As a persistent proponent of the sliding plate theory, I respect the spirit of Zolo...
At first, the Circassians and later the Kazakhs who migrated to the region made great strides in beet production and animal husbandry in the fertile lands of the northeastern Black Sea coast. Beetroot became an important source of income. After the Russian revolution, attempts were made to keep the Kazakhs loyal to the Bolshevik regime in the region, such as oppression, torture and exile. Some historians even claim that hundreds of thousands of Kazakhs were destroyed.
Although the Kazakhs experienced a comfortable period when the White Army, which was established as a front against the Bolsheviks, took over the Kuban, this did not last long. After the civil war ended, strict policies were continued to ensure that the Kazakh society adapted to the dominant society.
Now let's take a journey into Zolotaryov's past from here.
Zolotaryov met the war when he was 20 years old. He was ready to give his life for the future of Russian society. He fulfilled this duty bravely. After the victory, he did not want to return to the Kuban and become a farmer. As a veteran of the victory, he wanted to work in an elite, well-paid and promising profession close to Moscow. However, in the jobs he started for his career, sometimes due to his own mistakes and sometimes due to the initiative of institutions, the warnings and dismissals he received opened irreparable wounds in the inner world of the veteran who had just come out of the war. He lived with the feeling that he was not wanted in society. The execution of his brother, with whom he had been living for 20 years, for treason and a marriage with children that ended in divorce were some of the breaking points for him.
Perhaps due to the influence of some people or his own thoughts, he had started to give up being a loyal communist. Kazakh nationalism had started to come to the forefront in his political views. He would live by hiding these feelings. He would start making plans to teach a lesson that would resonate in the world to his ancestors, his brother's wife and nephews in exile, and the Bolshevik society that did not recognize the right to a peaceful life in memory of his brother.
Could the mysterious writing and beet tattoo on his arm be a symbol of belonging and loyalty to the Kazakh society?
So how could he achieve this? An action he would take in the city center could have been prevented before it happened and could have caused his death. He could have been introduced as an ordinary criminal. While the Party Congress was being held, he could have been included in the trip plan of a technical school, far from the public eye, where the elite engineers of Russia were trained, and he could have carried out his action.
It is not known whether the action he would take would be hostage-taking propaganda or, more seriously, a mass murder or suicide in which he would also be involved. While he said that the trip would be an important topic that the whole world would talk about, was the theme of his secret message that no one would understand, the announcement of his death, his renunciation of his future?
The action he planned to carry out in Otorten had taken priority for a reason. A political discussion that started in the tent, especially his mutual fight with Lyuda, must have caused the ropes to break.
While everyone was asleep, Kholat was on the night shift. He was dressed. He had hung his camera around his neck. He had written a summary of his propaganda in the newspaper ''Evening Otorten'' and hung it on the canvas. He had taken with him the sticks of dynamite and his gun that he had hidden in his bag. He had cut the tent with a knife and stood at the entrance of the tent with an ice axe in his hand. He had ordered everyone to get out with their hands on their heads. He wanted to give them a propaganda speech. The wind blowing on the hill would make it unsuitable. I want you to go down to the forest and light a fire, he said. The group, their guns pointed at them, began to descend into the forest in surprise. The group tried to act calmly, where adrenaline was at its peak. In the forest, they would understand Zolateryev's intentions and plan a solution accordingly. The dynamite nut is a threat that I can immediately exclude. Expert opinions are needed on the indirect connection between injuries caused by dynamite explosions in a snowdrift or in a rocky crevice during a fight.
Did Zolateryev's plan come to light with the discovery of the tent and the reading of the evening newspaper?
What was the reason for his mother flying a helicopter around Otorten in the early days of the search, at the warning of an official who suspected Zolateryev?
Was it to convince him?
Is the disappearance of the evening newspaper, the disappearance of Zolo's diary and camera a matter of secret archiving?
Uprisings of the Caucasian peoples against Russian rule were a reality for that region in the 1800s and 1900s.
My personal opinion about Zolotaryov is that he was a loyal communist. There is no concrete evidence to accuse him. I see that he had no role in the death of the young men, but was the unfortunate victim of a career advancement trip. You can look at this text from a different perspective, as a story mixed with historical events and fictional assumptions.
For recent historical events see. Wikipedi:Decosalization.