. Already Nikola Tesla had some secret experiments with electricity that could have been the subject of government.

9. What is something (in relation to the accident) that you wish people knew more about? Why?
If the physical phenomenon could not be clarified, at least the families and friends would know that no one was murdered.

10. In your opinion, what is the least plausible theory? Why?
Aliens, bear, stove accident, fight between students, mushroom poison.
Aliens. I believe they exist but the events in Dyatlov Pass contradict this. The stove was not used at that night. The mushroom during winter...no way. And fight between students does not respond to serious injuries in the ravine.

11. In your opinion, what is the most plausible theory? Why?
I mostly believe in theory of plasmoid lighting balls (https://sites.google.com/site/mezoelectric/dyatlov-pass-incident-1). This part of Ural is well-known for higher electromagnetic anomalies and ball-lightings. And this theory explains well the tent escaping and organized movement to the forest without possibility to take clothes from the tent. Another plausible theory could be infrasound.

12. What is your favourite source of information on the matter, and was it the same one that got you hooked on the Dyatlov Pass Incident? If not, what was it that made you interested in the incident?
My first information which arise my interest in this mystery was the book from czech author Martin Lavay: Kdo zavraždil účastníky Djatlovovy expedice? (english: Who killed the participants of Dyatlov expedition?)


February 14, 2019, 07:39:56 AM
Reply #12


Ok...here goes, but after only a few days of learning and thinking...a lot of this is just to get my ideas out there.  Even if they're incorrect it may jog somebody's brain in a way that helps put pieces together.  I KNOW some of my answers may be a little contradictory, and I apologize if they're confusing.  As I start, I have to mention Zina's first entry into the group diary:  "I wonder what awaits us in this trip?  What will we encounter?"

1. In your opinion, what's the most overlooked detail of the whole incident?
      Lack of last-day diaries.  If the event happened late at night, SOMEBODY would have written something.  It didn't take them long to put together "Evening Otorten" (Akselrod even suggests they did it that morning before the hike).  The only diary day that the girls missed prior was 1/31, and by all accounts, everybody was exhausted that night.  Either there are diary pages missing (I think on purpose), or the whole incident began soon after the tent was set up, and NOT later in the evening as often suggested.

2. What's one unimportant detail that you think people give too much importance?
     Honestly, most of the eyewitness statements.  They often contradict each other, and at times, they contradict themselves.  There were only very few searchers who actually saw the scene before it was contaminated by the search effort itself, and even for them, the site had been weathered for 3-4 weeks before they found it.  (I'm interested in searcher theories, because they come from people with experience with those conditions, and with the mindset of fellow tourists, etc...but their memories of specific details should all be taken with a LARGE grain of salt.)

3. Do you believe in some kind of government involvement? If so, how?
     Yes.  At least, with a coverup for some reason.  Embarassment?  Guilt?  Protecting themselves, or the school, or even the hikers from judgment?  I think the missing diaries and diary pages we don't have actual photographs of were transcribed purposefully, and leaving something out.

4. Do you believe the death of the nine hikers was somehow caused by faults made my the group itself? If so, which ones?
     In some way - at the very least, I believe there was a moment when the group could have saved themselves if they were willing to abandon one or two members.  It is to their honor and credit that they did not.  The entire incident may also have started in one moment of recklessness that may have seemed like fun and games, but went horribly wrong and started the chain of events.

5. What do you think caused the injuries found on the bodies? (Missing tongue, head trauma, broken ribs, etc.)
     At the moment, I'm considering a scenario with 2 events.  First was a broken cedar branch that caused some head injuries and stranded a small group at the cedar.  Then, the remainder of the crew stumbled across a moose sleeping at the ravine, which woke and ran deeper into the woods, but right through the small group of tourists on its way.  Would you like to be standing in the dark, in a narrow ravine between a 1200lb startled moose and its path to freedom?

6. Where do you think the radiation came from?
     I don't know all the ways radiation acts, but I believe it could have been from contaminated snow, or even water from the creek due to toxic precipitation upstream.

7. If you could ask one question to anyone involved in the accident (not counting the victims) what would it be and why?
     Probably Akselrod.  I believe he has given two theories through the years, but I also believe deeper down, he has a third personal theory that would be the closest to the truth.  His closeness with members of the group (especially the leader Dyatlov), and his familiarity with that region make him an important reference.  In later years, he didn't find it odd that they left boots behind, due to the slippery slope.  He seemed to be inside Dyatlov's mind regarding selection of the campsite, route planning, etc.  He basically had trained Dyatlov, and I think some of his responses were made to protect his own reputation as a teacher and tourist, and to protect his protégé.  I also believe his theories were tailored to what he knew the government wanted to hear in order to close out the case.  If anybody can put the pieces together best, it is him.

