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Author Topic: Whose body is this?  (Read 26640 times)

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March 23, 2019, 12:22:03 PM
Reply #30



What are your theory's on the new body being publicized to the Dyatlov Group Foundation given by relatives of Ivanov?

- Could this picture belong to another case investigated by Ivanov? What other cases did Ivanov have during 1958 - 1959 that could be related to a dead person being found in snow environment?

- Speculation being made that it is actually the body of Aleksander Kolevatov? If this is the case then this will mean that the body was not firstly discovered alongisde Zolotaryov, but perhaps with the first discovery in February. This will also mean that the body allegedly did not undergo the decomposition under thawing spring but instead the strange injuries e.g. missing eye? happened before the discovery of Rav. 4 in May. What similiarties do you see with the body (2019) and that of Aleksander Kolevatov?

you can see my photos comparison here in this thread above your post and see for yourself what do you think of the similarities with Kolevatov - In my opinion the probality is high. And I am thinking exactly the same,,, injuries are not decomposition, but were like this in February . That's why the ravine 4 were hidden in the ravine .

And if this new body can be linked with Aleksander Kolevatov with convincingly evidence, then don't you think this will be one of the largest findings so far? I mean that would scream gov. cover up all over the place.

March 23, 2019, 05:30:21 PM
Reply #31


I agree with User45 that the publication of the photo of the unknown body could lead to a re-interpretation of the tragedy.

At first I thought the body couldn't be Alexander K's, but in part that's because I mistook the black body bag for his clothes. I think the striped shirt he's wearing in the frozen photo looks lighter just because of the snow crusted on it. The comparison photos people have posted have been really useful.

So here are what I think the repercussions of the new photo are, if it is indeed of Sasha K. I had always suspected the bodies in the creek had been laid there by the killers while the hikers were dead or dying. It's an old criminal trick to put bodies in water, especially flowing water, to disguise identities and to obscure clues--the Mafia, some gangs, and some serial killers of the "organized" modus operandi to it. (I'm a professor at a college of criminal justice, and although I'm not in law enforcement, I consult with with my colleagues). But you know who else does it? Police, the military, and intelligence--in short, people who work around criminals.

 If Alexander K appears in the photo, it suggests that he was found in February and that the "II" in the case files wasn't an error. The authorities found them, with disfigured faces and eyes and tongue gouged out, and were told to cover up these injuries. They laid them in the stream bed, and when the stream started flowing more heavily, Alex K's arms shifted slightly. (I also think Semyon's camera was wrapped around his wrist, and that those covering up the scene might not have found it when they moved him since it was hanging inside his cuff). The pose he is in here suggests his wrists may have been bound. The others may have been dead in the snow den--it looks like a standard WWII-era snow shelter of the kind that was still taught in survival classes when I was a kid--or elsewhere.

Can anyone with a better visual sense match the background in the new photo with settings in the other shots? It resembles the area around the cedar to me, but snow and evergreen branches all start to look the same. And the question, of course, is who or what defaces people, gouging out their eyes and removing a tongue. The KGB or the military wouldn't knowingly and ritualistically disfigure the flower of Communist youth, with their technical knowledge and service to the state, so I think we would have to look elsewhere.

March 23, 2019, 07:16:16 PM
Reply #32


"Zolotaryov said to his students in Lermonotovo that he is going on a trek in Northern Urals after which all the world will hear about him."
Because he would have photographed the lights?
They planned to camp up there from the outset.

Likely because he will be level 3 certified which will open the door for him career wise. 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

March 23, 2019, 07:36:00 PM
Reply #33


I don't see any connection of the 'new' body to the DP group.   This is obviously a victim in another case Ivanov had.

Ivanov made mistakes

I have been saying he was incompetent for years.   
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

March 24, 2019, 05:35:48 AM
Reply #34


I don't see any connection of the 'new' body to the DP group.   This is obviously a victim in another case Ivanov had.

Ivanov made mistakes

I have been saying he was incompetent for years.


