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Author Topic: Book "1079"  (Read 354078 times)

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January 25, 2023, 06:49:36 AM
Reply #300


This is an excerpt from the foreword in "1079"
Krivonischenko worked in Mayak, where on September 29, 1957, the Soviets nuked themselves, and that Zina came from a village in the contaminated zone. Other theories propose tests in Novaya Zemlya as an explanation, and then there is the exoticism of Rakitin's version that someone in the group was carrying a pure beta isotope. But the basic question remains: why would Ivanov order a radioactive test for people who died in the mountains with no apparent signs of foul play, only to close the case the day after the results came out?
The radioactive contamination could easily be explained with the Kyshtym disaster. It has no bearing on the incident in the mountain.
The following users thanked this post: Missi, Clarifiction

January 25, 2023, 07:27:36 AM
Reply #301


An errant missile?
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 25, 2023, 07:36:15 AM
Reply #302


An errant missile?
There still was a rocket!

Supporters of the technogenic version of Dyatlov’s tragedy are sure that the hikers death is somehow connected to an unsuccessful rocket tests. They refer to the launch of a rocket on February 2 from the Kapustin Yar training ground. It is known that this flight ended in an accident, but the details of the accident are classified.

The prosecutors managed to establish that there really was a launch. Only according to the now declassified data of the Ministry of Defense, it had no relation to the tragedy at the pass, because the rocket flew in a completely different direction and fell near the city of Emba in the Akhtyubinsk region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, covering a distance of 1,500 km.
The following users thanked this post: Jean Daniel Reuss

January 25, 2023, 05:03:32 PM
Reply #303


Could it be that Ivanov suspected the hikers of prospecting?
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 26, 2023, 01:03:51 AM
Reply #304


My personal opinion is that Ivanov had a "thing" about energy (hence his article), and since the fashion of the day were new weapons using nuclear power, resulting in radiation, he requested the tests.

And here is what Igor Pavlov wrote to me:
У меня немного другая мысль. Мне кажется, что на самом деле никто не знал, что же случилось с группой Дятлова (кроме местных, которые провели инсценировку). Официальная версия - ураган (озвучено комиссией обкома). Иванов никогда бы не пошел против решения партии и, тем более, никогда бы не стал проверять версии советских испытаний. За это скорее всего наказали бы. Мой сценарий такой:
- Иванов вел не только дело дятловцев. По воспоминаниям его вызвали с перевала то ли в Москву, то ли в Свердловск. И после этого он перестал интересоваться расследованием.
- Это подтверждается тем, что в это время практически все допросы вел Романов. Т.е скорее всего Иванову поручили расследование какого-то другого дела. А Романов "доделывал" дело дятловцев, решение по которому формально уже было принято (ураган).
- Что же мог расследовать Иванов? Все допросы, которые он вел, начиная с конца марта (примерно, т.е после вызова), так или иначе связаны с наблюдением каких-то явлений в небе. Плюс еще в УД есть протокол допроса, который вел прокурор другого района про огненные шары (уже после закрытия УД). Мне кажется, что Иванову поручили расследование того, что же такое эти огненные шары. Т.е скорее всего их не связывали с пусками советских ракет. По сути их рассматривали, как НЛО. И не могли понять их природу.
- Как я уже писал раньше, в сети есть информация о том, что именно при расследовании случаев появления НЛО в США и проводились тесты на радиацию.

