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Author Topic: Sequence of events  (Read 37837 times)

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August 22, 2018, 11:24:21 AM
Read 37837 times


I have this proposition regarding the sequence of events:

1. As Zolotaryov and Thibeaux were best dressed (the only 2 with boots), they were probably outside of the tent just before the fateful event occurred
2. "Something" (unknown) then compelled the entire group to exit the tent hastily
3. The group decided to head for the forest away from this "something"
4. At the forest, attempts to create fire was done and the climbing of tree was also done (perhaps to check on that "something's" location around the tent)
5. As both Yuri's were least equipped for the cold outside, they succumbed to the cold and perished
6. The remaining group (all 7 of them) then took the clothing from both Yuris and decided to move deeper into the forest and build a shelter (because their current location offered no protection from the cold) and it wasn't safe yet to return to the tent
7. After the den was built, it was also when a "2nd something" (also unknown) occurred.
8. This "2nd something" was responsible for all the injuries sustained by the 7 (fractured ribs, skulls, deformed neck etc and possibly even accounting for evidence of some fighting)
9. The group of 3 (Slobodin, Igor, Zina) managed to escape and they decided to head back to the tent (regardless of the initial dangers posed by the "1st something")
10. The group of 4 (Dubinina, Kolevatov, Thibeaux, Zoloraryov) didn't make it from their injuries, while the group of 3 succumbed to the cold on their way back to the tent.

Most of the sequences put forward says the group split up after both Yuri's died, but it doesn't seem to explain why the group would split up, or also why there were injuries found on Igor and Slobodin.
The detail about Igor and Kolevatov being found with their jackets unfastened could be that they were in a slightly relaxed condition at the den until the "2nd something" occurred suddenly.

Ps: Did I miss anything?

August 22, 2018, 05:23:40 PM
Reply #1


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The thing that is missing is the thing that would obviously explain everything. And that thing is Q = Why did they leave the tent. In those conditions it must have been something extraordinary to make them do that.

August 22, 2018, 06:03:58 PM
Reply #2


Was thinking we could break down the whole event into 3 questions to ponder:
1. What caused the group to leave the tent?
2. What caused the injuries (severe and minor) to the group?
3. What is the sequence of events that could reconcile all the evidences found so far?

Many approached questions 1 and 2 first but the theories put forward could not satisfyingly keep the plot consistent.
So perhaps we could do some reverse-engineering by coming up with the sequence of events 1st, so it can better eliminate/pinpoint which theory explains why they leave the tent, what caused the injuries?

Considering the injuries for the group of 3 (possibility of fist fight, fractured skull etc), isn't it likely those were sustained in a same event together with the group of 4?
And thus, these 2 groups were either
1. fighting each other or
2. fighting something  (or experiencing a fatal accident) together?
which leads us to the thought that the group of 3 and 4 were actually together (rather than separated when the dire event happened).

August 24, 2018, 04:49:16 PM
Reply #3


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Might be useful to break it down into key areas  ie  THE TENT.  THE FOOTPRINTS.  THE FIRE.  THE TREE.  THE LOCATION OF THE BODIES.  THE DEN if it was a den.  It still looks like the event began with THE TENT.

September 14, 2018, 04:01:36 PM
Reply #4


I like where this is going. Keep going.

September 25, 2018, 05:31:34 PM
Reply #5


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Well its possible that the group tried to make a camp place near the tree line before moving up the slope to where they pitched the tent. I say possible, but it still looks like the group pitched the tent then left the tent for the tree line then started a fire then tried to make some kind of den.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2018, 04:40:35 PM by sarapuk »

September 26, 2018, 04:50:16 PM
Reply #6


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
According to the diary of Zinaida Kolmogorova dated 30.1.59

[[ We go on Auspiya cold (ayserm).
Mansi trail ended.
Pine forest.
There was sun in the morning, now is cold (ayserm).
All day long we walked along Auspiya.
Will spend the night on a Mansi trail.
Kolya didn't get to be a watchman so me and Rustik will stay on duty today.
Burned mittens and Yurkin's second sweatshirt.
He cursed a lot.
Today, probably, we will build a storage. ]]

So they took turns to keep watch at night ! ? But owing to the very low temperatures, etc, its unlikely that they kept watch outside of the tent.

