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Author Topic: Photographs  (Read 72745 times)

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December 23, 2020, 03:02:16 PM
Reply #150


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

Its unlikely that the water had significant radiation that could affect the film in Semyon's camera.  Water damage is more likely.  Its possible tge shots were not completely damaged.


Star man

Thinking further a lot depends on the orientation of the film canister in the camera. Could be no water, no radiation.

Its difficult to say how much damage was done to the film in Semyons Camera.  But its also difficult to understand the images.  I think with the
 right equipment and expertise more information may be able to be acquired.


Star man

But what would be the right equipment  !  ?

I'd want them to have the negatives professionally scanned at the highest possible resolution. dpi the DPI. For posterity, to preserve the images, not just for analysis. And it would be easy to have the negative image grain inspected to determine if the images we see are part of the exposures or film damage to the emulsion surface. Once they have the best possible source material all kinds of present and future digital manipulation can be done to interpret the images.

Me too. I would want anything remaining from the Event or Events to be thoroughly gone over with the latest technology.

December 23, 2020, 03:19:24 PM
Reply #151


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I doubt there was a radioactive explosion, let alone a massive one, because the same witnesses who saw orange orbs from nearby mountains would also not fail to see, and hear, an explosion. The camera films should show this; nuclear fission reactors also emit neutron radiation, so dosimeter badges are used to detect that too.

It's not my own preferred theory, but to develop the radioactivity theory I'd suggest a rogue missile impacting the mountainside below the hikers, the kinetic energy disintegrating the missile, generating orange orbs, and shards of it and fissile material, of limited decay, is then scattered upwards across the Dyatlov Pass.

In 1966 a B52 bomber collided mid-air with a fuel tanker above Spain and 4 bombs fell, one into the sea and 3 others 'detonated' on land, but not, fortunately, as chain reaction explosions, only the detonators exploded. This scattered fissile material over the coast, and the topsoil had to be excavated and disposed off in thousands of barrels.

Soviet missiles would have failsafes built into them, so a rogue missile didn't take out one of their own populations. You can't fire a nuclear missile and cross your fingers it hits the planned test area, it would need to be remotely armed/disarmed during flight, followed on radar, or sighted from the air. Maybe this one ran out of fuel and fell early.

In this 'nuclear missile impact' scenario the hikers would be up there to get best vantage of a planned detonation on the horizon, cameras at the ready. Perhaps they knew of this through Semyon, or more likely Igor's pilot friend, who later assisted in the recovery.

Ejected/scattered material may then account for some of the rips to the tent, all on the downslope side, and it could account for some of the head injuries (I've always felt that rather than 2 flail chests of identical fractures, and an understandly loose hyoid bone after the supporting tissues have rotted away, that it's the number of head injuries which is potentially most suspicious in the DPI).

If some fissile material entered the tent, landing between the two Yuris, that could account for their burns, from close proximity/physical contact. The radiation burns would take time to develop, so that by the time they reached the forest they'd be incapable of assisting in a hunt for firewood due to the symptoms of radiation sickness, and tissue degradation could continue after death.

There is then the circumstantial evidence of locals being told not to drink from the ravines, helicopter recovery pilots demanding bodies were in lead-lined coffins, and geiger counters needing to be used.

Nothing of an alleged Nuclear Explosion can be seen in any of the Photos.

December 23, 2020, 03:30:04 PM
Reply #152

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Traces of Radiation were found at the place of the demise of the Dyatlov Group. No Atomic explosion took place that caused their demise. Its interesting to note that many recorded UFO Events and Crop Circle Events etc have been known to show traces of Radiation.

There is no reason to rule it out and it would answer many questions.  Like why they left the tent in such a strange way.


Star man

I think some things can be ruled out because of the facts speaking for themselves. For instance in a Nuclear Explosion Event there is going to be significant damage and traces of such an Event. We have nothing of the sort. We have no significant damage or traces that may have come from a Nuclear Explosion. True we have some traces of Radiation but that could have come from something else.

As you say though, there is alot 9f missing evidence.  And d9nt forget that in a situation where 9 of your finest die in a secret accident and don't want your secrets to get out, but you do want to honour the dead and allow respects to be paid, if you can't make the bodies disappear, you can always make the crime scene disappear 8nsread.


Star man

I think it would take a long time to make the aftermath of a Nuclear Explosion disappear !  ?

I dont think it would take a long time if it was an aerial explosion of low yield in the middle of nowhere.  But you don't have to clean up the site of the explosion, you just move the bodies somewhere else and create a new scene.  You would have lots of time to clean up the actual site then.  Think about it DB.  You often and quite rightly point out the lack of good evidence to support many of the theories.  Maybe the reason is that there is no evidence of any particular event that happened on Kholat Syakhl.  There are lots of contradictions in the available evidence.


Star man

December 23, 2020, 03:41:39 PM
Reply #153

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I doubt there was a radioactive explosion, let alone a massive one, because the same witnesses who saw orange orbs from nearby mountains would also not fail to see, and hear, an explosion. The camera films should show this; nuclear fission reactors also emit neutron radiation, so dosimeter badges are used to detect that too.

