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Author Topic: The cuts in the tent of the Dyatlov group are made for ventilation  (Read 15257 times)

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January 15, 2023, 10:02:31 PM
Reply #60

Олег Таймень

Эта тема единственная объясняет разрезы палатки, сделанные изнутри. Разрезы настолько малы, что в них невозможно вылезти одетому человеку. Так же эти разрезы сильно велики, чтобы сделать их для возможных наблюдений за склоном, как это утверждается в некоторых версиях. Одного разреза 10 сантиметров было бы вполне достаточно чтобы в него смотреть и не выстужать палатку без затопленной печи
This topic is the only one that explains the cuts of the tent made from the inside. The cuts are so small that it is impossible for a dressed person to get out of them. Also, these sections are too large to make them for possible observations of the slope, as stated in some versions. One cut of 10 centimeters would be quite enough to look into it and not to cool the tent without a flooded stove

Except that the first searchers to reach the tent tore it open looking inside, and later after the contents were removed, the tent was dug/chipped out of the frozen tundra with ice shovels.  Is it not possible to tear back material and then it be cut on the inside which has just become the outside?  🤔

Don’t forget that the tent was then dragged something like 1/2 mile over jagged rocks and ice to the helicopter LZ.  And a common seamstress tells us the fantasy of slashing their way out.  🤨
I would very much like to ignore this point that there are cuts made from the inside. Then it would be easier to explain a lot. But, there is no evidence that the searchers cut the tent with a knife. You can't cut a tarpaulin with an ice pick. An ice ax can be stuck and pulling, tear. Cuts from breaks can be distinguished.
We must adhere to the opinion that the tent was cut and cut from the inside.
Очень хотелось бы игнорировать этот момент, что существуют разрезы, сделанные изнутри. Тогда легче было бы многое объяснить. Но, нет никаких свидетельств, что поисковики резали палатку ножом. Ледорубом не сделаешь разрезы брезента. Ледоруб можно воткнуть и натягивая, рвать. Разрезы от разрывов можно отличить.
Мы обязаны придерживаться мнению, что палатка была разрезана и разрезана именно изнутри.
If a mountain comes towards you, and you are not Mohammed, then it is a rockfall.

January 15, 2023, 10:17:55 PM
Reply #61

Олег Таймень

Does anyone have evidence that the Dyatlov group stoked the stove at night and appointed a night duty officer for this purpose?
My opinion is that the stove was heated only in the evening and in the morning. And sometimes they didn’t heat at all, they managed with a fire. And the duties of the duty officer were to kindle the furnace, nothing more ..
У кого-нибудь есть доказательства, что группа Дятлова топила ночью печь и назначала для этой цели ночного дежурного ?
Моё мнение, что печь топилась только вечером и утром. А иногда вообще не топилась, обходились костром. И обязанности дежурного заключались в растопке печи, не более того..
Вполне возможно, если температура теплее -20 градусов. Это при наличии спальников. Учитывая, что мы точно не знаем насколько эффективно работали одеяла вместо спальников, то нужно эту отметку изменить на -10 градусов.
It is quite possible if the temperature is warmer than -20 degrees. This is with sleeping bags. Considering that we do not know exactly how effective blankets worked instead of sleeping bags, we need to change this mark to -10 degrees.
Perhaps the Dyatlov group had some way of connecting all the blankets into one common sleeping bag. Such methods were used before and similar home-made sleeping systems were called "Semeyniki". How can I fasten the blankets so that they do not move apart and there are no gaps, I do not know. Perhaps you need to study the ways of tourists of those years.
In the "Families" everyone slept dressed, huddled together. Inside this large sleeping bag, the air was heated by the heat emitted by tourists, and there was a stable positive temperature. It was colder for those who sleep from one side and the other. Those in the middle were very warm. The only disadvantage of this system is discomfort. To roll over on the other side, you need to practically wake up the neighbors with your manipulations. But, despite this, even in our time, "Semeyniki" are still used. These are 3-4-5 local home-made bags , which greatly save space in backpacks and reduce the overall weight of equipment on long hikes.
Возможно, у группы Дятлова существовал какой-то способ соединения всех одеял в один общий спальный мешок. Такие методы раньше применялись и подобные самодельные спальные системы назывались "Семейниками". Как можно скрепить одеяла, что-бы они не разъезжались и не было щелей, я не знаю. Возможно нужно поизучать способы туристов тех лет.
В "Семейниках все спали одетыми, прижавшись друг к другу. Внутри этого большого спальника воздух нагревался от тепла, выделяемого туристами, и была стабильная плюсовая температура. Холоднее было тем, кто спит с одного и другого края. Тем, кто в середине, им было очень тепло. Единственный минус у этой системы, это дискомфорт. Чтобы перевернуться на другой бок, нужно практически разбудить соседей своими манипуляциями. Но, несмотря на это, даже в наше время "Семейники" ещё применяются. Это 3-4-5 местные самодельные мешки, которые очень сильно экономят место в рюкзаках и уменьшают общий вес снаряжения в длительных походах.
If a mountain comes towards you, and you are not Mohammed, then it is a rockfall.

