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Dyatlov Pass Forum

Author Topic: Arguments against criminal versions  (Read 143116 times)

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December 19, 2022, 12:55:09 AM
Reply #240


Почемучка and Зайцев, I would like to interrupt your dialog to ask you something.  Based on your posts in this thread, it seems that you have prior knowledge of user anna_pycckux, who registered on these forums less than a month ago.  So, why do you criticize her so much?
А.Русских это психически больная женщина, помешанная на сексе. Она забанена на всех форумах за подобного рода утверждения, оскорбляющие память участников группы Дятлова
A. Russkikh is a mentally ill woman obsessed with sex. She was banned from all forums for such statements that insult the memory of the members of the Dyatlov group

Про износилование девушек вы наверно уже посмотрели в том видео, которое она выложила на этот форум. Я не смотрел, но судя по названию, ролик именно об этом.
You probably already saw about the rape of girls in the video that she posted on this forum. I haven't watched it, but judging by the title, that's what the video is about.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 03:43:45 AM by Зайцев »
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=6#p11
The following users thanked this post: Почемучка

December 19, 2022, 02:57:55 AM
Reply #241


anna_pycckux is registered from December 2018?
Oh, yes, you are correct.  She registered in December 2018.  My mistake.

December 19, 2022, 04:36:45 AM
Reply #242


Зайцев, приколись - Аннушка Русских здесь торговала своей книгою

А мы здесь не первые, кто стирает её вместе с её творчеством - с симпатичного лица Земли. Борзенков - тоже

Zaitsev, have fun - Annushka Russkikh was selling her book here
And we are not the first here who erases her, along with her work - from the pretty face of the Earth. Borzenkov - too
"Как ныне сбирается вещий Олег
Отмстить неразумным хозарам..."
How is the prophetic Oleg going now
Take revenge on the unreasonable Khazars..."

« Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 04:44:07 AM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

December 19, 2022, 04:52:15 AM
Reply #243


Oh, yes, you are correct.  She registered in December 2018.  My mistake.
Можно и я Вас спрошу? Почему Вы так расположены к Анне Русских и Вас заботит именно она?
В нашем диалоге с Зайцевым - мы впервые за всю историю смогли обнаружить информацию о Николае Огневе. Такую, чтобы можно было поискать его личный архив.
Если Вы знакомы с темой Перевала Дятлова, то надо думать - Вы понимаете ценность этого персонажа.

May I ask you too? Why are you so disposed towards Anna Russkikh and why are you concerned about her?
In our dialogue with Zaitsev, for the first time in history, we were able to find information about Nikolai Ognev. Such that you can search his personal archive.
If you are familiar with the theme of the Dyatlov Pass, then you have to think - you understand the value of this character.
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

December 19, 2022, 05:07:04 AM
Reply #244


Почемучка and Зайцев, I would like to interrupt your dialog to ask you something.  Based on your posts in this thread, it seems that you have prior knowledge of user anna_pycckux, who registered on these forums less than a month ago.  So, why do you criticize her so much?
А.Русских это психически больная женщина, помешанная на сексе. Она забанена на всех форумах за подобного рода утверждения, оскорбляющие память участников группы Дятлова
A. Russkikh is a mentally ill woman obsessed with sex. She was banned from all forums for such statements that insult the memory of the members of the Dyatlov group

Про износилование девушек вы наверно уже посмотрели в том видео, которое она выложила на этот форум. Я не смотрел, но судя по названию, ролик именно об этом.
You probably already saw about the rape of girls in the video that she posted on this forum. I haven't watched it, but judging by the title, that's what the video is about.

I tried translating the text in the picture to English.
This is what I got.

"As for the undressed two Kirs under the cedar: the foam on the face around Doroshenko's mouth could be alien semen (there was no examination). Nedaron's mother wryly constantly asked the search engines: "Did he die like a real man?" (From the testimony of Blinov.)"

Says it all....