Т.е я думаю, что в то время в СССР было какое-то расследование случаев появления неопознанных явлений в разных районах. Иванов в числе других прокуроров занимался сбором информации. И тест на радиацию он скорее всего провел по собственной инициативе. Но не по делу об испытании советских ракет, а по делу о непонятных объектах. В итоге, скорее всего, это расследование ничего не дало, природа шаров так и не была раскрыта. А Иванов заподозрил, что туристы могли погибнуть именно из-за шаров. И приобщил документы, которые оказались не нужны в Москве (или копии документов, отправленных в Москву), к делу дятловцев. Не исключено, что эти документы были изъяты из УД именно потому, что проходили по другому делу.
I have a slightly different idea. It seems to me that in fact no one knew what happened to the Dyatlov group (except for the locals who staged it). The official version was a hurricane (voiced by the commission of the regional committee). Ivanov would never go against the party's decision and, moreover, he would never check the version of the Soviet tests. He would most likely be punished for it. My script is like this:
- Ivanov led not only the case of the Dyatlov group. According to his recollections (of other people not Ivanov himself), he was summoned from the pass either to Moscow or to Sverdlovsk. And after that, he stopped being interested in the investigation.
- This is confirmed by the fact that at that time almost all interrogations were conducted by Romanov. That is, most likely Ivanov was assigned to investigate some other case. And Romanov "finished" the case of the Dyatlov group, the decision on which had already been formally made (hurricane).
- What could Ivanov investigate? All the interrogations that he conducted, starting from the end of March (approximately, that is, after the summons), were somehow connected with the sights of light phenomena in the sky. Plus, there is also an interrogation protocol in the case files, which was kept by the prosecutor of another district about fireballs (after the case was closed). It seems to me that Ivanov was assigned to investigate what these fireballs were. That is, most likely they were not associated with the launches of Soviet missiles. In fact, they were treated like UFOs. And they could not understand their nature.
- There is information on the net that it was during the investigation of cases of UFO sightings in the United States that radiation tests were carried out.

I think that at that time in the USSR there was some kind of investigation into cases of the appearance of unidentified phenomena in different areas. Ivanov, among other prosecutors, was collecting information. And he most likely conducted the radiation test on his own initiative. But not in the context of testing Soviet missiles, but because they didn't know what they were. In the end, most likely, this investigation did not give anything, the nature of the fireballs was never disclosed. And Ivanov suspected that the hikers could have died precisely because of the fireballs. So he attached documents that were not needed in Moscow (or copies of documents sent to Moscow) to the case of the Dyatlov group. It is possible that these documents were withdrawn from the Department of Justice precisely because they were related to another case.

... What are these documents to be continued
The following users thanked this post: marieuk

January 26, 2023, 02:15:26 AM
Reply #305



"1079. The Overwhelming Force of Dyatlov Pass" "1079. Die Urkraft des Dyatlov Passes" "1079. La fuerza abrumadora del Paso de Dyatlov"


* * * * *

Please download the book for FREE and RATE it.

I know most of you already have the book but if you haven't rate it please do so. Tell friends. I have never asked for help, now I do. Give me some feedback that it is worth my time to keep going, that I am doing something important and I don't refer to the book only but the site and forum as well. The book is only a continuation of my findings in a different format. In the book there is nothing about me, it is about the incident entirely. It may seem boring to some but Igor and I chose this format on purpose, it reads like a cold case file, not as a beach novel. It is not entertaining and it was never meant to be. It is the only way to discuss this case, with facts. Our theory is in the last chapter, I do not care if you like it or not. I don't claim to have solved the case, we offer a solution, an explanation. But the book should be read as a chronology of events comprised by information we know. It is a navigation map between all the documents putting them into a time frame. Igor Pavlov sat for 10 years on this information and waited to see if a new finding would contradict or compliment his theory. This book is his legacy and I am its keeper. This is me reaching out for help. The Kindle download will appear in your Amazon profile under Orders › Digital Orders, find the book › Write a product review and if you have met the "minimum eligibility requirements to write a review" which is to buy other stuff for $50 in the last year then you will be able to rate. It says "to write a review" but you don't have to. You can just rate it. Thank you!

« Last Edit: January 27, 2023, 12:29:07 AM by Teddy »
The following users thanked this post: marieuk, Clarifiction

January 26, 2023, 10:50:50 AM
Reply #306


Global Moderator
Teddy, you can't let discouraging people discourage you. What you have done is nothing short of amazing, and everyone on this forum appreciates you. This is the go-to site for information on the DPI the world over, and it only exists thanks to you. We are grateful to you for investigating, gathering, and organizing the information, and building this site and forum, which we all use — for free — thanks to you. We don't express our gratitude to you enough, and we should not, and do not, take you for granted.
The following users thanked this post: Teddy, mk, Morski, anna_pycckux, GlennM, marieuk, RMK, Ziljoe, Missi, tenne, Clarifiction

January 26, 2023, 11:05:47 AM
Reply #307


I take this as positive encouragement from everyone that supports me. You don't need to write more replies, just thank amashilu if you agree with the statement and we can move on. I feel better already.  thanky1
We can get on with the case. You know what to do about the book.

