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Author Topic: Another interesting version  (Read 18270 times)

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February 14, 2024, 03:02:15 PM
Reply #90


However, the explosive charge is not species specific. If the pressure differential is great enough to inflict the damage claimed, the victim would be hurled through the air, as,would snow, dirt, rocks, and branches. Trees would fall in the blast radius. For me, it is the distinct lack of observable damage to the forest ( did I mention dead animals?) that argues against such a blast. When a bomb goes off, destruction is the rule, not the exception. The four hikers in a snow den in a forest should arguably be safer than three others walking in the open toward their tent. No record of bleeding from the ears.I am still favoring Natural circumstances.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2024, 04:00:18 PM by GlennM »
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

February 15, 2024, 11:23:30 AM
Reply #91


Thank you for your coment.

What happens to victims of pressure waves caused by supersonic blast waves, depends primarely on the distance from the cause of the blast in the air.
The injury may vary from:
- being shaken by the sound/air pressure to
- fully evaporation of the victim when very close to the detonation.
and everything in between.

The hyperlink to the Youtube shows the effects of an exploding meteor in Russia.
The distance of the cameras can be estimated by:
- no damage to the windows
- broken glass panes
- glass scattered
- wall demolished.

Especially the demolished walls of the factory - at 10:40 of the video - shows that the walls had not been hurled through the air. The bricks and rubble are neatly piled next to the walls, as may be expected from this kind of pressure waves.


Note that hollow structures are vulnerable.

Also note the condensed air in the wake of the meteor, that is caused by the underpressure behind the passing meteor.


February 15, 2024, 03:21:24 PM
Reply #92


Can you make a comparison to the Tunguska event?
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

February 16, 2024, 03:29:49 AM
Reply #93


Thank you for your question.

Seen from the photos, the meteor that had caused the 'Tunguska meteor impact' in 1908 has been of another scale than the meteor flying by on the video of  the 'Chelyabinsk meteor event' in Siberia on Feb. 15th of 2013.

The meteor in 2013 had only a very local impact, in the Tunguska event 2000 km2 of forest had been destroyed.

Conclusion: the event of 2013 had been caused by a smaller meteor than the event in 1908

More information about the Tunguska event is available via:


February 16, 2024, 04:21:23 AM
Reply #94


The fall of the Tunguska meteorite is only similar to the meteorite fall in 2013.
But then the meteor fell into the lake, and earlier the Tunguska meteorite fell in the forest, June, 30
and in the summer there are frequent fires in the taiga, especially last years.

This is in no way similar to the incedent with Dyatlov, except for the fame factor.

Particularly, in 2013, for some reason, people did not run out of their houses, especially undressed.

February 16, 2024, 07:16:30 AM
Reply #95


Thank you for your comment and for additional information about both meteor events.

As far as I am aware, there is no sound timeline available for the last two days of the Dyatlov Group, that completely explains all details as found by search parties.

For me, the most complicated detail had been: the fatal injury - broken ribcage - of Lyudmila while her ribcage is seen hardly damaged on the photo of her in the mortuary (without any complicated fractures visible outside the body, without any deformation caused by broken ribs poking in the lungs or to the heart , without any indents like Semyon's broken ribcage).

In case a tree had fallen on the ribcage of Lyudmila, (or in case a human had push causing a fatal ribcage fracture) defromations should be seen on the outside of the ribcage.
As far as I know, the best way to explain this kind of ribcage fracture is: an outside force all around her ribcage (pressure is the best candidate) had compressed her ribcage during a very short time; causing fatal internal injuries.
After this compression, a decompression had followed that had expanded the broken ribcage beyond it normal size. This expansion of the ribcage had as effect that her broken ribs had returned nearly into its normal position, without leaving any visible signs outside the body.

THe best candidate for this kind of compression followed by a decompression, is a blast/pressure wave.

As far as I am awere, good candidates for this kind of blast/pressure wave are:
- an exploding meteor high in the air
- exploding bombs high in the air (suggested by the journalist collective Aleksej Rakitin)
- Limited nuclear explosion high in the air.

In the timeline that I have presented in six parts, the group had left the tent area in three subgroups, all with the intention to return to the tent area:
1. Semyon, Thibo (and Lyudmila found partly undressed to wash herself?) had left the tent area properly dressed for a return trip in the afternoon fetching running water
2. four group members had left the tent area to look after the fate for the three in the ravine. Yuri Kri and Yuri Dor had provided their clothing for insulating the floor of the den for the wounded.
3. Zinaida and Semyon had left the tent area the next morning (properly dressed for a return tour) for fetching running water and for looking after the fate of the seven: both had placed the others in the postures as found by both search parties.

Of course all with the preconditions as stated at the beginning of the six parts.
As far as I am aware, these preconditions resemble "the least action' (Okham's razor) in this case that provides a logic explanation for all details (even the flashlight and the missing eyes tongue) as found by both search party

And of course, if these preconditions are different (or if the post mortem reports and the details found by both search parties are staged), than this analysis and timeline is void.