It's not my own preferred theory, but to develop the radioactivity theory I'd suggest a rogue missile impacting the mountainside below the hikers, the kinetic energy disintegrating the missile, generating orange orbs, and shards of it and fissile material, of limited decay, is then scattered upwards across the Dyatlov Pass.

In 1966 a B52 bomber collided mid-air with a fuel tanker above Spain and 4 bombs fell, one into the sea and 3 others 'detonated' on land, but not, fortunately, as chain reaction explosions, only the detonators exploded. This scattered fissile material over the coast, and the topsoil had to be excavated and disposed off in thousands of barrels.

Soviet missiles would have failsafes built into them, so a rogue missile didn't take out one of their own populations. You can't fire a nuclear missile and cross your fingers it hits the planned test area, it would need to be remotely armed/disarmed during flight, followed on radar, or sighted from the air. Maybe this one ran out of fuel and fell early.

In this 'nuclear missile impact' scenario the hikers would be up there to get best vantage of a planned detonation on the horizon, cameras at the ready. Perhaps they knew of this through Semyon, or more likely Igor's pilot friend, who later assisted in the recovery.

Ejected/scattered material may then account for some of the rips to the tent, all on the downslope side, and it could account for some of the head injuries (I've always felt that rather than 2 flail chests of identical fractures, and an understandly loose hyoid bone after the supporting tissues have rotted away, that it's the number of head injuries which is potentially most suspicious in the DPI).

If some fissile material entered the tent, landing between the two Yuris, that could account for their burns, from close proximity/physical contact. The radiation burns would take time to develop, so that by the time they reached the forest they'd be incapable of assisting in a hunt for firewood due to the symptoms of radiation sickness, and tissue degradation could continue after death.

There is then the circumstantial evidence of locals being told not to drink from the ravines, helicopter recovery pilots demanding bodies were in lead-lined coffins, and geiger counters needing to be used.

Its possible it could have been a non nuclear test of some kind.  I would say exposure to radiation and neurovascular damage would explain the strange behaviour at the tent, and why Lyuda and Semyon may have fallen and got chest injuries.  A small low yield device detonated at altitude would hardly cause any damage to a pile of snow.  And secret tests of these weapons during a moratorium on testing is a good way to close the gap on Western technology.

Although I am beginning to suspect the actual incident happened elsewhere.


Star man

December 24, 2020, 05:14:05 AM
Reply #154


Why have these photos not been examined in a professional lab by men and women who are EXPERTS in their field?

December 24, 2020, 05:36:57 AM
Reply #155


YES!!!! Have all negatives examined by competent, highly skilled, highly intelligent, professionals!!

December 27, 2020, 01:19:58 PM
Reply #156


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Traces of Radiation were found at the place of the demise of the Dyatlov Group. No Atomic explosion took place that caused their demise. Its interesting to note that many recorded UFO Events and Crop Circle Events etc have been known to show traces of Radiation.

There is no reason to rule it out and it would answer many questions.  Like why they left the tent in such a strange way.


Star man

I think some things can be ruled out because of the facts speaking for themselves. For instance in a Nuclear Explosion Event there is going to be significant damage and traces of such an Event. We have nothing of the sort. We have no significant damage or traces that may have come from a Nuclear Explosion. True we have some traces of Radiation but that could have come from something else.

As you say though, there is alot 9f missing evidence.  And d9nt forget that in a situation where 9 of your finest die in a secret accident and don't want your secrets to get out, but you do want to honour the dead and allow respects to be paid, if you can't make the bodies disappear, you can always make the crime scene disappear 8nsread.


Star man

I think it would take a long time to make the aftermath of a Nuclear Explosion disappear !  ?

I dont think it would take a long time if it was an aerial explosion of low yield in the middle of nowhere.  But you don't have to clean up the site of the explosion, you just move the bodies somewhere else and create a new scene.  You would have lots of time to clean up the actual site then.  Think about it DB.  You often and quite rightly point out the lack of good evidence to support many of the theories.  Maybe the reason is that there is no evidence of any particular event that happened on Kholat Syakhl.  There are lots of contradictions in the available evidence.


Star man

Missing Cameras and missing Film  !  ?  Missing Tent  ! ?  Maybe missing Diary entries or other written notes  ! ?

December 27, 2020, 05:12:35 PM
Reply #157

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Traces of Radiation were found at the place of the demise of the Dyatlov Group. No Atomic explosion took place that caused their demise. Its interesting to note that many recorded UFO Events and Crop Circle Events etc have been known to show traces of Radiation.

There is no reason to rule it out and it would answer many questions.  Like why they left the tent in such a strange way.


Star man

I think some things can be ruled out because of the facts speaking for themselves. For instance in a Nuclear Explosion Event there is going to be significant damage and traces of such an Event. We have nothing of the sort. We have no significant damage or traces that may have come from a Nuclear Explosion. True we have some traces of Radiation but that could have come from something else.