December 19, 2022, 05:26:24 AM
Reply #245


I tried translating the text in the picture to English.
This is what I got.

"As for the undressed two Kirs under the cedar: the foam on the face around Doroshenko's mouth could be alien semen (there was no examination). Nedaron'smother wryly  constantly asked the search engines: "Did he die like a real man?" (From the testimony of Blinov.)"

Says it all....

Что что я подчеркнула - звучит так: недаром мать Криво(нищенко).
What I emphasized sounds like this: it’s not without reason that Krivonischenko’s mother.

Вам хватило и своих знаний, чтобы понять кошмарно глубокий смысл сочинений Аннушки Русских. Представляете, что чувствуем мы, которые и тему хорошо знают, и русский текст читают.
Тут путеводной сковородки маловато будет

Тут только танками

Your knowledge was enough for you to understand the nightmarishly deep meaning of Annushka Russkikh's writings. Imagine how we feel, who both know the topic well and read the Russian text.
There will not be enough guiding frying pan
There are only tanks
« Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 05:44:19 AM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

December 19, 2022, 06:12:05 AM
Reply #246


It is common and predictable on forums to see the " rule of 3" happen. This means that for any given topic, after three posts, it ceases to be about the topic and becomes an attack on the individual who posts. This is due to several reasons that can be easily imagined. However, underneath it all is the understanding that there is insufficient information to declare the factual truth. On the other hand, people vent their anger and frustrations for their problems both above and below the belt without fear of a fistfight. It is supposed to be cathartic.

The problem for the health of the forum is clear. When every day becomes boxing day, serious scholars opt out. I suggest we strive to make it " rule of 5". That would be progress.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.
The following users thanked this post: Ehtnisba

December 19, 2022, 06:50:57 AM
Reply #247


It is common and predictable on forums to see the " rule of 3" happen. This means that for any given topic, after three posts, it ceases to be about the topic and becomes an attack on the individual who posts. This is due to several reasons that can be easily imagined. However, underneath it all is the understanding that there is insufficient information to declare the factual truth. On the other hand, people vent their anger and frustrations for their problems both above and below the belt without fear of a fistfight. It is supposed to be cathartic.

The problem for the health of the forum is clear. When every day becomes boxing day, serious scholars opt out. I suggest we strive to make it " rule of 5". That would be progress.

Если речь - от представлениях Анны Русских, то видимо это исключение.
Вы  - не читая её версию: сразу выдаете ей аванс доверия. Ну понятное дело, из-за границы - ведь лучше видно и лучше знать как у нас было на самом деле. Медведи гуляющие по улицам - это розовые цветочки...
Мне хотелось бы знать, почему одинокое и критикуемое мнение - это для Вас сразу признак того, что это мнение - справедливо, имеет право на существование и заслуживает внимания?
Аннушка Русских появилась на ресурсе в 2018 году и сразу начала торговать своей книгой. Она издала её на свои собственные средства, покупателей в России среди публики, интересующейся темой Перевала Дятлова, - было ноль. Она книги дарила и даже от подарка: отказывались. Чтоб не марать себе руки.
Отчего за эти считай 4 года - никто не удосужился ознакомиться с содержанием? Ну раз Вы выдали ей аванс доверия и внимания?
За это время над нею состоялся суд. Никаких пыток и расстрелов. Присудили уничтожить тираж. И не злить соотечественников.

