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Author Topic: wild idea about why the tent situated on the slope  (Read 25007 times)

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January 05, 2023, 12:53:51 PM
Reply #60


Tenne, the,suppositions regarding motive, the introduction of extraneous characters and illogical behaviors by bad actors are not canon. That is my meaning.

In canon, they camped the last night at 880 on 1079. They left traced of,descent. The traces are devoid of foot dragging, and parallel skiing. So, yes,,it gets back to why did they leave. Consider the 4 B's . Breathing, bleeding, broken bones and burns. Which if any are inducement to head for the woods. A conspiracy buff says attack, a naturalist says circumstance, Conspiracies are more fun.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 05, 2023, 08:53:14 PM
Reply #61


Tenne, the,suppositions regarding motive, the introduction of extraneous characters and illogical behaviors by bad actors are not canon. That is my meaning.

In canon, they camped the last night at 880 on 1079. They left traced of,descent. The traces are devoid of foot dragging, and parallel skiing. So, yes,,it gets back to why did they leave. Consider the 4 B's . Breathing, bleeding, broken bones and burns. Which if any are inducement to head for the woods. A conspiracy buff says attack, a naturalist says circumstance, Conspiracies are more fun.
The Dytlov thing is no ordinary hypothermia. Many sane people know and approve of this. It is not in vain that so many theories have been written and tens of thousands of people have expressed their opinions for 60 years.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2023, 12:12:29 PM by ilahiyol »

January 05, 2023, 09:28:08 PM
Reply #62


Tenne, the,suppositions regarding motive, the introduction of extraneous characters and illogical behaviors by bad actors are not canon. That is my meaning.

In canon, they camped the last night at 880 on 1079. They left traced of,descent. The traces are devoid of foot dragging, and parallel skiing. So, yes,,it gets back to why did they leave. Consider the 4 B's . Breathing, bleeding, broken bones and burns. Which if any are inducement to head for the woods. A conspiracy buff says attack, a naturalist says circumstance, Conspiracies are more fun.
What are you doing on this forum if the Dytlov thing isn't just an ordinary cold death? If it's such an ordinary hypothermia case, it's very interesting that you spend so much time on the forum? There are many interesting events in this world that we do not know about. The Dytlov incident is one of them. And it is at the top.

What are you doing here ilahiyol? On this forum?

January 06, 2023, 03:00:25 AM
Reply #63


First of all, the coldness in the tent is almost the same as the coldness between the trees in the forest. But the tent is more advantageous than the forest as it protects from the wind. Let's say there's a storm and it's very cold. At that time, they wore all their clothes and also wore their shoes. And they would not cut the tent, and go out from its door. There was no storm with that because the tent stood as it was. And it wasn't too cold because you can't walk for about 1 hour in very cold weather with bare feet.
The tent protects from the wind a bit but there's much stronger wind on the slope than in the forest. In fact if you go deep enough into the forest there will be no wind, at least not at ground level.

We don't know if they cut the tent or the searchers or someone else, or maybe the wind by flapping the tent fabric against for example the stove for a month...

And they were not barefeet. They were wearing multiple layers of socks, some were wearing felt boots etc. I agree you cannot walk too long like that... in fact Zina, Igor and Rustem might not have managed to get very far... and they might have crawled after a while.

There was something that made them run away from the tent. But what???
Well, maybe, all I'm saying is maybe there wasn't anything. When you start to get hypothermia, first you start to shiver and get this energetic almost primal urge to somehow fix your situation. I think, and it really depends on how cold it was on that evening, but I think if it's similar to the weather on the Dyatlov Pass now for example, if they try to spend a night in the tent without a stove heating it, at some point they will start to get hypothermia inside the tent.


January 06, 2023, 12:02:13 PM
Reply #64


First of all, the coldness in the tent is almost the same as the coldness between the trees in the forest. But the tent is more advantageous than the forest as it protects from the wind. Let's say there's a storm and it's very cold. At that time, they wore all their clothes and also wore their shoes. And they would not cut the tent, and go out from its door. There was no storm with that because the tent stood as it was. And it wasn't too cold because you can't walk for about 1 hour in very cold weather with bare feet.
The tent protects from the wind a bit but there's much stronger wind on the slope than in the forest. In fact if you go deep enough into the forest there will be no wind, at least not at ground level.

We don't know if they cut the tent or the searchers or someone else, or maybe the wind by flapping the tent fabric against for example the stove for a month...