As you say though, there is alot 9f missing evidence.  And d9nt forget that in a situation where 9 of your finest die in a secret accident and don't want your secrets to get out, but you do want to honour the dead and allow respects to be paid, if you can't make the bodies disappear, you can always make the crime scene disappear 8nsread.


Star man

I think it would take a long time to make the aftermath of a Nuclear Explosion disappear !  ?

I dont think it would take a long time if it was an aerial explosion of low yield in the middle of nowhere.  But you don't have to clean up the site of the explosion, you just move the bodies somewhere else and create a new scene.  You would have lots of time to clean up the actual site then.  Think about it DB.  You often and quite rightly point out the lack of good evidence to support many of the theories.  Maybe the reason is that there is no evidence of any particular event that happened on Kholat Syakhl.  There are lots of contradictions in the available evidence.


Star man

Missing Cameras and missing Film  !  ?  Missing Tent  ! ?  Maybe missing Diary entries or other written notes  ! ?

The lack of good quality evidence, contradictions in the evidence, is either a result of a very poor investigation, done under difficult circumstances, or the erosion of evidence and artifacts over time, or deliberate manipulation of the evidence?


Star man

December 28, 2020, 05:50:45 PM
Reply #158


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Traces of Radiation were found at the place of the demise of the Dyatlov Group. No Atomic explosion took place that caused their demise. Its interesting to note that many recorded UFO Events and Crop Circle Events etc have been known to show traces of Radiation.

There is no reason to rule it out and it would answer many questions.  Like why they left the tent in such a strange way.


Star man

I think some things can be ruled out because of the facts speaking for themselves. For instance in a Nuclear Explosion Event there is going to be significant damage and traces of such an Event. We have nothing of the sort. We have no significant damage or traces that may have come from a Nuclear Explosion. True we have some traces of Radiation but that could have come from something else.

As you say though, there is alot 9f missing evidence.  And d9nt forget that in a situation where 9 of your finest die in a secret accident and don't want your secrets to get out, but you do want to honour the dead and allow respects to be paid, if you can't make the bodies disappear, you can always make the crime scene disappear 8nsread.


Star man

I think it would take a long time to make the aftermath of a Nuclear Explosion disappear !  ?

I dont think it would take a long time if it was an aerial explosion of low yield in the middle of nowhere.  But you don't have to clean up the site of the explosion, you just move the bodies somewhere else and create a new scene.  You would have lots of time to clean up the actual site then.  Think about it DB.  You often and quite rightly point out the lack of good evidence to support many of the theories.  Maybe the reason is that there is no evidence of any particular event that happened on Kholat Syakhl.  There are lots of contradictions in the available evidence.


Star man

Missing Cameras and missing Film  !  ?  Missing Tent  ! ?  Maybe missing Diary entries or other written notes  ! ?

The lack of good quality evidence, contradictions in the evidence, is either a result of a very poor investigation, done under difficult circumstances, or the erosion of evidence and artifacts over time, or deliberate manipulation of the evidence?


Star man

And thats a serious problem in the Investigation of what actually happened. We dont know the circumstances of the Missing Evidence.

December 29, 2020, 01:28:54 AM
Reply #159

Nigel Evans

We know Okishev stated that Ivanov's orders would include removing things from the case files.

December 29, 2020, 03:58:45 PM
Reply #160


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
We know Okishev stated that Ivanov's orders would include removing things from the case files.

It seems that they were both involved in having to wrap up the case pretty quickly once the order had come from the top. And by top I mean the very top of the Administration of the USSR. So that means Nikita Khrushchev would have known. He may even have given the order to close the case and the area for several years. Which is what I mean by the circumstances. The KGB would almost certainly have been involved both on the ground and later during any Autopsies etc. Something happened to the Dyatlov Group and I just cant see how it could have been any thing to do with Nuclear explosions. Okishev may have thought it could have been a Nuclear Event but he couldnt say for sure. The talk of lights in the Sky may be nothing to do with Missiles or planes.   

December 29, 2020, 05:20:16 PM
Reply #161

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
We know Okishev stated that Ivanov's orders would include removing things from the case files.

What, other than national security, or covering up an embracing state blunder would warrant this?


Star man

December 29, 2020, 05:26:40 PM
Reply #162

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
We know Okishev stated that Ivanov's orders would include removing things from the case files.

It seems that they were both involved in having to wrap up the case pretty quickly once the order had come from the top. And by top I mean the very top of the Administration of the USSR. So that means Nikita Khrushchev would have known. He may even have given the order to close the case and the area for several years. Which is what I mean by the circumstances. The KGB would almost certainly have been involved both on the ground and later during any Autopsies etc. Something happened to the Dyatlov Group and I just cant see how it could have been any thing to do with Nuclear explosions. Okishev may have thought it could have been a Nuclear Event but he couldnt say for sure. The talk of lights in the Sky may be nothing to do with Missiles or planes.

The radiation is a clue.  Also Solters statement that the corpses were cleaned up, their clothes removed and destroyed, the pilots referring to zinc coffins, the mysterious way they died, the fire balls seen in the sky,  pilots instruments going crazy etc etc. 

