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Author Topic: Why did the Dyatlov group leave their tent?  (Read 57295 times)

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September 04, 2018, 10:23:49 PM
Reply #30


The Dyatlov group by all accounts walked or run away from the tent without taking any equipment with them  !  ?  And they did this for a mile.  Surely an avalanche of any force as is inferred in the article would create a different outcome for the Dyatlov group ! ? 

the article at other chapters shared the following:
real life eg for avalanche at seemingly non-conducive locations -

explanation for injuries sustained (at tent site) but yet not incompletely immobile

It didn't really cover why the 4 most injured were best dressed though.

September 05, 2018, 12:46:57 PM
Reply #31


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Why did the Dyatlov Group leave their tent  !  ?  The avalanche theory just doesnt seem to add up.  They were experienced outdoors people and would have known the terrain where they were located.  They would not have pitched camp in an area where there was an avalanche risk. 

September 09, 2018, 01:10:26 PM
Reply #32


The Dyatlov group by all accounts walked or run away from the tent without taking any equipment with them  !  ?  And they did this for a mile.  Surely an avalanche of any force as is inferred in the article would create a different outcome for the Dyatlov group ! ? 

the article at other chapters shared the following:
real life eg for avalanche at seemingly non-conducive locations -

explanation for injuries sustained (at tent site) but yet not incompletely immobile

It didn't really cover why the 4 most injured were best dressed though.

Dear beanie07  this site is devoted not to incident Dyatlov, and it simply site climbers of  city of St.-Petersburg. That you read, this one of variations on a theme incident Dyatlov the author by name is Evgenie Buyanov. It is very old article and not absolutely correct. Evgenie confirms that there was avalanche, however it is not fact. Its this abstract assumptions. It is not true basically. Because I with my companion Alexander Alekseenkov  some times tried different ways to check up it assumptions directly on that place and in the winter. In different months: January, February, March. The result is that there avalanches cannot be basically. It is because there such environment. We investigated snow structure, dynamics of accumulation snow, tried create different loading above the cut site. There were no possibilities even a small motion of snow. If to see all reports of winter travel for last 60 years  anybody never saw any avalanche phenomena on this place and in general in this area of Northern Ural Mountains.
Nearby there are much more abrupt and extended slopes, but also there too anybody never saw any avalanche phenomena. At all did not see any slipping of snow.
Evgenie Buyanov was not on this place in the winter and uses that applies conditions of high mountains with much more abrupt slopes to the assumption. It is objected by almost all qualified travellers on skis which were in this area in the winter, but it disagrees. But he writes articles on an avalanche theme in incident Dyatlov much.


September 29, 2018, 11:29:26 AM
Reply #33


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Why did they leave their tent?

That is a crucial question.

The tragedy started with their leaving their camp.

Everything that subsequently happened is connected to their fleeing their tent, and it is probable to the point of certainty that the unusual force that made them leave their shelter was also responsible for their deaths.

Leaving a safe shelter and fleeing out in the arctic winter in the middle of the night without proper clothing and moreover without proper protection of their feet and hands leads to certain death within a short time, and they must all have known that.

Being aware that staying outside half-dressed and with little or no protection for the most vulnerable parts of the body means death, the only possibility is that they found themselves faced with a situation that was so extraordinarily dangerous that staying where they were would result in immediate and violent inescapable death since the danger must have been so great and forceful that nine healthy people could not hope to fight it even if they had axes and knives. They somehow managed to grab with them some few items like matches, but they evidently did not have the time to put on their warm garments.

The immediacy and gravity of the threat they faced on that fateful night is the only possible reason why they left without taking the three to four minutes it would require to put on their winter clothes, boots and mittens/gloves.

What could it be? Let us consider some possibilities.

- An avalanche. That can be ruled out. The terrain was simply not typical of an area where avalanches occur. No avalanches were reported, and no traces of avalanches were found in the area.

- Atmospheric phenomena in the sky. We can also safely rule them out. These nine trekkers were gifted and knowledgeable people who must have been acquainted with both northern lights and other phenomena, and moreover they would not let themselves be scared out from the tent in a deadly vulnerable condition unless an immensely dangerous physical presence forced them to leave.

