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Author Topic: So here was the situation  (Read 942 times)

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March 18, 2025, 09:46:05 PM
Read 942 times


We have nine chums and a friendly outsider, all with little money and slightly more time. They were earning a master of sport certification for either prestige, finamcial gain or both. They took well worn equipment to a rough landscape in harsh conditions. Although advised against it, they proceeded to attempt to fulfill the requirements for certification. Beaten back a day by the weather, they determined not to be pushed back twice. They were expected home without undue delay. They made slight progress, but it was progress none the less. Nature turned against them, first by a collapse of snow on their pitched tent and again by a collapsed bank of snow overhanging a stream bed. Each one in their own turn became progressively weaker and incapacitated by numbing cold, physical injuries or both. They could not keep,warm in a forest and they could not keep warm in their tent. There was food in the tent. It was a sufficient reason to try to return. Nature is indifferent.

At the heart of it all is the yoithful belief in invincibility and a better than average chance they could succeed. Nature is indifferent. In Darwinian terms, when the non living world changes, the living world adapts or dies. Survival of the fittest can also involve luck, or the lack thereof. This is a human misadventure uncomplicated by human or animal malefactors.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

March 19, 2025, 02:43:33 AM
Reply #1


Reality suggests that there were two separate subgroups on the scene at the time of the incident, as evidenced by the picture of the overall scene and the different injuries (cause of death) for each. The search also confirmed the creation of two subgroups, when one was found first and the other after a longer period of time. There is also the leaflet Evening Otorten. Here too, it is possible to notice that the division of the group is indicated between the lines. So it cannot be said that there were not two separate subgroups on the scene. The question is rather why this was the case.

1st subgroup (slope, cedar)
was scattered over a larger area (undeniable) because it had to defend itself. Their movement was subsequently restricted. The cause of their injuries was the violent restriction of movement, which then resulted in the cause of death – freezing.

The 2nd subgroup (ravine 4) had unrestricted movement in all three locations (slope, cedar, ravine). No one prevented them from doing anything, they could work with clothes by the fire, build a den. Their activity ended when they fell in pairs into a ravine (Tibo with Dubinina + Zolotaryov with Kolevatov), ​​where they succumbed to their injuries.

March 19, 2025, 04:18:09 AM
Reply #2


It will be very interesting to hear a third opinion.

March 19, 2025, 07:51:37 AM
Reply #3


And if someone escapes you, even just by a little, you will take revenge.

Slobodin – cracked skull
Kolmogorova – red bruise on waist
Krivonischenko – burned leg

March 19, 2025, 08:59:36 AM
Reply #4


It is clear that this was not to be made public, so an unknown compelling force was chosen. The culprits were punished and the investigation could therefore be closed.

March 19, 2025, 03:56:55 PM
Reply #5


And if someone escapes you, even just by a little, you will take revenge.

Slobodin – cracked skull
Kolmogorova – red bruise on waist
Krivonischenko – burned leg

Revenge for what motive, who is escaping what?

March 19, 2025, 11:41:54 PM
Reply #6


Everything is explained above. The scene suggests that the Dyatlov group was divided into two subgroups. The first subgroup was prevented from moving, the second could do anything. From this it is obvious what happened.

March 20, 2025, 11:33:01 PM
Reply #7


The number of tourists gradually decreased. All were still on the slope, only 6 were at the cedar and the last 4 in the den and in the ravine.

March 21, 2025, 05:38:37 AM
Reply #8


And we don't know the exact number of victims.
I won't tell you this number if I get the death penalty for giving the wrong answer.

March 21, 2025, 06:10:28 AM
Reply #9


For now, we need to work with what is known, and that is the number 9.

March 22, 2025, 06:42:45 AM
Reply #10


I walked around the park today and am writing down new thoughts. The thing is that the documents we found paint us some kind of world of our own, and it seems that we are in contact with some parallel world. Perhaps, imagine this for a moment, if we learn the key to this world or access to the time portal, we will be able to live longer and move into the future, extend our lives or see more.

There is a certificate that Semyon Zolotaryov died on a hiking trip in December 1958. Then there is an entry in Dubinina's diary (outside the criminal case), and Semyon in dubious copies of the diaries in the case and in Yudin's later testimonies that Sasha (Alexander) Zolotaryov joins them on the trip. In the death certificate we also have the name Alexander, and this is an important point. Legally, there are two Zolotaryovs in the situation.

Next, we have two work books and Zolotaryov and 2 cameras. Two work books and one camera were given to Zolotaryov's mother through the parents of student Sogrin.

Six months later, Zolotaryov's mother wrote a letter to Ivanov and asked for the camera, which she allegedly did not receive.

This situation can be explained by the fact that there are 2 Zolotaryovs and 2 mothers of Zolotaryov. By mistake, the first mother received 2 work books at once. It often happens that one person works, but the work experience is credited to another person, there is a discrepancy in qualifications and other reasons. But with cameras, such a case did not happen. A camera is a valuable thing.