But what other cases could possibly linked with this picture where a decaying corpse is found in a snow environment? Looking at the depth of snow I would say this was somewhere during December - late February. Do we possibly have any information about Ivanov's case files during the period of 1958 - 1960? This would contibure a lot.

Thanks for answering!

March 24, 2019, 06:08:47 AM
Reply #35


Heck, it could have been from a case years after.....  Most of Russia is a frozen tundra most of the year..
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

March 24, 2019, 06:26:53 AM
Reply #36


Though, I would also like to counterfeit on the possibility of this being Aleksander Kolevatov.

- The hands are bent and with tight fists. How uncommon is this for people that have spent their last seconds of their lifes in a sub zero environment, stiffness, rigor mortis? This could be anyone that died in a snow environment and showing relatable anotomy of one dying in these conditions.

- Mouth open = last breath how uncommon is this after death?

- How unusual is it that both have belts?

- Missing eyes, so are we sure to tell that the blurred picture is a skull with a missing eye?

- Missing tip of the nose, debatable, I personally can't convincingly see it.

- Curly hair, did Aleksander Kolevatov have curly hair post mortem?

Please correct me if I am wrong on some points.

But then again, if we can know if this picture is not related to any other criminal cases Ivanov was investigating then yes, there is a high possibility of this being from the DP group. I mean, the environment looks astonishing the same.


March 24, 2019, 06:28:09 AM
Reply #37


Heck, it could have been from a case years after.....  Most of Russia is a frozen tundra most of the year..

That is true and I absolutely agree with this. But still if we can somehow get all the criminal cases Ivanov was investigating then we can also rule the possibility out.

Maybe I am asking something totally impossible? I am not sure if this information can even be shared to 3rd party?

March 24, 2019, 06:33:35 AM
Reply #38


The 'environment' looks the same?    All I see is a grainy black/white photo of a body laying on......  snow. 

If a body laying in snow can be attributed to the DP case on that basis alone......   oh boy.  nose1
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

March 24, 2019, 06:45:11 AM
Reply #39


The 'environment' looks the same?    All I see is a grainy black/white photo of a body laying on......  snow. 

If a body laying in snow can be attributed to the DP case on that basis alone......   oh boy.  nose1

With this I mean that it looks to be somewhere where vegetation is possible as you can see the bushes? sticking out of the snow. And the depth of the snow looks to be around December - February. Of course this is not convincingly clues or evidence.

You are right it is not 'astonishing' the same. And I realise that in Russia there is a lot of tundra and snowfall so it is very possible that this is not Aleksander Kolevatov.

March 24, 2019, 07:11:29 AM
Reply #40


Could be in someones backyard for all we know.   Literally everyone I know wears a belt, and why the white pants?
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

March 24, 2019, 09:19:17 AM
Reply #41


Doesn't look as a backyard. And mouth is not just open, it is skull bone, cheeks missing. See how deep is the opening almost to the ears. Chin is also bone like. As an artist I have studied anatomy and have seen a lot of skulls. Can recognise a skull from only a silhouette. And believe this head is either or anorexic / dying of malnutrition person or decomposed almost to skull. But we can rule out malnutrition cause body looks well fit. No matter if this is Kolevatov or not  , this body has the strange combination of decomposed /dried/damaged head and intact full looking body. If it is from another case ,this could mean that there were more such occasions and ravine 4 are not an isolated case.
From Teddy's post about other cases of Ivanov she wrote about case of murdered man and woman both in the city and both solved. This body is not of a woman, nor of a murdered man in city...
Homo homini lupus est!

March 24, 2019, 09:53:19 AM
Reply #42


Heck, this could have been from a different investigators case and Ivanov was simply interested or trying to assist in said case.

There are 400+ possibilities
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

March 24, 2019, 02:08:03 PM
Reply #43


Heck, this could have been from a different investigators case and Ivanov was simply interested or trying to assist in said case.

