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Author Topic: Being realistic  (Read 19006 times)

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January 24, 2021, 04:10:49 PM
Reply #30

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
pulmonary edema.  also the cutting off of clothes is paradoxical undressing, the burning and bite mark could be due to loss of their sensations due to hypothermia.  It's also a bad thing to expose a hypothermia victim to direct heat.  It draws the blood from the inner vital organs that need it back out to the skin. They can die quicker like that. They have to be warmed slowly away from direct heat.

and crush injuries from collapsed snow den

The bodies were found several metres from the hypothetical snow den?  Also, three of them were lying together and Lyuda wzs several metres away lying against a ledge.  WAB has confirmed that they could never have dug a snow den with their hands. 

It is far more likely they were caught in an explosion and the bodies placed there.


Star man

January 24, 2021, 04:15:45 PM
Reply #31

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
What type of explosion?  A booby trap?  What about dropping a string of ordinance across the top of the Valley they were in?


Star man

January 24, 2021, 05:10:28 PM
Reply #32


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

One reason the tent is set up on the ridge may be something they saw or heard in the forest. In other words, they were afraid of the forest and camped on the mountain ridge without ever descending into the forest. Or, as it was said in an article I read before, the young people had set up a camp in the forest. But before they could stay there, they hastily left. They took refuge in the mountain, which was the safest for them. Because when man feels danger in nature, he runs towards the highest place !!! And if you're in a tent and it's freezing outside, and there's an entity outside that you fear a lot, you'll never go out. So there must be something to force them out of the tent. These can be examined under 3 main headings. 1. Natural events 2. Other people 3. Unknown entity (s) There is no other option than these 3 options. From here, at first glance, the least likely natural phenomena ..... Because there is no avalanche, no animal attack and it is obvious that they do not die from the cold ... . So the chance of this possibility is very low .... So we need to look at the other 2 options. It is possible that young people are brought to this state by humans ... But there is no evidence for this, and why? how? Who? There are no answers to many questions etc. However, the injuries that occur in the abdominal den are less likely to be caused by human hand. And the last option remains. Unknown coercive force. Events like this have happened from time to time on various dates and places around the world. In other words, panoramic events that cannot be explained scientifically… like the Bermuda triangle… It is certain that Rav 4 and the three young people on the slope were killed. Everyone can see this easily. It seems that the whole incident took place within 3-4 hours. In this horrible incident, the young people seem to be faced with a force they cannot resist. this force attacked them !!! And he tore the tent !!! Young people have used whatever they have against the unknown force. They defended themselves bravely. They resisted for a while .... But when they saw that it was not beneficial (the stick in their hands could not damage the unknown force, ax, knife, etc.) and the unknown force forced them out of the tent, they had to leave ....

I see that many of us are now looking at the possibility that they headed for the Mountainside because they were scared of something down in the Forest. Yes its a natural thing to do if you are scared. Get out of the Forest. I have had many a spooky walk in Forests and when ever I have felt uneasy I have made for the open areas as quickly as possible. And of course in the Dyatlov Case the main Event is yet to come. It looks like something then scares them out of the Tent.

January 24, 2021, 05:16:13 PM
Reply #33


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I often think of the DPI as a chess game. Just when the evidence seems to have the King cornered, he finds a way to escape. Every time the King escapes. On the last night, did the group pitch the tent somewhere other than the mountain slope? Perhaps, but "loose photos" 11 and 12 show them preparing to pitch the tent in what looks like a wide-open space such as on a mountain slope. Are men standing just out of the photos holding guns on them? Perhaps, but then how to explain the whimsical "Daily Otorten," which, according to the date on the masthead, was written that night. How could the hikers be under severe duress, yet have such fun?

Well they had fun on the way towards the Mountain range. Not sure if they had much fun when they had to pitch their Tent in that exposed location.