During my investigation of this cold case, I have learned a lot about the progress of hypothermia and about different kind of detonations.



February 16, 2024, 07:31:58 AM
Reply #96


Thank you both for your replies. Yes, the Tunguska event was orders of magnitude greater, but that also suggests that its effects are more easily studied. I do not find any evidence in the knockdown of the forest of a vacuum phenomena. It appears that the force was directed away from the projectile in a butterfly pattern.

It is certainly arguable that a blast of some sort inflicted the crush type of injuries, but aside from those injuries, there is no supporting evidence for a detonation. A vacuum bomb does not happen in a vacuum,  damage would be generalized, not localized. Further and significantly, an explosion of such character would have been detected in Vizhay, it was not, recalling reports of conventional German artillary being seen and heard dozens of miles from the battlefront in the last great war.

Finally, I ponder the effect of detonation on the tent. If it happened while the tent was on the ridge, I do not think the tent could,withstand it. If in the forest, there is no practical reason to relocate the tent and ignore the corpses. It makes no sense to me. A fall from an embankment and a crush of snow at the snow den can't be ruled out. Cold makes people numb. Numb people lose coordination. Bad things happen to good people.

We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

February 19, 2024, 12:37:06 PM
Reply #97


I do not support myself neither the vacuum bomb version (like a thermobaric weapon),

Then why are you promoting this nonsense?
If you are paraphrasing it, then be responsible for what you say....
Why repeat someone else's nonsense if you don't agree with it?
I explained to everyone clearly that what was at least 10 years later could not have anything to do with what happened to the Dyatlov group.
Or do you have an obsession with drowning the discussion in empty talk?

nor the infrasound version.

I told you not to get involved in a subject you know less about than oranges!
If you don't have enough education in acoustics, it's better to keep silent.
You'll look smarter...

I think both are fairy tales. If Mochalov will talk about infrasound and how people are thrown out of the 10th floor, I will also copy such texts here as an interesting example.

Why bring all of Mochalov's nonsense in here? Or do you think he knows better than you?
Do you want to completely bog down the topic, just to show your own ignorance of the subject?

My mother worked with an office on the 3rd floor in school 22 on the street. Vokzalnaya in 1953-1961, 15 minutes from the station. This is 1 km or a little more, but not 500 meters (by Borzenkov (c)).
we read the text. The picture you showed is not this school.

As for kindergarten 47, I’m not sure that it was a school, it’s just a guess.

1. you have a very bad habit of constantly taking the conversation in an unnecessary direction, i.e. into a logical dead end.
2. you have a very bad habit of constantly twisting the words of the person who told you something.
For example:
A) the conversation is not about "your mother", but about the school where the members of Dyatlov's group came.
About school 22 I said only that after its liquidation already in 60th or 70th years there were transferred pupils who studied earlier in elementary school 47(41? - That's what it says in their diaries. Or do you know better than them what they had?). Nothing more. You don't have to twist things to your own way. That's not smart. Then there was an education reform (more precisely - centralization of the education structure), when all schools belonging to different ministries (railway, water, forestry) were transferred to a single education system. Previously, each school of those ministries had its own numbering system. I've already written about it, but you stupidly ignore it. And you twist it all your own way.
B) the conversation is not about what you fantasize and attribute to others, but about what I wrote specifically. 500 m is not about your favorite school 22, but about the corner of that district, which in 1959 was called "New Settlement". As it turns out, you don't know what neighborhoods were in the city you think you own. Why did you have to fantasize and "transfer" the district "Novy Settlement" to the location of "Serov-Sortirovochny"? It turns out that you either do not know "your hometown" at all, or deliberately deceive the readers of this forum.
C) the conversation is not about the fact that you constantly twist one concept into another. It's called dumbing down the topics of discussion.

I'm not writing school, I'm writing kindergarten 47. Such a city could have 47 kindergartens, but not 47 schools.One advantage is that it is located near the station and the water tower.
Such a city could have 47 kindergartens, but not 47 schools.

Once again, you are either very stupid or trying to deceive your readers. But I have already mentioned this, both before and in this message. It concerns the different numbering system for schools of different departments (ministries). It did not depend on what city it was located in. They had their own registry.
So substituting the school that was there then for the kindergarten that is there now is what is known in the card game as "twisting".
And here you contradict yourself: if you refer to the fact that "In such a city there could be 47 kindergartens, but not 47 schools" (c) The city of Serov is 100,000 people or about 20,000 children. Where then all to a children from kindergartens had to go. Especially since not all children went to kindergarten, but all children had to go to school.

If this kindergarten was assigned to the New Village,
perhaps this is a mistake by the compiler of the text (the Old village is a metallurgical plant, the new village is everything else in his understanding. He had no Wikipedia to check. Wikipedia appeared only 20 years ago.

