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Author Topic: Bound at one stage?  (Read 28077 times)

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November 24, 2019, 05:14:40 PM
Read 28077 times



From observing the death diagrams, it appears to me to suggest that Doroshenko, Krivonischenko and Dyatlov may have been bound at one stage:

Yuri Doroshenko – Wound #15, looks as if his legs were bound, accurately positioned on parallel legs
Yuri Krivonischenko – Wound 18 & 20 appear parallel aligned again, suggesting bound legs?
Igor Dyatlov – Wounds #9 – appear to be parallel aligned on ankles with abrasions, bound at ankle area?

(Referring to diagrams at

How else would parallel abrasions on these leg areas be explained?

November 25, 2019, 11:50:24 PM
Reply #1

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient

From observing the death diagrams, it appears to me to suggest that Doroshenko, Krivonischenko and Dyatlov may have been bound at one stage:

Yuri Doroshenko – Wound #15, looks as if his legs were bound, accurately positioned on parallel legs
Yuri Krivonischenko – Wound 18 & 20 appear parallel aligned again, suggesting bound legs?
Igor Dyatlov – Wounds #9 – appear to be parallel aligned on ankles with abrasions, bound at ankle area?

(Referring to diagrams at

How else would parallel abrasions on these leg areas be explained?

Personally I don’t think the injuries you point out are reflective of being bound.  Some of them are burns. 

On the traumas - would you expect to see burns and skin damage consistent with blast debris and shrapnel?

Also Thibo’s head injury is not accompanied by similar chest trauma - how would be explained?

Star man

February 22, 2020, 10:48:52 AM
Reply #2



From observing the death diagrams, it appears to me to suggest that Doroshenko, Krivonischenko and Dyatlov may have been bound at one stage:

Yuri Doroshenko – Wound #15, looks as if his legs were bound, accurately positioned on parallel legs
Yuri Krivonischenko – Wound 18 & 20 appear parallel aligned again, suggesting bound legs?
Igor Dyatlov – Wounds #9 – appear to be parallel aligned on ankles with abrasions, bound at ankle area?

(Referring to diagrams at mycfavisit tellgamestop)

How else would parallel abrasions on these leg areas be explained?

The group began to suffer from cold, as soon as they cut their way out of the tent. Their skin temperature would have started to drop rapidly, as they each held onto one another, during the orderly descent to the treeline, the below freezing ice laden wind, biting into the bare flesh, of those without shoes, gloves, hats or outwear.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2020, 12:45:14 PM by Justin8 »

February 27, 2020, 03:58:52 AM
Reply #3


The group began to suffer from cold, as soon as they cut their way out of the tent. Their skin temperature would have started to drop rapidly, as they each held onto one another, during the orderly descent to the treeline, the below freezing ice laden wind, biting into the bare flesh, of those without shoes, gloves, hats or outwear.

Unfortunately, there are many primary errors in this section.


From observing the death diagrams, it appears to me to suggest that Doroshenko, Krivonischenko and Dyatlov may have been bound at one stage:

Yuri Doroshenko – Wound #15, looks as if his legs were bound, accurately positioned on parallel legs
Yuri Krivonischenko – Wound 18 & 20 appear parallel aligned again, suggesting bound legs?
Igor Dyatlov – Wounds #9 – appear to be parallel aligned on ankles with abrasions, bound at ankle area?

(Referring to diagrams at

This is not a binding. I already wrote about it back in 2018.  19 March 2018, 20:20:22 Answer No. 8
The photo shows Krivonischenko and Dyatlov. Doroshenko had the same bahillas (covers) as everyone else.
Such mistakes occur because practically none of those who discuss these details know the peculiarities of such travels, especially it is important that they do not know it for 1959.

2. They were coming down and not holding each other's hands. It's a myth that started back in 1959. If you look at the photos of the tracks, you can see that the prints are stepping on each other. .
it's impossible to walk like that if "each of them held on to the other during an orderly descent."(с)  In addition, it can be said that they were dressed in very different degrees of heat protection. And one more clarification: wind on a slope has a higher speed only in the upper half or slightly lower. If it goes down even lower, the wind becomes very weak or there is no wind at all. A cedar fire could not be lit even if the wind was not very strong.

3. Of course you are quite right when you say that it was very cold and their clothes (all but two maybe) were not enough to survive. The approximate heat consumption to cover the deficit (according to rough estimates) reached 300 ... 350 J, and the metabolic heat that a person produces at rest is 50 ... 80 J. Constantly moving to make up for the heat deficiency a person can not. Once he stops for a few minutes (especially if he sits down to rest!) muscles will lose tone in the cold and he will not be able to move further. This is a very extreme situation in this case. It was just a matter of time for them to live if they couldn't provide a source of heat that could cover his deficit. But it didn't, that's why they died.

February 27, 2020, 06:53:12 AM
Reply #4


In your reply, section 2 regarding the fire at the cedar. Do you think in the assumed conditions of the weather and the people, lighting a fire was done with some unspecific assistance?
Thank you

February 27, 2020, 11:00:54 AM
Reply #5


In your reply, section 2 regarding the fire at the cedar. Do you think in the assumed conditions of the weather and the people, lighting a fire was done with some unspecific assistance?
Thank you

Dear Monty, I am very grateful that you asked a short question that can be answered quickly.
In those conditions and with the clothes that the band members were wearing, the only wish was to get a source of heat that would help them survive in those conditions. They thought about the rest later or only together with finding firewood and making fire. As I wrote in the previous post they had a very large heat deficit, so their survival instinct was to get more and more heat. Since they could not go further into the forest, where there was good firewood in sufficient quantity (they were not allowed to go deep in the snow) they were doomed from the beginning.
It is considered that the fire was a signal to attract the others only with great limitations. There is a very limited area from where you can see the fire or feel the smoke - the wind was small, but it was in the direction of their movement. That means it was in the other direction. The limitations of visibility are related to the terrain.

April 24, 2021, 09:45:23 AM
Reply #6


To go back to the legs injuries :

They were on a trek. with boots, and skis. Bad abrasions can occure from shoes or boots. From just shoes, after hard (summer) trek, i've had bruises under my foot, on top of it, but the most common are behing the heel or on the ankles.
The injuries as described seems to be of that kind to me. I feel like bondage would have left more traces on the sides, not at the front or back of ankles.
Maybe those abrasions are the reason Dyatlov left his big shoes at the storage ? It was so painfull the 31/01 he decided to ski with only felt boots ?