Based on the photos made by the second search party, it is pretty certain that Semyon and Lyudmila had been placed in the postures as found, by other humans.
Several times I have considered a post "Two broken ribcages compared".
Both broken ribcages - as seen on photos made in the mortuary - show from the outside a fully different kind of injury:
- The ribcage fracture of Semyon looks far more worse: his ribcage had been indented/collapsed/crushed
- The ribcage fracture of Lyudmila is hardly - or not - visible.
Experts at that time (and more recent) regard the ribcage fracture of Lyudmila as fatal (within 15 minutes). The ribcage fracture of Semyon is regarded as 'only' serious: he had died due to Hypothermia.
Experts in posts state that both ribcages are caused by a bomb or by a car accident with a speed of more than 60 km/u or so.
There had been no cars in and around the ravine, so we may assume - 99,999 % certainty that these ribcage fractures had not been caused by a car accident.
Why had Semyon an indented ribcage and Lyudmila not?
The most plausible explanation is:
- some 12 hours after he had lost consciousness for the last time due to hypothermia (or the next day around 11 pm), he had been placed on top of another group member and hereby his allready broken ribcage had been indented or
- during the transport from the ravine to mortuary, his - allready fully defrosted - ribcage had received an impact resulting in indention.
Why does Lyudmila's ribcage show no - or hardly any - injury on skin and/or deformation, while she had been fatally wounded by her broken ribcage?
The only plausible answer I can come up with is:
- universal and all around compression during a few milliseconds causing the fatally crushing of her ribcage
- universal and all around expansion of her ribcage for one second or so, letting the ribcage expand a little beyond its normal shape
- after a second or so, the ribcage returns to its normal shape as if - from the outside - no injury had taken place at all
During my education as engineer applied physics I have learned many things, amongst others:
- a meshmellow had been compressed and expanded in an transparent expansion vessel: within limits the meshmellow shinks and expands considerably without any traces afterwards.
- test pressure vessels with water; and never ever with air, because water will hardly compress while air can store an awfull lot of energy resulting in disasterous effects on the environment.
The human body can withstand limited pressure waves rather well, except the hollow parts of the body, like the ribcage.
Pig studies show that ribcage fractures caused by pressure waves are very hard - if at all - to reproduce by other kinds of trauma.
If it smell, tasts, looks like a pressure wave that has caused the ribcage fracture of Lyudmila, the cause may well have been a pressure wave.
Why is the shape of the ravine 'ideal' to cause a ribcage fracture for Lyudmila and Semyon, while Thibo does not show traces of a rib cage fracture?
- Lyudmila and Semyon had been standing in the ravine, that 'works as a hollow lense' for a pressure wave, resulting in 200 % magnification of the pressure around the ribcage
- Thibo had been standing on the top of one side of the ravine - that works as a convex lense', resulting in a considerable reduction of the pressure around the ribcage.
The nasty feature of pressure waves - with the epicentre high in the air - is: one cannot hide anywhere, not behind a wall, not in a hole. Within a hollow ditch, humans will be hit worse.
The next day, other humans have very probably tried to retrieve her from the ravine, because nearly any of us die with a raised arm, unless rigor mortis has already developed in the joints.
All information above is not my opinion: it is physics and 'human nature before and after death by hypothermia'.
Additional remarks:
- a hypersonic - moderate - pressure wave (lasting only a few milliseconds) will accelerate tiny particles to high speed, but will hardly accelerate massive objects like human bodies, trees.
- hollow objects and hollow parts of the human bodies will be seriously/fatally compressed and expanded afterwards
- blood in 'bloodvessel with valves' may damage the valves in the bloodvessels
- high speed particles will injure eyes
- snow - hollow structure - will melt.
- light ball in the air have been witnessed.
Again, if it smells like a pressure wave, if it tastes like a pressure wave, if it looks like a pressure wave, it may well have been a pressure wave, or not?
Of course many other theories are possible when:
- outsiders have intervened one way or another
- post mortem reports, photos in the mortuary and photos by both search parties have been manipulated.
Sorry in case I am overdoing in my replies, I have noted myself as well that I am repeating myself again and again in replies.