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Author Topic: Exploring The Yeti Theory  (Read 257679 times)

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November 11, 2019, 08:47:50 AM
Reply #360

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The cuts made in the tent.  Currently there is an interesting discussion going on another thread that suggests that the three cuts were made through the seams of the tent and that such action would have taken a slow deliberate sawing motion.  The cuts may have been smaller when made and later elongated by the wind and or recovery of the tent.  If they were smaller then it is unlikely that they were made as a means of escape.  Also, it would be unlikely that they were made to make the tent unusable.  So what were they made for?  The hikers would not have made cuts in the tent lightly as it was their life boat. 

So could the cuts have been made to look outside to check on some kind of threat that they knew was there? 


Star man
« Last Edit: November 11, 2019, 01:27:05 PM by Star man »

November 11, 2019, 12:47:30 PM
Reply #361


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The cuts made in the tent.  Currently there is an interesting discussion going on another thread that suggests that the three cuts were leaders through the seams of the tent and that such action would have taken a slow deliberate sawing motion.  The cuts may have been smaller when made and later elongated by the wind and or recovery of the tent.  If they were smaller then it is unlikely that they were made as a means of escape.  Also, it would be unlikely that they were made to make the tent unusable.  So what were they made for?  The hikers would not have made cuts in the tent lightly as it was their life boat. 

So could the cuts have been made to look outside to check on some kind of threat that they knew was there? 


Star man

Well I have never been that convinced about the so called Cuts   !  ?  What if they were made by something slashing at the Tent from the outside  !  ?  After all there are so many ponderables in this Dyatlov Mystery.  Who is to say that the person who examined the Tent wasnt told to say that the cuts came from the inside or perhaps they made a mistake in their examination.

November 11, 2019, 01:33:34 PM
Reply #362

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The cuts made in the tent.  Currently there is an interesting discussion going on another thread that suggests that the three cuts were leaders through the seams of the tent and that such action would have taken a slow deliberate sawing motion.  The cuts may have been smaller when made and later elongated by the wind and or recovery of the tent.  If they were smaller then it is unlikely that they were made as a means of escape.  Also, it would be unlikely that they were made to make the tent unusable.  So what were they made for?  The hikers would not have made cuts in the tent lightly as it was their life boat. 

So could the cuts have been made to look outside to check on some kind of threat that they knew was there? 


Star man

Well I have never been that convinced about the so called Cuts   !  ?  What if they were made by something slashing at the Tent from the outside  !  ?  After all there are so many ponderables in this Dyatlov Mystery.  Who is to say that the person who examined the Tent wasnt told to say that the cuts came from the inside or perhaps they made a mistake in their examination.

Where the cuts are made from the inside there was suppose to be scratch marks made before the sharp implement (presumably a knife) penetrated the fabric.  That's why they attributed three of the holes in the tent to cuts from the inside.  Also it's unlikely that a slashing action could have cut through the seams - based on Jarrfan's posts, and when you think about it it kind of makes sense.  You would need a sawing cutting motion to cut the thicker tougher seams


Star man

November 11, 2019, 03:37:12 PM
Reply #363


SaraPuk: The cuts were identified by searchers when they reassembled the tent at the facility where they kept it. There are pictures on the document "autopsy of the tent," that clearly show the cuts through the seams. A woman who was in the building and was a seamstress determined the cuts were made from the inside of the tent. Her theory was examined with a microscopic look at the cut patterns and they determined the seamstress was correct. If you look at the pictures you can see the 3 cuts, one bigger than the other two. The slashes on the tent wall, yes they are there but they may have been there before the incident just accidentally.

It is very odd that any hiker would cut through the seam to make a hole to peek through. As stated before, it would have taken more effort such as a sawing motion to cut through a seam with 2-3 layers thick of canvas. If you started to slash, when you hit the seam, the slashing would stop and you would have to take time to saw through the  seam.

It is also visible on the pictures that the initial cuts were further ripped by the wind.

All of this is a puzzle, even as to why they had to make 3 cuts to see something unless there were 3 of them looking. It is almost as if the hikers were not thinking properly when they did this or in such frame of mind that they did not care if they made the tent unsalvageable.

