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Author Topic: Protocol for the location of tourists  (Read 14688 times)

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October 16, 2017, 05:55:27 PM
Read 14688 times


Sheet 2

place of detection of the parking of a group of tourists comrade Dyatlova Igor.

On 28.02.59 the prosecutor of the city of Ivdel, junior counselor of justice, Tempalov, in the presence of witnesses: comrade. Maslennikov and Brusnitsin Vadim Dmitrievich, having lived, Sverdlovsk, ul. Sheinkman d. III, room 31, Sharavina Mikhail Petrovich, having lived. Sverdlovsk, Vtuzgorodok, 9 building, room number 201, Kurikova Stepan Nikolaevich, having lived. Ivdelsky district, Suevat Paun village, have drawn up a real protocol on the location of a group of tourists of Dyatlov. The place of lodging is located on the Northeast slope of the height of 1079 in the sources of the Auspii River. The overnight stay is 300 meters from the top of the mountain 1079 at a slope of 30 °. The place of lodging is a platform aligned with snow, at the bottom of which 8 pairs of skis are laid. The tent is stretched on ski sticks, fixed with ropes, 9 rucksacks with different personal belongings of the group members are sent out at the bottom of the tent, panty jackets and trousers are sent from the top, 9 pairs of boots are found in the heads, trousers for men are also found, also three pairs of felt boots, warm fur jackets are also found, socks, cap, ski hats, dishes, buckets, stove, axes, saw, blanket, products: crackers in two bags, condensed milk, sugar, concentrates, notebooks, route plan and many other small things and documents and a camera and accessories to f toapparatu.
All the items found were transferred for inventory and delivery to ... the base to the head of the search team Maslennikov, Yevgeny Polikarpovich, for which this protocol was drawn up.
Not a single corpse was found in the tent.

The Prosecutor of the City of Ivdel
Мл.советник устиции / Tempalov /

1) Brusnitsin
2) Sharavin
3) Kurikov
Head of the detachment 4) Maslennikov
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!