Why zinc coffins?  Why not lead?  Wouldn't that be better?


Star man

December 30, 2020, 01:48:20 AM
Reply #163

Nigel Evans

We know Okishev stated that Ivanov's orders would include removing things from the case files.

What, other than national security, or covering up an embracing state blunder would warrant this?


Star man

Yes i think national security or a state blunder covers all the bases. National security concerns explains everything of course from the cover up to the investment made to find the remaining four before the summer thaw (Alexander + Semyon possibly KGB).

December 30, 2020, 01:59:47 AM
Reply #164

Nigel Evans

We know Okishev stated that Ivanov's orders would include removing things from the case files.

It seems that they were both involved in having to wrap up the case pretty quickly once the order had come from the top. And by top I mean the very top of the Administration of the USSR. So that means Nikita Khrushchev would have known. He may even have given the order to close the case and the area for several years. Which is what I mean by the circumstances. The KGB would almost certainly have been involved both on the ground and later during any Autopsies etc. Something happened to the Dyatlov Group and I just cant see how it could have been any thing to do with Nuclear explosions. Okishev may have thought it could have been a Nuclear Event but he couldnt say for sure. The talk of lights in the Sky may be nothing to do with Missiles or planes.

The radiation is a clue.  Also Solters statement that the corpses were cleaned up, their clothes removed and destroyed, the pilots referring to zinc coffins, the mysterious way they died, the fire balls seen in the sky,  pilots instruments going crazy etc etc. 

Why zinc coffins?  Why not lead?  Wouldn't that be better?


Star man

I've a memory of someone pointing out that zinc coffins are common in Russia to the extent that it has entered the vernacular = "wearing a zinc suit".

December 30, 2020, 02:31:47 PM
Reply #165


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
We know Okishev stated that Ivanov's orders would include removing things from the case files.

It seems that they were both involved in having to wrap up the case pretty quickly once the order had come from the top. And by top I mean the very top of the Administration of the USSR. So that means Nikita Khrushchev would have known. He may even have given the order to close the case and the area for several years. Which is what I mean by the circumstances. The KGB would almost certainly have been involved both on the ground and later during any Autopsies etc. Something happened to the Dyatlov Group and I just cant see how it could have been any thing to do with Nuclear explosions. Okishev may have thought it could have been a Nuclear Event but he couldnt say for sure. The talk of lights in the Sky may be nothing to do with Missiles or planes.

The radiation is a clue.  Also Solters statement that the corpses were cleaned up, their clothes removed and destroyed, the pilots referring to zinc coffins, the mysterious way they died, the fire balls seen in the sky,  pilots instruments going crazy etc etc. 

Why zinc coffins?  Why not lead?  Wouldn't that be better?


Star man

Yes Radiation is a clue but a clue to what ? It could be a clue to a number of things. Ivanov said that the Geiger Counters went crazy. Strange lights in the Sky seen by locals over a period of time. Pilots have noticed that their Instruments have sometimes gone crazy. Ring a bell. UFO's and Instruments malfunctioning.

December 30, 2020, 04:18:40 PM
Reply #166

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
We know Okishev stated that Ivanov's orders would include removing things from the case files.

It seems that they were both involved in having to wrap up the case pretty quickly once the order had come from the top. And by top I mean the very top of the Administration of the USSR. So that means Nikita Khrushchev would have known. He may even have given the order to close the case and the area for several years. Which is what I mean by the circumstances. The KGB would almost certainly have been involved both on the ground and later during any Autopsies etc. Something happened to the Dyatlov Group and I just cant see how it could have been any thing to do with Nuclear explosions. Okishev may have thought it could have been a Nuclear Event but he couldnt say for sure. The talk of lights in the Sky may be nothing to do with Missiles or planes.

The radiation is a clue.  Also Solters statement that the corpses were cleaned up, their clothes removed and destroyed, the pilots referring to zinc coffins, the mysterious way they died, the fire balls seen in the sky,  pilots instruments going crazy etc etc. 

Why zinc coffins?  Why not lead?  Wouldn't that be better?


Star man

Yes Radiation is a clue but a clue to what ? It could be a clue to a number of things. Ivanov said that the Geiger Counters went crazy. Strange lights in the Sky seen by locals over a period of time. Pilots have noticed that their Instruments have sometimes gone crazy. Ring a bell. UFO's and Instruments malfunctioning.

Well, I wouldnt rule out UFO or UAPs (as I believe they are referred to these days).  I have done a little research into it recently and there does seem to be more influential people raising their eyebrows to the latest information.  But substantially more evidence would needed.  Also, I dont know why any propulsion system or alien technology would result in radioactive contaminants being spread around?  Lights in the sky can be explained by military activity.  Instruments going crazy could be EMP from a weapon.  I still wonder what Kolevatov's device was for.  Was it something that could measure the magnitude of an EMP?