8. Do you believe there is some kind of missing information that could potentially solve the mystery? If so, what?
     Feb 1 diary entries/photographs, if there really are some missing like I think.  Or, almost anything else...true documentation of the footprints and their full routes down the slope would be huge.

9. What is something (in relation to the accident) that you wish people knew more about? Why?
     The tent - actual found condition?  There are so many.  The people.  You can tell I'm stuck on the diaries and photographs - these were everyday kids...I see myself in most of them, in different ways.

10. In your opinion, what is the least plausible theory? Why?
     I don't want to make enemies this early in my time here  neg1

11. In your opinion, what is the most plausible theory? Why?
     I believe it started with an accident/injury that seemed small at first and snowballed quickly before the crew realized they were stuck in an inescapable situation.  If not that, then sadly, I have a hard time getting away from an inhumanly cruel assassination and massive coverup.  Occam (and my hope for humanity) pushes me towards the first option here.  Also, "do not mistake incompetence for corruption" may apply.

12. What is your favorite source of information on the matter, and was it the same one that got you hooked on the Dyatlov Pass Incident? If not, what was it that made you interested in the incident?
    I started with this website and the attached forum, and I think this will be my main spot for a while :)  You definitely cover all the bases, and have a vast selection of up-to-date resources that are well organized and allow for us to reach our own conclusions.

February 15, 2019, 01:15:21 PM
Reply #13


Ok...here goes, but after only a few days of learning and thinking...a lot of this is just to get my ideas out there.  Even if they're incorrect it may jog somebody's brain in a way that helps put pieces together.  I KNOW some of my answers may be a little contradictory, and I apologize if they're confusing.  As I start, I have to mention Zina's first entry into the group diary:  "I wonder what awaits us in this trip?  What will we encounter?"

These are very correct reasons.
If it is interesting, we will make so that I will try to answer the same questions, but from position of the person which knows all from small distance. It should be understood in all senses which are in the logician.

1. In your opinion, what's the most overlooked detail of the whole incident?
      Lack of last-day diaries.  If the event happened late at night, SOMEBODY would have written something.  It didn't take them long to put together "Evening Otorten" (Akselrod even suggests they did it that morning before the hike).  The only diary day that the girls missed prior was 1/31, and by all accounts, everybody was exhausted that night.  Either there are diary pages missing (I think on purpose), or the whole incident began soon after the tent was set up, and NOT later in the evening as often suggested.

1.Axelrod has correctly estimated this action. Above of tent, when they had last and tragical spending the night of it is simply impossible to make. Substantiations simple and obvious: darkness, cold, is not enough place for this purpose, many other necessary actions by which they should do necessarily.
2.Usually all diaries write in the evening when everyone is on duty at iron stove (encloses there fire wood, watches that would light up nothing and behind the general order in tent, for example, that the input would be closed and that therefrom would not blow) When it is done by the one who usually writes his diary, or the one who should write by turns in diary there is record. And if they did not light iron stove and write they could not. The reasons here the same as in point 1).
3.Zina has ceased write the diary for 2 days before because it is very difficult do it on frost, and the desire she has sufficed it do only till this time. Further she could write only when would began be on duty at iron stove during the subsequent time.
4.They were not tired for that transition that they have made on February, 01st because it was very short and they half of day did not difficult actions
From this it follows that “the most underestimated detail of all incident” is the external factor which has forced all of them and practically simultaneously escape from tent in bad clothes. It is possible to tell that it was unexpected, powerful and insurmountable.

2. What's one unimportant detail that you think people give too much importance?
     Honestly, most of the eyewitness statements.  They often contradict each other, and at times, they contradict themselves.  There were only very few searchers who actually saw the scene before it was contaminated by the search effort itself, and even for them, the site had been weathered for 3-4 weeks before they found it.  (I'm interested in searcher theories, because they come from people with experience with those conditions, and with the mindset of fellow tourists, etc...but their memories of specific details should all be taken with a LARGE grain of salt.)

I very much it would be desirable that my opinion would answer these conditions. I 4 times on 5 … 7 days happened in the winter on this place. Main objective of studying I had a studying of conditions of this place in different conditions. I had speak practically with all participants of searches who are still live, therefore it was possible specify many details.
Therefore I consider that very many think that there could be extraneous people or what that technical factors which have done them deadly harm.
It is impossible because this very remote place from any people, there is not present roads and it is possible reach there only on skis if go 4 or 5 days in the fastest way. Thus it is necessary to make 3 or 4 spending the night in conditions when it is necessary to do all only and anybody the stranger cannot help. Preparation same is for this purpose necessary as there was at Dyatlov group. Such preparation could be only at several groups from UPI, about which well-known. Local residents had no such preparation, therefore went shooting on distance approximately 15 … 20 km (or about 10 miles) from that settlement in which lived. The distance from any such settlement was more than 100 km (~ 60 miles).
Any technics which then existed could not get there because it was very far (for example rockets or planes) or because there not was roads on which it was possible get to it place.

