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Author Topic: Another interesting version  (Read 18302 times)

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January 09, 2024, 12:54:22 PM
Reply #30


Thank you so much Axelrod, I appreciate it.


January 10, 2024, 07:40:52 AM
Reply #31


Dyatlov Pass. The mystery of soldiers' windings (January 9, 2024):
[MOCHALOV:] Today I would like to talk about the strange things found among the belongings of the Dyatlov group. For example, these strange things were discovered - soldiers' windings. Where could tourists get soldiers' windings from? After all, they didn’t serve in the army! But even if they served, it’s unlikely that they would have these soldier’s windings.

The fact is that windings were abolished in the Soviet Army in 1943. By the way, in the same year, shoulder straps were introduced into the Soviet Army. Probably, simultaneously with the introduction of shoulder straps, windings were also abolished.

But usually the appearance of windings among tourists’ belongings is explained as follows: they belonged to Zolotarev. He is a front-line soldier, and began his participation in the war even before 1943. This means it could have windings.

But this version that the windings belonged to Zolotarev, it seems to me, will not work. And the main reason why this version will not work is the following... I’ll explain now. This means that one winding was found near the tent, and the other on the flooring. So, there is such a nuance: not a winding was found on the flooring, but half a winding. Colonel Ortyukov wrote in a radiogram that a winding of overcoat cloth was found on the flooring. And how she appeared there, he cannot understand. So, Ortyukov didn’t write it quite correctly. What was found on the flooring was not a winding, just half a winding. After all, he wrote in the radiogram that the length of the winding was about 1 meter. But in fact, the length of the windings was not a meter, but 2 m 15 cm. And 1 m is half. And the fact that half of the winding was discovered suggests that it is unlikely to have belonged to Zolotarev. Why on earth would Zolotarev take half the winding on a hike? You can’t wrap it around your leg! These windings were wound around the shin. But to completely wrap the entire shin, a minimum of 2 m was required. And with one meter, of course, you cannot cover the entire shin. It's simply not enough! Thus, Zolotarev simply would not have taken half the winding on a hike. She wouldn't be of any use to him there! It cannot even be used as a scarf. The fact is that overcoat cloth is rough. Wrap it around your neck like a scarf, and it will rub your neck. This is one of the arguments showing that the winding (more precisely, half of the winding) could not belong to Zolotarev.

Well, the second argument is this. According to the official version, the tourists of Dyatlov’s group left the tent for no reason. Question: why, when running away from the tent, did Zolotarev take half the winding with him? What did he want to do with them? (laughs) And what’s interesting is that for some reason Zolotarev, while escaping from the scarf, also took a camera with him, as well as a notebook! Strange... Why does he need all this with him? Well, let’s say a camera, okay, can be explained by the fact that a camera is a valuable thing. He may not have wanted to lose it, so he captured it. Well, why a notebook? (In which I didn’t write anything!) Moreover, he would not have taken half the winding with him. These considerations show that this winding did not belong to Zolotarev, but to some completely stranger, not a member of Dyatlov’s group.

Don’t forget that Zolotarev was not from Sverdlovsk or the region, but from the Stavropol Territory. Did he really decide to take half the winding with him over 1000 km? Also very strange... In short, this is not his winding!

So, I think I’ve told you everything about the winding. But there is one more thing I would like to tell you. This means that there was an army flask with alcohol in the tent, and chopped loin was also found there. Well, there were pieces of bread lying nearby. What hypothesis can be put forward by looking at this? And this: someone was going to have a drink and a snack. Who? Are they tourists? Then it turns out somehow strange: at night, out of the blue, they suddenly decided to have a drink and a snack, they cut up some loin and bread, you know? Very strange...

Then this flask with alcohol was discovered by search engines, and it was lying in a metal bucket. And the bucket stood at the entrance to the tent. Now let's think about it. Would tourists really store alcohol in the cold in a bucket? He'll freeze there. True, it will not turn into ice. As far as I know, alcohol turns into ice at a temperature of -114 degrees, or -144. Well, in short, at a very low temperature. But it is not important. Even if the alcohol did not turn into ice, it would still be cold. And drinking cold alcohol internally or as a rub is also somehow uncomfortable. My point is that tourists couldn't put a flask of alcohol in a bucket. Usually tourists do this with alcohol: they pour it into hot water bottles, and then hang the hot water bottle on themselves, around their necks. Well, so that the heating pad is closer to the body, and so that the alcohol is warm. Well, that is, it would be heated by the body.

And we can conclude that this flask did not belong to the Dyatlovites, but to some strangers. These strangers decided to have a drink and a snack, they cut the loin, they also cut the bread, but something prevented them from drinking. Do you understand? Before they had time to drink, they were forced to unexpectedly leave the tent. Well, give it all up - the loin, the alcohol, and the bread.

So what is the reason that they did not drink alcohol? My version: it was not the Dyatlovites who were going to have a drink and a snack in the tent, but soldiers. They were given alcohol to help them warm up. Well, so that they will be there when the tent is set up and the corpses of the Dyatlovites are laid out, so that they can drink there, warm up and have lunch. And so the soldiers climbed into the tent. Well, how many of them were there? Maybe there are three of these soldiers there, or maybe four. They climbed into the tent, cut everything there, and were just about to have a drink, when suddenly a helicopter flies in, the commander lands and orders:

“Come on, guys, get ready immediately and board the helicopter!” There's no point in sitting here! Suddenly someone will see. Maybe a Mansi hunter will pass by and see that the soldiers have set up a tent for some reason...

That’s why the commander quickly drove them out of the tent, they boarded the helicopter and flew away. And at the same time they forgot a flask of alcohol, chopped loin and pieces of bread in the tent.

This is my version. I don't know how convincing this all sounds. But, in my opinion, it is quite convincing.

Перевал Дятлова. Тайна солдатских обмоток (9 января 2024):
[МОЧАЛОВ:] Сегодня я хотел бы поговорить о странных вещицах, обнаруженных среди вещей дятловцев. Вот такие, например, странные вещи были обнаружены - солдатские обмотки. Откуда у туристов могли взяться солдатские обмотки? Ведь они же в армии не служили! Но даже если бы и служили, то тоже вряд ли у них были бы эти солдатские обмотки.

Дело в том, что обмотки были отменены в Советской Армии в 1943 году. Кстати, в том же году в Советской Армии были введены погоны. Наверное, одновременно с введением погон были отменены и обмотки.

Но обычно появление обмоток среди вещей туристов объясняют так: а это они Золотарёву принадлежали. Он же фронтовик, причём начал своё участие в войне ещё до 1943 года. Значит, у него могли быть обмотки.

Но эта версия, что обмотки принадлежали Золотарёву, мне кажется, не пройдёт. И главная причина, почему эта версия не пройдёт, заключается в следующем... Сейчас объясню. Значит, одна обмотка была обнаружена у палатки, а другая на настиле. Так вот, тут есть такой нюанс: на настиле была обнаружена не обмотка, а половина обмотки. Полковник Ортюков в радиограмме написал, что на настиле обнаружена обмотка из шинельного сукна. И как она там появилась, он не может понять. Так вот, Ортюков не совсем правильно написал. На настиле была обнаружена не обмотка, в половина обмотки. Ведь он написал в радиограмме, что длина обмотки была где-то 1 метр. А на самом деле длина обмоток была не метр, а 2 м 15 см. А 1 м - это получается половина. И тот факт, что была обнаружена половина обмотки, как раз и говорит о том, что вряд ли она принадлежала Золотарёву. С какой стати Золотарёв взял бы в поход половину обмотки? Ею же на ногу ты не замотаешь! Эти обмотки наматывались на голень. Но чтобы полностью замотать всю голень, требовалось минимум 2 м, А одним метром, понятно, всю голень не заметаешь. Её просто не хватит! Таким образом, Золотарёв просто бы не взял половину обмотки в поход. Она бы ему там никак не пригодилась! Её даже в качестве шарфа невозможно использовать. Дело в том, что шинельное сукно - оно же грубое. Намотаешь вокруг шеи, как шарф, и тебе шею натрёт. Это один из аргументов, показывающий, что обмотка (точнее, половина обмотки) не могла принадлежать Золотарёву.

Ну а второй аргумент такой. Cогласно официальной версии, туристы группы Дятлова ни с того ни с сего покинули палатку. Вопрос: а почему, убегая из палатки, Золотарёв захватил с собой пол-обмотки? Что он с ними хотел далать? (смеётся) Причём что интересно, Золотарёв зачем-то, убегая из платки, ещё и фотоаппарат с собой захватил, а также записную книжку! Странно... Зачем ему всё это с собой? Ну, допустим, фотоаппарат, ладно, можно объяснить тем, что фотоаппарат - ценная вещь. Он, может, не хотел его терять, и поэтому захватил. Ну а записную книжку зачем? (В котрой ничего не записал!) А тем более не стал бы он с собой прихватывать половину обмотки Вот эти соображения показывают, что эта обмотка принадлежала не Золотарёву, а какому-то совершенно постороннему человеку, не участнику группы Дятлова.