I have been sewing all of my life, all kinds of fabrics even some canvas and to cut through the seam would make the tent easily rip from the winds, as is witnessed by the cuts being torn.

as far as if they were making the cuts to air out some horrible fume or smoke, that doesn't make any sense either since they had a tent hole that held the stove pipe. It is all a mystery.

November 15, 2019, 08:45:29 AM
Reply #364

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I think there might be more useful information available through the detailed analysis of the cuts and tears, especially where a cut and tear intersect. 

If you look at the cut in the middle of the tent it has two other straightish cuts/tears that intersect it on either side at an angle.  One of which runs along adjacent to the seam.  Detailed analysis might be able to determine the order in which the cuts/tears were made.  I’m not sure if it could reveal anything useful but it might so may be worth investigating.


Star man

November 15, 2019, 09:20:54 AM
Reply #365


Since the tent was thrown out years later because of mold and deterioration, all we have are the pictures...

November 15, 2019, 12:25:30 PM
Reply #366


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The cuts made in the tent.  Currently there is an interesting discussion going on another thread that suggests that the three cuts were leaders through the seams of the tent and that such action would have taken a slow deliberate sawing motion.  The cuts may have been smaller when made and later elongated by the wind and or recovery of the tent.  If they were smaller then it is unlikely that they were made as a means of escape.  Also, it would be unlikely that they were made to make the tent unusable.  So what were they made for?  The hikers would not have made cuts in the tent lightly as it was their life boat. 

So could the cuts have been made to look outside to check on some kind of threat that they knew was there? 


Star man

Well I have never been that convinced about the so called Cuts   !  ?  What if they were made by something slashing at the Tent from the outside  !  ?  After all there are so many ponderables in this Dyatlov Mystery.  Who is to say that the person who examined the Tent wasnt told to say that the cuts came from the inside or perhaps they made a mistake in their examination.

Where the cuts are made from the inside there was suppose to be scratch marks made before the sharp implement (presumably a knife) penetrated the fabric.  That's why they attributed three of the holes in the tent to cuts from the inside.  Also it's unlikely that a slashing action could have cut through the seams - based on Jarrfan's posts, and when you think about it it kind of makes sense.  You would need a sawing cutting motion to cut the thicker tougher seams


Star man

We only have some old photos and we have to take the word of the Authorities that the so called cuts were made from the inside.

November 15, 2019, 12:32:25 PM
Reply #367


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Since the tent was thrown out years later because of mold and deterioration, all we have are the pictures...

And thats another mystery. Why keep a Tent  [[  a Tent that was a main piece of EVIDENCE  ]]  that long if you dont want to look after it properly. Could the Tent still exist but be hidden away somewhere  !  ? 

November 15, 2019, 09:38:23 PM
Reply #368


I believe they kept it for a long time but since the incident was not front page news or international news, they did not keep adequate care of it. From what I read, the storage room where it was kept leaked water which caused the mold and further destruction of the tent. I don't believe anyone hid the tent away, they just didn't care about it figuring the case was closed...

November 16, 2019, 04:23:23 PM
Reply #369

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Have been looking at one of the cuts from the inside.  I think it is cut number 3.  Tried to mark up the image but couldnt upload it as it kept crashing.  Will try again another time.  I am not certain about this, but it looks like cut 3 was made with a knife, and then someone or something used the cut hole as a grab point and then pulled the fabric both up and down, creating two tears that intersect the cut.  The cut has been made through the seam of the tent which is quite strong and therefore unlikely to yield when pulled.  Instead the weak point running at the side of and parallel to the seam is torn upwards.  A second tear intersects the cut on the other side and runs upwards, parallel to the tear on the other side (along the natural line of the stitching).  The cut is also elongated slightly by tearing downwards on both sides.  It looks someone has placed two hands into the cut, grabbing the top and bottom and pulled both up and down at the same time making a bigger hole by tearing the fabric.  It could have been the search and rescue team tying to look inside the tent after they had found it, or It could have been someone or something else.  Think it would be difficult to tell.  Detail from Slobstov might help?

If I can find a way to post the marked up image I will but it keeps crashing.


Star man

November 16, 2019, 06:24:37 PM
Reply #370



Wonder what the shovels looked like that they used to free the tent from its ice incrustation.

