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Author Topic: Yuri Krivonischenko (Autopsy Reports)  (Read 19138 times)

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October 07, 2017, 05:37:05 PM
Read 19138 times


The act of investigating the corpse Krivonischenko G.

Sheet 112

ACT № 3


4 on March 1959 the year according to the decision the prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region of the third on March 1959 the year of forensic medical experts of the Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Sverdlovsk region Renaissance VA and Laptev Yu.I. in the presence of the public prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region, the state counselor of justice of the third class Klinov NI, the prosecutor of the criminalist Regional Prosecutor's Office of the Junior Adviser of Justice IVANOV LN and witnesses comrade. Comrade. GORDO S.D. and NASKICHEV K.V. at room mortuary central hospital management n / box № H-240 under daylight illumination and solar weather produced study corpse citizen KRIVONISCHENKO GA 23 years for determining the causes of death and answers to the questions indicated in the resolution.

The circumstances of the case 23rd January 1959 the year amateur group of tourists in the composition of 10 people went to ski like on the route Ivdel - Mountain Otorten. From the site of the 2 nd Northern in the ski trip went 9 people. On February 1 , 1959 , the group began the ascent to Mount Oorten and broke it in the evening

tent at the height of 1079. In the night on 2nd February at the obscure circumstances, there was the death of 9 people. Sheet 113

- 2 -

a / external inspection On the sectional table is the corpse of a man; posture of the corpse: a head assigned to the left, right arm bent at the elbow joint , and assigned to the top, fingers the right hand touch the head, left arm bent at the elbow joint , and refer to the shoulder, wrist bent, and the fingers of the hand touch

thorax . The right leg is unbent, the left leg is slightly withdrawn in the hip joint and bent at the knee joint. Clothes on the corpse: cowboy cotton, blue in a red black cage with 3 buttons / two buttons unbuttoned, cuffs buttoned on two buttons, in an outer pocket a coil of copper wire and
silk pink ribbon. On the left, from the inside surface, a pocket of white cloth is sewn . Under cowboy cotton breeches shirt white color, pants of white color of the material " Grizbon". The left-hand lower half pants offline until the level of the knee joint, the edge of the fabric pants in areas breakage pants misaligned with charring the fabric, under the pants blue satin mantles for 2 ?? kah. On the left leg cotton sock torn, the edges of his charred. The corpse of a man of 169 cm in length, the right physique, good nutrition, with well- developed muscle groups of the trunk and extremities. Cadaverous spots of purple- colored color, located on
the posterior surface of the neck of the trunk and extremities. The rigor mortis was resolved in the muscle groups of the joints. On the head dark-haired curly hair up to 10 cm long is trimmed under the half-box. Forehead high sloping posteriorly. Eyebrows dark-blond, dense, skin integuments of cyanotic-gray color. In the mid-

Sheet 114

- 3 - (corrected by hand - approx ed.).

It part forehead portion osadneniya rounded shape measuring 0.3 to 0.3 cm. Of brown-red color parchment density. In the left temporal region there are two abrasions of a brownish-red color of parchment density, with a size of 1.2 by ?, 3 cm and 1 cm by 0.2 cm. The eyes are slightly ajar, the right eye gap more left, in the area of ​​the cornea of ​​the left and right eye Lärsche spots . The cornea is turbid, the iris is gray-green in color, the pupils are dilated, and the mucous eyelid is pale gray in color. The back of the nose is straight. In the middle third of the nose, a brown-red abrasion , parchment density, passing into the wound in the tip of the nose and wings with a defect of soft tissues measuring 1.8 x 2 cm. The bottom of the wound is the cartilage of the nasal septum, with the right nasal passage; n and the bottom (the first part of the word is not quite legible - approx ed.). lip and chin hair length up to 0.5 cm. ashy color. Mucous lips of dark-cinnamon- colored parchment density, the mouth is closed, lips are swollen. Behind the lower
teeth flap epidermis pale gray color with papillary lines size of flap 1.8 to 0.6 cm. The teeth equal to the white enamel, the opening of the mouth and nose clean, on the cheeks abrasion dark brown color parchment density and osadnenie skin such - same color. The auricles are swollen with a cyanotic red color, the neck without features rib cage cylindrical shape; n aruzhnye sex organs formed well bore adjustable passage pure, cutaneous integument rib cage, a neck and limbs to radiocarpal joints krasnovatolilovogo color with pronounced venous pattern on the limbs. On the right side surface of the rib cage at the level of the axillary
cavities abrasions of pale red color measuring 7 by 2 cm, without hemorrhages in the underlying tissues.

