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Author Topic: Radioactive Clothes  (Read 51152 times)

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May 04, 2018, 02:16:30 AM
Read 51152 times


This might seem like a bit of a dumb question, and sorry if it is, but how did they know to test the clothes for radioactivity? Back in the day where information on radiation's effect on human beings was still relatively unknown, why would this have been part of the protocol? I mean hell, even in Chernobyl almost 20 years later the Soviets didn't expect the extent of devastation which was observed since experiments on the matter were scarce.

So, was there anything that may have warranted for an inquiry on the radioactivity of their clothes? Did the officials know that some of them worked in nuclear facilities and for those reasons wanted to test their bodies or something?

EDIT: I ended up finding something in Rakitin's notes that kind of confirms what I had to say. It's all Google Translate language, but I think you get the gist of it:

      "In view of the foregoing, the investigator's own proposal to verify the bodies of deceased tourists and their clothes for radioactivity is tantamount to offering to involve the KGB in the case. For that time it was only so. The idea of ​​appointing a radiological examination could not have occurred to investigator Ivanov on the level ground, simply because there was nothing to do. For such an examination there should have been some objective indicators ... or a certain demand, a serious one so that it could not be ignored. 
     In the case materials there are no objective prerequisites to suspect the presence of radioactive materials at the site of the tragedy of the Dyatlov group. And the tradition of checking the clothes of all corpses with a dosimeter in the USSR in 1959 did not exist, as it does not exist in Russia today. Therefore, someone very strongly recommended the investigator to conduct a radiological examination. Ivanov himself did not need this expertise - the case clearly went under the closure and he would calmly close it without unnecessary red tape."

So we can assume that someone pretty high up had something to do with the investigation and pushed Ivanov to ask for a dosimeter reading of the hikers' clothes. But why? I don't think it makes any more sense than in Rakitin's "Controlled Delivery" theory, unless it had something to do with the previous workplaces of some of the hikers. Someone high up had to know or had to have doubts that there was some radioactivity present at the time of their deaths, I just can't figure out who or why.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2018, 04:45:46 AM by Armide »

May 04, 2018, 06:06:12 PM
Reply #1


That's a great question!

Unfortunately, I don't have the answer other then to speculate.  I'm guessing they were either paranoid about a possible hand off to spies, or the fact someof these 'ex-students' now work in the field and may uave been up to no good somehow, OR perhaps they had reason to suspect a government project or test may be at fault? 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

May 05, 2018, 09:36:01 PM
Reply #2


I'm going to point to Svetlana Oss's "Don't Go There" pages 66-68:

"It was Vladimir Askinadze’s probe that damaged Dubinina’s body.
Askinadze recently published a letter in Ural Pathfinder magazine, in which
he recalls that the distance between all the heads of those found in the brook
was about 30 cm (about 11.5 inches) – they were all very close to each other.
As for Dubinina, he says her head was laying down on a kind of a
natural ledge with water rolling over it. Her mouth was open.
When we tried to pull them out, we saw Zolotariov had a notebook
in one hand and a pen in the other. Ortukov saw this, grabbed the book,
read it and immediately cursed Zolotariov with a disparaging word and
said: ‘He’s written nothing.’
Was this really the case, or did he not want others to know what was
written in the notebook? George Ortukov was the Army Colonel in charge of
logistics and helicopter support. Putting aside for now the possibility of
concealment, this is a highly significant comment if it corroborates the timing
of the commencement of the disaster. He shouts in disappointment that the last
entries in the diary offer no clues and make no mention of problems. It was