All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

November 17, 2019, 02:47:05 PM
Reply #371

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient

Wonder what the shovels looked like that they used to free the tent from its ice incrustation.

Yeah looks like it could do some serious damage.


Star man

November 17, 2019, 02:53:10 PM
Reply #372

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Have tried to mark up the picture again.  It is not great as I had to use my phone.  It appears that the hole was cut, then hands were used to pull at the hole to make it bigger.  It could have been the hikers themselves or the search party or someone/something else .

I would not be surprised if the other cuts were used in the same way.

image uploader

November 18, 2019, 11:09:17 AM
Reply #373


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I believe they kept it for a long time but since the incident was not front page news or international news, they did not keep adequate care of it. From what I read, the storage room where it was kept leaked water which caused the mold and further destruction of the tent. I don't believe anyone hid the tent away, they just didn't care about it figuring the case was closed...

I dont think that the Soviet Authorities would have been to concerned with the news papers in their own Country because they had tight control of them. And they certainly would not have been concerned about what the Western newspapers thought, because they regarded those papers as corrupted anyway.

November 18, 2019, 11:15:05 AM
Reply #374


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

Wonder what the shovels looked like that they used to free the tent from its ice incrustation.

But did the Investigation suggest that the so called Cuts could have been caused by the Searchers digging gear  !  ? 

November 23, 2019, 01:11:51 PM
Reply #375



I have gone over this atleast a half dozen times.
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

November 24, 2019, 11:45:38 PM
Reply #376

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
From the photographs of the tent it seems that there are lots of tears and small holes which could well have been made by digging the tent out.  But some are clearly cuts made from inside.  Cutting through the seams as Jarrfan has pointed out.  Adjacent to the cut in the above photo there appears to be tears and it looks like the tears are extrapolated from the cuts.  To me it looks like the cuts were made so far and then someone has pulled at the cut to make the hole bigger.  If so then who and why?


Star man

November 26, 2019, 11:49:35 PM
Reply #377

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Have just been reading Ivanov”s interview about fire balls again.  And although I must say it does not appear to bring any new evidence to the case,  there are a couple of observations that I find interesting in the context of the Yeti theory.

He states that someone wearing only socks left the tent to relieve themselves and then their foot prints trace immediately down the slope as if something frightened them.  He also says that there were 8 and sometimes 9 sets of tracks leading to the valley below.  This would indicate that they all went the same way and probably together.

He also talks about the skin of the hikers frozen onto the bark of the cedar as they desperately climbed the tree.

These comments could equally be applied to the Yeti theory.  Just replace fire balls with a Yeti or two.

The skin on the bark is interesting because other eye witness reports claim there was other wood lying around that could have been used for a fire and that many of the cut branches were not used and were left hanging from the lower branches.  When you combine such information with Doroshenko’s severe frost bite and the obvious indicator that he climbed the cedar then it seems to link the events to something very scary that they climbed the tree to find safety from.

This thread has been very strange for me because I started it I thought that I would be able to find evidence to rule out Yeti but I have only found things that could support such a theory with the problem that there is still no globally accepted evidence that they exist.  Saying that the evidence does not rule out other theories either.


Star man
« Last Edit: November 27, 2019, 08:31:32 AM by Star man »

November 27, 2019, 11:43:55 AM
Reply #378


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Have just been reading Ivanov”s interview about fire balls again.  And although I must say it does not appear to bring any new evidence to the case,  there are a couple of observations that I find interesting in the context of the Yeti theory.

He states that someone wearing only socks left the tent to relieve themselves and then their foot prints trace immediately down the slope as if something frightened them.  He also says that there were 8 and sometimes 9 sets of tracks leading to the valley below.  This would indicate that they all went the same way and probably together.

He also talks about the skin of the hikers frozen onto the bark of the cedar as they desperately climbed the tree.

These comments could equally be applied to the Yeti theory.  Just replace fire balls with a Yeti or two.

The skin on the bark is interesting because other eye witness reports claim there was other wood lying around that could have been used for a fire and that many of the cut branches were not used and were left hanging from the lower branches.  When you combine such information with Doroshenko’s severe frost bite and the obvious indicator that he climbed the cedar then it seems to link the events to something very scary that they climbed the tree to find safety from.