In general, we are pointing out the secrets of history indiscriminately. as if it were an accurate document, I wouldn’t. The director of the museum, where this text about school 47 comes from, Vera Bellendir, believes that in tent at the Dyatlov pass were also Lelyushenko’s children (son #10 and daughter #11, who were taken out first), however. After this message about Lelyushenko’s children, I consider it useless to trust any information from Vera Bellendir about Chuprakov’s school and house and where he is.

The school was located in the New Village in Chuprakov’s house near the water tower of the station.
There were two small shops nearby.

The information for us (with the participation of Y. Kuntsevich) was received not from the former employee of the museum of Ivdel city V. Belinder, but from a researcher of the museum of Serov city. I didn't write down the surname then, which I regret now... So don't substitute notions. If most of the readers of this forum cannot distinguish such details, it does not give you the right to deceive them.
If you don't understand something, then I am equally critical of conversations and assertions by people like what V. Belinder said. Not because I dislike them as people, but because they say such nonsense. It's called spreading gossip, which is something you are also making great progress in.

how could the water tower be located 1 km from the station. Usually such structures are located 50-100m from the station.

1. 1 km you made up yourself, what I said I wrote above....
2. Why do you think that there should be no more than one water tower in the city and it should be located only at the station? You yourself realize the absurdity of this. There should be a lot of them in the city and they should be located where it is necessary. And the expression "it was located in the New Village in Chuprakov's house near the station's water tower." means only that it was there. You don't say how far it was from the station.
3. By the way, what is not far? 1 м? 50 м? 100 м? 500 м? 1000 meters? 5000 meters? It depends on what the person who said it was thinking. So don't make it up for others. These are their thoughts, not yours, distorted....

February 20, 2024, 02:00:14 AM
Reply #98


Comrade Borzenkov go away and don’t interfere  please!
Don't write so much text!
No one will believe you anyway...

Belinder, but from a researcher of the museum of Serov city. -  I know this but I don't think they are mentally different.
Your idea about infrasound has origins from Uvarov's witness testimony, director of museum in Ivdel. A funny tale...


Nobody else knows about infrasound acoustics, and nobody else knows abous vacuum bombs...
Very similar ideas!
Then why are you promoting this nonsense? (c)
« Last Edit: February 20, 2024, 02:07:45 AM by Axelrod »

February 20, 2024, 04:23:17 AM
Reply #99


Hi Axelrod,

I think there's been some confusion. I actually got confused by your posts as I wasn't sure what you were saying. I now realise that you were quoting someone else. When you added this post below , I thought these were your words. I think you should say who you are quoting at the top of the post, or maybe keep to your theory , unfortunately it all got a bid muddy . If a new reader looks at the post , they will think that these are your words, which I now believe they are not. 

To clarify, this below is you posting the transcript of someone else's YouTube video?

Today Anna Russkikh made another attempt to refute my version of the vacuum bomb. So, to begin with, I must say the following: only a vacuum bomb design engineer can refute my version of a vacuum bomb, and no one else! To refute something, you must at least understand the subject that you are trying to refute. And if you don't understand, then you have nothing to do...

....Nobody knows how vacuum bombs work. Only I, and the design engineers of vacuum bombs, know this. Nobody else knows this. - Today Anna Russkikh made another attempt to refute my version of the vacuum bomb. So, to begin with, I must say the following: only a vacuum bomb design engineer can refute my version of a vacuum bomb, and no one else!

February 20, 2024, 04:55:40 AM
Reply #100


My answer:

You see, I have not found anywhere a description of what chemical substances the action of a vacuum bomb is based on. It seems that REALLY only the inventors of vacuum bombs know this. But this is understandable, because even a description of the composition of ancient Chinese gunpowder is difficult to find in books so that children cannot use this recipe.

Therefore, in order to confirm or refute how right Mochalov may be with his vacuum bomb, I need to know the principle of operation of a vacuum bomb. You only gave me a description of the effects of the vacuum bomb, but not its chemical composition.

February 20, 2024, 05:34:37 AM
Reply #101


Sorry Axelrod, I am not explaining myself clearly.

When you post, I , as the reader of the post ,don't know if you are quoting someone else or if you are posting from your own thoughts.

Im not entirely sure what the debate about vacuum bombs is or secret bases for that matter.

February 20, 2024, 07:39:31 AM
Reply #102


Original idea about Khruschev maybe is going from here

published in Russian by another person in2019 year

February 20, 2024, 01:43:34 PM
Reply #103


Comrade Borzenkov go away and don’t interfere


Thank you.
Citizen axelrod, if you don't know the old wisdom, "If I'm not told what I should (or shouldn't) do, I won't tell the person telling me where to go!" (c) then I suggest you memorize it well.
And don't expect me (or anyone else) to tacitly agree with your nonsense, which you spill out of мешка деда Мороза (Santa Claus') bag. You won't.

Don't write so much text!

If you don't know many familiar letters, don't read it, it's not meant for you. There are a lot of other readers here and don't decide for them. Although I can't compete with you even closely in terms of the size of meaningless texts....