There are two articles that came out today about the location of the labaz. I was there, my name is at the bottom of the article. You can ask me questions but most probably I will get back to you after the conference because I am no where with my report. I will translate and publish the article about the labaz as well, just giving you a heads up.

I cleaned up a little bit. Don't be surprised some posts are missing. They were not about the case but my own insecurities.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2023, 12:06:25 AM by Teddy »

January 27, 2023, 09:39:39 PM
Reply #308


Igor Pavlov sat for 10 years on this information and waited to see if a new finding would contradict or compliment his theory.

У меня совершенно другой взгляд на то,  чем была Ваша работа с Игорем Павловым   - над этой книгой. Эта Ваша книга - сюжет для новой книги. Книги - С большой буквы. Я Вам пояснила это в личной переписке.
Это презентуемая Вами книга - ступенька для написания действительно человеческой и замечательной истории. Мы все тут люди и сердца стучат - только на настоящее...

I have a completely different view of what your work with Igor Pavlov was - on this book. This book of yours is the plot for a new book. Books - With a capital letter. I explained this to you in a private message.
This book you are presenting is a stepping stone for writing a truly human and wonderful story. We are all people here and our hearts are beating - only for the real ...
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...
The following users thanked this post: Teddy

March 02, 2023, 08:34:05 AM
Reply #309



Prof. Momchil Panayotov is a member of the Dendrology department of University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria. The gist is that the dead cedar's last discernible ring is from 1948, although we could be missing some material that rotted on the outer side of the trunk, which could translate to years. The second important observation is that the tree is completely rotten in the middle. The tree could have stopped forming rings but stood until it fell from the harsh weather. This could have happened in 1958-59 according to the expert. He can't tell when exactly it hit the ground. The mountain ash clearly showed that something happened to it in 1959. Camping always leaves traces on the trees. We could find the Dyatlov group campsite on this horrific night, as well as the geologists' camp which must have been nearby. The last reassuring news is that due to the cold climate trees in Ural can be preserved on the ground for centuries.
Screenshots for Part 2 of this interview →
« Last Edit: March 02, 2023, 03:05:07 PM by Teddy »
The following users thanked this post: Morski, marieuk, Ziljoe

March 02, 2023, 11:52:11 AM
Reply #310


Global Moderator
Being smashed by a tree is the only theory I've come across that could actually cause those crushed ribs and that literally flattened skull.
The following users thanked this post: Teddy

May 09, 2023, 09:57:32 AM
Reply #311


« Last Edit: May 14, 2023, 12:37:17 PM by Teddy »

May 12, 2023, 09:49:12 AM
Reply #312

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Tree is still the best explanation.

Star man
The following users thanked this post: Teddy

May 12, 2023, 11:55:05 AM
Reply #313


I have a special place in my heart for everyone that is interested in the case. You don't have to agree with my theory. I am not looking only for evidence that support my theory. I will bring to light everything that I find related to the case one way or another. I don't have tunnel vision.
The following users thanked this post: Jean Daniel Reuss, marieuk

May 12, 2023, 12:57:05 PM
Reply #314

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I have considered most of the main theories and have tried to approach each one in a systematic and open minded way, including the Yeti theory.  After quite alot of effort and reading 1079 it became 9bvious to me that the tree falling theory complicated with a cover up is tge only credible explanation.  The only thing that is still unclear is exactly why the tree fell.


Star man

May 12, 2023, 01:40:35 PM
Reply #315


The only thing that is still unclear is exactly why the tree fell.

Trees fall all the time. The fallen cedar I found with the tin can from 1958 nearby stopped forming rings in 1948 and just stood up rotting at the center. The fallen cedar was hollow inside. Standing dead and dying trees are called "snags". It could have fallen because of the wind, the tent being tied to it, or just because it was standing up dead for 10 years. I keep saying with a utmost conviction that the more I understand this case the more incredible it seems. They just had the worse luck in the universe. But it was not a mystery. The mystery was created by men.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2023, 03:19:11 PM by Teddy »

May 12, 2023, 03:45:14 PM
Reply #316

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Yeah I agree.  Its most likely explanation is that the tree was weakened and just fell onto the tent.  Very bad luck.  A tragic accident.


