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Author Topic: The Corpse Detection Protocol  (Read 17858 times)

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October 16, 2017, 06:02:11 PM
Read 17858 times


Sheet 341

PROTOCOL Inspection of the place of detection of corpses. On May 6, 1959, the prosecutor of the city of Ivdel in the Sverdlovsk Region. counselor of justice TEMPALOV, in the presence of witnesses Dilevich Yuri Davydovich, who lives in Kiev street. Comintern house 12 square. 11, Fedorov Vadim Ivanovich, prozh. Sverdlovsk, ul. Stachek house 19, apt. 222 (the first two are crossed out - note ed. ) And Artyupov Georgiy Semenovich pros. Sverdlovsk .......... compiled this protocol of the place of detection of corpses in the number of 4 people. On the slope of the overhang side of the height of 880 from the famous cedar at 50 meters in the creek pass found four corpses of them three men and one woman. The corpse of a woman is identified - this is Dubinina Lyudmila. The corpses of men can not be identified without raising them. All corpses are in the water. They were excavated from the depth of snow from 2.5 meters to 2 meters. Two men and a third lay their heads to the north along the stream. Dubinina's corpse lay in the opposite direction with her head against the current of the stream. Dubinin is wearing a coat on his head, a yellow tank top, a cowboy and two sweaters, one gray one of another dark color, on the legs of the trousers, dark and brown ski trousers, on the legs on one 2 woolen socks, on the right foot half of the sweater is wrapped - a sweater of beige color. on the back of the head and back there are signs of damage to the probe from the words of Mr. Astenadze VM, who recognized Dubinin. Her corpse has disintegrated. The first corpse of a man dressed in a storm jacket khakis on his hands are on the first two watches of the brand "Victory" and "Sporting" the clock shows - the victory is 38 minutes 9 hours, and the sports 15 minutes 9 hours, the head and legs of this corpse is not visible, because . Not the whole body was unearthed from under the snow. And two corpses lie embracing, there is nothing on their heads, nothing is on their head, one of them is dressed in a storm, the same and the second, what else they can only determine after lifting corpses from a stream. The leg is not visible, tk. excavated not before the end and are under the snow. The corpses disintegrated. The corpses are photographed. Corpses should be immediately withdrawn from the stream; can further decompose even more and can be carried away by a stream, because the current is very fast. Up to the creek in six meters along the tracks there was found a decking at a depth of 3 to 2.5 meters. The flooring consists of I4 charge and I birch tops in the snow. Things are found on the flooring. Half the sweater is beige. It is found 15 meters from the creek (gaps - approx.) under the tree. Half of the ski trousers were found at the cutting site of the peaks for the deck, from the deck 15 meters towards the forest, as well as ebony sheaths and a tablespoon of white metal were found under the snow at the site of the detection of the Djatlov tent. When inspecting the place of detection, as well-understood asthenadze Vladimir Mikhailovich, pros. Sverdlovsk, ul. Lenina 66, apt. 303, and Kuznetsov ("a" crossed out - comment ed.) Nikolai Igorevich, prozh. ul. Ленина, д (№) 66, кв. (in the manuscript version of the "room") 338.

Prosecutor of the mountains. Ivdelya
Ml. counselor of justice


Sheet 341, turnover

Understand: 1. Kuznetsov - signature
2. Astenadze - signature
3. Artyukov - signature
4) Gilev - signature
5) Fedorov - signature

Sheet 342


Inspection of the place of detection of corpses.

On May 6, 1959, the prosecutor of the city of Ivdel in the Sverdlovsk region, Counselor of Justice Tempalov, in the presence of witnesses Dilevich (or "Gilevich?" - note) by Yuri Davydovich, who lives in Kiev street. Comintern house 12 square. 11, Fedorov Vadim Ivanovich, prozh. Sverdlovsk, ul. Stachek house 19a, apt. 22 and Artiukov Georgiy Semenovich pros. Sverdlovsk .. _ _ _

made a real protocol of the location of the corpses in the number of 4 people.

On the slope ("north" -out crossed out, note of note) of the western side of the altitude 880 from the famous cedar at 50 meters in the creek the first found four corpses of them are three men and one woman. The corpse of a woman is identified - this is Dubinina Lyudmila. The corpses of men can not be identified without raising them.
All corpses are in the water. They were excavated from under the snow with a depth of 2.5 meters to 2 meters. Two men and a third lay their heads to the north along the stream. Dubinina's corpse lay in the opposite direction with her head against the current of the stream. Dubinin is wearing a balaclava on his head, on a body from below a yellow tank top, a cowboy and two sweaters one gray of another dark light on the feet of the trousers dark and brown ski trousers

Sheet 342, turnover

on the legs on one 2 woolen socks, on the right foot of the polo (not further visible, approx.), the sweater is wrapped-a sweater of light (there is no further visible, note st.) on the back of the head and back there are traces of probe damage from the words of Mr. Askinadze VM, who recognized Dubinin. Her corpse has disintegrated.

The first corpse of a man dressed in a storm jacket of light hacks on his hands are on the left two watches of the brand "Victory" and "Sporting" the clock shows - the victory is 38 minutes 9 hours, and the sports 15 minutes (later can not see) the corpse is not visible, tk. Not the whole body was excavated from under the snow. And two corpses lie embracing, there is nothing on their heads, nothing is on their head, one of them is dressed in a storm, the same and the second, what else they are wearing can only be determined after raising corpses from a stream. The leg is not visible, because they are not fully excavated and are under snow. The corpses disintegrated. The corpses are photographed. Corpses must be immediately withdrawn from the stream, because they can further decompose (further the word is illegible - note ed.) Even more and can be carried away by a stream, because passage very fast.

Sheet 343

Up to the creek at six meters along the footsteps of lapnik found flooring at a depth of 3 to 2.5 meters. The deck consists of 14 fir and 1 birch vertex on (the second "on" crossed out, note ed.) Snow. Things are found on the flooring.

(figure reflecting the location of things on the floor:

Top left corner: Black ski trouser leg

Right upper corner: Sweater Chinese wool whole. gt; Colour.
Left bottom corner: sweeter warm wool brown whole
Right bottom corner: brown trousers with non-integer ends
Right upper side, closer to the upper corner: - 6 m - corpses

The second half is a sweater of color beige. It was found 15 meters from the creek (it is added: "southern brook" - approx.) under the tree. Half of the ski trousers were found at the cutting site of the peaks for the flooring, from the deck 15 meters towards the cedar, as well as under the snow in the place where the tent of the group Dyatlova was found ebonite riveted knife for a knife and a tablespoon of white metal

When inspecting the place of detection, as well understood by Askinadze Vladimir Mikhailovich, the pros. Sverdlovsk, ul. Lenina 66, apt. 303, and Kuznetsova ("a" crossed out - note ed.)

Sheet 343 - turnover

Nikolai Igorevich, working. ul. Lenin, d (number) 66, room 338.

Prosecutor of the mountains. Ivdelya
Ml. counselor of justice


Understand: 1) Artyukov (signature)
2) Kuznetsov (signature)
3) Askenedze (signature)
4) Gilevich (signature)
5) Fedorov (signature)
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!