January 24, 2021, 05:20:18 PM
Reply #34


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
pulmonary edema.  also the cutting off of clothes is paradoxical undressing, the burning and bite mark could be due to loss of their sensations due to hypothermia.  It's also a bad thing to expose a hypothermia victim to direct heat.  It draws the blood from the inner vital organs that need it back out to the skin. They can die quicker like that. They have to be warmed slowly away from direct heat.

and crush injuries from collapsed snow den

There wouldnt have been enough snow to cause those injuries to Ribs and then there is the other extraordinary injuries.

January 24, 2021, 05:24:20 PM
Reply #35


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
pulmonary edema.  also the cutting off of clothes is paradoxical undressing, the burning and bite mark could be due to loss of their sensations due to hypothermia.  It's also a bad thing to expose a hypothermia victim to direct heat.  It draws the blood from the inner vital organs that need it back out to the skin. They can die quicker like that. They have to be warmed slowly away from direct heat.

and crush injuries from collapsed snow den

The bodies were found several metres from the hypothetical snow den?  Also, three of them were lying together and Lyuda wzs several metres away lying against a ledge.  WAB has confirmed that they could never have dug a snow den with their hands. 

It is far more likely they were caught in an explosion and the bodies placed there.


Star man

The position of the bodies at the Ravine is unusual. Not just unusual injuries. Dubinina couldnt have walked or crawled to the Ravine from the Den.

January 24, 2021, 05:25:56 PM
Reply #36


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
What type of explosion?  A booby trap?  What about dropping a string of ordinance across the top of the Valley they were in?


Star man

Highly unlikely. How do you explain the missing Tongue and Eyes  !  ?

January 24, 2021, 07:16:49 PM
Reply #37


Skull fractures can actually be caused by freezing, ice has a larger volume than the same amount of liquid water, so if the brain freezes, the skull can crack. But not in the way Tibo's did. However Rustem's skull fracture could be due to this, and perhaps also can be sustained in transport.. ice is brittle and a frozen body is basically ice.


January 24, 2021, 11:22:55 PM
Reply #38

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
What type of explosion?  A booby trap?  What about dropping a string of ordinance across the top of the Valley they were in?


Star man

Highly unlikely. How do you explain the missing Tongue and Eyes  !  ?

If Solter wzs right then it is possible that her face was surgically altered to remove obvious signs of an explosion.  A thermobaric bomb can cause organs to rupture, so if the eyes and tongue had been damaged they have removed them before placing them back in the ravine.  Is it normal for eye brows to be ansent on a 3 month old frozen corpse?

It would have been a well funded operation with access to military support, I would think.



January 24, 2021, 11:24:45 PM
Reply #39

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Skull fractures can actually be caused by freezing, ice has a larger volume than the same amount of liquid water, so if the brain freezes, the skull can crack. But not in the way Tibo's did. However Rustem's skull fracture could be due to this, and perhaps also can be sustained in transport.. ice is brittle and a frozen body is basically ice.

Yes, I am aware of that, but as you say not Thibo's depressed fracture.  Do eye brows freeze off in frozen bodies?


Star man

January 25, 2021, 09:39:34 AM
Reply #40


I started this thread with the hope that common sense would take over, for everyone, alas not so. What does common sense tell us? Camp in the forest not on 3000 foot ridge. The forest is warmer and safer therefore that is where they most likely were, after all they were no one's fool. Alright let's put them on the ridge. Cut the tent, walk calmly to the forest with few dressed as the weather dictates, in socks, for the most part, wool or not, no one does that. What made them leave that tent,that for the sake of argument we will temporarily put on the ridge? Well? Evidence again. There is zero evidence that anything went wrong at that tent Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not even a hint of anything or anyone forcing those hikers from the tent on the ridge. So why did they leave it, assuming they were ever there. Two got lost gathering firewood? I thought they had wood. And why would all 7 go after 2? Send the two that are dressed for the cold or allow everyone to dress for the cold and walk down to find them. Leave a flashlight on the tent but turn it off, much more helpful that way. Does any of that make sense? No, it does not. 3 events. Tent, cedar, ravine? Really? All in one night, within possibly a couple of hours? What would Murphy's law have to say about that? The tent was in the forest and something, an accident, man made, but still an accident,occurred. There was no intent to kill those hikers. It is incredibly sad but it was all a tragic accident. Yes, it was covered up for reasons we do not know, but it was not murder. The DG were in the wrong place at the wrong time. That SHOULD be what common sense is telling us. After they died I will admit, without reversation, I have no ideal what happened. Perhaps the placement of the bodies is the clue that will explain so very much about the DPI.

