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Author Topic: The Yeti & Infrasound, Don't Rule Them Out!  (Read 35267 times)

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December 19, 2018, 08:29:42 PM
Read 35267 times


Many animals are considered infrasonic. Whales, rhino's and North American Sasquatch or Bigfoot have this ability.

It's not much of a leap to consider that the Yeti also have this ability.

Infrasound is low frequency under 20 Hz. Most animals can hear it but it is too low a frequency for people to detect.

The effects can cause confusion, panic, nausea and fear of death and flight response.

There's reports of Sasquatch being spotted in winter where no prints were found afterwards. There's even more reports of Bigfoot and orbs being seen in the same area and at the same time.

Sure that's doesn't fit into a nice tidy scientific explanation. However after 60 years we need to think outside the box solve the mystery of this tragedy.

Something to consider.

« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 08:38:22 PM by Tracker »
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable must be the truth." Arthur Conan Doyle

December 20, 2018, 02:44:54 AM
Reply #1

Nigel Evans

Hi there.
I'd be interested in hearing more about sightings of sasquatch connected with orbs.
Do you have any links?

December 20, 2018, 06:36:03 AM
Reply #2


There are hundreds of YT vids and articles on this combined phenomena Sasquatch(Yeti) and Orbs documented. Some are property of the sites they are posted on. I posted one below which is a Bigfoot evidence collection site. However there are lots on non related Bigfoot sites as well. Search Sasquatch/Yeti/Bigfoot and orbs or light orbs, energy orbs or just orbs on Google or You tube.
* I would like to mention that there are lots of serious researchers some with PhD's involved in the study on the Sasquatch/Yeti around the world. It's not a myth, it's not a game and it's not only back woodsmen who encountering them. We've been collecting hair, scat and blood samples for DNA analysis and other evidence for years. Ignor what you've might of heard from profit driven main$tream media. With that said researchers have experienced other strange phenomena when in close proximity of these creatures. More on that later, perhaps in another thread since it a big topic all on it's own.


« Last Edit: December 20, 2018, 06:43:17 AM by Tracker »
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable must be the truth." Arthur Conan Doyle

December 20, 2018, 02:28:57 PM
Reply #3


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Hello Tracker.  Good to have you on board. I have been watching plenty of programmes on the BIG FOOT mystery in North America and the Rockies etc. A fascinating subject. And we need to consider all possibilities even ones that may seem incredible and unbelievable. Within the last few decades, scientists have been opening up about the possibility of extraterrestrial life and even the possibility of being visited by it. Its not a taboo subject. It needs investigation.

December 20, 2018, 03:24:24 PM
Reply #4

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Hi Tracker,

Am interested in hearing your thoughts and views.

I watched a documentary not long ago with Todd Standing and Prof Jeff Meldrum.  It had some pretty convincing footage and dialogue on big foot.  It was called discovering big foot.  But until there is some undeniable evidence I have to remain sceptical.  I wouldn't rule such things out though  There are still some tribes of humans completely isolated from the rest of the world.


December 20, 2018, 06:20:10 PM
Reply #5


Hey guys,

Yes there's several scientist involved and the topic is not as taboo as it used to be.

Most need to see one before they cross over to the knower side.

Yeti are real (Not the guy in a wool sweater on trail pic). Speaking of that, has anyone considered that perhaps they were hearing unusual noises from the woods and made light of the situation by taking that hoax Yeti picture?  From what I learned about a few of the personalities in the group I can see that happening.
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable must be the truth." Arthur Conan Doyle

December 21, 2018, 08:00:28 AM
Reply #6

Nigel Evans

I think it's an interesting topic but todate no irrefutable proof.
A breeding population that disposes of it's dead so that none are found?
It's a conundrum...

December 21, 2018, 11:52:51 AM
Reply #7


Ahhh now we're talking.

Let's just say for the moment that there was Yeti present in the woods near by.
Would that change some people perspective of the strange events that lead up to their deaths?

To understand what the Yeti are certainly capable of, research strange events involving Sasquatch attacks in North America.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2018, 02:42:58 PM by Tracker »
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable must be the truth." Arthur Conan Doyle

December 22, 2018, 06:58:57 PM
Reply #8


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Who will be the first to put forward a SEQUENCE OF EVENTS of a BIG FOOT type creature responsible for the DYATLOV PASS tragedy  ? 

December 22, 2018, 11:09:13 PM
Reply #9

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I think a scenario that involved a yeti coul go something like this.

Yeti approaches the camp site.  If there 1 or 2 of the guys outside they see or hear it coming.  It maybe makes some growling noises at it approaches.  Throws a few stones or snow balls.

The two outside shout the alarm to the others who wake up and can also hear something outside.  The two outside start to move down the slope.

The yeti gets to the tent and starts to circle it prodding it.  It eventually finds an entrance and pushes its hand into the tent feeling around.  The group in the tent panic and cut their way out startling the Yeti and they run down the slope.  The yeti carefully and cautiously follows them. 

It attacks the group as they struggle down the slope in the snow. It grabs Lyuda and crushes her in bear hug.  The others try to stop it punching and kicking it.  Thibo is picked up and thrown landing hard on a rock hitting and crushing his skull.  Semyon is caught and suffers the same fate as Lyuda.  Slobodin hits the Yeti but it's futile and the yeti swings back cracking his skull and knocking him to the floor.  The remaining group members run down the slope leaving their dead and dying friends.  Kelevatov is knocked unconscious in the struggle.

The group get to a tall cedar and some fire wood.  They build a fire to try to keep warm and keep the Yeti away.  They prepare the tree such that they can climb it quickly if necessary.  They clear an area of branches to look back at the tent

In the mean time the Yeti moves the bodies to its den in the ravine and drops them outside. 

The others at the cedar start to succumb to the cold and the two Yuris die.  The remaining three attempt to make their way back to the tent and they die.

The Yeti takes the soft eyes and the tongue and eats them, but for some reason doesn't eat anything else.

It later moves on leaving the scene.  It somehow leaves no traces of its presence.

I have thought this sort of scenario through and I'm sure there could be lots of variations but it just doesn't seem to be likely.


December 23, 2018, 06:58:58 PM
Reply #10


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I think a scenario that involved a yeti coul go something like this.

Yeti approaches the camp site.  If there 1 or 2 of the guys outside they see or hear it coming.  It maybe makes some growling noises at it approaches.  Throws a few stones or snow balls.

The two outside shout the alarm to the others who wake up and can also hear something outside.  The two outside start to move down the slope.

The yeti gets to the tent and starts to circle it prodding it.  It eventually finds an entrance and pushes its hand into the tent feeling around.  The group in the tent panic and cut their way out startling the Yeti and they run down the slope.  The yeti carefully and cautiously follows them. 