October 14, 2018, 04:24:39 PM
Reply #7


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The general feeling is that after the group left the Tent they went downhill to the treeline.  Things happened in this treeline area and 3 of the group then made there way back uphill to the Tent. But what if that is not the case , what if those 3 were going downhill when they met there demise  ! ? 

October 15, 2018, 04:21:25 AM
Reply #8

Nigel Evans

1. As Zolotaryov and Thibeaux were best dressed (the only 2 with boots), they were probably outside of the tent just before the fateful event occurred
2. "Something" (unknown) then compelled the entire group to exit the tent hastily
3. The group decided to head for the forest away from this "something"
and left a torch halfway down to assist their return.
4. At the forest, attempts to create fire was done and the climbing of tree was also done (perhaps to check on that "something's" location around the tent)
or the cedar branches provided the best firewood.
5. As both Yuri's were least equipped for the cold outside, they succumbed to the cold and perished
No i think a good case can be made that Doroshenko died of NO2 poisoning, see my thread on Nitrogen dioxide, Krivonischenko may have fallen from the cedar and burnt his leg in the fire whilst concussed. Best guess is that he died from the shock of extreme pain, the piece of skin bitten off his hand was found still in his mouth
6. The remaining group (all 7 of them) then took the clothing from both Yuris and decided to move deeper into the forest and build a shelter (because their current location offered no protection from the cold) and it wasn't safe yet to return to the tent
No i think the clothing was removed later when the ravine four were injured and still alive. This explains why they were turned later.
7. After the den was built, it was also when a "2nd something" (also unknown) occurred.
It's possible that they discovered a mansi hunting den, whatever the "only four seats" is curious. It's possible that Semyon advised that a max of 4 people was good practice and they were building another one nearby which was never found. This explains how the returning three suffered less injury.
8. This "2nd something" was responsible for all the injuries sustained by the 7 (fractured ribs, skulls, deformed neck etc and possibly even accounting for evidence of some fighting)
9. The group of 3 (Slobodin, Igor, Zina) managed to escape and they decided to head back to the tent (regardless of the initial dangers posed by the "1st something")
10. The group of 4 (Dubinina, Kolevatov, Thibeaux, Zoloraryov) didn't make it from their injuries, while the group of 3 succumbed to the cold on their way back to the tent.
Or the returning three succumbed to something else and the cold finished them off, microwave energy disrupts the nervous system, gas poisoning had reduced their cardio vascular capabilities. Slobodin had been close enough to the "rav4 event" to be dying of internal bleeding but no chest fractures. Imo this strengthens the barotrauma theory. My favourite theory is after the event Kolmogorova and Slobodin tried to get back to the tent for supplies, warm clothing etc whilst Dyatlov stayed with the rav4. They never returned and he died of hypothermia as indicated by a full bladder.

October 15, 2018, 06:02:54 PM
Reply #9


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
That sequence of events is pure speculation. It does not prove in any way whatsoever that those 3 were heading up and not down when they met their demise.  I could speculate that they fought with someone or something on the way down the slope while the others in the group made their escape. The 3 on the slope had injuries consistent with fighting. Also one particular type of injury was very severe and it is highly unlikely that someone could walk or even crawl all the way from the tree line to where they were found with such an injury. Such injuries usually knock people out and even kill them. Also we can not say from the way all the group was dressed how they came to be dressed that way when they were found.

October 15, 2018, 11:11:19 PM
Reply #10

Nigel Evans

There's not a lot written about the DPI that isn't anything other than pure speculation. That's the fun.

I'd disagree over - "The 3 on the slope had injuries consistent with fighting.".

If the severe injury you refer to is Rustem's internal bleeding then i don't see it as preventing mobility.