Srar man
The following users thanked this post: Teddy

December 31, 2023, 03:46:41 AM
Reply #317


"1079. Стихийная сила Перевала Дятлова" была выдвинута на участие в премии "Русский детектив" - 2023 в номинации: "Документальный детектив". Сейчас идет этап зрительского голосования.
Можно поддержать нас по ссылке →

"1079. The Overwhelming Force of Dyatlov Pass" was nominated for the "Russian Detective - 2023" award in the category "Documentary Detective". The audience voting is now underway. Since it requires an account in one of the Russian social media we are mainly appealing to the Russian followers. You can still visit though. It is a great achievement and honor for the authors.
You can vote here →

« Last Edit: December 31, 2023, 07:20:29 AM by Teddy »
The following users thanked this post: GlennM, marieuk

December 31, 2023, 07:46:11 AM
Reply #318


Congratulations Teddy. It is an achievement to write a book and nice to see it get nominated.

Happy new year and good health to everyone.

May our debates continue and be friendly by nature.
The following users thanked this post: Teddy, GlennM, marieuk

January 08, 2024, 11:57:03 PM
Reply #319



A 10m tall cedar lying on the ground 5m away from where the bodies of Doroshenko and Krivonischneko were found was analyzed by an expert dendrologist Assoc. Prof. PhD Momchil Panayotov. and the last ring is from 1958. In the photos from February 1959, this tree is already on the ground, covered with snow, so much that it can not be seen. The dating shows the tree fell after the end of 1958 and before the first bodies of the Dyatlov group were found.
Read the article →

This is the pinnacle of my research into the Dyatlov case. I imagine Igor Pavlov smiling from the heavens. It is one thing to build a theory empirically, but to go to the place of the tragedy and find the actual cause cannot be simply by chance. Igor Pavlov was taken away far too early, so by intuition or foresight, he placed his legacy into my hands. I finally found what he was looking for. This is opening a new chapter in our investigation.
The following users thanked this post: marieuk, RMK, Ziljoe

January 09, 2024, 01:38:25 AM
Reply #320


Congratulations on your hard work !

I'm reading through the article, I may have some questions in a bit. Do you ever rest?

January 09, 2024, 02:13:34 AM
Reply #321


I will be traveling for the next 3 days if you can call it a rest. So you may take your time with the questions.
My next project is the interview with Askinadzi.

January 09, 2024, 07:39:25 AM
Reply #322


Global Moderator
Teddy, I agree that the tree theory has not had enough attention. I hope we can turn our focus to this theory now, with the addition of your discovery that the "second" cedar fell after its 1958 ring was formed and before the DPI.

I have read your book and now I have read all the new information you just posted about the second cedar. Many questions come into my mind as I am reading and I, like Ziljoe, am hoping we can start a question-and-answer with you, and while no one expects you to have all the details worked out, would like very much to hear your thoughts and speculations, since this might lead to more areas of exploration for us all.

I will start with one question. What made this incident so urgent to the Soviet government that messages were sent all the way up to Khrushchev?
« Last Edit: January 09, 2024, 07:59:49 AM by amashilu »

January 09, 2024, 07:05:27 PM
Reply #323


There is a lot of discussion regarding the fallen tree. Imappreciate a dendrologist doing expedition field,work. I believe that with a living tree, or freshly cut one, the age of the tree can be determined accurately. How is the age of a fallen tree, especially a when the year it fell is not actually known be determined?  Further, if the age of the tree is a best guess, how great is the level of confidence. Could it be used in a court of law?
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.
The following users thanked this post: Почемучка

January 10, 2024, 09:16:11 AM
Reply #324


I will start with one question. What made this incident so urgent to the Soviet government that messages were sent all the way up to Khrushchev?

The 21st Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was held from January 27 to February 5, 1959. It was a mid-term congress, timed so that Khrushchev could try to consolidate his power over rivals after the attempted coup of the Anti-Party Group in 1957.
Kolevatov's sisters sent the telegram.
Kremlin gave the order to make an exemplary search and rescue operation to prove to the people that the higher echelons gave a ****.
The following users thanked this post: amashilu

January 10, 2024, 09:36:49 AM
Reply #325


There is a lot of discussion regarding the fallen tree. Imappreciate a dendrologist doing expedition field,work. I believe that with a living tree, or freshly cut one, the age of the tree can be determined accurately. How is the age of a fallen tree, especially a when the year it fell is not actually known be determined?

