Dr Churkina wouldn't be able to suggest that people cut holes to escape. Her job was to investigate the tent and give a report. She says that there are knife marks on cuts 1,2 and 3 from the inside, she states this with confidence.
Damage # 2 and 3 have a non-uniform arcuate shape. The approximate length of these lesions is 89 cm and 42 cm. from the right edge of damage # 2 and from both edges of damage # 3 there are no cloth flaps and it is possible that they had their continuation further.I believe she is saying cuts #2 and #3 might be longer but there are missing flaps.
In the camping tent of Dyatlov group on the right slant of the canopy forming the roof, three damages of approximately 32, 89, and 42 cm in length /conditionally numbered 1, 2, 3 / are made with some sharp weapon /knife/ i.e. are cuts.
All these cuts are done on the inside of the tentDr Churkina, notes the other holes are rips or tears but cuts 1, 2 and 3 are not tears . I think this is the difference anyway and why it's important. The forensic expert is not there to close the case, they are there to give findings and conclude these findings.
I would say that the narrative of the Dyatlovs cutting their way out of the tent strongly exists. We have got to read the statements as factualy as we can , we must believe the initial "investigation" in 1959 first and see how things add up. . The examination of the tent is valid,it is quite specific and may take reading several times. In isolation it maybe doesn't mean much by its self but it gives a narrative to the tent being intentionally cut, by outsiders , by the Dyatlovs to get out from under a tree or escape an avalanche, beast or poisonous gas.
. Note that the report begins by making Churkina aware that she is criminally liable if she does not tell the "truth". This says something about the atmosphere prevailing in the Soviet Union in 1959.
This doesn't say anything about the atmosphere prevailing in the Soviet Union in 1959. It is the nature of investigations and to lie in an investigation is a serious matter, it's the same the world over , even Human resources warn staff of lying in workplace investigations or any witness statements to any matter.