March 28, 2025, 05:23:58 PM
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General Discussion / Re: About radioactivity.
« Last post by Axelrod on Today at 12:31:20 PM »
For example, here is a star that is a billion times further than Sirius (9 billion light years), nevertheless this star is somehow noticed from Earth

In the same way, aliens observe us and see our radiation.

I think that an unusual emitter in the form of a nuclear reactor Chelyabinsk-40 is also noticed from a distance of 1-2 billion times closer, from Sirius or Alpha Centaurus. Recently I read that a nuclear reactor emits 95% of thermal energy (useful for us) and 4-5% of energy in the form of antineutrinos (which are also formed during the decay of atomic nuclei in the reactor), that is, energy that is useless to us, which fly around in space.

If the nuclear tests began in 1940, then after 18 years a resonant response signal could have been sent from an inhabited planet in Sirius' orbit.

ADD: The first nuclear test in the USSR was performedon August 29, 1949.
It could be noticed from Alpha Centauri
distance to Alpha Centauri 4.344 light years
round trip 8.688 = 8 years 250 days.

8 years = August 29, 1957 + 125 days (September-December) + 125 days (spring 1958) = May 5, 1958The first nuclear test in the USSR was conducted on August 29, 1949.
It could be seen from Alpha Centauri
distance to Alpha Centauri 4.344 light years
round trip 8.688 = 8 years 250 days.

8 years = August 29, 1957 + 125 days (September-December) + 125 days (spring 1958) = May 5, 1958
several monts for reply decision

When already in May we examined the scene of the incident with E. Maslennikov * * we found that some young trees on the forest tree line have traces of burning, but they are not in concentric shape or any other system. There was no epicenter. This once again confirmed a source of heat ray or completely unknown to us energy acting selectively - the snow was not melted, the trees were not damaged. It seemed like when the hikers walked on their feet more than five hundred meters down from the mountain, someone dealt with some of them as direct targets.

After all, when in February we came to the big cedar tree, near which the hikers tried to make a fire and carefully examined and compared everything, we were struck by the courage and stamina of the young people who fought for their lives and the lives of their comrades. Imagine a tree trunk 50-60 cm thick. Hikers took turns climbing this tree to break off branches for a fire (they made a fire). On the bark of the tree there were frozen (it’s scary to even say it!) their skin of their inner thighs and scraps of underwear. All this covered the cedar bark. During excavations in May, we found the corpses of Lyuda Dubinina and the others. They died first from terrible internal injuries, but they were not abandoned. They were carried away from the fire, carefully laid. Even the dead men themselves took care of the dead. This is how real people behave. We have something to take from the past, and how petty the behavior of other people now seems, who cannot even overcome ordinary difficulties.

But what about the astronauts of the fireballs? If they exist, then sooner or later they will manifest themselves, and circumstances will bring them to our civilization. I have no doubt about that.

L. I. Ivanov, lawyer Kustanay
General Discussion / Re: About radioactivity.
« Last post by Axelrod on Today at 12:01:23 PM »
I can only express ideas at the level of assumptions.
Your objections seem tempting.
There are claims to Levashov's experiment that no spectrometer research was done there. But we have evidence that the range of such particles is not limited to Levashov's room.

Strontium-90 is used as a control sample for calibration by the spectrometer.
But such an isotope strontium-90 does not form in nature. It can only arise in significant quantities in a nuclear reactor. If there is a substance, then there is a reactor, and this is known 100 light years away. It is like a source of radio waves. It is clear that a tiger and a bear cannot be involved in this.

In order for another planet to affect the Earth, it is not necessary to affect the Earth itself. You can influence the Sun, and the Sun will influence the earth directly.
General Discussion / Re: About radioactivity.
« Last post by GlennM on Today at 10:10:32 AM »
I sense yet another revision to a book. Before revising, have a clear sense of scale and magnitude. The magnitude of direction and distance is immense as is the solar wind. The scale of earthly particle emmissions is vanishingly small. I think a wise author would smile and move on to more productive lines if reasoning. An unwise author swallows the bait, the hook, line and sinker.
General Discussion / Re: About radioactivity.
« Last post by Axelrod on Today at 06:38:19 AM »
You know, once upon a time, 100-200 years ago, there was a horse in front of the tram car, but now there are no horses. The tram moves without a horse. In the same way, advanced civilizations are not obliged to send astronauts in spacesuits to explore other civilizations that are lagging behind them in intelligence.

I found such a map in the English Wikipedia article.
This is a map of the total radioactive background (natural and technical).
It is clear that there are no nuclear power plants in the Himalayas. But we also see strong radiation in the USA, France, etc.

In the same way, a form of consciousness on other planets could notice a change in the radioactive background in the Solar System (where we are) due to the atomic explosions in Japan and other places.
The difference between August 1945 and February 1959 is 13.5 years. For Sirius it is not enough (9+9=18), but it is enough for Alpha Centauri to notice a change in the background, its constant picture for several years, and in 4-5 years to send a response radiation. Dyatlov's group became victims of this radiation.

We do not know the details of this radiation, our science is not yet able to study it through devices and microscopes. It has only been established that the radiation of neutrinos due to beta decay covers a distance of 100 light years in the Universe.