Ещё не забывайте, что Золотарёв был родом не из Свердловска или области, а из из Ставропольского края. неужели за 1000 км он решил с собой половину обмотки везти? Тоже очень странно... Короче, это не его обмотка!

Так, про обмотку, кажется, я всё рассказал. Но ещё кое о чём мне мне хотелось бы рассказать. Значит, в палатке была армейская фляжка со спиртом, а также там была обнаружена нарезанная корейка. Ну и рядом валялись куски хлеба. Вот какую гипотезу можно выдвинуть, глядя на это? А такую: кто-то собирался выпить и закусить. А кто? Неужели туристы? Тогда как-то странно получается: ночью ни с то ни с сего вдруг решили выпить и закусить, нарезали корейку и хлеб, понимаете? Очень странно...

Далее эта фляжка со спиртом была обнаружена поисковиками, и она лежала в металлическом ведре. А ведро стояло у входа в палатку. А теперь подумаем. Неужели туристы стали бы хранить спирт на холоде в ведре? Он же там замёрзнет. Правда, в лёд он не превратится. Насколько мне известно, спирт превращается в лёд при температуре -114 градусов, то ли -144. Ну, короче, при очень низкой температуре. Но это неважно. Даже если спирт не превратился бы в лёд, всё равно он бы холодный был. А холодный спирт употребля внутрь или в качестве натирания - тоже как-то некомфортно. Я хочу сказать, что туристы не могли положить фляжку со спиртом в ведро. Обычно туристы со спиртом поступают так: они наливают его в грелки, ну а грелку вешают на себя, на шею. Ну чтобы грелка была ближе к телу, и чтобы спирт был тёплым. Ну то есть, нагревался бы от тела.

И можно сделать вывод эта фляжка принадлежала не дятловцам, а каким-то посторонним людям. Эти посторонние люди решили выпить и закусить, нарезали корейку, хлеб тоже нарезали, но что-то им помешало выпить. Понимаете? Не успели они выпить и были вынуждены неожиданно покинуть палатку. Ну и всё это бросить - и корейку, и спирт, и хлеб.

Так в чём же причина, что они не выпили спирт? Моя версия: выпить и закусить в палатке собирались не дятловцы, а солдаты. Им для сугреву выдали спирт. Ну, чтобы они там, когда палатку поставят и трупы дятловцев разложат, чтобы могли там выпить, согреться и пообедать. И вот солдаты, значит, залезли в палатку. Ну, сколько их там было? Может, три человека там этих солдат, а может четыре. Они залезли в палатку, нарезали всё там, и только собрались выпить, как тут вдруг прилетает вертолёт, командир высаживается и приказывает:

«А ну-ка, ребята, немедленно собирайтесь и погружаетесь в вертолёт! Нечего тут сидеть! Вдруг кто-то увидит. Может, охотник манси пройдёт мимо и увидит, что солдаты палатку поставили зачем-то...»

Вот поэтому командир их быстренько прогнал из палатки, они погрузились в вертолёт и улетели. И при этом они забыли в палатке фляжку со спиртом, нарезанную корейку и куски хлеба.

Вот такая моя версия. Не знаю, насколько всё это убедительно звучит. Но, по-моему, вполне убедительно.


January 10, 2024, 08:17:05 AM
Reply #32


YURI ALEKSEEVICH KRIVONISCHENKO (GEORGIY) is known to have owned windings. He is photographed wearing them.
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January 11, 2024, 02:40:09 AM
Reply #33


New video by Veniamin Mochalov Dyatlov Pass. Answer to Nikolai Chudin (January 10-11, 2024):
[-] Yesterday one person asked me a question. And I decided to answer him in the video. The question was: if Dyatlov’s group was killed at the training ground, then why did the military stage a reenactment? They could have simply hidden the corpses somewhere and no one would have found them!

Yes, indeed, this is usually done. If a criminal has committed a murder, then he hides the corpse rather than displaying it. And then it turned out that the military put everything on display: they brought a tent to the pass, put it there on the mountain, and laid out the corpses nearby. And in such a way that they were visible. Especially Doroshenko and Krivonischenko. They weren’t even buried in the snow, they were simply laid there.

I answer this question: why did the military stage the staging? Since Dyatlov’s group disappeared, they would certainly start looking for them. How to search? Let's follow in their footsteps! And besides, everyone knew the route of the Dyatlov group and could not even follow the tracks, but precisely along the route... And where would these traces lead? They would lead me to the training ground. Since this was a testing ground, then naturally there should be traces of explosions of vacuum bombs. Firstly, there must be craters, and the craters are not in the ground, but in the snow. In addition, these explosions could have scorched or broken trees, and would also have left a mark. Well, since the tree is broken and scorched, it is clear that there was an explosion.

And when rescuers came to the test site, they would see these traces of explosions and understand that Dyatlov’s group died as a result of military tests. The military could not allow rescuers to discover the site and traces of explosions. How can this be done so that rescuers do not reach the landfill? Should we put up a cordon there, around the training ground? It wouldn't help. On the contrary, everyone would immediately guess that the tourists died as a result of military tests. And the military decided to make sure that rescuers found the corpses before the landfill. Because if they had found them, they would not have gone further to search and would not have reached the training ground. Do you understand?

That's why the military staged it. They brought the corpses and equipment of the tourists to another place, not at the training ground, but transported them closer to the beginning of the route. The training ground was somewhere closer to Otorten. So they transported the corpses from that place, set up a tent on Mount 1079, laid out the corpses nearby and pretended that Dyatlov’s group had died as a result of a hurricane. It’s as if the tourists set up a tent on the mountain, and at night a hurricane began and blew them off the mountain. And everything happened so quickly that the tourists did not even have time to get dressed, and as a result they froze and died. This is how the military staged it. I think my answer is clear, comprehensive, and no further explanation is required from me. And if something is not clear, ask the following questions!

Новое выступление Вениамина Мочалова Перевал Дятлова. Мой ответ Николаю Чудину (10-11 января 2024):
[-] Вчера один человек задал мне вопрос. И я решил ему ответить в видеоролике. Вопрос был такой: если группа Дятлова убита на полигоне, то зачем военные устроили инсценировку? Могли просто спрятать где-нибудь трупы, и никто бы их не нашёл!

Да, действительно, обычно так и делается. Если преступник совершил убийство, то он прячет труп, а не выставляют его напоказ. А тут получилось так, что военные выставили всё напоказ: привезли палатку на перевал, поставили её там на горе, трупы рядом разложили. Причём так, что их видно было. Особенно Дорошенко и Кривонищенко. Их в снег даже не закопали, а просто положили.

Отвечаю на этот вопрос, зачем военные устроили инсценировку. Раз группа Дятлова пропала, то их непременно стали бы искать. А как искать? А пошли бы по их следам! А кроме того, все знали маршрут группы Дятлова и могли бы даже не по следам идти, а именно по маршруту... И куда бы привели эти следы? Они привели бы на полигон. Раз это был полигон, то естественно, там должны быть следы взрывов вакуумных бомб. Во-первых, воронки должны быть, причём воронки не в земле, а в снегу. Кроме того, от этих взрывов могло опалить или сломать деревья, и тоже бы остался след. Ну, раз дерево сломано, опалено, то понятно, что был взрыв.

И вот когда поисковики пришли бы на полигон, то они эти следы взрывов увидели бы и поняли, что группа Дятлова погибла в результате военных испытаний. Военные не могли допустить, чтобы поисковики обнаружили полигон и следы взрывов. А как это сделать, чтобы поисковики не дошли до полигона? Оцепление что ли выставить там, вокруг полигона? Это не помогло бы. Наоборот, все сразу догадались бы, что туристы погибли в результате военных испытаний. И военные решили сделать так, чтобы поисковики нашли трупы раньше полигона. Потому что если бы они их нашли, то дальше они не пошли бы искать и не дошли бы до полигона. Понимаете?

Вот почему военные совершили инсценировку. Они привезли трупы и снаряжение туристов в другое место, не на полигоне, а перевезли их поближе к началу маршрута. Полигон был где-то ближе к Отортену. Вот они с того места трупы и перевезли, поставили палатку на горе 1079, трупы там рядом разложили и изобразили, будто бы группа Дятлова погибла в результате урагана. Будто бы туристы поставили палатку на горе, а ночью начался ураган и сдул их с горы. И всё произошло так быстро, что туристы даже не успели одеться, и в результате они замёрзли и умерли. Вот такую инсценировку совершили военные. Я думаю, мой ответ понятен, исчерпывающий, и больше объяснений от меня не требуется. А если что-то непонятно, задавайте следующие вопросы!


January 17, 2024, 08:22:44 AM
Reply #34


More thoughts from his speech, just in time for Igor Dyatlov’s 88th birthday Dyatlov Pass. Three reasons preventing the solution (January 13, 2024):
[MOCHALOV:] Sometimes it even makes me kind of funny that people just can’t solve the mystery of the Dyatlov Pass. Well, what's so mysterious about it? There is no mysticism or fantasy here. Everything is explained quite materialistically. But I know why it takes so long for people to solve this mystery. (…)

I know because I revealed it. So, there are three reasons why this mystery remained unsolved for so long.

