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Author Topic: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)  (Read 87837 times)

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January 17, 2023, 05:01:00 AM
Reply #60


Oh…..  please make the thread title English.  Thank you
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!
The following users thanked this post: Ehtnisba

January 17, 2023, 05:10:53 AM
Reply #61


Я обращаюсь к Американским друзьям, расследующим тему:
В Америку эмигрировал один из бывших студентов УПИ, Евгений Шунько. Он был отчислен из УПИ после скандальной конференции 1956 года. Его некоторое время преследовал сам Кириленко, писал руководству о том. что их сотрудник Е. Шунько является антисоветчиком. Евгений Шунько был вынужден эмигрировать в Америку. К сожалению, он уже скончался. Но есть его американский адрес и возможно его родственники, дети что-то знают про обстановку в Упи, про Свердловский обком и про группу Дятлова. Возможно, Евгений Шунько им рассказывал.
Вот его Американский адрес:
Evgeny Shun'ko
Chief Scientist
WINTEK Electro - Optics Corp.
1665 Highland Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
E-mail: eshunko@wintekeo.com
Tel.: + 1 734 477 5480

I appeal to American friends investigating the topic:
One of the former students of UPI, Evgeny Shunko, emigrated to America. He was expelled from the UPI after the scandalous 1956 conference. He was chased by Kirilenko himself for some time, wrote to the management about that. that their employee E. Shunko is an anti-Soviet. Evgeny Shunko was forced to emigrate to America. Unfortunately, he has already passed away. But there is his American address and perhaps his relatives, children know something about the situation in the Upi, about the Sverdlovsk regional committee and about the Dyatlov group. Perhaps Evgeny Shunko told them.
Here is his American address:
Evgeny Shun'ko
Chief Scientist
WINTEK Electro - Optics Corp.
1665 Highland Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
E-mail: eshunko@wintekeo.com
Tel.: + 1 734 477 5480


January 17, 2023, 05:52:22 AM
Reply #62


I am nowhere near Michigan or I would. 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!
The following users thanked this post: anna_pycckux

January 17, 2023, 06:00:48 AM
Reply #63


Что известно про аргумент в лице Шунько Е.В.
What is known about the argument in the person of Shunko E.V.
Евгений Владимирович родился в 1937 г. Окон­чил физический фа­куль­тет НГУ (первый вы­пуск). Сотрудник ИЯФ СО АН СССР. Кандидат физико-математических наук. Спе­циа­лист в об­лас­ти физики плазмы. Бард, автор известных песен.
Evgeniy Vladimirovich was born in 1937. He graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Novosibirsk State University (first graduation). Employee of the INP SB AS USSR. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Plasma physics specialist. Bard, author of famous songs.

Я понимал, что в распадающейся стране буду не востребован, а возраст мой перевалил за 50, и в 1991 эмигрировал в США вместе с моей семьей. Сразу скажу, никто нас не ждал с объятиями. Граждане США жили там без нас 200 лет и могли продолжать это делать без драматического для них урона. Хотя мой спонсор, Джулия Томпсон - профессор Питтсбургского Университета - сделала много, чтобы мы могли войти в американскую жизнь как можно мягче, все давалось с трудом. Особенно английский. В школе я учил немецкий. Но, поступив в УПИ, осознал что английский это - латынь нашего времени. В силу многих причин (включая и мое разгильдяйство), мой английский развивался медленно и печально. Видимо, у нас с ним была взаимная идеосинкразия.
   Я получил позицию в Питтсбургском Университете, где принимал участие в создании Черенковской камеры для Брукхевенского проекта. Когда кончился грант, я нашел место в маленькой фирме, занимающейся обработкой компъютерных образов для отбраковки промышленных изделий на конвейере. Затем я открыл свою крошечную фирму по производству источников ионов для нужд полупроводниковой промышленности. Вскоре я получил приглашение занять пост Главного Ученого (Chief Scientist) в Wintek Electro-Optics Corporation, где и работаю по сей день. Основное направление моей деятельности - развитие и приложение физики плазмы для нужд науки, полупроводниковой индустрии, производства плоских дисплеев, обработки поверхностей материалов для различных практических нужд.
I understood that in a disintegrating country I would not be in demand, and my age was over 50, and in 1991 I emigrated to the USA with my family. I must say right away that no one was waiting for us with hugs. US citizens lived there without us for 200 years and could continue to do so without dramatic damage to them. Although my sponsor, Julia Thompson, a professor at the University of Pittsburgh, did a lot to get us into American life as gently as possible, it was hard work. Especially English. At school I studied German. But, having entered the UPI, I realized that English is the Latin of our time. For many reasons (including my slovenliness), my English progress was slow and sad. Apparently, we had a mutual ideosyncrasy with him.
I got a position at the University of Pittsburgh where I was involved in building the Cherenkov chamber for the Brookhaven Project. When the grant ran out, I found a job at a small firm that processed computer images to reject industrial products on an assembly line. Then I started my tiny ion source firm for the semiconductor industry.
Soon I received an invitation to take the post of Chief Scientist at Wintek Electro-Optics Corporation, where I work to this day. The main direction of my activity is the development and application of plasma physics for the needs of science, the semiconductor industry, the production of flat displays, surface treatment of materials for various practical needs.