And they were not barefeet. They were wearing multiple layers of socks, some were wearing felt boots etc. I agree you cannot walk too long like that... in fact Zina, Igor and Rustem might not have managed to get very far... and they might have crawled after a while.

There was something that made them run away from the tent. But what???
Well, maybe, all I'm saying is maybe there wasn't anything. When you start to get hypothermia, first you start to shiver and get this energetic almost primal urge to somehow fix your situation. I think, and it really depends on how cold it was on that evening, but I think if it's similar to the weather on the Dyatlov Pass now for example, if they try to spend a night in the tent without a stove heating it, at some point they will start to get hypothermia inside the tent.
There is no deep forest nearby. There is a forest on the opposite slope, but it is also sparsely wooded... So it's not better than a tent... And if I want to go to the forest, I definitely wear my shoes and boots. I don't walk in socks on snow. No smart person does this. And if I wanted to get out of the tent, I wouldn't bother cutting the thick tent. I open the door and get out easily. So that I do not damage the tent.And there was a lot of experimentation on the slope. 9 people can even heat a small tent with their breath....And they have never been in hypothermia inside the tent....Because the tent is 10 degrees hotter than outside. Even if the outdoor environment is -20 degrees, it will be -10 degrees for your tent. And the group was wearing 4-5 layers of clothes. This protects them for longer than -20 degrees Celsius. It's impossible to have hypothermia in a tent...
« Last Edit: January 06, 2023, 12:06:35 PM by ilahiyol »

January 06, 2023, 12:52:06 PM
Reply #65


Tenne, the,suppositions regarding motive, the introduction of extraneous characters and illogical behaviors by bad actors are not canon. That is my meaning.

In canon, they camped the last night at 880 on 1079. They left traced of,descent. The traces are devoid of foot dragging, and parallel skiing. So, yes,,it gets back to why did they leave. Consider the 4 B's . Breathing, bleeding, broken bones and burns. Which if any are inducement to head for the woods. A conspiracy buff says attack, a naturalist says circumstance, Conspiracies are more fun.

This is where we totally disagree then, Canon to me equals what can be proven. so
the tent was found there
the bodies were found at cedar, slope, ravine

there is no way to prove they set up the tent

there is no way to link the prints to them camping. they could have been left by an earlier group and the wind uncovered them.

if this was a 100% natural event, then there would be no mysteries and this wouldn't forum wouldn't exist. way too many people perish in the winter and it's pretty easy to tell what happened
The following users thanked this post: ilahiyol

January 06, 2023, 04:05:09 PM
Reply #66


Tenne, the,suppositions regarding motive, the introduction of extraneous characters and illogical behaviors by bad actors are not canon. That is my meaning.

In canon, they camped the last night at 880 on 1079. They left traced of,descent. The traces are devoid of foot dragging, and parallel skiing. So, yes,,it gets back to why did they leave. Consider the 4 B's . Breathing, bleeding, broken bones and burns. Which if any are inducement to head for the woods. A conspiracy buff says attack, a naturalist says circumstance, Conspiracies are more fun.

This is where we totally disagree then, Canon to me equals what can be proven. so
the tent was found there
the bodies were found at cedar, slope, ravine

there is no way to prove they set up the tent

there is no way to link the prints to them camping. they could have been left by an earlier group and the wind uncovered them.

if this was a 100% natural event, then there would be no mysteries and this wouldn't forum wouldn't exist. way too many people perish in the winter and it's pretty easy to tell what happened

Tenne  there is no way to prove otherwise. Your logic is biased , there is nothing to overrule natural events. Tent on slope , in the direction to the destination. Pre data that they organised the hike. Photos to support the journey, diary to support the journey.

Historical evidence of many tourists carrying their tent on the back pack. Photo of them carrying the tent on their back.

Avalanche exist, weather exists, snow slip , Wolverine exist, possible posining exists, the cold exists, snow cave/holes exist. There is a way to link the prints to them camping, they were there!  It is on the whole , natural, death by hypothermia.

What do you think caused the deaths? 


January 06, 2023, 04:11:32 PM
Reply #67


Tenne, for me it is the distinction  between " what is" and " what if". I like the former, you the latter. It makes the wheel of discussion go round.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2023, 05:26:41 PM by GlennM »
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 06, 2023, 05:50:34 PM
Reply #68


Tenne, for me it is the distinction  between " what is" and " what if". I like the former, you the latter. It makes the wheel of discussion go round.

the distinction between "what is" and 'what if' is being able to prove it in my opinion. if a person can prove that the hikers set the tent up in that spot, whether willingly or not, if a person can prove that a foot made a print, then it is what is. other than that it is "what if."