The first reason is that Dubinina and Zolotaryov were killed by a very unusual weapon. There were no such weapons before. This weapon has a very unusual effect on a person when it is triggered. Namely: this weapon can break a person’s ribs and damage the skull and such human organs that contain a lot of fluid. This weapon is called thermobaric.

As everyone knows, Dubinina and Zolotaryov had broken ribs, and somehow unusually broken, in two places... Moreover, they were broken as if in one line. The fracture line ran from top to bottom. That is, these fractures of the ribs were not randomly located, but along two lines.

Further, Zolotaryov and Dubinina did not have eyes, and Dubinina also did not have a tongue, mouth diaphragm, upper lip, and the skin surrounding the eyes was also missing. Zolotaryov had about the same thing - the skin around his eyes was also missing.

So, the explosion of a vacuum bomb has all these properties (breaking ribs, damaging eyes, tongue, lips and mucous membranes in general). But people don’t know this, that it is the explosion of a vacuum bomb that affects the human body in such a strange way.

People don't know this! And therefore they cannot guess that the cause of the death of Dubinina and Zolotaryov was the explosion of a vacuum bomb! This, then, is the first reason why the mystery cannot be solved.

The second reason is that after the death of the Dyatlov group, a staging was carried out. That is, the people involved in the death of the Dyatlov group moved the corpses from the places where they were killed to another place, namely to that very pass. They were moved there and placed there in a special way. Well, we also set up a tent on the mountain. And because these bodies and the tent were moved there, people also cannot understand the reason for the death of the group. Now, if the bodies lay in the same place where these tourists died, then people would have guessed what they died from.

But since the bodies were moved to another place, how can you guess? There's a corpse lying in front of you. There are broken ribs, no eyes... How can you guess why a person died, if there is nothing nearby that could break a person’s ribs and tear out his eyes...

So, the second reason why people cannot solve the mystery is due to the dramatization. And the third reason why people cannot guess that the head of the search for Dyatlov’s group, Evgeniy Polikarpovich Maslennikov, has put too much noodles in the ears of both search engines and investigators. Roughly speaking, Maslenyikov was covering the stagers with his ass. Maslennikov himself did not participate in the staging, and he did not drag the corpses, and did not set up the tent in any other place, but he tried to cover up the actions of the staging team, and people believed him...

After all, who is Maslennikov? Famous tourist. The most, one might say, the main tourist of the region, an authoritative person. Therefore, no matter what he said, people believed him... Well, how can you not believe such a person? And he lied mercilessly... And the first lie he told was that the tent was set up according to the rules. This is a lie. The tent was pitched completely against the rules. Firstly, tourists, especially experienced tourists, will never pitch a tent on the mountain.

Second, the tent on the mountain that the searchers found, it wasn’t even standing at all, it was lying down! Just imagine, place a sheet on the snow, and at one end, under this sheet, stick a ski pole into the ground. This is roughly how the tent stood on the mountain. She didn’t stand, she lay down... And at one end they propped her up with a ski pole, you know? Well, someone is putting up tents? Even children can’t pitch a tent like that.

In order for the tent to stand, you need at least 2 supports in the form of ski poles, and at least 8 ski poles in the form of guy ropes. And if you look at the photo of the tent at an altitude of 1079, what do we see? We see one stick propping up the entrance to the tent. Next we see two more sticks. One stands at the entrance, but it does not support anything and does not pull anything back. Another stick stands at the opposite end, and it also does not support anything, does not pull anything back. Question: Where are the other 6 sticks that are supposed to pull back the scarf? They are not there! Therefore, the tent is not stretched, it simply hangs on one pole at the entrance.

By the way, what’s interesting is that the tent inspection report does not say how many ski poles were found near the tent. That's how many skis there are, how many backpacks, how many boots - it's written there, but how many poles are not written. It simply says: yes, there were also ski poles... But the quantity is not indicated! This is written about skis: Eight pairs of skis lay under the tent, with their noses down. The ninth pair of skis stood stuck near the tent. Where are the sticks? Were they standing there or lying there? And how many were there? How many were there? This is not written in the protocol. Why isn't it written? I think I can guess. Prosecutor Tempalov could not write down the number of sticks, because there were very few of them.

Judging by the photo of the tent, there were only 4 poles. There should have been 18 pieces (9 pairs), but there were 4 pieces (2 pairs)! I repeat once again about these 4 things: one stick propped up the entrance to the tent, the second for some reason was near the entrance, the third was stuck at the opposite end of the tent. And the fourth stick, as you can understand, was lying inside the tent. Moreover, for some reason this 4th stick was cut into 3 more sticks. Judging by the stories of the search engines, the upper part of her stick seemed to have been broken off along a circular cut! Then another cut was made there, but it was not broken off. They just made an incision, but didn’t break it off.

And not a word is said about this strange stick, cut up and ringed, in Tempalov’s protocol. It was as if she never existed. Only the search engines said that it was a stick.

Further... So, Maslennikov, in short, was lying, claiming that the tent was standing according to the rules. She didn't follow the rules. This is not how tourists set up tents. Further, Maslenniokv wrote in a radiogram that Dyatlov’s group allegedly died on the night of February 2. How did he know this? Even forensic experts cannot determine the date of death of a person if his body is found a month later. That is, the corpse has decomposed so much, or has changed so much, that it is impossible to determine the exact date. We can roughly say that he died about a month ago. Can't find out the exact date! And Maslennikov found this out. He said that on the night of February 2! It turns out that Maslennikov had a diamond eye or something?

Maslennikov also stated in a radiogram that on February 1, Dyatlov’s group set off at 15:00. Question: How did he know this? Did he see them set out at 3:00 p.m.? He didn't see anything! The diary entries do not say at what time Dyatlov’s group set off. So the claim that she set off at 15:00 is just a hypothesis, to put it mildly. And to put it bluntly, it’s just a lie. Maslennikov could not know what time Dyatlov’s group set out on February 1.

These, then, are the three reasons why they cannot solve the mystery of the death of the Dyatlov group for so long. I will repeat these reasons again.

The first reason is that Dubinina and Zolotaryov were killed by an unusual weapon, a thermobaric one. And since people do not know how this weapon affects a person, they naturally cannot guess that the cause of their death is a thermobaric weapon.

Secondly, why can’t they guess that it was staged? With this staging, the military fooled people’s brains, so people can’t guess why Dyatlov’s group died.

And the third reason why people cannot guess is Maslennikov’s lie. He deceived everyone, but people believed him because he was an authoritative man. Thus, the conclusion follows - they shouldn’t have believed him!

In general, the idea is clear. Where it is possible to accurately count the number of tracks, Ivanov writes about 8-9 tracks. And where only the time range is known, he writes the exact time and exact date.

Ещё мысли из его выступления, как раз к 88-летию Игоря Дятлова Перевал Дятлова. Три причины, препятствующие разгадк (13 января 2024):
[МОЧАЛОВ:] Иногда мне становится даже как-то смешно от того, что люди никак не могут разгадать тайну перевала Дятлова. Ну что тут такого слишком уж таинственного? Нет тут никакой мистики и никакой фантастики. Всё объясняется достаточно материалистически. Но я знаю, почему люди так долго не могут разгадать эту тайну. (…)

Я знаю, потому что я её раскрыл. Так вот, есть три причины, почему эта тайна так долго не поддавалась разгадке.

Первая причина заключается в том, что Дубинину и Золотарёва убило очень необычное оружие. Такого оружия раньше не было. Это оружие очень необычно воздействует на человека при своём срабатывании. А именно: это оружие может сломать человеку рёбра и повредить череп и такие органы человека, в которых много жидкости. Это оружие это называется термобарическое.

Как все знают, у Дубининой и Золотарёва были сломаны рёбра, причём как-то необычно сломаны, в двух местах... Причём они сломаны были как бы по одной линии. Линия излома проходила сверху вниз. То есть, не хаотично были расположены эти изломы рёбер, а по двум линиям.

Далее, у Золотарёва и Дубининой не было глаз, а у Дубининой также не было языка и диафрагмы рта, верхней губы, и ещё отсутствовала кожа, окружающая глаза. У Золотарёва примерно то же самое было – тоже кожа отсутствовала вокруг глаз.

Так вот, всеми этими свойствами (ломание рёбер, повреждение глаз, языка, губ и вообще слизистых оболочек) как раз обладает взрыв вакуумной бомбы. Но люди-то этого не знают, что именно взрыв вакуумной бомбы таким странным образом воздействует на тело человека.

Не знает этого люди! А потому и не могут догадаться, что причина гибели Дубининой и Золотарёва – это взрыв вакуумной бомбы! Вот, значит, такая первая причина, почему тайна не поддаётся разгадке.

Вторая причина заключается в том, что после гибели группы Дятлова была совершена инсценировка. То есть люди, причастные к гибели группы Дятлова, переместили трупы с тех мест, где они были убиты, в другое место, а именно на тот самый перевал. Их переметисли туда и расположили там особым образом. Ну и на горе также палатку поставили. И вот от того, что эти тела и палатку туда переместили, люди тоже никак не могут понять, в чём причина гибели группы. Вот если бы тела лежали на том же месте, где погибли эти туристы, то люди бы догадались, от чего они погибли.