Аннушка Русских постоянно бегает по тематическим ресурсам с флагом, что она борец с коммунистическим прошлым России.
Это более чем несерьезно. Потому что КПСС почила гораздо ранее того, чем Аннушка узнала про Перевал Дятлова. А люди в СССР в 1959 году настолько были уверены - что КПСС ведет их к светлому будущему, что как только видели что поиски и следствие по группе Дятлова буксуют - посылали телеграмму Хрущеву. Этих обращений к Хрущеву - история сохранила немало. Он был - лидер КПСС самого верхнего уровня.
И вот на этих исходных данных - Аннушка Русских и месье Чарльз: сочиняют версии где нижние уровни руководства КПСС творят не просто что хотят, а уникально изощряются. Кириленко типа дает приказ, а Проданов - сам киллерствует от скромности. И у Аннушки и у Чарльза - жирно рисуется сексуальная и нездоровая почва. Ну прямо мучителям - негде и не с кем было реализовать свои половые фантазии, как только на сугробе снега, на морозе в 20 градусов в условиях полной антисанитарии.
Даже у животных - брачный период уходит за границы зимнего периода. Холодно им однако, шерстяным с головы до последнего копыта.

If the speech is from the ideas of Anna Russian, then apparently this is an exception.
You - without reading her version: immediately give her an advance of confidence. Well, of course, from abroad - after all, you can see better and know better how it really was with us. Bears walking the streets are pink flowers...
I would like to know why a lonely and criticized opinion is for you an immediate sign that this opinion is fair, has a right to exist and deserves attention?
Annushka Russkikh appeared on the resource in 2018 and immediately began selling her book. She published it at her own expense, there were zero buyers in Russia among the public interested in the topic of the Dyatlov Pass. She gave books and even a gift: they refused. To not get your hands dirty.
Why for these count 4 years - no one bothered to get acquainted with the content? Well, since you gave her an advance of trust and attention?
During this time, she was judged. No torture or executions. They were ordered to destroy the circulation. And don't piss off your compatriots.

Annushka Russkikh constantly runs around thematic resources with a flag that she is a fighter with the communist past of Russia.
This is more than irrelevant. Because the CPSU died much earlier than Annushka found out about the Dyatlov Pass. And people in the USSR in 1959 were so sure that the CPSU was leading them to a brighter future that as soon as they saw that the search and investigation of the Dyatlov group were stalling, they sent a telegram to Khrushchev. History has preserved quite a few of these appeals to Khrushchev. He was - the leader of the CPSU of the highest level.

And on these initial data - Annushka Russkikh and Monsieur Charles: they compose versions where the lower levels of the leadership of the CPSU do not just do what they want, but uniquely refine themselves.Kirilenko type gives an order, and Prodanov - he kills from modesty. Both Annushka and Charles have boldly depicted sexual and unhealthy soil. Well, right to the tormentors - there was nowhere and no one with whom to realize their sexual fantasies, as soon as on a snowdrift, in a frost of 20 degrees in conditions of complete unsanitary conditions.
Even in animals, the mating season goes beyond the boundaries of the winter period. However, they are cold, woolen from head to last hoof.

Самое короткое изложение выше написанного относительно Аннушки Русских.

Ты можешь открыто поливать Россию грязью - только поменяй её на другую страну для жительства. До того, как опрокинула вагон с грязью.
Пока ты ешь русский хлеб, получаешь пенсию от Пенсионного фонда России, пока ходишь по Российской земле и пользуешься всем тем что произвели русские люди: молчи в тряпочку. Это даже не патриотизм. Это закон - гостеприимства. Каждый приходит в этот мир - гостем. Кому где родиться и стать гостем.

The shortest summary of the above written regarding Annushka Russkikh.

You can openly pour mud on Russia - just change it to another country for residence. Before she overturned a wagon full of dirt.
While you eat Russian bread, you receive a pension from the Pension Fund of Russia, while you walk around the Russian land and use everything that the Russian people have produced: shut up like a rag. It's not even patriotism. This is the law of hospitality. Everyone comes into this world as a guest. Who will be born where and become a guest.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 07:00:01 AM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

December 19, 2022, 07:11:40 AM
Reply #248


It is common and predictable on forums to see the " rule of 3" happen. This means that for any given topic, after three posts, it ceases to be about the topic and becomes an attack on the individual who posts. This is due to several reasons that can be easily imagined. However, underneath it all is the understanding that there is insufficient information to declare the factual truth. On the other hand, people vent their anger and frustrations for their problems both above and below the belt without fear of a fistfight. It is supposed to be cathartic.