There are 400+ possibilities

Agreed. This is a photo that has just been published sixty years after the incident. There's nothing even resembling the chain of evidence, it could be literally anything, from anywhere. Just like there's a lot of wrong info about the incident online in writing, we shouldn't trust an old photo just because it turned up. Even if we accept that it was in Ivanov's possession (and we haven't even got proof of that), it could be anything...

March 24, 2019, 07:09:08 PM
Reply #44


Well, we can presume it's not one of Ivanov's other cases from 1959 for reasons already mentioned. As for its being from an unrelated case, I'm not so sure. First of all, it's from someone from the same demographic as the Dyatlov group: young, physically fit European male not properly dressed for the elements and wearing some of the same under-clothing the others wore: what's described in the coroner's report as a "cowboy shirt." It's also someone who looks to have frozen to death but isn't in the usual position of those who die of hypothermia, the fetal position. Instead the person looks like his hands have been bound and perhaps his feet. Then it is someone whose upper face has been carved out around the sockets, his nose removed, and the jaw broken while the body remains intact.

I'm from a part of the world that has a similar climate to the Urals. Number of people who die like this during the winter every year: 0. This past year, because of the polar vortex, there was one young man who got locked out of his apartment and wasn't properly dressed, just like this unknown person. But he was found in a fetal position. We DO see young men who are drunk, leave a bar, go down to the water to urinate, and then fall in and freeze. I doubt people in Russia went around like they were dressed for Miami in the winter.

That being said, I agree we need a pathologist to weigh in on the usual postions of those who freeze to death. And the issue that continues to trouble me about identifying this body as Alex Z's is that he is wearing a coat in the ravine (it's the one that had radioactivity on it). I am pretty sure that is just a Country and Western shirt in the photo even though it appears lighter because of the snow. I can't see the collar and opening of a coat here. Can anyone else see a second garment? And it is pretty difficult to re-dress a corpse. Plus it begs the question of why someone would do that.

March 26, 2019, 10:38:34 PM
Reply #45


We have  to push PO to check all the Ivanov's cases at all, looking for similar.

March 27, 2019, 05:43:23 AM
Reply #46


Well, we can presume it's not one of Ivanov's other cases from 1959 for reasons already mentioned. As for its being from an unrelated case, I'm not so sure. First of all, it's from someone from the same demographic as the Dyatlov group: young, physically fit European male not properly dressed for the elements and wearing some of the same under-clothing the others wore: what's described in the coroner's report as a "cowboy shirt." It's also someone who looks to have frozen to death but isn't in the usual position of those who die of hypothermia, the fetal position. Instead the person looks like his hands have been bound and perhaps his feet. Then it is someone whose upper face has been carved out around the sockets, his nose removed, and the jaw broken while the body remains intact.

I'm from a part of the world that has a similar climate to the Urals. Number of people who die like this during the winter every year: 0. This past year, because of the polar vortex, there was one young man who got locked out of his apartment and wasn't properly dressed, just like this unknown person. But he was found in a fetal position. We DO see young men who are drunk, leave a bar, go down to the water to urinate, and then fall in and freeze. I doubt people in Russia went around like they were dressed for Miami in the winter.

That being said, I agree we need a pathologist to weigh in on the usual postions of those who freeze to death. And the issue that continues to trouble me about identifying this body as Alex Z's is that he is wearing a coat in the ravine (it's the one that had radioactivity on it). I am pretty sure that is just a Country and Western shirt in the photo even though it appears lighter because of the snow. I can't see the collar and opening of a coat here. Can anyone else see a second garment? And it is pretty difficult to re-dress a corpse. Plus it begs the question of why someone would do that.

That's what I am trying to say according to plain logic. What are the odds of finding an undressed body in stretched position and no eyes in another case? Damn Russians going naked in the forest and fighting with star wars swords piercing through their eyes..   twitch7

About Kolevatov , yes he has a jacket in the ravine. That is the only detail that does not match. Unzipped jacket is easy to be put on stiff corpse as the hands are not bent so much. But again even if this is not Kolevatov ,yes, this body definetely has all the signs of being met by the same death as Dyatlov group ,which means this person has been with the group, or as I said must be common in Russia people to die in forests undressed with no eyes .... By the way Dyatlov has died in the same position like his hands and legs were tied. What do you think of murder by humans, who used acid on last 4 spilled on their faces?
Homo homini lupus est!

