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Author Topic: Astrological review  (Read 8724 times)

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February 27, 2019, 04:12:46 AM
Read 8724 times



I make a new topic for people who are open to astrological point of view.

I put here my comment on Sidi report from the section Lightning strike / Ball lightning, topic: COSMOS REFLECTS MOMENT (The ball-lightning theory slightly differently).

This report is just my personal view and since this site is open to any opinion, I can afford some insight.
Thank Sidi for bringing a very interesting idea   wink1, to look at event by using the horoscope. I have been interested in astrology for many years, although only amateurish, so I would like to respond.
In particular, it is difficult to do a horoscope with houses. We do not know when the event sequence started and when individual sub-events occurred. it is assumed that at about 5.00 pm (1.2.) they had dinner, but it is not even certain. The initial event may happen from 5:00 pm to 12:00 pm or the next morning, we do not know anything. We do not know when the last member died of, or when the event occurred in the ravine ... Therefore, it is not possible to determine the ascendant.
Ascendant in time between 6.00pm (1.2am) - 6.00am. (2.2) was in the range of 0 Virgo - 19 Saggitarius. The position of planets in houses is therefore unidentifiable. Perhaps it could be clarified by some rectification, but it is complicated and it would take a lot of time and I am unable to do it.
Therefore, I will only respond to the position of planets in signs and their aspects.
(Evening 01- Morning 02.02.59, Latitude: 61° 45' 10.19" N, Longitude: 59° 27' 27.59" E, UTC+4).

What I see as very problematic is
Mars in Taurus opposed to Moon-Jupiter in Scorpio
Moon in Scorpio
Venus opposed to Pluto

Mars in Taurus is a rather impractical placement; there is conflict between the need to act and acting itself. Mars is known to have very dynamic attributes, while Taurus is known as the sign that does not rush. And also whole group can be obsessive about their belongings, and even tensions can arise in their life considering what they own. To start a new start is difficult for them or adapt to something, there is problem with inflexibility and stubbornness.   If Mars in Taurus is hardly aspected (opposed to Moon-Jupiter) the group may experience war-like situations, rivalty, too much turmoil and even defeats. Moon is connected to emotional status and Jupiter brings luckiness. If Moon-Jupiter was not badly aspected by some planet, it brings them success.
From the horoscope it is clear that group will manage the sudden situation only when they had time to fully assess a situation (at this time when it occurred).
From this, for me, the conclusion is that the group did not manage the sudden and unusual situation at this day. If it happened later on other days, when the Moon was already in another sign (not badly aspected with Mars in Taurus), they would react otherwise. Unfortunately, it happened at the most inconvenient time. Something strange and unknown occurred at the tent and they reacted not properly. Probably they had been already tired of a strenuous walk in the bad weather when they only managed to get a short distance that day. They did not even have the strength to prepare the stove, despite having a piece of wood in the tent (or strong wind prevented them from doing so).

Another point is that Moon in Scorpio is highly emotional. Thus I expect panic and highly emotional reaction of the group on the event. There can be an unconscious need to test their own strength and stir up emotional excitement, self-awareness and acceptance was very important for them. Lunar Scorpios want all or nothing.

Venus opposed Pluto
There could be experience overwhelming feelings of jealousy or possessiveness and power struggle and manipulation. Someone may feel extremely suspicious, jealous, possessive or threatened.   They may be violent, have criminal tendencies or be addicted to hard drugs. It is also possible that your increased powers of attraction may go to your head. 

Now let's look at the whole event from the point of view of karma. North Node in Libra indicates that this lifetime is a partnership lifetime for them (it would also confirm that they have been doing a lot of tours in recent years). Their greatest potential will be realized through being the best companion they can be. South Node is that it is the result of our actions from our past life, karmic debt that we have amassed prior to this lifetime. They are coming from a past life where it was all about them as individual, they probably constantly put themselves first (South Node in selfish Aries). In past life, they were too headstrong and foolish to listen, which eventually led to their downfall. These issues were never resolved in their last life. In this lifetime they must to turn toward the path of wanting to work together as a group and probably this tragic event was a karma test of their selflessness and solidarity. And I think they did it very well. Together they went out of the tent to the forest despite their fear and distress, trying to help each other, taking care of the injured in the ravine, holding together. In this I disagree with Sidi, such tragic events always happen with a clear intention and are predetermined / planned as life exams and there was no way to escape it. Some souls decide to live just a short while in order to accomplish a task and to go to other tasks in next life. It's a little complicated to explain to people who do not believe in reincarnation and karma, but for those who believe it's understandable.
Of course, individual karma of each member of Dyatlov group, their Nodes in signs and homes is also important. And it would be interesting to make the synastry of a individual natal horoscope to composite (whole group). I'm not a professional astrologer and I do not know how to make a composite for the whole group together, it's usually done just for a couple.