January 25, 2021, 10:08:36 AM
Reply #41


I started this thread with the hope that common sense would take over, for everyone, alas not so. What does common sense tell us? Camp in the forest not on 3000 foot ridge. The forest is warmer and safer therefore that is where they most likely were, after all they were no one's fool. Alright let's put them on the ridge. Cut the tent, walk calmly to the forest with few dressed as the weather dictates, in socks, for the most part, wool or not, no one does that. What made them leave that tent,that for the sake of argument we will temporarily put on the ridge? Well? Evidence again. There is zero evidence that anything went wrong at that tent Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not even a hint of anything or anyone forcing those hikers from the tent on the ridge. So why did they leave it, assuming they were ever there. Two got lost gathering firewood? I thought they had wood. And why would all 7 go after 2? Send the two that are dressed for the cold or allow everyone to dress for the cold and walk down to find them. Leave a flashlight on the tent but turn it off, much more helpful that way. Does any of that make sense? No, it does not. 3 events. Tent, cedar, ravine? Really? All in one night, within possibly a couple of hours? What would Murphy's law have to say about that? The tent was in the forest and something, an accident, man made, but still an accident,occurred. There was no intent to kill those hikers. It is incredibly sad but it was all a tragic accident. Yes, it was covered up for reasons we do not know, but it was not murder. The DG were in the wrong place at the wrong time. That SHOULD be what common sense is telling us. After they died I will admit, without reversation, I have no ideal what happened. Perhaps the placement of the bodies is the clue that will explain so very much about the DPI.

Also their escape route to safety would have been the same way they came up from their store not to where they were found.  The forest where they were found seems to be the nearest shelter from weather.  Did wind destroy the tent so they decided to get out and go for cover in the forest until the wind dropped ?  The flashlights on the slope and tent tell me they were intending to return in a short time not necessarily waiting until daybreak.  So we don't know if they went all together to the forest or if the 2 yuris had gone for firewood. Which is just a plausible scenario (guesswork) because of lack of real evidence.  But lets say that because the forest is the nearest shelter that is why they all go there.  Shelter from weather on the very exposed pass. The weather on the pass is so bad they don't wait to put on boots and coats they get out, collapse the tent and put snow on top, and all head down to the forest as they are, but they have an idea that whatever is happening will not last long because they put the flashlights out, to guide them back.    Then things go bad.
Also I think I read that locals did warn them about the winds on the pass and local knowledge is too valuable to be ignored.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2021, 10:57:05 AM by DAXXY »

January 25, 2021, 10:54:54 AM
Reply #42


My guess is that either, they didn't want to climb back up the next day (which could have added several more hours to the hike and, potentially, extended the expedition by a day) or they didn't want to set up the tent in the dark, or both.

Another possibility is that, for the sake of adding difficulty, Igor directed it. I've read 'Dead Mountain' by Donnie Eichar a few times and (from interviews conducted with friends and family) it seems that Igor was a type of person that would be very willing to take on any type of challenge just for the sake of taking it on. There is no doubt that the group was looking at a very windy, cold night with little to no sleep. It was just one more challenge in a list of many challenges that he had faced and conquered before.

