Teddy provided me with this link to a question and answer session on a Russian forum in 2013 - http://samlib.ru/p/piskarewa_m_l/sharavinkontakt.shtmlSharavin was a member of the first group to reach the tent.
I've picked up on the discussion of "snow circles" :--
Question: In one of the interviews you said that not far from the tents of dyatlovtsy a small platform of blown snow in the form of a circle was well viewed. Do you think it could be a trail from a helicopter landing there? Then you saw the helicopters landing and flying away many times, can you compare, they left the same traces? Or the snow was melted and icy, i.e. as if melted. But again in the form of a circle?
M. Sharavin: As regards the area of blown snow, this was reported in a telephone message from searches.
The circle of blown snow was more than from the rotor of the helicopter. Later, this notebook with a record of all messages from searches was withdrawn by "competent" bodies, the room was closed and the duty was discontinued. This is evidenced by one of the on-duty then Galya ..., who made repentance, that is, a statement 50 years later.
So a circle of blown snow larger than the rotor of a helicopter, maybe perhaps from a much larger helicopter... maybe a Mil Mi-6 size of helicopter?... Or a snow equivalent of a crop circle = ball lightning?
1.I am many times talked to Michael Sharvinym and he of all has once tine told about this
circle from the helicopter. And it is from illiterate giving by Piskaroeva. He did not speak about any fireball and did not think at all.
2.I have read attentively all questions which Piskareva set to Michael Sharavin and рis answers in Russian and have understood that it is made very much not skilled. Almost on all questions negative answers or its these questions are given did not concern. It turns out that from all this interview it is impossible receive even few trustworthy information which is directed on studying of case of Dyatlov group, and the rest is conversations on "lyrical" themes. It is very characteristic for Piskareva, it very much not the competent person which tries receive answers to the complicated questions which essence she does not understand. I already wrote earlier: that who asks, should be more competent or equal on literacy of the one who answers them. The nonsense otherwise turns out that we and see in this case. The person who understands nothing in aerodynamics and operation of helicopters (and as did not see it close) asks question to the one who knows bit more because itself saw the helicopter and flied on it (as the passenger). The answer which is simply wrong representation that he saw (or in what its memory has been deformed) has as result poured down. Because it does not happen in the nature.
3.I already wrote in this forum that Mi-6 here cannot be present in any way. For February, 01st of 1959 them have made only 2 pieces, and one flied only. It tested about the Lyubertsy city (it is about the Moscow city).
4.At helicopter landing f any circles it is never formed. It is necessary have good knowledge of aerodynamics that it would be possible understand this elementary knowledge. I and more he did not tell it talk to Michael Sharavin and he never talk not never about it. He is metallurgist by trade therefore he could not understand it.
5.Galina Batalova speaks about phone records of conversations from Ivdel at very beginning of searches. As to me prompted modern public prosecutors with which we are discussed about case Dyatlov group, it could be also because for the period of carrying out of consequence the information on its course should be closed and it there could be prosecutors of Sverdlovsk who should watch observance of mode of carrying out of business. These workers should be from the deputy chief department Okishev was which.
But the exact information in view of that is not present therefore here there can be different variants. One is clear only: it not attempt that hide, and anxiety of chiefs (or Offices of Public Prosecutor, or UPI administration, or still what that) that the superfluous information would not extend. However it and so extended, because conversations between people cannot be forbidden.
Whatever it was very pertinent to what really happened as the radiogram reporting it was removed during the confiscation.
Was such radiogram never in the course of searches, therefore it and is absent. What it is never was cannot be gone.
