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Author Topic: The Silk Ribbons  (Read 10226 times)

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November 09, 2017, 12:09:23 PM
Read 10226 times


Hi all, I’m new to this forum, so I wasn’t too sure where to post this or if it’s even relevant at all, please feel free to tell me if it isn’t!

I was reading over the autopsy reports on this forum and I noticed something rather interesting. Sure, it’s a small detail, but that’s what makes this whole “unsolved mystery” thing so interesting in my opinion. So, Lyuda Dubinina had her hair in a braid, at the time of her death, and what’s more, she had a blue silk ribbon woven into it. That in itself isn’t too strange, but what I thought was interesting is that Yuri Doroschenko was found with “a silk pink ribbon” in his pocket.

I’m not trying to enforce some kind of gender bias, but I can’t help but wonder why a man in the late 50’s in his 20’s would carry around a ribbon, nonetheless a pink one. Perhaps it was a memory of a sister, a girlfriend, or someone else outside of the group? Were him and Dubinina close enough that he kept it for her for safekeeping during the journey? Did he take it off of her after she died, thinking it might be useful?

This could be nothing but a red herring, I don’t know, but feel free to tell me what you think about it!

November 22, 2017, 07:57:05 PM
Reply #1


Its a good question to ask!   I really wouldn't know. 

I do know that Yuri and Zina dated exclusively prior to the trip and I know they were still close, so I dunno id the ribbon is associated with Dubinina. 

Or, if your on to something..... this could be an exchange of blue to girl and pink to boy token of affection? 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

December 01, 2017, 06:36:44 AM
Reply #2


Doroshenko's pocket--is that his shirt pocket?  (He wasn't wearing trousers or a coat.)  A ribbon is the sort of thing one might put into a pocket and forget about for days.  Kudos for calling attention to interesting details!

December 01, 2017, 02:52:05 PM
Reply #3


My bad-- it's the wrong Yuri. The silk ribbon thing is mentioned on Krivonischenko's corpse, not Doroschenko's. Krivonischenko was wearing pants, although perhaps not the appropriate ones for the kind of weather they experienced. The problem really is the translation, I don't speak much Russian and Google Translate isn't helping me out too much. My first guess was that perhaps Dubinina had died first and Krivonischenko had looting her corpse, keeping the ribbon, but that doesn't really make sense since she was found wearing his sweater and a torn piece of his underwear.

December 01, 2017, 05:14:51 PM
Reply #4


I know that a picture of Zina was found in the trouser pocket of Igor.....  shock1
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

December 02, 2017, 05:39:03 AM
Reply #5


Loose Cannon, is that what sparked the rumour that Zina and Igor were dating? I can't find any sources that state that explicitly state that they were together, unless I'm missing something. Did one of their friends come out and say that during the police investigation?

December 02, 2017, 01:55:22 PM
Reply #6


Loose Cannon, is that what sparked the rumour that Zina and Igor were dating? I can't find any sources that state that explicitly state that they were together, unless I'm missing something. Did one of their friends come out and say that during the police investigation?

Not sure where that came from, but from what I have learned throughout my case study is that Igor seemed to have the 'eye' for zina, however Im not convinced the feeling was mutual. After all, she invited her long time ex boy toy Yuri along for the trip.
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

December 02, 2017, 03:06:05 PM
Reply #7


I mean, one could always argue that he just had her picture because he was in charge of the official documentation? I just started questioning it when Yudin explicitly told Eichar in 2012 that the theories about the hikers being lead to their deaths due to some conflict caused by the girls was, and I quote "bullsh*t", so maybe it was really just nothing more than a platonic crush. It's also possible that Yudin was too close to the victims to even fathom such a morbid scenario, which is totally understandable as well; it is a really cynical theory and people from the outside like us don't really have much to say on the private lives or personalities of the hikers.

December 02, 2017, 03:48:59 PM
Reply #8


I would guess even if true, the other 9 within the group would say the same thing.

Igor had one picture..... Zina
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

March 23, 2018, 04:10:32 PM
Reply #9


According to Yuri Yudin, it wasn't the Russian way to just be with one person or to show one specific person that you liked them, whatever that means.  Doreshenko and Zina were on a hike the year before and Zina fell for Yuri D because he chased a bear with an ax.  They dated, and then, without warning, he broke it off, which broke her heart.  Zina sent a friend a postcard or letter either before they left or after they had left, that surprise(!!), guess who was on the hiking adventure with her?  Yuri Doreshenko, and she wondered how she would act and how it would be with him on the trip.  But, I don't know if it was Yuri Yudin or who, but, supposedly, several of the guys had a crush on Zina.  No one knows if Igor and Zina were dating, because the one letter she wrote him, was all business about the trip, and there was no indication of a romance between them.  It could be that since they were both majoring in the same thing, they had classes together and hiked together, so they were friends, and perhaps, we won't know for sure, something was starting between them.  Also, a book was found, where, I don't know, that belonged to Igor and it had Zina's picture in it.  Since no one knew anything, no one knows if there as anything going on between them. 

March 23, 2018, 06:53:01 PM
Reply #10


No telling...  but the only picture found in the pocket of anyone was a picture of Zina in the pants pocket of Igor.

All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

April 16, 2018, 04:42:22 PM
Reply #11


Krivonischenko's corpse   

The right leg is unbent, the left leg is slightly withdrawn in the hip joint and bent at the knee joint. Clothes on the corpse: cowboy cotton, blue in a red black cage with 3 buttons / two buttons unbuttoned, cuffs buttoned on two buttons, in an outer pocket a coil of copper wire and silk pink ribbon.


All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

April 21, 2018, 10:57:20 AM
Reply #12


Krivonischenko's corpse   

The right leg is unbent, the left leg is slightly withdrawn in the hip joint and bent at the knee joint. Clothes on the corpse: cowboy cotton, blue in a red black cage with 3 buttons / two buttons unbuttoned, cuffs buttoned on two buttons, in an outer pocket a coil of copper wire and silk pink ribbon.


The autopsy report states that Zinaida's hair ribbons are red on two braids. This colorized photo was made to support the autopsy report. Lyudmila's single hair ribbon was blue.

So still, where did this pink ribbon come from?

April 21, 2018, 11:39:44 AM
Reply #13


Yup...  Your right. 

Still something to ponder.
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

August 23, 2018, 01:40:10 PM
Reply #14


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Yes its small pieces of evidence that sometimes make a big difference.