Как видим из его собственных слов - Шунько вполне не плохо проживал в СССР и только когда дело шло к его распаду: решил искать другое место под солнцем. Годом смены страны проживания стал 1991 год. До этого он успешно использовал полученное образование и полученные льготы по специальности.

As we can see from his own words, Shunko did not live badly in the USSR, and only when it came to its collapse did he decide to look for another place under the sun. The year of change of the country of residence was 1991. Prior to that, he successfully used the education he received and the benefits he received in his specialty.

Вот реакция Кириленко на выступление Немелкова
В конце - концов приехал товарищ Кириленко - первый секретарь Свердловского Обкома. Он услышал выступление Артура в Нью Йорке по радио "Голос Америки". Кириленко произнес невнятную слезливую речь, содержание которой сводилось к: "Ну что же вы, мальчики и девочки, делаете?". Детский сад. А мы ведь были дети военного времени. Кириленко был старый, беспомощный, жалкий.
In the end, Comrade Kirilenko arrived - the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee. He heard Arthur speak in New York on Voice of America radio. Kirilenko delivered an indistinct tearful speech, the content of which boiled down to: "Well, what are you, boys and girls, doing?" Kindergarten. But we were children of wartime. Kirilenko was old, helpless, miserable.

У кого стынет кровь в жилах от этого описания?  Я требую чтобы все у кого дрожат коленки от этих подробностей - назвали свои ники.
Лично мне смешно.
Who's blood runs cold from this description? I demand that everyone whose knees are trembling from these details give their nicknames.
Personally, I find it funny.

А вот о мерах воздействия Кириленко на критически мыслящую молодежь.
But about Kirilenko's measures of influence on critically thinking youth.
Однажды, после такого разговора, он неожиданно сказал: "Давай-ка, мы съездим с тобой ко мне в Президиум.". Имелось в виду - в Президиум Сибирского Отделения Академии Наук СССР. Михаил Алексеевич был, по совместительству, Президентом СО АН СССР. Хоть я и очень спешил на работу, но знал, что он попусту звать меня никуда не будет. В кабинете он достал из стола некий документ, внимательно просмотрел его, протянул мне и сказал: "Читай.". Я взял бумагу и поначалу никак не мог включиться в содержание. Однако, постепенно, смысл документа начал до меня доходить. В бумаге разъяснялось, что я - отпетый антисоветчик, враг со склонностью к антисоветской пропаганде и подрывной деятельности, о чем член ЦК КПСС товарищ Кириленко и ставит в известность члена ЦК КПСС товарища Лаврентьева.
Once, after such a conversation, he suddenly said: "Come on, we'll go with you to my Presidium." It meant - to the Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Mikhail Alekseevich was, concurrently, the President of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Although I was in a hurry to get to work, I knew that he would not call me anywhere in vain. In the office, he took a certain document from the table, looked it over carefully, handed it to me and said: "Read."I took the paper and at first I could not get involved in the content. Gradually, however, the meaning of the document began to dawn on me. The paper explained that I was an inveterate anti-Soviet, an enemy with a penchant for anti-Soviet propaganda and subversive activities, about which Comrade Kirilenko, member of the Central Committee of the CPSU, informs Comrade Lavrentiev, member of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