- Infrasound with subconscious psychological effects that led to their fleeing their tent. It is likely that we can become nervous and even scared by sound frequencies that are capable of subconsciously influencing us. But it is unrealistic to assume that nine intelligent, experienced and evidently mentally as well as physically strong people would let panic overtake them to such a degree that they would all flee. They all knew very well that to leave their shelter in -25 C in the middle of the dark night improperly dressed and without winter mittens, gloves and winter boots is a suicidal action which will invariably lead to death.

- Yetis do not exist, and even if they did they would most likely not be harmful to humans.

- UFOs do exist, but they are natural phenomena, not extraterrestrials that harm and kill people.

- Known animals can also be excluded. Predatory animals would have left characteristic damage on the bodies, and nothing points to an animal attack on any of the nine trekkers while they were alive.

Realistically, judging from the evidence which is known - including the fact that much of the bodily damage found on nearly all of the unfortunate victims was fully compatible with and even characteristic of forceful physical attack - there is only one natural phenomenon that can have caused the trekkers to leave the tent and thereafter caused their deaths. That phenomenon is an assault by human attackers, a powerful, compelling and relentless assault that were intended to kill all the nine members of the Dyatlov group and also achieved that violent and terrible goal.

That is, the tent and its nine occupants must have been attacked by human assailants during the fateful night of February 02, 1959.

How does one make a claim that YETIS dont exist  !  ?  How do we know  ! ?  They could exist.
How does one make a claim that UFO's exist but are not extraterrestial  !  ?  How do we know  !  ?
I thought that the original investigators had ruled out foul play by other humans  !  ?

October 01, 2018, 07:00:41 PM
Reply #34


Why did they leave their tent?

That is a crucial question.

The tragedy started with their leaving their camp.

Everything that subsequently happened is connected to their fleeing their tent, and it is probable to the point of certainty that the unusual force that made them leave their shelter was also responsible for their deaths.

Leaving a safe shelter and fleeing out in the arctic winter in the middle of the night without proper clothing and moreover without proper protection of their feet and hands leads to certain death within a short time, and they must all have known that.

Being aware that staying outside half-dressed and with little or no protection for the most vulnerable parts of the body means death, the only possibility is that they found themselves faced with a situation that was so extraordinarily dangerous that staying where they were would result in immediate and violent inescapable death since the danger must have been so great and forceful that nine healthy people could not hope to fight it even if they had axes and knives. They somehow managed to grab with them some few items like matches, but they evidently did not have the time to put on their warm garments.

The immediacy and gravity of the threat they faced on that fateful night is the only possible reason why they left without taking the three to four minutes it would require to put on their winter clothes, boots and mittens/gloves.

What could it be? Let us consider some possibilities.

- An avalanche. That can be ruled out. The terrain was simply not typical of an area where avalanches occur. No avalanches were reported, and no traces of avalanches were found in the area.

- Atmospheric phenomena in the sky. We can also safely rule them out. These nine trekkers were gifted and knowledgeable people who must have been acquainted with both northern lights and other phenomena, and moreover they would not let themselves be scared out from the tent in a deadly vulnerable condition unless an immensely dangerous physical presence forced them to leave.

- Infrasound with subconscious psychological effects that led to their fleeing their tent. It is likely that we can become nervous and even scared by sound frequencies that are capable of subconsciously influencing us. But it is unrealistic to assume that nine intelligent, experienced and evidently mentally as well as physically strong people would let panic overtake them to such a degree that they would all flee. They all knew very well that to leave their shelter in -25 C in the middle of the dark night improperly dressed and without winter mittens, gloves and winter boots is a suicidal action which will invariably lead to death.

- Yetis do not exist, and even if they did they would most likely not be harmful to humans.

- UFOs do exist, but they are natural phenomena, not extraterrestrials that harm and kill people.

- Known animals can also be excluded. Predatory animals would have left characteristic damage on the bodies, and nothing points to an animal attack on any of the nine trekkers while they were alive.

Realistically, judging from the evidence which is known - including the fact that much of the bodily damage found on nearly all of the unfortunate victims was fully compatible with and even characteristic of forceful physical attack - there is only one natural phenomenon that can have caused the trekkers to leave the tent and thereafter caused their deaths. That phenomenon is an assault by human attackers, a powerful, compelling and relentless assault that were intended to kill all the nine members of the Dyatlov group and also achieved that violent and terrible goal.

That is, the tent and its nine occupants must have been attacked by human assailants during the fateful night of February 02, 1959.

How does one make a claim that YETIS dont exist  !  ?  How do we know  ! ?  They could exist.
How does one make a claim that UFO's exist but are not extraterrestial  !  ?  How do we know  !  ?
I thought that the original investigators had ruled out foul play by other humans  !  ?

Because a UFO by definition is simply put an Unidentified Flying Object. It just means that those who witness these phenomena can't explain it and by all accounts neither can the government (in terms of weather balloons, military exercises, etc.) It can very well be an unexpected piece of space debris coming back into the atmosphere. The greatest mistake you can make here is to automatically assume that UFO means extraterrestrial aircraft/spacecraft. That's what was said. UFO's are completely natural and common occurrences.

I'm going to agree with the original poster as well. Yeti and other cryptids have no known, definitive existence on planet Earth so for all argumentative purposes, Yeti do not exist. It's a folk tale told to scare young children across several cultures just like Santa Clause.

October 02, 2018, 06:05:28 AM
Reply #35


I understand that Santa can be used as a manipulation tool....  (be good or Santa won't bring you any presents), but whats the purpose of scaring children with Yeti?
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

October 02, 2018, 12:24:05 PM
Reply #36


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I and Iam sure that there are many people out there who are open minded about the possibility of extraterrestrial beings. Top scientists have said that they believe in the possibility of such beings.  Yes UFO means unidentified flying object. As for the Yeti and other names used to describe the large ape like creatures apparently seen and sometimes encountered by countless people over hundreds of years, Iam sure that such creatures, imaginary or not, would not just be used to scare children.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2018, 12:56:34 PM by sarapuk »

October 04, 2018, 05:33:17 PM
Reply #37


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Svetlana Oss's Blog, page 2
June 10, 2015
Deranged State
There is some evidence that members of the Dyatlov group were in a deranged state when they left the tent.  The idea first came to Lev Ivanov’s mind when he was conducting his investigation back in 1959.   Many years later when retired in Kazakhstan he made a statement that the UFO was responsible for the tragedy. But his very first version was murder  yet not an ordinary one. He suggested that something or somebody first affected their minds and than physically destroyed some of them.

He told about it to Vladislav Bienko, 77, (same age with Dyatlov) who now lives in Minsk. Below is Bienko’s statement given recently to the Komsmolskaya Pravda newspaper. What is very ineresting in this interview is that Ivanov was on friendly terms with Bienko and thus shared his real thoughts with him.

Bienko fairly remembers the winter of 1959 and all of  the group members because he was supposed to go with them to that expedition to Otorten. Three days before the expedition Bienko was forbidden to participate by the University Komsomol Organization. The reason was his previous skipping obligatory work for students. He was sent to work instead of going with his friends.
“There was nothing I could do about it, “he said,” All my provision and equipment I gave to Zolotarev who replaced me”

“We know that you personally have worked with the investigator Ivanov?”

– The prosecutor criminologist Lev Nikitich Ivanov was young, intelligent and honest. Once the first news of the tragedy arrived, he involved me with his work. While he had to be present on the scene, he sent to me the first photographic film from the camera of Yuri Krivonischenko. I was in Sverdlovsk.  The film had to be developed urgently, so I developed it  that very night at my apartment and printed photos of the last day of the group. Truth be told, in my heist I poorly washed paper and the photos now got yellowish.

– Amazing! Why Ivanov has entrusted the film to you, the student, rather than to any forensic expert?

– I do not know. Perhaps he trusted me. And secondly, he was keen to see ASAP-what was there, in the photos? Maybe their departmental lab was not working due to the weekend. Also Ivanov asked me to look through some newspaper articles about UFOs before his departure to the scene. Such reports have appeared in some newspapers of the northern district of Sverdlovsk region, including the major newspaper “Tagil Worker”. Later, when Ivanov returned to Sverdlovsk, he requested additional information from police stations and meteorological services about possible UFO observations in the period close to 1 February 1959. But no one could explain. Ivanov even wrote to the Ministry of Defence of the USSR: are those bright flying spheres, which so many people have eyewitnessed, have anything to do with military or space rocket, or even with any aircraft?

He sent the request and did not expect an answer. But the answer came quickly, in just a couple of weeks, which surprised Ivanov a lot. He was informed that no launches of the  missiles in the area was carried out. It is possible that it was exactly so, because witnesses say that they saw bright spheres above the horizon, which means that even if the was a rocket, it flew far away from the scene of the tragedy. Had it been in the Northern Urals, then the phenomenon would have been visible in meridian. Ivanov  questioned Mansi as well if they had seen something unusual? He collected all the possible information. And he tried to understand what was the reason? He was convinced till the end that the guys left the tent deliberately and in good health, except for the mind. That is to say, they were physically fine but off their heads. But what was the cause of this insanity remained a mystery for Ivanov.  Apparently, it is only in the forest when their the ability to think sensibly returned to them. They tried to go back into the tent, but it was too late – the wind and frost destroyed them.

– So what was his version at that time?

– When Ivanov returned from the scene of the tragedy, he told me that if he was superstitious, he would believe in devilry (чертовщина which means involvement of the infernal). What happened with the guys could not be result of natural processes. The slope where there was a tent is impossible to call steep. Only the mentally sick could imagine an avalanche there…

After Ivanov visited the spot  where the last four bodies were found, and came back, I did not recognize him. From an energetic acumen and socialable person, he turned into a depressed, indifferent. He seemed to have aged for ten years. In responce to my questions, he only said, “You know, Slava, it seems to me that there were two impacts of the elemental forces unknown to us: first – it was a mental impact bs it kicked them out of the tent just out of the blue, and the second – the physical impact that destroyed the three who went away from the main group”.

– Perhaps, Ivanov learned something that was a state secret?

– I can not say.

November 22, 2018, 10:53:47 AM
Reply #38


The enemy here in understanding the case is impatience, not some bugaboos or cryptids.
Think of the events as scenes in a play. We do not know their correct order, the pages have been shuffled.
The scene at the tent is remarkably placid. Only the damage to the tent portends anything ominous. The searchers found the tent first, they suspected to find the party elsewhere.
Nothing at all would seem weird had someone been there alive. The cuts in the tent draw so much attention because of their uniqueness. They are really not that peculiar.
Evidence suggests that the entire party was there together. They then appear to have left the scene in a fairly orderly manner. Nobody seems to have stayed behind.
They left either voluntarily or due to a compelling force which left no physical evidence at the scene.
These are all clear and self-evident assertions, I say. If we do not study the parts prudently and skeptically, we blunder into all manner of nonsense.

November 22, 2018, 12:35:46 PM
Reply #39


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
We need to be OPEN MINDED, especially with the Dyatlov Mystery.  Also it means that we need to be in a position to accept that maybe what happened was beyond our present understanding of physical reality. So it means that we must look at the possibility that one reason the Dyatlov Group left the TENT was because they were scarred to death by something, and that something may not have been another person or persons.

November 22, 2018, 12:39:06 PM
Reply #40

Nigel Evans

The answer to why they left must explain these observations :-

Yuri Koptelov, the rescue team member who found the first two bodies, recently made a drawing of the footprints nearest to the tent as they appeared to him and Sharavin. It seemed that the people were not walking but standing in one row, shoulder to shoulder.

Slobtsov’s statement, taken from the criminal case file, is as follows: The footprints were not proceeding in single file, but were abreast in a horizontal line, sometimes closer and converging, sometimes not. I had the feeling the hikers had left the tent in an organized state. It also seems that they were scared, possibly even holding each other by the hand in the darkness. Captain Chernyshov states in his testimony for the criminal case: ‘For about thirty or forty metres I saw very good human footprints walking abreast in parallel chains, as if they were holding each other.’

Svetlana Oss likes the "at gunpoint" theory to explain the above. I of course have other ideas :), from the above it would seem that they had to immediately evacuate the tent and could not return but could stand and observe it close by before electing to descend to the forest in an orderly manner to escape the cold.

It's my assumption that Koptelov's drawing would indicate which way they were facing and that it would be towards the tent.

"as if they were holding each other" if the two Yuri's were walking wounded and assisted by two other members (one each side) then you have two chains of three people right there.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2019, 01:03:05 PM by Teddy »

November 22, 2018, 01:37:31 PM
Reply #41


Also it means that we need to be in a position to accept that maybe what happened was beyond our present understanding of physical reality.   Openness of mind is the best way to think about things.  I see that Coral Hull, a student of case,  http://www.coral-hull.com/testimony/fallenangelsexposed/dyatlovpass/dyatlov-2.html considered the flight from the tent this way.
In the state of semi sleep and bewilderment, inside the tent, things were about to become very chaotic very quickly, but not before Zolotaryov and Thibeaux-Brignolles had a chance to tell the group, that they had seen UFOs when they had been outside. There would have been no time for questions, speculation and/ or disbelief from the other group members as a 'Bigfoot' screamed again, perhaps towards the end of the tent where the entrance / exit was located as the light outside suddenly increased.

Terrfied and caught unawares, several group members would have grabbed for their knives, in order to make eye sized slits in the tent, to see that was going on, without actually going outside. In typical 'Bigfoot' encounters, where the manifesting entity, has approached campers, they always stay inside the tent, treating the 'Bigfoot' as a wild animal and hoping that it will go away. They do not expose themselves to the unknown entity, by leaving the tent, in order to investigate. They are usually too afraid to do anything. The Dyatlov group was no different, but they were intrepid and curious [rather than frozen in fear], so they used their knives, to make small eye level slits, in the side of the tent, in order to see what was going on. Whatever was going on outside, was shocking enough, to have group members take the drastic action, of cutting slits, into their only means of protection, against the deadly cold.

Okay, so what if they were suddenly lit up by a powerful light, like you often hear about in 'UFO' abduction cases, that they could see through their tent walls? What if they saw silhouettes of beings, that they knew were not of this earth? They may see their tent surrounded by ETs, strange people, or there may even be manifesting demonic entities, in physical celestial bodies. We can only look at patterns, but we will never know what they were seeing, under the effect of the fallen angels, who are manifesting as balls of light, spheres, fireballs, fake UFOs. Something is outside the tent. There are lights, sound, the tent may begin to shake. Whatever it is, it must be astonishing to have these people, make slits in the side of the tent, in order to look out. What are they seeing and hearing? It could be anything, since fallen angels can readily create false visions, hallucinations, altered states of consciousness and OBEs.

I believe that the fallen angels, in orb form, would have made conditions inside the tent extremely uncomfortable, perhaps life threatening, as they began to cook the group, with a blast of electro magnetic microwave radiation, so that in order to escape the searing heat and pain, the individuals still holding knives, that they had used made the slits with, simply slashed the tent so that they all poured outside into the snow, in order to avoid the agony, of being cooked alive, inside the structure.
That is more than reasonable to explain the injuries, openly.  Many theories are possible.

November 23, 2018, 03:22:11 AM
Reply #42

Nigel Evans

which left no physical evidence at the scene.

Not entirely there is the hot spot of course.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2019, 01:11:42 PM by Teddy »

November 23, 2018, 05:46:23 AM
Reply #43


Your looking at a darker area Nigel.   Darker areas are created by shadows. Shadows are a result of a relatively low easterly horizon sun (morning), and chunks of snow protruding upward from the surface around it. 

As you can see, these men are digging into hard chunky snow.  Is it unreasonable to assume they were tossing their shovel contents in one area, or that they were flinging it up hill at the investigators? 

Im reminded of the dogs I've buried throughout my life time.  Anyone having ever dug a hole knows the common sense at play here.

Or would it be more reasonable to assume that a piloted fireball parked itself there and the search crew and investigators ignored it? 
« Last Edit: November 23, 2018, 07:19:23 AM by Loose}{Cannon »
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

November 23, 2018, 07:46:32 AM
Reply #44

Nigel Evans

Your looking at a darker area Nigel.   Darker areas are created by shadows. Shadows are a result of a relatively low easterly horizon sun (morning), and chunks of snow protruding upward from the surface around it. 

Translated from - http://www.viafanzine.jor.br/site_vf/pag/5/dyatlov_part04.htm
He's making the case for the snow having been warmed up and the resultant slush corrugated by the wind before refreezing.
This of course fits with the longevity of the footsteps, powder at say -20C shouldn't behave like that.

" 1) Presence of a heat source.


Weather Report for Ivdel raion:


"On the night of 1st. of February 1959, the air temperature dropped almost twice as compared to the morning, reaching -20, -21 ° C. Compared with morning values, air humidity was low, 56%, visibility was of 8 points (on average). Precipitations fell less than 0.5 mm. Wind north-northwest 3 m / sec. Blizzards, hurricanes or storms were not observed . "


On the slopes of the Mountain of the Dead, the temperature, obviously, was much lower, due to height and wind. With a high degree of certainty we can add here from five to seven degrees, which means that the temperature in the dyátlovtsy tent was approaching minus 30 degrees. In the conditions of a strong cold, the humidity is low (the indicated value is of 56 percent), and the snow, dry and in powder. There should be no ice at all.


But what do we see?


- Near the entrance to the tent, there was an ice patch in the shape of sharp, parallel "ribs" (such icy formations are called internationally from Sastrúgui , which is the term of Russian origin). First responders paid attention to this ice islet, with a diameter of about four meters. The ice was very strong, ribbed, as if it were freezing in the form of waves; so that on these sharp "ribs" the snow blocks launched by rescue workers were easily broken off when they were looking for bodies near the tent.


Location of the incident. On his back is the promoter Vassili Tempalov and Evgeny Maslennikov. The blue rectangle indicates the

tent installation; the pink oval shows the boundaries of the icy stain near the entrance of the tent; the green line shows the route

of the escape from the tent unto the cedar; 1 - folded tent; 2 - dyátlovtsy backpacks and skis ; 3 - icing, 4 - cedar.


Detail of the most iconic stain near the entrance of the tent (enlarged image).


Where did this icy stain come from? What was the source of heat that created it?


In addition to this icy bruise, a few tens of meters around the tent, the snow was covered with a hard crust of ice. Students Slobtsov and Sharávin, who found the tent, could not approach it on skis! From the Auspiya valley, with no difficulty, they passed skis all over the slope, but near the tent of the Dyátlovtsy they had to take off the skis and walk the last dozens of meters on foot, using the rods to lean. To form this ice crust, a source of heat was also needed to melt the snow, which then froze in the strong cold. But the Dyátlovtsy themselves, on February 1, approached the place to install the tent precisely on the skis, when then, this place had not yet suffered any external impact. In the photo of the tent installation, we see a very dry and powdery snow.


November 23, 2018, 08:31:39 AM
Reply #45


Ah yes....   the city dwelling reporter that came out to the bush days if not weeks after the discovery of the tent who was ignorant to the conditions of the area.  I would ask...  where is his newspaper article from Feb 1959 stating all these unsubstantiated 'facts' nobody seemed to mention in the actual case files interrogation/testimonies?    This is nothing more then wild speciation in which you cherrypick to drive a narrative.

The tent was found nearly a MONTH later.  Did the sun come out prior to the tents discovery which glazed over the top layer of snow?  Where is all the evidence of these facts within the case files??

Side note...  you 'should' know given your degree.  Heat is NOT the only thing that melts ice.

Are your quotes in the previous post the reporters actual words, or someone regurgitating the reporters statements and twisting them into half-truths? 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

November 23, 2018, 08:43:10 AM
Reply #46


Proof of the authors ignorance...

shows this picture. 

and states this....

blue rectangle indicates the tent installation; the pink oval shows the boundaries of the icy stain near the entrance of the tent; the green line shows the route of the escape from the tent unto the cedar;

Fact check.....   The blue rectangle is NOT where the tent was located.  It was locates where the men are digging out the skis layed down as a base to the tent!!!!!!

All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

November 23, 2018, 09:00:47 AM
Reply #47

Nigel Evans

This is nothing more then wild speciation in which you cherrypick to drive a narrative.

Ah there's nothing like the hot spot to get you upset...   grin1

I'm not driving a narrative just making the point to Jacques-Emile that there is some physical evidence at the scene (albeit contested) which fits with the peculiar longevity of the footsteps (snow warmed close to melting point before refreezing?). That spot looks like sastrugi to me and fits with the claim that they couldn't ski over the vicinity of the tent on approach. As we both know the official report is a confection with omissions. Now how the sastrugi got there is open to debate but it does fit with electro magnetic phenomena theory of course.

November 23, 2018, 03:00:09 PM
Reply #48


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I assume that we all agree that the leaving of the TENT is the most important event of this mystery. Unless we are all missing something, the action starts at the TENT. The leaving of the TENT was the beginning of the end for the Dyatlov Group. We will keep coming back to the TENT throughout the investigation.

December 03, 2018, 04:47:16 AM
Reply #49



I like to join your group.
It seems to me as their tent was in death danger. And out of the tent there was no danger (at least they thought). I am inclined to the idea of a some little-known physical phenomenon (e.g. a plasmoid lighting) that, due to metallic ski rods in the corners of the tent, could create a high voltage on the tent (the tent was under the electric current). That would explain why they could not stay in the tent or even take their things out. It is possible that they waited a while before the tent, but the situation did not change, so they must went away from the tent and from open space. Because they thought there was no other danger outside the tent, they did not have to run and go by organized move to the forest.

December 03, 2018, 05:18:34 AM
Reply #50

Nigel Evans


I like to join your group.
It seems to me as their tent was in death danger. And out of the tent there was no danger (at least they thought). I am inclined to the idea of a some little-known physical phenomenon (e.g. a plasmoid lighting) that, due to metallic ski rods in the corners of the tent, could create a high voltage on the tent (the tent was under the electric current). That would explain why they could not stay in the tent or even take their things out. It is possible that they waited a while before the tent, but the situation did not change, so they must went away from the tent and from open space. Because they thought there was no other danger outside the tent, they did not have to run and go by organized move to the forest.
Hi Monika, yes St Elmo's fire could explain why they left the tent and appear to have stood in a row a little distance away before walking down the hill. But the "electro magnetic phenomena narrative" would seem to have to be expanded to include nitrogen oxides and Ivanov's fire orbs = rollers imo.

You make a good point with "their tent was in death danger. And out of the tent there was no danger (at least they thought)". This would also seem to be the case at Chivruay.


December 03, 2018, 06:36:41 AM
Reply #51


Except one opposite which is Faraday cage. A cube made of conducting material excludes all electrical charge. The tent is not in Faraday cage exactly; but the more the similarity is, the more it excludes charge.

December 03, 2018, 08:14:56 AM
Reply #52

Nigel Evans

Except one opposite which is Faraday cage. A cube made of conducting material excludes all electrical charge. The tent is not in Faraday cage exactly; but the more the similarity is, the more it excludes charge.
But if the surrounding snow is a say a metre deep and hence insulating the ground from the sky except where a tent has been dug down into the snow with a metal stove and other metal objects laid on it's base together with wet clothing and with possibly increasing moisture condensing from breathing. Then you have an earth. Then if you have ionised atmospheric nitrogen oxides they could be attracted into the tent to follow the earth. Then depending on how people are sitting versus lying on the floor there would be an asymmetric exposure to said oxides which (imo) seems to be indicated in the funeral/morgue photos. This could result in the group realising something was wrong with the inside of the tent and electing to stay outside and even exiting very quickly. And something similar happened at Chivruay.

December 03, 2018, 08:59:00 AM
Reply #53


Why did the Dyatlov group leave their tent?

To complete their top-secret mission of photographing piloted fireballs.........   DUH!!!!

All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

December 03, 2018, 09:39:38 AM
Reply #54

Nigel Evans

Why did the Dyatlov group leave their tent?

To complete their top-secret mission of photographing piloted fireballs.........   DUH!!!!

Close but no cigar. clap1

December 03, 2018, 12:03:33 PM
Reply #55


Convince Gauss and Faraday not moi.

December 03, 2018, 12:34:24 PM
Reply #56

Nigel Evans

Convince Gauss and Faraday not moi.
I don't think they had a canvas tent with air gaps in mind, more a metal mesh? I think you'd have a problem convincing them.

December 03, 2018, 01:00:51 PM
Reply #57


Aluminium is a metal, no?  Gauss and Faraday thought that it was. If electrics are just magick, though, your argument is persuasion indeed.

December 03, 2018, 01:15:37 PM
Reply #58

Nigel Evans

Aluminium is a metal, no?  Gauss and Faraday thought that it was. If electrics are just magick, though, your argument is persuasion indeed.
What aluminum?


December 13, 2018, 11:35:34 PM
Reply #59

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Why did the Dyatlov group leave their text.

Whatever it was it must have been compelling.

It was either something so scary that it caused them to panic and risk dying of hypothermia or they were forced.

I struggle to see how a psychotic drug or even a gas could have affected them all the same way and caused them all to leave at the same time without adequate clothing.