No one will believe you anyway...

There are many other readers here and you don't have to decide for them what they should do. You're just as much a member here as anyone else. And no more significant than anyone else.

Belinder, but from a researcher of the museum of Serov city. -  I know this but I don't think they are mentally different.

With this you have shown your level of intelligence, if you do not understand that these are two different cities and these are different people who have studied different history of different cities? Then you'd better keep quiet, you'll look smarter.

Your idea about infrasound has origins from Uvarov's witness testimony, director of museum in Ivdel. A funny tale...


Oh, yeah? Do you know better than me how I know something and who I have as sources of scientific information? Apparently it is useless for this axelrod to say anything, but for the rest I will explain:
1. the testimony of Ivan Evlampovich Uvarov is also significant for understanding of this phenomenon.
2. there is a whole section of physics - acoustics of low and ultra-low frequencies, and there is a lot of literature on this subject. It is enough to find references on Google by the surnames of researchers V. Gavreau, L. Tarnozzi, R. Wood, S. Heal, D. S. Nussbaum, S. Reinis, В. В. Шулейкин (V. V. Shuleikin), Л. М. Бреховских (L. M. Brekhovskikh) [by the way, this is the father-in-law of B. E. Slobtsov], И. И. Клюкин (I. I. Klyukin), В. А. Гордиенко (V. A. Gordienko ) - Prof. of the Acoustics Department of the Physics Department of Moscow Lomonosov University (https://www.phys.msu.ru/rus/about/sovphys/ISSUES-2014/01(104)-2014/20600/)....
By the way, it was with him that I discussed this topic several times. Unlike all kinds of axelrods, it was quite understandable and lucid.
And discussed the same in absentia with Dr. A. Bedard (NOAA), via Donnie Eicher, but it was very brief, as their work is, shall we say... not for publication.
Really, I think that with your kindergarten-47 level approach to this matter, it is all boring and incomprehensible, so the easiest thing to do is not to deal with complex and intellectually demanding matters, but to chatter... Which you do not without success and constantly do....

Nobody else knows about infrasound acoustics, and nobody else knows abous vacuum bombs...

Don't speak for others, and the fact that you are a complete oak (дуб) in these matters, it is already clear at least because you haven't said anything concrete, and you can't say due to your mental abilities....

Very similar ideas!

It's not surprising to you at all, it's enough to put everything in one pile without knowing anything about it.....

Then why are you promoting this nonsense? (c)

I see, you don't have your own words and thoughts, so you have to repeat someone else's....
It's also an indicator of level.
But I do not promote collections of other people's gossip and limitless sets of empty words, in which you have absolutely no knowledge, but have succeeded here more than successfully.
It's called noodling the ears of untrained readers in this forum...
Stop it, as your level has already been assessed here and you don't need to embarrass yourself further...


PS. Against your further stupidity I can comment on such a statement:
1." ...I have not found anywhere a description, on what chemical substances the action of a vacuum bomb is based.
...only the inventors of vacuum bombs know that."
This is your delusion.
A) You probably haven't looked for anything, since it's three clicks away, even on Wikipedia. It is true that you need to know what you are looking for, and how relevant it is to the question you are asking. You have to know what you are writing about.....
B) These things are known in detail to any competent engineer who had anything to do with it. Including military technicians with a little theoretical training in this field.
Here everything is simple enough: when the primary fuse is triggered, there is a small explosion that sprays an aerosol mixture (usually oxirane (ethylene oxide or ethylene oxide) or similar compounds.  After 100-150 milliseconds, the initiating detonator detonates and the main fuel-air mixture explodes. What consequences occur and the properties of the striking factors, I have already described in previous messages. I will not repeat myself, who is interested - find it yourself (by my nickname). Time is a pity.
The criterion of competence is always how deeply the opponent can understand the request, talk about it and answer.
This section of the answer is addressed mainly to GlennM and Ziljoe. And also to all those who are interested in knowledge, not in idle chatter...They are very competent in their approach to the topic and do not write anything, but clarify information about which they do not know yet, but want to know.
The following users thanked this post: Ziljoe

February 20, 2024, 10:54:22 PM
Reply #104


This section of the answer is addressed mainly to GlennM and Ziljoe. And also to all those who are interested in knowledge, not in idle chatter...They are very competent in their approach to the topic and do not write anything, but clarify information about which they do not know yet, but want to know.

Thank you WAB.

I agree, the vacuum bomb is a few clicks away , as is much scientific information and data.

This thread has become a mess as it's unclear what is being debated . It was interesting for translation of some of the YouTube videos from Russian to English but unfortunately it has become confused .

The vacuum bomb I understand well enough in concept but it's where it came from , where is the so called secret base , how did it get there and why are they building secret bases in winter where people roam quite freely. A fallen test stage of a rocket gone wrong perhaps, a slim change I guess but testing vacuum bombs at random , a secret base? there would be no point. Rockets , missiles and weapons were not secrets , the only secrets were the capabilities and numbers of rockets to the west. In fact I think there was a whole nuclear city in the south Urals that was secret, but only to the west...