We do not yet know the cause of beta decay. If it occurs under the influence of an external neutrino flow, which we do not notice when it passes through us. I assume that due to this effect, certain isotopes are capable of decaying, emitting their own neutrino or antineutrino, adding them to the neutrino flow, like the avalanche effect of the neutron flow during the chain reaction of uranium decay.

If Dyatlov's group had clothes contaminated with such radiation, then they could have been exposed to more of this external influence sent from other planets. Just as a person in black clothes gets hotter than in white clothes.

General Discussion / Re: About radioactivity.
« Last post by GlennM on March 27, 2025, 06:01:38 PM »
The closest star is Proxima Centauri.  4.5 light years away. A light year is 6 trillion miles distant. Do the math.
UFO is funny. Has advanced technology, comes to earth. Has parking lights on. Probably needs a bath too.
General Discussion / Re: About radioactivity.
« Last post by Axelrod on March 27, 2025, 07:47:52 AM »
The theory of extraterrestrial influence is actually very interesting.
In Levashov's examination, only beta decay was detected.

What is it? This is when an atom in the nucleus, which is overloaded with an extra neutron,
this neutron decays into a proton and an electron. Due to the different number of protons, the atom itself turns into another chemical element (the next one in the periodic table). The electron does not remain with the atom, having high energy, despite the forces of electrical attraction, and flies away several meters in the air.

Just as in semiconductors there is the concept of electron and hole conductivity, electron beta decay and positron beta decay are classified. It is believed that during decay, a positron (antielectron) and neutrino, or an electron and antineutrino, are separated. It is also believed that alpha decay affects a distance of 2-3 cm, beta decay has a range of 2-3 meters, gamma decay affects 2-3 km in the air. In the presence of an obstacle, this range is less.

But a neutrino flies NOT 2-3 meters during beta decay! It is an INCREDIBLY greater distance. I read a theory that a neutrino flies 100 light years. Here an interesting theory arises. Sirius is 9 light years from us. The nearest star Alpha Centauri in the southern sky is twice as close. These neutrino pulses can be sent from other civilizations that have much more progress in technology.

Here is where aliens can affect us, not in the way we imagine for our experience, or as described in science fiction novels, that they are like us and come out of iron doors in spacesuits. They can send out these streams of neutrinos (or antineutrinos), thereby causing the beta decay that we see in the tests.
General Discussion / Re: About radioactivity.
« Last post by mja Mahé on March 27, 2025, 06:31:44 AM »

Shouldn't we confuse UFO occupants with the Soviet police? If the Soviet police don't care about Russians who dodge trains, perhaps the same isn't true of these UFO occupants called extraterrestrials, who may have something to do with the evolution of Earth's technology and were present in Russia for that reason at the time? Even more so, should we be looking at an expeditionary group that wants to be, or should be, well-known?

I don't know if you've studied ufology much, but we sometimes come to believe that some UFO cases are actually interventions identical to those of the police following one or more crimes, or even one or more murders.

I think the Dyatlov group, which wanted to gain respect with this expedition and acquire a certain notoriety, should never have indulged in this kind of dishonest practice. There's actually no guarantee that this was the root of the problem and the incident that cost them their lives, but if we remove from this case all the paranormal or extraordinary causes that many are so fond of, it must be admitted that a purely Cartesian and simplistic cause, even if it's obscured by a lack of lucidity regarding an unknown phenomenon, holds up better than all the exaggerations!

The cause of the radioactivity coming from Mayak doesn't seem to satisfy you. It's true that when we talk about UFO intervention, because the presence of radioactivity is also linked in many cases to their appearances, this hypothesis seems quite reliable. This is, in fact, what I've thought since I learned about this case.
General Discussion / Re: About radioactivity.
« Last post by GlennM on March 27, 2025, 06:28:46 AM »
Being hard to ignore is not synonymous with being correct. Axelrod replaces the elephant with a zebra. What explanation can be given for the use of geiger counters during rescue and recovery? All beasts wish to graze on new fodder for the mind.
General Discussion / Re: About radioactivity.
« Last post by Axelrod on March 27, 2025, 02:30:22 AM »
The radiation from a Kyshtym incident cannot explain the radiation on tourists' clothes. More precisely, this is an explanation from amateurs and for amateurs. It is strange that PhD candidate Kuryakov studied at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MIFI). Apparently, he did not study well there and did not comprehend the specific situation.

The situation after the Kyshtym (MAYAK) accident in Chelyabinsk-40 - is not an elephant in the room, it is a zebra in the room. This is alpha, beta and gamma radiation from the black, gray and white stripes of the zebra, that is, from garbage. However, for readers who assume a UFO chase, my explanations will also be incomprehensible.
General Discussion / Re: About radioactivity.
« Last post by GlennM on March 26, 2025, 05:54:04 PM »
The limit of this area is located approximately 80 kilometers from Mayak, near Syssert.
This explains why the Dyatlov group had radioactivity on their clothing, with the assumption that the members of this group may have been traveling in the radiation zone between Syssert and Mayak before their departure. It should also be noted that no one mentioned radioactivity on the tent or the belongings left inside.

Where I come from, this is called " the elephant in the middle of the room"   It is hard to ignore.
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