October 16, 2018, 03:35:12 PM
Reply #11


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Yes speculation is unfortunately what we have to deal with because of the lack of real hard evidence. Those head injuries of Rustem Slobodin were serious injuries. I know there is some debate about just how it would have affected his ability to move, if indeed he could move after such injury, and this is obviously important as far as the sequence of events is concerned. Similarly with the contention that those injuries those 3 suffered were or could have been caused by fighting.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2018, 03:43:41 PM by sarapuk »

October 16, 2018, 11:45:01 PM
Reply #12

Nigel Evans

Rustem's cap is an interesting feature. He's found face down with his cap placed correctly on top of his head. This after receiving some form of impact on each side of the head which would have clearly knocked his cap off. It tends to point to "a violent event" and then recovery from it - the mundane placing of the cap back on his head by him or someone else (perhaps Zina). So this mundane act tells us something about what could not have taken place. Imo it rules out that he suffered the injuries where he was found, they happened elsewhere and then the situation normalised again.

October 17, 2018, 04:35:27 PM
Reply #13


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Its very interesting discussing such injuries. Iam sure that even medical experts find the Dyatlov Mystery a tough challenge to say the least.   Rustem Slobodin was found face down on the ground / snow, with various injuries, and we want to know how he got into that position. Well by all accounts the head injuries were so severe that he would have been knocked unconscious immediately. Also that he would most likely have froze to death before coming out of unconsciousness. Thats assuming that the injuries to the head hadnt already killed him. Has for the headware that he was wearing, was it an hat that was fastened in some way to the jacket or was it the hood of a jacket  !  ?  If it was a loose hat then its still possible that it could have remained on his head even after the injuries. Obviously at this stage of investigation we dont know what caused the injuries. Note ; Rustem's body was the only one with icy bed under from the hardening of the thawing snow.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2018, 04:49:59 PM by sarapuk »

October 18, 2018, 03:33:02 AM
Reply #14

Nigel Evans

This is the cap as he was found -

and here's him wearing i earlier -

So that's my point, he has received some violent event(s) to both sides of the head, fallen face down in the snow but the cap stayed in place? Seems extremely unlikely. Hence my comment that it somehow hints at a "return to normal" post the violent event.

October 18, 2018, 01:06:11 PM
Reply #15


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Yes it does look like a cap on the body of Rustem as he was found and it may be the same cap as in the other photos. Yes its a good point that the hat remained on his head despite the obvious violent injuries. But I say we need to think carefully about what actually caused those head injuries, ie, a fall from a height of some kind may well displace a cap, or falling over while going downhill and hitting the head may well displace a cap. And a fight of some kind where there is a lot of physical contact may well displace a cap. But what if the violence to the head was quick and concentrated, an overwhelming force against which there was no defence whatsoever.  Then such a force may not displace a cap.

October 18, 2018, 03:04:18 PM
Reply #16

Nigel Evans

Looks like the same cap, passing the first photo through some filters you can see the the same upturned fold along the sides and the back. Certainly worn in the same style. It's unlikely he carried spares :)

But i don't contend that the hat stayed on his head, my theory is that he put it back on his head after the violent event in the ravine and began the return journey.


October 18, 2018, 04:02:26 PM
Reply #17


In his testimony, which has recently been made available here, Axelrod observes that the presence of this hat on Rustem's head is also evidence for rather mild wind in the night of the incident. Otherwise it would be blown off and gone he argues. Another tiny piece of the puzzle...

October 19, 2018, 06:53:08 AM
Reply #18

Nigel Evans

The wind dropping could explain the decision to return to the tent.

October 19, 2018, 05:35:38 PM
Reply #19


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Is it really likely to expect that Rustem Slobodin would make it that far after a very severe injury at the Ravine  ! ?  And as for wind, well we dont know what the weather conditions were at that time, and any way he may have had his hood up over his head.

October 20, 2018, 02:40:14 PM
Reply #20


I've been thinking lately that maybe the event that caused the nine to evacuate the tent and the event that caused the injuries to those later found in the ravine was in fact, the same event.
The injuries to Lyudamilla in particular are described in the autopsy reports as being possibly caused by "an impact of great force".
1. Perhaps an ice sheet of decent size had slammed into the side of the tent, the sleeping bodies of those closest to the impact absorb the brunt of the force and the tent collapses.