Все бы ничего - но это выдумка от первого и до последнего слова. Ибо в 1962 году - Кириленко было уже не до какого-то Шунько. А еще позже в 1972 году, о чем речь идет в данном эпизоде - сильно, сильно не до него.
А если бы вдруг это случилось - то Шунько не только ничего бы не читал, а просто получил на руки трудовую без объяснений. Ибо не такой уж он судя по описанию ценный специалист и незаменимый научный деятель. Так себе мистер Врун.
Новосибирск и Академгородок в нем - никуда не девались. Папки кадровых дел хранимы. Запросить подробности про эту ложь - ноль проблем. Представляю какое там содержание в его личном деле. Но врать он - мастер. Потому что в 1972 году Кириленко на такой лестнице партийной иерархии, что никто бы не пошел против него. Будь он ученым хоть семи пядей во лбу.
Everything would be fine - but this is an invention from the first to the last word. For in 1962, Kirilenko was no longer up to some kind of Shunko. And even later in 1972, which is what this episode is about - much, much not up to it.
And if this happened all of a sudden, then Shunko would not only not read anything, but simply received a work paper without explanation. For, judging by the description, he is not such a valuable specialist and irreplaceable scientist. So-so Mr. Vrun.
Novosibirsk and Akademgorodok in it have not gone anywhere. Folders of personnel files are stored. Asking for details about this lie - zero.
problems. I can imagine what kind of content there is in his personal file.But he is a master at lying. Because in 1972, Kirilenko was on such a ladder of the party hierarchy that no one would go against him. Whether he is a scientist of at least seven spans in the forehead.

П.С. Рассказы Аннушки Русских - впечатляющи только для тех, кто никогда не жил в СССР. Есть тут такие?
P.S. The stories of Annushka the Russians are impressive only for those who have never lived in the USSR. Are there any here?
« Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 06:41:37 AM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...
The following users thanked this post: Larisa

January 17, 2023, 05:34:06 PM
Reply #64


Small cuts in the tent prove that there is a struggle against the external enemy. The Unknown Force must have attacked the tent from the tent entrance side. The youth took knives and ice axes in their hands. They thought they would protect themselves with these. And they waved knives from inside the tent to scare away the unknown Power. Small cuts are proof of that. But the Unknown Force paid no attention to them. And the young people realized that knives and axes could not protect them. And the unknown Power wanted to get them out of the tent. And for that, he pretended to attack them. Young people tried to stay in the tent. They resisted. The unknown Force attacked again. Again, the youth resisted. They did not want to leave the tent. He attacked again. Again, the youth resisted. They didn't want to leave their safe harbor in the tent. But when the unknown Force attacked violently for the last time, the youths cut through the tent completely and came out!!! They resisted to the end. They didn't give up easily. But outside they still had a hope of living. But the unknown Force had already made its decision. He caught them one by one and killed them. May God forgive them and take them to Heaven. amen.

January 18, 2023, 01:45:43 AM
Reply #65


They didn't give up easily. But outside they still had a hope of living. But the unknown Force had already made its decision. He caught them one by one and killed them. May God forgive them and take them to Heaven. amen.
Неведомая сила - это ликвидаторы, военные, которые были посланы для того, чтоб группу раздеть и заморозить, якобы они сами замерзли от плохой погоды. А палатка была разрублена поисковиками-студентами Шаравиным и Слобцовым, они сами в  этом признались.

An unknown force is the liquidators, the military, who were sent to strip and freeze the group, allegedly they themselves froze from bad weather. And the tent was cut by search engines-students Sharavin and Slobtsov, they admitted it themselves.

January 18, 2023, 01:59:30 AM
Reply #66


The student search engine Sharavin and Slobtsov first discovered the tent on February 26 and to look into it, they cut the ramp with an ice pick. From myself, I can assume that they received such a task from the leadership in order to hide the traces of dilapidation and raggedness of the tent. UPI sent the woodpeckers on a hike with a torn and dilapidated tent


January 18, 2023, 02:37:51 AM
Reply #67

Per Inge Oestmoen

Follow the money! Murder only lakes sense if you are paid somehow. Write a book about the DP9 getting murdered? Guess who gets paid?  There is much discussion about revenge and professional killers. Professionals work for money and revenge doesn't pay. Follow the money, then others will start to think,differently. Otherwise, it is all smoke and mirrors (illusion).

KGB special forces are professionals. Among their duties is the act of eliminating people who are perceived as potential or real threats to state security. People who witness or observe something the state wants to keep secret, may become a threat to state security. More often than not, such killing are orchestrated as "suicides," "accidents," "heart attacks" or "natural deaths."

Such professionals are extremely sophisticated, well educated and thoroughly trained, and they know how to make a murder look like a natural death or an accident.

In the Dyatlov Pass case, if there had not been a sudden rise in temperature during the night of February 2, 1959, it would have been a perfect operation because the nine victims would have frozen to death after they were forced out from the tent improperly dressed.