When I look at how the ascendants changed between 5:00 pm and 7:00 am, I notice time 4:00 am. (2.2). Here Jupiter-Moon creates exact conjunction with ascendant a exact opposition to Mars and Saturn in on 2nd cup of the house (problematic communication).  Another interesting time is 7.00 a.m. when Saturn (lord of Karma) is directly on Ascendent and Mars in Taurus on MC (home, emotional security), North Node in 8th house (strong karma situation). But without really knowing the times of individual events, it's just a speculation / hint.

The whole horoscope is only about the event. It is not the horoscope of the whole group as it was normally behaving while they were together. This horoscope shows the group only in terms of their response at the time this concrete event occurred.
If we wanted to characterize the whole group as a separate living unit, how they behave, their reputation, we would have to do another type of horoscope, something like a composite horoscope that can be done for a couple.

One more note: nothing in the horoscope suggests that Dyatlovs would be the victim of a violent act (an animal or a human being), there would have to be other aspects that would point to violence (eg Mars-Pluto negative aspect).

It would be great if Sidi make a more profound contribution, I see she is a very professional, I do not even know how to deal with small planets (Juno, Vesta, etc.) and certainly has more to say.

I want to ask everyone to respond to my post only if they are open to the idea that astrology works. I do not impose my opinion to anyone. I would like to ask to respond only those who are interested in this topic and no one reacted to me or Sidi mockingly and ironically. Thank you  wink1
« Last Edit: March 01, 2019, 05:29:24 AM by Monika »

February 27, 2019, 04:17:53 AM
Reply #1



I make a new topic for people who are open to astrological point of view.

I put here my comment on Sidi report from the section Lightning strike / Ball lightning, topic: COSMOS REFLECTS MOMENT (The ball-lightning theory slightly differently).

This report is just my personal view and since this site is open to any opinion, I can afford some insight.
Thank Sidi for bringing a very interesting idea   wink1, to look at event by using the horoscope. I have been interested in astrology for many years, although only amateurish, so I would like to respond.
In particular, it is difficult to do a horoscope with houses. We do not know when the event sequence started and when individual sub-events occurred. it is assumed that at about 5.00 pm (1.2.) they had dinner, but it is not even certain. The initial event may happen from 5:00 pm to 12:00 pm or the next morning, we do not know anything. We do not know when the last member died of, or when the event occurred in the ravine ... Therefore, it is not possible to determine the ascendant.
Ascendant in time between 6.00pm (1.2am) - 6.00am. (2.2) was in the range of 0 Virgo - 19 Saggitarius. The position of planets in houses is therefore unidentifiable. Perhaps it could be clarified by some rectification, but it is complicated and it would take a lot of time and I am unable to do it.
Therefore, I will only respond to the position of planets in signs and their aspects.
(Evening 01- Morning 02.02.59, Latitude: 61° 45' 10.19" N, Longitude: 59° 27' 27.59" E, UTC+4).

What I see as very problematic is
Mars in Taurus opposed to Moon-Jupiter in Scorpio
Moon in Scorpio
Venus opposed to Uranus

Mars in Taurus is a rather impractical placement; there is conflict between the need to act and acting itself. Mars is known to have very dynamic attributes, while Taurus is known as the sign that does not rush. And also whole group can be obsessive about their belongings, and even tensions can arise in their life considering what they own. To start a new start is difficult for them or adapt to something, there is problem with inflexibility and stubbornness.   If Mars in Taurus is hardly aspected (opposed to Moon-Jupiter) the group may experience war-like situations, rivalty, too much turmoil and even defeats. Moon is connected to emotional status and Jupiter brings luckiness. If Moon-Jupiter was not badly aspected by some planet, it brings them success.
From the horoscope it is clear that group will manage the sudden situation only when they had time to fully assess a situation (at this time when it occurred).
From this, for me, the conclusion is that the group did not manage the sudden and unusual situation at this day. If it happened later on other days, when the Moon was already in another sign (not badly aspected with Mars in Taurus), they would react otherwise. Unfortunately, it happened at the most inconvenient time. Something strange and unknown occurred at the tent and they reacted not properly. Probably they had been already tired of a strenuous walk in the bad weather when they only managed to get a short distance that day. They did not even have the strength to prepare the stove, despite having a piece of wood in the tent (or strong wind prevented them from doing so).

Another point is that Moon in Scorpio is highly emotional. Thus I expect panic and highly emotional reaction of the group on the event. There can be an unconscious need to test their own strength and stir up emotional excitement, self-awareness and acceptance was very important for them. Lunar Scorpios want all or nothing.

