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Author Topic: The "Window" in the cedar tree  (Read 28058 times)

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January 28, 2023, 05:47:25 PM
Reply #90


OK, now it is time to play with our brains. The Dyatlov group never climbed up the tree, nor made a fire. Someone else did both. The smoke attracts two hikers to see what is going on way down below the tent. They are spied on.The hikers do not return.,Others go looking and they do not return to the tent. Abandoned, the tent gets weather beaten. I don't believe word of this.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 28, 2023, 08:16:31 PM
Reply #91


OK, now it is time to play with our brains. The Dyatlov group never climbed up the tree, nor made a fire. Someone else did both. The smoke attracts two hikers to see what is going on way down below the tent. They are spied on.The hikers do not return.,Others go looking and they do not return to the tent. Abandoned, the tent gets weather beaten. I don't believe word of this.
Your imagination is too advanced....but so wrong....No one cuts a tent and walks a mile barefoot in the cold at night just because the fire is burning. Not even a lunatic would do that. You have to dream more coherently.
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January 28, 2023, 08:38:04 PM
Reply #92


OK, now it is time to play with our brains. The Dyatlov group never climbed up the tree, nor made a fire. Someone else did both. The smoke attracts two hikers to see what is going on way down below the tent. They are spied on.The hikers do not return.,Others go looking and they do not return to the tent. Abandoned, the tent gets weather beaten. I don't believe word of this.
Your imagination is too advanced....but so wrong....No one cuts a tent and walks a mile barefoot in the cold at night just because the fire is burning. Not even a lunatic would do that. You have to dream more coherently.

OK, the ball is in your court, who would cut a perfectly good tent and walk 5,280 feet in the snow without shoes? What are your thoughts?
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 28, 2023, 10:15:33 PM
Reply #93


2. The unknown power is not the size of a firefly....The size of a human...But its light is like it...4. I don't believe it's too cold. If it were, they would all be frozen. But none of them froze, except for two. Both had partial freezing.6. They were all in the Cedar tree anyway....They went to the Cedar to warm up a little and observe the unknown power. Why would they leave? There must be a compelling reason to leave. In all kinds of mass loss events, if there is separation, there must be an important reason for it!!! In dangerous situations, people do not leave each other out of the blue. Even hostile people unite. They were together by the cedar tree. Then they made a plan. They will either stay in the forest and die of the cold. Or they would dare to go back to the tent. They chose to return to the tent. Three people were selected for this. The two Yuri would stay in the tree and near the fire. The other 4 would build a small shelter in the snow nearby. I think 4 people have never dug a cave in the snow. Because they were waiting for the trio who went to the tent. But they scratched the snow a little and made a small place for themselves there. This protected them from the wind.

2. It's a bare slope. From the place by the cedar you would be able to see a firefly the size of a human being!

4. You don't believe? That's what the analysis of the whether that night says. You can't build a theory on "I believe" if there are contradicting facts.
You're selecting evidence according to your theory. If you think, that analysis is wrong, than either provide another analysis stating something else or provide a theory, why it would be warmer.

6. They were in the tree? As in they all climbed the tree? Or did you mean they were by the tree? As in underneath it? Sorry, I usually don't split hairs like this, but in this case, it seems important to me, what you actually mean.
I agree that in situations like this, people don't split up without reason. I understood you were saying the two Juris were send to take a look. To me, that would be a reason. But I think, I misunderstood you and you meant they were together at the cedar and only later did the Juris get their job to observe the slope.

But still: What could that force be? Any suggestions? Without an idea, what might have caused the tragedy in the first place, I'd consider your theory rather invalid.

OK, now it is time to play with our brains. The Dyatlov group never climbed up the tree, nor made a fire. Someone else did both. The smoke attracts two hikers to see what is going on way down below the tent. They are spied on.The hikers do not return.,Others go looking and they do not return to the tent. Abandoned, the tent gets weather beaten. I don't believe word of this.