**** - I would like ask participants of searches result only trustworthy information (which has authentic source or it is confirmed by documents) and analyze everything that they write on reliability. Otherwise it turns out that who that at first thinks out the next fable (or finds it in the Internet, especially in conversations between 3 … 4 interlocutors consistently), and then it should be denied. Otherwise all who discusses this theme will constantly go in circle and all will leave from understanding, instead of further what come nearer.
and later on :
A question from D. Levanov, a participant in the winter hike to the pass in January-February 2014. The question is very simple. Look at the photo, see how much snow piled on the tent in 10 days. (Naturally, the weather on the pass in 1959 and 2014 was different. It can be said that in 2014 the weather was clear with weak wind and no precipitation, it is a fact supposedly in 1959 there was precipitation, gale). Dyatlovskaya tent, as we assume, stood on the slope for 25 days, i.e. 2.5 times more. It can be assumed that the level of snow deposited was 2 times more. Question: How different is the snow level on the tent and in front of the entrance? Is the nature of the snow cover on and in front of the tent? And again: where exactly was the ice ax, which they found, and how much was he sunk in the snow? "... an ice ax, before entering the tent .." It would be great, if clarified, to remember exactly where the ice ax was: lay, was stuck in marked snow or in a recess right in front, about how much was stuck half, / 3, or completely. It is clear that now it is very difficult to do this, a lot has been in his memory during this time. But maybe ... And when they found him exactly, 26 (when they only found the tent and dug it up) or 27 (when they took pictures and skis were already moved) I understand that the questions are repeated, but suddenly Mikhail Petrovich will be able to clarify something. M. Sharavin: Dmitry, Questions are clear. First - It would be more usual for me to consider a snapshot of a tent if I turn the camera lens to the left. In addition, I lack the free space in front of the tent. In front of the tent, I see a drop in the level of snow, which was swept away by the wind, meeting an obstacle in the form of a tent. But this lowering of snow was also in front of the tent, where I lack the picture space in front of the tent. So there was an ice ax, stuck in firn snow on the third part of the cutting. A little further 1.5m. A pair of skis were stuck together in the snow. In addition, I see in the picture the fluff of loose snow, And we saw a circle of firn snow, and now in front of the tent from its left wall is somewhat larger than it was then. And lowering the level of snow directly in front of the cloth was not. We found the ice ax on the 26th and used it to free the tent from the snow. We didn’t move skis on the 26th. But in the photograph taken the next day and attributed to Brubnitsynu, these skis stand next to the front and rear of the tent. We didn’t put skis there and it’s not clear to us who did it. Moreover, on the 27th, Brusnitsyn could not take this picture, since he was at the site of the camp, behind the pass.[/i]
This sounds like the famous hot spot? Firn is an intermediate condition between snow and ice. Ball lightning?
I constantly should correct many participants of search because they constantly confuse terms "наст - ice crust" and “фирн -glacier snow”. Glacier snow on this place was not and does not happen basically. Because glacier snow is a long-term snow which does not thaw in the summer. Such snow on this place is not present. The ice crust in zone where there are no trees in current of winter happens very rigid and is often covered by crust which
reminds ice.
But it is not ice.It is not ask only Karelin, Bartolomey and Budrin. All of them very qualified travellers also have degree of the Master. Many other participants of search have no experience of mountain snow and extreme ski travel, therefore and can confuse terms.
*) Dmitry Levanov was in during 1 day (2 or 3 hours) on pass in February 2014 for 1 or 2 days before as we have come there together with Shura. But we there were the whole week and at us other opinion concerning snow on tent and, why it such. I resulted earlier comparative photos of our model tent that day when we there have put it, after 2 days, after 2 weeks and through ? Weeks after. If I now find direct reference I it I will result, if I do not find this reference (at me not enough time for answers at forum) all can find it search in my messages in the spring of last year.
I have not found old reference, but now ladies others on 3 of 4 conditions of tent:
It is Shura prepares testing tent in Moscow before departure to pass.
This photo is testing tent after it have just established on slope of North Ural Mountains.
It is view to tent after 2 days there was blizzard.
It is view to tent after 2 weeks as its installation it during February 2014.
5. Unfortunately I could not find tent view after 1 month after its installation, but it only small differed from the previous view.