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Author Topic: Tent: how many photos to make one photo?  (Read 13683 times)

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November 23, 2022, 03:34:07 AM
Read 13683 times


When Charles decided to leave the forum he replaced the content of his posts with "nothing here".
I am trying to clean his mess.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2023, 03:53:11 AM by Teddy »

November 25, 2022, 09:07:21 PM
Reply #1

Игорь Б.

Видно, что проколы сделаны изнутри. Также видно, что человек пытался начать резать ткань, но у него не получилось.
An example of the impact of chemical weapons of a skunk (wolverine) in a tent:

December 10, 2022, 04:04:43 AM
Reply #2


One photo used for the left side was not only joined, but also cut with a lancet:

Что всегда восхищает в французах, так это то, что они очень эмоциональны. Даже тогда, когда северные и отмороженные русские - попытаются сначала выяснить для себя откуда и какое фото вышло в люди. Потому что фейк очевиден.
Так вот. То чему Вы усмехаетесь - это рукотворные труды общественности позднего периода интереса к истории  гибели гр. Дятлова.
Фото палатки во всю длину - делали увлеченные люди, чтоб представить себе и помочь другим представить: как действительно была развешана палатка туристов в ленинской комнате прокуратуры Ивделя.

Этому моему тезису - абсолютно имеются доказательства в УД, приложениями к которому шли фотографии.
Именно фото палатки в УД - всего три штуки. И они таковы:

Отгадайте - почему я могу рассказать Вам про плавания Эрика де Бишопа и ни разу не исказить факты его жизни. Хотя он - достойный сын Франции. И почему даже находясь на форуме - где вся информация имеется: Вы пишете о фейках и наводите тень на российских криминалистов.

П.С. Эти фото вряд ли делала сама Чуркина/Макушкина Г.Е. Скорее всего - первой побывала на месте происшествия - её коллега по Свердловской НИКЛ: Михайлова Таисия Ивановна.

What always admires in the French is that they are very emotional. Even when the northern and frostbitten Russians will first try to find out for themselves where and what photo came out to people. Because the fake is obvious.
So. What you are smiling at is the man-made works of the public of the late period of interest in the history of the death of c. Dyatlov.
A full-length photo of the tent was taken by enthusiastic people in order to imagine and help others imagine: how the tent of tourists was really hung up in the Lenin's room of the Ivdel prosecutor's office.

This my thesis - there is absolutely evidence in the UD, the annexes to which were photographs.
It is the photo of the tent in the UD - only three pieces. And they are:

Guess why I can tell you about the voyages of Eric de Bishop and never distort the facts of his life. Although he is a worthy son of France. And why even being on the forum - where all the information is available: you write about fakes and cast a shadow on Russian forensic experts.

P.S. These photos were hardly taken by G.E. Churkina/Makushkina herself. Most likely - the first to visit the scene - her colleague from the Sverdlovsk NICL: Mikhailova Taisiya Ivanovna.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2022, 04:56:16 AM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

December 11, 2022, 01:14:07 AM
Reply #3


And why even being on the forum - where all the information is available: you write about fakes and cast a shadow on Russian forensic experts.

P.S. These photos were hardly taken by G.E. Churkina/Makushkina herself. Most likely - the first to visit the scene - her colleague from the Sverdlovsk NICL: Mikhailova Taisiya Ivanovna.

You wrote "most likely", that is to say you are not sure? Anyway, the most beautiful part is the drawing, which will remain as a standard.

The Soviet forensic "experts" didn't need anyone to dishonor them, they were perfectly capable of doing it themselves... as they did in Katyn for example, exhuming their own victims and writing a travesty of a report they tried to impose at the Nuremberg trial. They obeyed orders and if they didn't, they knew it was the end of their careers, if not of their lives. And in 1959, the Soviet biological sciences were still under the influence of Lysenko...you've heard of Lysenko, haven't you?

I'm always astonished to see how people can imagine that the USSR in 1959 was a civilized country like Switzerland or Sweden, and not the totalitarian state ruled by a man who personally sent 30,000 of his fellow countrymen to be shot in the head.
А причем тут Лысенко, если Вы действительно разбирали его роль в науке СССР? Вы постоянно предлагаете какой-то винегрет из малосочетающихся продуктов/фактов.
Причем тут судебная медицина  и её эксперты - к повествованию о экспертах-криминалистах? Медицина и криминалистика состыковались в одну специальность гораздо позднее. На 1959 год - это разные профессиональные предметные области знаний и разное подчинение. Так - на этот период времени во всех странах.

Сын Чуркиной/Макушкиной неоднократно давал пояснения, что от своей матери знал что она была в Ивделе только один раз - в мае 1959 года. Больше из штата сотрудников НИКЛ на 1959 никого нет чтоб подходил по специализации и опыту. Только Михайлова Т.И.

В книге Ю.Е. Ярового "Высшей категории трудности", которую Вы разумеется не пытались читать, а она была написана автором который попал на поиски буквально в день обнаружения трупов. Так вот в этой книге дан портрет криминалиста который осматривает палатку в кабинете прокуратуры Ивделя. Ю.Е.Юдин, которого привлекали к опознанию, подтверждал что был в этом кабинете и помогал развешивать палатку туристов на гвоздиках.