Star man

December 30, 2020, 05:31:02 PM
Reply #167


I've a memory of someone pointing out that zinc coffins are common in Russia to the extent that it has entered the vernacular = "wearing a zinc suit".
I searched online and it seems that zinc-lined coffins are common in many places.  They are required for transporting bodies by air, and for repatriation of remains.  I think it has something to do with sealing the bodies in a sanitary way, and nothing to do with radiation in particular.  I think many different kinds of dense substances can offer some amount of protection from radiation, probably including zinc to some extent, but I don't think the request for zinc coffins is enough to deduce that the pilots were afraid of radiation.

December 31, 2020, 12:21:33 AM
Reply #168

Nigel Evans

I've a memory of someone pointing out that zinc coffins are common in Russia to the extent that it has entered the vernacular = "wearing a zinc suit".
I searched online and it seems that zinc-lined coffins are common in many places.  They are required for transporting bodies by air, and for repatriation of remains.  I think it has something to do with sealing the bodies in a sanitary way, and nothing to do with radiation in particular.  I think many different kinds of dense substances can offer some amount of protection from radiation, probably including zinc to some extent, but I don't think the request for zinc coffins is enough to deduce that the pilots were afraid of radiation.

Yes that's my take.

January 02, 2021, 11:52:15 AM
Reply #169


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
We know Okishev stated that Ivanov's orders would include removing things from the case files.

It seems that they were both involved in having to wrap up the case pretty quickly once the order had come from the top. And by top I mean the very top of the Administration of the USSR. So that means Nikita Khrushchev would have known. He may even have given the order to close the case and the area for several years. Which is what I mean by the circumstances. The KGB would almost certainly have been involved both on the ground and later during any Autopsies etc. Something happened to the Dyatlov Group and I just cant see how it could have been any thing to do with Nuclear explosions. Okishev may have thought it could have been a Nuclear Event but he couldnt say for sure. The talk of lights in the Sky may be nothing to do with Missiles or planes.

The radiation is a clue.  Also Solters statement that the corpses were cleaned up, their clothes removed and destroyed, the pilots referring to zinc coffins, the mysterious way they died, the fire balls seen in the sky,  pilots instruments going crazy etc etc. 

Why zinc coffins?  Why not lead?  Wouldn't that be better?


Star man

Yes Radiation is a clue but a clue to what ? It could be a clue to a number of things. Ivanov said that the Geiger Counters went crazy. Strange lights in the Sky seen by locals over a period of time. Pilots have noticed that their Instruments have sometimes gone crazy. Ring a bell. UFO's and Instruments malfunctioning.

Well, I wouldnt rule out UFO or UAPs (as I believe they are referred to these days).  I have done a little research into it recently and there does seem to be more influential people raising their eyebrows to the latest information.  But substantially more evidence would needed.  Also, I dont know why any propulsion system or alien technology would result in radioactive contaminants being spread around?  Lights in the sky can be explained by military activity.  Instruments going crazy could be EMP from a weapon.  I still wonder what Kolevatov's device was for.  Was it something that could measure the magnitude of an EMP?


Star man

If there was Alien technology it would almost certainly be far more advanced that any Human understanding. EMP weapons were not invented until after 1959.

January 02, 2021, 04:43:06 PM
Reply #170

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
We know Okishev stated that Ivanov's orders would include removing things from the case files.

It seems that they were both involved in having to wrap up the case pretty quickly once the order had come from the top. And by top I mean the very top of the Administration of the USSR. So that means Nikita Khrushchev would have known. He may even have given the order to close the case and the area for several years. Which is what I mean by the circumstances. The KGB would almost certainly have been involved both on the ground and later during any Autopsies etc. Something happened to the Dyatlov Group and I just cant see how it could have been any thing to do with Nuclear explosions. Okishev may have thought it could have been a Nuclear Event but he couldnt say for sure. The talk of lights in the Sky may be nothing to do with Missiles or planes.

The radiation is a clue.  Also Solters statement that the corpses were cleaned up, their clothes removed and destroyed, the pilots referring to zinc coffins, the mysterious way they died, the fire balls seen in the sky,  pilots instruments going crazy etc etc. 

Why zinc coffins?  Why not lead?  Wouldn't that be better?


Star man

Yes Radiation is a clue but a clue to what ? It could be a clue to a number of things. Ivanov said that the Geiger Counters went crazy. Strange lights in the Sky seen by locals over a period of time. Pilots have noticed that their Instruments have sometimes gone crazy. Ring a bell. UFO's and Instruments malfunctioning.

Well, I wouldnt rule out UFO or UAPs (as I believe they are referred to these days).  I have done a little research into it recently and there does seem to be more influential people raising their eyebrows to the latest information.  But substantially more evidence would needed.  Also, I dont know why any propulsion system or alien technology would result in radioactive contaminants being spread around?  Lights in the sky can be explained by military activity.  Instruments going crazy could be EMP from a weapon.  I still wonder what Kolevatov's device was for.  Was it something that could measure the magnitude of an EMP?


Star man

If there was Alien technology it would almost certainly be far more advanced that any Human understanding. EMP weapons were not invented until after 1959.