March 27, 2019, 07:35:40 PM
Reply #47


Yes, Russians typically know how to dress in the extreme cold. It's their thing, or at least one of them. This person, if he's not from the Dyatlov group, would likely have to be from the same incident, but I have a hard time imagining their adversaries as clean-cut student types in crisp cowboy shirts (worn by the middle classes for outdoor activities) like this guy seems to be.

You know, I hadn't ever thought about acid, having assumed the features and tongue had been cut out. But that makes a lot of sense. Acid attacks are usually about humiliating as well as killing the victim. The other possibility, of course, is when criminals use it post-mortem to obscure identity. The Romanov family, murdered in Svederlosk, had acid pored on their bodies that way. But there was no attempt to deface the other hikers, so I think we can rule out that motive. And Russia is still on a list of countries where acid attacks on faces are used against ideological opponents--like the assaults on journalists in Moscow. It's also associated with gang violence and in disputes within ethnic groups and, of course, in violence against women. I think this is a VERY compelling suggestion. I've always thought there was something ritual about the attack, especially since it occurred on a winter/spring holiday in a lot of Northern sub-cultures.

It would also explain the melting and the darkness of the features here. One of the reports (I forget which) speculates that the last four were in the stream for just two weeks and that their bodies probably migrated there as the snow melted. I personally think they were laid there soon after they were discovered, to cover up the gruesome attacks on their faces. What are the odds that their faces just HAPPENED to wind up in the course of a stream? But even if they were there the whole time, there is no way that that kind of decay could have taken place in just that span of time. I've seen a body taken out of a cold river after being underwater during the winter, and it wasn't decayed right down to the bone. Just soggy.

May I ask how you came up with the idea of acid?

March 28, 2019, 08:52:07 AM
Reply #48


I have been reshearching about body decomposition in different environments and also looking at post mortem photos ,and I may say that I can rule out natural decay. If it was natural hands and other parts would be stripped to bone too. And also look at Zolotaryav post mortem picture. I don't want to post it here it is too gruesome. There it is visible how his face tissues are almost intact and are the phase of maceration,but baaam two black holes for eyes.  I have watched stages of decay from body farms ,and no there is no such thing of differently decayed parts. Whole body decomposes in same rate. With predators it is not just eyes and not whole eyes,birds eat from eyes but don't leave such complete big wholes.
And because there is absolutely nothing that could logically explain the missing eyes and deformes heads except for aliens , I tried to think what is the thing on Earth that makes faces deformed and like being burned - it is acid. And yes, acid us a well known mean of murder,punishing the victims,easy to be taken with you, it was freely diatributed in pharmacies not long ago. So for sure in late 50s there were no restrictions on selling it, like the codein pills of Kolevatov were free to buy without prescription.
So if the ravine injuries are pre mortem and not a decay, the only thing that could make them is acid spilled on their faces. The others were beaten and died of hypothermia, but ravine 4 made a den and were well dressed. But acid can't explain their chest injuries and Nikolai's skull..... So we are back at aliens with unknown weapon 😁😁😁
Homo homini lupus est!