2. After being hit with such a sheet the awakened and startled hikers rush to get their injured friends out and away from the danger zone. Carrying/ helping them down the hill to the safety of the woods.

3. The group eventually arrives at the woods and immediately sets to work on a fire. They begin cutting branches to feed their tiny fire but it's no use, it is not enough to keep them warm. Yuri Doroshenko and Yuri Krivonischenko sadly both succumb to the cold. Their friends frantically try to resuscitate them, pushing on their chests vigorously but to no avail.

4. The little fire is not enough and it is abandoned for the relative safety of a ravine a little further into the woods. Igor, Zina, Slobodin and Kolevatov move the 3 injured there after taking what clothes they could off of Doroshenko and Krivonischenko and distributing them out among themselves.

5. At the ravine, utterly exhausted and and in a near hopeless situation, Igor, Zina and Slobodin bravely elect to make a suicide expedition back to the tent to see what resources they can bring back. Kolevatov stays behind with the injured. He sets to work on a small den, lays out a few sticks and pieces of cloth for his injured friends to lay on and get off of the frozen ground.

5. Meanwhile on the venture back to the tent, Igor has fallen behind the group, succumbing to the cold. Fighting to the end he grabs a nearby branch to perhaps hold him upright but it is no use, he succumbs to the cold. Now delirious from the freezing temperatures, Slobodin is the next to fall, hands completely frozen and body totally exhausted he falls down a few times hitting his face into the ground but still trying his best to power through and make it back to the tent. He falls one last time striking his head on a rock and is knocked out.

6. Zina is the last one left from the group of 3. She bravely pushes on and makes it the closest to the tent but this last impossible task in a night of impossible tasks is too much and she too collapses onto the ground where the cold puts her to sleep.

7. Back at the ravine, Kolevatov struggles to move his friends one by one into the den he has created, but he too is at the end of his limits and is surrendering to the cold. In the midst of carrying his comrade Zolotaryov into the den, he collapses with his arms still around Zolotaryov.               


October 20, 2018, 04:43:39 PM
Reply #21


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I think its being generally accepted now that its highly unlikely that any type of avalanche occurred at the Tent let alone one of such force that would have caused the very serious injuries to many of the group.

October 20, 2018, 09:04:03 PM
Reply #22


I don't think it really requires a super gargantuan amount of force to break ribs. Imagine I roll something even as small as a cinder block down a hill and you have to bear the brunt of the force with your ribs. I think a small sheet of ice breaking free from further up the peak and slamming into and collapsing the tent is fairly reasonable and explains the drastic need for an escape (to avoid what they could have thought was just the beginning of a much larger avalanche) and it would explain the very avalanche like injuries.

Panic in an extremely hostile environment led to their demise.
The real questions are;
1.What caused the group to panic and leave the tent so ill prepared.
2.What caused the injuries to the 3 people later found in the ravine.

Compared to yetis, rocket testing, gravity fluctuations, escaped convicts, mushrooms etc, I think the small avalanche theory explains both of these questions with the fewest possible assumptions being made.

I welcome a full debunking, God knows it wouldn't be the first time I've changed my opinion on what happened. lmao

October 22, 2018, 12:37:59 PM
Reply #23


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I have been looking at what as been said about the serious injuries that many of the Dyatlov Group suffered, noting in particular what medical people have said about such injuries. The particular rib injuries on some of the bodies were caused by an extreme force. Note ; there are various types of rib injuries. Extreme force rules out avalanche of the sort that some investigators have suggested.

October 22, 2018, 01:09:49 PM
Reply #24


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
How do we link up those key areas ! ?  THE TENT.  THE FOOTSTEPS.  THE FIRE.  THE TREE.  THE LOCATION OF THE BODIES.  THE DEN if it was a den.

