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Author Topic: Inspection Of The Tent  (Read 72108 times)

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October 05, 2018, 03:00:29 PM
Reply #30


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Amazing isnt it, that the obvious cuts or rips or scratches would be examined but no mention of any other examination of the TENT FABRIC  ie   the examiners presumably thought a visual examination was good enough  !  ?  But even in 1959 Forensics was fairly well advanced from Victorian times. See the link ;
« Last Edit: October 05, 2018, 03:16:18 PM by sarapuk »

June 14, 2019, 02:48:46 PM
Reply #31


hi there,

i am not sure if i am right here, but i have a question about the inspection of the tent.

i know from the reports that the hikers had several clothes.
for example: two pairs of trousers, three pairs of socks etc

but i want to know something about dyatlovs jacket(s).

dyatlovs jacket was found outside the tent:
"at the entrance of the tent in the snow was an ice axe. Near the ice axe was lying Dyatlov's jacket"
"but it was strange that Dyatlov took off his jacket outside the tent"

ok got it, but:

"The side of the tent facing uphill is not photographed. We know there was at least one hole in the tent and Dyatlov jacket was found tucked in it"

its strange but where is the source for this information? i cant find it. i have read the diaries but i cant find this information.
can somebody help me?

is there only one jacket? first tucked in a hole, then removed and lay down outside the tent or were there two separate jackets from dyatlov?

can someone help me?


June 15, 2019, 12:06:39 PM
Reply #32


I suggest understand reliability written information at first. Quietly understand and not hasten about conclusions.

hi there,

i am not sure if i am right here, but i have a question about the inspection of the tent.

i know from the reports that the hikers had several clothes.
for example: two pairs of trousers, three pairs of socks etc

It is usual practice as statistic. But it does not mean that it always happens and so happens at all.

but i want to know something about dyatlovs jacket(s).

dyatlovs jacket was found outside the tent:
"at the entrance of the tent in the snow was an ice axe. Near the ice axe was lying Dyatlov's jacket"
"but it was strange that Dyatlov took off his jacket outside the tent"

I am interested, whence you took this information?
In documents of case and on polls of participants search which have found tent in first, ice axe was at tent, and about jacket of anything it has not been told.
If you about it have read that where, this is consequence of later conversations which became to myth.

ok got it, but:

"The side of the tent facing uphill is not photographed. We know there was at least one hole in the tent and Dyatlov jacket was found tucked in it"

It too became myth from later conversations and retellings, however neither in documents, nor in those memoirs mans who assorted things in chamber such is not present.

its strange but where is the source for this information? i cant find it. i have read the diaries but i cant find this information.
can somebody help me?

In that case everyone can help only itself-. It is necessary analyze information еo reliability.
On degree reliability the information can be divided into such categories:
1.   Photos from  traveling and from searches.
2.   Criminal case Documents.
3.   Memoirs of participants of searches in 1959.
4.   Other memoirs.
5.   Retellings of events during later period.
The most authentic are points #1 and #2. To the least authentic points #4 and #5 are most.
The story about jacket in hole of roof tent concerns to point #5.

is there only one jacket? first tucked in a hole, then removed and lay down outside the tent or were there two separate jackets from dyatlov?

can someone help me?

I will try make it. Yury Yudin has given the waistcoat to group of travellers which has been found dress on Dyatlov. It can be read in the document by coroner. Sheet #121. Participants of searches did not observe what or subject which stuck out in hole of tent roof.

June 16, 2019, 11:18:50 AM
Reply #33


Thank you very much WAB for your respond.

Every information in my post i got from here


(Sheet 70):
"10-15 m from the tent were found sneakers, socks and Dyatlov fur jacket."
so i am guessing this means outside the tent.

June 16, 2019, 11:52:53 AM
Reply #34


Thank you very much WAB for your respond.

Every information in my post i got from here


(Sheet 70):
"10-15 m from the tent were found sneakers, socks and Dyatlov fur jacket."
so i am guessing this means outside the tent.

Dear soeintyphalt!
Unfortunately I cannot answer you now. I already used all my time for reading and the write at forum. But I will answer you as soon as to as be able it make.