This has nothing with money to do - it is about state security. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union could not afford to take any risks.
The following users thanked this post: anna_pycckux, Ehtnisba

January 18, 2023, 03:07:52 AM
Reply #68


KGB special forces are professionals. Among their duties is the act of eliminating people who are perceived as potential or real threats to state security. People who witness or observe something the state wants to keep secret, may become a threat to state security. More often than not, such killing are orchestrated as "suicides," "accidents," "heart attacks" or "natural deaths."
Such professionals are extremely sophisticated, well educated and thoroughly trained, and they know how to make a murder look like a natural death or an accident.
In the Dyatlov Pass case, if there had not been a sudden rise in temperature during the night of February 2, 1959, it would have been a perfect operation because the nine victims would have frozen to death after they were forced out from the tent improperly dressed.
This has nothing with money to do - it is about state security. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union could not afford to take any risks.
Thank you for understanding the situation. According to my version, there was an order to freeze the group without using firearms, as if they died through their own fault. the group was liquidated on a false denunciation that allegedly Dyatlov was going to flee abroad (this was told by the main witness of the events, Yuri Yudin) during the 21st congress of the CPSU. The denunciation was false in order to destroy the brave, athletic, free-thinking guys who posed a threat to the authorities. Money in this case also matters, because if the denunciation turned out to be true, and during the 21st congress the students tried to escape to the west - the whole world would talk about it and the career of the party leadership would be cut short, which means the head of the Sverdlovsk regional Committee Kirilenko would lose his position, good money, privileges and power! He couldn't let that happen.
Kirilenko was the head of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee in 1959. from the characteristics given to him by authoritative persons, he was a bulldozer-type man, a cad, a tyrant, a bonecracker, and so on...

January 18, 2023, 03:04:48 AM
Reply #69


The head of the KGB of the Sverdlovsk region in 1959 - Ilyichev. The KGB was completely subordinate to the party apparatus


January 18, 2023, 04:13:55 AM
Reply #70

Per Inge Oestmoen


I disagree.

1. No evidence of wrong doing.
2. Route not conducive to escape
3. Too many influential surviving families
4. Yuri Yuden not liquidated
5. No " show trial"
6. No effort to shame deceased. Quite the opposite. They were treated with respect and given a monument and a geographical location.
7. No official advanced their career as a hero of the people from this.

Modern day conspiracy theorists seek not truth, but fame and money by exploiting a natural calamity.

Answers to the above:

1. The evidence is that nine students left their tent for no apparent reason: There was no avalanche, no snow slabs, no factors that could make the students leave their tent improperly dressed. Further; the nine students were improperly dressed. They left not in a hurry, but in a ordered fashion that tells us that they just walked away. They would never have done that voluntarily without being properly dressed. Lastly; the injuries found on the bodies are the decisive evidence. These injuries are all consistent with human attack, and most only with human attack with lethal intent.

2. There was no one who had any reason to escape, since no one could know that they were in danger before the attack. The students only intended to pass through the area. Unfortunately, someone decided that they came to an area where they were not supposed to enter.

3. The nine students were loyal Soviet citizens and had families and friends belonging to the influential strata in society. That is precisely why the killing mission had to be orchestrated in such a way as to make it look like an accident. If the nine victims had just disappeared, or if they had simply been shot and put in closed coffins, everyone would have known what happened. Because the nine belonged to the respected people in society, their elimination had to be organized as an "accident."

4. Yuri Yudin was not with the group when they reached the area where the others died. Therefore he was not among those who were at the wrong place and had to be eliminated. Yuri Yudin never entered the forbidden area. There was no need to execute him.

5. What purpose would a show trial have in the Dyatlov Pass case have? Precisely none. Show trials are only relevant when there is a need to make scapegoats. If people become witnesses to something the authorities want to hide at all cost, what matters is to prevent the secret to become known to the public. In that case, the normal procedure is to orchestrate an "accident" or a "natural death."

6. If the purpose of a state killing is to eliminate persons who have witnessed or observed something like a secret traning and test area, it would be totally senseless to shame these people afterwards. Instead they are killed preventively in a sophisticated way and then treated with full honors. More than likely, this was what happened to the Dyatlov group.

7. Would anyone receive a publicly announced career advancement from a killing that was from the outset planned as an operation designed to look like a natural accident? Hardly.

