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Author Topic: Photo number 14 from the searching party  (Read 13631 times)

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July 12, 2019, 12:48:23 PM
Read 13631 times


Something odd I`ve just come up while looking through the photos in the “Search” section, Photos of the search operation (after the tent photos) (https://dyatlovpass.com/1959-search#the-tent) . A photo of Akselrod, Yaburov and Tipikin by Sergey Sogrin, on which there is a small white field with written text containing their names in the top left corner. It says:

“Akselrod (at the center)
(in the far left) “Yaburov?” “Ivan” (KGB)(?) (unreadable for me. Probably where is he standing in the photo, or it is written by someone who does not know all of them, or something else, since there is a question mark in the end)?
after landing for the searching of the
Dyatlov`s group route(something in that sense)
Photo Sogrin S.”

I have no idea whether Sogrin himself wrote that remark, or it was put there by whoever owns the photo archive or who provided the photo. The way it looks to me, it is obvious that it was not Sogrin. 
Yaburov is a UPI student, who was part of Akselrod`s search group when they landed near Otorten on the 26th of Feb. That is what we know from the given information about the searchers. 

The only photo in that archive of photos with a written remark like that. whist1
« Last Edit: July 13, 2019, 06:22:57 AM by Морски »
"Truth is the most valuable thing we have. Let us economize it." Mark Twain

July 12, 2019, 04:25:13 PM
Reply #1

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
It looks like it has been written on when cataloging the photo.  Why only this one though?  It is a bit odd.  What were you thinking this might be?


Star man

July 13, 2019, 12:23:48 AM
Reply #2


All these photos are hoarded from many many sources. This particular photo was found alone. It is not odd that this one has a writing and the others - don't. Sometimes I delete and cut the writings (see the example below). The photos are not as strictly organized as you see them. They are scattered all over the place. They seem to be together on my site only. On the photo you are referring to the writing doesn't interfere so I left it be. It was very common for photos to be cropped and written over. I usually copy the writings and translate so they can be legible for the English speaking audience. Here is an example.
On the site: https://dyatlovpass.com/gallery-1959-search-part2
The original:


July 13, 2019, 12:40:24 AM
Reply #3


Well, that makes more sense. Thanks for the explanation.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2019, 12:55:28 AM by Teddy »
"Truth is the most valuable thing we have. Let us economize it." Mark Twain

July 16, 2019, 05:23:29 AM
Reply #4


All these photos are hoarded from many many sources. This particular photo was found alone. It is not odd that this one has a writing and the others - don't. Sometimes I delete and cut the writings (see the example below). The photos are not as strictly organized as you see them. They are scattered all over the place. They seem to be together on my site only. On the photo you are referring to the writing doesn't interfere so I left it be. It was very common for photos to be cropped and written over. I usually copy the writings and translate so they can be legible for the English speaking audience. Here is an example.
On the site: https://dyatlovpass.com/gallery-1959-search-part2
The original:

And we English-speakers owe you a serious debt for your translations and putting every shred of remotely available evidence--so long as it is legit--in one place and built this site where many of the Russian experts pop in from time to time to entertain the Western audience. It's amazing Teddy. You've done such an amazing thing here--a tribute that does justice to the nine victims so that the world can mourn their tragic and mysterious end.

July 16, 2019, 05:28:44 AM
Reply #5


Maybe it is sad to admit, but this case occupies best deal of my life. I hope this helps for some resolution.

July 16, 2019, 11:43:46 PM
Reply #6

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Maybe it is sad to admit, but this case occupies best deal of my life. I hope this helps for some resolution.

The investigation was correct about one thing.  There’s definitely an Overwhelming Compelling Force” to this mystery.

Star man

July 17, 2019, 01:03:38 AM
Reply #7


This is a headline right there  okey1

July 17, 2019, 02:36:20 AM
Reply #8


Dear Teddy,
Thank you for all your efforts. I appreciate it. With all respect.
Best regards Ivan

July 17, 2019, 02:46:06 AM
Reply #9


Dear Teddy,
Thank you for all your efforts. I appreciate it. With all respect.
Best regards Ivan

There there, every time one of you stops by it is a respect to the dead and tribute to truth that we are all hoping will come to light.

