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Author Topic: PASS without DYATLOV  (Read 51702 times)

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January 12, 2023, 08:31:28 AM
Reply #60


Почемучка, you write here about "nuance".  I fully believe that your writing style, in Russian, is full of nuance.  Indeed--the complexity of Russian grammar allows for a lot of clever wordplay that English simply does not make possible.  But, the subtlety of your writing confounds Yandex Translate, which does not fully render your intended meaning into English.  As a result, I often do not understand the point you are trying to make in your posts.  I believe that is a limitation of translation machines...after all, the Bulgarians in this thread (i.e., human translators) seem to understand your points perfectly well.

Почемучка, вы пишете здесь о "нюансе".  Я полностью верю, что ваш стиль письма на русском языке полон нюансов.  Действительно, сложность русской грамматики допускает множество хитроумных игр словами, которые в английском языке просто невозможны.  Но тонкость вашего письма ставит в тупик Яндекс Переводчик, который не полностью передает ваш предполагаемый смысл на английский.  В результате я часто не понимаю, какую мысль вы пытаетесь донести в своих постах.  Я считаю, что это ограничение переводческих машин ... в конце концов, болгары в этой теме (т.е. переводчики-люди), похоже, прекрасно понимают ваши замечания.

Я думаю, нужно оставить разговоры про сложности машинного перевода. Если люди хотят понять друг друга - они все равно друг друга поймут. Я буду стараться писать понятнее. Вы будете стараться читать старательнее. Всего и делов. Ну это если кому-то интересно именно что я думаю.

I think we need to stop talking about the complexity of machine translation. If people want to understand each other, they will understand each other anyway. I will try to write more clearly. You will try to read more diligently. Total and business. Well, if anyone is interested in exactly what I think.

Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 12, 2023, 08:33:21 AM
Reply #61


How,precedes why.
Если рассуждать о причине и следствии, то причину  - определяют вопросы почему и зачем. Потому что сначала мотив, а потом реализация выстроенного под него плана.
Следствие определяется вопросом как, поскольку следствие - это выбор возможностей и условий.
Вы предлагаете все перевернуть с ног на голову и считать это свежей идеей. Не годится. Никогда не годилось.
If we talk about cause and effect, then the cause is determined by the questions why and why. Because first the motive, and then the implementation of the plan built for it.
The consequence is determined by the question of how, since the consequence is the choice of possibilities and conditions.
You propose to turn everything upside down and consider it a fresh idea. Not good. Never fit.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2023, 08:43:40 AM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 12, 2023, 08:44:27 AM
Reply #62


Truth is simple. I support your effort to make it so. Comgratulations. I will do the same.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 12, 2023, 09:11:05 AM
Reply #63


Truth is simple. I support your effort to make it so. Comgratulations. I will do the same.
Истина бывает проста если речь идет о математике и биологии, физике или химии.
Человека нельзя разложить на составляющие. Все что связано с ним - никогда не бывает простой истиной. Никогда.
The truth is simple when it comes to mathematics and biology, physics or chemistry.
A person cannot be divided into components. Everything connected with it is never a simple truth. Never.
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 12, 2023, 01:07:04 PM
Reply #64


Try using that arguement in a court of law and see how far you get!
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.
The following users thanked this post: Ehtnisba