I like the general idea, but you already posed the most important question: Why wouldn't they take their warm clothes and shoes with them to go look for the reason of the smoke? That doesn't add up.
If you really want to start out there, the only reason I could imagine, would be: They went to look what was there and didn't return, because they were murdered. After killing everyone, the murderers undressed them partly and scattered the corpses. In the end they put stuff back in the tent and cut it.
That leaves questions:
1. Why did they scatter the corpses?
2. Why would they undress them?
3. Why those completely different settings in which the hikers were found?
4. Why leave the tent?
5. Why cut the tent, if the hikers were dead to begin with?
6. What happened to the traces the murderers must have left?

That's all in all completely constructed and illogical. In Germany, we'd call it "Von hinten durch die Brust ins Auge." meaning someone was shot from the back through the chest and finally in his eye. Too complicated, too made up, nothing that'd happen like that.

January 29, 2023, 08:01:15 AM
Reply #94


4. Bodies are not frozen....I look at results for evidence...not at analysis....I don't care what the analyzes say when there are bodies that are not frozen.6. Why all out? Two good climbers are enough. In the group, Yuri were the two best to climb the tree. Both of them observed their surroundings closely. They couldn't see anything. But I guess the unknown power was hiding somewhere nearby!!! Nothing could make them separate from each other on their walk up to the cedar. So they came up to the Cedar together. They got a little warm there. Then they parted. If the weather was so cold, they would never leave the fire!!! So the weather was -10 degrees. 2. Not all parts of the slope can be seen from the cedar. It's not possible... Even if it can be seen, why would they observe the slope from the ground when they can climb the tree and look at it from a clearer and wider angle???

January 29, 2023, 08:10:23 AM
Reply #95


It is not possible to know exactly what this power is. But I can say that there is no genie and no devil. Because jinn and demons do not play games with people! They don't plan, they don't cheat. They want to kill them where they find them. There is no animal or natural disaster in the incident... That's for sure. The only answer must be a very advanced human being. Like Superman... Of course, some will find my thinking very utopian. They will say fantasy. But this is the only option left. He can also be a very advanced person. we don't know what human limits can do(?)... What kind of creature would a human be if he used 100% of his brain? Have you ever thought?

January 29, 2023, 08:14:47 AM
Reply #96


Even if you can see the slope from the forest, why not climb the tree to get a clear and wide view? Is it difficult? Climbing a tree is considered an easy task when there is mortal danger.

January 29, 2023, 08:21:44 AM
Reply #97


If it had been people attacking them, the group wouldn't have walked just 1 mile. They would walk at least 10 miles or even 20-30 miles and try to lose track of them. And they certainly wouldn't burn it in the fire. If there were people attacking me, I would run away as far as I could. That's what they did. The attackers were definitely not humans or Mansi.

January 29, 2023, 09:21:22 AM
Reply #98


Okay, I'm out. As long, as you make up facts fitting your theory and dismiss facts because they don't fit, instead of changing your theory, it doesn't make sense arguing with you. Keep on dreaming.

January 29, 2023, 01:50:07 PM
Reply #99


We must recall that the "window in the tree" is a mental construct. If someone left their glasses or jacket up there, that would be something. There is no advantage to looking for the tent from the tree, just follow the tracks from the tent. If the unknown compelling force was a threat, all nine would be up in the branches using sticks as spears to shoo it away. If they were looking for rescue, set a tree on fire. That gets attention. If they had to be liquidated, they were not made an example of...opportunity lost. If they were defecting, they were in the wrong direction. Just saying...
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 29, 2023, 10:08:57 PM
Reply #100


It is not as easy to set a tree on fire as one might think...

January 31, 2023, 05:26:41 PM
Reply #101


It is not as easy to set a tree on fire as one might think...
Hmmm  shock1
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 31, 2023, 06:01:15 PM
Reply #102


It is not as easy to set a tree on fire as one might think...
Hmmm  shock1

I agree with Missi on this. It's winter. Green wood is different to dry dead wood.

January 31, 2023, 10:17:46 PM
Reply #103


It is not as easy to set a tree on fire as one might think...
Hmmm  shock1

Ever seen huge amounts of firewood before houses? And I mean really huge amounts! Those are NOT because people need those amounts instantly, but because wood has to try for... I think about a year. If you own a fireplace in your house and buy wood (not ready made firewood), you learn that. It's common knowledge here, if you own a fireplace.

February 01, 2023, 08:02:01 AM
Reply #104


I feel like I am getting burned, just now. lol2
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.