January 16, 2023, 05:55:21 AM
Reply #62


Does anyone have evidence that the Dyatlov group stoked the stove at night and appointed a night duty officer for this purpose?
My opinion is that the stove was heated only in the evening and in the morning. And sometimes they didn’t heat at all, they managed with a fire. And the duties of the duty officer were to kindle the furnace, nothing more ..
У кого-нибудь есть доказательства, что группа Дятлова топила ночью печь и назначала для этой цели ночного дежурного ?
Моё мнение, что печь топилась только вечером и утром. А иногда вообще не топилась, обходились костром. И обязанности дежурного заключались в растопке печи, не более того..
Вполне возможно, если температура теплее -20 градусов. Это при наличии спальников. Учитывая, что мы точно не знаем насколько эффективно работали одеяла вместо спальников, то нужно эту отметку изменить на -10 градусов.
It is quite possible if the temperature is warmer than -20 degrees. This is with sleeping bags. Considering that we do not know exactly how effective blankets worked instead of sleeping bags, we need to change this mark to -10 degrees.
Perhaps the Dyatlov group had some way of connecting all the blankets into one common sleeping bag. Such methods were used before and similar home-made sleeping systems were called "Semeyniki". How can I fasten the blankets so that they do not move apart and there are no gaps, I do not know. Perhaps you need to study the ways of tourists of those years.
In the "Families" everyone slept dressed, huddled together. Inside this large sleeping bag, the air was heated by the heat emitted by tourists, and there was a stable positive temperature. It was colder for those who sleep from one side and the other. Those in the middle were very warm. The only disadvantage of this system is discomfort. To roll over on the other side, you need to practically wake up the neighbors with your manipulations. But, despite this, even in our time, "Semeyniki" are still used. These are 3-4-5 local home-made bags , which greatly save space in backpacks and reduce the overall weight of equipment on long hikes.
Возможно, у группы Дятлова существовал какой-то способ соединения всех одеял в один общий спальный мешок. Такие методы раньше применялись и подобные самодельные спальные системы назывались "Семейниками". Как можно скрепить одеяла, что-бы они не разъезжались и не было щелей, я не знаю. Возможно нужно поизучать способы туристов тех лет.
В "Семейниках все спали одетыми, прижавшись друг к другу. Внутри этого большого спальника воздух нагревался от тепла, выделяемого туристами, и была стабильная плюсовая температура. Холоднее было тем, кто спит с одного и другого края. Тем, кто в середине, им было очень тепло. Единственный минус у этой системы, это дискомфорт. Чтобы перевернуться на другой бок, нужно практически разбудить соседей своими манипуляциями. Но, несмотря на это, даже в наше время "Семейники" ещё применяются. Это 3-4-5 местные самодельные мешки, которые очень сильно экономят место в рюкзаках и уменьшают общий вес снаряжения в длительных походах.

I would say the inside cuts are problematic and inconclusive.  When in doubt….  throw it out. 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

January 16, 2023, 05:39:04 PM
Reply #63


We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 16, 2023, 08:16:04 PM
Reply #64


Then again,,how did they get out?
It is certain that the tent was cut from the inside. But it may have been cut from both inside and outside at the time of the incident.....Tears at the time of subsequent recovery are already evident. They are easy to spot. It is very easy to distinguish.

January 16, 2023, 09:00:02 PM
Reply #65


 1,2, and 3….  the ONLY cuts ever attributed…. all else are tears. Given how the tent was handled when it was found and after. Zero evidence the slashed their way out.  The tent had a front flap and it was found open.   