Но раз тела переместили в другое место, то как ты догадаешься? Вот перед тобой лежит труп. Там сломаны рёбра, глаз нет… Как ты догадаешься, отчего человек погиб, если рядом ничего похожего нет, чтобы сломало у человека рёбра, ну и вырвало глаза…

Так вот, вторая причина, почему люди не могут разгадать тайну, заключаются в инсценировке. А третья причина, почему люди не могут догадаться, что руководитель поисков группы Дятлова – Масленников Евгений Поликарпович – слишком много лапши навешал на уши и поисковикам, и следователям. Грубо говоря, Масленyиков прикрывал задницей инсценировщиков. Сам-то Масленников не участвовал в инсценировке, и трупы он не перетаскивал, и палатку ое не ставил в доугом месте, но он пытался прикрыть действия инсценировщиков, а люди-то ему верили…

Ведь Масленников - кто это такой? Известный турист. Самый, можно сказать, главный турист области, авторитетный человек. Поэтому что бы он ни говорил, а люди ему верили... Ну как ты не поверишь такому человеку? А он врал беспощадно… И первая ложь, которую он высказал, заключалась в том, что будто бы палатку поставили по правилам. Это враньё. Палатка была поставлена совершенно не по правилам. Во-первых, туристы, особенно опытные туристы, никогда не поставят палатку на горе.

Второе, палатка на горе, которую нашли поисковики, она вообще не стояла даже, она лежала! Вот, представьте себе, положьте на снег простыню, а с одного конца под эту простыню воткните в землю лыжную палку. Вот примерно таким образом стояла палатка на горе. Она не стояла, она лежала… А с одного конца её подпёрли лыжной палкой, понимаете? Ну кто-то ставит палатки? Это даже дети - и то так палатку не поставят.

Чтобы палатка стояла, нужны как минимум 2 подпорки в виде лыжных палок, и как минимум 8 лыжных палок в виде оттяжек. А если взглянуть на фото палатки на высоте 1079, то что мы видим? Мы видим, как одна палка подпирает вход в палатку. Далее мы видим ещё две палки. Одна стоит у входа, но она ничего не подпирает и ничего не оттягивает. Другая палка стоит у противоположного конца, и она тоже ничего не подпирает, ничего не оттягивает. Вопрос: А где остальные 6 палок, которые должны оттягивать платку? Их нету! Поэтому палатка не натянута, она просто висит на одной палке у входа.

Кстати, что интересно, в Акте осмотра палатки не написано, а сколько обнаружено лыжных палок около палатки. Вот сколько лыж там, сколько рюкзаков, сколько ботинок - там написано, а сколько палок - не написано. Просто написано: да, там были ещё и лыжные палки... А количество не указано! Про лыжи написано так: Восемь пар лыж лежали под палаткой, носами вниз. Девятая пара лыж стояла, воткнутая около палатки. А где палки? Они там стояли или лежали? И сколько их было? Какое количество их было? В протоколе это не написано. А почему не написано? Я, кажется, догадываюсь. Прокурор Темпалов не мог написать количество палок, потому что их очень маловато было.

Судя по фотографии палатки, палок было всего 4 штуки. Должно быть 18 штук (9 пар), а их было 4 штуки (2 пары)! Повторяю ещё раз про эти 4 штуки: одна палка подпирала вход в палатку, вторая зачем-то около входа, третья была воткнута у противоположного конца палатки. А четвёртая палка, как можно понять, она лежала внутри палатки. Причём эта 4-я палка почему-то была разрезана ещё на 3 палки. Судя по рассказам поисковиков, у неё верхняя часть палки была вообще как бы отломлена по кольцевому надрезу! Далее там был сделан ещё один надрез, но там не было отломано. Просто надрез сделаи, но не отломили.

И вот про эту странную палку, изрезанную и окольцованную, в протоколе Темпалова ни слова не сказано. Как будто и не было её. О том, что это палка была, рассказывали только поисковики.

Далее… Значит, Масленников, короче, врал, утверждая что палатка стоит по правилам. Она стояла не по правилам. Так туристы не ставят палатки. Далее, Масленниокв в радиограмме написал, что будто бы группа Дятлова погибла в ночь на 2 февраля. А откуда он это узнал? Даже судмедэксперты не могут определить дату смерти человека, если его труп найден через месяц. То есть, труп настолько разложился, или настолько вообще изменился, что точную дату определить невозможно. Примерно можно сказать, что вот он погиб где-то месяц назад. На точную дату не выяснить! А Масленников это выяснил. Он заявил, что вот мол, в ночь на 2 февраля! Получается, у Масленникова глаз-алмаз что ли был?

Ещё Масленников заявил в радиограмме, что 1 февраля группа Дятлова вышла в путь в 15:00. Вопрос: А откуда он это узнал? Он что, видел, как они вышли в путь в 15:00? Да ничего он не видел! В дневниковых записях не сказано, во сколько часов вышла группа Дятлова в путь. Так что утверждение, будто она вышла в путь в 15:00 – это просто гипотеза, если сказать мягко. А если сказать грубо – это просто враньё. Не мог Масленников знать, во сколько часов вышла в путь группа Дятлова 1 февраля.

Вот таковы, значит, три причины, почему так долго не могут разгадать тайну гибели группы Дятлова. Ещё раз повторю эти причины.

Первая причина – Дубинину и Золотарёва убило необычное оружие, термобаричемкое. А так как люди не знают, как это оружие воздействует на человека, то естественно, не могут догадаться, что причина их смерти – это термобарическое оружие.

Второе, почему не могут догадаться, что была осуществлена инсценировка. Этой инсценировкой военные запудрили людям мозги, поэтому люди никак не могут догадаться, отчего погибла группа Дятлова.

И третья причина, почему люди не могут догадаться – это ложь Масленникова. Он всех обманул, а люди ему поверили, потому что человек-то ое авторитетный. Таким образом, следует вывод - зря они ему поверили!

В общем, мысль понятна. Там, где можно точно сосчитать число следов, Иванов пишет про 8-9 следов. А где известен только диапазон времени, то он пишет точное время и точную дату.


January 19, 2024, 06:25:41 PM
Reply #35


From his words the conclusion follows: Dyatlov’s group entered a military training ground where they were testing new weapons. What kind of weapon it was, Cheglakov did not know. He himself did not personally participate in the tests. All he knew about this weapon was that it took oxygen out of the air. He said these words to his son Vladimir.

It is a rare military test site that has open boundaries, yes?
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.
The following users thanked this post: Почемучка

January 19, 2024, 08:25:43 PM
Reply #36


From his words the conclusion follows: Dyatlov’s group entered a military training ground where they were testing new weapons. What kind of weapon it was, Cheglakov did not know. He himself did not personally participate in the tests. All he knew about this weapon was that it took oxygen out of the air. He said these words to his son Vladimir.

It is a rare military test site that has open boundaries, yes?

There's strong logic in that question Glennm . We have the potential for Mansi , prisoners, U2 spy planes, loggers/foresters , people mining the mountains , helicopters /planes and the known hobby of tourists/
hikers in the Soviet Union. If the secret base couldn't work out through its intelligence services that it was used by all of the above , then what hope do we have.

I don't think tongues fly out of the mouth by any special invented bomb?. Plus words are used like "tear out eyes". The eyes were missing, the other two sets of eyes were shrunk etc. They were decomposing by the time they were found, in running water...I would be more concerned and suspicious if the ravine bodies were in perfect condition after enduring months in the bottom of the ravine !?.

The following users thanked this post: GlennM, Почемучка

January 20, 2024, 11:24:05 AM
Reply #37


Possible explanation for Lyudmila found without tongue

Let's assume that Alexander, Igor, Yuri Dor, Yuri Kri?) had found Lyudmila lying badly injured in the ravine.
It is highly likely ‘the four’ – or one/two of them – had noted that Lyudmila had stopped breathing.

It may well be that one or two group members had considered the possibility of an upper airway obstruction by the tongue.

Page 25 in the report 'Bombings: Injury Patterns and Care - Blast Injuries Seminar - Curriculum Guide' states:
Mild upper airway obstruction secondary to the tongue is more common, and this usually responds to repositioning of the patient's head or a jaw thrust’, see: https://emergency.cdc.gov/masscasualties/word/blast_curriculum_3h.doc

The normal emergency procedure for an upper airway obstruction is ‘Cricothyrotomy’ or ‘Tracheostomy’ (small incision from the outside in the upper throat to create a small hole for breathing through), see further: https://www.msdmanuals.com/professional/critical-care-medicine/respiratory-arrest/surgical-airway

It may well be that one of the group members had removed the tongue as amateur emergency surgery: he may have thought that herewith the upper airway obstruction might have been removed.

A little later they had noted that her heartbeat had already stopped: she had already died.