It attacks the group as they struggle down the slope in the snow. It grabs Lyuda and crushes her in bear hug.  The others try to stop it punching and kicking it.  Thibo is picked up and thrown landing hard on a rock hitting and crushing his skull.  Semyon is caught and suffers the same fate as Lyuda.  Slobodin hits the Yeti but it's futile and the yeti swings back cracking his skull and knocking him to the floor.  The remaining group members run down the slope leaving their dead and dying friends.  Kelevatov is knocked unconscious in the struggle.

The group get to a tall cedar and some fire wood.  They build a fire to try to keep warm and keep the Yeti away.  They prepare the tree such that they can climb it quickly if necessary.  They clear an area of branches to look back at the tent

In the mean time the Yeti moves the bodies to its den in the ravine and drops them outside. 

The others at the cedar start to succumb to the cold and the two Yuris die.  The remaining three attempt to make their way back to the tent and they die.

The Yeti takes the soft eyes and the tongue and eats them, but for some reason doesn't eat anything else.

It later moves on leaving the scene.  It somehow leaves no traces of its presence.

I have thought this sort of scenario through and I'm sure there could be lots of variations but it just doesn't seem to be likely.

Well I suppose thats how one theory could look or something very similar. And there is this one  ; The CREATURE has been stalking the Group in the forest and so the Group decide to camp on the mountainside. The CREATURE arrives at the TENT and RIPS AT IT causing rips in the fabric. The CREATURE is also making a God Damn awful noise that scares the living daylights out of the Group. The Group are terrified and flee the TENT. The CREATURE follows the GROUP and the GROUP begin to split up and some of the Group try fighting off the CREATURE which is showing an hostile intent. Injuries start to accumulate on the Group members. A fire is hastily constructed and 2 members of the Group climb a tree either to escape the CREATURE or to observe it. Other members of the Group make a last stand against the CREATURE in or near the RAVINE. The severe cold finishes off those members of the Group still alive. This SEQUENCE OF EVENTS could have lasted many hours or less than an hour.
Bear in mind that this is only a possible scenario if a BIG FOOT type creature was involved. Its not likely to be a BEAR scenario. And of course we have no real proof that BIG FOOT type creatures exist, only SIGHTINGS and UNUSUAL FOOTPRINTS and NOISES that people claim to have witnessed. Non of this can really prove the existence or otherwise of BIG FOOT type creatures.

December 24, 2018, 03:53:55 AM
Reply #11

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Well I suppose thats how one theory could look or something very similar. And there is this one  ; The CREATURE has been stalking the Group in the forest and so the Group decide to camp on the mountainside. The CREATURE arrives at the TENT and RIPS AT IT causing rips in the fabric. The CREATURE is also making a God Damn awful noise that scares the living daylights out of the Group. The Group are terrified and flee the TENT. The CREATURE follows the GROUP and the GROUP begin to split up and some of the Group try fighting off the CREATURE which is showing an hostile intent. Injuries start to accumulate on the Group members. A fire is hastily constructed and 2 members of the Group climb a tree either to escape the CREATURE or to observe it. Other members of the Group make a last stand against the CREATURE in or near the RAVINE. The severe cold finishes off those members of the Group still alive. This SEQUENCE OF EVENTS could have lasted many hours or less than an hour.
Bear in mind that this is only a possible scenario if a BIG FOOT type creature was involved. Its not likely to be a BEAR scenario. And of course we have no real proof that BIG FOOT type creatures exist, only SIGHTINGS and UNUSUAL FOOTPRINTS and NOISES that people claim to have witnessed. Non of this can really prove the existence or otherwise of BIG FOOT type creatures.

From what I have read and seen in various documentaries such as Todd Standing.  If these creatures existed, they tend to keep their distance and throw objects at people they don't want around.  Tree branches and rocks etc.  I would expect injuries to be consistent with this initially.  Also if it came to hand to hand combat with one I would expect even more significant injuries.  From what I understand these creatures are likely to be stronger than a bear.  Snapping trees in two that are 8 inches thick.  I would have expected limbs to be ripped off and decapitation type injuries.  One swipe from a bears claw can take a mans head off.  Also none of the food items in tent were missing.  I would expect a yeti to have taken some this food in the days and weeks that followed

They say that you have to see one of these creatures before you will believe in them.  I suppose that is true.

December 24, 2018, 09:31:06 AM
Reply #12


Why Eichar's Storm Generated Infrasound Theory Is Imposible.

First off I respect to all his research, time and cost he put in to write his book Dead Mountain. I posted that indicated the Yeti were involved in someway knowing what I know from direct encounters with our Canadian Sasquatch. So lets chat about natually occuring infrasound since the thread mentions it and not just the Yeti.

Imho it's very unlikely almost impossible if it was a natually occuring wind genereated infrasound winter storm. Consider the topography and even if high winds hitting Boot Rock it would of affected the rescuers as well. It also would not just occur on Feb 2 1959 but often if the terrain was perfect for it. Eichar went to location Kholat Syakhl Boot Rock and eastern sloap where the tent was located in winter. Supposedly he got a call from a scientist at NOAH and a scientist there might of said it was possible? Is that conclusion from the scientist written somewhere? Okay so he's got an unproven theory. Did he return to Mt.Kholat Syakhl and try to record and infrasound readings? Did he attempt to record any wind readings at all to support his conclussions before making that leap? He should of returned to location in mid winter and obtained some audio evidence for the scientist at NOAH to confirm. There is no evidence to support his conclusion. So Imo he was over generous with "Writters Creative License" to wrap up his book and create hype to sell it.

411 From Infrasound Monitoring Network

 Infrasound is produced by a variety of natural and man-made sources: exploding volcanoes, earthquakes, meteors, storms and auroras in the natural world; nuclear, mining and large chemical explosions, as well as aircraft and rocket launches in the man-made arena.

There was no record or evidence of a rocket launch or explosion, earthquack or any other such event in that region for Infrasound bombardment that night or prior. The square piece of metal found could of been there for awhile. 

A snip of Teddy's TOPO map of the area. I'am not a scientist but from a birds eye view it indicates that there's nothing special about the terrain compare to anywhere else on the bigger map. If so then recording infrasound on location wouldn't be that hard to obtain. I have an app on my cell ph that does it.

Let see any supporting evidence for wind generated infrasound at that location. Thanks

classic baby boy names
« Last Edit: December 24, 2018, 09:52:32 AM by Tracker »
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable must be the truth." Arthur Conan Doyle

December 24, 2018, 12:43:32 PM
Reply #13


Why Eichar's Storm Generated Infrasound Theory Is Imposible.

First off I respect to all his research, time and cost he put in to write his book Dead Mountain. I posted that indicated the Yeti were involved in someway knowing what I know from direct encounters with our Canadian Sasquatch. So lets chat about natually occuring infrasound since the thread mentions it and not just the Yeti.