July 17, 2019, 08:38:21 AM
Reply #10


Something odd I`ve just come up while looking through the photos in the “Search” section, Photos of the search operation (after the tent photos) (https://dyatlovpass.com/1959-search#the-tent) . A photo of Akselrod, Yaburov and Tipikin by Sergey Sogrin, on which there is a small white field with written text containing their names in the top left corner. It says:

“Akselrod (at the center)
(in the far left) “Yaburov?” “Ivan” (KGB)(?) (unreadable for me. Probably where is he standing in the photo, or it is written by someone who does not know all of them, or something else, since there is a question mark in the end)?
after landing for the searching of the
Dyatlov`s group route(something in that sense)
Photo Sogrin S.”

I have no idea whether Sogrin himself wrote that remark, or it was put there by whoever owns the photo archive or who provided the photo. The way it looks to me, it is obvious that it was not Sogrin. 
Yaburov is a UPI student, who was part of Akselrod`s search group when they landed near Otorten on the 26th of Feb. That is what we know from the given information about the searchers. 

The only photo in that archive of photos with a written remark like that. whist1

Dear Morski !

That there would be a full clearness in this theme, I will dare to insert the 1,5 cents.
I have decided to correct a few these inscriptions to give some explanatories:

On a picture in figures I have designated all who there costs or sits:
1.   Stepan Kurikov - Mansi head of a command,
2.   Nikolay Aniamov - Mansi the hunter, father Valery Aniamov who now was place on TV in program of Dyatlov pass.
3.   Boris Slobtsov - head search team # 1 (Route: Pumsalnel mountain - Lozva river - Auspia river - pass.)
4.   Ivan Pashin - the local resident and hunter, the participant of searches command #1
5.   Michael Sharavin - the participant of searches command #1
6.   Sergey Sogrin - the participant of searches command #4
7.   Moisey Axelrod - head search command # 4 (Route: around Otorten mountain)
8.   ?? Vadim Brusnitsin - the participant of searches command #1 (I and Yury Yudin it doubted, when together with the American writer Donnie Eicher, carefully analyzed these photos in 2012. I am well familiar with Vadim Brusnitsin and I can not tell that he is rather like himself on it photo even if to consider difference in 50 years. I did not ask it as there was no reason for this purpose. Our conversations have been made on other branches of this case).
9.   Vyacheslav (Slava) Halizov - the participant of searches command #1
10.   Vladimir Lebedev - the participant of searches command #1
11.   Stanislav Tipikin - the participant of searches command #4
12.   George Atmanaky - the participant of searches  command #5 (Vladislav Karelin's command)
13.   Yury Koptelov - the participant of searches command #1
This photo has been received from Sergey Sogrina's personal archive. Who photographed that I am another. On body Boris Slobtsov is visible case from the camera which Vadim Brusnitsin belonged.
If additional another comments, I can ask Sergey Sogrin in the our next letter are necessary
Yaburov did not study at university UPI. He worked as the radio operator in geological expedition (its boss is Abram Sulman). It has been directed by the head of geological firm to Moisej Axelrod command as the radio operator. Yaburov did not participate in look around Otorten mountain into Axelrod command, and was the person as duty in camp about Otorten.
Ivan Pashin and Alexey Cheglakov did not concern KGB. KGB had no in search participation, because there was no reason for this purpose. It is well warmed up hearings. For this purpose, what speak about KGB participation it would be necessary have very considerable reason of their interest to this case. Such reason anybody find (or prove even it as good) cannot till now. However there are many such people, which else in the childhood have not stopped play as spies.
It is possible continue search for black cat in dark room still very long. And wait when there will be archives which simply does not exist.

July 17, 2019, 09:09:16 AM
Reply #11


WAB, you sure 4. is Pashin and not Cheglakov? It looks like Cheglakov to me...
The back of the photo is not correct, they don't have Slobtsov at all, 3 and 4 are overwritten with Pashin and Cheglakov, but I don't think Pashin is on this photo at all.

July 17, 2019, 09:11:13 AM
Reply #12


Look at Pashin and Cheglakov. Who does 4. look like to you?