January 06, 2023, 06:08:49 PM
Reply #69


"Tenne  there is no way to prove otherwise. Your logic is biased , there is nothing to overrule natural events. Tent on slope , in the direction to the destination. Pre data that they organised the hike. Photos to support the journey, diary to support the journey.

I can't prove what happened and you can't either. the tent could have been put up there by people covering up the deaths. there is absolutly no way to prove who set that tent up. You choose to believe they did, I think it was set up to be "found" and put in a location that couldn't be missed

Historical evidence of many tourists carrying their tent on the back pack. Photo of them carrying the tent on their back.

I do not believe that photo shows the tent being carried on the back. I do believe it is designed to look like that, however, no one carries a large package horizontal across their shoulders when skiing through the forest and two, the tent was too heavy to be carried like that, at the angle the body is at, with the weight it would be even if it could be folded up that small every morning. I do not doubt that there is historical evidence of people carrying tents, prove they carried that tent in those conditions

Avalanche exist, weather exists, snow slip , Wolverine exist, possible posining exists, the cold exists, snow cave/holes exist. There is a way to link the prints to them camping, they were there!  It is on the whole , natural, death by hypothermia.

There is a line of footprints that have never been conclusively proved to belong to anyone of the hikers. those could have been made at any time before and just exposed now or could be faked. there is zero evidence to prove the hikers made them and when hypothermia causes a flailed chest, I will accept that as a diagnosis

What do you think caused the deaths?"

I believe that they found their sled wasn't going to work to pull the tent and it wasn't going to work to carry it on their backs so they decided to just ski around for the time they had off and then go back and let everyone know they couldn't finish the trip. They ran into an explosive devise and were killed by it. the ones closest to the device were the ones with the most injuries, down to the end of the group that was just knocked out and did actually die of hypothermia. When the bodies were found in an area they were not supposed to be at a time they were not supposed to be there, someone panicked. The diaries were faked, some photos were taken and then the camera's planted. the tent and bodies were planted. That's why nothing adds up, it isn't natural


January 06, 2023, 09:40:48 PM
Reply #70


Tenne  there is no way to prove otherwise. Your logic is biased , there is nothing to overrule natural events. Tent on slope , in the direction to the destination. Pre data that they organised the hike. Photos to support the journey, diary to support the journey.

Historical evidence of many tourists carrying their tent on the back pack. Photo of them carrying the tent on their back.

Avalanche exist, weather exists, snow slip , Wolverine exist, possible posining exists, the cold exists, snow cave/holes exist. There is a way to link the prints to them camping, they were there!  It is on the whole , natural, death by hypothermia.

What do you think caused the deaths?
Я помогу Вам, сэр Ziljoe, с иллюстрациями. Только и это наверное будет не в коня - овес.
Это поход с этой же палаткой 1958 года. Поход под руководством М. Аксельрода на Приполярный Урал. В составе как раз был Игорь Дятлов.
Вот эта же  вагон-палатка

Вот её несут

I will help you Sir Ziljoe with illustrations. Only this will probably not be in the horse - oats.
This is a hike with the same tent from 1958. Campaign led by M. Axelrod to the Subpolar Urals. Igor Dyatlov was just in the lineup.
Here is the same wagon

Here they carry it

Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...
The following users thanked this post: Ziljoe

January 06, 2023, 11:15:28 PM
Reply #71


1. that looks nothing like the photo of the tent being carried in the back pack as the official photos show it  and
2. notice that the person carrying the long items, 3rd from the front in the line of skiiers, is carrying the long stuff with the direction of travel and not horizontal to it? ie. not across the back sticking out further than the shoulders so it would catch on the trees?

This is supposed to be Dyatlov with tent on the 1079 trip

« Last Edit: January 06, 2023, 11:37:30 PM by tenne »

January 06, 2023, 11:35:11 PM
Reply #72


1. that looks nothing like the photo of the tent being carried in the back pack as the official photos show it  and
2. notice that the person carrying the long items, 3rd from the front in the line of skiiers, is carrying the long stuff with the direction of travel and not horizontal to it? ie. not across the back sticking out further than the shoulders so it would catch on the trees?
Как свернули, как укрепили, как удобно - так и несут. Все зависит от роста туриста, от настроения, от спешки.
Когда Вы расчесываетесь - у Вас же волосинки не лежат всякий раз точь-в точь как было позавчера или месяц назад? Одинаково будет каждый раз если Вы - лысая.
Вы сомневались что палатку носят за плечами. Типа - тяжесть какая. А у нас русские мужики - богатыри через одного.
Конечно, с шотландскими генами - это не понять.