Imho it's very unlikely almost impossible if it was a natually occuring wind genereated infrasound winter storm. Consider the topography and even if high winds hitting Boot Rock it would of affected the rescuers as well. It also would not just occur on Feb 2 1959 but often if the terrain was perfect for it. Eichar went to location Kholat Syakhl Boot Rock and eastern sloap where the tent was located in winter. Supposedly he got a call from a scientist at NOAH and a scientist there might of said it was possible? Is that conclusion from the scientist written somewhere? Okay so he's got an unproven theory. Did he return to Mt.Kholat Syakhl and try to record and infrasound readings? Did he attempt to record any wind readings at all to support his conclussions before making that leap? He should of returned to location in mid winter and obtained some audio evidence for the scientist at NOAH to confirm. There is no evidence to support his conclusion. So Imo he was over generous with "Writters Creative License" to wrap up his book and create hype to sell it.

411 From Infrasound Monitoring Network

 Infrasound is produced by a variety of natural and man-made sources: exploding volcanoes, earthquakes, meteors, storms and auroras in the natural world; nuclear, mining and large chemical explosions, as well as aircraft and rocket launches in the man-made arena.

There was no record or evidence of a rocket launch or explosion, earthquack or any other such event in that region for Infrasound bombardment that night or prior. The square piece of metal found could of been there for awhile. 

A snip of Teddy's TOPO map of the area. I'am not a scientist but from a birds eye view it indicates that there's nothing special about the terrain compare to anywhere else on the bigger map. If so then recording infrasound on location wouldn't be that hard to obtain. I have an app on my cell ph that does it.

Let see any supporting evidence for wind generated infrasound at that location. Thanks

classic baby boy names


The main problem with the theory of infrasound is that it has not yet been proved that one would go crazy under his influence. Yes, nausea, insomnia, depression, anxiety have occurred. But total panic and insanity has never occurred. In addition, the author of the book, Eichar, himself writes that the effect of infrasound can be strong on some people, while others do not. Do we believe that all nine tourists "go crazy" under its influence? And even if one or two of them were going crazy and under the influence of crowd psychosis they would initiate a run from the tent of all the turists, at least Zolotarev should have kept his head clear This man had hard experience behind him, he survived much like a soldier and survived. He was hero of the war. I do not believe he would suffer mass psychosis. And I agree with you, such mountains  with a symmetrical shaped peak are many in the world. And nothing happened there.

Nevertheless, I admire the author of the book for his effort to find th explanation and for a nice written style of text. And I found a new information, mainly about Yudin, what he had to go through after his comrade passing.

December 25, 2018, 05:59:00 PM
Reply #14


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Well I suppose thats how one theory could look or something very similar. And there is this one  ; The CREATURE has been stalking the Group in the forest and so the Group decide to camp on the mountainside. The CREATURE arrives at the TENT and RIPS AT IT causing rips in the fabric. The CREATURE is also making a God Damn awful noise that scares the living daylights out of the Group. The Group are terrified and flee the TENT. The CREATURE follows the GROUP and the GROUP begin to split up and some of the Group try fighting off the CREATURE which is showing an hostile intent. Injuries start to accumulate on the Group members. A fire is hastily constructed and 2 members of the Group climb a tree either to escape the CREATURE or to observe it. Other members of the Group make a last stand against the CREATURE in or near the RAVINE. The severe cold finishes off those members of the Group still alive. This SEQUENCE OF EVENTS could have lasted many hours or less than an hour.
Bear in mind that this is only a possible scenario if a BIG FOOT type creature was involved. Its not likely to be a BEAR scenario. And of course we have no real proof that BIG FOOT type creatures exist, only SIGHTINGS and UNUSUAL FOOTPRINTS and NOISES that people claim to have witnessed. Non of this can really prove the existence or otherwise of BIG FOOT type creatures.

From what I have read and seen in various documentaries such as Todd Standing.  If these creatures existed, they tend to keep their distance and throw objects at people they don't want around.  Tree branches and rocks etc.  I would expect injuries to be consistent with this initially.  Also if it came to hand to hand combat with one I would expect even more significant injuries.  From what I understand these creatures are likely to be stronger than a bear.  Snapping trees in two that are 8 inches thick.  I would have expected limbs to be ripped off and decapitation type injuries.  One swipe from a bears claw can take a mans head off.  Also none of the food items in tent were missing.  I would expect a yeti to have taken some this food in the days and weeks that followed

They say that you have to see one of these creatures before you will believe in them.  I suppose that is true.

There are reports of bodies being found with limbs missing etc.  Just because there was some food in the TENT doesnt mean a BIG FOOT type of creature would take it. There are scratches on some of the bodies. And some of the injuries could have been caused by a BIG FOOT type of creature.

December 26, 2018, 02:42:53 AM
Reply #15

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Well I suppose thats how one theory could look or something very similar. And there is this one  ; The CREATURE has been stalking the Group in the forest and so the Group decide to camp on the mountainside. The CREATURE arrives at the TENT and RIPS AT IT causing rips in the fabric. The CREATURE is also making a God Damn awful noise that scares the living daylights out of the Group. The Group are terrified and flee the TENT. The CREATURE follows the GROUP and the GROUP begin to split up and some of the Group try fighting off the CREATURE which is showing an hostile intent. Injuries start to accumulate on the Group members. A fire is hastily constructed and 2 members of the Group climb a tree either to escape the CREATURE or to observe it. Other members of the Group make a last stand against the CREATURE in or near the RAVINE. The severe cold finishes off those members of the Group still alive. This SEQUENCE OF EVENTS could have lasted many hours or less than an hour.
Bear in mind that this is only a possible scenario if a BIG FOOT type creature was involved. Its not likely to be a BEAR scenario. And of course we have no real proof that BIG FOOT type creatures exist, only SIGHTINGS and UNUSUAL FOOTPRINTS and NOISES that people claim to have witnessed. Non of this can really prove the existence or otherwise of BIG FOOT type creatures.

From what I have read and seen in various documentaries such as Todd Standing.  If these creatures existed, they tend to keep their distance and throw objects at people they don't want around.  Tree branches and rocks etc.  I would expect injuries to be consistent with this initially.  Also if it came to hand to hand combat with one I would expect even more significant injuries.  From what I understand these creatures are likely to be stronger than a bear.  Snapping trees in two that are 8 inches thick.  I would have expected limbs to be ripped off and decapitation type injuries.  One swipe from a bears claw can take a mans head off.  Also none of the food items in tent were missing.  I would expect a yeti to have taken some this food in the days and weeks that followed

They say that you have to see one of these creatures before you will believe in them.  I suppose that is true.

There are reports of bodies being found with limbs missing etc.  Just because there was some food in the TENT doesnt mean a BIG FOOT type of creature would take it. There are scratches on some of the bodies. And some of the injuries could have been caused by a BIG FOOT type of creature.

These hikers were experienced.  Whatever it was that happened that night they didn't expect it.  If they had seen a Yeti stalking them or suspected there was one near by, instead of just changing their route and moving away from the forest Imwould expect them to make preparations of such an attack.  E.g. Staying in the forest and building a big fire to keep it away.  As they didn't have any fire arms I would have expected them to make some improvised weapons, simple spears they could have used to ward off any attack. 

