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Author Topic: Exploring The Yeti Theory  (Read 257687 times)

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July 07, 2019, 11:46:40 PM
Read 257687 times

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The Yeti theory is definitely one that is controversial.  There are many skeptics out there (including myself) but there are also many people who are convinced that they are real.

It is true that there is currently no objective scientific evidence to support their existence.  But it is also common for well established scientific beliefs to be proven wrong also.  In the study and exploration of the solar system almost every heavenly body has revealed surprises that were unexpected or difficult to explain.  Sometimes it is those who are prepared to challenge common understanding that push the frontier of science and knowledge forward.

I want to use this topic to explore the yeti theory in an objective way.


Star man

July 08, 2019, 08:10:06 AM
Reply #1


If we take objective view, my problem with yeti theory is that it requires a proof of its existence, let alone presence at the specific place and time, which multiplies the denominator of probability by a large margin and pushes it far from any 'realistic' theory.

To put it bluntly, compared do military or murder theory, there is one more level of proof needed. I don't need to prove the existence of Soviet soldiers or people with violent intent when we discuss the latter. Their presence remains to be proved or dismissed though.

July 08, 2019, 03:44:33 PM
Reply #2


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
We can explore the YETI THEORY. It may take time though. We dont have much to go on regarding the Dyatlov Incident. We could use Incidents from the past to compare Events. Stories of strange creatures and legends and reports of witnesses sightings etc.

July 08, 2019, 10:53:54 PM
Reply #3

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
If we take objective view, my problem with yeti theory is that it requires a proof of its existence, let alone presence at the specific place and time, which multiplies the denominator of probability by a large margin and pushes it far from any 'realistic' theory.

To put it bluntly, compared do military or murder theory, there is one more level of proof needed. I don't need to prove the existence of Soviet soldiers or people with violent intent when we discuss the latter. Their presence remains to be proved or dismissed though.

Hi Gypsy,

I understand the problem that you outline.  But the denominator might not be significantly greater than the other theories when comparing the motives.  Yes the military and or the potential for murderes "definitely exist".  But thie pass is an extremely remote area, and the weather was really bad.  Apart from the signs of the Mansi and a hunter the group did not see any other people on their trek, even in good weather and daylight.  What is the probability that the military or murderes new where they were AND that the probability that they would take the opportunity to attack them at night in severe weather?  Also, what is the probability that said killers would allow the group to wander off down the slope, (some with shoes and relatively warm clothing)?  What is the probability that the killers would allow some of the group to take knives and matches and flashlights with them?  What would the motive be for such an attack?

On the other hand how would a Yeti know they were there - smell, noise.
What would a Yeti be doing there - it's natural habitat
Why would a Yeti attack them - curiosity and territorial protection.
If they did cut their way through the side of the tent why would they do this to evade humans?  It would be pointless.

The group left the camp site in a hurry - Rustem left before he finished putting his boots on.
There appears to have been a significant and immediate threat to life that night.  Something scary enough to force them all away from their life boat the tent.

Yes - all of the above is subject to question too.  I am simply suggesting that the probabilities might not  be as far away as expected.


Star man


July 08, 2019, 10:55:44 PM
Reply #4

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
We can explore the YETI THEORY. It may take time though. We dont have much to go on regarding the Dyatlov Incident. We could use Incidents from the past to compare Events. Stories of strange creatures and legends and reports of witnesses sightings etc.

Hi Srarpuk,

Past eye witness accounts and stories would be useful.  Do you know of any?  Of course it will take time thrash this one out.


Star man

July 08, 2019, 11:43:37 PM
Reply #5

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
It might be worth trying to put some context into this thread.

Scientific discovery can be a slow and sometimes embarrassing process. Especially for the scientific community who have their reputation to keep.

It was difficult for them to accept that the world wasn’t flat after all.  Maps had to be re-drawn and trade routes thought through again because our shipping was no longer going to fall off the edge.

