June 03, 2024, 10:47:33 AM
Dyatlov Pass Forum

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General Discussion / Re: The exhumation is not Semyon Zolotarev
« Last post by GlennM on May 08, 2024, 07:01:48 AM »
Can we know the approximate height of the skeleton and the exact height of Zolo?
General Discussion / Re: Where the Ravine 4 lay
« Last post by GlennM on May 08, 2024, 06:57:40 AM »
The explanations all have merit and any could be the actual truth. On the other hand, if assassins were going to chuck the remains into a ditch, they would never rest in these postures. The way the ravine 4 lay shows what those living people did at the last minute of their lives.

What about paradoxical warmth? I would think all would assume a fetal position with bent elbows and knees. Instead, the three men are laying in a posture that looks relativelg unstressed, if not protective. If Lyuda took a tumble, I would think she would be facing the other way, if that is the direction they were travelling. As is, prayer makes as much sense as anything. Alternately, she could have been trying to get back with her friends, but unable to do so. Too, I find nothing indicative of any shedding garments, as one might expect in extreme hypothermia.

In terms of mind set, I am going to make a case for loyalty and lucidity over self preservation. Consider this: on the slope 3, Igor looks to have been assisted before the end. The Cedar 2 were obviously cared for. The Ravine 4 also evidence of conscious behavior  of solidarity and cooperation. I find it heroic.

General Discussion / Re: The exhumation is not Semyon Zolotarev
« Last post by Teddy on May 08, 2024, 06:08:35 AM »
There were no dental records but the skull superimposition was made at the time of exhumation by an forensic expert Sergey Nikitin.
General Discussion / Re: The exhumation is not Semyon Zolotarev
« Last post by Ziljoe on May 08, 2024, 05:33:08 AM »
There is a thread on another site that is quite detailed about the teeth , they seem to be an obvious match with Zolotaryov and the skull.
General Discussion / Re: The exhumation is not Semyon Zolotarev
« Last post by Teddy on May 08, 2024, 03:28:32 AM »
This is Zolotaryov's rib cage. At the exhumation he is even missing a whole floating rib. But then again the second rib on our right doesn't belong there, it is a piece of a larger rib.
In any case there is no such thing as "no piece is missing so this is not Zolotaryov".

General Discussion / Re: The exhumation is not Semyon Zolotarev
« Last post by Teddy on May 08, 2024, 02:53:09 AM »
There was also a piece of rib taken for histological analysis. Lets look at the exhumation photos for a missing part of a rib.
How can you tell what is broken and what is clipped for histological analysis? And this is just half (one side) of Zolotaryov's ribs.
Just ignore the arrows pointing at cracks, I am using a ready image. But there are plenty of defects on the ribs that could be the places where a sample was taken.
I asked a coroner. Pieces for further examination are clipped from the edge of the rib (one cut), not the middle (two cuts). How do you know that a piece was not taken from the end of a rib?

General Discussion / Re: The exhumation is not Semyon Zolotarev
« Last post by Teddy on May 08, 2024, 02:10:25 AM »
As you say "Part of the sternum with surrounding soft tissues"

Sternum is breastbone.

Here is Zolotaryov's breastbone, the detail is from his exhumation photos.
I can see a piece missing, exactly as described in the Histological analyses report.
Why would a random corpse be missing part of the sternum if this is not Zolotaryov?

General Discussion / Re: The radioactive trace on the Dyatlov Pass
« Last post by Axelrod on May 08, 2024, 01:50:41 AM »
It is possible that it was not the clothes that glowed, but the compass or clock hands
General Discussion / The exhumation is not Semyon Zolotarev
« Last post by Олег Таймень on May 08, 2024, 01:41:04 AM »
In the criminal case there is a clear phrase that Semyon Zolotarev was taken for examination “Part of the sternum with surrounding soft tissues” Part of the rib with surrounding soft tissues...” (case file 360). During exhumation, we did not see the absence of part of the rib. Ganz’s conclusions were included in the case in the originals, so they cannot raise any doubts. They unearthed the wrong person from whom they took samples for examination.
General Discussion / Re: Where the Ravine 4 lay
« Last post by Олег Таймень on May 08, 2024, 01:28:28 AM »
Everyone and Teddy:

sending an image of where the 4 hikers laid, (found)...

Kathleen Dee Smith

This is not the correct image. The cedar is depicted in the wrong place. The four bodies should be located closer to the tent than the cedar.
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