Group Diary 1.27.59 At North 2nd.
"Only one is suitable for living. In complete darkness we found a village and the house. We started a fire with wood boards. Smoke came form the stove. Several people hurt their hands on old nails. Everything is well".
I was wondering if Tetanus could have played a part in the Dyatlov group initially leaving the tent. From initial puncture injury to the beginning of signs and symptoms can occur in 3 days, even though it usually takes longer, but if a carrier is very healthy and exerting a strenuous amount of physical force, then could the process speed up?
Signs and Symptoms:
The most common initial sign is spasms of the muscles of the jaw, or “lockjaw”.
Tetanus symptoms include:
Jaw cramping
Sudden, involuntary muscle tightening (muscle spasms) – often in the stomach
Painful muscle stiffness all over the body
Trouble swallowing
Jerking or staring (seizures)
Fever and sweating
Changes in blood press
Serious health problems that can happen because of tetanus include:
Uncontrolled/tightening of the vocal cords (laryngospasm)
Broken bones (fractures)
Infections gotten by a patient during a hospital visit (hospital-acquired infections)
Blockage of the main artery of the lung or one of its branches by a blood clot that has travelled from elsewhere in the body through the bloodstream (pulmonary embolism)
Pneumonia, a lung infection, that develops by breathing in foreign materials (aspiration pneumonia)
Breathing difficulty, possibly leading to death (1 to 2 in 10 cases are fatal)
I would never say this caused the later major bone fractures but what if one member came down with the symptoms and cut the tent and ran in panic?