March 28, 2019, 09:49:26 AM
Reply #49

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I have been reshearching about body decomposition in different environments and also looking at post mortem photos ,and I may say that I can rule out natural decay. If it was natural hands and other parts would be stripped to bone too. And also look at Zolotaryav post mortem picture. I don't want to post it here it is too gruesome. There it is visible how his face tissues are almost intact and are the phase of maceration,but baaam two black holes for eyes.  I have watched stages of decay from body farms ,and no there is no such thing of differently decayed parts. Whole body decomposes in same rate. With predators it is not just eyes and not whole eyes,birds eat from eyes but don't leave such complete big wholes.
And because there is absolutely nothing that could logically explain the missing eyes and deformes heads except for aliens , I tried to think what is the thing on Earth that makes faces deformed and like being burned - it is acid. And yes, acid us a well known mean of murder,punishing the victims,easy to be taken with you, it was freely diatributed in pharmacies not long ago. So for sure in late 50s there were no restrictions on selling it, like the codein pills of Kolevatov were free to buy without prescription.
So if the ravine injuries are pre mortem and not a decay, the only thing that could make them is acid spilled on their faces. The others were beaten and died of hypothermia, but ravine 4 made a den and were well dressed. But acid can't explain their chest injuries and Nikolai's skull..... So we are back at aliens with unknown weapon 😁😁😁

Wouldn’t acid leave more widespread tissue damage around the eyes and face? Not just leave black holes but burns to surrounding tissue?

Star man

March 28, 2019, 10:22:11 AM
Reply #50


I have been reshearching about body decomposition in different environments and also looking at post mortem photos ,and I may say that I can rule out natural decay. If it was natural hands and other parts would be stripped to bone too. And also look at Zolotaryav post mortem picture. I don't want to post it here it is too gruesome. There it is visible how his face tissues are almost intact and are the phase of maceration,but baaam two black holes for eyes.  I have watched stages of decay from body farms ,and no there is no such thing of differently decayed parts. Whole body decomposes in same rate. With predators it is not just eyes and not whole eyes,birds eat from eyes but don't leave such complete big wholes.
And because there is absolutely nothing that could logically explain the missing eyes and deformes heads except for aliens , I tried to think what is the thing on Earth that makes faces deformed and like being burned - it is acid. And yes, acid us a well known mean of murder,punishing the victims,easy to be taken with you, it was freely diatributed in pharmacies not long ago. So for sure in late 50s there were no restrictions on selling it, like the codein pills of Kolevatov were free to buy without prescription.
So if the ravine injuries are pre mortem and not a decay, the only thing that could make them is acid spilled on their faces. The others were beaten and died of hypothermia, but ravine 4 made a den and were well dressed. But acid can't explain their chest injuries and Nikolai's skull..... So we are back at aliens with unknown weapon 😁😁😁

The whole idea of Alien's attacking the Dyatlov Group is as ridiculous as a 10ft hairy giant murdering 9 people. The hikers were suggested to be alive several hours after fleeing their tent.

And it is very possible that a combination of predators and live bacteria after thawing spring (thawing can accelerate the decomposition process quite significantly) could have caused the missing eyes.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2019, 10:48:49 AM by User45 »

March 28, 2019, 11:43:50 AM
Reply #51


I think she was joking about aliens--as in "we don't know how they died in the ravine, so now we are back to aliens." That part is a true mystery: I tend to think they were jumped on, but that probably would have left more exterior signs. We need a coroner or an emergency room doctor from a bad neighborhood.

As for signs of burns on the body if acid had been used, Semyon and Luda's faces and chests have been eaten away. Alex K's face is also in bad shape, and if it IS him in the mystery photo, something had denuded his features. Crows generally just peck out eyes and take out the ends of noses. It COULD be bacteria from cycles of thawing and freezing, but if the photo IS of Alexander K, that would suggest the damage to the face happened before they were placed face-down in the water. That's why that photo is so potentially telling.

March 28, 2019, 01:33:54 PM
Reply #52


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Well, we can presume it's not one of Ivanov's other cases from 1959 for reasons already mentioned. As for its being from an unrelated case, I'm not so sure. First of all, it's from someone from the same demographic as the Dyatlov group: young, physically fit European male not properly dressed for the elements and wearing some of the same under-clothing the others wore: what's described in the coroner's report as a "cowboy shirt." It's also someone who looks to have frozen to death but isn't in the usual position of those who die of hypothermia, the fetal position. Instead the person looks like his hands have been bound and perhaps his feet. Then it is someone whose upper face has been carved out around the sockets, his nose removed, and the jaw broken while the body remains intact.