Where we're the bodies found that had missing limbs? 

Even if the yetis do exist, the attack on the Dyatlov group IMO isn't consistent with that of a large extremely powerful animal.  According Prof Jeff Meldrum these creatures would be 5 to 10 times stronger than a Chimpanzee.

December 26, 2018, 04:18:34 PM
Reply #16


Rudimentary weapons even fire are no guarantees to protect hikers from powerful Yeti. The Yeti have other means to intimidate or hurt intruders. Their horrible screams, eyeshine, infrasound and even mind speak.

A Bigfoot researcher in Northern California suffered a heart attack inside his tent. He had no prior history of cardiac arrest nor was the tent touched.

 Look up Survivorman Bigfoot about being hit with infrasound and mind speak. Survivorman quit searching for Bigfoot after that.
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable must be the truth." Arthur Conan Doyle

December 26, 2018, 04:40:14 PM
Reply #17


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Well I suppose thats how one theory could look or something very similar. And there is this one  ; The CREATURE has been stalking the Group in the forest and so the Group decide to camp on the mountainside. The CREATURE arrives at the TENT and RIPS AT IT causing rips in the fabric. The CREATURE is also making a God Damn awful noise that scares the living daylights out of the Group. The Group are terrified and flee the TENT. The CREATURE follows the GROUP and the GROUP begin to split up and some of the Group try fighting off the CREATURE which is showing an hostile intent. Injuries start to accumulate on the Group members. A fire is hastily constructed and 2 members of the Group climb a tree either to escape the CREATURE or to observe it. Other members of the Group make a last stand against the CREATURE in or near the RAVINE. The severe cold finishes off those members of the Group still alive. This SEQUENCE OF EVENTS could have lasted many hours or less than an hour.
Bear in mind that this is only a possible scenario if a BIG FOOT type creature was involved. Its not likely to be a BEAR scenario. And of course we have no real proof that BIG FOOT type creatures exist, only SIGHTINGS and UNUSUAL FOOTPRINTS and NOISES that people claim to have witnessed. Non of this can really prove the existence or otherwise of BIG FOOT type creatures.

From what I have read and seen in various documentaries such as Todd Standing.  If these creatures existed, they tend to keep their distance and throw objects at people they don't want around.  Tree branches and rocks etc.  I would expect injuries to be consistent with this initially.  Also if it came to hand to hand combat with one I would expect even more significant injuries.  From what I understand these creatures are likely to be stronger than a bear.  Snapping trees in two that are 8 inches thick.  I would have expected limbs to be ripped off and decapitation type injuries.  One swipe from a bears claw can take a mans head off.  Also none of the food items in tent were missing.  I would expect a yeti to have taken some this food in the days and weeks that followed

They say that you have to see one of these creatures before you will believe in them.  I suppose that is true.

There are reports of bodies being found with limbs missing etc.  Just because there was some food in the TENT doesnt mean a BIG FOOT type of creature would take it. There are scratches on some of the bodies. And some of the injuries could have been caused by a BIG FOOT type of creature.

These hikers were experienced.  Whatever it was that happened that night they didn't expect it.  If they had seen a Yeti stalking them or suspected there was one near by, instead of just changing their route and moving away from the forest Imwould expect them to make preparations of such an attack.  E.g. Staying in the forest and building a big fire to keep it away.  As they didn't have any fire arms I would have expected them to make some improvised weapons, simple spears they could have used to ward off any attack. 

Where we're the bodies found that had missing limbs? 

Even if the yetis do exist, the attack on the Dyatlov group IMO isn't consistent with that of a large extremely powerful animal.  According Prof Jeff Meldrum these creatures would be 5 to 10 times stronger than a Chimpanzee.

Maybe they didnt have time to stay and make preparations for an attack, or maybe they just had cause for concern and decided to leave the forest.
Missing Limbs refers to other stories and not the Dyatlov Pass  Case.

December 27, 2018, 02:06:46 AM
Reply #18


Why Eichar's Storm Generated Infrasound Theory Is Imposible.

Excuse me, you could not tell, what is it such especial phenomenon as “ Eichar's Storm”? bang1  grin1

First off I respect to all his research, time and cost he put in to write his book Dead Mountain. I posted that indicated the Yeti were involved in someway knowing what I know from direct encounters with our Canadian Sasquatch. So lets chat about natually occuring infrasound since the thread mentions it and not just the Yeti.

This very correct statement, except 3 small remarks:
1. D.Eicher itself is not the scientist in the field of acoustics, especially in acoustics over low frequencies.
2. Donnie in the book wrote much from my words and if you read its book there it is written.
3.Unfortunately Yeti meanwhile is not the fact in a science, therefore its any properties it is not known. There are many conversations on it. But it is no more than conversations because to check up there it is possible nothing. Belief questions to …, it is destiny of church. It seems to me that for this purpose what to understand that with Dyatlov group it was necessary to use only the scientific facts. Otherwise there will be many conversations, but there will be no result.

Imho it's very unlikely almost impossible if it was a natually occuring wind genereated infrasound winter storm.

I wrote recently about it very in detail. There all precisely and with reference to that place and by that is written conditions which were by calculation with the greatest probability.
Reply #19 December 19, 2018, 4:53:02 AM

Consider the topography and even if high winds hitting Boot Rock it would of affected the rescuers as well. It also would not just occur on Feb 2 1959 but often if the terrain was perfect for it. Eichar went to location Kholat Syakhl Boot Rock and eastern sloap where the tent was located in winter. Supposedly he got a call from a scientist at NOAH and a scientist there might of said it was possible? Is that conclusion from the scientist written somewhere? Okay so he's got an unproven theory. 

1.Any group did not put tent on the same place for the past of 60 years. More precisely, there was one group in 1999, but the place at them was absolutely another.
2.Donnie Eicher went to Dr. Al Bedard at NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory himself. Specially for reception of the information necessary to him.
3.Than the opinion of the scientist which is written in magazine, from  same opinion which is simply stated personally to the book`s  author differs?
4.Than not proved theory about the known physical phenomenon, where are known all parametres, which are necessary for its presence (and they can be checked up!), differs from the theory of the unknown creature of a being which authentically nobody saw also which properties nobody knows? So also anything it is impossible to check up.

Did he return to Mt.Kholat and try to record and infrasound readings? Did he attempt to record any wind readings at all to support his conclussions before making that leap?

I think that you badly imagine to oneself (or suitable), complexity and cost of research of such problem which put before others.
I did such calculations about what is necessary the equipment, what is the time it will occupy and how many it can cost (on 2014). It turned out that supervision on a place at least in a current of 2 full winters, approximately 4 … 5 employees in the rank of PhD and professors, approximately nearby 20 persons of the other personnel, constant departures into place at least once a week for supervision over the equipment and corrections of its work is required. Many special blocks of registration (approximately 12 … 15) which stand too very expensively besides are necessary. I will not speak about all details, and I will tell only about cost. At me it turned out approximately from $2 million  to $3 million. Tell me please, who will pay what for such money?