Oh and by the way the earth isn’t the centre of the universe.  That was a bit embarrassing - sorry Galileo.

Wow women can actually learn to read.  That was a bit of a revelation for some.

Say what - you can actually travel faster than 30 mph without suffocating?  Thanks for that one Stevenson.

Oh pants - you can’t actually turn base metals into gold.  I’ll have to buy a lottery ticket now.

Ah - the universe is actually bigger than we thought and it is still getting bigger.  Thanks Edwin.  What would we have done without you.  I don’t need my cosmological constant after all - or do I?


Star man

July 09, 2019, 04:47:13 AM
Reply #6

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Hi.  Just a bit more context

There are now many examples of animals that were previously thought to be myth, legend or extinct that we have recently been discovered to be still around.

The Megamouth Shark thought to be extinct for millions of years turned up in 1976.  Only 100 have ever been seen since.

The Coelacanth thought to be extinct since the Cretaceous found alive in 1938.

What about the ancient mariners tales of giant sea serpents and squid.  Utter nonsense - at least until the 1860s when an actual specimen was found and it became a part of main stream science.

Also several tribes of human have been discovered during the 20th century some living a Stone Age existence. Tribes that have had no contact with modern civilisation for thousands of years.

What about Big Foot or Yetis - utter garbage right?  To think that a potentially very intelligent humanoid creature could evade the true awesomeness of mankinds powers of discovery.


Star man


Star man

July 09, 2019, 04:00:59 PM
Reply #7

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Possible Clues:

The Evening Otorten - satirical pamphlet with each entry humorously relaying real events of the trip.  So what about the Science entry and the "snow man"?  Did one of the group see something and relay this to the group only to be ridiculed and later prompt the entry in the pamphlet?  Why say anything about a snow man in the pamphlet?  The pamphlets certainly doesn't say anything about military personnel or KGB or any other humans.

Why camp where they did in an exposed place in potentially bad weather conditions away from the planned route?  Did they think it would give them a better vantage point to observe anything approaching the tent? 

Why did Semyon have his camera around his neck - had he seen something that he wanted to photograph?  Did he fear for his life and thought that taking a photo of his killer would at least inform the world about what had happened.  Did he have a piece of paper in hand when he was found and if so what was he trying to write?

What could scare 9 fit tourists so much that they would cut their way out of a tent and leave it's safety for sub zero temperatures without adequate clothing and shoes?  Cutting your way out of a tent is unlikely to be a realistic means of escape from humans.  It is more likely to be the panicked actions of people who are terrified of something in or at the entrance to the tent.

How do two of the tourists receive similar flail chest injuries on the same night?  While another receives a significant head injury?


Star man

July 09, 2019, 11:44:22 PM
Reply #8

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
If there was a Yeti, why would it approach the group?  Probably just curiosity.  Maybe they were in its territory.

Of the many reported sightings of such creatures very few describe any sort of aggressive behaviour.  In most cases it would appear that both the creature and the human are taken by surprise with said creature making a swift and controlled retreat.  Other types of encounter describe the creature as curious- following the people but keeping their distance.  As if they are keeping a watchful eye on them to ensure they don’t present a threat to others in the creatures family.

Most description of aggression is in the form of growls and thrown objects such as stones and logs.  The creatures keeping a cautious distance.

So at the tent it is possible that the creature simply wanted them out of its territory in case they were a threat .

This is a simple motive is it not?


Star man


July 10, 2019, 08:46:18 AM
Reply #9

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Why did the group leave the tent?  Given the remote location, the time of day and the poor weather conditions it is extremely unlikely that there were any other people there.  If there was a rocket or some other military threat from the air then it left no obvious trace on the tent and if it left no obvious trace on the tent then it could not have been significant enough to cause them harm - unless a large amount of gas was involved that later blew away.  And is it realistic to think that one moment they bahaved completely irrationally and then completely rationally again in their attempt to survive?

Is it more likely that on the slope that night there was a very real and significant threat?  A threat that was relatively quite at home in that environment?  A threat that scared them so much that they left their only safe refuge with insufficient clothing and footwear knowing that their chances of survival were slim.  Why cut the tent if it is your life boat?  Surely you would only do this out of shear panic, where your flight or flight response over ruled your logical thinking.


Star man

July 11, 2019, 04:03:00 PM
Reply #10

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Was looking at the photographs of the raised foot prints closely today and noticed something odd near the set of prints highlighted in green and numbered as 4.  I'm not going to say what it is though.  If anyone else sees something odd let me know.  Might be nothing, or something.


Star man

July 12, 2019, 10:27:10 AM
Reply #11


Régular and curved sweeping marks in the snow, like a zen garden? Or an erasement....

July 12, 2019, 10:59:05 AM
Reply #12

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Régular and curved sweeping marks in the snow, like a zen garden? Or an erasement....

Yeah, there is definitely regularity there.  Even symmetry.


Star man

July 12, 2019, 11:46:03 AM
Reply #13


Someone with a metal detector «  combing » along the traces?

July 12, 2019, 12:43:57 PM
Reply #14

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Below is a witness statement from slobtsov.  I find it interesting for several reasons:

He says we followed these prints from the tent in the direction of the spreading cedar.  Does that mean that the tourists could see the cedar on the landscape in the distance or is this just a coincidence?

If they could see it how? Wasn't it suppose to be night and bad weather?

If they decided to head for the cedar does that mean they were able to make their own decisions on where they went and what action they took.  In other words they were making their own decisions rather being frogged marched down the slope?

Why head for cedar?  What advantage did they see in this action if any?


Star man


”There were footprints of bare feet, but in socks. Some were from valenki, and occasionally we could make out the tread of a ski boot. All of these prints were raised higher than the actual wind-scoured surface of the slope. We followed these prints from the tent in the direction of a spreading cedar, which was clearly prominent on the hill. First we lost, and then we found, the tracks again. They appeared again in the birch-tree undergrowth, and then they went down along the ravine which led to the Lozva River.”


July 12, 2019, 01:54:07 PM
Reply #15


but... dear Star Man, are looking at the same picture?
i was considering the ripples on this one, that somehow look on second thought like damage on a film...

July 12, 2019, 04:09:37 PM
Reply #16

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
but... dear Star Man, are looking at the same picture?
i was considering the ripples on this one, that somehow look on second thought like damage on a film...

Ah right.  I was looking at this one.  Centre right and down a little.



Star man

July 14, 2019, 03:53:06 PM
Reply #17

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Let's talk a little bit about the more significant injuries.

Lyuda, Semyon and Thibo.

I have done a fair bit of research into the flail chest injuries and from my investigation I have concluded that both Lyuda and Semyon's flail chests appear to have been caused by a single very large impact - applying a force in the region of 2.5 tonnes.  This is far beyond any force that a human being can deliver in a single impact.  A fall could explain such an injury -say from about 4 to 5 metres onto a flatish surface.  A vehicle impact could also explain it - but I doubt very much there were any vehicles there.  Thibo's head injury could also be explained by a fall, and hitting his head on a rock.  Problem solved right?  -  not quite.  In a previous theory I wrote on " Low yield nuke" I speculated that the injuries were caused by the three falling from the cedar, after suffering from hypoxia.  This was one way of explaining how they didn't sustain any coincident injuries to limbs.

In most fall injuries of a conscious person a large proportion of them also result in broken ankles and wrists, due to the conscious person attempting to break their fall.  But here we have three significant injuries occurring without any similar injuries to limbs?  Why?  If they all fell and they were conscious when it happened then at least one of them should have sustained a significant injury to arms or ankle.  It's also interesting that two of them sustain very similar rib injuries, each of which require a very similar amount of force.  Kind of like the source of of both injuries was the same.  Could it have been a shock waves from an explosion?  If this was the case why no shrapnel wounds and no shrapnel also?  No scorch marks or burns on the clothing?  Also a shock wave capable of causing those injuries would throw the person a fair distance resulting in additional significant secondary injuries.  But there aren't any.

So what is the likihood of three of the Rav 4 falling on the same night and receiving significant and similar injuries?  The case files suggest there were 8 or 9 sets of tracks leading away from the tent down the slope in the same direction?  But only three of the tourists have significant head and chest Injuries, and it just so happens that those three were all found in the same group in the ravine. 

The chest injuries could also have been caused by a large crushing force applied like a bear hug, or from being physically picked up and thrown.  It would take something very powerful to do this.  Something much more powerful than any human.  Thibo's head injury could also have been cause the same way, or possibly from a thrown rock.


Star man

July 14, 2019, 03:59:03 PM
Reply #18

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient

Not sure if this image post worked.  Anyway was lookingnatnthis image and noticed some regualr symmetrical discolouration of the snow/ice.  Have a look at the original to see if you can see it also.


Star man

July 14, 2019, 04:00:18 PM
Reply #19

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Ah it didn't work. -  no matter


Star man

July 15, 2019, 04:06:18 AM
Reply #20

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Building on the investigation into the injuries. Another possible explanation for the broken ribs and head injuries is that they could have been caused by a large bolder being lifted and dropped onto them. This would result in similar injuries.  The size of the bolder required to cause such injuries I have estimated to be between 150kg to 300kg depending on the height it is dropped from 1 to 2 metres.  This could potentially have been the murder weapon.  If this was used and the bodies were not subsequently moved then such a weapon could still be there today. An examination of the damaged ribs might reveal further information on what caused the breaks.

Another question is could a normal human lift such a bolder?  Or possibly two people working together?


Star man

July 15, 2019, 06:17:26 AM
Reply #21

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Just some further thoughts on the above.  The bodies look like they have been moved.  Probably by Kolevatov.  If this is the case then it is unlikely that they would have been moved very far.  So if a bolder was used then it might not be in the immediate vicinity of where the bodies were found.  But it would probably be relatively near by.  Given the lack of tissue damage it is likely to have been a reasonabley smooth bolder.  It would also be likely that there are signs that the bolder had been moved and dropped- scratches, chunks missing etc.

Star man

July 15, 2019, 01:34:37 PM
Reply #22


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
It might be worth trying to put some context into this thread.

Scientific discovery can be a slow and sometimes embarrassing process. Especially for the scientific community who have their reputation to keep.

It was difficult for them to accept that the world wasn’t flat after all.  Maps had to be re-drawn and trade routes thought through again because our shipping was no longer going to fall off the edge.

Oh and by the way the earth isn’t the centre of the universe.  That was a bit embarrassing - sorry Galileo.

Wow women can actually learn to read.  That was a bit of a revelation for some.

Say what - you can actually travel faster than 30 mph without suffocating?  Thanks for that one Stevenson.

Oh pants - you can’t actually turn base metals into gold.  I’ll have to buy a lottery ticket now.

Ah - the universe is actually bigger than we thought and it is still getting bigger.  Thanks Edwin.  What would we have done without you.  I don’t need my cosmological constant after all - or do I?


Star man

And lets not forget a biggy from Albert, nothing travels faster than the speed of light. Well actually something does.

July 15, 2019, 01:49:28 PM
Reply #23


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
We can explore the YETI THEORY. It may take time though. We dont have much to go on regarding the Dyatlov Incident. We could use Incidents from the past to compare Events. Stories of strange creatures and legends and reports of witnesses sightings etc.

Hi Srarpuk,

Past eye witness accounts and stories would be useful.  Do you know of any?  Of course it will take time thrash this one out.