written in the absence of strangeness or fear.
Askinadze also states that it was hard to identify the bodies as they
uncovered them, and it was Ortukov who was saying ‘this is x, and here is y’.
‘We were surprised,’ Askinadze said, ‘because it was really hard to see,
and no one could object or disagree.’
Askinadze also mentioned that while he was present during that period,
he felt very strongly that those in charge were not really interested in a proper
investigation. He remembers that the investigator Lev Ivanov ‘did not even
approach the pad of branches, didn’t take pictures, it seemed they already had
an explanation’. Askinadze extends this accusation to Ortukov, who was in
charge of the whole rescue operation. He wrote: ‘If it was really so important
to get this right, why didn’t they call for Yuri Yudin? He was the only one that
knew them all, and could say for sure. I only knew Zina.’
But nothing like this was done, and everything was rushed. This rush
was from someone above – from Moscow, Sverdlovsk, or Ivdel. The
atmosphere was very tense. Everyone was anxious for answers and waiting for
Ortukov and some soldiers took all the bodies from the stream, carried
them up the bank and placed them on special stretchers to drag them across the
snow, then took them up to the pass and the helicopter pad. It was hard work,
and they repeated the same process four times. A helicopter met them on the
pass, but the pilots refused to take the bodies on board, complaining this was
outside their official duties. It has been said that the pilots knew the bodies
were poisoned with radiation and, for this reason, didn’t want them in the
Ortukov sent a radio message, complaining
This is a scandal! I and fourteen other people brought these bodies
on our shoulders and they refused to take the bodies in spite of me
insisting. As a Communist I am outraged by the behaviour of the crew and
ask you to inform the Communist Party leader about it. And I have to
mention to you for clarity, these bodies are frozen. We packed them for
transportation and there was no reason to refuse to take them. The medical
expert refused to examine or to cut the bodies here on site. It is absolutely
not dangerous from the point of hygiene. They are folded and covered in
special impervious material. The crew said they would not transport them
until they are in Zinc coffins.

pp. 68
At this time Colonel Ortukov was exhausted and at his limit. He took out
his pistol and tried to threaten the crew. Vladimir Askinadze intervened, after
which the medical expert reorganized how the bodies should be packed for
transportation, and they were finally sent.

Old Colonel Georg-y Porge-y really puts a thorn in my foot with the entire investigation as Svetlana Oss tells the tale...

May 05, 2018, 10:40:41 PM
Reply #3


looking back at my previous post.

Im not responsible for the typos that are created by my 'smart' phone.    bang1
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

May 06, 2018, 04:04:53 AM
Reply #4

Per Inge Oestmoen

I'm going to point to Svetlana Oss's "Don't Go There" pages 66-68:

"Askinadze also states that it was hard to identify the bodies as they uncovered them, and it was Ortukov who was saying ‘this is x, and here is y’.
‘We were surprised,’ Askinadze said, ‘because it was really hard to see, and no one could object or disagree.’

Askinadze also mentioned that while he was present during that period, he felt very strongly that those in charge were not really interested in a proper investigation. He remembers that the investigator Lev Ivanov ‘did not even approach the pad of branches, didn’t take pictures, it seemed they already had an explanation’. Askinadze extends this accusation to Ortukov, who was in charge of the whole rescue operation. He wrote: ‘If it was really so important to get this right, why didn’t they call for Yuri Yudin? He was the only one that knew them all, and could say for sure. I only knew Zina.’

But nothing like this was done, and everything was rushed. This rush was from someone above – from Moscow, Sverdlovsk, or Ivdel. The
atmosphere was very tense." 

Thank you very much for bringing up this. It is important information.

I will point to another passage in Svetlana Oss' book, on page 89-90:

"Around the time of these inquiries Ivanov began to create his version of events, which was murder. But just as had been the case with Korotaev, he became closely supervised. He was called to Moscow and, according to the testimony of the search party, came back a different man. After this, the investigation changed. Not only did it become more covert, but it was also apparent that the investigators were much less active - merely 'going through the motions' - and no longer interested in uncovering the truth."

There are many indications that the premature closing of the investigation, and the eventual conclusions, were wanted and perhaps also dictated by high-ranking people at the time.

To proceed today, we might remember the old saying that "dead people do not lie." In other words, the forensic evidence with an open-minded analysis of the injuries suffered by the nine unfortunate hikers is a good place to start in order to approach a true solution to the Dyatlov pass tragedy.

August 22, 2018, 06:42:47 PM
Reply #5


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The RADIATION theory is worth more investigation, thats for sure. What reason was there for testing for RADIATION.

January 12, 2019, 03:46:12 PM
Reply #6

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Why ask for radiation checks? 

The authorities wanted to know what had happened to the ski hikers too.  They didn't know. However maybe they had some suspicions that needed some further checks.  They didn't want anyone else to know though.
The following users thanked this post: Sagitario

January 14, 2019, 12:30:40 PM
Reply #7


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Why ask for radiation checks? 

The authorities wanted to know what had happened to the ski hikers too.  They didn't know. However maybe they had some suspicions that needed some further checks.  They didn't want anyone else to know though.

Apparently Ivanov had a Geiger Counter with him and detected Radiation and reported this to his superiors.

January 15, 2019, 06:03:36 AM
Reply #8

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Why ask for radiation checks? 

The authorities wanted to know what had happened to the ski hikers too.  They didn't know. However maybe they had some suspicions that needed some further checks.  They didn't want anyone else to know though.

Apparently Ivanov had a Geiger Counter with him and detected Radiation and reported this to his superiors.

Why did he have a Geiger counter with him?

January 15, 2019, 12:22:59 PM
Reply #9


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Maybe Ivanov carried a Geiga Counter because of his Official Position during The Cold War.

March 22, 2019, 01:23:27 AM
Reply #10


Armide started this thread with a very good question.  Why did they test for radiation?  If I recall correctly, they did not test for radiation during the initial search in February 1959.  They only tested at the second search, in May 1959.  Is it possible that in the meantime, during the autopsy of the first 5 bodies, it was somehow discovered that they had traces of radiation?  That would explain why they brought a radiation detector for the second search in May 1959.

Another question is the source of that radiation.  This is a great website, and I haven’t had the time to look through it all, but I have not yet seen any reference to the fact that UFOs have been reported as the source of radiation, including burns.  Here are a couple of cases from decades ago, since the victims survived they were able to report in details what happened to them. 

1951 – “When Dozens of Korean War GIs Claimed a UFO Made Them Sick”

1967 – Falcon Lake, Canada, UFO encounter resulting in radiation burns:  “Soil samples, along with samples of clothing, were tested and deemed to be highly radioactive.”

March 22, 2019, 12:42:10 PM
Reply #11


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Armide started this thread with a very good question.  Why did they test for radiation?  If I recall correctly, they did not test for radiation during the initial search in February 1959.  They only tested at the second search, in May 1959.  Is it possible that in the meantime, during the autopsy of the first 5 bodies, it was somehow discovered that they had traces of radiation?  That would explain why they brought a radiation detector for the second search in May 1959.

Another question is the source of that radiation.  This is a great website, and I haven’t had the time to look through it all, but I have not yet seen any reference to the fact that UFOs have been reported as the source of radiation, including burns.  Here are a couple of cases from decades ago, since the victims survived they were able to report in details what happened to them. 

1951 – “When Dozens of Korean War GIs Claimed a UFO Made Them Sick”

1967 – Falcon Lake, Canada, UFO encounter resulting in radiation burns:  “Soil samples, along with samples of clothing, were tested and deemed to be highly radioactive.”

We dont know exactly when any Geiger Counters were used, and we dont have any results of their use. All we have is Lev Ivanov saying that his Geiger Counter went CRAZY around the camp site.
Its good that you mentioned the UFO phenomena as a possible source of RADIATION. Obviously the UFO phenomena causes a bit of consternation with many people. But there are many reports from around the World of Radiation being detected in areas were there have been UFO sightings etc. Also the same has been said of CROP CIRCLES.

March 23, 2019, 03:04:47 AM
Reply #12

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Armide started this thread with a very good question.  Why did they test for radiation?  If I recall correctly, they did not test for radiation during the initial search in February 1959.  They only tested at the second search, in May 1959.  Is it possible that in the meantime, during the autopsy of the first 5 bodies, it was somehow discovered that they had traces of radiation?  That would explain why they brought a radiation detector for the second search in May 1959.

Another question is the source of that radiation.  This is a great website, and I haven’t had the time to look through it all, but I have not yet seen any reference to the fact that UFOs have been reported as the source of radiation, including burns.  Here are a couple of cases from decades ago, since the victims survived they were able to report in details what happened to them. 

1951 – “When Dozens of Korean War GIs Claimed a UFO Made Them Sick”

1967 – Falcon Lake, Canada, UFO encounter resulting in radiation burns:  “Soil samples, along with samples of clothing, were tested and deemed to be highly radioactive.”

We dont know exactly when any Geiger Counters were used, and we dont have any results of their use. All we have is Lev Ivanov saying that his Geiger Counter went CRAZY around the camp site.
Its good that you mentioned the UFO phenomena as a possible source of RADIATION. Obviously the UFO phenomena causes a bit of consternation with many people. But there are many reports from around the World of Radiation being detected in areas were there have been UFO sightings etc. Also the same has been said of CROP CIRCLES.

One question I have always asked myself about UFOs and the residual radioactive contamination that they are sometimes associated with is this.  Radiation is hazardous to living organisms and I don't think aliens would be immune to this, so why would they design and build vehicles that produced radiative contamination?  It's like humans building a car that runs on nuclear material with a radioactive exhaust?


Star man

March 23, 2019, 12:51:31 PM
Reply #13


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Armide started this thread with a very good question.  Why did they test for radiation?  If I recall correctly, they did not test for radiation during the initial search in February 1959.  They only tested at the second search, in May 1959.  Is it possible that in the meantime, during the autopsy of the first 5 bodies, it was somehow discovered that they had traces of radiation?  That would explain why they brought a radiation detector for the second search in May 1959.

Another question is the source of that radiation.  This is a great website, and I haven’t had the time to look through it all, but I have not yet seen any reference to the fact that UFOs have been reported as the source of radiation, including burns.  Here are a couple of cases from decades ago, since the victims survived they were able to report in details what happened to them. 

1951 – “When Dozens of Korean War GIs Claimed a UFO Made Them Sick”

1967 – Falcon Lake, Canada, UFO encounter resulting in radiation burns:  “Soil samples, along with samples of clothing, were tested and deemed to be highly radioactive.”

We dont know exactly when any Geiger Counters were used, and we dont have any results of their use. All we have is Lev Ivanov saying that his Geiger Counter went CRAZY around the camp site.
Its good that you mentioned the UFO phenomena as a possible source of RADIATION. Obviously the UFO phenomena causes a bit of consternation with many people. But there are many reports from around the World of Radiation being detected in areas were there have been UFO sightings etc. Also the same has been said of CROP CIRCLES.

One question I have always asked myself about UFOs and the residual radioactive contamination that they are sometimes associated with is this.  Radiation is hazardous to living organisms and I don't think aliens would be immune to this, so why would they design and build vehicles that produced radiative contamination?  It's like humans building a car that runs on nuclear material with a radioactive exhaust?


Star man

I think we may find that any ALIENS out there are a bit more advanced than the Human Species. Who knows what they are like or made of. They may have powers way beyond even our vivid imaginations.

March 23, 2019, 06:16:25 PM
Reply #14

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Armide started this thread with a very good question.  Why did they test for radiation?  If I recall correctly, they did not test for radiation during the initial search in February 1959.  They only tested at the second search, in May 1959.  Is it possible that in the meantime, during the autopsy of the first 5 bodies, it was somehow discovered that they had traces of radiation?  That would explain why they brought a radiation detector for the second search in May 1959.

Another question is the source of that radiation.  This is a great website, and I haven’t had the time to look through it all, but I have not yet seen any reference to the fact that UFOs have been reported as the source of radiation, including burns.  Here are a couple of cases from decades ago, since the victims survived they were able to report in details what happened to them. 

1951 – “When Dozens of Korean War GIs Claimed a UFO Made Them Sick”

1967 – Falcon Lake, Canada, UFO encounter resulting in radiation burns:  “Soil samples, along with samples of clothing, were tested and deemed to be highly radioactive.”

We dont know exactly when any Geiger Counters were used, and we dont have any results of their use. All we have is Lev Ivanov saying that his Geiger Counter went CRAZY around the camp site.
Its good that you mentioned the UFO phenomena as a possible source of RADIATION. Obviously the UFO phenomena causes a bit of consternation with many people. But there are many reports from around the World of Radiation being detected in areas were there have been UFO sightings etc. Also the same has been said of CROP CIRCLES.