Now.....    lets take a look at this inspection of the tent case file and the analysis of the cuts that were reported as having been made from the inside.

As a result of the foregoing, and when examining the edges of all the damages on the tent, one can conclude that three damages /conditionally marked № 1, 2, 3 / came as a result of contact with some sharp weapon /knife/, i.e. are cuts. Yet the rest of the damage is a tear.

So the cuts shown above are the ONLY ones of the ENTIRE tent that are reported to be cut from the inside. 

Now.......   Does anyone here believe NINE full size adult bodies jumped out of those holes? 

Where are the analysis reports on cuts made from the outside?

Is it possible said 'inside' cuts are nothing more then a result of being chopped/dug out of the icy hardened snow using shovels and ice axes?  Or perhaps the results of having been dragged 700m = 1/2 mile over sharp rocks and ice?

Is it possible said inside cuts were created after damage to the tent resulted in the material being peeled back exposing the inside making it now..... the outside? 

It is of my opinion that there can be NO declaration based on any substantive evidence the 9 victims ever sliced their way out of the tent to begin with. And along with that, any theory solely based on them having done so is HEAVILY flawed. 

Those who saw the tent after the search students "worked" with it attributed the cuts made by the search students to Igor Dyatlov's group. Then, based on this false "fact", a legend was created that Igor Dyatlov's group cut the tent during their departure.
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

January 16, 2023, 09:12:11 PM
Reply #66


1,2, and 3….  the ONLY cuts ever attributed…. all else are tears. Given how the tent was handled when it was found and after. Zero evidence the slashed their way out.  The tent had a front flap and it was found open.   

Но...Поисковики нашли палатку - застегнутую на пуговицы. И от разрыва в скате - шли следы уходящей группы.
И легче разрезать и потом рвать. И конечное состояние - вполне соответствует схеме Шаравина. А Чуркиной было задание - выяснять только про разрезы.
But ... The search engines found a tent - buttoned up. And from the gap in the slope - there were traces of the outgoing group.
And it's easier to cut and then tear. And the final state is quite consistent with Sharavin's scheme. And Churkina had a task - to find out only about the cuts.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2023, 09:20:00 PM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...
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January 16, 2023, 09:27:11 PM
Reply #67


1,2, and 3….  the ONLY cuts ever attributed…. all else are tears. Given how the tent was handled when it was found and after. Zero evidence the slashed their way out.  The tent had a front flap and it was found open.   

Но...Поисковики нашли палатку - застегнутую на пуговицы. И от разрыва в скате - шли следы уходящей группы.
И легче разрезать и потом рвать. И конечное состояние - вполне соответствует схеме Шаравина. А Чуркиной было задание - выяснять только про разрезы.
But ... The search engines found a tent - buttoned up. And from the gap in the slope - there were traces of the outgoing group.
And it's easier to cut and then tear. And the final state is quite consistent with Sharavin's scheme. And Churkina had a task - to find out only about the cuts.


Chicken scratch from 1998?   The testimonies from the actual case files state open.  Please don’t make me go find them.  lol

Lets say it was buttoned closed…  am I to believe that a flap intended for the purpose of opening and closing cannot be closed behind the last occupant?   nea1

I believe once the idea of slashing out of the side of the tent evaporates, its only natural to assume a hasty exit still mist exist so the flap ‘has’ to left open.  I say, once you realize the slash exit never happened…. whos to say there was a hasty exit to begin with?
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

January 16, 2023, 09:31:17 PM
Reply #68


1,2, and 3….  the ONLY cuts ever attributed…. all else are tears. Given how the tent was handled when it was found and after. Zero evidence the slashed their way out.  The tent had a front flap and it was found open.   

Но...Поисковики нашли палатку - застегнутую на пуговицы. И от разрыва в скате - шли следы уходящей группы.
И легче разрезать и потом рвать. И конечное состояние - вполне соответствует схеме Шаравина. А Чуркиной было задание - выяснять только про разрезы.
But ... The search engines found a tent - buttoned up. And from the gap in the slope - there were traces of the outgoing group.
And it's easier to cut and then tear. And the final state is quite consistent with Sharavin's scheme. And Churkina had a task - to find out only about the cuts.