The problem arises when we look at the photographs in January 1959. That person is clearly identified as Semyon Zolotarev, who had already died in December 1958. I find it difficult to explain this rebus. Perhaps we are dealing with lethal tests, when testers die one after another.

If you say that it is impossible for two people with the same last name to be present at the pass, and that it must be one person, I have found objections.

We have a list of 45 people who were searching at the beginning of March. The names Solovyov, Shestopalov, Zinoviev are completely absent from this list. But we have evidence (again, photographs) that student Igor Germanovich Shestopalov from UPI and Colonel Mikhail Fedorovich Shestopalov with a group of sappers were present at the pass. Moreover, private Solovyov from Potapov's company complains of a knee injury, he is taken away by helicopter, and student Solovyov from UPI, who returned from a winter trek in the Caucasus, arrives in his place. Solovyov dropped out - Solovyov arrived! Both Shestopalon are present together and absent in list. Total confusion and disarray about who did what. I think it was done on purpose, to make it difficult to compare what does what and to figure it all out.


Я сегодня прогулялся по парку и записываю новые размышления. Дело в том, что найденный документы рисуют нам какой-то собственный мир, и кажется, что мы имеем соприкосновение с каким-то параллельным миром. Возможно, представим это на момент, если мы узнаем ключ к этому миру или доступ к порталу времени, мы сможем дольше жить и перемещаться в будущее, продлить свою жизнь или увидеть  больше.

Есть справка, что Семён Золотарёв умер в туристическом походе в декабре 1958 года. Затем есть запись в дневнике Дубининой (вне пределов уголовного дела), и Семён в сомнительных копиях дневников деле и в поздних свидетельствах Юдина .что в походе к ним присоединяется Саша (Александр) Золотарёв. В свидетельстве о смерти мы тоже имеем имя Александр, и это важный момент.  Юридически в ситуации присутствует два Золотарёва.

Далее, мы имеем две трудовых книжку и Золотарёва и 2 фотоаппарата. Две трудовые книжки и один фотоаппарат переданы матери Золотарёва через родителей студента Согрина.

Через полгода мать Золотарёва пишет письмо Иванову и просит фотоаппарат, который она якобы не получила.

 Эту ситуацию можно объяснить тем, что естm 2 Золотарёва и 2 матери Золотарёва. По ошибке первая мать получила сразу 2 трудовые книжки. Так часто бывает, что работает один человек, а трудовой стаж начисляется другому человеку, несоответствие по квалификации и другие причины. Но с фотоаппаратами такой казус уже не произошёл. Фотоаппарат – ценная вещь.

Проблема возникает тогда, когда мы смотрим на фотографии в январе 1959. Тот человек однозначно идентифицируется как Семён Золотарёв, который уже умер в декабре 1958. Я затрудняюсь объяснить этот ребус. Возможно, мы имеем дело и летальными испытаниями, когда испытатели гибнут один за другим.

Если вы скажете, что невозможно, чтобы на перевале присутствовали 2 человека с одинаковой фамилией, и это обязательно должен быть один человек, я нашёл возражения.

Мы имеем список 45 человек, которые были на поисках в начале марта. В этом списке вообще отсутствуют фамилии Соловьёв, Шестопалов, Зиновьев. Но мы имеем свидетельства (опять же фотографии), что на перевале присутствовали студен Игорь Германович Шестопалов из УПИ и полковник Михаил Фёдорович Шестопалов с группой сапёров. Более того, рядовой Соловьёв из роты Потапова жалуется на травму колена, его увозят на вертолёте, и вместо него прибывает студент Соловьёв из УПИ, который вернулся из похода на Кавказе. Соловьев выбыл – Соловьёв прибыл! Оба Шестораловых присутсвуют на месте, но оба остутствуют в списках! Полнейшая путаница и неразбериха, кто что делал. Мне кажется, это было сделано нарочно, чтобы сложно было сопоставить, что что делает, и во всём этом разобраться.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2025, 07:07:56 AM by Axelrod »

March 22, 2025, 12:43:01 PM
Reply #11


My original post was intended for clarity. All other scenarios are not in keeping with the activities of these poor but educated Soviets. If there was defection, the selling of State secrets, a plot to assassinate or discredit the leadership, then I could support the idea that the hikers must be dealt with. I do not believe that a murderous government would choose such a poor method of controlling these imaginary dissidents. Nor do I support the idea that Zolo infiltrated the group. This is all fantasy.

It is reasonable to assume that time constraints was reason enough for the hikers to attempt Ortoten by the most trouble free route,,which is hiking the high ground. Further, to aid their progress, they shed extra burdens in order to speed up their tour. They could not control the weather. Driven from their tent by a slab slide, they had more bad luck at the ravine with a second snow collapse. There were personal heroisms during those times, but they came at a high price and they came to nothing. Nature is indifferent to human ambition.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

March 22, 2025, 02:13:10 PM
Reply #12


My original post was intended for clarity.
I don't understand the meaning of your message.
You already have clarity, you don't need to write a post for yourself.
Everyone understands the course of events in his/her own way here.
If something seems obvious to you, it doesn't seem so to other people at all.
And besides, you wrote very unconvincingly.