It is no "conspiracy therory" to observe that the Dyatlov Pass tragedy is due to human attack. Every piece of evidence, in addition to the many subsequent cover-up efforts made by the authorities, points to a well-planned, calculated murder orchestrated by the security forces.

Please have a look at the injuries and the evidence.
The following users thanked this post: Ehtnisba

January 18, 2023, 04:30:11 AM
Reply #71

Per Inge Oestmoen

KGB special forces are professionals. Among their duties is the act of eliminating people who are perceived as potential or real threats to state security. People who witness or observe something the state wants to keep secret, may become a threat to state security. More often than not, such killing are orchestrated as "suicides," "accidents," "heart attacks" or "natural deaths."
Such professionals are extremely sophisticated, well educated and thoroughly trained, and they know how to make a murder look like a natural death or an accident.
In the Dyatlov Pass case, if there had not been a sudden rise in temperature during the night of February 2, 1959, it would have been a perfect operation because the nine victims would have frozen to death after they were forced out from the tent improperly dressed.
This has nothing with money to do - it is about state security. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union could not afford to take any risks.
Thank you for understanding the situation. According to my version, there was an order to freeze the group without using firearms, as if they died through their own fault. the group was liquidated on a false denunciation that allegedly Dyatlov was going to flee abroad (this was told by the main witness of the events, Yuri Yudin) during the 21st congress of the CPSU. The denunciation was false in order to destroy the brave, athletic, free-thinking guys who posed a threat to the authorities. Money in this case also matters, because if the denunciation turned out to be true, and during the 21st congress the students tried to escape to the west - the whole world would talk about it and the career of the party leadership would be cut short, which means the head of the Sverdlovsk regional Committee Kirilenko would lose his position, good money, privileges and power! He couldn't let that happen.
Kirilenko was the head of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee in 1959. from the characteristics given to him by authoritative persons, he was a bulldozer-type man, a cad, a tyrant, a bonecracker, and so on...

That is also a possibility.

We thus have two possibilities:

- The students intended to flee abroad. I do not know what indications there are for this. I do not see this as very probable, though.

- The students entered into an area where the state performed some kind of activity or installations they wanted to hide at all cost. The students observed it, and even if they were loyal Soviet citizens some of them might later tell a spouse, friend, child or colleague what they had observed. The state could not take such a risk, and the nine had to be executed in order to prevent them from ever telling anyone what they had seen. Because an obvious killing would create political unrest and protests, it had to be done in a clever way.

To chase the nine victims out from the tent improperly dressed is a brilliant way of killing them. If the temperature had been a little lower, this would have been a perfect operation. However, the temperature was around -15C during the fateful night, and the students did not perish as soon as intended. They had to be hunted down and killed.

The following injuries is evidence that they were killed by humans.

Some people have stated that the crushed rib cages of Dubinina and Zolotaryov could not have been caused by humans. That is wrong. A trained close combat specialist can easily break the ribs of people with elbow strikes, and I have learned these strikes when I trained jiu jitsu. Also, I was told that precisely that technique is used by some police forces.

The injuries of Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle are also very illustrative. The blow to the biceps is a well known police technique often used to paralyze the arm, and it is very difficult not to see the shape of a rifle butt in the damage to his head:


To say that is the result of an "accident" is an insult to thinking people. These injuries are what professional police special forces like the KGB would create.

This was no accident.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2023, 06:02:22 AM by Per Inge Oestmoen »
The following users thanked this post: anna_pycckux

January 18, 2023, 05:17:05 AM
Reply #72


This was no accident.
О да... Это не случайность, что Вы обрели Аннушку Русских.
Oh yes... It's not an accident that you found Annushka Russkikh.
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...
The following users thanked this post: Larisa

January 18, 2023, 08:55:04 AM
Reply #73


was told that precisely that technique is used by some police forces. 
To say that is the result of an "accident" is an insult to thinking people. These injuries are what professional police special forces like the KGB would create. This was no accident.
I agree with you completely! But there are some details:
1. Dyatlov's group did not go out naked and barefoot. According to my version, they were asked to leave the tent by deception (for example, to help a wounded hunter). In such cases, there is always deception. The guys came out dressed and shod, most likely not all of them came out, but for example, four. Going down the slope to the fire, they fell into a trap. They were forced to undress. But the guys fought back, and then they began to kill them, and then undress them.
2. I also assume that there were dogs with the liquidators, one or more, so that the guys could not escape.
3. Those who remained in the tent were waiting for the return of their comrades, but not waiting - they went in search of them warmly dressed, but also fell into a trap. They climbed the cedar to escape from the attack of dogs. Many guys have obvious bites and traces of dog jaws on their hands and faces, especially Krivonishchenko, Zina and Igor had lacerations on their hands. In the postmortem photos, Igor and Zina have identical traces of dog jaws on their faces.. See the photo.