This clip below is  1957 and a military parade of rockets etc, in the USSR.


The frustration is, Axelrod seems to be debating several theories at once, which has got confusing. I have zero concern regarding the school and I don't understand what Axelrod is trying to communicate about the schools name or number.

The diary entries seem to fit logically, it gives the story of the start of the hikers journey, singing, a telling off for singing by the police , a drunk on the train , going for a walk and missing the bus , the talking to children about their adventures and then films ,songs with the locals. It seems like normal people doing normal things , I can't see anyone doctoring diaries that would expose so many witnesses to the hikers diary.

The footprints are probably the biggest indicator that the tent was pitched where it was found and the 9 hikers descended to the ceder area. The foot prints are also the best evidence that no one else was involved.


February 21, 2024, 07:17:35 AM
Reply #105


We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

February 21, 2024, 08:14:14 AM
Reply #106


I’ll say right away that the version of the rocket fall is easy to assume, but it’s also now easy to check using archival data,
and this version definitely fits because I found a table of rocket launches in 1959
on the RVSN (Strategic Missile Forces) website, and copies on other websites. It lists 200 rocket launches in 1959, 20 of them from Baikonur. Range from 50 km to launch to the Moon and creation of a solar satellite.
For rocket launches, a landing or crash point is usually specified.
Therefore, this version is no longer available.

I consider all such rocket discussions  as spam.
The following users thanked this post: GlennM

February 24, 2024, 06:03:39 AM
Reply #107


I agree, the vacuum bomb is a few clicks away , as is much scientific information and data.

This thread has become a mess as it's unclear what is being debated .

That's what I'm talking about as the most important thing. You can't do everything at once. You have to deal with one issue and draw conclusions first, and then research the next one.

It was interesting for translation of some of the YouTube videos from Russian to English but unfortunately it has become confused .

Yes, of course. Only it should be a very high quality work. And it needs explanations on various issues, from different understanding of terms in different languages to interpretation of concepts for the level needed by different readers. If this is not done, then you get a lot of nonsense. There are a lot of words, but no concepts.

The vacuum bomb I understand well enough in concept but it's where it came from ,

I have already explained that all the work on such munitions was already after all the events for more than 10 years. So I don't understand what there is to discuss in connection with the Dyatlov group?

where is the so called secret base , how did it get there and why are they building secret bases in winter where people roam quite freely.

This is a typical example of empty fiction as a subject for blatant chatter. I think that we should not fall for it, because it is elementary contrary to common sense.
I might add that the area is generally difficult to access, both now and then. This is especially important for the winter period. The reason for such idle talk appears because most of the readers of the forum do not visualize this aspect. And some "writers" blatantly use it for their own PR. They have no other tasks, for example, to honestly inform the readers of the forum. That is why there are attacks on those who inform about the actual state of information.

A fallen test stage of a rocket gone wrong perhaps, a slim change I guess but testing vacuum bombs at random , a secret base? there would be no point. Rockets , missiles and weapons were not secrets , the only secrets were the capabilities and numbers of rockets to the west.

The rocket version in general here is a consequence of many rumors (= speculation ) and gossip (or piece of scandal) - these are two different concepts in Russian.
I, as a specialist, can confidently say that in January 1959 there were no missiles that could fly to the pass from the places that were really available at that time.
All deployments of missile forces were at the borders of the country, they were not needed elsewhere. From the nearest place of such deployment were distances about 2 times the range of missiles that were in such troops.
There simply could not be other places, as they had to be only to fire only at their own, not at enemy positions.
This is elementary common sense.
However, rumors, supplemented by secrecy (no matter whether necessary or not) are always very stable among the ordinary population, so in Sverdlovsk at that time there were a lot of them. Because the "rocket theme" was then in "very big and fashionable".

In fact I think there was a whole nuclear city in the south Urals that was secret, but only to the west...

If you are saying that there were "closed cities" where there were nuclear industry plants, that is absolutely true. So too, there was Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL or Site Y, LASL) and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in the US, and there was nothing special about that. It's a peculiarity of the time. By the way, continuing to this time....

This clip below is  1957 and a military parade of rockets etc, in the USSR.