October 24, 2018, 10:24:24 AM
Reply #25


Unfortunately I have passed this theme earlier, but I want to tell that have very correctly made beanie07 when it has started to systematise questions and to define sequence of actions. Only it is necessary to do it methodically then it is possible to receive a good picture of this incident. Also it is necessary to filter all assumptions and guesses through the filter of practice and conditions of a concrete place. And to consider similar conditions. Only then it will be possible to promote in understanding of that has

I have this proposition regarding the sequence of events:

1. As Zolotaryov and Thibeaux were best dressed (the only 2 with boots), they were probably outside of the tent just before the fateful event occurred

It is one of possible events. There is one more assumption: they were people on duty. Their problem was what to make all works outside of tent if they be required. From practice of similar travel at that time I can tell that they should settle down in tent with edge, therefore they have been dressed better other people. And if they have to get out operatively outside they and did not remove footwear. Probability this both situations is equal 50 %.

2. "Something" (unknown) then compelled the entire group to exit the tent hastily

It should be investigated in other theme. That it is a lot of these in section ….

3. The group decided to head for the forest away from this "something"

If this tell more precisely, the group has hastily left this place downhill and in a wind direction. All it well coincides. They did not have a possibility (and time!) on what acceptance that of decisions, therefore they did not take the most necessary that it was necessary for them for this purpose what to survive below. It is necessary to add that the difference in time between the first left tent and the last was very small. It follows from this that anybody from them did not take any necessary thing which could is further than length of a hand.

4. At the forest, attempts to create fire was done and the climbing of tree was also done (perhaps to check on that "something's" location around the tent)

On a tree there was an ascension only because there there was unique fire wood suitable for kindling. It is necessary to add what to see from a tree it was very difficult, therefore they hardly had it in a kind. The arrangement of the broken branches of a tree is that that it is the unique party on which they could get on a tree. This cedar has an inclination aside opposite from a direction on tent. It so has coincided in the nature. Therefore to think that they got on a tree so what to look at tent not is correctly. There practically it is visible nothing even in the afternoon. Especially if to understand that could not know an exact place where there is a tent. It is not possible completely at night.

5. As both Yuri's were least equipped for the cold outside, they succumbed to the cold and perished

Jura 1 and Jura 2 have come on this place dressed just as the group most part. From them then who that has taken off clothes and has transferred to a flooring. I have the well-founded assumption that it there could be only Alexander Kolevatov. It also has laid both of them behind a cedar as it is visible on a photo …

6. The remaining group (all 7 of them) then took the clothing from both Yuris and decided to move deeper into the forest and build a shelter (because their current location offered no protection from the cold) and it wasn't safe yet to return to the tent

1.There are no signs or the facts that the fire had who that another, except Jura 1 + 2 and one more person who their section and has laid Jura.
2.Any refuge there it was impossible to construct. For this purpose there are no conditions.
3.Any refuge in the presence of clothes in which all of them have been found them could not rescue. The powerful source of heat - a fire was necessary to them. Is better them it was necessary to have two - from the different parties, differently it should to turn constantly, and it was almost impossible, because it is difficult.
4.Come back to tent they could not, it is impossible, because they did not know, where it precisely is. It is still very important that above on a slope there was a wind it towards, therefore they could not see tent further than for 3 … 5 metrs (10 … 15 foots). To find tent with such accuracy it is impossible in their conditions. It is all occurred at night (in a night-time).

7. After the den was built, it was also when a "2nd something" (also unknown) occurred.

It is not necessary to think out superfluous events. If people have appeared in such clothes in such conditions the bad outcome is a question of duration of time. At to = -20C (-4F) and temperature of a surface of a body (on the average) to = +22С (71F) deficiency of heat makes approximately 350 … 400 Watt. To compensate such losses it is possible only a hard work, but it is impossible to make long time. The natural (metabolic) thermal emission in rest makes 50 … 70 Watt, it is required to fill the rest in the form of physical activity. Their clothes at большей make group parts 1 CLO on a thermal protection. And for this purpose that it would be possible not to move at such temperature of air it is required approximately 4 … 5 CLO.

