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Author Topic: Forgery of photographs after January 26, 1959  (Read 55159 times)

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July 03, 2020, 12:19:23 PM
Reply #150


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I'm a Canadian forester; and that's not true, the forest does not accumulate snow.  The branches even block snow from falling on the forest floor.  You have not spent more time in the bush than I have.

Well the forest will accumulate snow under the right circumstances.  For instance an opening in the Forest. Or a wind blowing in the right direction to cause snow to accumulate.

July 03, 2020, 12:30:30 PM
Reply #151


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Sarapuk, Could more falling snow have hidden the tracks closer to the tree line? I say this because there were no footprints from the cedar tree to the Zina, Igor and Slobodin bodies going uphill. It took 2 more days to find them after the Georgy and Yuri.

Did Zina, Igor and Rustem actually walk back up towards the tent or did they walk-crawl or just crawl back up?

Sorry for the delay.  Actually I have been thinking hard about that famous or infamous photo of the unidentified figure.  In trying to figure out the height of that figure I looked at the Ski Tracks, if they are Ski Tracks , and the amount of snow in that area. There is a lot of snow on the Trees and it certainly looks like a lot of snow on the ground. And it appears that the reason is because WIND as blown the snow to form in the way that it has. So WIND blowing snow in the area of the Cedar Tree and Den is highly likely. A WIND that could have been blowing on and off for weeks before any bodies were found.

July 03, 2020, 08:41:57 PM
Reply #152


Well the forest will accumulate snow under the right circumstances.  For instance an opening in the Forest. Or a wind blowing in the right direction to cause snow to accumulate.

This photo was taken in the woods, between a cedar tree and a stream, where four bodies were buried.

This photo under a cedar tree was taken at sunset on February 27. On February 26, members of the search team saw that the snow under the cedar was trampled. In one day, the wind and snow removed all traces.


July 04, 2020, 01:39:42 PM
Reply #153


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

Well the forest will accumulate snow under the right circumstances.  For instance an opening in the Forest. Or a wind blowing in the right direction to cause snow to accumulate.

This photo was taken in the woods, between a cedar tree and a stream, where four bodies were buried.

This photo under a cedar tree was taken at sunset on February 27. On February 26, members of the search team saw that the snow under the cedar was trampled. In one day, the wind and snow removed all traces.

Thanks for that.  Yes its clear to see just how quickly snow can accumulate in those parts and also remain around for some time due to the very low temperatures.

This is also very interesting.
M.P. : They say that 15 meters below the tent they found scraps of film. Yudin admits that they filmed there.

M.Sh. : I also heard this from Yudin.

July 08, 2020, 12:45:11 AM
Reply #154


Thanks for that.  Yes its clear to see just how quickly snow can accumulate in those parts and also remain around for some time due to the very low temperatures.

This is also very interesting.
M.P. : They say that 15 meters below the tent they found scraps of film. Yudin admits that they filmed there.

M.Sh. : I also heard this from Yudin.

Yudin had been lying all his life.

No one involved in the search knows about the scraps of film.

July 08, 2020, 12:50:30 AM
Reply #155


Added another two fake photo to the main message . Now the fragment looks like this.
Allegedly, two photos of Krivonischenko and Dyatlov.
It is believed that the group of Dyatlov on January 28, 1959 walked along the Lozva river and in one of the places with a picturesque bank, were photographed in small groups. They took 10 photos, skiing, in one place, on the same background, on 4 cameras.
In the expert acts, Zolotarev and Thibo almost the same height, 172 and 174 cm; visually, this difference is not noticeable. But on the photo, Thibo is taller than Zolotarev by a third of his head, in another shorter by half a head. Fakes are both.
Researchers of the Dyatlov's group incident in the Internet explain the difference by the fact that the Dyatlov group members wore a stump, shot on elevations, fell into holes, stood on toes, feeling embrassed about their height, shot with different descriptive geometry, etc. But the explanation is simple: the master did not see the members of the Dyatlov group nearby and had no idea about their height. Before the publication of the acts of the medical examiner, no one knew about this at all, everything was opened with them...

Who is higher, dear researchers of the Dyatlov's group incedent, Zolotarev or Thibo, and why? Do i need to believe montages or medical examiners? And if photomontages, which of them?

In the second photo, we see a camera case with a rounded sidewall, on a disappearing strap.

In another photo the case is square))
The photomaster is a rare oaf.


July 08, 2020, 03:50:17 AM
Reply #156


Added another two fake photo to the main message . Now the fragment looks like this.
Allegedly, two photos of Krivonischenko and Dyatlov.
It is believed that the group of Dyatlov on January 28, 1959 walked along the Lozva river and in one of the places with a picturesque bank, were photographed in small groups. They took 10 photos, skiing, in one place, on the same background, on 4 cameras.
In the expert acts, Zolotarev and Thibo almost the same height, 172 and 174 cm; visually, this difference is not noticeable. But on the photo, Thibo is taller than Zolotarev by a third of his head, in another shorter by half a head. Fakes are both.
Researchers of the Dyatlov's group incident in the Internet explain the difference by the fact that the Dyatlov group members wore a stump, shot on elevations, fell into holes, stood on toes, feeling embrassed about their height, shot with different descriptive geometry, etc. But the explanation is simple: the master did not see the members of the Dyatlov group nearby and had no idea about their height. Before the publication of the acts of the medical examiner, no one knew about this at all, everything was opened with them...

Who is higher, dear researchers of the Dyatlov's group incedent, Zolotarev or Thibo, and why? Do i need to believe montages or medical examiners? And if photomontages, which of them?

In the second photo, we see a camera case with a rounded sidewall, on a disappearing strap.

In another photo the case is square))
The photomaster is a rare oaf.

Once again - complete nonsense. You can clearly see the strap going under the jacket...
"Truth is the most valuable thing we have. Let us economize it." Mark Twain

July 08, 2020, 11:46:55 PM
Reply #157


Once again - complete nonsense. You can clearly see the strap going under the jacket...

Question: why did the camera case with a rounded sidewall become a square-shaped camera case?

In the third picture, the lazy photographer did not hang the camera around Zolotarev's neck.  grin1

Also, he didn't hang up the flashlight that was hanging in the first photo.  shock1  declare1

« Last Edit: July 26, 2020, 09:02:55 AM by Gorojanin »

July 26, 2020, 09:09:55 AM
Reply #158


Another small addition to the main article.
Inexhaustible on mistakes session "with a horse on Lozva".

Birches in the near-term plan and the ski track are lit from the left, that is, from the East, although in the story the Dyatlov`s group  goes North, in the sunset hour.
Epic nitwit photographers!

« Last Edit: July 26, 2020, 09:26:37 AM by Gorojanin »

July 27, 2020, 01:47:54 PM
Reply #159


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

Thanks for that.  Yes its clear to see just how quickly snow can accumulate in those parts and also remain around for some time due to the very low temperatures.

This is also very interesting.
M.P. : They say that 15 meters below the tent they found scraps of film. Yudin admits that they filmed there.

M.Sh. : I also heard this from Yudin.
any truths. 

Yudin had been lying all his life.

No one involved in the search knows about the scraps of film.

Well its obviously subjective as to whether or not some one lies all their life without telling any truths.  I believe that most people have it within themselves to tell lies and also the truth as and when. 

July 27, 2020, 01:52:28 PM
Reply #160


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

I dont see a Camera with a rounded sidewall  !  ?  I dont see anything in the photos to suggest Forgeries.  But there are missing Photographs that may well contain important Evidence.

July 27, 2020, 09:39:38 PM
Reply #161


I dont see a Camera with a rounded sidewall  !  ?  I dont see anything in the photos to suggest Forgeries.  But there are missing Photographs that may well contain important Evidence.

I see and I don't see are not facts.
Zolotarev has a camera case Zorky, no doubt.
It has a rounded sidewall.

And the camera Zorky  - a heavy object. Its weight without the lens and case is 0.5 kg. The strap should be stretched and hang around your neck. But the strap is missing from the neck.


July 28, 2020, 02:42:27 PM
Reply #162


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

I dont see a Camera with a rounded sidewall  !  ?  I dont see anything in the photos to suggest Forgeries.  But there are missing Photographs that may well contain important Evidence.

I see and I don't see are not facts.
Zolotarev has a camera case Zorky, no doubt.
It has a rounded sidewall.

And the camera Zorky  - a heavy object. Its weight without the lens and case is 0.5 kg. The strap should be stretched and hang around your neck. But the strap is missing from the neck.

I see and I dont see are not facts  !  ?  Of course they are facts depending on the context of use.  I also see 2 separate photos where in one photo the Camera Case is close to the body and in the other it is a little distance away from the body. And that is why the Camera Case appears to have rounded edges in one photo but square edges in the other photo.  Its the same Camera Case.  Also the Camera Case Strap can be seen close to the collar of the coat.

July 28, 2020, 04:53:40 PM
Reply #163


I see and I dont see are not facts  !  ?  Of course they are facts depending on the context of use.  I also see 2 separate photos where in one photo the Camera Case is close to the body and in the other it is a little distance away from the body. And that is why the Camera Case appears to have rounded edges in one photo but square edges in the other photo.  Its the same Camera Case.  Also the Camera Case Strap can be seen close to the collar of the coat.

The square case of the camera has an edge and a face. There is no edge or face on the round case of the camera. The camera is heavy, the belt is stretched like a string, so the belt can not come down from the collar, it must hang straight and be stretched.

How can you explain the disappearance of the camera and flashlight between images? Zolotarev lost them between the pictures?


July 28, 2020, 06:46:26 PM
Reply #164


To kill 9 (+?) people and perform a massive cleanup and then doctor a load of photos then you need an extraordinary reason to do so. It's just too much. Even for the KGB , CIA  or whoever. You also need to consider how many people need to be kept quiet - the cleanup gang. Your talking 20+ people. That's a lot of people. Then you need to think about all the people who would have encountered them and knew them. Somebody would have blabbed by now. All of the missing stuff must have turned up somewhere(?) Other thread about how long it would have taken to get out of the tent .... you've got to find a knife first - in the dark - then unsheath it and perform "surgery" on the tent. Whoever (on here) said 2-3 minutes must be wrong because if it is that much of an emergency then you need to be out in about 15 seconds. 2-3 minutes is a very long time. Clearly a knife was used but the knives are missing.

July 30, 2020, 12:11:41 AM
Reply #165


To kill 9 (+?) people and perform a massive cleanup and then doctor a load of photos then you need an extraordinary reason to do so. It's just too much. Even for the KGB , CIA  or whoever. You also need to consider how many people need to be kept quiet - the cleanup gang. Your talking 20+ people. That's a lot of people. Then you need to think about all the people who would have encountered them and knew them. Somebody would have blabbed by now. All of the missing stuff must have turned up somewhere(?) Other thread about how long it would have taken to get out of the tent .... you've got to find a knife first - in the dark - then unsheath it and perform "surgery" on the tent. Whoever (on here) said 2-3 minutes must be wrong because if it is that much of an emergency then you need to be out in about 15 seconds. 2-3 minutes is a very long time. Clearly a knife was used but the knives are missing.

I didn't write anything about these fantasies. Ask those who fantasized.

January 02, 2021, 05:37:11 PM
Reply #166



January 03, 2021, 01:57:25 PM
Reply #167


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
And the addition here. Thanks to Maria Zmanovskaya .

The Skis are not different. Its the angle that the photo was taken at.