Conjecture not based in facts.  all else were tears… nobody can prove how said tears occurred especially how it was ripped open by the search group, dug out of the ice encrustation with steel shovels and picks, then dragged 700 meters across ice and rocks to the helicopter landing pad.  🤷🏼‍♂️
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

January 16, 2023, 09:39:48 PM
Reply #69


Shavarin's team walked right past it given that they landed on Otorten and were directed to search the Auspiya.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 16, 2023, 09:50:34 PM
Reply #70




The tent stood sideways to the slope by the entrance to the east, the entrance was unbuttoned
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

January 16, 2023, 09:58:27 PM
Reply #71



The tent stood sideways to the slope by the entrance to the east, the entrance was unbuttoned
Это ошибка перевода. Аксельрод сообщал, что на входе было расстегнуто всего несколько пуговиц и этого не хватает даже выйти одному человеку.
This is a translation error. Axelrod reported that only a few buttons were undone at the entrance, and this was not enough even for one person to go out.
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 16, 2023, 10:03:24 PM
Reply #72


1,2, and 3….  the ONLY cuts ever attributed…. all else are tears. Given how the tent was handled when it was found and after. Zero evidence the slashed their way out.  The tent had a front flap and it was found open.   

Но...Поисковики нашли палатку - застегнутую на пуговицы. И от разрыва в скате - шли следы уходящей группы.
И легче разрезать и потом рвать. И конечное состояние - вполне соответствует схеме Шаравина. А Чуркиной было задание - выяснять только про разрезы.
But ... The search engines found a tent - buttoned up. And from the gap in the slope - there were traces of the outgoing group.
And it's easier to cut and then tear. And the final state is quite consistent with Sharavin's scheme. And Churkina had a task - to find out only about the cuts.


Have any experiments been carried out on leaving the tent by a group of 9 people through cuts of this size? How fast is it? It seems to me that a dressed person will not come out in two small cuts. If the cut of 42 centimeters is stretched and turned into a circle 84 centimeters long, then this will be a diameter of 26.75 centimeters.
If a cut of 89 centimeters is stretched to the sides and turned into a circle 178 centimeters long, then this will be a diameter of 56.69 centimeters.
Only in one, the largest cut, 1 person can get out.
Now let's measure the time it takes for 9 people to leave the tent in turn. I think it's very long. It would be faster for the eighth and ninth person to open the entrance and go out through it.
In addition, if the cuts were made to leave the tent, then why not cut the small cuts to the length that is needed?
А проводились какие-нибудь эксперименты по покиданию палатки группой из 9 человек через разрезы именно такого размера ? Насколько это быстро? Мне кажется, одетый человек не вылезет в два мелких разреза. Если разрез 42 сантиметра растянуть и превратить в окружность длинной 84 сантиметра, то это будет диаметр 26,75 сантиметра.
Если разрез 89 сантиметров растянуть в стороны и превратить в окружность длинной 178 сантиметров, то это будет диаметр 56,69 сантиметров.
Только в один, самый большой разрез, может вылезти 1 человек.
Теперь давайте замерим время, за которое 9 человек по очереди покинут палатку. Мне кажется это очень долго. Восьмому и девятому человеку быстрее было бы открыть вход и выйти наружу через него.
Кроме того, если разрезы делались для покидания палатки, то почему бы и не дорезать мелкие разрезы до той длинны, которая необходима ?
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=6#p11

January 16, 2023, 10:21:37 PM
Reply #73




The tent stood sideways to the slope by the entrance to the east, the entrance was unbuttoned
Это ошибка перевода. Аксельрод сообщал, что на входе было расстегнуто всего несколько пуговиц и этого не хватает даже выйти одному человеку.
This is a translation error. Axelrod reported that only a few buttons were undone at the entrance, and this was not enough even for one person to go out.

Translation error.    lol1

No, its a different testimony.  No cherry picking

You have opposing testimonies.  Again, is a flap not able to be closed behind you, or does that not go along with the frantic escape from the side narrative?
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

January 16, 2023, 11:12:30 PM
Reply #74

Олег Таймень

Shavarin's team walked right past it given that they landed on Otorten and were directed to search the Auspiya.
The search engines landed on Otorten passed 6 kilometers north of the tent, in the upper reaches of the Lozva, then made a loop and went to Auspiya. No way they could see the tent
Поисковики, высаженные на Отортене прошли в 6 километрах севернее палатки, в верховьях Лозьвы, потом сделали петлю и вышли на Ауспию. Никак они не могли видеть палатку
If a mountain comes towards you, and you are not Mohammed, then it is a rockfall.