3. Do you believe in some kind of government involvement? If so, how?
     Yes.  At least, with a coverup for some reason.  Embarassment?  Guilt?  Protecting themselves, or the school, or even the hikers from judgment?  I think the missing diaries and diary pages we don't have actual photographs of were transcribed purposefully, and leaving something out.

No. Because very heavy reason is for this purpose necessary. Such reason can be thought up if only scripting book like for films to Hollywood. No real cause of death of group because of any extraneous people (not only the governments) no exists.
Some people try think up such reason because consider itself more cleverly than about whom they write all. It is not so.

4. Do you believe the death of the nine hikers was somehow caused by faults made my the group itself? If so, which ones?
     In some way - at the very least, I believe there was a moment when the group could have saved themselves if they were willing to abandon one or two members.  It is to their honor and credit that they did not.  The entire incident may also have started in one moment of recklessness that may have seemed like fun and games, but went horribly wrong and started the chain of events.

I do not see any considerable errors which were made by Igor Dyatlov or all group. At me now exists about such 40, or more difficult travel which was in this case. I do not see even the rough formal errors connected with registration of papers which they should write. This opinion is based on “the low of travellers” which existed then.
In collections which were let out by “Fund of memory Dyatlov Group” I has in detail analysed all their actions and conditions in which they were. There are no serious errors. Unfortunately all it is written in Russian, and translate it into English at me there is no time and there is no possibility. If who that wants get acquainted with Russian texts I can give the reference.

5. What do you think caused the injuries found on the bodies? (Missing tongue, head trauma, broken ribs, etc.)
     At the moment, I'm considering a scenario with 2 events.  First was a broken cedar branch that caused some head injuries and stranded a small group at the cedar.  Then, the remainder of the crew stumbled across a moose sleeping at the ravine, which woke and ran deeper into the woods, but right through the small group of tourists on its way.  Would you like to be standing in the dark, in a narrow ravine between a 1200lb startled moose and its path to freedom?

I already wrote at this forum that all serious traumas (Nikolay Tibo, Lyudmila Dubinina, Simeon Zolotaryov, Rustem Slobodin), have arisen in a consequence of blows about a surface. Tibo and Rustem in different places, Lyudmila and Simeon in one, and most likely simultaneously.
In the same texts that I have written in the previous paragraph there is detailed analysis of traumas from position of engineering biomechanics. As to parts of body which were absent (except tongue there was no also half of covering of the face) it is result of fast destruction of the thawed body which it has been frozen for long time. Similar examples I saw and at other search actions in 70 and 80th years.

6. Where do you think the radiation came from?
     I don't know all the ways radiation acts, but I believe it could have been from contaminated snow, or even water from the creek due to toxic precipitation upstream.

Yes, you it is correct so have solved. But it only one of possible variants.
There are 2 sources, whence they could appear.
1.George Krivonishchenko worked at factory where there was nuclear failure in 1957. It the hidro-builder also worked on excavations which was on ground where have dropped out radionuclides with the big half-life period. Therefore it could bring small quantities of these pollution on clothes. Alexander Kolevatov studied on branch UPI where they did experiences with the same substances. Therefore it too could receive small quantity of such substances on clothes.
2.In 1958 was very much considerable quantity tests of atomic weapons on range the Novaya Zemlia which is rather nearby (about 1200 km or 850 miles). Radioactive deposits therefrom could transfer to this place. On an earth surface the dust has dropped out, it has washed off to stream channel, and then they have polluted some parts of clothes.
Anyway, even the biggest level of radiation was small. Only up 3 or in 4 times more than level of usual background of the earth. It was ~ 135 Bekkerels as maximum. Approximately as much gives 1,5 kg ( or 3.5 lb) of bananas, which are gathered if to consider isotope К40.
For this purpose that this radiation would be dangerous to disease (instead of for death) background level should exceed natural background up 10000 or 50000 times. And in current of time it is not less than for 3 or 4 months.

7. If you could ask one question to anyone involved in the accident (not counting the victims) what would it be and why?
     Probably Akselrod.  I believe he has given two theories through the years, but I also believe deeper down, he has a third personal theory that would be the closest to the truth.  His closeness with members of the group (especially the leader Dyatlov), and his familiarity with that region make him an important reference.  In later years, he didn't find it odd that they left boots behind, due to the slippery slope.  He seemed to be inside Dyatlov's mind regarding selection of the campsite, route planning, etc.  He basically had trained Dyatlov, and I think some of his responses were made to protect his own reputation as a teacher and tourist, and to protect his protégé.  I also believe his theories were tailored to what he knew the government wanted to hear in order to close out the case.  If anybody can put the pieces together best, it is him.

