I've seen this so many times before. There's an obvious explanation whereas the evidence does not fit with any other explanation, but someone (rarely a trained investigator) will say, "well what about X? If X is true then the obvious explanation can't be right," which may not even be true. Experts too can be wrong, and that's not an especially rare occurrence. In the case of the eyes, yes, that's possible, but you'd have to do a recreation, and even then it may be that the head would have to be on a specific angle with specific pressure applied to specific areas. And as to the "compelling force" notion, imagine falling ten feet or so, onto a rocky creek, with three guys falling on top of you as well. I'd guess some gruesome inujuries would certainly be possible! And let me point out that I'd be thrilled if there was an ususual explanation for the DPI, but all the evidence fits nicely into the mudnane explanation, with these minor things (the eyes or tongue) that you might only be able to explain fully if you spent a ton of money on multiple recreations (until you got all the possible factors just right and it all made perfect sense).