January 12, 2023, 06:17:28 PM
Reply #65


This forum has deteriorated. I will keep checking it, but will not post again until the level of intelligence rises.
Спасибо. Русские никогда не обижаются когда их IQ (intelligence quotient) недооценивают. Это наша главная военная тайна.
Если Вам нравится считать что в поход пошли терминаторы, на которых напали другие дикие терминаторы, - воля Ваша.
Истина останется той что и была. В тот роковой поход пошли люди. Живые, со своими чувствами, переживаниями. Молодые и настоящие.
Кто-то тут ненароком бросил вполне здравый слоган. То была бомба. Психологическая бомба. В какой-то момент просто сдетонировало.
А погода добавила разрушительных последствий.
Thank you. Russians never take offense when their IQ (intelligence quotient) is underestimated. This is our main military secret.
If you like to think that the terminators went on a campaign, which were attacked by other wild terminators, you will.
The truth will remain the same. People went on that fatal campaign. Alive, with their feelings, experiences. Young and real.
Someone here inadvertently threw a completely sensible slogan. That was the bomb. Psychological bomb. At some point, it just exploded.
And the weather added devastating effects.
Пачемучка я люблю Ваш изказ. Now I must go into English, because Bulgarians understand Russian, but due to us learning Russian.
I just wonder what you mean about the other English users to read Russian - which for sure they don't know. You suggest them use translator? Or as I feel, the unfairness of us always using , studying English, but not a single English speaker thinks that should learn the national language of a country visiting or in this case sniffing into Russian mystery?
Just curiosity question since I feel the way I explained here
Перевод на английский язык, да еще совершаемый автоматом/машиной/программой - не доносит все содержание и нюансы текста на русском языке. Я создала новый мем. У меня хобби - их создавать. "Сто тысяч оттенков русского языка".
Русский текст лучше научиться читать в подлиннике. Или пытаться его перевести с душою и художественным подходом. Малый оттенок - и Вы уже не совсем понимаете о чем речь. Внесен градиент - и Вы вообще понимаете обратное от того, что Вам поясняют.
Русские не умеют говорить схемами. Наши тексты, даже в юридических документах где все должно быть как гербарий сухо и четко, - всегда наполнены нюансами. Кому не хватает образования и словарного запаса - пользуется ненормативной лексикой. Это тоже передача нюансов впечатлений и чувств.

Translation into English, and even made by an automaton / machine / program - does not convey all the content and nuances of the text in Russian. I created a new meme. My hobby is making them. "One Hundred Thousand Shades of the Russian Language".
Russian text is better to learn to read in the original. Or try to translate it with soul and artistic approach. A small shade - and you no longer quite understand what it is about. A gradient has been introduced - and you generally understand the opposite from what they explain to you.
Russians don't know how to speak in diagrams. Our texts, even in legal documents where everything should be dry and clear like a herbarium, are always filled with nuances. Who lacks education and vocabulary - uses profanity. This is also the transfer of nuances of impressions and feelings.

I understand this, English is limiting. Makes me suffer express myself. I want to apologise for my rude answer to you about mentioning culture gap between West and East (ex East block). The Russian was not with words I know and in English it came as some sarcasm race 3 rounds😁😁😁
Please understand I do my best to read original and I am not english speaker but bulgarian who has been born after times we had it in school  so I rely on the mutual alphabet and many close words.
Homo homini lupus est!

January 12, 2023, 06:40:42 PM
Reply #66


Do not feel bad my friend. It could be far worse. Try translating Chinese. The translations are humorous and Chinese wordplay makes it even harder to understand. We will do OK with Russian translation, just speak plainlymwithnfew metaphors and we will get your meaning.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2023, 09:23:30 PM by GlennM »
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 12, 2023, 09:38:12 PM
Reply #67


Try using that arguement in a court of law and see how far you get!
Вы даете понять что представляете собою представителя судебного заседания? Вот совершенно не производите такого впечатления. Вы кидаете реплики - без цитирования. Они у Вас весят непонятно кому адресованные. Разве юристы пользуются такой методикой? Их аргумент и их тезис всегда остро заточен на адресата и имеет часть обращения к нему.
Вы на мое понимание - по русски очковтиратель. Изображаете философа. У нас таких по русским форумам - предостаточно. Натренировались. Один Иван Иванов чего стоит. Сплошная загадочность и намеки и ноль в аргументах. Прижми Вас к стенке с требованием выдать свое мнение - и Вы выскользнете не сказав ничего внятного.