This was shown in 1957, but by 1959 almost nothing had changed in this technique. Of course, there were still new developments, but in appearance they were almost unchanged.
I can comment on this rocket video as follows:
1.  6 min 06 sec - the missiles of the S-75 air defense system are demonstrated. Such missile in May 01, 1960 was shot down U-2 airplane near Sverdlovsk.
2.   6 min 40 sec - R-11 type missiles are demonstrated. It is a ground forces missile with a range of 150...270 km (90...165 mi). Its modifications are known as "Scud".
3. .   6 min 55 sec - 2k4 or 2k5 missiles are demonstrated with very short range - up to 25 km (15 mi), but with the possibility of installing a nuclear warhead. This missile is supposed to be a development of field artillery.
4. 7 min 15 sec - R-5 type missiles are demonstrated. This is an operational-tactical missile with a range of 1200 km (750 mi). Exactly such missile was launched on February 02, 1959 from the area of Kapustin Yar in the eastern direction for the purpose of military tests. But even if we assume fantastically that it would have flown towards the pass, it still could not have flown because the distance there is 1640 km (1020 mi). Although it actually flew ~750 km (460 mi) towards Kazakhstan (east).

There could still be presented a rocket R-7 (such in 1957 was launched the first satellite, and then, its modification in 1961 was launched cosmonaut Gagarin), but it was very large and could not fit on the transport for transportation.

The frustration is, Axelrod seems to be debating several theories at once, which has got confusing.

Unfortunately that is not what is most wrong. He is so amateurish in his presentation of this information that it is almost impossible to understand even someone who is well versed in what is written there....

I have zero concern regarding the school and I don't understand what Axelrod is trying to communicate about the schools name or number.

This refers to minor details of the route of the Dyatlov group and does not affect the final accident in any way. I wrote about it only because if a writer wants to assert something, he should do it as accurately as possible and with a deep understanding of what he wants to say....

The diary entries seem to fit logically, it gives the story of the start of the hikers journey, singing, a telling off for singing by the police , a drunk on the train , going for a walk and missing the bus , the talking to children about their adventures and then films ,songs with the locals. It seems like normal people doing normal things , I can't see anyone doctoring diaries that would expose so many witnesses to the hikers diary.

You are absolutely correct here. If not to delve into unnecessary conspiracy, nothing foreshadowed the final event and the group's demise. This means that all the answers should be sought in the causes on the very last leg of their travel.

The footprints are probably the biggest indicator that the tent was pitched where it was found and the 9 hikers descended to the ceder area. The foot prints are also the best evidence that no one else was involved.

Yes, you're absolutely right here too, but we need to find a distinction in which facts of their reflective details of events are important and which are irrelevant. That is the difficulty of this investigation.
It takes a very significant amount of scientific and practical training to be able to distinguish between such details of events.
This is especially important as many things have changed over time (65+ years!).
For example, weather parameters, societal psychology, the basis for action assessments, the ability to reach the scene, and much more.
It is necessary, as they say in science, which I now have to do, to be able to solve inverse problems. That is, using the available objective data now, to reconstruct the picture that was then.
This is all the more difficult, because you have to take into account a lot of different parameters and conditions... And this is almost impossible for one person, if you go very deeply into this case....

Unfortunately, lately the substance of this thread is more and more filled with conspiracy theories, dilettantism at the level of medieval ignorance and just plain chatter. I'm already tired of trying to explain something in more detail and closer to life. Probably, in the nearest future I will simply destroy my archive and stop saying anything on this topic at all.
I just have to write a couple of notes on the subject of this winter expedition, as there are monstrous errors in this "research".
 This will reinforce the tendency that the reasons will never be known.
Much later they (these reasons) will be found, but a great deal of time will have passed, too much effort and intelligence will have been expended.
But this is already possible only with a completely new and from scratch informational approach. Now it is impossible to do it, because the mass of unreliable and "garbage" information is piling up all the time. And there is nothing that can be done about it.
It is necessary to stop and start all over again. And it should be done by specialists acting simultaneously in different fields of knowledge. Dilettantes and fictitious people cannot do complex and complicated cases.
The received information should be carefully analyzed for reliability and weed out everything that does not meet the criteria of compliance with the laws of nature, correspondence to historical realities and common sense. This is especially important if there are multiple layers of different factors. Moreover, specialists should be practitioners, not "doing philosophy sitting on the sofa".
And it is always necessary to have an answer to the questions:
- why any action is done there and
- how possible is it to do it in those conditions?

February 24, 2024, 09:10:50 AM
Reply #108


Thank you WAB.

 You have also taught me a new word that I have never heard in all my years, dilettantes/dilettantism. I shall be sharing this with my friends this evening, making myself sound clever bigjoke .

I would love experts in their field or profession to enter the forum. I don't think a medical doctor or forensic expert has ever openly commented on the injuries of the ravine 4.

The missing tongue and eyes have definitely conjured up some of the most interesting theories, whilst the situation, location and the exposure of the bodies has being completely ignored along with the autopsy.

I also think there was an obsession with rockets and UFO'S in the west , it was the time of new technology, the public would be interested to hear anything I suppose. We all like to gossip from time to time.

I look forward to hearing your comments on the winter research.

February 24, 2024, 11:24:35 AM
Reply #109


I don’t know how to throw Mr. Borzenkov (WAB) out of the virtual reality that he has invented for himself and in which he is confident. with all these infrasounds, schools, I don’t know what else.
(As for the rocketry and the military, I agree with them.)
Truth and historical reality do not depend on ours, it is as it is...