Possible explanation for Lyudmila and Semyon found with missing eyes

As secondary injury caused by a blast, small particles - accelerated to high speeds by the pressure wave - had damaged and penetrated the retina and eyeballs.

January 23, 2024, 01:11:54 PM
Reply #38


Pensioner Veniamin Mochalov recently published the following speech: Dyatlov Pass. Did Zolotaryov and Dyatlov know each other before? (January 19, 2024):

[-] Yesterday I discovered another fact showing that Zolotaryov’s trek with Dyatlov’s group was not accidental, and Zolotaryov planned this trek in advance. But before I talk about this new fact, I would like to talk about the previous fact, which also shows that Zolotaryov planned in advance a trek in the Northern Urals to Mount Otorten.
I read the Varsegovs’ article from Komsomolskaya Pravda. This article contained an interview that they conducted with former students of Zolotaryov. After all, he taught physical education at a school in the city of Lermantov in the Stavropol Territory, and he also went on hikes with the students of this school. And they met one of his former students named Kuznetsov.

And this is what Kuzentsov told the Varsegovs: Zolotaryov was eager to go on a trek to the Northern Urals! And he was waiting for some letter from Sverdlovsk from someone... And after this letter he went to Sverdlovsk, went on a trek, and as a result of this trek Zolotaryov wanted to turn the whole world upside down! These words of Zolotaryov should be understood as follows: at Mount Otorten he wanted to carry out some kind of research, and as a result, make a scientific discovery that would turn the whole world upside down.
I think that Zolotaryov was drawn there for the following reason: he somehow learned that some fireballs were flying near Mount Otorten, and he wanted to study these fireballs, photograph them, write for the newspaper, and thereby he wanted to turn the world upside down.

Of course, I was also interested in the following question: Who exactly was Zolotaryov expecting a letter from Sverdlovsk from? I assumed that he was waiting for a letter from Sergei Sogrin. When Zolotaryov arrived in Sverdlovsk at the end of December, he settled in the apartment of Sogrin, with his parents, and I thought that Zolotaryov received this letter from Sogrin.

And recently I discovered a fact that shows that Zolotaryov corresponded not with Sogrin, but perhaps with Dyatlov himself. There is such a book “The Pass Without Dyatlov”, the author of the book is Vladimir Bobrikov. There are words from Professor Bartolomei, but in 1959 he was not yet a professor, but a student like Dyatlov. And he tells how in the summer of 1958 Dyatlov, as a leader, led their group through Altai. There were 10 people there, including Slobodin, Thibault-Brignolle, Yudin... It was after this hike that Dyatlov became eager to go on a ski route in the area of Mount Otorten. He invited five, including Bartolomei and Khalizov.

Bartholomew brought up a very interesting fact! It turns out that at the time when Dyatlov, Bartolomey and others were traveling in Altai, Zolotaryov was also traveling in Altai. He worked at some camp site in Altai. In short, it is recorded that he made three treks in Altai.

And so I thought: if both Zolotaryov and Dyatlov were traveling in Altai at the same time, then could their paths have crossed? In other words, Zolotaryov could have met Dyatlov, you know? And there they talked about something, and either Dyatlov told Zolotaryov about the fireballs at Otorten, or Zolotaryov already knew about these fireballs. And Zolotaryov shared with Dyatlov his dream - to travel to Otorten and study these fireballs. Well, in this way he seduced Dyatlov with this journey. That is why, since the time of the Altai journey, Dyatlov had an idea: to also make a trip to Otorten! Well, maybe Zolotaryov and Dyatlov agreed to make this trip together.

And from that moment Zolotaryov and Dyatlov began to correspond. And the letter that Zolotaryov received from Sverdlovsk in December, he received from Dyatlov. That is, Dyatlov wrote to him: “Come on, come!” We’ll go on a trip to Otorten soon!” Well, Zolotaryov has arrived. It was no coincidence that Zolotaryov went on a hike with Dyatlov. And in general, it was not by chance that he came to Sverdlovsk, he planned all this in advance. Well, thanks to this journey, he wanted to turn the world upside down - this is the only way to explain it! He wanted to study these mysterious fireballs.

But he didn’t know what these balls were, and he didn’t know that all this would lead to his death and the death of the entire group!

Пенсионер Вениамин Мочалов опубликовал недавно такое выступление: Перевал Дятлова. Золотарёв и Дятлов раньше были знакомы? (19 января 2024):

[-] Вчера я обнаружил очередной факт, показывающий, что поход Золотарёва с группой Дятлова не был случайным, а Золотарёв заранее спланировал этот поход. Но прежде чем я расскажу об этом новом факте, я хотел бы рассказать о предыдущем факте, который также показывает, что Золотарёв заранее спланировал поход на Северный Урал к горе Отортен.
Прочитал я статью Варсеговых из «Комсомольской правды». В этой статье было интервью, которое они взяли у бывших учеников Золотарёва. Ведь он преподавал физкультуру в школе города Лермантова в Ставропольском крае, а также он ходил в походы с учениками этой школы. И они познакомились с одним его бывшим учеником по фамилии Кузнецов.

И вот что Кузенцов рассказал Варсеговым: Золотарёв рвался в поход на Северный Урал! И он ждал какое-то письмо из Свердловска от кого-то... И после этого письма он поехал в Свердловск, пошёл в поход, и в результате этого похода Золотарёв хотел перевернуть весь мир! Эти слова Золотарёва следует понимать так: у горы Отортен хотел совершить какой-то исследование, а в результате совершить научное открытие, которое перевернуло бы весь мир.
Я думаю, что Золотарёва тянуло туда по такой причине: он откуда-то узнал, что у горы Отортен летают какие-то огненные шары, и он хотел изучить эти огненные шары, сфотографировать, написать в газету, и тем самым он хотел перевернуть мир.

Конечно, интересовал меня и такой вопрос: А от кого же именно Золотарёв ждал письмо из Свердловска? Я предположил, что он ждал письмо от Сергея Согрина. Когда Золотарёв в конце декабря приехал в Свердловск, то там он поселился на квартире у Согрина, у его родителей, и я подумал, что Золотарёв получил это письмо от Согрина.

И вот недавно я обнаружил факт, который показывает, что Золотарёв переписывался не с Согриным, а возможно, с самим Дятловым. Есть такая книга «Перевал без Дятлова», автор книги Владимир Бобриков. Там есть слова профессора Бартоломея, но в 1959 году он был ещё не профессором, а таким же студентом, как и Дятлов. И он рассказывает, как летом 1958 года Дятлов в качестве руководителя провёл их группу по Алтаю. Там было 10 человек, в том числе Слободин, Тибо-Бриньоль, Юдин... Именно после этого похода Дятлов загорелся желанием пройти лыжным маршрутом в районе горы Отортен. Он пригласил пятерых, включая Бартоломея и Хализова.

Очень интересный факт привёл Бартоломей! Оказывается, в то время, когда Дятлов, Бартоломей и другие путешествовали по Алтаю, там же по Алтаю путешествовал и Золотарёв. Он работал на какой-то турбазе на Алтае. Короче, записано, что на Алтае он совершил три похода.

И вот я задумался: если в одно и тоже время на Алтае путешествовали и Золотарёв, и Дятлов, то не могли ли их пути пересечься? Иначе говоря, Золотарёв мог познакомиться с Дятловым, понимаете? И там они о чём-то поговорили, и то ли Дятлов рассказал Золотарёву про огненные шары у Отортена, то ли Золотарёв уже знал про эти огненные шары. И Золотарёв поделился с Дятловым своей мечтой - совершить путешествие к Отортену, изучить эти огненные шары. Ну и тем самым он соблазнил Дятлова этим путешествием. Вот почему ещё со времён Алтайского путешествия у Дятлова возникла мысль: тоже совершить путешествие к Отортену! Ну и, может быть, Золотарёв и Дятлов договорились вместе совершить это путешествие.

И с этого момента Золотарёв и Дятлов стали переписываться. И то письмо, которое получил Золотарёв из Свердловска в декабре, он получил от Дятлова. То есть, Дятлов ему написал: «Давай, приезжай! Скоро пойдём в путешествие к Отортену!» Ну вот, Золотарёв и приехал. Золотарёв не случайно пошёл в поход с Дятловым. И вообще, он не случайно приехал в Свердловск, всё это он заранее запланировал. Ну и благодаря этому путешествию он хотел перевернуть мир - объяснить это можно только так! Он хотел изучить эти таинственные огненные шары.

Но он не знал, что из себя представляют эти шары, и не знал, что всё это приведёт и к его гибели, и к гибели всей группы!


January 23, 2024, 02:39:55 PM
Reply #39


Zolotaryov wanted to turn the whole world upside down! These words of Zolotaryov should be understood as follows: at Mount Otorten he wanted to carry out some kind of research, and as a result, make a scientific discovery that would turn the whole world upside down.

If he got it right, fame and fortune. If wrong, humiliation, obscurity or worse. Zolo carried two cameras, no special film in either one. He had a notebook and a pencil. I believe the most sophisticated think the hikers carried was a mandolin.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 24, 2024, 12:56:25 PM
Reply #40


New Video // Dyatlov Pass. The mysterious 41st school in Serov

Veniamin Mochalov.