You make it clear that you are a representative of the court session? Don't give that impression at all. You throw remarks - without quoting. They weigh you incomprehensibly to whom addressed. Do lawyers use this technique? Their argument and their thesis is always sharply focused on the addressee and has a part of the appeal to him.
To my understanding, you are a swindler in Russian. Play the philosopher. We have such on Russian forums-abound. Trained. One Ivan Ivanov is worth something. Solid mystery and hints and zero in the arguments. Press you against the wall demanding to give out your opinion - and you will slip out without saying anything intelligible.
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 12, 2023, 09:41:28 PM
Reply #68


I understand this, English is limiting. Makes me suffer express myself. I want to apologise for my rude answer to you about mentioning culture gap between West and East (ex East block). The Russian was not with words I know and in English it came as some sarcasm race 3 rounds😁😁😁
Please understand I do my best to read original and I am not english speaker but bulgarian who has been born after times we had it in school  so I rely on the mutual alphabet and many close words.
Про сарказм - это очень верное наблюдение. Вот я например - никогда не стану говорить что я много понимаю в истории Болгарии, в особенностях болгарского духа и прочее. У нас из болгар - Филя Киркоров и этим все сказано. И если он начнет писать книги какая плохая его Болгария - я ему не поверю. Не бывает плохой Родины - бывают ей плохие сыны/дочери.
И самый свирепый сарказм заключается в том,  что Вы готовы поверить в самый откровенный бред про СССР. Вам это нравится. Такого человека бесполезно тыкать носом - что это шизофренический от начала и до конца бред. Разве можно бороться с Вашими предпочтениями?
About sarcasm - this is a very true observation. For example, I will never say that I understand a lot in the history of Bulgaria, in the peculiarities of the Bulgarian spirit, and so on. We have from the Bulgarians - Filya Kirkorov and that says it all. And if he starts writing books about how bad his Bulgaria is, I won’t believe him. There is no bad Motherland - there are bad sons/daughters.
And the most ferocious sarcasm is that you are ready to believe in the most outright nonsense about the USSR. Do you like this. It is useless to poke such a person with his nose - that this is schizophrenic nonsense from beginning to end. Is it possible to fight with your preferences?
« Last Edit: January 12, 2023, 09:56:18 PM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 12, 2023, 09:53:42 PM
Reply #69


You make it clear that you are a representative of the court session? Don't give that impression at all. You throw remarks - without quoting. They weigh you incomprehensibly to whom addressed. Do lawyers use this technique? Their argument and their thesis is always sharply focused on the addressee and has a part of the appeal to him.
To my understanding, you are a swindler in Russian. Play the philosopher. We have such on Russian forums-abound. Trained. One Ivan Ivanov is worth something. Solid mystery and hints and zero in the arguments. Press you against the wall demanding to give out your opinion - and you will slip out without saying anything intelligible.

We both have much to learn, but you have more than I.

Shall we return to the topic? Understand how events happen and you will appreciate how decisions were made. Finally you will understand why things happened as they did. The truth is simple. Occams razor. Nature prevails. There is no need for comspiracy.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 12, 2023, 10:00:01 PM
Reply #70


Shall we return to the topic? Understand how events happen and you will appreciate how decisions were made. Finally you will understand why things happened as they did. The truth is simple. Occams razor. Nature prevails. There is no need for comspiracy.
Вы не укажете тот мой пост, где я внедряю идею о заговоре? Вы меня ни с кем не перепутали?
Can you point to my post where I introduce the idea of ​​a conspiracy? You didn't confuse me with anyone?
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 13, 2023, 01:55:42 AM
Reply #71


I understand this, English is limiting. Makes me suffer express myself. I want to apologise for my rude answer to you about mentioning culture gap between West and East (ex East block). The Russian was not with words I know and in English it came as some sarcasm race 3 rounds😁😁😁
Please understand I do my best to read original and I am not english speaker but bulgarian who has been born after times we had it in school  so I rely on the mutual alphabet and many close words.
Про сарказм - это очень верное наблюдение. Вот я например - никогда не стану говорить что я много понимаю в истории Болгарии, в особенностях болгарского духа и прочее. У нас из болгар - Филя Киркоров и этим все сказано. И если он начнет писать книги какая плохая его Болгария - я ему не поверю. Не бывает плохой Родины - бывают ей плохие сыны/дочери.
И самый свирепый сарказм заключается в том,  что Вы готовы поверить в самый откровенный бред про СССР. Вам это нравится. Такого человека бесполезно тыкать носом - что это шизофренический от начала и до конца бред. Разве можно бороться с Вашими предпочтениями?
About sarcasm - this is a very true observation. For example, I will never say that I understand a lot in the history of Bulgaria, in the peculiarities of the Bulgarian spirit, and so on. We have from the Bulgarians - Filya Kirkorov and that says it all. And if he starts writing books about how bad his Bulgaria is, I won’t believe him. There is no bad Motherland - there are bad sons/daughters.
And the most ferocious sarcasm is that you are ready to believe in the most outright nonsense about the USSR. Do you like this. It is useless to poke such a person with his nose - that this is schizophrenic nonsense from beginning to end. Is it possible to fight with your preferences?
Пачемучка , you have misunderstood me. I have NOT written about SSSR, especially nothing bad. Something is very wrong in translations. See my messages , all I wanted to imply that USA and people from East Europe + Russia are different cultures. And I think you agree with this. In our schools we know Russia is our freedom giver twice or even more. How can I say bad words or tell history of SSSR except main dates? I think you have taken me as foe while I tried to explain I just find your culture and language similar. Not same, just similar due to past of colaboration and the big Russian influence and knowledge Bulgaria received from you the Russians.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2023, 02:00:24 AM by Ehtnisba »
Homo homini lupus est!