He should of returned to location in mid winter and obtained some audio evidence for the scientist at NOAH to confirm.

And how you represent it to yourselves? I think that you even there not so well know by possible winter conditions. Here for example, some supervision on my video:


It is not the most bad weather.

There is no evidence to support his conclusion.

It is only because it is the writer also does not want or does not cannot give such money for this purpose, what to you it to prove?

So Imo he was over generous with "Writters Creative License" to wrap up his book and create hype to sell it.

The question consists in how this physical phenomenon is shown on a place of events. Therefore its activity as writer does not concern that problem which we here discuss.

411 From Infrasound Monitoring Network

 Infrasound is produced by a variety of natural and man-made sources: exploding volcanoes, earthquakes, meteors, storms and auroras in the natural world; nuclear, mining and large chemical explosions, as well as aircraft and rocket launches in the man-made arena.

There was no record or evidence of a rocket launch or explosion, earthquack or any other such event in that region for Infrasound bombardment that night or prior. The square piece of metal found could of been there for awhile.

It is all the general theory, and they should discuss exclusively practical questions only connected with the facts which were during events and on a place of events discussed by us. The facts of earthquake and other, have been fixed at that time, in this place?

A snip of Teddy's TOPO map of the area. I'am not a scientist but from a birds eye view it indicates that there's nothing special about the terrain compare to anywhere else on the bigger map.

It is not necessary so simply to approach to challenges. On a place it is all not how on a picture. Here (on our paper and on computer) all is smooth and warmly.

If so then recording infrasound on location wouldn't be that hard to obtain. I have an app on my cell ph that does it.

Tell me pleas, in you cell ph do not have recipe as it is possible to win nuclear war (or at least to survive there)?  grin1
It is problem by 2 or 3 order (in 100 or 1000 times) it is more difficult than it can seem at first sight.

Let see any supporting evidence for wind generated infrasound at that location. Thanks

classic baby boy names

You offer autumn ridiculous things.  grin1
1.It not map, and very primitive scheme.
2.It at all does not cover area of the mountain Holatchahl. explode1
3.Even on topographic maps more vast scale, for example:


It to make difficult, but it is possible to find a proper place. But it demands special preparation.
On this card I have designated borders of which that scheme you offered (framework of violet colour)
And that place which us should interest (framework of red colour).
And as has designated a place where there was tent Dyatlov group.
If you well understand that question which we discuss easily will find those conditions which us can interest.

December 27, 2018, 02:37:09 AM
Reply #19


The main problem with the theory of infrasound is that it has not yet been proved that one would go crazy under his influence.

Tell to me please: who as to whom already proved? It basically is impossible, especially if the opponent for itself has decided in advance that “If I at all does not know it, it does not exist in general!”.

Yes, nausea, insomnia, depression, anxiety have occurred.

And you where and on what scientific base studied this question?

But total panic and insanity has never occurred. In addition, the author of the book, Eichar, himself writes that the effect of infrasound can be strong on some people, while others do not.

It is not so. If people have get a sufficient memory dose of influence on all it operates equally. And the difference in time of accumulation of the necessary dose is insignificant and people do not understand how many they already "have get". It is outside of perception, as well as itself infrasound displays.

Do we believe that all nine tourists "go crazy" under its influence? And even if one or two of them were going crazy and under the influence of crowd psychosis they would initiate a run from the tent of all the turists, at least Zolotarev should have kept his head clear This man had hard experience behind him, he survived much like a soldier and survived. He was hero of the war.

Why you consider, what it could not save up this dose the first? It is good, if it was the last, and the difference in time made some seconds or minute why it could that that to make? Whence he could know that is occurs to them?
As well as it is not clear why all should have different physical properties? For example, if the person has passed war it will not burn down on fire? Or will not freeze on a frost? Or will fall from height upwards, instead of downwards?  grin1
The nature has very close pulled together all parametres of the person in the course of evolution. For example, growth of all people of the given ethnic group has disorder in limits + / - 7 % for a contingent in 95 % from all population. Here consider that the disorder on time was approximately same. For example, if on the average for the person the memory dose has been received for 1 minute that a difference there were approximately 5 seconds. Also what in this time could make everybody?

I do not believe he would suffer mass psychosis.

Let's operate with scientific terms, instead of church terms? Here be needed not " faith", and be needed knowledge. And they or are, or they are not present.

And I agree with you, such mountains  with a symmetrical shaped peak are many in the world. And nothing happened there.

Well, yes? And how many in the world is just the same combinations not only the form of the mountain, and and surrounding hollows and cambers? Only just the same it?
I know that there are also such phenomena observe much where. Especially during earthquakes. Only nobody tries to compare it to that that has occurred to Dyatlov group. And consequently that after that not all perish (conditions is absolutely others) and consequently that about Dyatlov group very few people knows. Besides (and several more others where them the biggest 100 … regularly reads 150 persons) it is absolutely unknown history. And for this purpose, what though that that is a lot of nobility about an infrasound such persons is available units in the world. I do not know, whether it is possible to sum up them at least 50 persons?

Nevertheless, I admire the author of the book for his effort to find th explanation and for a nice written style of text. And I found a new information, mainly about Yudin, what he had to go through after his comrade passing.

And that there the especial? Yura Yudin was very good person with whom it was pleasant to communicate. To it the hard fate has happen to be out to endure all that was after  death of group, but he has lived worthy life. I can tell it quite definitely.

In these pictures we with Yudin (and Kuntsevich) at Dyatlov pass when in detail studied place of events. The emblem on my cap is mark of my university where I worked and lecture.

December 27, 2018, 02:40:32 AM
Reply #20


There are reports of bodies being found with limbs missing etc.  Just because there was some food in the TENT doesnt mean a BIG FOOT type of creature would take it. There are scratches on some of the bodies. And some of the injuries could have been caused by a BIG FOOT type of creature.

And whence it is known what properties the BIG FOOT possesses? For example: it can leave what traumas on bodies? There can be it in general is exclusively a herbivore?
The person is animal too …  grin1
Generally speaking, it is impossible to prove what that unknown actions when existence of the one who they exist is not proved basically.
For example, how to be with such biological postulate that for what existence that of a kind is necessary presence of certain quantity of individuals of both sexes. Biologists consider that the minimum quantity cannot be less than 20 or even 50. Then why such big population is not found out till now. And even enough of their confirmed traces. Occurrence of such beings about which speak in different places of a planet, for a long time already it would be possible to find out. Then why them till now have not found out, when them should be much? For example, if them saw in 10 kept away from each other places should be not less than 200 ….500 individuals. Find wild tribes in a jungle of Amazon river number in 20 persons only and of very small growth. Here it turns out that them (the BIG FOOT) should be much and they big, but them and it is not possible to find out

December 27, 2018, 02:46:58 AM
Reply #21


If they had seen a Yeti stalking them

….that they simply would not have time to escape …  grin1

As they didn't have any fire arms I would have expected them to make some improvised weapons, simple spears they could have used to ward off any attack. 

