Zolotaryov was searching for uranium....
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If the last camp site and the actual location of the tent were in different, then why? It seems the biggest secret would be to hide uranium prospecting. Anyone with half an interest would assume Russians were looking for nuclear material during the cold war. The USA U2 spy plane would film any area thought to be of military interest. The worst kept secrets are military ones. Covering up accidental or intentional deaths of the hikers does not hide the elephant in the room. If anything, it calls attention to the whole business of prospecting. There is no reason to assume the tent was pitched anywhere but on the slope of 1079 on the last night. The unknown compelling force was the weather and the subsequent failure of the tent itself. If an issue is made over Zolo and Lyuda's injuries perhaps it was related to blasting when everyone was at or near the cedar waiting out the weather.
But the idea seemed interesting to me, and I want to continue the thought. As we know, Zolotaryov worked or lived in the city of Lermontov in the Caucasus. He was a physical education teacher there, but in the city of Lermontov there was a uranium mine (later closed).
Then Zolotaryov moved from place to place, from city to city. He was in Altai and the Urals.
In the city of Novokuznetsk, before moving to the Urals, he met his students and told them that he would soon become famous throughout the world. Why?
Perhaps he was searching for uranium. Apparently, one person is enough to search for this ore, but it is difficult for one person to make an expedition, and everyone else will also have to be paid a salary. Or we have an ideal situation that he joined a tourist group to do his developments.