One question I have always asked myself about UFOs and the residual radioactive contamination that they are sometimes associated with is this.  Radiation is hazardous to living organisms and I don't think aliens would be immune to this, so why would they design and build vehicles that produced radiative contamination?  It's like humans building a car that runs on nuclear material with a radioactive exhaust?


Star man

I think we may find that any ALIENS out there are a bit more advanced than the Human Species. Who knows what they are like or made of. They may have powers way beyond even our vivid imaginations.

Well I suppose they may have evolved on a planet subject to higher levels of radiation and therefore their DNA or whatever it is that controls their cells may have evolved to deal with the damage.  Or, I suppose they may not be composed of organic matter at all.


Star man

March 25, 2019, 02:51:04 PM
Reply #15


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Armide started this thread with a very good question.  Why did they test for radiation?  If I recall correctly, they did not test for radiation during the initial search in February 1959.  They only tested at the second search, in May 1959.  Is it possible that in the meantime, during the autopsy of the first 5 bodies, it was somehow discovered that they had traces of radiation?  That would explain why they brought a radiation detector for the second search in May 1959.

Another question is the source of that radiation.  This is a great website, and I haven’t had the time to look through it all, but I have not yet seen any reference to the fact that UFOs have been reported as the source of radiation, including burns.  Here are a couple of cases from decades ago, since the victims survived they were able to report in details what happened to them. 

1951 – “When Dozens of Korean War GIs Claimed a UFO Made Them Sick”

1967 – Falcon Lake, Canada, UFO encounter resulting in radiation burns:  “Soil samples, along with samples of clothing, were tested and deemed to be highly radioactive.”

We dont know exactly when any Geiger Counters were used, and we dont have any results of their use. All we have is Lev Ivanov saying that his Geiger Counter went CRAZY around the camp site.
Its good that you mentioned the UFO phenomena as a possible source of RADIATION. Obviously the UFO phenomena causes a bit of consternation with many people. But there are many reports from around the World of Radiation being detected in areas were there have been UFO sightings etc. Also the same has been said of CROP CIRCLES.

One question I have always asked myself about UFOs and the residual radioactive contamination that they are sometimes associated with is this.  Radiation is hazardous to living organisms and I don't think aliens would be immune to this, so why would they design and build vehicles that produced radiative contamination?  It's like humans building a car that runs on nuclear material with a radioactive exhaust?


Star man

I think we may find that any ALIENS out there are a bit more advanced than the Human Species. Who knows what they are like or made of. They may have powers way beyond even our vivid imaginations.

Well I suppose they may have evolved on a planet subject to higher levels of radiation and therefore their DNA or whatever it is that controls their cells may have evolved to deal with the damage.  Or, I suppose they may not be composed of organic matter at all.


Star man

Exactly, they may not be composed of organic matter , as we know it. They may not even be matter as we know it. The Physicists at CERN and all their thousands of Brains around the World are still struggling with the basics that we are only just beginning to get to grips with.

May 16, 2019, 07:29:59 PM
Reply #16


If the higher-ups were trying to cover it up, why would they order extra tests? Especially if they knew it would reveal something suspicious?

May 17, 2019, 12:13:21 AM
Reply #17


If the higher-ups were trying to cover it up, why would they order extra tests? Especially if they knew it would reveal something suspicious?

The problem is that the structure of the ranks and bureaucracy is complex. The involved parties were at least county prosecutors, "police" investigators and military personnel mentioned by Okishev who confiscated the evidence, presumably on behalf of the Communist party officials. I find nothing unusual that officials of different parts of the state authorities were doing different things. Legally-wise, they had different tasks, different competences and level of access to information.

To answer your question, I think that Ivanov was not trying to cover anything up, but was outranked by somebody who had that intention.

May 17, 2019, 02:45:17 AM
Reply #18

Nigel Evans

If the higher-ups were trying to cover it up, why would they order extra tests? Especially if they knew it would reveal something suspicious?
They dudn't order extra tests. The tests we know about were performed privately by Ivanov through his contacts. He was on dangerous ground here having been ordered to stop investigating and create a coverup.