8. This "2nd something" was responsible for all the injuries sustained by the 7 (fractured ribs, skulls, deformed neck etc and possibly even accounting for evidence of some fighting)

All traumas have been received by way of blow at falling. I already wrote earlier that at me article (in Russian) about these traumas and possible places where they have received them is written. While I cannot make transfer (for technical reasons). Therefore I asked whom that to try to translate by Google and to note those places which it is necessary to translate more professionally, and what places can be excluded. Then I would make other part of work, so quickly as soon as it will be possible.
For reception of these traumas in conditions in which there was Dyatlov group on an slop "2nd something" is not required any additional.

9. The group of 3 (Slobodin, Igor, Zina) managed to escape and they decided to head back to the tent (regardless of the initial dangers posed by the "1st something")

There are no facts and substantiations what to consider that «Group 3 (Slobodin, Igor, Zina)» came back to tent. Even if not to consider that it is technically impossible. On the contrary, the set of subjects at Zina and Rustem says that at a fire they were not. There are 50 % of probability that Igor could descend to a fire, but it too only the assumption. As there are no facts and acknowledgement to it. Otherwise they already would use these subjects or would transfer to another at whom they were not. Besides, their clothes do not correspond to that they were going to go there. The disorder of people on a slope as says that it not returning, but only a way to a fire. That trauma which is at Rustem would not allow it to pass more than 30 … 50 metres (30 … 150 foots) from that place where it has received it.

10. The group of 4 (Dubinina, Kolevatov, Thibeaux, Zoloraryov) didn't make it from their injuries, while the group of 3 succumbed to the cold on their way back to the tent.

The group 4 (Dubinina, Kolevatov, Thibeaux, Zolotaryov) in general operated separately from the others. Nothing specifies that they as that contacted the others. Till that time when Alexander Kolevatov descended to a fire and has brought a part of things to a flooring. At this time the others could not move any more as they were already strongly wounded.
In «group 3» too all very much reminds that they operated everyone separately. Who could not that of the others to leave without the aid of Rustem, for example. Or they could not leave Zina.

Most of the sequences put forward says the group split up after both Yuri's died, but it doesn't seem to explain why the group would split up, or also why there were injuries found on Igor and Slobodin.

It is quite possible to explain a trauma of Rustem Slobodin. As it is found directly there where it is very easy for receiving. And Igor had so insignificant wounds that they are characteristic for such travel. Especially if go on such slope in the dark.

The detail about Igor and Kolevatov being found with their jackets unfastened could be that they were in a slightly relaxed condition at the den until the "2nd something" occurred suddenly.

It is not so. Igor has lost possibility to go when there has come fatigue strength at intensive movement. If it moved quickly and hard (the big level of a thermal emission) he has not had time to clasp that it, for the present there were forces for this purpose. All is very similar to such course of events.
Alexander Kolevatov should transfer people with traumas in a fire direction, therefore too it had a hard work. Therefore not clasped jacket is not what that an especial sign in such situation.

Ps: Did I miss anything?

Unfortunately has passed very many. It is all there are details (a lot of small and average), but they are very important for understanding of sequence of events.
Later I will try to write about them in detail

October 24, 2018, 10:34:23 AM
Reply #26


Was thinking we could break down the whole event into 3 questions to ponder:
1. What caused the group to leave the tent?

It should be considered in other theme. There there are many versions of this reason. But each reason should be well proved and not contradict 3 components:
1.To nature Laws.
2.To Realities of time of the end of 50th years of the XX-th century.
3.To Common sense (that is have rigid relationships of cause and effect)

2. What caused the injuries (severe and minor) to the group?

Question it is very easy answer. Anything especial that they have been received at circulation on that slope in the dark is not present. I can easily show it directly on the most this slope, in the winter, at any time. That I (itself) observed any more once times.

3. What is the sequence of events that could reconcile all the evidences found so far?

The answer to this question demands answer many concrete smaller questions. Only the system is necessary, differently very easily it will be possible to get confused in elementary concepts.