January 18, 2023, 09:03:05 AM
Reply #74




January 18, 2023, 09:10:38 AM
Reply #75




January 19, 2023, 03:11:54 AM
Reply #76


Еще про вероятные укусы собак, которые били с ликвидаторами:
1. одинаковые следы собачьих челюстей на лицах Зины и Игоря.


January 19, 2023, 03:10:45 AM
Reply #77


Georgy Krivonishchenko is missing the tip of his nose. The forensic medical expert writes about this in the case file (indicated in the screenshot)


January 19, 2023, 03:18:12 AM
Reply #78


Еще про вероятные укусы собак, которые били с ликвидаторами:
1. одинаковые следы собачьих челюстей на лицах Зины и Игоря.

Was it a Chihuahua?

Military or police dogs are trained to go for the thigh or arm. There are no reports of teeth punctures by the searchers or autopsy. If there was then they could have blamed wolf's and it would be end of the story.

I would also suspect there would have been defense wounds or much more damage to the face by a guard dog.

It's just an out of focus picture. 

January 19, 2023, 03:50:25 AM
Reply #79


Military or police dogs are trained to go for the thigh or arm. There are no reports of teeth punctures by the searchers or autopsy. If there was then they could have blamed wolf's and it would be end of the story.
I would also suspect there would have been defense wounds or much more damage to the face by a guard dog. It's just an out of focus picture.
I think dogs bite people lying down for their faces. Although there are also wounds on the hands of woodpeckers with peeling of the epidermis, with bites and claw marks. The photo shows Thibault's hand.


January 19, 2023, 03:52:01 AM
Reply #80


Еще про вероятные укусы собак, которые били с ликвидаторами:
1. одинаковые следы собачьих челюстей на лицах Зины и Игоря.

Out of interest anna_pycckux, where is the first picture here from. I haven't seen that on this site although it looks cropped. Do you have the original?

January 19, 2023, 03:56:27 AM
Reply #81


I don't have any secret sources of photos of my own. I take all photos from open access.

January 19, 2023, 04:27:08 AM
Reply #82


I don't have any secret sources of photos of my own. I take all photos from open access.

No problem but where did you get the photo. Is it Zina ? Where was it sourced ? It's a photo that is missing from this resource and would be good to have. More might be missing...

January 19, 2023, 05:03:33 AM
Reply #83


Yes, this is Zina's photo.
There are many photos in the Dyatlov Group Memory Fund that are not presented to the public or are presented in such a way as, for example, this photo. But apparently there is a preserved original version in the fund, which was shown in the TV program. People managed to take pictures from the screen. Now researcher Max Yuryev is researching this photo and has already concluded that it may be Georgy Krivonishchenko in the first hours of the murder. This is the version.


January 19, 2023, 08:19:07 AM
Reply #84


No problem but where did you get the photo. Is it Zina ? Where was it sourced ? It's a photo that is missing from this resource and would be good to have. More might be missing...
Отзеркалено и обрезано
Mirrored and cropped
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 19, 2023, 08:48:26 AM
Reply #85


No problem but where did you get the photo. Is it Zina ? Where was it sourced ? It's a photo that is missing from this resource and would be good to have. More might be missing...
Отзеркалено и обрезано
Mirrored and cropped

Thank you. I've never really looked at them.

January 19, 2023, 03:11:25 PM
Reply #86


The student search engine Sharavin and Slobtsov first discovered the tent on February 26 and to look into it, they cut the ramp with an ice pick. From myself, I can assume that they received such a task from the leadership in order to hide the traces of dilapidation and raggedness of the tent. UPI sent the woodpeckers on a hike with a torn and dilapidated tent

Wow!  anna_pycckux, for once, I actually agree with one of your posts!

Ух ты!  anna_pycckux, в кои-то веки я действительно согласна с одним из ваших постов!

the group was liquidated on a false denunciation that allegedly Dyatlov was going to flee abroad (this was told by the main witness of the events, Yuri Yudin) during the 21st congress of the CPSU. The denunciation was false in order to destroy the brave, athletic, free-thinking guys who posed a threat to the authorities.
In what way would the 9 Dyatlov hikers pose a threat to the authorities?  There is no evidence that they had political ambitions.

