Dear Sir,
The language for this forum is English. Therefore, I have run your post through a translation program and the results are below. Much of it seems garbled, so please feel free to correct it wherever it needs help.
potential participants of the upcoming Meeting everyone and Happy New Year!
This newsletter is again devoted to problems in the topic “Dyatlov Pass”.
If it no longer concerns you or you are already tired of this topic, please simply ignore this letter.
Frankly, I myself have already given up, given the chaos that is going on in our “woodpecker” DT community.
However, standing on the sidelines and keeping silent is also not good... After all, you can wait endlessly until “everything, of course, settles down”...
Let me emphasize right away: the letter is NOT personal in nature, because it affects the interests of the WHOLE community.
So today we have five serious problems:
It is precisely good versions that characterize that world Phenomenon, which consists in the endless search for truth, despite the impossibility of achieving it.
There are such versions, but they were literally lost in the sea of dummies and clumsiness that flooded the Internet.
Once upon a time, Kuntsevich’s irresponsible statement about “64 versions” gave rise to a hundred or two more, they all got mixed up and now represent a gray mass of obscene reading.
Meanwhile, it is quite easy to recognize the “goodness” of any scenario.
You just need to compare it with the well-known “Version Quality Criteria”, select the most worthy stories and present them - first for the elaboration of experts, and then for the public to judge...
As a result, filmmakers and writers would not have to invent their hasty fables.
For the artistic embodiment of the historical Drama 1959, they will be able to take a ready-made plot, verified according to the BDT (basic data of the tragedy)...
Last year’s “conference”, which the former Chairman of the Board of the former SROF in Memory of the Dyatlov Group (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation), P.I. Bartolomei, did considerable damage to the noble cause of Reconstruction of the DT, built on the principle: either a missile version or none at all., he simply trampled on the main thesis of the DT Phenomenon “More thought-out versions - closer to the sought-after truth!”
This was a slap at the authors of other, much more substantiated hypotheses. After which, I, for example, could no longer be in the hall with this character and made a vow not to attend such gatherings again... 2.
Or rather, its absence is in the right direction...
It is no secret that it was the media that promoted and raised the topic of the Pass to the proper level. But now, apparently, they will kill her!
These constant headlines, like “The secret is revealed!”...
These films, in which most of the BDT are trampled...
These bloggers, in pursuit of likes...
This negative process was started by the former head of the Foundation, Kuntsevich, who has extremely little knowledge of the BDT.
The amateur was talking all sorts of nonsense from the TV screen, and the credits said - President of the Foundation... and who, if not him, should the multimillion-dollar audience believe?
As a result, many “interested parties” decided that anything can be fenced in in the Reconstruction of DT.
Details and suggestions are in my video series 3.
We are talking about the archive of the former Foundation and those rare items that remained in memory of the State Duma.
These are Dyatlov's films, diaries, letters and a number of other things.
All this, after the death of Kuntsevich, went to God knows where. And most likely, due to the roteness of the second person of the Foundation, whom I previously repeatedly called on to bring order to the inventory and storage of the Archive.
I am also concerned about the fate of the finds of our 2013 expedition nine items were dug up in the MP area (the site of the State Duma tent) with a high degree of probability, belonged to the deceased group.
And one of the pieces of iron, a hanging tent candlestick, could well have “participated” in the tragedy... the last conference, I intended to officially transfer these relics to the State Duma Memory Society
(founded with the participation of writer Arkhipov, search engine Sogrin, Dyatlov’s sister and lawyer Chernousov), but... thanks to the cunning efforts of the same Bartolomei, the proper procedure for the transfer of material evidence never took place
Gentlemen, let's honestly admit that most of our events are
empty shaking of air.
We go on an expedition with pomp, but we get an ordinary trip.
We call people to a conference, and there is endless chatter and ambition.
We participate in TV programs, and in them everything comes down to a bright show, but not to a serious analysis of the causes of the tragedy.
And everywhere there are zero useful results. everywhere there is one tendency - to emphasize one’s importance
and drive the topic of the Pass even further into a dead end.
Which, in fact, was repeated at last year’s “Bartholomew conference.”
As you know, fish rots from the head. Incompetent leadership has ruined many useful initiatives.
Therefore, the unrest on points 1-4, in my opinion, can only be eliminated through collective efforts.
Including the opinions of experts, authors of versions, activists of DT forums, etc..
Undoubtedly, we are talking about creating an open centralized body that would lead all work on the topic of the Pass.
Both in real and virtual space.
Preferably even online, where any meeting can be held in a matter of hours...
Here is the vector of research, and the holding of expeditions and conferences, and the consideration of versions, and communication with the media... Yes, in fact, everything that needs urgent reforms...
Previously, at the very least, this work was assigned to the SROF.
But, unfortunately, at the 2014 conference, the delegates did not heed my criticism of the Foundation’s leadership and literally drove me from the podium. a result, my fears came true and the Foundation collapsed like a house of cards...
And again, due to Bartholomew’s negligence...
In general, on each of the five points, questions to Pyotr Ivanovich - darkness.
I have already published some of them previously, but not a single answer has been received. the wise veteran will nevertheless voice them at the upcoming “anniversary meeting”, which is planned for February 2, 2024
Uv. Colleagues!
I have outlined here only five, in my opinion, the most pressing problems.
And how many of them there are in total - it just won’t fit in one letter...
Sorry, I offended anyone - such is the specificity of this difficult topic.
It’s painful, you know... And health is no longer something to be put off for an eternal “later”...
So, if anyone is interested, write to the Pathfinder1959 forum, where I can listen to you and offer steps to get out of the cesspool where our motley DT community finds itself...
Sincerely, always yours, Sasha KAN