Star man

Well I have read many books and articles over the years and with the Internet getting better all the time more information is coming to light. I think a good idea would be to look at SIMILARITIES, obviously its unlikely we will come across an exact event. So similar instances where there have been reports of such creatures and any injuries to animals including Humans. Also any reports of UFO's in the vicinity of such sightings or events. Now I know about a famous story from ALASKA from the 1930's mostly, and here is an interesting link to get that particular ball rolling. https://www.alaskamagazine.com/articles/somethings-afoot-in-port-chatham-century-old-rumors-persist-of-a-terror-in-the-mountains/

July 15, 2019, 03:24:10 PM
Reply #24

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
We can explore the YETI THEORY. It may take time though. We dont have much to go on regarding the Dyatlov Incident. We could use Incidents from the past to compare Events. Stories of strange creatures and legends and reports of witnesses sightings etc.

Hi Srarpuk,

Past eye witness accounts and stories would be useful.  Do you know of any?  Of course it will take time thrash this one out.


Star man

Well I have read many books and articles over the years and with the Internet getting better all the time more information is coming to light. I think a good idea would be to look at SIMILARITIES, obviously its unlikely we will come across an exact event. So similar instances where there have been reports of such creatures and any injuries to animals including Humans. Also any reports of UFO's in the vicinity of such sightings or events. Now I know about a famous story from ALASKA from the 1930's mostly, and here is an interesting link to get that particular ball rolling. https://www.alaskamagazine.com/articles/somethings-afoot-in-port-chatham-century-old-rumors-persist-of-a-terror-in-the-mountains/

It is an interesting story.  So many disappearances and eye witness sightings.  I have read stories where the creature is very cautious, keeping its distance from humans.  And other stories where the creatures gain confidence slowly approaching and becoming progressively more aggressive.  Kind of like testing the water to understand if the humans are a threat. 

It's interesting that there are so many stories from a varied array of people and yet no evidence.   Have you seen the you tube video about Dr Mathew Johnsons encounter at the Oregon caves?  It's in two parts.  Whether he saw a big foot or now he certainly believes that he saw one.  Worth a watch.  He suffers post traumatic stress from his experience and re-lives the fear each time he tells the tale.  Difficult to fake those emotions.

Wrt to the Dyatlov case I am looking for objective evidence or at least clues as to where to look.  Could there still be evidence today?

Given modern forensic science I think the bodies of Lyuda, Semyon and Thibo may hold significant clues to what happened.  Could do with some "cold case" investigators on the DPI.  The bones could reveal a lot of information:

Were the injuries caused by:

A fall (possible)

Applied slow pressure and crushing (unlikely) given the double fracture lines but not impossible

An impact from a melee attack ( again unlikely even from a yeti). I think even an 8 to 10 foot hominid would struggle to generate 2.5 tonnes of force from a hand

A large round smoothish 150 to 300 kg bolder dropped from about 1 to 2 metres - actually this one may be credible for the legendary Yeti.  Probably even 2 humans.  I'm not sure how much discussion there has been on heavy bolders falling onto them?


Star man

July 16, 2019, 02:35:20 PM
Reply #25


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

It is an interesting story.  So many disappearances and eye witness sightings.  I have read stories where the creature is very cautious, keeping its distance from humans.  And other stories where the creatures gain confidence slowly approaching and becoming progressively more aggressive.  Kind of like testing the water to understand if the humans are a threat. 

It's interesting that there are so many stories from a varied array of people and yet no evidence.   Have you seen the you tube video about Dr Mathew Johnsons encounter at the Oregon caves?  It's in two parts.  Whether he saw a big foot or now he certainly believes that he saw one.  Worth a watch.  He suffers post traumatic stress from his experience and re-lives the fear each time he tells the tale.  Difficult to fake those emotions.

Wrt to the Dyatlov case I am looking for objective evidence or at least clues as to where to look.  Could there still be evidence today?