It could have been any one of these reasons or all three combined that convinced the group to set up on the slope. I don't think there is anything that strange about it. since then, several groups have done the same.
"If there exists a fact which can only be thought of as sinister. A fact which can only point to some sinister underpinning, you will never be able to think up all the non-sinister, perfectly valid explanations for that fact."
- Josiah Thomson

January 25, 2021, 11:17:17 AM
Reply #43


If they or Igor wanted a tough night, they could have done it the day before: they were almost at the ridge, there was wind, they could make a cache near the rock pillars . Why waste such an opportunity and loose one day of hike turning back ?

January 25, 2021, 11:48:47 AM
Reply #44


My guess is that either, they didn't want to climb back up the next day (which could have added several more hours to the hike and, potentially, extended the expedition by a day) or they didn't want to set up the tent in the dark, or both.

Another possibility is that, for the sake of adding difficulty, Igor directed it. I've read 'Dead Mountain' by Donnie Eichar a few times and (from interviews conducted with friends and family) it seems that Igor was a type of person that would be very willing to take on any type of challenge just for the sake of taking it on. There is no doubt that the group was looking at a very windy, cold night with little to no sleep. It was just one more challenge in a list of many challenges that he had faced and conquered before.

It could have been any one of these reasons or all three combined that convinced the group to set up on the slope. I don't think there is anything that strange about it. since then, several groups have done the same.

The rest of the group were nowhere near as experienced as him at level 3, so he may have wanted at some stage to push them.

But the logic breaks down at this particular juncture on the hike, given they'd already been struggling at lower elevations and this seeking higher ground was taken to be a way of avoiding further hardship. They do something to avoid exhaustion - but the act is more exhausting than the alternative?

Igor's last diary entry related how they were all so tired the night before they didn't bother with a fire pit, and winds had been so strong it was like a jet engine.

If they set off around 3pm, as the investigation suggested, they would need at least 2 hours to climb 1079 with all their gear, then another hour to dig a 12x4 trench 3ft deep and levelled (not in soft snow and done with skis and ski poles), then time to set up the tent and make sure it was secure from the wind exposure up there, and then pile all their gear and themselves inside, lining the floor with skis, blankets and empty rucksacks.

I doubt they were finished by 6:30pm at the earliest, two hours after sundown, and then they have to make their dinner inside the tent.

Doing all that risks exhaustion, the trench diggers being dangerously sweated out, and if the stove wasn't useable, too much wind buckling the long tent ridge, not enough wood carried up the mountain etc, they faced a very uncomfortable night, not fighting fit for the next day, and unlikely their clothing would be fully dried overnight.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2021, 12:13:19 PM by eurocentric »

January 25, 2021, 02:57:59 PM
Reply #45


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
What type of explosion?  A booby trap?  What about dropping a string of ordinance across the top of the Valley they were in?


Star man

Highly unlikely. How do you explain the missing Tongue and Eyes  !  ?

If Solter wzs right then it is possible that her face was surgically altered to remove obvious signs of an explosion.  A thermobaric bomb can cause organs to rupture, so if the eyes and tongue had been damaged they have removed them before placing them back in the ravine.  Is it normal for eye brows to be ansent on a 3 month old frozen corpse?

It would have been a well funded operation with access to military support, I would think.



Well you would need a lot of Evidence to support your theory. Those injuries look more like Mutilations, but not ones caused by other people.