There can be they therefore and did not make any spears because anybody did not attack them, and they had more necessary affairs? For example that would be warm.
I wanted to ask, as: how the BIG FOOT in conditions when temperature =-20C (-4F) and a wind 15 metre/s (33 miph) feels, and there is no present vegetation on distance ~ 1 mi arround?

  According Prof Jeff Meldrum these creatures would be 5 to 10 times stronger than a Chimpanzee.

It is interesting! And whence professor Jeff Meldrum knows how much strong the BIG FOOT is? He tested them by dynamometer? grin1 With presence of force at a chimpanzee clearly, but ….? twitch7

December 27, 2018, 02:55:12 AM
Reply #22



Dear Treker!
I have answered to you in detail for this message, but my answer has turned out long on time and it have marked and be placed in another theme duplicate. Therefore I ask to read it there and to answer in that section where to you it is convenient.
My apologies in connection with inconveniences.

December 27, 2018, 07:36:03 AM
Reply #23


Tell to me please: who as to whom already proved? It basically is impossible, especially if the opponent for itself has decided in advance that “If I at all does not know it, it does not exist in general!”. 

And who has proven that infrasounds can induce a mass panic in 9 (well, 8) perfectly healthy and young people? I'd rather say that "if it hasn't been scientificly proven, it's just a belief, not a fact". Unless of course you have some good evidence to support it. Until then, infrasounds are just a theory, worse even then Mansi attack, because "people attacking other people" is not something impossible. And we can say that in regard to Dyatlov group, investigators in 1959 missed something, for example some Mansi traces in the snow. After all, this whole investigation wasn't all that perfect, to say the least. Not conducted by professional investigators, at least initially. For example during the search itself, when people still believed that Dyatlov group can still be alive.

Here be needed not " faith", and be needed knowledge. And they or are, or they are not present.
Good point, can we apply the same standards for infrasound theory? What knowledge is and is not present?

I know that there are also such phenomena observe much where. Especially during earthquakes.
Links please. With scientific proof that would imply that similar thing is possible in mountains. Without earhtquakes.

The Yeti have other means to intimidate or hurt intruders. Their horrible screams, eyeshine, infrasound and even mind speak.

I personally believe, that it was a conspiracy of Fallen Angels and UFO. After all, there is also a lot of people finding proofs of mysterious alien influence on our lifes. And hundreds of millions of people seem to believe in Fallen Angels, how can so many people be wrong?
« Last Edit: December 27, 2018, 07:41:28 AM by Kopyrda »

December 27, 2018, 08:36:17 AM
Reply #24


There are reports of bodies being found with limbs missing etc.  Just because there was some food in the TENT doesnt mean a BIG FOOT type of creature would take it. There are scratches on some of the bodies. And some of the injuries could have been caused by a BIG FOOT type of creature.

And whence it is known what properties the BIG FOOT possesses? For example: it can leave what traumas on bodies? There can be it in general is exclusively a herbivore?
The person is animal too …  grin1
Generally speaking, it is impossible to prove what that unknown actions when existence of the one who they exist is not proved basically.
For example, how to be with such biological postulate that for what existence that of a kind is necessary presence of certain quantity of individuals of both sexes. Biologists consider that the minimum quantity cannot be less than 20 or even 50. Then why such big population is not found out till now. And even enough of their confirmed traces. Occurrence of such beings about which speak in different places of a planet, for a long time already it would be possible to find out. Then why them till now have not found out, when them should be much? For example, if them saw in 10 kept away from each other places should be not less than 200 ….500 individuals. Find wild tribes in a jungle of Amazon river number in 20 persons only and of very small growth. Here it turns out that them (the BIG FOOT) should be much and they big, but them and it is not possible to find out

To understand what is and has occurred with the discovery process of the Yeti/Sasquatch you would need to immerse yourself in the research of the species. Research such as DNA evidence has been met with strong resistance from government bodies, main stream careerist scientist and old school religion. This past fall alone I have 3 confirmed sightings from government employees. Two from a Provincial Park Rangers and another from an O.P.P constable (state trooper). They refused to sign witness statements to protect their privacy and careers. Were cutting down their tree$ and damming their river$ to provide for our way of life. It's the greatest exploitation of a species habitat since white Europeans wiped out the First Nation Indian culture.

They are intelligent, faster and stronger than us and in most cases go to great lengths to avoid us.
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable must be the truth." Arthur Conan Doyle

December 27, 2018, 09:24:38 AM
Reply #25


Why Eichar's Storm Generated Infrasound Theory Is Imposible.

Excuse me, you could not tell, what is it such especial phenomenon as “ Eichar's Storm”? bang1  grin1

First off I respect to all his research, time and cost he put in to write his book Dead Mountain. I posted that indicated the Yeti were involved in someway knowing what I know from direct encounters with our Canadian Sasquatch. So lets chat about natually occuring infrasound since the thread mentions it and not just the Yeti.

This very correct statement, except 3 small remarks:
1. D.Eicher itself is not the scientist in the field of acoustics, especially in acoustics over low frequencies.
2. Donnie in the book wrote much from my words and if you read its book there it is written.
3.Unfortunately Yeti meanwhile is not the fact in a science, therefore its any properties it is not known. There are many conversations on it. But it is no more than conversations because to check up there it is possible nothing. Belief questions to …, it is destiny of church. It seems to me that for this purpose what to understand that with Dyatlov group it was necessary to use only the scientific facts. Otherwise there will be many conversations, but there will be no result.

Imho it's very unlikely almost impossible if it was a natually occuring wind genereated infrasound winter storm.

I wrote recently about it very in detail. There all precisely and with reference to that place and by that is written conditions which were by calculation with the greatest probability.
Reply #19 December 19, 2018, 4:53:02 AM

Consider the topography and even if high winds hitting Boot Rock it would of affected the rescuers as well. It also would not just occur on Feb 2 1959 but often if the terrain was perfect for it. Eichar went to location Kholat Syakhl Boot Rock and eastern sloap where the tent was located in winter. Supposedly he got a call from a scientist at NOAH and a scientist there might of said it was possible? Is that conclusion from the scientist written somewhere? Okay so he's got an unproven theory. 

1.Any group did not put tent on the same place for the past of 60 years. More precisely, there was one group in 1999, but the place at them was absolutely another.
2.Donnie Eicher went to Dr. Al Bedard at NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory himself. Specially for reception of the information necessary to him.
3.Than the opinion of the scientist which is written in magazine, from  same opinion which is simply stated personally to the book`s  author differs?
4.Than not proved theory about the known physical phenomenon, where are known all parametres, which are necessary for its presence (and they can be checked up!), differs from the theory of the unknown creature of a being which authentically nobody saw also which properties nobody knows? So also anything it is impossible to check up.