[–] Today I made another historical discovery. I hasten to share it. Although this discovery is so small and insignificant that it’s even somehow funny to talk about it. But I will say it anyway. this is why because this discovery once again confirms my idea that the copy of Kolmogorova’s diary is a fake.

Once upon a time, while surfing the Internet, I came across a message that when Dyatlov’s group arrived in Serov, they were not allowed into the station, and they had to take up quarters at some school – school No. 41. But researchers from the Dyatloa group went to this city and found out that there is no school No. 41 in the city and never has been… Well, how can we understand this? And today I decided to deal with this matter. I decided to read the diaries. All four diaries say that Dyatlov’s group was at the school, they settled down there since they weren’t allowed into the station. And all four diaries say about the school, but only one diary says that it was school No. 41. This is a copy of Kolmogorova's diary.

But, as I showed in my previous videos, the copy of Kolmogorova’s diary is a fake. That is, this number 41 for the school was invented by a counterfeiter. And in the original diary of the cow and club, it is clear that the school number was 41.

Another thought came to my mind. This falsifier, who composed Kolmogorova’s diary, seemed to be a great dreamer. He is not only the school number, while writing Kolmogorov’s diary, he also came up with the idea that on January 30, Dyatlov’s group celebrated Kolevatov’s birthday.

(He even fantasized that a tangerine could have 8 slices.)

And the last thing I want to say… This forger seems to have been a resident of Moscow. Let's think about it. Serov is a small town. There couldn't be 40 schools there.
This fiction about school 41 could have been invented by a person living quite far from Serov, and living in some big city like Moscow. But in Moscow – yes, there are many schools there. Well, this forger probably didn’t know how many people there are in the city of Serov.

He probably thought that Serov was also some kind of big city. Maybe there are a million people there. Well, if that’s the case, there could very well be 40 schools, and maybe even 50 schools. So he blurted out about school 41. This also leads to the following conclusion, if this falsifier was a resident of Moscow.

School No 41 near Moscow airport VKO

This means that this fake was composed, perhaps, in May, when the Deputy Prosecutor of the RSFSR Urakov took the case to Moscow. This is all I wanted to tell you today.

Новое Выступление // Перевал Дятлова. Таинственная 41-ая школа г. Серова

Вениамин Мочалов.

[–] Сегодня я совершил очередное историческое открытие. Спешу поделиться им. Хотя это открытие такое мелкое такое незначительное, что даже как-то смешно о нём говорить. Но тем не менее я скажу. это вот почему потому что это открытие ещё раз подтверждает мою мысль, что копия дневника Колмогоровой – это фальшивка.

Когда-то давно, шаря по интернету, я встретил такое сообщение, что когда группа Дятлова прибыла в Серов, то их не пустили на вокзал, и пришлось им пристроиться на постой в какой-то школе – в школе № 41. Но исследователи группы Дятлоа ездили в этот город и выяснили, что никакой школы №41 в городе нет и никогда не было… Ну и как же это понять? И вот сегодня я решил с этим делом разобраться. Я решил почитать дневники. Во всех четырёх дневниках говорится о том, что группа Дятлова была в школе, там устроилась раз их на вокзал не пустили А у всех четырёх дневниках говорится про школу, но только в одном дневнике говорится что это была школа №41. Это копия дневника Колмогоровой.

Но, как я показал в предыдущих своих видеороликах, копия дневника Колмогоровой – это фальшивка. То есть, этот номер 41 для школы придумал фальсификатор. А в оригинале дневника коровой а также дубининой сно, что номер школы был 41.

Ещё одна мысль у меня появилась. Вот этот фальсификатор, который сочинил дневник Колмогоровой, был похоже большим фантазёром. Он не только номер школы, сочиняя дневник Колмогорова он ещё и придумал, что 30 января группа Дятлова отмечала день рождения Колеватова.

(Он даже нафантазировал, что у мандарина может быть 8 долек.)
И последнее что я хочу сказать… Этот фальсификатор, похоже, был жителем Москвы. Вот давайте поразмыслим. Серов – это ведь маленький город. Там не могло быть 40 школ.
Эту выдумку про 41-ю школу мог придумать человек, живущий довольно далеко от Серова, причём живущий в каком-то большом городе типа Москвы. А вот в Москве – да, там много школ. Ну и наверное, этот фальсификатор не знал, сколько населения в городе Серове.

Он, наверно, подумал что Серов – это тоже какой-то большой город. Может, там миллион человек населения. Ну а раз так-то там вполне могла быть могли быть 40 школ, и может даже 50 школ. Вот он и ляпнул про 41-ю школу. Отсюда ещё вот такой вывод следует, если этот фальсификатор был жителем Москвы.

Школа No 41 в аэропорту Внуково

Значит, это фальшивка была сочинена, возможно, в мае, когда заместитель прокурора РСФСР Ураков увёз дело в Москву. Вот всё это я хотел сегодня рассказать.


January 24, 2024, 06:39:30 PM
Reply #41


Around 4:30 pm they arrived at District 41, where they were warmly greeted by civilian workers. In the evening they were treated to one more cultural program, including two Soviet movies, My Apprenticeship (1939), Est takoy paren (1956), and once again the Symphonie in Gold (1956). Then they spent the night at the District 41 dormitory.

To be clear, were all Soviet primary schools numbered in sequence? Were the schools numbered only within the city limits? How were elementary schools numbered in the rural areas? Where is the location of school 40 and 42?
« Last Edit: January 24, 2024, 08:32:01 PM by GlennM »
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 25, 2024, 06:17:13 AM
Reply #43


Axelrod, thank you. The link you gave me shows no clear pattern. Therefore I submit the Region 41 and school 41 are authentic and consistent with some sort of naming system. Therefore, the school number can not be taken as evidence that the diary is fake.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 25, 2024, 01:58:53 PM
Reply #44


The point here is that in Serov there was school 4, but there was no school 41.
My mother said this absolutely bluntly. Who should I believe, my mother or a person with sick logic?

January 25, 2024, 03:28:18 PM
Reply #45


@ axelrod,

I'm getting confused , the links and photos that you put forward and translate ( which I appreciate) . Is that you in the picture and videos?  . I thought you were interpretation various theories?


January 25, 2024, 05:25:38 PM
Reply #46


The point here is that in Serov there was school 4, but there was no school 41.
My mother said this absolutely bluntly. Who should I believe, my mother or a person with sick logic?

With all respect to mother, she must certainly be correct. It is the fault of the trasnscriptionist that 4 became 41. Could it be clerical?
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 26, 2024, 12:45:11 AM
Reply #47


Копия с ошибкой - это уже не копия, а фальсификация.
Ещё в уголовном деле есть случаи расхождений копии с оригиналом

рукописный текст: в сторону кедра (протокол Темпалова)
машинописный текст: в сторону леса

A copy with an error is no longer a copy, but a falsification.
In this criminal case, there are cases of discrepancies between the copy and the original

handwritten text: towards the cedar (Tempalov's protocol)
typescript: towards the forest

January 26, 2024, 06:30:51 AM
Reply #48


Falsification or mistake is a matter of intent, I think. If falsified, then I recommend we follow the money and see who profits. If a mistake, then we questiin the validity of the report and move on. In either situation, it is a "no lose" proposition, meaning that either way it can be used to support a point or view. As such, we must consider it for what it is worth. It won't bring back the dead.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 26, 2024, 03:01:32 PM
Reply #49


The point here is that in Serov there was school 4, but there was no school 41.

Ms. Axelrod , don't confuse the readers of this forum.  The fact that there were only 4 schools does not mean that their numbering should follow the general order. In addition, it is necessary to understand that this school #41 was a departmental school - belonging to the Sverdlovsk Railway Department. Their numbering could go throughout the entire territory of this department. This was a common practice at that time. Other schools could also have numbers of a different numbering. This was determined by what was given by the Department of General Education of the Sverdlovsk Region.
It makes no sense to build any theories with such a lack of knowledge of history. Neither does it make sense to doubt the authenticity of Dyatlov's diaries.
This school (# 41 of the railroad) was located somewhere on the corner of modern Kirov Street and Victory Street, about house # 38. Now there is another house there. Later, the building was moved further down Victory Street and rebuilt. It is school # 22 now.

My mother said this absolutely bluntly.

This doesn't change anything except that there are now 22 schools in the city. They also have numbers out of order....
Although I'm not sure that even then, for a city of almost 100 thousand people there were only 4 schools. But I was not in the city then, and much later - I was and dealt with it directly on the spot.

Who should I believe, my mother or a person with sick logic?

You can believe (or not) whoever you want, but you should have knowledge. And common sense.
Who do you mean, "a person with sick logic?"©

Before you make accusations, you need to take a hard look at what happened.
The following users thanked this post: marieuk

January 26, 2024, 04:02:54 PM
Reply #50


Ms. Axelrod, now it is clear to me where you get so many incomprehensible and erroneous things. Instead of reading primary sources or at least competent scientific and technical literature, you follow all sorts of talkers like Mochalov and " Historical Губитель Destroyer Amateur " Garifulin.
I have not seen more illiterate videos on this topic for a long time.
Still, I am a specialist in this industry.
I don't have time to analyze everything in detail, and I don't want to (because it's a waste of time) either.
I will take only one, but the main point from this, so to speak, "masterpiece".....