How they rolled it, how they strengthened it, how convenient it is - they carry it. It all depends on the growth of the tourist, on the mood, on the rush.
When you comb your hair, don't your hairs always lie exactly the same as it was the day before yesterday or a month ago? It will be the same every time if you are bald.
You doubted that the tent is worn over the shoulders. Like, what a heaviness. And we have Russian men - heroes through one.
Of course, with Scottish genes - this is not understandable.

Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 06, 2023, 11:41:22 PM
Reply #73


You almost had me fooled that you were back on your meds and able to post an intelligent thought. shame on me. LOL. won't happen again

January 06, 2023, 11:52:16 PM
Reply #74


You almost had me fooled that you were back on your meds and able to post an intelligent thought. shame on me. LOL. won't happen again

Шотландская национальная реакция? Вы готовы голову в унитаз засунуть - лишь бы не учиться уму разуму...
Я эти иллюстрации крепила для тех, у кого в мозгах извилин больше чем одна Ваша...
Scottish national reaction? Are you ready to stick your head in the toilet - just not to learn the mind of the mind ...
I attached these illustrations for those who have more convolutions in their brains than one of yours ...
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 07, 2023, 05:02:35 AM
Reply #75


"Tenne  there is no way to prove otherwise. Your logic is biased , there is nothing to overrule natural events. Tent on slope , in the direction to the destination. Pre data that they organised the hike. Photos to support the journey, diary to support the journey.

I can't prove what happened and you can't either. the tent could have been put up there by people covering up the deaths. there is absolutly no way to prove who set that tent up. You choose to believe they did, I think it was set up to be "found" and put in a location that couldn't be missed

Historical evidence of many tourists carrying their tent on the back pack. Photo of them carrying the tent on their back.

I do not believe that photo shows the tent being carried on the back. I do believe it is designed to look like that, however, no one carries a large package horizontal across their shoulders when skiing through the forest and two, the tent was too heavy to be carried like that, at the angle the body is at, with the weight it would be even if it could be folded up that small every morning. I do not doubt that there is historical evidence of people carrying tents, prove they carried that tent in those conditions

Avalanche exist, weather exists, snow slip , Wolverine exist, possible posining exists, the cold exists, snow cave/holes exist. There is a way to link the prints to them camping, they were there!  It is on the whole , natural, death by hypothermia.

There is a line of footprints that have never been conclusively proved to belong to anyone of the hikers. those could have been made at any time before and just exposed now or could be faked. there is zero evidence to prove the hikers made them and when hypothermia causes a flailed chest, I will accept that as a diagnosis

What do you think caused the deaths?"

I believe that they found their sled wasn't going to work to pull the tent and it wasn't going to work to carry it on their backs so they decided to just ski around for the time they had off and then go back and let everyone know they couldn't finish the trip. They ran into an explosive devise and were killed by it. the ones closest to the device were the ones with the most injuries, down to the end of the group that was just knocked out and did actually die of hypothermia. When the bodies were found in an area they were not supposed to be at a time they were not supposed to be there, someone panicked. The diaries were faked, some photos were taken and then the camera's planted. the tent and bodies were planted. That's why nothing adds up, it isn't natural

There's few things I don't understand and please share if that's ok ,

Question :Why was the tent pitched on the slope to be easily found?

I'm not sure how a bit of width on the shoulders is a problem . They followed the river and Mansi paths. They didn't go in a straight line through a forest. There are trail's as you can see in the photos. All their packs are wide and in the photo of the DP9 with the tent on top of the pack, there is no forest in the scene . It may have been packed a little loser on that day for a reason. That reason may have been that they had planned to camp on the slope and the tent is at hand.

Question : if it's not the tent in the photo, what is it?

Question : why was it designed to look like they were carrying the tent?

Question :Why are there no trees in the picture?

The fractures are possibly the result of being in a snow hole. That's the instant falling of snow from the ceiling of a man made or natural snow cave/hole.