January 25, 2021, 03:04:13 PM
Reply #46


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I started this thread with the hope that common sense would take over, for everyone, alas not so. What does common sense tell us? Camp in the forest not on 3000 foot ridge. The forest is warmer and safer therefore that is where they most likely were, after all they were no one's fool. Alright let's put them on the ridge. Cut the tent, walk calmly to the forest with few dressed as the weather dictates, in socks, for the most part, wool or not, no one does that. What made them leave that tent,that for the sake of argument we will temporarily put on the ridge? Well? Evidence again. There is zero evidence that anything went wrong at that tent Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not even a hint of anything or anyone forcing those hikers from the tent on the ridge. So why did they leave it, assuming they were ever there. Two got lost gathering firewood? I thought they had wood. And why would all 7 go after 2? Send the two that are dressed for the cold or allow everyone to dress for the cold and walk down to find them. Leave a flashlight on the tent but turn it off, much more helpful that way. Does any of that make sense? No, it does not. 3 events. Tent, cedar, ravine? Really? All in one night, within possibly a couple of hours? What would Murphy's law have to say about that? The tent was in the forest and something, an accident, man made, but still an accident,occurred. There was no intent to kill those hikers. It is incredibly sad but it was all a tragic accident. Yes, it was covered up for reasons we do not know, but it was not murder. The DG were in the wrong place at the wrong time. That SHOULD be what common sense is telling us. After they died I will admit, without reversation, I have no ideal what happened. Perhaps the placement of the bodies is the clue that will explain so very much about the DPI.

Well you talk about common sense but we also need Evidence. And the Evidence that we have is ; a Tent and its contents ; a Campfire ; a Den ; Bodies in various places. And of course a few things thrown in like Flashlights and branches from Tree and clothing scattered around, etc.  All that is Evidence. All that is Realistic.

January 25, 2021, 03:53:03 PM
Reply #47

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I started this thread with the hope that common sense would take over, for everyone, alas not so. What does common sense tell us? Camp in the forest not on 3000 foot ridge. The forest is warmer and safer therefore that is where they most likely were, after all they were no one's fool. Alright let's put them on the ridge. Cut the tent, walk calmly to the forest with few dressed as the weather dictates, in socks, for the most part, wool or not, no one does that. What made them leave that tent,that for the sake of argument we will temporarily put on the ridge? Well? Evidence again. There is zero evidence that anything went wrong at that tent Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not even a hint of anything or anyone forcing those hikers from the tent on the ridge. So why did they leave it, assuming they were ever there. Two got lost gathering firewood? I thought they had wood. And why would all 7 go after 2? Send the two that are dressed for the cold or allow everyone to dress for the cold and walk down to find them. Leave a flashlight on the tent but turn it off, much more helpful that way. Does any of that make sense? No, it does not. 3 events. Tent, cedar, ravine? Really? All in one night, within possibly a couple of hours? What would Murphy's law have to say about that? The tent was in the forest and something, an accident, man made, but still an accident,occurred. There was no intent to kill those hikers. It is incredibly sad but it was all a tragic accident. Yes, it was covered up for reasons we do not know, but it was not murder. The DG were in the wrong place at the wrong time. That SHOULD be what common sense is telling us. After they died I will admit, without reversation, I have no ideal what happened. Perhaps the placement of the bodies is the clue that will explain so very much about the DPI.

Agree with you.

Star man

January 25, 2021, 04:14:42 PM
Reply #48

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
What type of explosion?  A booby trap?  What about dropping a string of ordinance across the top of the Valley they were in?


Star man

Highly unlikely. How do you explain the missing Tongue and Eyes  !  ?

If Solter wzs right then it is possible that her face was surgically altered to remove obvious signs of an explosion.  A thermobaric bomb can cause organs to rupture, so if the eyes and tongue had been damaged they have removed them before placing them back in the ravine.  Is it normal for eye brows to be ansent on a 3 month old frozen corpse?

It would have been a well funded operation with access to military support, I would think.



Well you would need a lot of Evidence to support your theory. Those injuries look more like Mutilations, but not ones caused by other people.

I don't have evidence, other than that which everyone here has access to.  The case files, the witness statements etc.  Nothing else really.