[MOCHALOV:] Sometimes it even makes me kind of funny that people just can’t solve the mystery of the Dyatlov Pass.

I too find it funny when people who do not have even elementary knowledge in what they write and talk about derive mind-boggling theories on an empty place.
But we need to move closer to the point....

The first reason is that Dubinina and Zolotaryov were killed by a very unusual weapon. There were no such weapons before. This weapon has a very unusual effect on a person when it is triggered. Namely: this weapon can break a person’s ribs and damage the skull and such human organs that contain a lot of fluid. This weapon is called thermobaric.

There are 2 aspects here (in the fantastic ignorance of the authors):
The author has no knowledge in either of them at all....
1. Volumetrically Detonating Munitions (VDM) - this is the correct name in the USSR began to be developed only in 1969. Factory tests began only in the early 70s. Therefore, there is no way to do without a "time machine" (judging by all the authors invented it, secretly, and are pissing in front of the whole world). This alone multiplies by zero all the dilettantish reasoning of the authors of these opuses in further reasoning.
2. the authors portray its effect on the surrounding area and on people in a very childish way (of the youngest age). As they themselves noted there is a thermobaric effect. This means that when a cloud of aerosol is set on fire, a zone with a temperature of about 2000C (or ~ 2750 K) is formed and everything around that can burn is burned out within a radius of 100...500 meters. Additionally there is a pressure wave, a short interval (~0.5 mS) - a large compression, and then a long (several units of seconds) rarefaction. There is no vacuum there, but it is enough that internal pressure would make brick and concrete walls of buildings fall outward, and people were torn to pieces literally. Therefore, "toys" with broken ribs and "eyes", with "lips" and so on, are just child's play.
Injuries are easily explained by other natural causes. I described this in detail (in Russian) in the books published by the "Dyatlov Memorial Foundation". There was also an explanation of why there were such rib fractures - it is the properties of strength characteristics of biocomposite materials and loading conditions when getting traumas in those places.
But there are other claims against these authors. Back in 2006 and 2008, Ms. Malginov and Ms. Nechaev wrote the same thing (almost literally) in Russian forums. Even then they were given similar explanations, although for some time they continued "their song", but then they calmed down.
I doubt very much that modern "authors" have not read those records. They've been on the internet for a long time.
Unfortunately, many bloggers now have a very strong desire to "make a hype", which is why such tall tales and fakes appear.
The following users thanked this post: sarapuk, GlennM

January 26, 2024, 07:01:49 PM
Reply #51


@axelrod ,Who is this man? And why do you keep posting his version?

He posts Twice a day on YouTube and makes little sense. Even his arguments within the comment section doesn't make sense ( I'm being polite) .

January 27, 2024, 02:24:31 AM
Reply #52


Mr. Borzenkov, I saw your map on taina.li, at first I thought it was an error that was attributed to you.
Where did you get this information? Who misinformed you? Otherwise, you are immersed in fantasies, like all the visitors to this forum, except for those who “I know nothing and understand nothing.”

My mother (she is alive now) was a teacher of mathematics, physics and astronomy" at school #22 in the city of Serov.
This was from September 1953 to May 1961, including January 1959.
She not only drew a place on the map that coincides with the current location,
but also pointed to 3D photographs of her office window. Victory Street was then called Vokzalnaya Street, and she lived there.

Therefore, your assumption that in 1959 it was school 41 is just a fantasy in order to somehow link the data. The numbering of schools was with a large gap, but there were no thirtieth schools. There was no school number 41 either.
Before you come up with something ridiculous, imagine. that someone can refute you.

Господин Борзенков, я видел вашу карту на taina.li, сначала я думал что это ошибка, которую вам приписывают.
Где вы получили такие сведения? Кто вас дезинформировал? Иначе вы погружаетесь в фантазии, как собственно все посетители данного форума, кроме тех, которые "я ничего не знаю и ничего не понимаю".

Моя мать (она сейчас жива) была учительницей математики, физики и астрономии" в школе #22 города Серова.
Это было с сентября 1953 по май 1961 года, в том числе в январе 1959.
Она не только нарисовала место на карте, которое совпадает с современным местоположением,
но и указала на 3d-фотографии окна своего кабинета. Улица Победы тогда называлась улица Вокзальная, и она на ней проживала.

Поэтому ваше предположение, что в 1959 году это была школа 41, это просто фантазия, чтобы как-то увязать данные. Нумерация школ шла с большим пропуском, но тридцатых школ не было. Школы №41 тоже не было.
Прежде чем придумывать какую-то нелепость, представьте. что вам может кто-то опровергнуть.

January 27, 2024, 07:46:23 AM
Reply #53


We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 27, 2024, 12:21:33 PM
Reply #54


Mr. Borzenkov, I saw your map on taina.li, at first I thought it was an error that was attributed to you.
Where did you get this information? Who misinformed you? Otherwise, you are immersed in fantasies, like all the visitors to this forum, except for those who “I know nothing and understand nothing.”

Ms. Axelrod, don't inflate your own importance too much. It might burst.
I don't know from what sources, other than home talk, you get your information, but it turns out to be not too reliable.
It will be so if you know how to read what is written to you and understand it correctly. Although I'm not so sure about that either.
So, for your information, the logistics of the city (Serov) and possible routes of Dyatlov's group, I researched twice:
1. Back in 2008, using texts from their diaries and available photos from their trek. This was because the train from Ivdel arrived at 5:??? AM, and the train to Moscow left at almost midnight. There was more than enough time to explore such a small town. It was just after the end of the very first expedition of Kuntsevich to the Dyatlov Pass. The subject was not too important, but at least something useful could be done during this time. At the same time the scheme was made, which I published later in the collection of the "Dyatlov Group Memorial Fund". I can't say anything about taina.li (I don't know what and where you saw there).
2. Again, had to do the same in March 2012, when we went to the "pass" together with Yuri Kuntsevich and the American writer Donnie Eichar, whom I then consulted when he wrote his book "Dead Mountain". Then Yuri Kuntsevich in advance attracted one of the local local historians and everything was shown in detail on the spot. I have now found the records of that trip, but I can not find the name of the fifth person who was with us on that excursion.
The fourth was Dima Voroshchuk - who was a translator for the writer.
It was all about this school.

My mother (she is alive now) was a teacher of mathematics, physics and astronomy" at school #22 in the city of Serov.
This was from September 1953 to May 1961, including January 1959.
She not only drew a place on the map that coincides with the current location,
but also pointed to 3D photographs of her office window. Victory Street was then called Vokzalnaya Street, and she lived there.

It does not matter what the street was called (I knew that it was "Vokzalnaya" when I first visited it), what matters is that you still did not understand what I wrote to you.
The corner of modern Victory Street and Kirov Street is what in 1959 was known as "New settlement". There was a so-called "Chuprakov`s House", which housed the school. Only, they distorted the number: this school was not 41-th, but 47-th, - belonging to the railroad department. This is a common and traditional mistake. For example, the number of the train on which they traveled from Sverdlovsk was not 43th (which is written everywhere), but 45th. (which is established by the documents of the USSR Ministry of Railways for that period). Apparently, when rewriting (or reprinting) the information simply distorted the original handwritten text. This happens quite often.
But if the number itself is wrong, that doesn't mean the school itself didn't exist.
Now about the "3D photos" (c)...
Are you saying this building existed in 1959?


School 22, Serov, 38 Kalinina St. - the address and numbering of the school goes not by the largest street, but by the street at its intersection. The building was built somewhere in the 70-80s or later.

Then what "3D" and "pointed to 3D photos of her office window" (c) can there be here?
Or are we talking about different school 22? I mean the one near the Serov train station.

So your assumption that in 1959 it was school #41 is just a fantasy to tie the data somehow.The numbering of schools was with a big gap, but there were no thirtieth schools. There was no school #41 either.

It seems that you only find familiar letters in the text, without understanding the meaning of what is written there.
I'll explain for the especially gifted:
The school was there.
And Dyatlov's group was there too.
Only in modern texts the number was mixed up. Instead of #41 it should be #47. And it was an elementary school and it belonged to the railroad department. Then (later in 1959) it was liquidated and the next students were transferred to another one. The old building was demolished and there are other buildings there now.
Or do you again not understand the difference between transferring students and "turning one school into another"?
In this case, buildings are not transferred brick by brick to a new school  grin1, and the transfer of students may not be noticed by any of the teachers. Especially if the transfer is to the lower grades and the teacher works in the upper grades.
There have been endless such changes. And different, and personally incomprehensible to you.
As well as the fact that school numbers could be any, for example, because the administration of the region (or its department) distributed them according to its principle, not your personal wish?
And the fact that school numbers for different departments (for example, railroad) could be different and different?