Did he return to Mt.Kholat and try to record and infrasound readings? Did he attempt to record any wind readings at all to support his conclussions before making that leap?

I think that you badly imagine to oneself (or suitable), complexity and cost of research of such problem which put before others.
I did such calculations about what is necessary the equipment, what is the time it will occupy and how many it can cost (on 2014). It turned out that supervision on a place at least in a current of 2 full winters, approximately 4 … 5 employees in the rank of PhD and professors, approximately nearby 20 persons of the other personnel, constant departures into place at least once a week for supervision over the equipment and corrections of its work is required. Many special blocks of registration (approximately 12 … 15) which stand too very expensively besides are necessary. I will not speak about all details, and I will tell only about cost. At me it turned out approximately from $2 million  to $3 million. Tell me please, who will pay what for such money?

He should of returned to location in mid winter and obtained some audio evidence for the scientist at NOAH to confirm.

And how you represent it to yourselves? I think that you even there not so well know by possible winter conditions. Here for example, some supervision on my video:


It is not the most bad weather.

There is no evidence to support his conclusion.

It is only because it is the writer also does not want or does not cannot give such money for this purpose, what to you it to prove?

So Imo he was over generous with "Writters Creative License" to wrap up his book and create hype to sell it.

The question consists in how this physical phenomenon is shown on a place of events. Therefore its activity as writer does not concern that problem which we here discuss.

411 From Infrasound Monitoring Network

 Infrasound is produced by a variety of natural and man-made sources: exploding volcanoes, earthquakes, meteors, storms and auroras in the natural world; nuclear, mining and large chemical explosions, as well as aircraft and rocket launches in the man-made arena.

There was no record or evidence of a rocket launch or explosion, earthquack or any other such event in that region for Infrasound bombardment that night or prior. The square piece of metal found could of been there for awhile.

It is all the general theory, and they should discuss exclusively practical questions only connected with the facts which were during events and on a place of events discussed by us. The facts of earthquake and other, have been fixed at that time, in this place?

A snip of Teddy's TOPO map of the area. I'am not a scientist but from a birds eye view it indicates that there's nothing special about the terrain compare to anywhere else on the bigger map.

It is not necessary so simply to approach to challenges. On a place it is all not how on a picture. Here (on our paper and on computer) all is smooth and warmly.

If so then recording infrasound on location wouldn't be that hard to obtain. I have an app on my cell ph that does it.

Tell me pleas, in you cell ph do not have recipe as it is possible to win nuclear war (or at least to survive there)?  grin1
It is problem by 2 or 3 order (in 100 or 1000 times) it is more difficult than it can seem at first sight.

Let see any supporting evidence for wind generated infrasound at that location. Thanks

classic baby boy names

You offer autumn ridiculous things.  grin1
1.It not map, and very primitive scheme.
2.It at all does not cover area of the mountain Holatchahl. explode1
3.Even on topographic maps more vast scale, for example:


It to make difficult, but it is possible to find a proper place. But it demands special preparation.
On this card I have designated borders of which that scheme you offered (framework of violet colour)
And that place which us should interest (framework of red colour).
And as has designated a place where there was tent Dyatlov group.
If you well understand that question which we discuss easily will find those conditions which us can interest.

I don't have a copy of the book to reply or quote from for most of the above. Could you repost the documentation from the Infrasound scientists confirming and any wind velocity measurements taken on location or from global satellites. It would also be helpful if accompanied by verified evidence of the injuries of the those who fell in the ravine were caused by the 12' fall as Eichar states. From what most understand those injuries were a result of something much more powerful and compared to a car crash than a mere fall unto snow as I recollect the coroner documentation. 

I don't recall Eichar's conclusions being supported by hard evidence that would stand up in court room or an independent lab. His theory is mere conjecture like other many theories he refers to as "crack pot theories" in a radio interview I believe. There is just as much circumstantial evidence supporting the Yeti and UFO's as what he has presented. Que X files music theme lol. As far as the cost factor he should of collected evidence when on location before publishing his book or reclassify it as fiction novel.

What I do suspect is that his book Dead Mountain was crafted for the reader to support only his unproven theory and possibly to exploit the tragedy for fame, profit and financial support for a movie.  Nothing personal I am sure you invested much but if Eichar's going to make incredible claims he has to provide incredible evidence and he has not.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2018, 03:10:58 PM by Tracker »
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable must be the truth." Arthur Conan Doyle

December 27, 2018, 03:21:47 PM
Reply #26


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

There are reports of bodies being found with limbs missing etc.  Just because there was some food in the TENT doesnt mean a BIG FOOT type of creature would take it. There are scratches on some of the bodies. And some of the injuries could have been caused by a BIG FOOT type of creature.

And whence it is known what properties the BIG FOOT possesses? For example: it can leave what traumas on bodies? There can be it in general is exclusively a herbivore?
The person is animal too …  grin1
Generally speaking, it is impossible to prove what that unknown actions when existence of the one who they exist is not proved basically.
For example, how to be with such biological postulate that for what existence that of a kind is necessary presence of certain quantity of individuals of both sexes. Biologists consider that the minimum quantity cannot be less than 20 or even 50. Then why such big population is not found out till now. And even enough of their confirmed traces. Occurrence of such beings about which speak in different places of a planet, for a long time already it would be possible to find out. Then why them till now have not found out, when them should be much? For example, if them saw in 10 kept away from each other places should be not less than 200 ….500 individuals. Find wild tribes in a jungle of Amazon river number in 20 persons only and of very small growth. Here it turns out that them (the BIG FOOT) should be much and they big, but them and it is not possible to find out

The BIG FOOT mystery is an unknown quantity, therefore how can it be studied by Biologists !  ? 

December 27, 2018, 03:25:32 PM
Reply #27


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

If they had seen a Yeti stalking them

….that they simply would not have time to escape …  grin1

As they didn't have any fire arms I would have expected them to make some improvised weapons, simple spears they could have used to ward off any attack. 

There can be they therefore and did not make any spears because anybody did not attack them, and they had more necessary affairs? For example that would be warm.
I wanted to ask, as: how the BIG FOOT in conditions when temperature =-20C (-4F) and a wind 15 metre/s (33 miph) feels, and there is no present vegetation on distance ~ 1 mi arround?

  According Prof Jeff Meldrum these creatures would be 5 to 10 times stronger than a Chimpanzee.

It is interesting! And whence professor Jeff Meldrum knows how much strong the BIG FOOT is? He tested them by dynamometer? grin1 With presence of force at a chimpanzee clearly, but ….? twitch7

How do you know that  the Dyatlov Group would not have time to escape ! ? The BIG FOOT type creature MYSTERY, is an unknown quantity.
The professor Jeff Meldrum is probably baseing his research on the various reports of BIG FOOT type creatures over the last hundred years or so  !  ? 