I have explored the Yeti theory, which I think you may be referring to in great detail, and agree that there are similarities in the types of injuries to those you would expect from a large ape mutilation.  The tent kind of resembles a panicked stricken escape, by people trying to get away from a Yeti, and "The Evening Otorten" found in the tent also makes reference to the Yeti.  I have also researched the evidence for the existence of such creatures, and considering I am an objective person was surprised by the amount of evidence there is.  I did not expect to find anything convincing.  But there is evidence there.  A bit like the dpi though nothing conclusive.  Now you may think that this is moving a bit off topic- "being realistic", so let's keep it real.  On the Yeti, the Russians "really" thought that there might be such things as Yetis.  They thought it convincing enough for the government to set up an organisation the purpose of which was to capture a Yeti.  I have no idea whether they were successful or not.  How would you go about capturing a Yeti?  I mean where would you even start?


Star man

January 25, 2021, 04:36:52 PM
Reply #49


...How would you go about capturing a Yeti?  I mean where would you even start?
I dunno.  With copper wire and a silk ribbon?

January 25, 2021, 04:46:45 PM
Reply #50

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
...How would you go about capturing a Yeti?  I mean where would you even start?
I dunno.  With copper wire and a silk ribbon?

Well, if they were government funded, maybe they could have e stretched a bit further?


Star man


January 25, 2021, 04:58:02 PM
Reply #51


Well, if they were government funded, maybe they could have e stretched a bit further?

No need.  In Soviet Russia, yeti catch you!

January 25, 2021, 05:39:17 PM
Reply #52


...How would you go about capturing a Yeti?  I mean where would you even start?
I dunno.  With copper wire and a silk ribbon?


« Last Edit: January 25, 2021, 05:56:02 PM by DAXXY »

January 26, 2021, 03:08:46 PM
Reply #53


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
What type of explosion?  A booby trap?  What about dropping a string of ordinance across the top of the Valley they were in?


Star man

Highly unlikely. How do you explain the missing Tongue and Eyes  !  ?

If Solter wzs right then it is possible that her face was surgically altered to remove obvious signs of an explosion.  A thermobaric bomb can cause organs to rupture, so if the eyes and tongue had been damaged they have removed them before placing them back in the ravine.  Is it normal for eye brows to be ansent on a 3 month old frozen corpse?

It would have been a well funded operation with access to military support, I would think.



Well you would need a lot of Evidence to support your theory. Those injuries look more like Mutilations, but not ones caused by other people.

I don't have evidence, other than that which everyone here has access to.  The case files, the witness statements etc.  Nothing else really.

I have explored the Yeti theory, which I think you may be referring to in great detail, and agree that there are similarities in the types of injuries to those you would expect from a large ape mutilation.  The tent kind of resembles a panicked stricken escape, by people trying to get away from a Yeti, and "The Evening Otorten" found in the tent also makes reference to the Yeti.  I have also researched the evidence for the existence of such creatures, and considering I am an objective person was surprised by the amount of evidence there is.  I did not expect to find anything convincing.  But there is evidence there.  A bit like the dpi though nothing conclusive.  Now you may think that this is moving a bit off topic- "being realistic", so let's keep it real.  On the Yeti, the Russians "really" thought that there might be such things as Yetis.  They thought it convincing enough for the government to set up an organisation the purpose of which was to capture a Yeti.  I have no idea whether they were successful or not.  How would you go about capturing a Yeti?  I mean where would you even start?


Star man

Well is the Yeti a creature like an Ape or is it something else. And the Mutilations Iam thinking of are those related to the infamous Cattle Mutilations that occur regularly around the World.

January 26, 2021, 03:10:14 PM
Reply #54


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
...How would you go about capturing a Yeti?  I mean where would you even start?
I dunno.  With copper wire and a silk ribbon?

Is that what you call being realistic  !  ? 


January 26, 2021, 03:44:26 PM
Reply #55


What type of explosion?  A booby trap?  What about dropping a string of ordinance across the top of the Valley they were in?


Star man

Highly unlikely. How do you explain the missing Tongue and Eyes  !  ?