Чарльз, Вы совершенно и очевидно не пытались изучить тему, а просто бродите в своих представлениях. Причем весьма неглубоких и ненаучных. Вы могли бы сначала изучить положение дел в таких историях для своей страны. Вы же не станете утверждать, что во Франции не было ни трупов, ни следствия, ни криминалистов. Можете поизучать истории других стран, где тексты есть на английском. Похожая история была в Финляндии. Тоже палатка и тоже трупы, туристы и криминалисты. Гуглите сами, чтоб выбрать читаемый текст:
Убийство на озере Бодом — убийство, произошедшее в Финляндии в 1960 у озера Бодом, расположенного около города Эспоо в 17 км от Хельсинки

And what does Lysenko have to do with it, if you really analyzed his role in the science of the USSR? You constantly offer some kind of vinaigrette from incongruous products / facts.
And what about forensic medicine and its experts - to the story of forensic experts? Medicine and criminology joined into one specialty much later. For 1959, these are different professional subject areas of knowledge and different subordination. So - for this period of time in all countries.
The son of Churkina / Makushkina repeatedly gave explanations that he knew from his mother that she was in Ivdel only once - in May 1959. There is no one else from the staff of NICL for 1959 who is suitable for specialization and experience. Only Mikhailova T.I.

In the book by Yu.E. Yarovoy's "Highest Category of Difficulty", which of course you did not try to read, but it was written by an author who went on a search literally on the day the corpses were discovered. So, in this book, a portrait of a forensic scientist is given who inspects a tent in the office of the Ivdel prosecutor's office. Yu.E.Yudin, who was involved in the identification, confirmed that he was in this office and helped to hang up the tent of tourists on carnations.
Charles, you have absolutely and obviously not tried to study the topic, but just wandering around in your ideas. And very shallow and unscientific. You could first study the state of affairs in such stories for your country. You will not begin to assert that in France there were no corpses, no investigation, no criminalists. You can study the history of other countries where the texts are in English. A similar story was in Finland. Also a tent and also corpses, tourists and criminologists. Google yourself to select readable text:
Bodom Lake Murder - a murder that took place in Finland in 1960 near Lake Bodom, located near the city of Espoo, 17 km from Helsinki
« Last Edit: December 11, 2022, 01:38:45 AM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

December 11, 2022, 03:39:49 AM
Reply #4


Lysenko can help to understand what were the circumstances of Dyatlov's case, what was the context.
Каким образом ботаника влияет на криминалистику?

How does botany affect forensics?

It's your opinion and I respect it. But I have declared that I have no ties of interest with Soviet state security agencies: nobody in my family was ever employed by NKVD, MVD, KGB, GULAG, FSB, CPSU or any similar Soviet organization, nobody in my family ever received salaries or any benefits from these organizations. Can you declare the same?

I think it would be a good thing that people who write about the case make such a statement. Don't you think so?

Вы опять перепрыгнули через тему диспута. В какие-то дебри. Вам было предложено посмотреть как раскрывались в какой-то части похожие происшествия там, где СССР - далеко и за границей. Вам была предложена история из Финляндии. Где так же следствию надлежало тщательно исследовать с криминалистической позиции и следы и палатку. Что Вы обнаружили из аналогий при изучении предоставленного мною материала?
Ничего? Потому что не пытались изучать, а просто решили меня закидать набором слов про КГБ, МВД и тому подобное. Финляндия в 1959 году была вне влияния перечисленных Вами структур СССР. Вы так и не поискали примеров действия криминалистов на Вашей французской истории?
Вы если Вас не затруднит - вернитесь сугубо и только к туристической палатке. И её осмотру экспертами-криминалистами. Не надо воды и общих слов. Только конкретно и узко.
И перестаньте наконец представлять себе что только СССР имел и службы государственной безопасности и службы внутренних дел/полиции, и партийность. Франция и все другие страны - исторически имели в структуре государственной власти совершенно аналогичные ведомства. Которые тоже всегда руководствовались линиями руководящих партийных течений.

You again jumped over the topic of the dispute. In some wilds. You were invited to see how similar incidents were revealed in some part where the USSR is far away and abroad. You have been offered a story from Finland. Where the investigation also had to carefully examine from a forensic position both the traces and the tent. What did you discover from the analogies while studying the material I provided?

Nothing? Because they did not try to study, but simply decided to bombard me with a set of words about the KGB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the like. Finland in 1959 was outside the influence of the structures of the USSR you listed. Have you looked for examples of the action of forensic experts in your French history?
If you don't mind, return strictly and only to the tourist tent. And have it examined by forensic experts. No need for water and common words. Only specifically and narrowly.

And finally stop imagining that only the USSR had both state security services and internal affairs / police services, and party membership. France and all other countries have historically had completely similar departments in the structure of state power. Which, too, have always been guided by the lines of the leading party currents.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2022, 04:12:43 AM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...
The following users thanked this post: Зайцев

December 16, 2022, 07:16:36 PM
Reply #5


What happened to Charles's posts?  shock1

The following users thanked this post: marieuk

December 18, 2022, 01:24:59 PM
Reply #6


What happened to Charles's posts?  shock1
It looks like he deleted them all, and then deleted his account...?
The following users thanked this post: Manti

January 01, 2023, 03:49:20 AM
Reply #7


It looks like he deleted them all, and then deleted his account...?

Yes, I am trying to clean his mess.