EMP pulse is generated in nuclear devices.  I would not completely rule out ET until it can be ruled out completely, but it would probably be much lower on the list.  But maybe above avalanche.


Star man

January 03, 2021, 01:52:58 PM
Reply #171


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
We know Okishev stated that Ivanov's orders would include removing things from the case files.

It seems that they were both involved in having to wrap up the case pretty quickly once the order had come from the top. And by top I mean the very top of the Administration of the USSR. So that means Nikita Khrushchev would have known. He may even have given the order to close the case and the area for several years. Which is what I mean by the circumstances. The KGB would almost certainly have been involved both on the ground and later during any Autopsies etc. Something happened to the Dyatlov Group and I just cant see how it could have been any thing to do with Nuclear explosions. Okishev may have thought it could have been a Nuclear Event but he couldnt say for sure. The talk of lights in the Sky may be nothing to do with Missiles or planes.

The radiation is a clue.  Also Solters statement that the corpses were cleaned up, their clothes removed and destroyed, the pilots referring to zinc coffins, the mysterious way they died, the fire balls seen in the sky,  pilots instruments going crazy etc etc. 

Why zinc coffins?  Why not lead?  Wouldn't that be better?


Star man

Yes Radiation is a clue but a clue to what ? It could be a clue to a number of things. Ivanov said that the Geiger Counters went crazy. Strange lights in the Sky seen by locals over a period of time. Pilots have noticed that their Instruments have sometimes gone crazy. Ring a bell. UFO's and Instruments malfunctioning.

Well, I wouldnt rule out UFO or UAPs (as I believe they are referred to these days).  I have done a little research into it recently and there does seem to be more influential people raising their eyebrows to the latest information.  But substantially more evidence would needed.  Also, I dont know why any propulsion system or alien technology would result in radioactive contaminants being spread around?  Lights in the sky can be explained by military activity.  Instruments going crazy could be EMP from a weapon.  I still wonder what Kolevatov's device was for.  Was it something that could measure the magnitude of an EMP?


Star man

If there was Alien technology it would almost certainly be far more advanced that any Human understanding. EMP weapons were not invented until after 1959.

EMP pulse is generated in nuclear devices.  I would not completely rule out ET until it can be ruled out completely, but it would probably be much lower on the list.  But maybe above avalanche.


Star man

Exactly, you said it, '' EMP pulse is generated in nuclear devices''.  And ''Nuclear'' is a vast uncharted territory for Humans. Its one thing to make explosions with Nuclear Devices its another to harness the Energy with Nuclear Devices. Any advanced Alien lifeforms would almost certainly have gone down that road long ago.

January 03, 2021, 06:03:07 PM
Reply #172

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
We know Okishev stated that Ivanov's orders would include removing things from the case files.

It seems that they were both involved in having to wrap up the case pretty quickly once the order had come from the top. And by top I mean the very top of the Administration of the USSR. So that means Nikita Khrushchev would have known. He may even have given the order to close the case and the area for several years. Which is what I mean by the circumstances. The KGB would almost certainly have been involved both on the ground and later during any Autopsies etc. Something happened to the Dyatlov Group and I just cant see how it could have been any thing to do with Nuclear explosions. Okishev may have thought it could have been a Nuclear Event but he couldnt say for sure. The talk of lights in the Sky may be nothing to do with Missiles or planes.

The radiation is a clue.  Also Solters statement that the corpses were cleaned up, their clothes removed and destroyed, the pilots referring to zinc coffins, the mysterious way they died, the fire balls seen in the sky,  pilots instruments going crazy etc etc. 

Why zinc coffins?  Why not lead?  Wouldn't that be better?


Star man

Yes Radiation is a clue but a clue to what ? It could be a clue to a number of things. Ivanov said that the Geiger Counters went crazy. Strange lights in the Sky seen by locals over a period of time. Pilots have noticed that their Instruments have sometimes gone crazy. Ring a bell. UFO's and Instruments malfunctioning.

Well, I wouldnt rule out UFO or UAPs (as I believe they are referred to these days).  I have done a little research into it recently and there does seem to be more influential people raising their eyebrows to the latest information.  But substantially more evidence would needed.  Also, I dont know why any propulsion system or alien technology would result in radioactive contaminants being spread around?  Lights in the sky can be explained by military activity.  Instruments going crazy could be EMP from a weapon.  I still wonder what Kolevatov's device was for.  Was it something that could measure the magnitude of an EMP?


Star man

If there was Alien technology it would almost certainly be far more advanced that any Human understanding. EMP weapons were not invented until after 1959.

EMP pulse is generated in nuclear devices.  I would not completely rule out ET until it can be ruled out completely, but it would probably be much lower on the list.  But maybe above avalanche.


Star man

Exactly, you said it, '' EMP pulse is generated in nuclear devices''.  And ''Nuclear'' is a vast uncharted territory for Humans. Its one thing to make explosions with Nuclear Devices its another to harness the Energy with Nuclear Devices. Any advanced Alien lifeforms would almost certainly have gone down that road long ago.