Given modern forensic science I think the bodies of Lyuda, Semyon and Thibo may hold significant clues to what happened.  Could do with some "cold case" investigators on the DPI.  The bones could reveal a lot of information:

Were the injuries caused by:

A fall (possible)

Applied slow pressure and crushing (unlikely) given the double fracture lines but not impossible

An impact from a melee attack ( again unlikely even from a yeti). I think even an 8 to 10 foot hominid would struggle to generate 2.5 tonnes of force from a hand

A large round smoothish 150 to 300 kg bolder dropped from about 1 to 2 metres - actually this one may be credible for the legendary Yeti.  Probably even 2 humans.  I'm not sure how much discussion there has been on heavy bolders falling onto them?


Star man

Well so many things are coming to light since the fall of the The Soviet Union and also the beginning of The World Wide Web. I havnt seen that You Tube story that you mention but I have seen many many articles in the last few years that point to something unusual going on and has been going on for a very long time. Strange Creatures and UFO's and other unusual activity. Now an interesting one this, EVIDENCE. Evidence can take many forms. An eye witness account of something can be called EVIDENCE. How many Crimes have been solved with just an EYE WITNESS. Something to think about. Regarding those Dyatlov Bodies you mention, the AUTOPSY REPORTS did not seem very thorough to Me  !  ?  Like some things were omitted ! ? Not very detailed Autopsy Reports considering the IMPORTANCE of this EVENT.

July 16, 2019, 03:30:40 PM
Reply #26

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient

It is an interesting story.  So many disappearances and eye witness sightings.  I have read stories where the creature is very cautious, keeping its distance from humans.  And other stories where the creatures gain confidence slowly approaching and becoming progressively more aggressive.  Kind of like testing the water to understand if the humans are a threat. 

It's interesting that there are so many stories from a varied array of people and yet no evidence.   Have you seen the you tube video about Dr Mathew Johnsons encounter at the Oregon caves?  It's in two parts.  Whether he saw a big foot or now he certainly believes that he saw one.  Worth a watch.  He suffers post traumatic stress from his experience and re-lives the fear each time he tells the tale.  Difficult to fake those emotions.

Wrt to the Dyatlov case I am looking for objective evidence or at least clues as to where to look.  Could there still be evidence today?

Given modern forensic science I think the bodies of Lyuda, Semyon and Thibo may hold significant clues to what happened.  Could do with some "cold case" investigators on the DPI.  The bones could reveal a lot of information:

Were the injuries caused by:

A fall (possible)

Applied slow pressure and crushing (unlikely) given the double fracture lines but not impossible

An impact from a melee attack ( again unlikely even from a yeti). I think even an 8 to 10 foot hominid would struggle to generate 2.5 tonnes of force from a hand

A large round smoothish 150 to 300 kg bolder dropped from about 1 to 2 metres - actually this one may be credible for the legendary Yeti.  Probably even 2 humans.  I'm not sure how much discussion there has been on heavy bolders falling onto them?


Star man

Well so many things are coming to light since the fall of the The Soviet Union and also the beginning of The World Wide Web. I havnt seen that You Tube story that you mention but I have seen many many articles in the last few years that point to something unusual going on and has been going on for a very long time. Strange Creatures and UFO's and other unusual activity. Now an interesting one this, EVIDENCE. Evidence can take many forms. An eye witness account of something can be called EVIDENCE. How many Crimes have been solved with just an EYE WITNESS. Something to think about. Regarding those Dyatlov Bodies you mention, the AUTOPSY REPORTS did not seem very thorough to Me  !  ?  Like some things were omitted ! ? Not very detailed Autopsy Reports considering the IMPORTANCE of this EVENT.

The autopsy reports don't seem to dig deep enough.  It's almost as if they had already decided what had happened to them before they started.

Looking for evidence is interesting.  There are key facts, but multiple possibilities that could fit those facts making it difficult to solve.  Also, space and time.  There is no time stamp on the events so apart from one or two sequences it's difficult to know exactly what happened and when.  Do they all leave the tent together or in groups?  Who went where and with who.  It's complicated.