July 17, 2019, 01:40:34 PM
Reply #13


All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

July 18, 2019, 12:22:02 AM
Reply #14


You are right. I asked for an opinion outside the forum and I got
№3 Yarovoy - correspondent of the newspaper "Na smenu!"
№4 Moiseev - cynologist (by method of exclusion)


July 18, 2019, 11:07:01 AM
Reply #15


WAB, you sure 4. is Pashin and not Cheglakov? It looks like Cheglakov to me...
The back of the photo is not correct, they don't have Slobtsov at all, 3 and 4 are overwritten with Pashin and Cheglakov, but I don't think Pashin is on this photo at all.

It is interesting to me, why you so think?

July 18, 2019, 11:09:39 AM
Reply #16


You are right. I asked for an opinion outside the forum and I got
№3 Yarovoy - correspondent of the newspaper "Na smenu!"
№4 Moiseev - cynologist (by method of exclusion)

If I was as Sherlock Holmes I would tell: “It is elementary, Watson!” (c)
All is very simple - This #4 is much more senior all others.
We look, who was such age?
Pashin - birth annually 1908, at 1959 he was 51 years.
Tcheglakov - birth annually 1924, at 1959 he was 35 years.
Yarovoy - birth annually 1932, at 1959 he was 27 years.
Birth annually Moiseyev - I do not know, but he must be young, because at such age as on photo in police all were to the pension for long time. What be dog guide (cynologist), it is necessary run much, therefore there old people were not in police.
I well knew Boris Slobtsov, what it not learn on photo. And he be confirmed, when we with he looked through photos in 2006. I do not think that I can mix that we looked this photo (or similar) from his archive.
Yury Yarovoy mast be on photo tent detection (selection,)  https://dyatlovpass.com/resources/340/gallery/Dyatlov-pass-1959-search-004.jpg  He placed for Maslennikov (at the left).
If you look at photo with the age analysis (as look) anything else that I have written to you - it is impossible.
Yarovoy by his 27 years should look more senior than Slobtsov to whom then was 22 + year.
It should look as Axelrod or Atmanaki or even is more elder.

July 18, 2019, 12:56:19 PM
Reply #17


“Akselrod (at the center)
(in the far left) “Yaburov?” “Ivan” (KGB)(?) (unreadable for me. Probably where is he standing in the photo, or it is written by someone who does not know all of them, or something else, since there is a question mark in the end)?
after landing for the searching of the
Dyatlov`s group route(something in that sense)
Photo Sogrin S.”

I have no idea whether Sogrin himself wrote that remark, or it was put there by whoever owns the photo archive or who provided the photo. The way it looks to me, it is obvious that it was not Sogrin. 
Yaburov is a UPI student, who was part of Akselrod`s search group when they landed near Otorten on the 26th of Feb. That is what we know from the given information about the searchers. 

The only photo in that archive of photos with a written remark like that.

Dear WAB, hello again!

Thank you for your input, it makes things more clear.

My point in the beginning was, that it is somehow strange, that only this photo had a written text, including names and particularly the "KGB" mentioning. I was wondering whether this was written during the very same time the photo was taken, or it was added later on - by whoever owned the photo and/or the archive.

I am not a fan of the murder/KGB/CIA theories, but this photo was worth to mention, before Teddy provided sensible explanation, regarding how are photos presented here.

I had no clue, that Yaburov was a radio operator, not a UPI student. I simply thought he was just a student from the searching parties, cooperating Akselrod`s team.

Best regards,

« Last Edit: July 19, 2019, 12:02:16 AM by Teddy »
"Truth is the most valuable thing we have. Let us economize it." Mark Twain

July 19, 2019, 01:28:17 AM
Reply #18


In order to update the Whois table I did some digging.
S. N. Sogrin witness testimony
The next day, i.e. February 25, I flew to Ivdel. On the same day, flew Akselrod, Tipikin, Yaburov, Chiglintsev*. The last two as radio operators.
* Misspelled Chigvintsev

You are right that Yaburov did not go in the field to search for Dyatlov group, but stayed in the search camp. But at the same time Yaburov in 1959 was a student of UPI. After finishing UPI worked at the plant of Electroautomatic plant №356, Sverdlovsk. According to unconfirmed data: a participant in the Great Patriotic War, a front-line radio operator i.e. he was older than the rest of the students.
Never worked in the Northern Geological Expedition.

