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Author Topic: Zinaida Kolmogorova In Color  (Read 19702 times)

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January 24, 2023, 03:13:02 PM
Read 19702 times


Hi! I am new to the forum but definitely not new to the case. I have always taken an interest in colorizing old photos, and thought I should try out using pictures of the hikers to try and recreate what they may have looked like in life. I decided to try it out on Zina, as she is one of my favorite personalities within the group, and got the idea  after I saw the new colorized photos made of everyone, and wanted to try my own little spin on it. I do all my colorizations manually, as I like it better than using AI. 

Hopefully I set this up right!  lol4. I give my utmost respects towards the whole Dyatlov group, and I hope I did her justice! Criticism is most definitely welcome! If you have an image in mind that you would like to see in color, let me know and I can see what I can do!

"Party hard, sleep well!"
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January 24, 2023, 03:44:26 PM
Reply #1


Beautifully done. The eyes grab you.

January 24, 2023, 03:45:37 PM
Reply #2


And , hi , nice to have you here.

January 26, 2023, 03:56:04 AM
Reply #3


Hi! I am new to the forum but definitely not new to the case. I have always taken an interest in colorizing old photos, and thought I should try out using pictures of the hikers to try and recreate what they may have looked like in life.

Dear FrankieJoy it is very good that you decided to take up this noble cause. It gives a very good emotional background. For many people who are just getting acquainted with this case, it will help to advance their perception of the human qualities of the dead guys and those who were looking for them.
I should say that this coloring is not a novelty, we already did such pictures 6 years ago. I already have about 70 such pictures or their replications in my archives. But a new author is always a good thing, just like a new artist in painting. Everyone has their own style and their own "zest".

I decided to try it out on Zina, as she is one of my favorite personalities within the group, and got the idea  after I saw the new colorized photos made of everyone, and wanted to try my own little spin on it. I do all my colorizations manually, as I like it better than using AI.

Your artistic features and approaches to technology are absolutely correct. This applies to AI as well. I have already written that at present "Artificial Intelligence" is still a thing in itself and has not yet matured to the point where it can be used without the additional and obligatory application of "NATURAL intelligence". So far, the result will seem "unnatural".

Hopefully I set this up right!  lol4. I give my utmost respects towards the whole Dyatlov group, and I hope I did her justice! Criticism is most definitely welcome! If you have an image in mind that you would like to see in color, let me know and I can see what I can do!

You did a very good job on this one, but I must point out that the colors here are a bit more saturated than they really are.
And also look at what old (black and white) portrait photos look like. They're very soft, kind of pastel in tone, like artists.
Try to soften the contours (easy to do in Photoshop), but do not overdo it.... Otherwise everything will "float".
Let me tell you right away: this is my personal opinion and no more than that.... You are the artist, you decide what to do.
Yes, and one more thing ... the blouse would be better to do more light, it is more in line with the ideas of the time and the national psychology. Especially for women...
Apparently, you should also pay attention to the light spectrum in which the picture was taken. These photos were taken under artificial incandescent light (color temperature 2700K ... 3000K), so there should be a slight yellowing in the color spectrum.

January 27, 2023, 01:17:22 AM
Reply #4



January 27, 2023, 07:21:04 AM
Reply #5


Thank you to all of you for your wonderful advice! I am so grateful for everything, and I never once thought that the wonderful Teddy herself would respond and add my picture to the Zina collection.   bow7 bow7 I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone, you have all made my day, and thank you for your helpful criticisms, I will be using them for sure in my next works!

Thank you so much everyone! I will be sure to create more colored pictures in honor of the ones who were taken away far too soon.

Yours Truly, Frankie.
"Party hard, sleep well!"

January 27, 2023, 07:32:05 AM
Reply #6



January 27, 2023, 07:36:41 AM
Reply #7


Extremely good work! 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

January 27, 2023, 09:45:08 PM
Reply #8


Зиночка - было солнышком. Как дать эту энергетику - в фото?
Zinochka - was the sun. How to give this energy - in the photo?
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...