Sheet 115

- 4 - (corrected by hand - approx.)

At the rib margin of the right hypochondrium along the middle clavicle line abrasions of pale red color of parchment density of 2 x 1.2 cm size 1 x 1.2 cm, without hemorrhages in the underlying tissues. The rear of the right hand is swollen. In the region of the metacarpophalangeal joints, soft tissues are whitish -gray in color, the fingers burolilovogo colors terminal phalanx dry dark brown color, n and rear of these fingers minor skin abrasions dark brown color parchment density. Palmar surface of the right hand bluish-red color with skin Ranko with jagged edges dark brown color at the base of the first finger. On the middle phalanx of the third (forwarded from the "average" - note). finger defect of the epidermis in shape and size coinciding with that found in the oral cavity. The terminal phalanges of all fingers ?? dry dark brown color. In the area of ​​the left wrist joint, grazes of dark red color of parchment density of 5 x 2.5 cm, the rear of the left hand swelling. Along the whole width of the rear - the left hand scalp wound with delaminated epidermis dark brown color parchment density measuring 8 x 2 cm. Rear fingers 2-5 left brush black color with wrinkled epidermis 5 thumb and dried up end phalanges. On the palmar surface, the soft tissues of the terminal phalanges are dried, dense. On average phalanges 4-5 fingers a skin wound of 1.5 x 1 cm and 1 x 0.5 cm of dark brown color, dense to the touch with charring. On the outer surface of the left buttock and the left thigh are areas of soft tissues of pink color and brown color of parchment density with a sliding epidermis on the site size 10 x 3 cm, 6 x 2 cm and 4 x 5 cm. On the antero-internal surface of the thigh abrasions of dark brown

Sheet 116

- 5 - (corrected by hand - comment of note)

dark red color of parchment density of the size ? x 2 cm. 1 x 1.5 cm, and more small. On the inner surface of the upper third of the left thigh, three skin lesions ??? eynoy shape with smooth edges depth up to 0.3 cm. with sharp angles size of 1.5 to 04 cm. Left shin and ??? and swollen. By entire outer surface of the tibia burn surface on the portion size of 31 x 10 cm. Parchment density. In the lower third of the left ????? burochernogo color with charring of tissue and bursting skin cover for - ??? in the middle thirds and the upper third of the burn surface ???? red color and light brown color. On the posteromedial surface of the left lower leg abrasions dark brown color parchment density measuring 8 x 1.3 cm. ? x 1.5 cm and 2 x 1 cm. The rear of the left foot is brown- brown in color with epidermis peeling sites measuring 10 x 4 cm. ??? The second finger is charred dark brown the color of the fabric ????? are dense to the touch. On the front surface of the right thigh and lower leg, abrasions dark brown color of parchment density of 5 x 2 cm. 3 x 8 cm, 7 x 1 cm, and 2 x ? cm.

b / Domestic research Skin flaps of hairy part of the head with the inner surface of the juicy, brilliant, red color, in the right ?? ary region and the occipital region of diffuse bleeding from the impregnation of the right temporal muscle. Bone arch base of the skull intact. Is the dura mater blue? full-blooded, soft dura mater ,

swollen, gyrations and fissures of the brain are not easily discernible . The substance of the brain is a mass of jelly-like