Here, I made a screenshot of the map. There are objects connected with the railway nearby.
- Stadium Lokomotiv
- Railway dental clinic
- House of Culture for Railway Workers
- Parovoznikov street (steam locomotive operators street).
- Electrovoznikov street (electro locomotive operators street).

this is all located in the area of the old station in the east of the city
(the railway to Ivdel and Polunochnoe is on the right on the map).

After this, it is logical to assume that kindergarten Solnyshchko No. 47 for some time
was school No. 47 for children of railway workers.

But all this is located ~5 km east of the new main station,
which is closer to the city center and Sverdlovsk.
in 1953 the new station was already in operation, it is unknown when it was opened.

I asked my mother (and I can ask her sister, both worked at this school for several years in the 195s) that that school is 22, it was in this place in 1959,
A 3-story brick building was then apparently added to it by another 3-story building perpendicular to it.
There was no other school on the way from the station if you walk along Vokzalnaya Street (later Pobeda Street vertically on the map)
Perhaps there were schools on the other side of the railway, to the south, say school No. 4.

Mr. Borzenkov came up with unverified information, allegedly in 1959 at this place where school 22 is located, these are his delusions. Feel bad from his fantasies!

Я не знаю, как выкинуть господина Борзенкова (WAB) из той виртуальной реальности, которую он себе придумал и в которой он уверен. со всеми этими инфразвуками, школами, не знаю чем ещё.
(Насчёт дальности ракет и военных баз я с ним соглашусь.)
Истина и историческая реальность не зависит от нашей, она такая, как она есть...

Вот, я сделал скришнот карты. На ней рядом находятся объекты, связанные с железной дорогой.
Стадион Локомотив
Железнодорожная стоматологическая поликлиника
Дом культуры железнодорожников
улица Паровозников.
улица Электровозников.

это всё находится в районе старого вокзала на востоке города
(железная дорога от Свердловска на Ивдель и Полуночное справа на карте).

После этого логично предположить, что детский сад Солнышко №47 какое-то время
был школой №47 для детей железнодорожников.

Но это всё находится в ~5 км на восток от нового главного вокзала,
который ближе к центру города и к Свердловску.
в 1953 году новый вокзал уже работал, неизвестно когда был открыт.

Я спрашивал маму (и могу спросить её сестру, обе работали в этой школе несколько лет в 195х годах), что та школа 22, она и в 1959 году была на этом месте,
3 этажное кирпичное здание  потом к ней видимо пристроили ещё одно 3-этажное здание перпендикулярно.
Никакой другой школы на пути от вокзала не было если идти по улике Вокзальная (позднее улица Победы вертикально на карте)
Возможно были школы по другую сторону от железной дороги, на юг, скажем школа №4.

Господин Борзенков придумал непроверенную информацию, якобы в 1959 году на этом месте, где находится школа 22, это его заблуждения. Плохо себя чувствовать от его фантазий!
« Last Edit: February 24, 2024, 11:33:11 AM by Axelrod »

February 24, 2024, 03:46:51 PM
Reply #110


"It is necessary, as they say in science, which I now have to do, to be able to solve inverse problems. That is, using the available objective data now, to reconstruct the picture that was then."

There are two types of reasoning. They are induction and deduction. With deduction, it goes like this," Every swan, I've seen is white. I deduce the next swan shall be white".or from many clues comes a conclusion.  With induction, " This swan is white, therefore all swans are white." Put in plain terms , induction says, " if you have seen one, you've seen them all." Deduction says " if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck".

So what? Something may be logical, but may still be wrong in fact, as in the case of swans. So what? With the Dyatlov tragedy, we can gather many clues and come (deductively) to a conclusion. Or, we can say that since something like this has happened once before, then we can assert that it will always happen this way. Both approaches may lead to the truth, but the facts must be true and the reasoning must be logically consistent. Of course, the trouble is that in the absense of facts, speculation runs wild. Hence, all the varied theories and the sparring in the forum. Since no new facts are coming forward we can deductively or inductively come to an explanation that pleases us. This may change when someone figure out how to run the clock backwards.Teddy's tree ring data is one such attempt. I still favor the slab slip as the incident that precipitated all the rest.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2024, 08:08:50 PM by GlennM »
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

February 25, 2024, 05:31:37 AM
Reply #111


When working on Wikipedia, there is such a thing as an “authoritative source”.
There are quite a lot of such cases for avalanche injuries.
I would really like to receive infrasound not only indications of the names and opinions of some scientists,
and references to newspaper articles where people are running somewhere from infrasound and throwing themselves out of windows and breaking bones.

Where, in what place and what date did this happen? I didn't find such information.
There is only mention that people experience some discomfort, and even this is some doubtful.