And since Chigvitsev is mentioned right after Yaburov, here is some info about him as well.
G. M. Chigvintsev is a UPI student in 1959 and lives in UPI dorm №10 same as Igor Dyatlov. Same as Yaburov, he stayed in the search camp in the capacity of radio operator.


July 19, 2019, 02:27:45 AM
Reply #19


WAB, you started something very interesting. You seem to have information for the dates of birth (and when died if they are in the same source) for rescuers so we can figure out their ages.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2019, 06:48:08 AM by Teddy »

August 01, 2019, 01:14:13 PM
Reply #20


WAB, you started something very interesting. You seem to have information for the dates of birth (and when died if they are in the same source) for rescuers so we can figure out their ages.

Teddy, I very seldom read this forum. At me now it is a lot of difficulties with work on this business. Therefore while I will tell shortly.
1.Many dates can be found in Ivanov's reports in criminal case. It for those whom it (and others) interrogated. In the end of the message I will make marks about names which are in reports.
2.It is possible write to Fund (to Kuntsevich) and they have information from many people who have already died also which are live. It is necessary, or write urgently because they will leave on August, 03rd to the next expedition to pass, or write to them after August, 15th.
3.If I can that that add it will be later. If I can make it in general.
It is that I could find in the my archive now:

Axelrod Moisey Abramovich - was born in 1932, has died in 1998.
Аксельрод Моисей Абрамович
Aniamov (Анямов) - in searches participated some (three) Aniamovs(Mansi): Nikolay Petrovich Aniamov, Alexey Alekseevich Aniamov and Alexey Nikolaevich Aniamov.
Askinadzi Vladimir Mihajlovich - was born on April, 10th 1937, now lives in the city of Sevastopol.
Аскинадзи Владимир Михайлович
I am constantly correspond with him.
Atmanaki George Vladimirovich - was born on May, 26th 1934, was lost on mountains of Сaucasus in the summer 1966.
Атманаки Георгий Владимирович
Bahtijarovs  (Бахтияровы) - was much (nearby 8 or 10 манси Bahtijarovs, but they did not participate in searches. They have been interrogated what who that has told, what they (it is possible?) saw to Dyatlov group.
Blinov Yury Andreevich - was born on February, 13th 1937, has died on June, 28th 2010.
Блинов Юрий Андреевич
Brusnitsyn Vadim Dmitrievich - was born on February, 11th 1937, now lives in the city of Ekaterinburg.
Брусницын Вадим Дмитриевич
I am constantly meet with him, when I happen in Ekaterinburg.
Karelin Vladislav Georgievich - was born on August, 08th 1932, now lives in the city of Ekaterinburg.
Карелин Владислав Георгиевич
I am constantly correspond with him and often meet, when I happen in Ekaterinburg.
Kurikov Stepan Nikolaevich (Mansi) - was born in 1902, has died ~ in 1982 (according to Valery Aniamov - his father Nikolay Aniamov, took part in searches, together with Stepan Kurikov and Alexey Aniamov)
Куриков Степан Николаевич
Slobtsov Boris Efimovich - was born 17 июня1939, has died on January, 30th 2018.
Слобцов Борис Ефимович
I am constantly communicated with him, practically to the death. I made the very most first interview from him (at very first of participants of search) on June, 01st 2006. After that all other conversations with participants of search and consequence have begun. Only we have very carefully copied together Evgeniy Buyanov from videocassette and have disassembled information details. And as all were precisely co-ordinated with Boris Slobtsov, and almost by all "followers", have started write all words successively. It became almost impossible read it. The second, is necessary with those with whom speak talk as equals on level of understanding problems. Otherwise turns out be conversation of the schoolboy of elementary grades with the professor. As it turned out in considerable quantity of cases.
When Donnie Eichar was in Moscow, I asked Boris Slobtsov meet with him.