We don't car about the age of the tree, only when it died. Cross-dating in dendrochronology can do this because it doesn't count how many years lived but it "compares" (and this is very very simplified expression) the tree rings "widths" more like how they changed, and especially the same tree types in very close vicinity, and compares they rings with what we got. In our case the center of the tree is rotten so we will never know how old it is, but in 2023 I cut a whole cross section from it and this is how Assoc. Prof. PhD Momchil Panayotov was able to find a line that has the outer (later) rings and the bark.

This is only half of the work. You need to have a good sample from a living tree of the same type near by. I was very very lucky that a Russian researcher, also a dendrologist, had taken a core sample form the living cedar where the bodies were found in 2019. he mailed me this sample and I gave it to my dendrologist. All this is sanded and entered into a software. Nothing is done manually. The software decides how to assign the tree rings.

Here you can see the sample Sasha Konstantinov sent me from the living cedar, as well as the hole that healed all well.

Further, if the age of the tree is a best guess, how great is the level of confidence. Could it be used in a court of law?

The dendrologist can only say that the tree died after December 31, 1958 and before end of 1959. In our case the strange thing is that the tragedy happened in the first month of the next year after the tree died and the photos from the discovery of the first bodies do not show this tree standing up. This is where the "precision" comes from. We can narrow the time of death of the tree Jan 1-Feb 27. But on Feb 27 the fallen cedar was already completely covered with snow. This is me concluding when the tree died, not science.

Once I asked a coroner who had signed an autopsy report for a woman that was killed in a tent by a fallen tree if he could look at the autopsy reports of Lyuda Dubinina for example and tell me if a tree could have caused the injuries. He said that the only thing he would testify in court is that a tree can not be excluded. I asked how come he signed the death papers of the woman he examined and the forensic expert said that this is because she was with another person in the tent who survived and there were more witnesses that observed the incident 20 mins after he screamed his head off. She didn't scream, she couldn't breathe.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2024, 10:05:56 AM by Teddy »

January 10, 2024, 09:58:45 PM
Reply #326


Thank you Teddy for a very complete answer. This line of investigation uses relative dating as opposed to absolute dating. The greater the number of samples, the better the results. If the recovered tent had damage and debris consistent with a fallen tree or branch with blood on the inside canvas, there would be little doubt left.

It leads me to consider something else. Zolo was reported to be the best dressed of the deceased. The suggestion being that he was outside the tent attending to his needs when things happened. If true, he should have escaped the injuries others sustained. But, if he was not outside when it happened, can we conclude that he was too well dressed for sleep? Too, if crushed by a tree, how could he or any of them get dressed? If they could get dressed after the accident, I'd think footwear would be important, especially with Igor's insistence that foot care was a requirement for his teams.

Stay well.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2024, 02:42:27 AM by GlennM »
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.
The following users thanked this post: Teddy

January 13, 2024, 01:34:26 AM
Reply #327


Dear Teddy, congratulations on the recent  tree ring findings, which give real credibility to your (Igor's) theory. You are the first to have successfully used a Dyatlov theory to produce a prediction that was later corroborated. This gives me much greater confidence that your scenario reflects what happened all those years ago. I think this assists in respecting the memory of those poor hikers and I feel you have achieved something of enormous value. We can much more easily appreciate the selfless sacrifices made for their dying friends. My thanks and respect to you for your truly incredible efforts.
The following users thanked this post: Teddy

January 15, 2024, 03:39:11 PM
Reply #328

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Glad you have found further supporting evidence.  The tree did it.  It has been case closed for a while for me.  I have studied the case files, the details of the injuries and the forces involved.  Also the cuts and tears in the tent which I knew were not made when the tent was on the slope.  I knew it was case closed when I read the book.  Well done.


Star man
The following users thanked this post: Teddy

February 01, 2024, 10:22:23 PM
Reply #329


Komsomolskaya Pravda published an article today about our book.