Not sure what point you are making DB?  Humans have harnessed nuclear energy, and weapons?  I would imagine that any ET capable of visiting our planet would have technology far beyond nuclear fission, or fusion.  Probably antimatter technology, or using quantum entanglement, or spacetime manipulation to channel energy from sources many light years away.  I dont think anything they might have would generate a nasty radioactive contaminant.  But who knows,  as it is in the realm of pure speculation.


Star man

January 04, 2021, 12:17:11 PM
Reply #173


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
We know Okishev stated that Ivanov's orders would include removing things from the case files.

It seems that they were both involved in having to wrap up the case pretty quickly once the order had come from the top. And by top I mean the very top of the Administration of the USSR. So that means Nikita Khrushchev would have known. He may even have given the order to close the case and the area for several years. Which is what I mean by the circumstances. The KGB would almost certainly have been involved both on the ground and later during any Autopsies etc. Something happened to the Dyatlov Group and I just cant see how it could have been any thing to do with Nuclear explosions. Okishev may have thought it could have been a Nuclear Event but he couldnt say for sure. The talk of lights in the Sky may be nothing to do with Missiles or planes.

The radiation is a clue.  Also Solters statement that the corpses were cleaned up, their clothes removed and destroyed, the pilots referring to zinc coffins, the mysterious way they died, the fire balls seen in the sky,  pilots instruments going crazy etc etc. 

Why zinc coffins?  Why not lead?  Wouldn't that be better?


Star man

Yes Radiation is a clue but a clue to what ? It could be a clue to a number of things. Ivanov said that the Geiger Counters went crazy. Strange lights in the Sky seen by locals over a period of time. Pilots have noticed that their Instruments have sometimes gone crazy. Ring a bell. UFO's and Instruments malfunctioning.

Well, I wouldnt rule out UFO or UAPs (as I believe they are referred to these days).  I have done a little research into it recently and there does seem to be more influential people raising their eyebrows to the latest information.  But substantially more evidence would needed.  Also, I dont know why any propulsion system or alien technology would result in radioactive contaminants being spread around?  Lights in the sky can be explained by military activity.  Instruments going crazy could be EMP from a weapon.  I still wonder what Kolevatov's device was for.  Was it something that could measure the magnitude of an EMP?


Star man

If there was Alien technology it would almost certainly be far more advanced that any Human understanding. EMP weapons were not invented until after 1959.

EMP pulse is generated in nuclear devices.  I would not completely rule out ET until it can be ruled out completely, but it would probably be much lower on the list.  But maybe above avalanche.


Star man

Exactly, you said it, '' EMP pulse is generated in nuclear devices''.  And ''Nuclear'' is a vast uncharted territory for Humans. Its one thing to make explosions with Nuclear Devices its another to harness the Energy with Nuclear Devices. Any advanced Alien lifeforms would almost certainly have gone down that road long ago.

Not sure what point you are making DB?  Humans have harnessed nuclear energy, and weapons?  I would imagine that any ET capable of visiting our planet would have technology far beyond nuclear fission, or fusion.  Probably antimatter technology, or using quantum entanglement, or spacetime manipulation to channel energy from sources many light years away.  I dont think anything they might have would generate a nasty radioactive contaminant.  But who knows,  as it is in the realm of pure speculation.


Star man

Well Humans may have started to explore the Atom and its parts but its still relatively early days. There are things yet to be discovered.

January 04, 2021, 05:07:24 PM
Reply #174

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
We know Okishev stated that Ivanov's orders would include removing things from the case files.

It seems that they were both involved in having to wrap up the case pretty quickly once the order had come from the top. And by top I mean the very top of the Administration of the USSR. So that means Nikita Khrushchev would have known. He may even have given the order to close the case and the area for several years. Which is what I mean by the circumstances. The KGB would almost certainly have been involved both on the ground and later during any Autopsies etc. Something happened to the Dyatlov Group and I just cant see how it could have been any thing to do with Nuclear explosions. Okishev may have thought it could have been a Nuclear Event but he couldnt say for sure. The talk of lights in the Sky may be nothing to do with Missiles or planes.

The radiation is a clue.  Also Solters statement that the corpses were cleaned up, their clothes removed and destroyed, the pilots referring to zinc coffins, the mysterious way they died, the fire balls seen in the sky,  pilots instruments going crazy etc etc. 

Why zinc coffins?  Why not lead?  Wouldn't that be better?


Star man

Yes Radiation is a clue but a clue to what ? It could be a clue to a number of things. Ivanov said that the Geiger Counters went crazy. Strange lights in the Sky seen by locals over a period of time. Pilots have noticed that their Instruments have sometimes gone crazy. Ring a bell. UFO's and Instruments malfunctioning.

Well, I wouldnt rule out UFO or UAPs (as I believe they are referred to these days).  I have done a little research into it recently and there does seem to be more influential people raising their eyebrows to the latest information.  But substantially more evidence would needed.  Also, I dont know why any propulsion system or alien technology would result in radioactive contaminants being spread around?  Lights in the sky can be explained by military activity.  Instruments going crazy could be EMP from a weapon.  I still wonder what Kolevatov's device was for.  Was it something that could measure the magnitude of an EMP?