If Solter wzs right then it is possible that her face was surgically altered to remove obvious signs of an explosion.  A thermobaric bomb can cause organs to rupture, so if the eyes and tongue had been damaged they have removed them before placing them back in the ravine.  Is it normal for eye brows to be ansent on a 3 month old frozen corpse?

It would have been a well funded operation with access to military support, I would think.



Well you would need a lot of Evidence to support your theory. Those injuries look more like Mutilations, but not ones caused by other people.

I don't have evidence, other than that which everyone here has access to.  The case files, the witness statements etc.  Nothing else really.

I have explored the Yeti theory, which I think you may be referring to in great detail, and agree that there are similarities in the types of injuries to those you would expect from a large ape mutilation.  The tent kind of resembles a panicked stricken escape, by people trying to get away from a Yeti, and "The Evening Otorten" found in the tent also makes reference to the Yeti.  I have also researched the evidence for the existence of such creatures, and considering I am an objective person was surprised by the amount of evidence there is.  I did not expect to find anything convincing.  But there is evidence there.  A bit like the dpi though nothing conclusive.  Now you may think that this is moving a bit off topic- "being realistic", so let's keep it real.  On the Yeti, the Russians "really" thought that there might be such things as Yetis.  They thought it convincing enough for the government to set up an organisation the purpose of which was to capture a Yeti.  I have no idea whether they were successful or not.  How would you go about capturing a Yeti?  I mean where would you even start?


Star man

Okay, putting my Indiana Jones hat on, and placing my skepticism for these legends to one side while adopting an impassive zoological approach, it would be caught the same way as any other large and potentially dangerous animal, using a tranquiliser dart. Or a baited cage. A thousand TV documentaries show the way. Either hunt it from its tracks or lure it into a trap with irresistible food.

Long before that I'd determine where it lived, its range, and confirm sightings with motion-activated cameras. I'd deploy drones or helicopters with thermal image cameras. Or even utilise satellite technology. Granted these would not be optional extras in 1959.

And even before that I'd expect to find excrement and fur and have it confirmed as coming from a species of hominid unknown to science so that I'd reliably know I wasn't wasting time and resources.

But as strange as it seems none of this ever happens. Nobody will invest the time and money, they know it's cheaper and more fruitful to go on a wild goose chase.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2021, 04:22:29 PM by eurocentric »

January 26, 2021, 04:21:18 PM
Reply #56

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
What type of explosion?  A booby trap?  What about dropping a string of ordinance across the top of the Valley they were in?


Star man

Highly unlikely. How do you explain the missing Tongue and Eyes  !  ?

If Solter wzs right then it is possible that her face was surgically altered to remove obvious signs of an explosion.  A thermobaric bomb can cause organs to rupture, so if the eyes and tongue had been damaged they have removed them before placing them back in the ravine.  Is it normal for eye brows to be ansent on a 3 month old frozen corpse?

It would have been a well funded operation with access to military support, I would think.



Well you would need a lot of Evidence to support your theory. Those injuries look more like Mutilations, but not ones caused by other people.

I don't have evidence, other than that which everyone here has access to.  The case files, the witness statements etc.  Nothing else really.

I have explored the Yeti theory, which I think you may be referring to in great detail, and agree that there are similarities in the types of injuries to those you would expect from a large ape mutilation.  The tent kind of resembles a panicked stricken escape, by people trying to get away from a Yeti, and "The Evening Otorten" found in the tent also makes reference to the Yeti.  I have also researched the evidence for the existence of such creatures, and considering I am an objective person was surprised by the amount of evidence there is.  I did not expect to find anything convincing.  But there is evidence there.  A bit like the dpi though nothing conclusive.  Now you may think that this is moving a bit off topic- "being realistic", so let's keep it real.  On the Yeti, the Russians "really" thought that there might be such things as Yetis.  They thought it convincing enough for the government to set up an organisation the purpose of which was to capture a Yeti.  I have no idea whether they were successful or not.  How would you go about capturing a Yeti?  I mean where would you even start?