February 21, 2020, 05:03:00 AM
Reply #35


The big post I had here was moved....    wink1

Thank goodness I was not looking forward to finding your entire post to link a bunch of interested people on FB that want to read your work. You made easy work of this for me. Thanks LC.  clap1

You say ask why would anyone cut holes in the side of the tent to exit when there is a doorway. Do we know if the doorway was still fastened shut or open when the tent was found. If fastened shut this could explain why the holes were cut in the side. Meaning they could not unfasten the doorway quick enough for some unknown reason one of which may be that the ties where frozen or knotted so that it made it impossible. (Presuming ties were used to secure the door and not a more modern zip)

October 14, 2020, 02:43:23 PM
Reply #36


To me the tent is crucial, that is, the condition it was in, what was inside it, what was within several meters of it, etc.  So let's try to articulate some possibilities, and then if anyone would like to add to anything, or to point out contrary evidence, we can take it from there.

Igor's fur coat, if it ususally used to plug up a hole in the tent, could have been found several meters away because the wind blew it there, perhaps days after the incident.

The tent seems to have been well-secured against the wind, with one of two flashlights placed on top of a layer of snow, which could mean they thought they might return before dawn, and apparently between 1 and 3 of them were trying to do this (it's possible only Zina wanted to go back and the other two guys were trying to convince her to go to the "den" instead).

Even if we could demonstrate/prove that the tent was cut from the inside, we don't know why.  For example, there could have been ice buildup that threatened to collapse the tent, and their initial attempts to knock it off failed, or resulted in at least some of the damage to it.  Or one or two standing outside (suggested by the urine puddles) could have fallen onto one side, collapsing that side of the tent, and then someone inside might have become angered or fearful and cut a hole in it to get out.  At that point they decided it couldn't be repaired that night and so needed to secure it.  This scenario would include a naive view of the threat of hypothermia on at least on the part of Igor, the leader, thus there was a lot more concern about the tent being blown apart or the contents of the tent being blown all over the mountainside than with hypothermia.

The drawing of the two major cuts connected by a much smaller cut could represent the tent being folded over, perhaps after partial collapse (for whatever reason).  If you fold a piece of paper and try to do this sort of shaped cut, it's easy, though they could have done it by mistake.

October 15, 2020, 09:34:09 AM
Reply #37


It has always been my thought, here, and on other older sites that the initial small horizontal cuts made on the downhill side were cut by the Dyatlov group as  "look-out" holes. These cuts were different than the other and without  slashes, rips and tears. The three small horizontal cuts were more controlled, advantageous for visualization and spread out to accommodate most of the hikers in the tent. The Dyatlov group was trying to get visuals on something prior to leaving their tent. On this I am convinced.

October 15, 2020, 03:20:48 PM
Reply #38


RidgeWatcher, so you are talking about small cuts on the other long side of the tent (s)?  If so, I have not read anything about that so far.  If we can demonstrate definitively that these cuts were not made after the night of the incident, then we can't discount the possibility that one or more made the cuts due to anger, psychosis, accident, or attempt to break ice off the sides of the tent (s).  Moreover, after securing the tent, they then went in that general direction, didn't they?

October 15, 2020, 10:43:51 PM
Reply #39


We may never know what happened at the tent because the photos and the illustrations contradict each other. Even the investigation notes contradict each other. I lived in the sub-arctic and if I was terrified about something outside my tent, something more terrifying than a bear or moose because they wouldn't compel me to leave my tent, I would cut a view hole in the tent to assess my danger before I started slashing my tent. Of course a new theory is that the tent was never cut by the Dyatlov hikers, but that doesn't explain why the tent was empty with the south facing door opening still tied shut as I read somewhere here. If a hiker was outside the tent or even two were outside the tent urinating, then that doesn't explain why the door was fastened shut unless this was to keep blowing wind and snow from entering the tent.

If I was among two other people knowing we were going to attack an athletic group of 9-10 people, did they know Yuri Yudin had gone home?, honestly I would start attacking the group while they were still in the tent for a much better advantage in carrying out the intended goal. Whoever attacked the group wanted them to see what was happening to themselves and the others.

January 09, 2022, 05:24:31 PM
Reply #40


Wish I could read Russian...some of those cuts look to be going inward, not outward. Hard to say what occurred on the inside or outside the tent.

February 10, 2022, 07:17:01 PM
Reply #41


If the stove was to be used, where would it draw air from? Surely not through a tied closed tent flap and surely not through an opened tent flap. The tent,  like the skis were items checked out by the club upon approval. Yet this tent had a hole cut in it for a stove chimney according to a photo. What gave the hkers the right to cut holes in a shared piece of club property in the first place? Was there not a bit of an arguement about who was to sew up a tear in that same canvas tent? Did Igor really have to stuff a jacket into a hole? What responsible leader is going to have a shelter that is not sound, especially since he invented his tent stove in the first place? Was this treatment of the tent just a way of the hikers thumbing their noses at the system? I recall that at least one member was a Soviet idealist.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.