Star man

If there was Alien technology it would almost certainly be far more advanced that any Human understanding. EMP weapons were not invented until after 1959.

EMP pulse is generated in nuclear devices.  I would not completely rule out ET until it can be ruled out completely, but it would probably be much lower on the list.  But maybe above avalanche.


Star man

Exactly, you said it, '' EMP pulse is generated in nuclear devices''.  And ''Nuclear'' is a vast uncharted territory for Humans. Its one thing to make explosions with Nuclear Devices its another to harness the Energy with Nuclear Devices. Any advanced Alien lifeforms would almost certainly have gone down that road long ago.

Not sure what point you are making DB?  Humans have harnessed nuclear energy, and weapons?  I would imagine that any ET capable of visiting our planet would have technology far beyond nuclear fission, or fusion.  Probably antimatter technology, or using quantum entanglement, or spacetime manipulation to channel energy from sources many light years away.  I dont think anything they might have would generate a nasty radioactive contaminant.  But who knows,  as it is in the realm of pure speculation.


Star man

Well Humans may have started to explore the Atom and its parts but its still relatively early days. There are things yet to be discovered.

True, there is still alot that Humans do not know, such as dark energy, gravity, antigravity, antigravitational geothermal heat induction, etc


Star man


July 14, 2021, 02:16:29 PM
Reply #175


Why have these photos not been examined in a professional lab by men and women who are EXPERTS in their field?

They have, and I wrote a scientific book about it. I'll let the Amazon description speak for itsself.

You are absolutely right: The photographs are vital evidence, and should have been treated with more professionalism long ago.

PS: I don't want to discuss my conclusion here, because that would only make sense if you read the book beginning to end. But if you're really interested in some fascinating new findings, have a go at it. If you then feel you could write me a fair review, I'll be glad to send you the next edition free of cost. Sorry for the promotion, but I could not leave this question unanswered. This is the only place I have mentioned my book in this forum, in respect to Teddy's own book which launched a few weeks before mine.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2021, 05:41:59 AM by time2fly »

August 25, 2021, 01:42:07 AM
Reply #176



Because of the information you discovered about the the "three heads" picture I'm very skeptical that any of the alleged pictures presented by Valentin Yakimenko are actually from the camera on Zolotaryov's body.

Looking through the other rolls of film, there are lots of spots and defects that could, when magnified, look exactly like the pictures Yakimenko presented.

Look at the upper right corner of this one for example:

Of course not a 1:1 match but maybe there is software that could compare the "bright lights" to spots and defects on the other pictures.

September 17, 2021, 03:45:25 PM
Reply #177



Because of the information you discovered about the the "three heads" picture I'm very skeptical that any of the alleged pictures presented by Valentin Yakimenko are actually from the camera on Zolotaryov's body.

Looking through the other rolls of film, there are lots of spots and defects that could, when magnified, look exactly like the pictures Yakimenko presented.

Your doubt is justified. There is some strangeness concerning the frames, and why the seemingly most important ones are still not public. I believe many of the frames presented by Yakimenko are actually enlarged dust artifacts and emulsion damage. However, Z7 (eagle) does look pretty authentic. I will travel to Yekaterinburg next year to find out.

Meanwhile, I did a little image analysis and compared the famous 34 and Slobodin frames to pictures that were taken in the so-called M-Zone, 500 km south of the Dyatlov pass, in 1994. The M-Zone lies on the same tectonic fault line as the Dyatlov pass, and similar light phenomena (UAPs) have been observed there over the years.

And just for fun, I did some histogram modifications on frame 34. Sure doesn't look like a lab light, tent entrance or rocket to me.

The so called "plane" to me is a more rectangular version of the UAP. Plasma clouds have been known to be rectangual. In my book there is a scientific analysis as to why.

And again just for fun, here is a comparison of M-Zone fireballs to the famous recent pentagon gimbal videos. I'll leave the conclusion up to you:

All of these (and more surprises) are explained in detail in my book "NOT a cold case". I also analyze the "eagle" frame in detail, which to me is authentic and the most important public available piece of evidence.

PS: The key to the mystery has always been why they fled the tent. And the key to that are the UAPs that multiple people have observed during and after the incident. And they were photographed by at least 5 Dyatlov cameras according to Valentin Yakimenko. There are even eye witnesses on Mt. Chistop on the night of the 1.2,. who thought the Dyatlovs were shooting flares to celebrate their ascent. Must have been big flares, since they were 50 km away.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2021, 04:34:26 PM by time2fly »

October 02, 2021, 08:35:58 PM
Reply #178


What does UAPs mean?

Unidentified ___? photographs?


October 03, 2021, 02:41:36 AM
Reply #179


What does UAPs mean?
Unidentified ___? photographs?

Unidentified Aerial Phenomea. It's a more scientific word for UFO. A celestial phenomena is not automatically a "flying object".