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Author Topic: A most likely explanation  (Read 15628 times)

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January 14, 2023, 01:15:06 PM
Read 15628 times

Per Inge Oestmoen

It is time for all to realize that the Dyatlov Pass tragedy was the result of murder. We should stop conjuring up improbable and impossible theories about UFO's, internal strife, evil snowmen, wolverines, infrasound, falling trees, avalanches and snow slabs. None of these fantasy stories are consistent with the injuries sustained by the victims.

A knowledgeable person who knows about close combat fighting quickly recognizes that these unfortunates were killed by other humans who were trained killers. Since I have studied Jiu Jitsu, in several cases I could tell what techniques were likely used to take the lives of the students.

Please read this:

"(2) The fakes don't really do anything for me because I know that all the free software e.g. Forensically that the sites (this book included) cite are for digital photography. Bobrikov says that the negatives are manipulated but he proves it with software that tracks changes on a digital image. Once scanned, whatever is done with the negative will not show as a defect. So I don't pay attention to "the fakes". I also tried to reproduce the results from the book and it turns out Bobrikov first did things in Photoshop to enhance the contours whatever to make his point, but in any rate I will not engage in discussing fakes. Askinadzi: "There are many sites using other methods and programs that speak of mass falsification of both photos and diaries, etc. Dyatlov researchers have been exposing falsifications of documents for a long time. After all, the fact that Dyatlov reached the northern side of Otorten was known (or guessed!) by Maslennikov (his son-in-law speaks about it), Tempalov, Ortyukov, Cheglakov (*). And those are just the ones I know of. They knew about the existence of a military training ground on the northern side of Otorten."

- The above seems to be a probable explanation.

The nine students, albeit perfectly loyal Soviet citizens, had to be killed preventively in order to ensure their silence forever. The state authorities could not take the risk: Sooner or later the nine could tell a spouse, child or friend what they had observed.

Thus the nine students became a threat to state security, and must be eliminated.

There was no avalanche, and there was no snow slab, no accidents. Only Igor Dyatlov can reasonably be assumed to have died by hypothermia, and marks on his body gave hints that he had been handcuffed.

It was professional killing by special forces operators. Every single injury among the nine is consistent with human attack - and human attack only.

The frighteningly intelligent way it was orchestrated, with the aim to make it look like an unfortunate accident, could best be described as bearing the stamp of the mercilessly brilliant KGB - which in its heyday was probably the most sophisticated intelligence agency known to Man.

The aim of this site should be to try to find solid evidence of who killed the nine students.

The following users thanked this post: anna_pycckux, Ehtnisba

January 14, 2023, 02:57:02 PM
Reply #1


A knowledgeable person who knows about close combat fighting quickly recognizes that these unfortunates were killed by other humans who were trained killers. Since I have studied Jiu Jitsu, in several cases I could tell what techniques were likely used to take the lives of the students.

I  am not knowledgeable in close combat fighting . Please tell us what techniques were likely used ?

January 14, 2023, 04:00:18 PM
Reply #2


I'll second that, I also would like to know those techniques.


I've read that quote (2) before. I'm still not quite sure, if I really understood correctly.
Let me try to reword it:
(I) There are people who state that photos and documents from back than are false by using software that proves falsification of digital photos but not analog falsification.
(II) Maslennikov and others knew or suspected the group reached the northern side of the Otorten. That has been said by many of them.
(III) On the northern side of the Otorten was a military training ground, which said people knew of.

If I got this right, then let me ask a few questions:

(II)-a Where do we know that from? Can you point out the sources?
(II)-b Why were no traces found further on the planned route towards Otorten or even on the Otorten? Where they all erased by whoever is supposed to have murdered the group?
(III)-a Was there indeed a training ground? Has anyone a source for that statement?
(III)-b Why was the area around Otorten a common hiking area, if there was a training ground no one should have come near?
(III)-c Was is only that time when the Dyatlov-group was around, that something sinister was about to happen in that area? Then why were they allowed to go?

Those are things, that don't fit the bill for me.

(Concerning part (I) there's nothing to say, people will be people...)


January 14, 2023, 05:05:54 PM
Reply #3


You simply do not leave corpses with incriminating physical evidence at the scene of the crime. If the rand plan is to make it look like the hikers died by natural,causes, you do not bludgeon, crush, bind and otherwise identify your misdeeds by leaving incriminating evidence on the remains. Finally, I think the Russian military would draw the line at a sadistic senseless slaughter. Bullets do the job quicker.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 14, 2023, 09:39:10 PM
Reply #4


A knowledgeable person who knows about close combat fighting quickly recognizes that these unfortunates were killed by other humans who were trained killers. Since I have studied Jiu Jitsu, in several cases I could tell what techniques were likely used to take the lives of the students.

Rustem's pose

screenshot of combat fighting technics used by Soviet special forces

I did not find a better explanation for the position of Rustem's hand + head injury. If you see this video, you will find other moments that explain the injuries. The author of this system (he is in a blue suit) began his service in the GRU in 1959


January 14, 2023, 10:08:12 PM
Reply #5


Уже многократно доказано, что система Кадочникова не работает. Это не более чем показуха на городских праздниках. Вы бы хоть комменты под этим роликом почитали. Я знаю о чём говорю. Уж поверьте.
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=6#p11

January 14, 2023, 10:23:50 PM
Reply #6


Since I have studied Jiu Jitsu, in several cases I could tell what techniques were likely used to take the lives of the students.

So say. Only in every detail. Tell who and how they killed. Feel free to use sports professional terms. I'll deal. And then it seems that another swindler has appeared in the subject
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=6#p11
The following users thanked this post: Partorg

January 14, 2023, 10:24:47 PM
Reply #7


Уже многократно доказано, что система Кадочникова не работает. Это не более чем показуха на городских праздниках. Вы бы хоть комменты под этим роликом почитали. Я знаю о чём говорю. Уж поверьте.
what exactly doesn't work?  Painful hold?  Blow to the head?

January 14, 2023, 10:34:34 PM
Reply #8


Уже многократно доказано, что система Кадочникова не работает. Это не более чем показуха на городских праздниках. Вы бы хоть комменты под этим роликом почитали. Я знаю о чём говорю. Уж поверьте.
what exactly doesn't work?  Painful hold?  Blow to the head?
Это постановочное шоу, где противник сам подставляется и падает туда, куда предписывает сценарий.
Против ножа не существует техник. Никаких. Какой бы не был суперподготовленный боец с супер техниками кгб, мвд, гру, цру и т.д., в 90 процентах он труп. При условии, что с ножом не рёбёнок или женщина. Вы ведётесь на коммерциализацию  в спортивных единоборствах. Там одни аферисты, к сожалению
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=6#p11

January 14, 2023, 10:40:16 PM
Reply #9


looks like you don't understand what I'm trying to say. The posture of Rustem's hand is most similar to holding a painful hold. Bilateral hematomas in the temporal muscles + a linear fracture are most similar to a blow to the head of a lying person. Have you seen the word "knife" somewhere in my messages?

January 14, 2023, 10:42:48 PM
Reply #10


Rustem's pose

Что бы быть точно уверенным, что такую позу невозможно занять двигаясь без сил по снегу и ветру - надо пройтись в отсутствии сил в таких условиях. Понятное дело, что во Вьетнаме - это более чем невозможно. Приезжайте к нам в Кузбасс. У нас как раз самая такая погода. Просто погуляете по городским улицам и  будет достаточно для выветривания всяких рукопашников из мыслей...

In order to be sure that such a position cannot be taken while moving without strength in the snow and wind, one must walk in the absence of strength in such conditions. It is clear that in Vietnam this is more than impossible. Come to us in Kuzbass. We have just the right kind of weather. Just take a walk along the city streets and it will be enough to weather any hand-to-hand combatants from your thoughts ...
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 14, 2023, 10:45:10 PM
Reply #11


looks like you don't understand what I'm trying to say. The posture of Rustem's hand is most similar to holding a painful hold. Bilateral hematomas in the temporal muscles + a linear fracture are most similar to a blow to the head of a lying person. Have you seen the word "knife" somewhere in my messages?
Этот захват для удержания человека в лежачем положении. И что? Что дальше то? От этого захвата не умирают. Вы расскажите предполагаемый сценарий убийства, при котором рука так и осталась в том же положении, когда и была на болевом ?
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=6#p11

January 14, 2023, 10:47:39 PM
Reply #12


Rustem's pose

Что бы быть точно уверенным, что такую позу невозможно занять двигаясь без сил по снегу и ветру - надо пройтись в отсутствии сил в таких условиях. Понятное дело, что во Вьетнаме - это более чем невозможно. Приезжайте к нам в Кузбасс. У нас как раз самая такая погода. Просто погуляете по городским улицам и  будет достаточно для выветривания всяких рукопашников из мыслей...

In order to be sure that such a position cannot be taken while moving without strength in the snow and wind, one must walk in the absence of strength in such conditions. It is clear that in Vietnam this is more than impossible. Come to us in Kuzbass. We have just the right kind of weather. Just take a walk along the city streets and it will be enough to weather any hand-to-hand combatants from your thoughts ...
Когда замерзающий человек переворачивается на бок, рука как раз попадает в это положение, завёрнутое за спину
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=6#p11

January 14, 2023, 10:52:15 PM
Reply #13


looks like you don't understand what I'm trying to say. The posture of Rustem's hand is most similar to holding a painful hold. Bilateral hematomas in the temporal muscles + a linear fracture are most similar to a blow to the head of a lying person. Have you seen the word "knife" somewhere in my messages?
Смотрите картину в целом. Именно так сломать рёбра не сможет ни один специалист. Я в этом разбираюсь. Много раз ломал рёбра, и мне ломали. Но, именно так невозможно.
Те кто замёрз. Можно предположить, что их удушили воротом одежды или косым захватом. На это требуется полторы минуты на каждого. Но, невозможно скрыть следы асфиксии. Следствие в любом случае установит, что они умерли от удушения.
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=6#p11

January 15, 2023, 05:17:46 AM
Reply #14


Global Moderator
We should remember that many researchers have concluded that the DP group did not die in the location where their bodies were found. Askinadzi is publishing his book (finally) that says there was a military training ground north of Otorten; the group reached the north side and encountered them. Something happened and they were killed. Their bodies and the tent were moved away, so as not to shed suspicion on those who had killed them. There were dragging marks alongside the bodies of Doroschenko and Krivonischenko at the Cedar, and -- something we have not really talked about on this forum -- Yuri Yuden was distressed and confused by the fact that the bodies of these two had perfectly clean, undamaged feet. He wrote, how can this be?

January 15, 2023, 05:34:38 AM
Reply #15


Askinadzi is publishing his book (finally) that says there was a military training ground north of Otorten; the group reached the north side and encountered them.
Это откуда Вы такие новости - вычитали? В.М.Аскинадзи никаких книг не пишет. Он - категорически не писатель, а критик. Согрин С.Н. - пишет. На его счету - их уже не одна.
У меня впечатление, что неточности перевода - как очень испорченный телефон дают в руки ангажированных своими представлениями исследователей: очень топкий и неверный материал...
Where did you read such news from? V.M. Askinadzi does not write any books. He is categorically not a writer, but a critic. Sogrin S.N. - writes. On his account - they are no longer alone.
I have the impression that the inaccuracies of the translation are like a very damaged telephone put into the hands of researchers biased by their ideas: very slick and incorrect material ...
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...
The following users thanked this post: Partorg

January 15, 2023, 05:39:48 AM
Reply #16


Global Moderator

You ask where? Teddy's post right here in this forum, referenced above.

January 15, 2023, 06:05:15 AM
Reply #17



You ask where? Teddy's post right here in this forum, referenced above.
Эту книгу написал не Аскинадзи. Он дал на неё рецензию. Т.Е. критическую статью. Критика равнялась выводу - "ничё так, оригинальненько."
Вы хоть книгу-то откройте. Ведь есть ссылка. И там вписан реальный автор. Сам В.М.Аскмнадзи вряд ли бы накатал такой редкостный бред. Он еще в своем уме.

This book was not written by Askinadzi. He gave her a review. THOSE. critical article. Criticism was equal to conclusion - "nothing like that, original." V. M. Askmnadzi himself would hardly have dashed off such a rare nonsense. He is still in his mind.
At least open a book. After all, there is a link. And the real author is inscribed there.
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...
The following users thanked this post: Partorg

January 15, 2023, 06:27:00 AM
Reply #18


The most likely explanation is neither natural forces nor humans. The most likely explanation is "Unknown coercive force." How long will it take to understand this, or how long will we discuss it? The purpose of this forum should be to find out what kind of power unknown power is. We have to put aside empty invalid thoughts.

January 15, 2023, 06:45:40 AM
Reply #19


The most likely explanation is neither natural forces nor humans. The most likely explanation is "Unknown coercive force." How long will it take to understand this, or how long will we discuss it? The purpose of this forum should be to find out what kind of power unknown power is. We have to put aside empty invalid thoughts.
Пока Вы не выучитесь на блестящего гипнотизера - форум будет смотреть в разные стороны и искать разные решения...
Until you learn to be a brilliant hypnotist, the forum will look in different directions and look for different solutions...
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 15, 2023, 07:11:18 AM
Reply #20


Global Moderator
Teddy:  "The book "PASS without DYATLOV'' has a very exploratory comparison of witness testimonies and fact discrepancies, it points out errors and omissions that one could usually attribute to the time that has passed. In any case it is a book that Askinadzi stands by and will introduce to this year's annual conference. Here is a chance for a sneak peek. I will continue adding to the post as I find more information referenced in the book or by Askinadzi (*). "

I am sure that no one on this forum will dismiss or criticize the book before having read it.

January 15, 2023, 07:41:57 AM
Reply #21


Teddy:  "The book "PASS without DYATLOV'' has a very exploratory comparison of witness testimonies and fact discrepancies, it points out errors and omissions that one could usually attribute to the time that has passed. In any case it is a book that Askinadzi stands by and will introduce to this year's annual conference. Here is a chance for a sneak peek. I will continue adding to the post as I find more information referenced in the book or by Askinadzi (*). "

I am sure that no one on this forum will dismiss or criticize the book before having read it.

Да уж... Многообещающе, если помнить как хорошо читается русский. Тем не менее - я читаю по русски. Мало того, содержание книги собрало в себя много такого, что опубликовано в России - уже десять лет назад. Ну то есть очень старые и давно уложенные в мусорную корзину мысли.
Аскинадзи надо думать через рекламу этой книги - совершает диверсию против исследователей. И в первую очередь - против нероссийских исследователей. Российские в книге нового - ничего не вычитают. На конференции - это будет натуральный цирк, если книгу начнут разбирать в части правдивости содержания.

Yeah ... Promising, if you remember how well Russian is read. However, I read Russian. Moreover, the content of the book has collected a lot of things that were published in Russia - already ten years ago. Well, that is, very old and long ago thoughts laid in the wastebasket.
Askinadzi must be thought through the advertising of this book - he is committing sabotage against researchers. And first of all - against non-Russian researchers. Russian in the book of the new - do not subtract anything. At the conference, it will be a natural circus if the book begins to be dismantled in terms of the veracity of the content.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2023, 07:48:10 AM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 15, 2023, 08:21:45 AM
Reply #22


Global Moderator
You sound bitter. I'm sorry you feel this way.
But you could be very helpful to those of us who don't read Russian. You could explain to us what has been published, discovered, and discussed on the Russian forums. This would be very intriguing. Thank you.

January 15, 2023, 08:37:25 AM
Reply #23


You sound bitter. I'm sorry you feel this way.
But you could be very helpful to those of us who don't read Russian. You could explain to us what has been published, discovered, and discussed on the Russian forums. This would be very intriguing. Thank you.

Чтобы пересказать все что написано за 10 прошедших лет - нужно как минимум год...
To retell everything that has been written over the past 10 years - you need at least a year ...
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...
The following users thanked this post: Ziljoe, Зайцев

January 15, 2023, 08:16:38 PM
Reply #24


The most likely explanation is neither natural forces nor humans. The most likely explanation is "Unknown coercive force." How long will it take to understand this, or how long will we discuss it? The purpose of this forum should be to find out what kind of power unknown power is. We have to put aside empty invalid thoughts.
Пока Вы не выучитесь на блестящего гипнотизера - форум будет смотреть в разные стороны и искать разные решения...
Until you learn to be a brilliant hypnotist, the forum will look in different directions and look for different solutions...
Я никогда не понимал, что ты говоришь. Но одно можно сказать наверняка, их что-то убило, и это был не человек. На самом деле, это очень ясно.
The following users thanked this post: Larisa

January 15, 2023, 09:12:18 PM
Reply #25


The main issue I have with the murder theory is that it completely lacks a motive. 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!
The following users thanked this post: Larisa

January 15, 2023, 10:41:09 PM
Reply #26


Я никогда не понимал, что ты говоришь. Но одно можно сказать наверняка, их что-то убило, и это был не человек. На самом деле, это очень ясно.
Жестокая северная зима и неверная оценка своих возможностей. И в какой-то мере - альтруизм.
A cruel northern winter and a misjudgment of one's capabilities. And to some extent - altruism.
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 15, 2023, 10:47:51 PM
Reply #27


The main issue I have with the murder theory is that it completely lacks a motive.
The murder theory lacks not only a motive, but also traces of the murder on the bodies; traces of strangulation, gunshot wounds, stab wounds with cold weapons, etc. There is also no ski trail of the killers, who had to come through the deep snow of the forest zone, then leave.
В теории убийства отсутствует не только мотив, но и следы убийства на телах; следы удушения, огнестрельных ранений, колото-резаных ран холодным оружием и т.д. Так-же отсутствует лыжный след убийц, которым нужно было по глубокому снегу лесной зоны прийти, потом уйти.
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=6#p11
The following users thanked this post: Larisa