The problem for the health of the forum is clear. When every day becomes boxing day, serious scholars opt out. I suggest we strive to make it " rule of 5". That would be progress.

I agree with GlennM .

For me it's all got a bit confusing recently. I have no set agenda as to what happened. I try to work from a neutral perspective. I have to erase how the dyatlov mystery first came to my attention because it was sold to me in a dramatic fashion.

What I do know , is that there were 9 people that went on a expedition in a Russian winter.  These expeditions seem to be a common practice within Russia with many tourists taking various trips.

With outdoor activities, there is always a risk of accidents . The cold and environment are the biggest killer.  The 2 Yuri's are by the ceder and fire. They are the least dressed, and have the burns. The ravine 4 have the rib fractures and were found under several feet of hard snow, which , to my mind suggests there was a collapse of snow from being in a snow hole/cave. The missing eyes and tongue are most likely eroded by the water in the stream. The 3 on the slope appear to be returning to the tent and have signs of hypothermia and fighting the elements.

If I were the investigator at the time, I would be scratching my head too. How do we explain what happened?.

The lie of the snow can change quickly on the slopes , so what was found at the time of the searchers will not reflect what happened 3 weeks earlier.

I favour a snow slip/slide, wind/storm or Wolverine as the trigger to leave the tent.
What follows is a series of unfortunate events of bad luck and the cold.

As for criminal activity. Here's some arguments against them.

1) I'm stuck without a motive. Why would the powers that be, want them dead.

2) Why items were not stolen.(food , drink, watches, money etc)

3)why attackers would leave cameras with film. ( Anything could be on them) 

4) why were they not all forced to remove boots and hats.

5) That no trails were found or reports by the Mansi.

6) There are no external injuries relating to the cause of death.

7) There are no significant signsof a fight for life against other humans.

If I understand it correctly, the criminal case was started in March not February as this was the typo. It's the month that's wrong, not the day?

December 19, 2022, 07:21:57 AM
Reply #249


I agree with GlennM .

В чем? Лично я поняла его тезис быть толерантными вопреки всему. Вопреки
1) своим немалым знаниям в теме Перевала Дятлова
2) своим опытом быть гражданином СССР
3) своему образованию
4) своему наконец сексуальному опыту
5) обычной логике здравого смысла.

Я опять ставлю акцент, что люди всех стран - это люди. Похожие между с собой в своих мечтах, чувствах, делах. Тут нет политики.

In what? Personally, I understood his thesis to be tolerant in spite of everything. Contrary to
1) their considerable knowledge in the topic of the Dyatlov Pass
2) with your experience to be a citizen of the USSR
3) your education
4) to your finally sexual experience
5) the usual logic of common sense.

I again emphasize that the people of all countries are people. Similar to each other in their dreams, feelings, deeds. There is no politics here.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 07:29:12 AM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

December 19, 2022, 07:43:01 AM
Reply #250


If I understand it correctly, the criminal case was started in March not February as this was the typo. It's the month that's wrong, not the day?
Уголовное дело заводится документом о возбуждении уголовного дела. На нем есть дата. Именно эта дата считается - днем возбуждения уголовного дела. Дата - не содержит ошибок.
На обложке архивного хранения - это важно помнить: стоит февраль.
Надо различать обложки. Сначала Уголовное Дело хранилось в архиве прокуратуры Свердловской области. С той обложкой, что подписал Иванов Л.Н. Когда в 1974 году - материалы передали на хранение в государственный архив: сотрудники оформили дело в соответствии со своими регламентами. Появилась внешняя обложка. Поскольку в материалах обнаружился документ датированный другой и более ранней датой - на обложку поставили эту дату. Это уже дело рук архивистов.
Ровно такие же правила учета и хранения в архивах всех стран. Если подборка документов имеет странную и выпадающую из общего ряда датировку - архивисты действуют по регламенту. Им не у кого спросить по истечению стольки лет - а кто тут чего напутал?
Это очень понятно пояснял Курьяков А.В. при проведении общенадзорной прокурорской проверки. Это и - с точки зрения здравого смысла тоже понятный момент.