This thread has been very strange for me because I started it I thought that I would be able to find evidence to rule out Yeti but I have only found things that could support such a theory with the problem that there is still no globally accepted evidence that they exist.  Saying that the evidence does not rule out other theories either.


Star man

Thats probably the way the best Professional Investigators go about their Investigations. They try to find Evidence to rule out their Hypothesis. That way they are their own best Critic as well. What I would do here is to ALLOW for the inclusion of both FIREBALLS or whatever they are and YETI or whatever they are. In other words it could be that the mysterious Ball or Balls are also connected with the mysterious Creature or Creatures. I note that there have been many reports over time especially coming from North America of UFO's and BIGFOOTS and ANIMAL MUTILATIONS being closely connected.

November 27, 2019, 02:37:09 PM
Reply #379

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Have just been reading Ivanov”s interview about fire balls again.  And although I must say it does not appear to bring any new evidence to the case,  there are a couple of observations that I find interesting in the context of the Yeti theory.

He states that someone wearing only socks left the tent to relieve themselves and then their foot prints trace immediately down the slope as if something frightened them.  He also says that there were 8 and sometimes 9 sets of tracks leading to the valley below.  This would indicate that they all went the same way and probably together.

He also talks about the skin of the hikers frozen onto the bark of the cedar as they desperately climbed the tree.

These comments could equally be applied to the Yeti theory.  Just replace fire balls with a Yeti or two.

The skin on the bark is interesting because other eye witness reports claim there was other wood lying around that could have been used for a fire and that many of the cut branches were not used and were left hanging from the lower branches.  When you combine such information with Doroshenko’s severe frost bite and the obvious indicator that he climbed the cedar then it seems to link the events to something very scary that they climbed the tree to find safety from.

This thread has been very strange for me because I started it I thought that I would be able to find evidence to rule out Yeti but I have only found things that could support such a theory with the problem that there is still no globally accepted evidence that they exist.  Saying that the evidence does not rule out other theories either.


Star man

Thats probably the way the best Professional Investigators go about their Investigations. They try to find Evidence to rule out their Hypothesis. That way they are their own best Critic as well. What I would do here is to ALLOW for the inclusion of both FIREBALLS or whatever they are and YETI or whatever they are. In other words it could be that the mysterious Ball or Balls are also connected with the mysterious Creature or Creatures. I note that there have been many reports over time especially coming from North America of UFO's and BIGFOOTS and ANIMAL MUTILATIONS being closely connected.

To repeat the comments that I have heard many presenters and researchers of the DPI say "the deeper you dig the stranger things seem to get"


Star man

December 15, 2019, 11:49:20 PM
Reply #380

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Have had a thought about the injuries of the rav four and the type of scanario that could explain them.

Is a fall down a steep slope a realistic scenario?  Let’s say that three of the group approached the ravine and walked onto a snow overhang, caused by drifting snow and the overhang gives way.  The three fall a couple of metres and tumble down the slope hitting boulders and sustaining cuts to head and chest fractures?

What evidence is there for or against this scenario?

Star man
« Last Edit: December 16, 2019, 08:31:41 AM by Star man »

December 18, 2019, 05:34:14 PM
Reply #381


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Have had a thought about the injuries of the rav four and the type of scanario that could explain them.

Is a fall down a steep slope a realistic scenario?  Let’s say that three of the group approached the ravine and walked onto a snow overhang, caused by drifting snow and the overhang gives way.  The three fall a couple of metres and tumble down the slope hitting boulders and sustaining cuts to head and chest fractures?

What evidence is there for or against this scenario?

Star man

But there was no visible external damage to the skin to suggest those kinds of falls.

December 18, 2019, 07:24:12 PM
Reply #382


But some are clearly cuts made from inside

Yup....  Clear as mud
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

December 18, 2019, 11:39:36 PM
Reply #383

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Have had a thought about the injuries of the rav four and the type of scanario that could explain them.

Is a fall down a steep slope a realistic scenario?  Let’s say that three of the group approached the ravine and walked onto a snow overhang, caused by drifting snow and the overhang gives way.  The three fall a couple of metres and tumble down the slope hitting boulders and sustaining cuts to head and chest fractures?

What evidence is there for or against this scenario?

Star man

But there was no visible external damage to the skin to suggest those kinds of falls.