Many approached questions 1 and 2 first but the theories put forward could not satisfyingly keep the plot consistent.
So perhaps we could do some reverse-engineering by coming up with the sequence of events 1st, so it can better eliminate/pinpoint which theory explains why they leave the tent, what caused the injuries?

Probably you at all do not represent concrete conditions of that place in the winter if start to speak about «fisticuffs possibility». I very much want to look, as you could make it in those conditions in the winter.
It is necessary to consider in the beginning all natural possibilities but only then to think out that that another. Another there is not real for the natural reasons

Considering the injuries for the group of 3 (possibility of fist fight, fractured skull etc), isn't it likely those were sustained in a same event together with the group of 4?

And thus, these 2 groups were either
1. fighting each other or
2. fighting something  (or experiencing a fatal accident) together?
which leads us to the thought that the group of 3 and 4 were actually together (rather than separated when the dire event happened).

October 24, 2018, 10:40:34 AM
Reply #27


According to the diary of Zinaida Kolmogorova dated 30.1.59

[[ We go on Auspiya cold (ayserm).
Mansi trail ended.
Pine forest.
There was sun in the morning, now is cold (ayserm).
All day long we walked along Auspiya.
Will spend the night on a Mansi trail.
Kolya didn't get to be a watchman so me and Rustik will stay on duty today.
Burned mittens and Yurkin's second sweatshirt.
He cursed a lot.
Today, probably, we will build a storage. ]]

So they took turns to keep watch at night ! ? But owing to the very low temperatures, etc, its unlikely that they kept watch outside of the tent.

I think that you became a victim of wrong transfer or wrong understanding of this term. The term «keep watch» means that the person should be at night to (sit) in tent at an oven (keep watch = sit by iron stove) and to put fire wood there after a while. And as to watch that the tent would not light up under different conditions. Usually such watch lasts 1 hour or 1 hour and a half. Depending on duration of night time and quantity the person in group. In intervals between закладыванием fire wood very often write diaries, those who is engaged in it.
For example, Zina wrote it to time of the watch at night. There that was one day earlier and plans next day is written.


For today at me time when I can write in a forum already has terminated, the rest will be after. If there are what concrete questions, and will try to answer first of all. bow7

October 24, 2018, 12:16:02 PM
Reply #28


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Yes its tricky work trying to link it all together.  Any way. for now, I understand that 2 people would be on watch at night and sat in the tent presumably near the entrance  / exit.  They were likely to be better dressed than the others who were presumably getting to sleep.  But those 2 on watch would also have needed to get some sleep as well. Also I understand that on that fateful night they had no fire to watch in the tent because one wasnt lit. Who were those 2 people supposed to be on watch on that fateful night  ! ?
« Last Edit: October 24, 2018, 12:23:15 PM by sarapuk »

October 25, 2018, 05:11:46 AM
Reply #29


Yes its tricky work trying to link it all together.  Any way. for now, I understand that 2 people would be on watch at night and sat in the tent presumably near the entrance  / exit.  They were likely to be better dressed than the others who were presumably getting to sleep.  But those 2 on watch would also have needed to get some sleep as well. Also I understand that on that fateful night they had no fire to watch in the tent because one wasnt lit. Who were those 2 people supposed to be on watch on that fateful night  ! ?

In this point in question the answer (as at us speak) lies on surface. If in the end of events 2 persons (Nikolay Tibo and Simeon Zolotaryov) have been dressed how all put on nature in such conditions, and the others how it was possible to put on for spending the night in tent in concrete conditions these two persons and were persons on duty. They should not be all time for the nature, usually such persons on duty stack (they keep within!  grin1) from tent sides. There are the coldest ends, therefore they are dressed much better others.
That it was necessary to do out of tent entered into duties "these ". For example, отгребать snow which will throw a wind to rise the first in the morning, to bring snow pieces (if it is necessary to prepare water). To watch time, and to awake group when already it is time to rise from a dream. Even to do that is required to transfer that that of other end of tent to the person who lies covered in "the sleeping device".