January 13, 2023, 02:02:52 AM
Reply #72


Пачемучка , you have misunderstood me. I have NOT written about SSSR, especially nothing bad. Something is very wrong in translations. See my messages , all I wanted to imply that USA and people from East Europe and Russia are different cultures. And I think you agree with this. In our schools we know Russian is our freedom giver twice or even more. How can I say bad words or tell history of SSSR except main dates? I think you have taken me as foe while I tried to explain I just find your culture and language similar. Not same, just similar due to past of colaboration and the big Russian influence and knowledge Bulgaria received from you the Russians.
Вы плюсуете Аннушке Русских и смотрите с удовлетворением на её версию. Этого достаточно, чтоб понять  - с какой стороны баррикад находитесь Вы...
You upvote Annushka Russkikh and look with satisfaction at her version. This is enough to understand which side of the barricades you are on...
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 13, 2023, 03:31:54 AM
Reply #73


Пачемучка , you have misunderstood me. I have NOT written about SSSR, especially nothing bad. Something is very wrong in translations. See my messages , all I wanted to imply that USA and people from East Europe and Russia are different cultures. And I think you agree with this. In our schools we know Russian is our freedom giver twice or even more. How can I say bad words or tell history of SSSR except main dates? I think you have taken me as foe while I tried to explain I just find your culture and language similar. Not same, just similar due to past of colaboration and the big Russian influence and knowledge Bulgaria received from you the Russians.
Вы плюсуете Аннушке Русских и смотрите с удовлетворением на её версию. Этого достаточно, чтоб понять  - с какой стороны баррикад находитесь Вы...
You upvote Annushka Russkikh and look with satisfaction at her version. This is enough to understand which side of the barricades you are on...
Why we need barricades. I don't know her, nor you. I am not expert. I find both of  the versions interesting and managed to finally understand your due to you just using more memes. Can't we have mutual respect and what is between you and her to not be transported in our conversation.  excuseme
Homo homini lupus est!

January 13, 2023, 04:06:21 AM
Reply #74


Пачемучка , you have misunderstood me. I have NOT written about SSSR, especially nothing bad. Something is very wrong in translations. See my messages , all I wanted to imply that USA and people from East Europe and Russia are different cultures. And I think you agree with this. In our schools we know Russian is our freedom giver twice or even more. How can I say bad words or tell history of SSSR except main dates? I think you have taken me as foe while I tried to explain I just find your culture and language similar. Not same, just similar due to past of colaboration and the big Russian influence and knowledge Bulgaria received from you the Russians.
Вы плюсуете Аннушке Русских и смотрите с удовлетворением на её версию. Этого достаточно, чтоб понять  - с какой стороны баррикад находитесь Вы...
You upvote Annushka Russkikh and look with satisfaction at her version. This is enough to understand which side of the barricades you are on...
Why we need barricades. I don't know her, nor you. I am not expert. I find both of  the versions interesting and managed to finally understand your due to you just using more memes. Can't we have mutual respect and what is between you and her to not be transported in our conversation.  excuseme
Хорошо, тогда будем считать Вас нейтральной Швейцарией. Временно и недолго. Но имейте ввиду - я как пушистая кошка привлеку весь свой шарм и дар убеждения и перевербую на свою сторону.