I'm from a part of the world that has a similar climate to the Urals. Number of people who die like this during the winter every year: 0. This past year, because of the polar vortex, there was one young man who got locked out of his apartment and wasn't properly dressed, just like this unknown person. But he was found in a fetal position. We DO see young men who are drunk, leave a bar, go down to the water to urinate, and then fall in and freeze. I doubt people in Russia went around like they were dressed for Miami in the winter.

That being said, I agree we need a pathologist to weigh in on the usual postions of those who freeze to death. And the issue that continues to trouble me about identifying this body as Alex Z's is that he is wearing a coat in the ravine (it's the one that had radioactivity on it). I am pretty sure that is just a Country and Western shirt in the photo even though it appears lighter because of the snow. I can't see the collar and opening of a coat here. Can anyone else see a second garment? And it is pretty difficult to re-dress a corpse. Plus it begs the question of why someone would do that.

That's what I am trying to say according to plain logic. What are the odds of finding an undressed body in stretched position and no eyes in another case? Damn Russians going naked in the forest and fighting with star wars swords piercing through their eyes..   twitch7

About Kolevatov , yes he has a jacket in the ravine. That is the only detail that does not match. Unzipped jacket is easy to be put on stiff corpse as the hands are not bent so much. But again even if this is not Kolevatov ,yes, this body definetely has all the signs of being met by the same death as Dyatlov group ,which means this person has been with the group, or as I said must be common in Russia people to die in forests undressed with no eyes .... By the way Dyatlov has died in the same position like his hands and legs were tied. What do you think of murder by humans, who used acid on last 4 spilled on their faces?

Acid wasnt used. The Autopsy would have found evidence of any Acid attack.

March 28, 2019, 01:37:53 PM
Reply #53


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I have been reshearching about body decomposition in different environments and also looking at post mortem photos ,and I may say that I can rule out natural decay. If it was natural hands and other parts would be stripped to bone too. And also look at Zolotaryav post mortem picture. I don't want to post it here it is too gruesome. There it is visible how his face tissues are almost intact and are the phase of maceration,but baaam two black holes for eyes.  I have watched stages of decay from body farms ,and no there is no such thing of differently decayed parts. Whole body decomposes in same rate. With predators it is not just eyes and not whole eyes,birds eat from eyes but don't leave such complete big wholes.
And because there is absolutely nothing that could logically explain the missing eyes and deformes heads except for aliens , I tried to think what is the thing on Earth that makes faces deformed and like being burned - it is acid. And yes, acid us a well known mean of murder,punishing the victims,easy to be taken with you, it was freely diatributed in pharmacies not long ago. So for sure in late 50s there were no restrictions on selling it, like the codein pills of Kolevatov were free to buy without prescription.
So if the ravine injuries are pre mortem and not a decay, the only thing that could make them is acid spilled on their faces. The others were beaten and died of hypothermia, but ravine 4 made a den and were well dressed. But acid can't explain their chest injuries and Nikolai's skull..... So we are back at aliens with unknown weapon 😁😁😁

Acid NO. Aliens ? There has certainly been enough sightings and experiences in the last 70 years or so of UFO's etc.

March 28, 2019, 01:42:08 PM
Reply #54


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I have been reshearching about body decomposition in different environments and also looking at post mortem photos ,and I may say that I can rule out natural decay. If it was natural hands and other parts would be stripped to bone too. And also look at Zolotaryav post mortem picture. I don't want to post it here it is too gruesome. There it is visible how his face tissues are almost intact and are the phase of maceration,but baaam two black holes for eyes.  I have watched stages of decay from body farms ,and no there is no such thing of differently decayed parts. Whole body decomposes in same rate. With predators it is not just eyes and not whole eyes,birds eat from eyes but don't leave such complete big wholes.
And because there is absolutely nothing that could logically explain the missing eyes and deformes heads except for aliens , I tried to think what is the thing on Earth that makes faces deformed and like being burned - it is acid. And yes, acid us a well known mean of murder,punishing the victims,easy to be taken with you, it was freely diatributed in pharmacies not long ago. So for sure in late 50s there were no restrictions on selling it, like the codein pills of Kolevatov were free to buy without prescription.
So if the ravine injuries are pre mortem and not a decay, the only thing that could make them is acid spilled on their faces. The others were beaten and died of hypothermia, but ravine 4 made a den and were well dressed. But acid can't explain their chest injuries and Nikolai's skull..... So we are back at aliens with unknown weapon 😁😁😁

The whole idea of Alien's attacking the Dyatlov Group is as ridiculous as a 10ft hairy giant murdering 9 people. The hikers were suggested to be alive several hours after fleeing their tent.