If the sledge was needed to transport the tent , then they would have made it work, they would know it would work and it must work.  You don't go on a hike with the possibility of you not being able to have the tent because something might or might not work. It's planned ahead.

Question : what did they fake in the diaries, what did they change and why?

Question : why didn't they plant the bodies next to the tent on the slope or all of the bodies at least.


January 07, 2023, 05:27:25 AM
Reply #76


1. that looks nothing like the photo of the tent being carried in the back pack as the official photos show it  and
2. notice that the person carrying the long items, 3rd from the front in the line of skiiers, is carrying the long stuff with the direction of travel and not horizontal to it? ie. not across the back sticking out further than the shoulders so it would catch on the trees?

This is supposed to be Dyatlov with tent on the 1079 trip

The 3rd in line is carrying a wide load. The are all wide, some wider than others.

January 07, 2023, 07:10:19 AM
Reply #77

Игорь Б.

С неуложенной палаткой всё просто. Она обледенела, поэтому её трудно было уложить компактно. А так как предстоял переход по редколесью и открытому пространству палатке не за что было цепляться и с её с укладкой не стали утруждаться.

Почему палатка обледенела?
Потому что это была их первая и последняя ночёвка без печки. Печка была не нужна, так как было потепление перед приходом холодного атмосферного фронта:
Ветер западный, теплый пронзительный...

Дров мало. Хилые сырые ели. Костер разводили на бревнах, неохота рыть яму. Ужинаем прямо в палатке. Тепло.

Поэтому у них и одеяла были влажными (смёрзлись). Поэтому они сушили стельки и носки на груди (Слободин).

А палатку несёт Дятлов. Он опознан по пятнам на лыжных палках.
An example of the impact of chemical weapons of a skunk (wolverine) in a tent:

January 07, 2023, 11:35:07 AM
Reply #78


1. that looks nothing like the photo of the tent being carried in the back pack as the official photos show it  and
2. notice that the person carrying the long items, 3rd from the front in the line of skiiers, is carrying the long stuff with the direction of travel and not horizontal to it? ie. not across the back sticking out further than the shoulders so it would catch on the trees?
Как свернули, как укрепили, как удобно - так и несут. Все зависит от роста туриста, от настроения, от спешки.
Когда Вы расчесываетесь - у Вас же волосинки не лежат всякий раз точь-в точь как было позавчера или месяц назад? Одинаково будет каждый раз если Вы - лысая.
Вы сомневались что палатку носят за плечами. Типа - тяжесть какая. А у нас русские мужики - богатыри через одного.
Конечно, с шотландскими генами - это не понять.

How they rolled it, how they strengthened it, how convenient it is - they carry it. It all depends on the growth of the tourist, on the mood, on the rush.
When you comb your hair, don't your hairs always lie exactly the same as it was the day before yesterday or a month ago? It will be the same every time if you are bald.
You doubted that the tent is worn over the shoulders. Like, what a heaviness. And we have Russian men - heroes through one.
Of course, with Scottish genes - this is not understandable.

Палатку несёт тот, кто не несёт другое групповое снаряжение и продукты. Но, она большого объёма и из-за этого неудобна в транспортировке. Не влазит в рюкзак, где лежат личные вещи участника. Чем менее компактно свернут палатку, тем тяжелее она покажется в переноске. И это очень существенная разница. Уж поверьте. Поэтому, должна быть причина, что бы компактно не упаковать палатку. В районе лабаза печь топили, так как там было нормально с дровами. Когда есть под рукой дрова, нужно быть идиотом, что бы не топить печь в зимнем походе. Как бы не было тепло на улице, печь нужна для просушки вещей, которые намокли при передвижении предыдущим днём. Ещё есть вторая причина зачем топить печь, когда есть под рукой дрова. Есть такое понятие, как холодовая усталость. Это когда организм после длительного пребывания в условиях холода начинает плохо разгонять кровь и она плохо поступает к пальцам рук и ног. Внешнее тепло на организм отодвигает холодовую усталость на более поздние сроки.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2023, 11:50:58 AM by Зайцев »
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link:

January 07, 2023, 11:58:41 AM
Reply #79


С неуложенной палаткой всё просто.
Если вы не турист, то зачем делать какие-то выводы, в теме которой вы не разбираетесь ?
Я там у вас почитал, вы и в медицине так же профессионально разбираетесь, лучше любого профессора.
А зоолог вы вообще от бога
« Last Edit: January 07, 2023, 12:05:45 PM by Зайцев »
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: