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Author Topic: Inspection report of the scene  (Read 26411 times)

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October 16, 2017, 06:04:52 PM
Read 26411 times


Sheet 3

The inspection report of the
site of the accident on February 27, 1959

Prosecutor of the city of Ivdel, Sverdlovsk region., Ml. counselor of justice Tempalov in the presence of the head of the search group Maslennikov Eugen Polikarpovich, who lives in Sverdlovsk, ul. Factory 32, sq. M. 84 and the witnesses Yarovy Yury Evgenievich, who lives in Sverdlovsk, ul. M-Sibiriaka No. 57, ap. 81, Slobtsov Boris Efimovich, who lives in Sverdlovsk, Lenin Str., 13a, Apt. 23, Kurikov Stepan Nikolaevich, living Ivdelsky rn, pos. Suevatpaul made up a real protocol for detecting corpses found on the northeast slope of the altitude "1079". Northeast of the altitude of "1079" in a mile and a half in the sources of the right source of the Lozva River, starting in the saddle between the heights "1079" and "880"


near the cedar in 2 - 2,5 meters are broken dry boughs. The branches are broken off and on the cedar itself. Under the cedar in the hole found traces of the fire, as evidenced by half-burnt branches. Near the fire, a half-burnt sock and a cowboy shirt are found. In the shirt money - 8 rubles. Semi-burnt helmet of greenish color. North of the fire at a distance of one meter head to the west, legs to the east near the corpses lie in the number of two. Identified: Krivonischenko Yuri Alekseevich face up, wearing a shirt cowboy, torn pants. The head is thrown back, the eyes are closed, the mouth is closed, the lips are compressed, the right hand is thrown behind the head, the left arm is bent, the hand is raised above the chest. The right leg is extended, the left leg is slightly bent at the knees. The right leg is undressed, on the left is a torn brown sock

Sheet 4

identical to the detected half-burned near the fire. The skin on the back of the left palm is torn off. Between the fingers is blood. The index finger is ripped off. The skin on the lower leg of the left leg was torn off, blood came out. There are no other injuries during the external examination. Next to him with Krivonischenko, is the corpse of Zolotarev? (from above it is written in parentheses: "mistake") Alexander Alekseevich. The corpse lies with the belly down. He is dressed in a cowboy, blue panties, under them blue pants are torn. On the legs woolen socks on top - torn socks. The ear and nose are bloody, the lips are bloody. On the left hand, the middle finger is bloodied. The corpses are photographed at the crime scene.
In the same area in the south-west direction from these two corpses at a distance of 400 meters was detected


a corpse lying belly up, legs slightly bent at the knees, hands clasped to the chest. The left arm in the elbow rests on the branch of the birch. The head is strictly behind the trunk of the birch in five to seven centimeters. Equipped: head uncovered, on the body - a fur jacket, under it a sweater, under a sweater a colored cowboy. On their feet are dressed ski pants, under them pants. On the right foot is a woolen sock, on the left is a cotton sock. Bodily injuries in the external examination of the corpse were not detected. There is ice on the face and under the chin. In the same area, strictly in the south-west direction, on the slope of the height "1079" at a distance of 500 meters from the corpse (with the identification was Dyatlov Igor Alekseevich), a female corpse was found. Identified Kolmogorova Zinaida Alekseevna.

Sheet 5

The corpse is in the snow, was under a layer of solid firm snow. Near the radius ("within a radius" is inserted - note ed.) At a distance of 70 meters there is not a single tree. The corpse lies with its head in the same direction as the previous corpses face to face on the right side. The arms are bent under the body. Both legs are half-bent. The right one is pulled to the stomach (it seems that the person climbed up the hill). On his head a woolen pink hat. The body is wearing a ski jacket, under it is a tank top and a cowboy. On the legs are wearing ski trousers, under them are trousers and underwear. Woolen socks on legs. The face is covered in blood. On the back near the waist of the abrasion, blood appeared. It can be assumed that according to the arrangement of the body Kolmogorova tried not to climb, uphill, but to stay in place. The corpse is photographed.


Documents and values, which were presented by the members of our detachment and taken from the tent of the missing group of Dyatlov, are attached to this protocol.
The following will be attached to the protocol:
1. Photo camera "Sharp" with a tripod and with a broken filter. Camera No. 488797. There were shot 34 frames.
2. Camera "Sharp" No. 486963. 27 frames were filmed. On the case deep scratches. The belt is broken.
3. Camera "Sharp" № 55149239. It is filled with 27 frames.
4. Wrist compass.
5. Railway and bus tickets
6. Field bag
7. Electric flashlight
8. Two iron jars with threads, etc.
9. Money Notebook Slobodin

Sheet 6

money and a letter to the trade union committee in the city of Gortorgotdel.
10. Money in the amount of nine hundred and seventy five rubles
11. Diary of Kolmogorova. The last record date is January 30
12. The protocol of the route commission
13. A letter addressed to Dyatlov
14. Route book No. 5, in three copies.
15. The can is sealed. There are 10 films, a roll of film and money in the amount of seven hundred rubles.
16. A business trip to Dyatlov.
17. Cards, tracing-paper and photocopies in the amount of 9 pieces
18. Draft of the campaign
19. (or "11" - comment) Companion letter from the trade union committee of the institute
12. The passport addressed to Dyatlov

The Prosecutor of the city of Ivdel Ml. Justice Advisor Tempalov (signature)
Head of the search team E. Maslennikov - signature / Maslennikov /
« Last Edit: November 25, 2017, 08:00:25 AM by Teddy »
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

March 04, 2024, 12:18:10 AM
Reply #1


Dyatlov group had at least 18 ski poles.
We can see only 4 ski poles on the photo of the tent.
We can read about one broken ski pole inside the tent at page 315 (vol.1) of case files.

And where are other ski poles?
The crime case files doesn't answer this question.

March 04, 2024, 08:28:36 AM
Reply #2


The ski poles were reported to be used as probes early in the search , this is possibly why we see in other pictures of the tent that the ski rings are lying on the snow without poles. In later years by other searcher's , ski rings and pins were found so some have concluded the tents location by those finds.

Depending on what you believe, the initial search was a search and rescue and not a murder case.