Hello Ethnisba,
thank you for your point. According your answer you dont have to feel rude

Because you spent a time with large, logical answer.
However, very smart people have one vices. They are looking for complexities in vain and it is the reason why they are often unable to make decisions efficiently.
In 2015 during 3 weeks - intensive MPSO training I have led the lessons of Multinational military students in area of "Ground signs awarenes" ( I will try to add in attachement one of powerpoint lesson).
I remember my first lesson with my students, when I prepared before lesson a square area of 10 x 10meters where I put different types of ground signs. (Snow, mud, grass footprints without bergen, footprints with 40 kgs bergen on backs, print of bergen again in snow, grass, mud. Broken boughs, left smoked cigarette, snow flattening of body who lay 10 seconds in snow, 15 minutes in snow, weapon snow flattening running footprints in snow, mud, grass, etc, etc, etc..
When the students firstly stand in front of my miniature 10*10m training ground I asked my students: " What do you see?" They just baldly answered to me: "Footprints..." After 3 weeks of training for example they were available to find a burried command wire of explosives or camouflaged hand granade inside the root of tree. As you know they never could to see a burried wire or granade by eyes. They found it because of ground signs. Somebody had to go there, to install the items there. Somebody who makes it everytime left some activity signs. You need to take in mind every detail. Your eyes must scanning the scenary from left side to right side, not contra...etc, etc. It is very long time issue.
However to read the footprints is the eliminary base of every recco scout and the snowprints are the easiest basics. If you cannot read a footprints in snow, than probaly you will never be able to find a burried command wire in summer grass. If you will not find a burried command wire in Afghanistan during patrol, then you and your teammates will be probably wound or die because of initialized explosive device. Without any high-tech equipment, just by sences and skills.
Yet it all, in 2012 we missed some ground awarness signs during the patrol nearby the Puli-Alam and my vehicle has been blowed by IED. We just made a mistake because we overlooked some signs. After iincident we made analyzation of are and the signs were very very noticeable and visible. we overlooked even though we were careful and we were masters in IED searching.
I think I'm not some deranged guy with screams in this forum. My theory is based on visuals and materials which are available.
If somebody will try to say me that the marks in blue borders are not animals, than I have to say NO! and my reasoning is based on my experiences.
If somebody will try to say me that the pollution on Zinas trousers are from grass, than I have to say no (unless she sit on cactus).
When I started to think about Dyatlavov expedition pass, I started from one factor - Zolotaryev. My starting mind were: "How could an Sovie elite soldier who survived WWII with probably very good skills in bushcraft died for hypotermy in mountines together with other 8 hikers??". His minds could be quite similar like mine. In my opinion they dont wanted to push the elk/els for whole 1500m to cedar. No, they probably wanted to push him out of the tent max. 500 meters of close tent range. Then go back to tent. But the elk could broken their line formation and started to push them to cedar. The situation could turned.
According your point of prints - lay flattenings of fight could not be spotted by searchers because of thin flattening snow print. All lay body snow prints were earased by wind and by "time". Dyatlov, Zina and thirdone in slope were covered by snow and they were not visible for first time. However the weather was stable, the lay flattenings (fighting flattening prints) were already covered by snow.
Stayed just deep prints - footprints. Elks and humans.
Elk has 4 hooves.
Circa 500/4= 125 kgs per feet. Standing (calm position)
Elks movement = 500/3 = 166 kgs per feet.
Human has 2 feets.
Circa 90/2 = 45 kgs per feet. Standing (calm position)
Human movement 90/1 - = 90 kgs per feet. A little less because of shear friction)
Human run movement 90/1 + something = could be circa 100 and above kgs per feet because of higher step high.
It can explain why the prints in picture above has a similar deepness.
So after that I tried to understand their movement from tent to cedar. Confused "line formation = combat formation" If we were under fire during exercises, and situation allowed to dominate our team force, than at the most of situations we used a line formation. If the enemy was stronger than our team, than we just tried to push out of enemy.
You will never lead your team in "column formation" in case of front treat. This shard uncovered me another, another, and another. I did not know at first that it was caused by elk/elks. No.
Elk is just a summary of my equation. On my mind this "mystery" is a set of 2 equations of one unknown and I think that the "x" has been calculated. The rest are just maths procedures. - they just frozen.
This "mathematic" process is very difucult because of inaccurate assignment. (very poor inspection and documenting of crime scene by searching teams - students, some milicioners, etc..)
Nowaday this "mystery" will be probably solved very fastly by presence of professional criminals technics.
I think Im open to spread all other theories of UFO, Military tests, Gulag killers, Infrasounds, and etc shits. Including professional scientific rhetoricians by 1 short question for each other theory.
I just say that it was elk/elks. (My opinion).
The attachement in powerpoint is not possible to add. In case of interest I can send via mail.