A criminal case is initiated by a document on the initiation of a criminal case. It has a date on it. This date is considered - the day of initiation of criminal proceedings. Date - does not contain errors.
On the cover of archival storage - it is important to remember: it is February.
Covers need to be identified. At first, the Criminal Case was kept in the archives of the prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region. With the cover signed by Ivanov L.N. When, in 1974, the materials were transferred to the State Archives for storage, the employees filed the file in accordance with their regulations. The outer cover has appeared. Since a document dated by a different and earlier date was found in the materials, this date was put on the cover. This is the work of archivists.

Exactly the same rules for accounting and storage in the archives of all countries. If a selection of documents has a strange date that falls out of the general range, the archivists act according to the regulations. They have no one to ask after so many years - and who messed up what?
Kuryakov A.V. explained this very clearly. during a public prosecutor's inspection. This is - from the point of view of common sense, too, an understandable moment.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 07:50:22 AM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

December 19, 2022, 07:51:17 AM
Reply #251


I agree with GlennM .

В чем? Лично я поняла его тезис быть толерантными вопреки всему. Вопреки
1) своим немалым знаниям в теме Перевала Дятлова
2) своим опытом быть гражданином СССР
3) своему образованию
4) своему наконец сексуальному опыту
5) обычной логике здравого смысла.

Я опять ставлю акцент, что люди всех стран - это люди. Похожие между с собой в своих мечтах, чувствах, делах. Тут нет политики.

In what? Personally, I understood his thesis to be tolerant in spite of everything. Contrary to
1) their considerable knowledge in the topic of the Dyatlov Pass
2) with your experience to be a citizen of the USSR
3) your education
4) to your finally sexual experience
5) the usual logic of common sense.

I again emphasize that the people of all countries are people. Similar to each other in their dreams, feelings, deeds. There is no politics here.

I meant , I agree with GlennM about the threads/posts.  They seem to go off topic quickly and  we end up debating something not relevant.

I was trying to highlight some points to go with the post. "Arguments against criminal activity"
The following users thanked this post: Ehtnisba

December 19, 2022, 07:54:14 AM
Reply #252


I meant , I agree with GlennM about the threads/posts.  They seem to go off topic quickly and  we end up debating something not relevant.

I was trying to highlight some points to go with the post. "Arguments against criminal activity"

Ваши аргументы очень логичны.
Your arguments are very logical.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 08:08:35 AM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

December 19, 2022, 10:06:04 AM
Reply #253


I favour a snow slip/slide, wind/storm or Wolverine as the trigger to leave the tent.
What follows is a series of unfortunate events of bad luck and the cold.
То есть вы исходите из того, чем был мотивирован разрез палатки. Поскольку разрез - это следствие.
Давайте посмотрим на причину шире. Но сначала оценим то, что дает разрез.
Разрез дает:
1) выход наружу из палатки
2) доступ свежего воздуха в замкнутое пространство палатки
3) негодность палатки для дальнейшего использования как жилища
4) вход в палатку снаружи
5) возможность использовать разрез как окно например для фотографирования или наблюдения
6) неизвестное преимущество или недостаток

Я предлагаю всем читателям темы под каждый пункт привести кратко сюжет возможной мотивации. Будем стараться ничего не упустить, помня о том что там за стеною палатки - суровая северная зима, а в палатке - туристы с плохим снаряжением и малым количеством теплой одежды и нет обогревателя как печка.