Каким образом 9 туристов Дятлова представляли бы угрозу для властей?  Нет никаких доказательств того, что у них были политические амбиции.

2. I also assume that there were dogs with the liquidators, one or more, so that the guys could not escape.
3. Those who remained in the tent were waiting for the return of their comrades, but not waiting - they went in search of them warmly dressed, but also fell into a trap. They climbed the cedar to escape from the attack of dogs. Many guys have obvious bites and traces of dog jaws on their hands and faces, especially Krivonishchenko, Zina and Igor had lacerations on their hands. In the postmortem photos, Igor and Zina have identical traces of dog jaws on their faces.. See the photo.
Dogs?  I don't think so.  First of all, you are zooming in way too far on grainy, 1950s-era photographs to be able to describe, with certainty, what is visible; you are also looking not at the original photographic prints, but a digitized image of those prints.  The image is in JPEG format, which is a "lossy" compressed-image format, and JPEG compression is known to introduce visual artifacts.

Second of all, animals do not bother to obliterate their footprints in snow, and dogs leave footprints that are fairly deep and visible (especially compared to those of, say, a wolverine).  The searchers did not find any traces animal activity around the Dyatlovites' apparent last campsite.  Besides, as Ziljoe pointed out, if there were dog tracks around there, the authorities could have attributed them to wolves, and blamed the wolves as a contributing factor in the Dyatlov Pass Incident.

Собаки?  Я так не думаю.  Прежде всего, вы слишком сильно увеличиваете масштаб на зернистых фотографиях 1950-х годов, чтобы иметь возможность с уверенностью описать то, что видно; вы также смотрите не на оригинальные фотографические отпечатки, а на оцифрованное изображение этих отпечатков.  Изображение находится в формате JPEG, который является форматом сжатого изображения с потерями, а сжатие JPEG, как известно, приводит к появлению визуальных артефактов.

Во-вторых, животные не утруждают себя тем, чтобы стереть свои следы на снегу, а собаки оставляют довольно глубокие и заметные следы (особенно по сравнению, скажем, с следами росомахи).  Поисковики не обнаружили никаких следов активности животных вокруг предполагаемого последнего места стоянки дятловцев.  Кроме того, как отметил Зилджо, если бы там были собачьи следы, власти могли бы приписать их волкам и обвинить волков как фактор, способствующий инциденту на перевале Дятлова.
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January 19, 2023, 03:56:43 PM
Reply #87


the group was liquidated on a false denunciation that allegedly Dyatlov was going to flee abroad (this was told by the main witness of the events, Yuri Yudin) during the 21st congress of the CPSU. The denunciation was false in order to destroy the brave, athletic, free-thinking guys who posed a threat to the authorities.
In what way would the 9 Dyatlov hikers pose a threat to the authorities?  There is no evidence that they had political ambitions.

Каким образом 9 туристов Дятлова представляли бы угрозу для властей?  Нет никаких доказательств того, что у них были политические амбиции.

2. I also assume that there were dogs with the liquidators, one or more, so that the guys could not escape.
3. Those who remained in the tent were waiting for the return of their comrades, but not waiting - they went in search of them warmly dressed, but also fell into a trap. They climbed the cedar to escape from the attack of dogs. Many guys have obvious bites and traces of dog jaws on their hands and faces, especially Krivonishchenko, Zina and Igor had lacerations on their hands. In the postmortem photos, Igor and Zina have identical traces of dog jaws on their faces.. See the photo.
Dogs?  I don't think so.  First of all, you are zooming in way too far on grainy, 1950s-era photographs to be able to describe, with certainty, what is visible; you are also looking not at the original photographic prints, but a digitized image of those prints.  The image is in JPEG format, which is a "lossy" compressed-image format, and JPEG compression is known to introduce visual artifacts.