Star man

Okay, putting my Indiana Jones hat on, and placing my skepticism for these legends to one side while adopting an impassive zoological approach, it would be caught the same way as any other large and potentially dangerous animal, using a tranquliser dart. Or a baited cage. A thousand TV documentaries show the way. Either hunt it from its tracks or lure it into a trap with irresistible food.

Long before that I'd determine where it lived, its range, and confirm sightings with motion-activated cameras. I'd deploy drones or helicopters with thermal image cameras. Or even utilise satellite technology.

And even before that I'd expect to find excrement and fur and have it confirmed as coming from a species of hominid unknown to science so that I'd reliably know I wasn't wasting time and resources.

But as strange as it seems none of this ever happens. Nobody will invest the time and money, they know it's cheaper and more fruitful to go on a wild goose chase.

Interesting.  You would think it would be fairly easy to capture one if you knew where they were roughly and you used good hunting  techniques.  If they existed.  Not that I would condone capturing one even if they did.

I wonder how the Russian expeditions went about trying to capture one between 1958 and 1959.  Some kind of trap I suppose.  I dont think there were any reports published of their findings.  Maybe because they spent a load of money and never found anything.


Star man
« Last Edit: January 26, 2021, 04:30:59 PM by Star man »

January 26, 2021, 04:25:39 PM
Reply #57

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Well, if they were government funded, maybe they could have e stretched a bit further?

No need.  In Soviet Russia, yeti catch you!

That is interesting.  What do you mean?


Star man
« Last Edit: January 26, 2021, 04:32:04 PM by Star man »

January 26, 2021, 04:29:08 PM
Reply #58

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
...How would you go about capturing a Yeti?  I mean where would you even start?
I dunno.  With copper wire and a silk ribbon?


I'm not sure leaving a Sax or playing some good dance tunes would lure them in.  Besides, it wasn't the Yeti, but it might have been the snowman.


Star man

January 26, 2021, 04:38:25 PM
Reply #59

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
What type of explosion?  A booby trap?  What about dropping a string of ordinance across the top of the Valley they were in?


Star man

Highly unlikely. How do you explain the missing Tongue and Eyes  !  ?

If Solter wzs right then it is possible that her face was surgically altered to remove obvious signs of an explosion.  A thermobaric bomb can cause organs to rupture, so if the eyes and tongue had been damaged they have removed them before placing them back in the ravine.  Is it normal for eye brows to be ansent on a 3 month old frozen corpse?

It would have been a well funded operation with access to military support, I would think.



Well you would need a lot of Evidence to support your theory. Those injuries look more like Mutilations, but not ones caused by other people.

I don't have evidence, other than that which everyone here has access to.  The case files, the witness statements etc.  Nothing else really.

I have explored the Yeti theory, which I think you may be referring to in great detail, and agree that there are similarities in the types of injuries to those you would expect from a large ape mutilation.  The tent kind of resembles a panicked stricken escape, by people trying to get away from a Yeti, and "The Evening Otorten" found in the tent also makes reference to the Yeti.  I have also researched the evidence for the existence of such creatures, and considering I am an objective person was surprised by the amount of evidence there is.  I did not expect to find anything convincing.  But there is evidence there.  A bit like the dpi though nothing conclusive.  Now you may think that this is moving a bit off topic- "being realistic", so let's keep it real.  On the Yeti, the Russians "really" thought that there might be such things as Yetis.  They thought it convincing enough for the government to set up an organisation the purpose of which was to capture a Yeti.  I have no idea whether they were successful or not.  How would you go about capturing a Yeti?  I mean where would you even start?


Star man

Well is the Yeti a creature like an Ape or is it something else. And the Mutilations Iam thinking of are those related to the infamous Cattle Mutilations that occur regularly around the World.

I don't know what they are.  It is a fascinating subject though.  I dont think a Yeti a attacked the hikers.  It's interesting how every topic decends into Yeti discussions though.


Star man