One aspect I have been thinking about is evidence of "haste", and the placing this into context for the Yeti theory:

Did they leave the tent in haste?  Semyon and Thibo were dressed with shoes on.  They were probably on duty that night.  If there wasmsomethingnoutside the tent then these two would have most likely been the first to hear it or become aware of it.  What would they do?  Grab a flashlight and go outside carefully checking to look for wild animals?  If they saw a Yeti what would they do?  Make a lot of noise I imagine using some colourful language.  Maybe they would run, the flight response triggered.  The commotion would certainly wake those in the tent if they were sleeping.  The people in the tent are less well dressed.  Rustem attempts to put his boots on but escapes the tent before he can grab his second boot.  They make their way down the slope.  Could they run given that they have no shoes, the slope is steep and slippery, it's dark and the snow is fairly deep?  Probably difficult to run.  This doesn't mean that they don't hurry as fast they can?

On the slope they drop the flashlight.  If it was important enough to take why wasn't it important enough to pick up?  Haste? Panic?

At the cedar is there evidence of haste.  The clothes removed from the two Yuris for instance.  Cut from their bodies, socks scattered around the camp fire, clothes left between the ravine and the cedar.  If they were in a hurry why?  Gloves in pockets, unused socks, coats not fully buttoned up.  I'd the cold was a threat, then maybe it wasn't the only threat?  Maybe there was something else just as dangerous as the cold?

Is there any other indication of haste?


Star man


July 17, 2019, 08:51:55 AM
Reply #27

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Some more thoughts on Thibo’s head Injuries.

The large rain drop shaped skull crush injury is accompanied by the longer fracture around to the front of the skull.  Given that a typical head weighs about 5 to 6 kg, it would probably take a significant fall to cause that level of damage.  Probably a fall greater than that which could be credible on the pass.  Looking at the injury more closely it appears as if whatever caused the rain drop shaped crush also continued to apply continued force to right side of the skull initiating and propagating the long fracture.  Is such an injury more consistent with a large heavy rock being dropped on his head thus allowing the continued application of force to the head between the rock and the ground?


Star man

July 19, 2019, 05:48:56 AM
Reply #28


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

Looking for evidence is interesting.  There are key facts, but multiple possibilities that could fit those facts making it difficult to solve.  Also, space and time.  There is no time stamp on the events so apart from one or two sequences it's difficult to know exactly what happened and when.  Do they all leave the tent together or in groups?  Who went where and with who.  It's complicated.

One aspect I have been thinking about is evidence of "haste", and the placing this into context for the Yeti theory:

Did they leave the tent in haste?    I'd the cold was a threat, then maybe it wasn't the only threat?  Maybe there was something else just as dangerous as the cold?

Is there any other indication of haste?


Star man

The Evidence problem is a very difficult one. May be one day more Evidence will come to light. As for Evidence of HASTE, well it looks like they left the Tent in a fair hurry, because of the indications re clothing and all the stuff they left behind in the Tent. Well I suppose in those weather conditions if you leave a Tent you are exposing yourself to a greater danger. We dont know the EXACT weather conditions when they left the Tent. By all accounts the weather can change dramatically in those regions in a very short time.

July 19, 2019, 05:53:48 AM
Reply #29


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Some more thoughts on Thibo’s head Injuries.

The large rain drop shaped skull crush injury is accompanied by the longer fracture around to the front of the skull.  Given that a typical head weighs about 5 to 6 kg, it would probably take a significant fall to cause that level of damage.  Probably a fall greater than that which could be credible on the pass.  Looking at the injury more closely it appears as if whatever caused the rain drop shaped crush also continued to apply continued force to right side of the skull initiating and propagating the long fracture.  Is such an injury more consistent with a large heavy rock being dropped on his head thus allowing the continued application of force to the head between the rock and the ground?


Star man

I think some of the injuries could easily have been caused by a BEAR. But Iam not saying that a BEAR caused those injuries. Also on the subject of strange creatures like the alleged YETI, then I would have thought such a creature could also have caused those injuries. And again Iam not saying that a YETI caused those injuries.