May 17, 2019, 12:20:45 PM
Reply #19


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
If the higher-ups were trying to cover it up, why would they order extra tests? Especially if they knew it would reveal something suspicious?
They dudn't order extra tests. The tests we know about were performed privately by Ivanov through his contacts. He was on dangerous ground here having been ordered to stop investigating and create a coverup.

But there is no real evidence of this  !  ? We dont actually know what was said between Ivanov and his superiors.

May 17, 2019, 03:03:49 PM
Reply #20

Nigel Evans

If the higher-ups were trying to cover it up, why would they order extra tests? Especially if they knew it would reveal something suspicious?
They dudn't order extra tests. The tests we know about were performed privately by Ivanov through his contacts. He was on dangerous ground here having been ordered to stop investigating and create a coverup.

But there is no real evidence of this  !  ? We dont actually know what was said between Ivanov and his superiors.
It's all in Ivanov's interview with Leninsky Put in 1990. How long have you been posting on this board?

"The fact is that at the time of our investigation the Tagilsky Rabochiy newspaper published a small article about sighting during the students’ ascent of the Otorten of a Fire Orb, or, as we call it today, an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) in the sky above Nizhny Tagil. In absolute silence the strange light crossed the sky in the direction of the northern tops of the Ural mountains. The author of the article questioned: what could that be? The newspaper editor was severely reprimanded for this publication, and I, in my turn, received orders from the Obkom to abstain from research into this topic. Supervision of my investigation into the case was taken over by Second secretary of the Party Obkom A.F.Yeshtokin.

****, Keith. Journey to Dyatlov Pass: An Explanation of the Mystery (pp. 141-142). Keith ****. Kindle Edition. "

The following users thanked this post: Sagitario

May 17, 2019, 03:11:30 PM
Reply #21

Nigel Evans

When I reported about my discoveries, the fire orbs and radioactivity, to A.F. Yeshtokin, he was very categorical in his orders: absolutely everything related to the must be made secret, classified, sealed, sent to special archives and forgotten. Am I to explain that orders had to be and were executed right off?

****, Keith. Journey to Dyatlov Pass: An Explanation of the Mystery (p. 144). Keith ****. Kindle Edition.
The following users thanked this post: Sagitario

May 18, 2019, 12:16:19 AM
Reply #22


It's all in Ivanov's interview with Leninsky Put in 1990. How long have you been posting on this board?

Not everyone reads the same things as you, nor do they believe wholeheartedly in everything /anything Ivanov said as if it were gospel.   One could just as easily say the same to you regarding the case files. 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

May 18, 2019, 02:17:32 AM
Reply #23

Nigel Evans

It's all in Ivanov's interview with Leninsky Put in 1990. How long have you been posting on this board?

Not everyone reads the same things as you, nor do they believe wholeheartedly in everything /anything Ivanov said as if it were gospel.   One could just as easily say the same to you regarding the case files.

Or there not being a translation of his Leninsky Put interview on this website is a very serious omission which hints at the prejudices of those that control it....

May 18, 2019, 07:33:41 AM
Reply #24


Is your 'new topic' button broke? 

"prejudices"      nose1

Flaming the staff because they haven't post what YOU want them to....  thats a new one to me.   neg1
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

May 18, 2019, 07:41:19 AM
Reply #25

Nigel Evans

Is your 'new topic' button broke? 

"prejudices"      nose1

Flaming the staff because they haven't post what YOU want them to....  thats a new one to me.   neg1
Okey dokey.

May 18, 2019, 12:34:09 PM
Reply #26

Nigel Evans

Is your 'new topic' button broke? 

"prejudices"      nose1

Flaming the staff because they haven't post what YOU want them to....  thats a new one to me.   neg1
Okey dokey.
Kindle wont let me copy anymore from "Journey to Dyatlov Pass" apparently i've reached my copy limit!...  cry2

May 20, 2019, 12:02:08 PM
Reply #27


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
If the higher-ups were trying to cover it up, why would they order extra tests? Especially if they knew it would reveal something suspicious?
They dudn't order extra tests. The tests we know about were performed privately by Ivanov through his contacts. He was on dangerous ground here having been ordered to stop investigating and create a coverup.