Well, then we will consider you neutral Switzerland. Temporarily and not for long. But keep in mind - like a fluffy cat, I will attract all my charm and gift of persuasion and turn over to my side.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2023, 04:36:11 AM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...
The following users thanked this post: Ehtnisba

January 13, 2023, 05:37:45 AM
Reply #75


Пачемучка , you have misunderstood me. I have NOT written about SSSR, especially nothing bad. Something is very wrong in translations. See my messages , all I wanted to imply that USA and people from East Europe and Russia are different cultures. And I think you agree with this. In our schools we know Russian is our freedom giver twice or even more. How can I say bad words or tell history of SSSR except main dates? I think you have taken me as foe while I tried to explain I just find your culture and language similar. Not same, just similar due to past of colaboration and the big Russian influence and knowledge Bulgaria received from you the Russians.
Вы плюсуете Аннушке Русских и смотрите с удовлетворением на её версию. Этого достаточно, чтоб понять  - с какой стороны баррикад находитесь Вы...
You upvote Annushka Russkikh and look with satisfaction at her version. This is enough to understand which side of the barricades you are on...
Why we need barricades. I don't know her, nor you. I am not expert. I find both of  the versions interesting and managed to finally understand your due to you just using more memes. Can't we have mutual respect and what is between you and her to not be transported in our conversation.  excuseme
Хорошо, тогда будем считать Вас нейтральной Швейцарией. Временно и недолго. Но имейте ввиду - я как пушистая кошка привлеку весь свой шарм и дар убеждения и перевербую на свою сторону.

Well, then we will consider you neutral Switzerland. Temporarily and not for long. But keep in mind - like a fluffy cat, I will attract all my charm and gift of persuasion and turn over to my side.

You have good sense of humor/mems :😁😁😁 . And cats are lovely.
On a serious side I will be glad to follow the forum .
Homo homini lupus est!

January 13, 2023, 06:07:04 AM
Reply #76


You have good sense of humor/mems :😁😁😁 . And cats are lovely.
On a serious side I will be glad to follow the forum .
Я записала. Теперь Вам не отвертеться. Здесь читали? Это я ведь мосты навожу и переправы.
I recorded. Now you can't get away. Have you read here? It's me who builds bridges and crossings.
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...
The following users thanked this post: Ehtnisba

January 13, 2023, 07:59:39 AM
Reply #77


You have good sense of humor/mems :😁😁😁 . And cats are lovely.
On a serious side I will be glad to follow the forum .
Я записала. Теперь Вам не отвертеться. Здесь читали? Это я ведь мосты навожу и переправы.
I recorded. Now you can't get away. Have you read here? It's me who builds bridges and crossings.

Beautiful story. It can be felt by heart.
Homo homini lupus est!

January 13, 2023, 08:15:01 AM
Reply #78


Beautiful story. It can be felt by heart.
Историю гибели группы Дятлова нужно тоже пропускать через сердце. По другому не получится её понять.
The story of the death of the Dyatlov group must also be passed through the heart. Otherwise, you won't be able to understand it.
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 18, 2023, 03:39:53 PM
Reply #79

Олег Таймень

Controversial map by pilot commander Victor Potyazhenko 2018

On this map, the helipad is far from the lake. And on the other two maps right on the lake. Why is that ?
На этой карте вертолётная площадка далеко от озера. А на двух других картах прямо на озере. Почему так ?
If a mountain comes towards you, and you are not Mohammed, then it is a rockfall.

January 18, 2023, 04:02:33 PM
Reply #80

Олег Таймень

Прям рядом с озером, с его восточной стороны, есть единственная ровная площадка, куда может сесть любой вертолет
Right next to the lake, on its eastern side, there is the only flat area where any helicopter can land

А прям рядом находится холм, который очень похож на искусственный. Как будто ровняли площадку под вертолёт, а грунт ссыпали в кучу
And right next to it is a hill, which is very similar to artificial. As if they leveled the platform for the helicopter, and the soil was poured into a pile

If a mountain comes towards you, and you are not Mohammed, then it is a rockfall.