Second of all, animals do not bother to obliterate their footprints in snow, and dogs leave footprints that are fairly deep and visible (especially compared to those of, say, a wolverine).  The searchers did not find any traces animal activity around the Dyatlovites' apparent last campsite.  Besides, as Ziljoe pointed out, if there were dog tracks around there, the authorities could have attributed them to wolves, and blamed the wolves as a contributing factor in the Dyatlov Pass Incident.
Собаки?  Я так не думаю.  Прежде всего, вы слишком сильно увеличиваете масштаб на зернистых фотографиях 1950-х годов, чтобы иметь возможность с уверенностью описать то, что видно; вы также смотрите не на оригинальные фотографические отпечатки, а на оцифрованное изображение этих отпечатков.  Изображение находится в формате JPEG, который является форматом сжатого изображения с потерями, а сжатие JPEG, как известно, приводит к появлению визуальных артефактов.
Во-вторых, животные не утруждают себя тем, чтобы стереть свои следы на снегу, а собаки оставляют довольно глубокие и заметные следы (особенно по сравнению, скажем, с следами росомахи).  Поисковики не обнаружили никаких следов активности животных вокруг предполагаемого последнего места стоянки дятловцев.  Кроме того, как отметил Зилджо, если бы там были собачьи следы, власти могли бы приписать их волкам и обвинить волков как фактор, способствующий инциденту на перевале Дятлова.
RMK, I answer:
1. How would 9 Dyatlov tourists pose a threat to the authorities? You should carefully study my 3 very first posts in the topic. It tells in detail how brave, strong-willed, free-thinking guys, patriots of their homeland, posed a danger to the authorities. At that time, the UPI had an oppressive situation of surveillance and denunciation. At the end of 1956, a decree "On the fight against anti-Soviets" came from Moscow, special attention was paid to students. There is an archive document.
2. Denunciations were written against Dyatlov's friends (Dubinina, Kolevatov, Kolmogorova) that they were spies and wanted to escape abroad - according to Yuri Yudin, the main witness of the events. he confirmed his words repeatedly.
3. In my opinion, there is a place to be revenge or envy. Revenge of the KGB for refusing to enlist as informers. Envy - from those persons, students who dreamed of staying at the UPI at the department, but instead of them the talented Dyatlov was left at the department. These envious people could compose false denunciations about the woodpeckers, and according to such denunciations, the group came under execution as traitors to the motherland. According to my version, on the eve of the CPSU congress, the group went on a hike and was liquidated by order under the guise of freezing from bad weather. I have a book written, it has more than 300 pages and a lot of evidence, if not direct, then indirect. I consider my version to be the most truthful of all versions.
4. About dogs. The liquidators must have dogs, so that the group could not escape. The wounds in the photo are quite eloquent, and in addition to the photo, there is a description of the medical examiner, who describes open lacerations on the hands and faces, skin damage, but does not name the cause of these wounds.
Thank you for the interesting questions.

January 19, 2023, 04:21:12 PM
Reply #88


RMK, I answer:
1. How would 9 Dyatlov tourists pose a threat to the authorities? You should carefully study my 3 very first posts in the topic. It tells in detail how brave, strong-willed, free-thinking guys, patriots of their homeland, posed a danger to the authorities. At that time, the UPI had an oppressive situation of surveillance and denunciation. At the end of 1956, a decree "On the fight against anti-Soviets" came from Moscow, special attention was paid to students. There is an archive document.
2. Denunciations were written against Dyatlov's friends (Dubinina, Kolevatov, Kolmogorova) that they were spies and wanted to escape abroad - according to Yuri Yudin, the main witness of the events. he confirmed his words repeatedly.
3. In my opinion, there is a place to be revenge or envy. Revenge of the KGB for refusing to enlist as informers. Envy - from those persons, students who dreamed of staying at the UPI at the department, but instead of them the talented Dyatlov was left at the department. These envious people could compose false denunciations about the woodpeckers, and according to such denunciations, the group came under execution as traitors to the motherland. According to my version, on the eve of the CPSU congress, the group went on a hike and was liquidated by order under the guise of freezing from bad weather. I have a book written, it has more than 300 pages and a lot of evidence, if not direct, then indirect. I consider my version to be the most truthful of all versions.
4. About dogs. The liquidators must have dogs, so that the group could not escape. The wounds in the photo are quite eloquent, and in addition to the photo, there is a description of the medical examiner, who describes open lacerations on the hands and faces, skin damage, but does not name the cause of these wounds.
Thank you for the interesting questions.
Thank you for your respectful reply.  I will respond at some later time.  I must admit, I am more interested in your posts when they do not overuse "ALL CAPITALS" and boldface.

Спасибо вам за ваш уважительный ответ. Я отвечу как-нибудь позже. Должен признаться, меня больше интересуют ваши посты, когда они не злоупотребляют "ВСЕМИ ЗАГЛАВНЫМИ буквами" и жирным шрифтом .
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January 19, 2023, 05:41:55 PM
Reply #89


Анна, понять одного не могу?! Ну... доказали вы себе что то.. зачем на англоязычный форум всякую хрень выносить?
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