December 27, 2018, 03:49:39 PM
Reply #28


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Why Eichar's Storm Generated Infrasound Theory Is Imposible.

Excuse me, you could not tell, what is it such especial phenomenon as “ Eichar's Storm”? bang1  grin1

First off I respect to all his research, time and cost he put in to write his book Dead Mountain. I posted that indicated the Yeti were involved in someway knowing what I know from direct encounters with our Canadian Sasquatch. So lets chat about natually occuring infrasound since the thread mentions it and not just the Yeti.

This very correct statement, except 3 small remarks:
1. D.Eicher itself is not the scientist in the field of acoustics, especially in acoustics over low frequencies.
2. Donnie in the book wrote much from my words and if you read its book there it is written.
3.Unfortunately Yeti meanwhile is not the fact in a science, therefore its any properties it is not known. There are many conversations on it. But it is no more than conversations because to check up there it is possible nothing. Belief questions to …, it is destiny of church. It seems to me that for this purpose what to understand that with Dyatlov group it was necessary to use only the scientific facts. Otherwise there will be many conversations, but there will be no result.

Imho it's very unlikely almost impossible if it was a natually occuring wind genereated infrasound winter storm.

I wrote recently about it very in detail. There all precisely and with reference to that place and by that is written conditions which were by calculation with the greatest probability.
Reply #19 December 19, 2018, 4:53:02 AM

Consider the topography and even if high winds hitting Boot Rock it would of affected the rescuers as well. It also would not just occur on Feb 2 1959 but often if the terrain was perfect for it. Eichar went to location Kholat Syakhl Boot Rock and eastern sloap where the tent was located in winter. Supposedly he got a call from a scientist at NOAH and a scientist there might of said it was possible? Is that conclusion from the scientist written somewhere? Okay so he's got an unproven theory. 

1.Any group did not put tent on the same place for the past of 60 years. More precisely, there was one group in 1999, but the place at them was absolutely another.
2.Donnie Eicher went to Dr. Al Bedard at NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory himself. Specially for reception of the information necessary to him.
3.Than the opinion of the scientist which is written in magazine, from  same opinion which is simply stated personally to the book`s  author differs?
4.Than not proved theory about the known physical phenomenon, where are known all parametres, which are necessary for its presence (and they can be checked up!), differs from the theory of the unknown creature of a being which authentically nobody saw also which properties nobody knows? So also anything it is impossible to check up.

Did he return to Mt.Kholat and try to record and infrasound readings? Did he attempt to record any wind readings at all to support his conclussions before making that leap?

I think that you badly imagine to oneself (or suitable), complexity and cost of research of such problem which put before others.
I did such calculations about what is necessary the equipment, what is the time it will occupy and how many it can cost (on 2014). It turned out that supervision on a place at least in a current of 2 full winters, approximately 4 … 5 employees in the rank of PhD and professors, approximately nearby 20 persons of the other personnel, constant departures into place at least once a week for supervision over the equipment and corrections of its work is required. Many special blocks of registration (approximately 12 … 15) which stand too very expensively besides are necessary. I will not speak about all details, and I will tell only about cost. At me it turned out approximately from $2 million  to $3 million. Tell me please, who will pay what for such money?

He should of returned to location in mid winter and obtained some audio evidence for the scientist at NOAH to confirm.

And how you represent it to yourselves? I think that you even there not so well know by possible winter conditions. Here for example, some supervision on my video:


It is not the most bad weather.

There is no evidence to support his conclusion.

It is only because it is the writer also does not want or does not cannot give such money for this purpose, what to you it to prove?

So Imo he was over generous with "Writters Creative License" to wrap up his book and create hype to sell it.

The question consists in how this physical phenomenon is shown on a place of events. Therefore its activity as writer does not concern that problem which we here discuss.

411 From Infrasound Monitoring Network

 Infrasound is produced by a variety of natural and man-made sources: exploding volcanoes, earthquakes, meteors, storms and auroras in the natural world; nuclear, mining and large chemical explosions, as well as aircraft and rocket launches in the man-made arena.

There was no record or evidence of a rocket launch or explosion, earthquack or any other such event in that region for Infrasound bombardment that night or prior. The square piece of metal found could of been there for awhile.

It is all the general theory, and they should discuss exclusively practical questions only connected with the facts which were during events and on a place of events discussed by us. The facts of earthquake and other, have been fixed at that time, in this place?

A snip of Teddy's TOPO map of the area. I'am not a scientist but from a birds eye view it indicates that there's nothing special about the terrain compare to anywhere else on the bigger map.

It is not necessary so simply to approach to challenges. On a place it is all not how on a picture. Here (on our paper and on computer) all is smooth and warmly.

If so then recording infrasound on location wouldn't be that hard to obtain. I have an app on my cell ph that does it.

Tell me pleas, in you cell ph do not have recipe as it is possible to win nuclear war (or at least to survive there)?  grin1
It is problem by 2 or 3 order (in 100 or 1000 times) it is more difficult than it can seem at first sight.

Let see any supporting evidence for wind generated infrasound at that location. Thanks

classic baby boy names

You offer autumn ridiculous things.  grin1
1.It not map, and very primitive scheme.
2.It at all does not cover area of the mountain Holatchahl. explode1
3.Even on topographic maps more vast scale, for example:


It to make difficult, but it is possible to find a proper place. But it demands special preparation.
On this card I have designated borders of which that scheme you offered (framework of violet colour)
And that place which us should interest (framework of red colour).
And as has designated a place where there was tent Dyatlov group.
If you well understand that question which we discuss easily will find those conditions which us can interest.

3.Unfortunately Yeti meanwhile is not the fact in a science, therefore its any properties it is not known. There are many conversations on it. But it is no more than conversations because to check up there it is possible nothing. Belief questions to …, it is destiny of church. It seems to me that for this purpose what to understand that with Dyatlov group it was necessary to use only the scientific facts. Otherwise there will be many conversations, but there will be no result. 

Why use the word UNFORTUNATELY  ! ? Why is it belief questions to...., it is destiny of church  !  ?  Why is it necessary to use only the scientific facts  !  ?  ANY INVESTIGATION MUST BE COMPLETELY OPEN TO ALL POSSIBILITIES, even the unknown.

December 27, 2018, 05:06:40 PM
Reply #29

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I belive Jeff Meldrum was simply extrapolating size/weight etc and providing a kind of range 5 to 10 times strength of chimpanzee is quite a wide range really.  But still strong enough to take down a person without much effort.

What surprises me about Bigfoot is if they exist, how come nobody has caught one yet?  We have hundreds of sightings and people who say they study them, so why not just catch one and prove to the scientific community they exist?  I think Todd Standing has secured legal protection for Bigfoot as a species in Canada.  So why nt catch one, prove they exist and then put it back again?