It we placed in cafe where there was meeting. At the left - Donnie Eichar, in the center Katya - the translator, on the right Boris Slobtsov. March 2012.
Sogrin Sergey Nikolaevich - was born on February, 10th 1937, now lives in the Krasnodar region.
Согрин Сергей Николаевич
I am constantly correspond with him.
Mohov Anatoly Grigorevich - was born on February, 18th 1937, has died on March, 08th 2015.
Мохов  Анатолий Григорьевич
I last time talked to it at fund conference on February, 02nd 2015.
Rudolf  it is only the first name. A surname (or the second name) - Sedov. A full name:
Sedov Rudolf Vladimirovich - was born in 1937, now there lives to Magadan city. He is deserved traveller and the writer.
Седов Рудольф Владимирович
Sharavin Michael Petrovich - was born on November, 27th 1937, now lives in the city of Ekaterinburg.
Шаравин Михаил Петрович
I am constantly meet with him, when I happen in Ekaterinburg.
Jakimenko Valentine Gerasimovich - was born on January, 27th 1940, now lives in the city of Ekaterinburg.
Якименко Валентин Герасимович
I am constantly correspond with him and often meet, when I happen in Ekaterinburg.

About these people it is necessary search for information separately:
Kostrulin (Кострулин) –
Mescheriakov (Мещеряков) -
Khalizov (Хализов) -

 About these people I have information in my archive, but it incomplete and now I cannot find it now:
Pashin Ivan Pavlovich (Пашин Иван Васильевич) - was born 1908.
Tcheglakov Aleksey Semenovich (Чеглаков Алесей Семенович) – was born 1924.
Tchernyshov Aleksey Alekseevich  (Чернышов Алексей Алексеевич) - was born 1918.

I have not found in this list Maslennikov Evgenie Polikarpovich - was born November,29st 1924, have died in 1978.
Масленников Евгений Поликарпович
And Bartolomey Peter Ivanovich - was born on March, 31st 1938, now lives in the city of Ekaterinburg.
Бартоломей Петр Иванович
I am seldom correspond with him and constantly meet smb, when I happen in Ekaterinburg.

PS. I want add that this site is really one of the most informative and well made. It I can tell about all other sites, including many sites from Russia. Teddy very well all structured and has made very good selection of the information.
If tell about this forum then all is very traditional for this theme (about Dyatlov pass). It is lot of conversations on themes which cannot be seen on place of events. And they do not concern events. Very often all constantly repeats. Same theories are discussed with different variations permanently. At us it is called “To go on circle” and “To attack the same rake”. Here is playful illustration about this concept:

It can be made the official arms of such forums.  grin1
Here it is much thought out stories without what or acknowledgement by the facts from criminal case. It is the primary information. It is those facts, which already discovered. The new facts any more will not be. It is not necessary think out “the own facts”, it is absolutely wrong. It is not necessary think out detective stories only because the writer cannot explain it to that is in the nature. It is necessary eliminate assumptions if there is their refutation because of district conditions or if they contradict laws of the nature and historically realities of that time. If add new devices we will not come nearer to understanding of that happens, and we will keep away therefrom.

PPS. I want to thank Teddy and Morski that they have made for me my work when have specified to articles which I have written at this forum. Unfortunately, tekumze wants very much: that to it would give all completely ready and at once, under its first his requirement. It is wrong. Just as demand presence theory from everyone. It is possibility each participant of forum have the theory, but it is not its duty. Besides, even presence of the theory does not oblige the participant of forum it publish. It should be its private desire.

PPPS. If I cannot long write again I ask concern it with understanding. Probably, I cannot write still very long …

August 02, 2019, 12:43:33 AM
Reply #21


WAB, you re one of the (if not the) most resourceful members of this forum. Although you are mostly on the go you find time to elaborate and answer in details. And this on a language that is taking you much longer than if you do it in Russian, but that's exactly what we need - to tap into resources that are not available in English. Thank you for answering our questions with patience. I will diligently reflect the information you are providing into the site you praise so high for which I am very grateful, because this is one of the few motives I have - to be of service. To help in the mess that is this case, if not for real then at least to make available to the public that does not speak Russian what is going on. Because being informed by movies and books is not soon enough - the case has real time developments. And you always give us bits and pieces that are very current and helpful e.g. the press conference on June 26 and now the expedition August 3-15. This keeps the case alive for us. Thank you making us feel ... included.

August 11, 2019, 01:33:12 AM
Reply #22


And you always give us bits and pieces that are very current and helpful e.g. the press conference on June 26 and now the expedition August 3-15. This keeps the case alive for us. Thank you making us feel ... included.

Theres an expedition? Is it officially connevted to the reopening of the case?