January 17, 2023, 05:24:58 PM
Reply #75


Small cuts in the tent prove that there is a struggle against the external enemy. The Unknown Force must have attacked the tent from the tent entrance side. The youth took knives and ice axes in their hands. They thought they would protect themselves with these. And they waved knives from inside the tent to scare away the unknown Power. Small cuts are proof of that. But the Unknown Force paid no attention to them. And the young people realized that knives and axes could not protect them. And the unknown Power wanted to get them out of the tent. And for that, he pretended to attack them. Young people tried to stay in the tent. They resisted. The unknown Force attacked again. Again, the youth resisted. They did not want to leave the tent. He attacked again. Again, the youth resisted. They didn't want to leave their safe harbor in the tent. But when the unknown Force attacked violently for the last time, the youths cut through the tent completely and came out!!! They resisted to the end. They didn't give up easily. But outside they still had a hope of living. But the unknown Force had already made its decision. He caught them one by one and killed them. May God forgive them and take them to Heaven. amen.

January 17, 2023, 10:36:23 PM
Reply #76


Small cuts in the tent prove that there is a struggle against the external enemy. The Unknown Force must have attacked the tent from the tent entrance side. The youth took knives and ice axes in their hands. They thought they would protect themselves with these. And they waved knives from inside the tent to scare away the unknown Power. Small cuts are proof of that. But the Unknown Force paid no attention to them. And the young people realized that knives and axes could not protect them. And the unknown Power wanted to get them out of the tent. And for that, he pretended to attack them. Young people tried to stay in the tent. They resisted. The unknown Force attacked again. Again, the youth resisted. They did not want to leave the tent. He attacked again. Again, the youth resisted. They didn't want to leave their safe harbor in the tent. But when the unknown Force attacked violently for the last time, the youths cut through the tent completely and came out!!! They resisted to the end. They didn't give up easily. But outside they still had a hope of living. But the unknown Force had already made its decision. He caught them one by one and killed them. May God forgive them and take them to Heaven. amen.
How old are you that you write such texts? I think that no more than 10-12 years. Guessed?
Вам сколько лет, что вы пишите подобные тексты ? Думаю, что не более 10-12 лет. Угадал?
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=6#p11

January 17, 2023, 11:24:32 PM
Reply #77


Translation error.    lol1

No, its a different testimony.  No cherry picking

You have opposing testimonies.  Again, is a flap not able to be closed behind you, or does that not go along with the frantic escape from the side narrative?

Ну давайте проведем натурный эксперимент. У Вас же есть классическая рубашка на пуговицах? Одевайте её и застегивайте все пуговицы под галстук. Это - вариант застегнутой наглухо палатки. Расстегните две верхних пуговицы. Ваша рубашка получила эпитет расстегнутая. Вы можете её снять без труда? Вряд ли.
Расстегивайтесь дальше. Вам легче снять рубашку, расстегнув все пуговицы?
Вот также и с палаткою. Аксельрод верно уточняет - сколько пространства получалось от расстегнутых пуговиц входа палатки. Там с большим трудом мог пролезть один турист. Хотя да, она расстегнута.

Я Вам дала понять - насколько транслит изменяет смысл. Тексты с русского языка - нужно переводить с огромным вниманием. У нас - "сто тысяч оттенков русского языка." И надо всегда учитывать все детали, что имеются по данному рассматриваемому вопросу.

Well, let's do a natural experiment. You also have a classic button-down shirt. Dress it up and fasten all the buttons under the tie. This is a variant of a tightly buttoned tent. Unbutton the top two buttons. Your shirt has received the epithet unbuttoned. Can you take it off easily? Unlikely. Unfasten further. Is it easier for you to take off your shirt by unbuttoning all the buttons?
Here, too, with the tent, Axelrod correctly specifies how much space was obtained from the unbuttoned buttons of the tent entrance. One tourist could climb through there with great difficulty. Although yes, it is unbuttoned.

I made it clear to you - how transliteration changes the meaning. Texts from Russian need to be translated with great care. We have "a hundred thousand shades of the Russian language."And we must always take into account all the details that are available on this issue under consideration.
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...