And it is very possible that a combination of predators and live bacteria after thawing spring (thawing can accelerate the decomposition process quite significantly) could have caused the missing eyes.

Decomposition of just a few small selected body parts ? Seems a bit unlikely to Me. By 10ft hairy giant you are obviously referring to YETI and BIG FOOT type creatures. Of which there have been hundreds of sightings and hundreds of experiences over the last 70 years or so.

March 28, 2019, 07:50:02 PM
Reply #55


Not alot of food to be had this time of year for what wildlife does exist....  I bet their bodies sent off a very LOUD dinner bell.   Just saying. 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

March 28, 2019, 09:11:19 PM
Reply #56


In this scenario at what point did they put Dubinina's hat and coat on Zolotaryov? Why redress the corpses before hiding them?

About the Dyatlov Foundation, I don't mean disrespect.

When I wrote my post I did not mean that you have disrespect for fund. I wrote for this purpose what state my point of view about fund, as I observe it during long time if tell precisely - after 2006. As always happens in life, any organization always has the lacks and the merits. It is necessary distinguish one and another and understand the event reasons.

We have a proverb in Bulgarian that translates to - Who sings evil does not think, or something like that, but I mean that you should think of malicious intends.

I hope that I have understood you correctly as well as you have understood to me.

March 29, 2019, 01:51:20 AM
Reply #57


I have been reshearching about body decomposition in different environments and also looking at post mortem photos ,and I may say that I can rule out natural decay. If it was natural hands and other parts would be stripped to bone too. And also look at Zolotaryav post mortem picture. I don't want to post it here it is too gruesome. There it is visible how his face tissues are almost intact and are the phase of maceration,but baaam two black holes for eyes.  I have watched stages of decay from body farms ,and no there is no such thing of differently decayed parts. Whole body decomposes in same rate. With predators it is not just eyes and not whole eyes,birds eat from eyes but don't leave such complete big wholes.
And because there is absolutely nothing that could logically explain the missing eyes and deformes heads except for aliens , I tried to think what is the thing on Earth that makes faces deformed and like being burned - it is acid. And yes, acid us a well known mean of murder,punishing the victims,easy to be taken with you, it was freely diatributed in pharmacies not long ago. So for sure in late 50s there were no restrictions on selling it, like the codein pills of Kolevatov were free to buy without prescription.
So if the ravine injuries are pre mortem and not a decay, the only thing that could make them is acid spilled on their faces. The others were beaten and died of hypothermia, but ravine 4 made a den and were well dressed. But acid can't explain their chest injuries and Nikolai's skull..... So we are back at aliens with unknown weapon 😁😁😁

The whole idea of Alien's attacking the Dyatlov Group is as ridiculous as a 10ft hairy giant murdering 9 people. The hikers were suggested to be alive several hours after fleeing their tent.

And it is very possible that a combination of predators and live bacteria after thawing spring (thawing can accelerate the decomposition process quite significantly) could have caused the missing eyes.

I was joking about the aliens .
But also i'm highly doubtful of predators under 4 m of snow and bacteria that eats only eyes in perfect holes....
Homo homini lupus est!

March 29, 2019, 02:37:38 PM
Reply #58


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
So Aliens and Yeti type creatures wouldnt need to eat any of the Dyatlov group. Small very hungry Rodents  !  ? 9 bodies to feed on ! ? They would have been very selective then. Not what you would expect from hungry desperate for food animals  !  ?