Those who participated in search have different opinions on the reasons. I spoke and discussed it with many them. However opinions it is more belief in to what they have got used discussing this case already in a current of 60 years. The most part from them considers that they were killed by the arrived rocket. But they experts not in rockets, and they is metallurgists, power experts, experts in the mechanical equipment, in powerful hydraulic turbines and generators, radio engineerings.
As I is the expert, just, in rocket technology and military technology, I explained them their errors in this reasoning. They agreed, because could not object resulted by me on the facts. But again started to speak too most, after next time. It is simply religion what that …
Slices can be collected so that almost there will be no contradictions and if contradictions and are, only there where there is no trustworthy information, and all is based only on rumour.
But very high preparation on the physicist is for this purpose necessary. Scientists who have such preparation very little in the world in general.

8. Do you believe there is some kind of missing information that could potentially solve the mystery? If so, what?
     Feb 1 diary entries/photographs, if there really are some missing like I think.  Or, almost anything else...true documentation of the footprints and their full routes down the slope would be huge.

All information which could be kept originally is received for the past of 60 years. Then its some part has been passed or lost. But not because wanted that to hide that is why that did not understand that should be that is the main thing and what information is necessary, and what is not necessary. It always so happens in usual life. Now the new information already cannot be produce, because it simply is not present.
As to any confidential papers and deliberate hide the information then it is necessary ask itself a question: for what it was necessary to do it. If as answer in this question it is impossible quite precisely this information should not be. Otherwise we receive the Chinese pyramid (or Russian nested doll), behind this question be arise another question, more difficult and uncertain … and so indefinitely. That is we will come to deadlock.
As example I can result conversation about Alexander Kolevatova's diary. Said that he wrote his diary always. But it was only in the summer. There are absolutely other conditions. The diary with record has been as a result found that it is intended it (Zina has presented note book to all with record to whom it is intended), but it has appeared absolutely empty. There was no record. But conversations that “it was gone Alexander Kolevatova's diary” arise constantly.

9. What is something (in relation to the accident) that you wish people knew more about? Why?
     The tent - actual found condition?  There are so many.  The people.  You can tell I'm stuck on the diaries and photographs - these were everyday kids...I see myself in most of them, in different ways.

It is difficult to me as tell about it because I consider that to me enough all information, which is what to answer any question which exists on this theme. Probably because I work only with the initial information in native language and I have possibility or specify all that it is necessary at participants of these events (who was in search, or friends of participants of Dyatlov group), the archives, had education …
Studying of diaries and photos it is very correct action. It is the trustworthy information which exists.

10. In your opinion, what is the least plausible theory? Why?
     I don't want to make enemies this early in my time here 

I will tell only in a general sense it: it is any theory which is not factual or contradicts:
1.To Laws of the nature,
2.To that was at that time (in 1959). - it is not necessary invent “time machine” what transfer that is (and that know) now to that time.
3.To Common sense and logic of events. (For example, it is impossible make so that at first the person has died, and then it has carry other body to other place.)

11. In your opinion, what is the most plausible theory? Why?
     I believe it started with an accident/injury that seemed small at first and snowballed quickly before the crew realized they were stuck in an inescapable situation.  If not that, then sadly, I have a hard time getting away from an inhumanly cruel assassination and massive coverup.  Occam (and my hope for humanity) pushes me towards the first option here.  Also, "do not mistake incompetence for corruption" may apply.

I will not make comments this question. The necessary time … will not come yet.
That you suggest to use “Okkama edge”, it is correct, but then the version with murder is impossible. A usual question: What for was do it? Well and at once the second question: why it is made so thoughtlessly and in pointed manner? Usually all these details carefully hide. Or, at least, try to make it. And we see that all bodies and subjects are located, as though on exhibition.

12. What is your favorite source of information on the matter, and was it the same one that got you hooked on the Dyatlov Pass Incident? If not, what was it that made you interested in the incident?
    I started with this website and the attached forum, and I think this will be my main spot for a while :)  You definitely cover all the bases, and have a vast selection of up-to-date resources that are well organized and allow for us to reach our own conclusions.

I work only with sources of the primary information or I have researches directly on that place. At me crossing with this theme turn out absolutely involuntarily and many my friends constantly there involve.
I have get the first data of this incident when was the vice-president of student's federation travellers USSR in 1979. Then I there took up the problems of safety of travel and collected the information on incidents with groups of travellers which were students.