January 15, 2023, 11:51:08 PM
Reply #28

Per Inge Oestmoen

You simply do not leave corpses with incriminating physical evidence at the scene of the crime. If the rand plan is to make it look like the hikers died by natural,causes, you do not bludgeon, crush, bind and otherwise identify your misdeeds by leaving incriminating evidence on the remains. Finally, I think the Russian military would draw the line at a sadistic senseless slaughter. Bullets do the job quicker.

1. There was no senseless slaughter involved. The nine victims were chased out from the tent, that would have happened at gunpoint. The attackers first made sure that their victims were improperly dressed. Their plan was to let the cold to the dirty job of killing.

Now, there was a sudden rise in temperature during the fateful evening - to around -15C. So the nine students did not die from exposure as planned; they exchanged clothes and tried desperately to survive. Therefore, the killing squad had to hunt them down and expedite the outcome. The four hikers who had a little more clothes than the others also had the most serious injuries; which was also consistent with these ones being those who were less affected by the cold and resisted more than the others. If this unexpected rise in temperature had not taken place, the nine students would have quickly frozen to death - and there would have been no telling injuries. The rise in temperature spoiled the plot, but only partially - some people do not want to understand that this was a very cleverly, mercilessly intelligent operation designed to silence nine human beings and make it look like an accident. The Soviet (and Russian) history is replete with state-created "accidents," "suicides" and sudden "natural deaths" orchestrated and performed by the secret police. In this case, the injuries sustained by the nine are also beautifully consistent with known lethal close combat techniques, as I and others have described here in these forums.

2. Bullets do the job quicker. But bullet wounds tell everyone that a murder has been performed. These nine students who very likely entered into an area where they observed something no ordinary citizens were supposed or allowed to know about were respectable Soviet citizens with families and friends who were people with a position in society. To kill them in an obvious way by leaving bullet wounds, to just make them "disappear" or to transport them into closed coffins would make it obvious to everyone what happened. That would have created political turmoil, and the whole thing including the very likely secret military facilities would have been exposed. For this reason the nine students had to be executed in a manner that made it look like an accident.

3. All the cover-ups that subsequently have continued up to this day where Russian authorities have claimed an avalanche which demonstrably did not happen and could not happen in the area, confirm the very fact that the Soviets and Russian leaders really had and have something to hide. This can only be their own actions. Even today, it would reflect very badly on the Russian state if the truth were to be exposed. So the cover-ups continue.

4. What happened to the Mansi was also very revealing. Some of their numbers were brought in for interrogation, and the authorities pretended that they were under suspicion. Suddenly a seamstress was brought in and said that the students' tent had been cut from the inside and that this meant that there was no criminal act - and the Mansi were no longer suspected. What happened was that the Russian secret police had also orchestrated this. By first arresting some Mansi and then letting them off the hook an unspoken but clear messages was given: "If you ever tell anyone about what we know that you observed, we will invent any necessary evidence. We let you off the hook for now, but stay silent." 

January 16, 2023, 12:14:46 AM
Reply #29

Per Inge Oestmoen

A knowledgeable person who knows about close combat fighting quickly recognizes that these unfortunates were killed by other humans who were trained killers. Since I have studied Jiu Jitsu, in several cases I could tell what techniques were likely used to take the lives of the students.

I  am not knowledgeable in close combat fighting . Please tell us what techniques were likely used ?

1. Deformed neck and a suspicious wound behind the ear of Kolevatov. It was revealed that his larynx had been crushed. These injuries can hardly have been made by any kind of accident: https://dyatlovpass.com/death?flp=1#Kolevatov

2- Ljudmila Dubinina had a crushed rib cage, and no other injuries to the body. During my Jiu Jjitsu I personally have been taught to create these injuries by hard elbow strikes, and it was also explained that this is a known technique used by police forces to incapacitate people.

3. The same with Zolotaryov. it is noteworthy that Dubinina and Zolotaryov had the same type of chest injury. This is understandable because killing squads are normally divided into groups. One group attacked Dubinina and Zolotaryov and chose this technique. Also, Zolotaryov was trained in boxing and wrestling - and so had to be killed with particular force since he very likely resisted.

I could go on, and will do so later.