Good point, but could the clothes have protected the outer soft tissue?

Star man

December 18, 2019, 11:42:32 PM
Reply #384

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
But some are clearly cuts made from inside

Yup....  Clear as mud

Clearly as in the three cuts reported in the case files. They are clearly cuts made through the seams of the tent.  It doesn’t inform us who made them though.

Star man

December 19, 2019, 08:42:41 AM
Reply #385

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Have had a thought about the injuries of the rav four and the type of scanario that could explain them.

Is a fall down a steep slope a realistic scenario?  Let’s say that three of the group approached the ravine and walked onto a snow overhang, caused by drifting snow and the overhang gives way.  The three fall a couple of metres and tumble down the slope hitting boulders and sustaining cuts to head and chest fractures?

What evidence is there for or against this scenario?

Star man

A fall from a snow overhang is less likely to result in breaks of extremities like ankles and wrists as opposed to a direct fall from height.  But if you consider Thibo he did not sustain significant injuries other than the one depressed fracture.  Also could Lyuda have sustained significant rib fractures on both sides of the chest from tumbling down a slope?  Semyon and Lyuda both suffer very similar injuries to chest AND both of them were found with missing eyes ?  Could this just be a coincidence?

If three of them did fall and Kolevatov did not, it would explain why he had less injuries and died of hypothermia!

Star man

December 21, 2019, 01:33:57 PM
Reply #386


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Have had a thought about the injuries of the rav four and the type of scanario that could explain them.

Is a fall down a steep slope a realistic scenario?  Let’s say that three of the group approached the ravine and walked onto a snow overhang, caused by drifting snow and the overhang gives way.  The three fall a couple of metres and tumble down the slope hitting boulders and sustaining cuts to head and chest fractures?

What evidence is there for or against this scenario?

Star man

But there was no visible external damage to the skin to suggest those kinds of falls.

Good point, but could the clothes have protected the outer soft tissue?

Star man

Well I dont know about your outdoor activities but I have been in rough and tumbles since I was a kid. Out and about on building sites and farmland etc etc from age 7. In those days no Elf and Lafty to worry about. And I had many a fall and bump and scrap of the not to serious kind, although I once fell of a push bike and took a small chunk out of My Elbow down to the bone despite protection from clothing. So despite protection from clothing I suffered My fair share of Skin Damage. And the damage to some of those bodies should have involved very serious Skin Damage. Mystery.

December 21, 2019, 03:19:39 PM
Reply #387

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Have had a thought about the injuries of the rav four and the type of scanario that could explain them.

Is a fall down a steep slope a realistic scenario?  Let’s say that three of the group approached the ravine and walked onto a snow overhang, caused by drifting snow and the overhang gives way.  The three fall a couple of metres and tumble down the slope hitting boulders and sustaining cuts to head and chest fractures?

What evidence is there for or against this scenario?

Star man

But there was no visible external damage to the skin to suggest those kinds of falls.

Good point, but could the clothes have protected the outer soft tissue?

Star man

Well I dont know about your outdoor activities but I have been in rough and tumbles since I was a kid. Out and about on building sites and farmland etc etc from age 7. In those days no Elf and Lafty to worry about. And I had many a fall and bump and scrap of the not to serious kind, although I once fell of a push bike and took a small chunk out of My Elbow down to the bone despite protection from clothing. So despite protection from clothing I suffered My fair share of Skin Damage. And the damage to some of those bodies should have involved very serious Skin Damage. Mystery.

It’s a difficult one to answer conclusively.  I think the balance of probability would suggest that you should expect some soft tissue damage.

Star man

December 21, 2019, 10:15:52 PM
Reply #388


Geez...  when I was 13, I was hit by a car and my head went through the windshield. Not a single scratch on my head other then a goose egg and a headache.  I was hit by a car a second time.... chattered my ankle in dozens of pieces..... not a scratch. 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

December 22, 2019, 03:44:31 PM
Reply #389

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Geez...  when I was 13, I was hit by a car and my head went through the windshield. Not a single scratch on my head other then a goose egg and a headache.  I was hit by a car a second time.... chattered my ankle in dozens of pieces..... not a scratch.

Yeah as I said it is a difficult one.  With the clothes it is possible that they could have prevented the soft tissue damage.


Star man