Sheet 117

- 6 - (fixed by hand - note comp.)

reddish- green color. Gray matter of the brain is hardly distinguishable from white matter . The contours of the lateral ventricles of the brain are poorly discernible, the layers of the cerebellum are distinctly distinct , the vessels of the base of the brain without singularities. Subcutaneous fat tissue of the trunk is well developed , the position of the internal organs is correct; pleural cavities are free. The pericardial bag contained up to 20 cm3 of a turbid yellowish liquid, a heart size of 12 × 10 × 5.5 cm, a cardiac muscle on a cut of dark red color, a thickness of the left ventricle muscle of 1.8 cm in the right 0.5 cm in the right and left half of the heart contained up to 200 cm3 of liquid dark blood, heart valves , aorta, pulmonary artery thin, smooth, shiny. Coronary vessels of the heart are free, smooth, passable. The internal surface of the aorta is smooth, clean. Light from the surface lilovokrasnogo color testovatoy on touch, in sectional tissue their dark red color, when pressing a surface incision abundantly flowing liquid dark blood and foamy bloody fluid lumen larynx and bronchi is free, the mucosa of the esophagus, the trachea and bronchi are cyanotic-reddish . Thyroid gland on the cut is fleshy, dark red . The horns beneath the tongue are intact. The stomach contained traces of the mucous mass of brownish- colored color, the mucous membrane of the stomach is bluish- red with well expressed folding; on the surface of folds stomach a lot of small hemorrhages, - spots Vishnevsky, the mucous membrane of the stomach swollen; The pancreas is fine-lobed dark red on the cut . The liver is smooth, shiny from the surface . The size of liver 26 x 16 x 14 x 9 cm. In sectional tissue liver burovishnevogo color sharply plethoric with poorly discernable hepatic drawing. The gall -bladder contained 30sm3

Sheet 118

- 7- (fixed by hand - note comp.)

xxxxxxxxx brown liquid color . The mucous gallbladder is of a velvety, greenish color. The spleen is 9 x 6 x 3 cm in size. The spleen tissue is dark- colored in the cut , the spleen to the touch is flabby, the capsule is wrinkled, the pulp from the surface of the incision gives a large scraping. In the lumen of the small intestine contained mucous the mass is brownish in color, in the lumen of the large intestine the stool masses are brownish brown. The intestinal mucosa is bluish reddish . The kidneys are smooth on the surface , the tissue of the buds of dark-cherry color is shiny on the incision , the layers of the kidneys are hardly distinguishable. The size of the right kidney is 10 x 6 x 3.5, left 10 x 5 x 3 cm. Cortical and cerebral ???? The adrenal glands are clearly distinguishable . The urinary bladder was contained to 500 cm3 turbid yellowish liquid. The mucous membrane of the urinary bladder cyanosis. For chemical research and histological examination , a part of internal organs is taken from this corpse . printing


Sheet 119 CONCLUSION On the basis of these studies the corpse of citizen KRIVONISCHENKO George Alekseevich, 23 years and taking into account the circumstances of the case believe that the death KRIVONISCHENKO occurred in result of exposure to low temperature / freezing / about what shows edema of the brain membranes, sharp plethora of internal organs, overflow liquid dark

blood of the heart cavities , presence of Vishnevsky spots on the stomach mucosa, bladder overflow , frostbite of the limbs and burn II - III degree (near the fire). found out (handwritten, note ed.) In an external investigation, damage in the form of precipitation, abrasions and skin wounds could result from a fall or injury
about rocks, ice and stuff. The above damage was caused by Kryvonischenko both during his lifetime, as well as in the agonal state and posthumously. These studies corpse KRIVONISCHENKO give reason to believe that the acceptance of food from him was for 6-8 hours until the moment of death. The presence of alcohol in the study was not detected.

« Last Edit: November 25, 2017, 07:22:42 AM by Teddy »
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!