WAB, you started something very interesting. You seem to have information for the dates of birth (and when died if they are in the same source) for rescuers so we can figure out their ages.
Teddy, I very seldom read this forum. At me now it is a lot of difficulties with work on this business. Therefore while I will tell shortly.
1.Many dates can be found in Ivanov's reports in criminal case. It for those whom it (and others) interrogated. In the end of the message I will make marks about names which are in reports.
2.It is possible write to Fund (to Kuntsevich) and they have information from many people who have already died also which are live. It is necessary, or write urgently because they will leave on August, 03rd to the next expedition to pass, or write to them after August, 15th.
3.If I can that that add it will be later. If I can make it in general.
It is that I could find in the my archive now:
Axelrod Moisey Abramovich - was born in 1932, has died in 1998.
Аксельрод Моисей АбрамовичAniamov (Анямов) - in searches participated some (three)
Aniamovs(Mansi): Nikolay Petrovich
Aniamov, Alexey Alekseevich
Aniamov and Alexey Nikolaevich
Aniamov.Askinadzi Vladimir Mihajlovich - was born on April, 10th 1937, now lives in the city of Sevastopol.
Аскинадзи Владимир МихайловичI am constantly correspond with him.
Atmanaki George Vladimirovich - was born on May, 26th 1934, was lost on mountains of Сaucasus in the summer 1966.
Атманаки Георгий ВладимировичBahtijarovs (Бахтияровы) - was much (nearby 8 or 10 манси Bahtijarovs, but they did not participate in searches. They have been interrogated what who that has told, what they (it is possible?) saw to Dyatlov group.
Blinov Yury Andreevich - was born on February, 13th 1937, has died on June, 28th 2010.
Блинов Юрий АндреевичBrusnitsyn Vadim Dmitrievich - was born on February, 11th 1937, now lives in the city of Ekaterinburg.
Брусницын Вадим Дмитриевич I am constantly meet with him, when I happen in Ekaterinburg.
Karelin Vladislav Georgievich - was born on August, 08th 1932, now lives in the city of Ekaterinburg.
Карелин Владислав ГеоргиевичI am constantly correspond with him and often meet, when I happen in Ekaterinburg.
Kurikov Stepan Nikolaevich (Mansi) - was born in 1902, has died ~ in 1982 (according to Valery Aniamov - his father Nikolay Aniamov, took part in searches, together with Stepan Kurikov and Alexey Aniamov)
Куриков Степан НиколаевичSlobtsov Boris Efimovich - was born 17 июня1939, has died on January, 30th 2018.
Слобцов Борис ЕфимовичI am constantly communicated with him, practically to the death. I made the very most first interview from him (at very first of participants of search) on June, 01st 2006. After that all other conversations with participants of search and consequence have begun. Only we have very carefully copied together Evgeniy Buyanov from videocassette and have disassembled information details. And as all were precisely co-ordinated with Boris Slobtsov, and almost by all "followers", have started write all words successively. It became almost impossible read it. The second, is necessary with those with whom speak talk as equals on level of understanding problems. Otherwise turns out be conversation of the schoolboy of elementary grades with the professor. As it turned out in considerable quantity of cases.
When Donnie Eichar was in Moscow, I asked Boris Slobtsov meet with him.
It we placed in cafe where there was meeting. At the left - Donnie Eichar, in the center Katya - the translator, on the right Boris Slobtsov. March 2012.
Sogrin Sergey Nikolaevich - was born on February, 10th 1937, now lives in the Krasnodar region.
Согрин Сергей НиколаевичI am constantly correspond with him.
Mohov Anatoly Grigorevich - was born on February, 18th 1937, has died on March, 08th 2015.
Мохов Анатолий ГригорьевичI last time talked to it at fund conference on February, 02nd 2015.
Rudolf it is only the first name. A surname (or the second name) - Sedov. A full name:
Sedov Rudolf Vladimirovich - was born in 1937, now there lives to Magadan city. He is deserved traveller and the writer.
Седов Рудольф ВладимировичSharavin Michael Petrovich - was born on November, 27th 1937, now lives in the city of Ekaterinburg.
Шаравин Михаил ПетровичI am constantly meet with him, when I happen in Ekaterinburg.
Jakimenko Valentine Gerasimovich - was born on January, 27th 1940, now lives in the city of Ekaterinburg.
Якименко Валентин ГерасимовичI am constantly correspond with him and often meet, when I happen in Ekaterinburg.
About these people it is necessary search for information separately:
Kostrulin (Кострулин) –
Mescheriakov (Мещеряков) -
Khalizov (Хализов) - About these people I have information in my archive, but it incomplete and now I cannot find it now:
Pashin Ivan Pavlovich (Пашин Иван Васильевич) - was born 1908.
Tcheglakov Aleksey Semenovich (Чеглаков Алесей Семенович) – was born 1924.
Tchernyshov Aleksey Alekseevich (Чернышов Алексей Алексеевич) - was born 1918.
I have not found in this list
Maslennikov Evgenie Polikarpovich - was born November,29st 1924, have died in 1978.
Масленников Евгений ПоликарповичAnd Bartolomey Peter Ivanovich - was born on March, 31st 1938, now lives in the city of Ekaterinburg.
Бартоломей Петр ИвановичI am seldom correspond with him and constantly meet smb, when I happen in Ekaterinburg.
PS. I want add that this site is really one of the most informative and well made. It I can tell about all other sites, including many sites from Russia. Teddy very well all structured and has made very good selection of the information.
If tell about this forum then all is very traditional for this theme (about Dyatlov pass). It is lot of conversations on themes which cannot be seen on place of events. And they do not concern events. Very often all constantly repeats. Same theories are discussed with different variations permanently. At us it is called “To go on circle” and “To attack the same rake”. Here is playful illustration about this concept:
It can be made the official arms of such forums.
Here it is much thought out stories without what or acknowledgement by the facts from criminal case. It is the primary information. It is those facts, which already discovered. The new facts any more will not be. It is not necessary think out “the own facts”, it is absolutely wrong. It is not necessary think out detective stories only because the writer cannot explain it to that is in the nature. It is necessary eliminate assumptions if there is their refutation because of district conditions or if they contradict laws of the nature and historically realities of that time. If add new devices we will not come nearer to understanding of that happens, and we will keep away therefrom.
PPS. I want to thank Teddy and Morski that they have made for me my work when have specified to articles which I have written at this forum. Unfortunately, tekumze wants very much: that to it would give all completely ready and at once, under its first his requirement. It is wrong. Just as demand presence theory from everyone. It is possibility each participant of forum have the theory, but it is not its duty. Besides, even presence of the theory does not oblige the participant of forum it publish. It should be its private desire.
PPPS. If I cannot long write again I ask concern it with understanding. Probably, I cannot write still very long …