Venus opposed to Uranus
Venus in Pisces is in a good placement. I expect there were a lot of affection, sympathy, love to each other within group at the time when the event occurred and they feel they have a very amazing relationship. It is very feminist aspect and connected with weak Mars in Taurus it is not a good for resolute and vigorous response to a sudden event. I have no doubt that the group was very compassionate and cared for each other after leaving the tent. It must have been terrible for them when their friends gradually died in front of their eyes. But Venus was opposed to Uranus! When Venus is awakened by difficult aspects, Pisces Venus may develop problematic emotional behaviours. Pessimism, depression and self-destruction can be some of the dark sides of this placement. During Venus opposed Uranus, an unexpected event may cause a lot of upset tension. Another explanation could be that Venus opposed Uranus can creates create problems with commitment, short-time rebellious, unconventional attitudes appear. We do not know exactly what was happening later when members of group started to die. It is possible that later the group split into two parts, each of them having a different intention. One group went to the tent for their clothes and the other decided to build the den for themselves.

Now let's look at the whole event from the point of view of karma. North Node in Libra indicates that this lifetime is a partnership lifetime for them (it would also confirm that they have been doing a lot of tours in recent years). Their greatest potential will be realized through being the best companion they can be. South Node is that it is the result of our actions from our past life, karmic debt that we have amassed prior to this lifetime. They are coming from a past life where it was all about them as individual, they probably constantly put themselves first (South Node in selfish Aries). In past life, they were too headstrong and foolish to listen, which eventually led to their downfall. These issues were never resolved in their last life. In this lifetime they must to turn toward the path of wanting to work together as a group and probably this tragic event was a karma test of their selflessness and solidarity. And I think they did it very well. Together they went out of the tent to the forest despite their fear and distress, trying to help each other, taking care of the injured in the ravine, holding together. In this I disagree with Sidi, such tragic events always happen with a clear intention and are predetermined / planned as life exams and there was no way to escape it. Some souls decide to live just a short while in order to accomplish a task and to go to other tasks in next life. It's a little complicated to explain to people who do not believe in reincarnation and karma, but for those who believe it's understandable.
Of course, individual karma of each member of Dyatlov group, their Nodes in signs and homes is also important. And it would be interesting to make the synastry of a individual natal horoscope to composite (whole group). I'm not a professional astrologer and I do not know how to make a composite for the whole group together, it's usually done just for a couple.

When I look at how the ascendants changed between 5:00 pm and 7:00 am, I notice time 4:00 am. (2.2). Here Jupiter-Moon creates exact conjunction with ascendant a exact opposition to Mars and Saturn in on 2nd cup of the house (problematic communication).  Another interesting time is 7.00 a.m. when Saturn (lord of Karma) is directly on Ascendent and Mars in Taurus on MC (home, emotional security), North Node in 8th house (strong karma situation). But without really knowing the times of individual events, it's just a speculation / hint.

The whole horoscope is only about the event. It is not the horoscope of the whole group as it was normally behaving while they were together. This horoscope shows the group only in terms of their response at the time this concrete event occurred.
If we wanted to characterize the whole group as a separate living unit, how they behave, their reputation, we would have to do another type of horoscope, something like a composite horoscope that can be done for a couple.

One more note: nothing in the horoscope suggests that Dyatlovs would be the victim of a violent act (an animal or a human being), there would have to be other aspects that would point to violence (Mars-Pluto negative aspect).

It would be great if Sidi make a more profound contribution, I see she is a very professional, I do not even know how to deal with small planets (Juno, Vesta, etc.) and certainly has more to say.

I want to ask everyone to respond to my post only if they are open to the idea that astrology works. I do not impose my opinion to anyone. I would like to ask to respond only those who are interested in this topic and no one reacted to me or Sidi mockingly and ironically. Thank you  wink1

February 28, 2019, 02:02:43 AM
Reply #2

Sidi Monzil

Welcome again not because of astrology, but because of your attitude.
All we would like the same: to clear the tragedy.
And we try the impossible.
I agree with you in everything.  We say the same even if you write there is something you disagree with me.  We just say it differently. You'll see!
Now I posted the next part of my thoughts but it is not the end. I'm trying to split the story into more short parts to be easier understand.
Here and now I don't want to prove the truth of astrology.
I would like justice with the help of it and some good men.

March 09, 2019, 04:27:54 AM
Reply #3

Sidi Monzil

I finished publishing my theory. I hope you will read it!
I tried to set up an astrological model that is not uncommon and not easy. I did not look at the event statically but in the process.
But more eyes see more! Let’s move on in small steps!