February 25, 2024, 05:40:21 PM
Reply #112


The defense for infrasound must surely be in shared experiences. In a group, if one person starts to feel an unfocused sense of dread, and if another person can confirm that they also feel strange, that is sufficient to start a cascade of potential responses. In our brains, we depend on intellect to govern emotions. If something elicits an emotional response, then the cortex must expend energy defining, evaluating and forming a response to the triggering stimulus. Tired minds are compromised. As such, an unfocused feeling of dread can escalate into panic, waiting for " the other shoe to drop", as the saying goes. If others respond similarly, even if they don't percieve things the same way, its known as the "bandwagon effect".
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

February 25, 2024, 11:09:30 PM
Reply #113


I cannot source any solid science behind infra sound. I remember the TV program "mythbusters " trying to replicate fear or the "brown note" without much success but it wasn't exactly scientific. There is also the reported "Havana syndrome" which has been discussed here before but having had a look , it remains a mystery and may have a connection to the "bandwagon effect" .

Likewise , the sound of the wind may have installed fear in the group, that I believe is a possibility. " One or two of the group could influence the others that it's just too dangerous to stay at the tent, perhaps collapsed by the wind .

This video gives us an impression of conditions in daylight on the slope, change it to night time and stronger winds with more snow being blown , then it could be a possibility to move down the slope .

This still leaves a question mark as to why they didn't take more equipment though. My only conclusions are these. They all cover the possibility of not taking more equipment.

1) the tent was never there in the first place.

2) they were forced out by other humans or animal .

3) a tent collapse of some description, wind, snow slip , avalanche.

4) some other unusual but natural occurrence, ball lightning, infrasound...

 Number 3 or a combination of ,is what I think to be most likely. I cannot compute the logistics of staging the tent and people involved. I see no motive for other humans to be there or kill 9 hiker's. I was keen on the wolverine idea but if it can not spray then this theory is far less plausible. Unfortunately, I do not know anything about ball lightning or infrasound, the internet is extremely vague on such topics.

It is a frustration as I don't think I can add anything of help . The ceder seems a sensible place to at least try to start a fire and shelter and make a plan. The ravine for a snow hole or cave is another option but there could also have been accident in that area. It's impossible to tell how much of that 3-4 meters of snow above the ravine 4 was there on the 1-2 of February. It's hard to believe that 4 meters of snow conviently blew into the ravine over that 3 weeks only.


February 26, 2024, 07:07:45 AM
Reply #114


I think the closest approximation any of us get to an infrasound effect is the deep rumble of impending doom used in cinema. If you have experienced an earthquake, as I have, there is a also a rumble. These are, of course not infrasound, as they can actually be heard, but the tummy shaking vibration does have an effect. In my experience, what goes on in my inner ear and in my gut together or separately, affect my sense of wellbeing. If either are disturbed, the effect is immediate.

If, in the case of the DP9, infrasound was masked by howling wind and if those winds deposited enough snow on the snow bank just above the tent to precipitate the collapse, then the unfocused dread would surely undermine confidence in staying put in the tent.

I feel that in the best circumstance, infrasound is still a distant second to the actual slab slip.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

February 26, 2024, 11:20:36 AM
Reply #115


The mystery for me is what this thread is even about. How did you guys get from a vacuum bomb to infrasound, and whose theories are these? This is the most incomprehensible conversation I think I have ever read on a forum. By the time I was done with the third page I felt like the going theory was that they were hit by a rocket missile after Nikolai, Semyon, and Luda set off a vacuum bomb while government agents triggered a slab avalanche at the tent to punish Dyatlov for invading school 41! I mean, are people posting their own theories, or is this just collection of stuff they got off the internet and YouTube?
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February 26, 2024, 12:09:09 PM
Reply #116


I think it started as various theories, all of which we know.

February 26, 2024, 01:54:08 PM
Reply #117


The bird walks are a natural consequence of Nature hating a vacuum. In this case, a vaccum of relevant information.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

February 26, 2024, 03:05:39 PM
Reply #118


a vacuum bomb while government agents triggered a slab avalanche at the tent to punish Dyatlov for invading school 41!
Dyatlov was not invading school 41, because school with such number was absent in city of Serov.
The same about traint #43. Only train #45/46 was passing through Serov. Maybe they visited an another place.

Last night, about 9-00 we boarded the train №43. At last. There is 10 of us. Slavik Bienko didn't come, they didn't let him. We are going with Blinov group. Fun. Songs. Around 8 am we arrived in Serov. We were not allowed to stay on the train station, the train to Ivdel is at 6-30 pm. We are looking for a room. We are trying to get into the club (to the right of the dining room of the station) and school, but fail. Finally he (? not sure about the identity) finds school number 41 (about 200 meters from the train station), where we were very well received.

But I know that such school is present in Moscow near airport VKO (Vnukovo).
Maybe mistificators were flyint throught this airport!

Guess please which of them is school #41?
« Last Edit: February 26, 2024, 03:19:33 PM by Axelrod »

February 26, 2024, 03:17:21 PM
Reply #119


What do you think about school #14 in Serov?