There are more talented texts:
Read the book online "Transforming Delusion into Clarity. A Guide to the Fundamental Practices of Tibetan Buddhism" - Rinpoche Yongey Mingyur - for free, ...

Turning Confusion Into Clarity
A Guide to the Foundation Practices of Tibetan Buddhism
Foreword by Matthieu Ricard

Whatever practice you do, it is very important to determine the motivation. If you place a round object, such as a car tire, on top of a hill, it will roll down. Discovering awareness works in a similar way: as soon as you create an intention, the mind will go in the indicated direction. This goal is not the object - the object is awareness. That's why we call this object a support. You use it as a tool to access the mind of awareness.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2025, 02:26:59 PM by Axelrod »

March 22, 2025, 06:36:37 PM
Reply #13


I make the distinction between discuss and digress. I thought things were leaning towards the latter, hence my followup post. Thank you for your interest.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

March 23, 2025, 02:25:49 AM
Reply #14


I think there are traces of a completely different incident hidden in this incident.
It could be rocket related or something else.
Tell me, how far do you live from Pacoima, California?
Something happened there yesterday.

March 23, 2025, 11:04:29 AM
Reply #15


I live beyound a mountain range from there. But I know Pacoima in a general way. Please continue.If you are referring to a housefire ignited by illegal fireworks, I am reminded that common sense is not so common.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2025, 04:39:49 PM by GlennM »
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

March 25, 2025, 09:50:02 AM
Reply #16


GlennM, In a case that has been sensationalized for decades, your scenario is more believable than any of the others. Your theory certainly fits Occam's Razor, a principle that leads to the right answer more often than not. From a personal standpoint, I hate the thought that these bright and energetic young people panicked and fled when in hindsight they perhaps didn't need to. There's no denying that faced with insurmountable odds they fought bravely to the end.

A tiny part of me doesn't want to leave the Mansi off the hook. As with Occam's razor, the first suspects in a case often prove to be the culprits in the end. There's no way to know if any evidence against the Mansi was expunged from the case files.

March 25, 2025, 06:00:33 PM
Reply #17


MDGross, thanks for the thoughtful reply. If I follow your train of thought then the Mansi could have assaulted them and kept them at a distance in order for the elements to do their work. Knowing the woods as they do, the Mansi perhaps did not " count coupe" or take trophies from their victims, but instead just snowshoed away. I do have some concerns though. Can we agree that the DP9 was not the only tour through that area at the time (Blinov)? Can we agree that the translation for 1079's familiar name really means " nothing, as in game, goes there"? Hence, the Mansi could care less who went there. There is no record in any diary hinting at insult or affront to the Mansi. I am not so sure Mansi were really interacted with at all.

Mansi would have means and opportunity to assault the hikers, but motive is lacking. Indeed, this marginalized group would like nothing more than to be left alone. Add to this, they were involved in rescue/recovery operations.

When I read impassioned conspiracy theories, it makes me think of, in no particular order, personal profit motive as in book writing,  displaced anger, a lack of real world travel experience, zenophobia. Many of us get our news from the internet type outlets. They, like printed media follow the axiom, " if it bleeds, it leads". Small wonder we see civilization as declining. Then again, there is the saying, " a baby is God's opinion that the world should continue."
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

March 26, 2025, 04:04:41 AM
Reply #18


Your theory certainly fits Occam's Razor, a principle that leads to the right answer more often than not. From a personal standpoint...
This case is certainly not a majority case. It is a minority case (i.e., a failure of Occam's theorem).

March 26, 2025, 08:26:11 AM
Reply #19


GlennM, By and large I agree with your scenario. I think it addresses all the questions in a believable way.

Implication of the Mansi is pure speculation, something of which this case has had far too much. I base it again on speculation: that bruises to Dyatlov's and Slobodin's knuckles are consistent with a fist fight. Maybe on the day before there was an argument with a Mansi hunting party (which had nothing to do with Mansi spiritual beliefs) and resulted in a scuffle and bruised knuckles. No mention of it was made in the "official" journal because who wants to publicize an unfortunate fight. Mansi returned the next night and got revenge.

Quite difficult to believe and no evidence to prove that it happened.

As for me, your scenario is the most believable of all.

March 26, 2025, 11:42:18 AM
Reply #20


MDGross, it is true that skinned knuckles could be related to a fight. If the DP9 happened to be where Mansi were chasing animals for a kill, the animals would divert. I think that hunters would prefer to keep on the hunt rather than confront.

Skinned knuckles are the thin entering wedge in the Mansi connection. It would be a bold and cruel thing to see to the death of nine strangers because a hunt was interrupted, or a cultural faux pas happened.

I think we are pleased that modern day forensics has DNA analysis.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.