But there is no real evidence of this  !  ? We dont actually know what was said between Ivanov and his superiors.
It's all in Ivanov's interview with Leninsky Put in 1990. How long have you been posting on this board?

"The fact is that at the time of our investigation the Tagilsky Rabochiy newspaper published a small article about sighting during the students’ ascent of the Otorten of a Fire Orb, or, as we call it today, an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) in the sky above Nizhny Tagil. In absolute silence the strange light crossed the sky in the direction of the northern tops of the Ural mountains. The author of the article questioned: what could that be? The newspaper editor was severely reprimanded for this publication, and I, in my turn, received orders from the Obkom to abstain from research into this topic. Supervision of my investigation into the case was taken over by Second secretary of the Party Obkom A.F.Yeshtokin.

****, Keith. Journey to Dyatlov Pass: An Explanation of the Mystery (pp. 141-142). Keith ****. Kindle Edition. "

You are avoiding the facts. I say again. There is no real evidence of what was actually said between Ivanov and his superiors.

May 20, 2019, 12:25:03 PM
Reply #28

Nigel Evans

If the higher-ups were trying to cover it up, why would they order extra tests? Especially if they knew it would reveal something suspicious?
They dudn't order extra tests. The tests we know about were performed privately by Ivanov through his contacts. He was on dangerous ground here having been ordered to stop investigating and create a coverup.

But there is no real evidence of this  !  ? We dont actually know what was said between Ivanov and his superiors.
It's all in Ivanov's interview with Leninsky Put in 1990. How long have you been posting on this board?

"The fact is that at the time of our investigation the Tagilsky Rabochiy newspaper published a small article about sighting during the students’ ascent of the Otorten of a Fire Orb, or, as we call it today, an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) in the sky above Nizhny Tagil. In absolute silence the strange light crossed the sky in the direction of the northern tops of the Ural mountains. The author of the article questioned: what could that be? The newspaper editor was severely reprimanded for this publication, and I, in my turn, received orders from the Obkom to abstain from research into this topic. Supervision of my investigation into the case was taken over by Second secretary of the Party Obkom A.F.Yeshtokin.

****, Keith. Journey to Dyatlov Pass: An Explanation of the Mystery (pp. 141-142). Keith ****. Kindle Edition. "

You are avoiding the facts. I say again. There is no real evidence of what was actually said between Ivanov and his superiors.
Ivanov states - " and I, in my turn, received orders from the Obkom to abstain from research into this topic"???

May 21, 2019, 01:23:37 PM
Reply #29


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
If the higher-ups were trying to cover it up, why would they order extra tests? Especially if they knew it would reveal something suspicious?
They dudn't order extra tests. The tests we know about were performed privately by Ivanov through his contacts. He was on dangerous ground here having been ordered to stop investigating and create a coverup.

But there is no real evidence of this  !  ? We dont actually know what was said between Ivanov and his superiors.
It's all in Ivanov's interview with Leninsky Put in 1990. How long have you been posting on this board?

"The fact is that at the time of our investigation the Tagilsky Rabochiy newspaper published a small article about sighting during the students’ ascent of the Otorten of a Fire Orb, or, as we call it today, an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) in the sky above Nizhny Tagil. In absolute silence the strange light crossed the sky in the direction of the northern tops of the Ural mountains. The author of the article questioned: what could that be? The newspaper editor was severely reprimanded for this publication, and I, in my turn, received orders from the Obkom to abstain from research into this topic. Supervision of my investigation into the case was taken over by Second secretary of the Party Obkom A.F.Yeshtokin.

****, Keith. Journey to Dyatlov Pass: An Explanation of the Mystery (pp. 141-142). Keith ****. Kindle Edition. "

You are avoiding the facts. I say again. There is no real evidence of what was actually said between Ivanov and his superiors.
Ivanov states - " and I, in my turn, received orders from the Obkom to abstain from research into this topic"???

Yes, but where is the 2 way conversation, etc. Where is the actual dialogue of any conversations that Ivanov had with any of his Superiors in respect of this matter or for that matter any matter  !  ?   !  ?