Therefore, your assumption that in 1959 it was school 41 is just a fantasy in order to somehow link the data. The numbering of schools was with a large gap, but there were no thirtieth schools. There was no school number 41 either.

It seems that you only find familiar letters in the text without understanding the meaning of what is written there.
I'll explain for the especially gifted:
The school was there.
And Dyatlov's group was there too.
Only in modern texts the number was mixed up. Instead of #41 it should be #47. And it was an elementary school and it belonged to the railroad department. Then (later in 1959) it was liquidated and the next students were transferred to another one. The old building was demolished and there are other buildings there now.
Or do you again not understand the difference between transferring students and "turning one school into another"?
In this case, buildings are not transferred brick by brick to a new school :), and the transfer of students may not be noticed by any of the teachers. Especially if the transfer is to the lower grades and the teacher works in the upper grades.
There have been endless such changes. And different, and personally incomprehensible to you.
As well as the fact that school numbers could be any, for example, because the administration of the region (or its department) distributed them according to its principle, not your personal wish?
And the fact that school numbers for different departments (for example, railroad) could be different and different?

Before you come up with something ridiculous, imagine. that someone can refute you.

Before you "refute" something, you should check your knowledge not only in home conversations.
And it is not funny, but sad for your intellectual level.

PS. And one more friendly advice: do not get involved in the topic about infrasound, in which you know worse than in oranges. However, as well as many others.
It is interesting that the less a person knows what he is talking about, the more loud and stupid statements he makes.

January 27, 2024, 01:21:26 PM
Reply #55


I feel like I’m talking to an old, deeply sick person who is not used to making mistakes, and all his thoughts immediately seem correct to him. That part of school No. 22, which is perpendicular to the street, was still there in 1953-59. The school had 1200 students (pupils) in 2 shifts, with 75 teachers. Transition on the second floor to a new extension parallel to Victory Street, maybe was built later. It is unknown for my mother.

Trees around the school were absent in 195x.

It’s not clear why you decided that the New Village is where you like it. You even came up with a place for him
at the intersection of the right streets (or someone misinformed you, like the guy, just leave me alone, and you believed him)
Yes, there is kindergarten No. 47 “Solnyshko”, and it is located next to the old station (now it is the Serov-Sortirovochny station). Already in 1953 (I don’t know from what year) the main station was in a new location and far away from this 47th kindergarden


January 27, 2024, 01:36:55 PM
Reply #56


May ask what the significance of the school is to the case? I'm missing context somewhere.

January 27, 2024, 02:27:01 PM
Reply #57


Significance exists because Unknown Diary and case totally contain very many/much mistakes like February 6, no photos with damaged ski poles around the tent (that immediately removes avalanche version), etc.
It is totally falsificated or totally mistaken.
Train #43 and train #45. School #4 near main railway station and imaginary scool #41 in falsificated diary (and 47th kindergarden near the next station).
Tangerine with 8 slices (during 2 winters I calculated slices in tangerine and have observed tangerines only 9+ slices).
Maybe there was an extra person that day (second Zolotaryov e.g.).
Kolevatov's birthday with wrong date.

If diary contains so many mistakes - maybe all another documents contain mistakes.
Researchers like sir Borzenkov with his imagined explanations presented us as the facts (not only by him).
So, we still cannot solve this case and incident.

The advantage is in that we have riddle to discuss!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2024, 02:43:04 PM by Axelrod »

January 27, 2024, 03:45:08 PM
Reply #58


I recall similar things being discussed before.

Some points to ponder in this riddle involving anyone changing information in diaries, or mistakes by the group.

Why is the school so important, it's something easily researched or could have been. Why falsify  a diary entry leading to multiple witnesses, school children , teachers etc. The likelihood is that the event took place, no one questions that episode, not the public who were made of the deaths of the hiker's? Why make a story up of train stations and police getting involved ? There's too many witnesses that would deny these events. That's my thinking at least.

No photos of damaged ski poles does not immediately remove the avalanche version in the slightest. There are photos of ski poles at angles along with broken rings, although the rings may have been removed from some poles as make shift probes which has been suggested but I don't know how that would work.

I have mixed feelings on an avalanche but I can however imagine enough snow sliding , moving, falling or dispersing over the tent to collapse it. Not a chundering mass of snow but enough to make them cut their way out and decide it's best to leave until day light. There just has to be movement of enough snow to make this happen, not broken ribs . I know there is debate over this and I accept that the slope above was not in the category for avalanche but every slope with the right conditions is susceptible to move by under cutting or snow build up.

Tangerine may vary I suspect, it is not impossible there were 8 segments, the Clementine is reported to have 8+ segments. Were they Clementine's, Why fake a story of 8 segments ?. It is not prove that it didn't happen because your tangerines have 9 segments.

I think it's very difficult to present facts. It is not a fact that diaries were changed. We also have to deal with the fact the cameras were left with the film in them. That film could have contradicted any staging by anyone. Why leave it in the cameras? .

January 30, 2024, 08:45:45 AM
Reply #59


I feel like .......
...... this 47th kindergarden

Citizen Axelrod, I asked you not to puff yourself up too much, there could be air fallout?
Then you'll get it:
1. Mr. Axelrod started to pretend to be a goddamn expert, although he is not. Even the city, which he considers his own and boasted to be a connoisseur, he does not know.
That's what he noted as what I told him about (New settlement is a microdistrict in the city).
By the way such an excuse is a bluff, you should have at least roughly depicted the boundaries of the neighborhood. I only have the characteristic landmark of this place marked.

Here's a map of the city, the neighborhood he depicted, if you take a larger piece:

This is easily verified. Here is a true map of the town with the name of that village, as it was really called and as we were told by local professional town historians.


The area where he labeled his version is on the right side and is indicated by a red ellipse. The fragment coinciding with his picture is indicated by a thin red circle.
The true New Settlement is on the left side very close to the station. About what is clearly written in the diaries of Dyatlov's group "We were welcomed warmly in the school near the railway station." (c) - general diary,
"Then we managed to move to the elementary school together with Blinov group."(c), "Finally he (? not sure about the identity) finds school number 41 (about 200 meters from the train station), where we were very well received." (c) - this is a quote from this site, but in the original Russian version it is written differently: " Наконец находим ж/д 41-ю школу (метров 200 от вокзала), где нас очень хорошо встретили. " (c) " Finally we find the (ж/д = railroad`s - it is my edit) 41st school (200 meters from the station), where we were greeted very well." (c) - this is a more accurate translation of a part of the diary, which in the criminal case was called Zina Kolmogorova's diary.

There's even a distance given, which is easy to see on the maps I've indicated. Naturally, there are always mistakes. The 200 m in the diary actually turns into ~500 m (0.3 mi), but this is quite acceptable, nobody measured this in Dyatlov's group, and compared to Axelrod's >3.5 km (>2 mi)

Now anyone can compare and conclude which of us is right. Even Wikipedia knows where the actual "Novy Poselok" in Serov is and was located, unlike citizen Axelrodov. But apparently he was banned from Wikipedia, not only in Google, but in all other browsers as well.
This is all the more strange if he claims that they lived on Vokzalnaya Street, which is now called Pobeda (Victory) Street. This village is directly south of that street.
That is the price of his "knowledge"... Besides, I am not sure that he understands the terms he easily juggles. I gave him the only scan from a really 3D photo of school No. 22, but he easily missed it, as we say: "past his ears" (c).
I show a photo of school #22 (to which he refers) from an earlier period (which should have been around the corner of Vokzalnaya Street) in this picture:


But it's not 3D at all, it's just an ordinary simple photo. That is the price of his words and "knowledge".
So which photo showed him something?
If you read him, it turns out that everyone lies: the diaries of Dyatlov's group lie, the school doesn't exist (no matter what number it has, there are always mistakes and misspellings), local professional historians of the town lie..... What he says about me, I no longer note. There's a Russian parable about the wind and the dog.
 One Axelrod "white and fluffy..."
That's bullshit.....

So far, he has been seen here only in one capacity: collecting, propagandizing and spreading various rumors, gossip and fakes. I have already clearly explained on only one fragment what is behind those words (about the so-called "vacuum bomb..."). The rest of it goes in the same way.  I don't have time and energy for the rest of the nonsense. Everything is the same there...
It takes a lot of analysis based on real knowledge, not ambition, to unravel this difficult and convoluted story. You need to visit a lot of places yourself, have a decent education, sift out everything that is fake, gossip and fiction (very often very unintelligent), which is proven by the example I gave. To find a pearl (a grain of truth) one should turn over a pile of empty rock (information), and not pile tons of manure, which then others have to shovel. Before you say something, you should analyze it, and speak only about the substantiated result. But so far Axelrod has only piles of all kinds of verbal crap, and no analysis. And it needs to be substantiated and on a real basis. To come to the truth it is necessary to unravel, not to confuse and not to obfuscate ....
 I have the impression that it was said about him in a famous Russian movie:


I give it only in Russian on purpose (there are a lot of linguistic specifics that are not understandable for other languages), so that at least he could understand it, and everyone will see the reaction.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2024, 08:58:52 AM by amashilu »
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