That is, you proceed from what motivated the cut of the tent. Since the cut is a consequence.
Let's look at the reason more broadly. But first, let's evaluate what the cut gives.
The cut gives:
1) exit outside the tent
2) fresh air access to the closed space of the tent
3) unsuitability of the tent for further use as a dwelling
4) entrance to the tent outside
5) the ability to use the cut as a window, for example, for photographing or observation
6) unknown advantage or disadvantage

I suggest that all readers of the topic under each paragraph give a brief plot of possible motivation. We will try not to miss anything, remembering that there is a harsh northern winter behind the wall of the tent, and in the tent there are tourists with poor equipment and a small amount of warm clothes and there is no heater like a stove.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 10:23:56 AM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

December 19, 2022, 11:23:53 AM
Reply #254


 I will have a go to get things started. I hope this is what you request Почемучка

The cut gives:
1) exit outside the tent.

I respect Igor B's concept of a Wolverine entering the tent. Wolverine can't retreat , snarling and defence. Sprays chemical.


Wind causes build up of snow above tent and it falls on top of tent. Enough to cause alarm but injure.

2) fresh air access to the closed space of the tent

If Wolverine, fresh air is needed as the chemical spray irritates eyes throat and lungs


If snow, suspected avalanche and cut an exit .

3) unsuitability of the tent for further use as a dwelling.

If Wolverine, the chemical spray is still in tent. To approach tent amplifies the chemical effect and they have no knowledge of long term effects.

If snow / wind. Then fear of more snow coming down on them.

4) entrance to the tent outside.

Possible blocked due to snow build up.

5) the ability to use the cut as a window, for example, for photographing or observation.

To cut the tent for observation would be something serious like a rocket/explosion. Entrence blocked by snow wind , small cut to observe weather conditions?

6) unknown advantage or disadvantage

carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide . If snow is heavy, and covering the tent. A hole/ holes might have been made to vent. Given the number of people in a relatively small tent it would have to be taken into consideration. They would need water too. I would suspect there would be some kind of small cooking stove to hear food/ melt snow. But this would not stop them from taking, clothes, axes etc.


December 19, 2022, 11:24:58 AM
Reply #255


I respectfully thank the active forum members who acknowledged my post. Already it has opened up new trails for us to follow. Time to put my thinking cap on!
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.
The following users thanked this post: Ziljoe

December 19, 2022, 11:46:43 AM
Reply #256


But this would not stop them from taking, clothes, axes etc.
Это утверждение соответствует всем вашим пунктам. Ничего не помешает им взять одежду и топоры. При условии, что они чувствуют холод и одежда с топорами им нужна.
This statement matches all of your points. Nothing will prevent them from taking clothes and axes. Provided that they feel the cold and they need clothes with axes.
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=6#p11

December 19, 2022, 12:00:56 PM
Reply #257


But this would not stop them from taking, clothes, axes etc.
Это утверждение соответствует всем вашим пунктам. Ничего не помешает им взять одежду и топоры. При условии, что они чувствуют холод и одежда с топорами им нужна.
This statement matches all of your points. Nothing will prevent them from taking clothes and axes. Provided that they feel the cold and they need clothes with axes.

Hi Зайцев.

If the spray of the Wolverine had occurred, this may be enough not to go and retrieve anymore equipment. Like wise the fear of more snow coming down. Also much depends on if it was evening, night , of morning. What was the viability.

The only other thought that comes to mind is paradoxical undressing? Some  cut the tent and others tried to stop them going down the slope.

December 19, 2022, 12:12:58 PM
Reply #258


If the spray of the Wolverine had occurred, this may be enough not to go and retrieve anymore equipment.
С чего такое утверждение? Подробнее объясните. Допустим что в палатке ужасный запах от Россомахи, хотя это вызывает улыбку. Но, допустим, что так. В таком случае, что не даёт взять топор с пилой ? Не вижу никаких причин.
Why such a statement? Explain more. Let's say that in the tent there is a terrible smell from Wolverine, although this causes a smile. But let's assume that it is. In this case, what prevents you from taking an ax with a saw? I don't see any reason.
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=6#p11
The following users thanked this post: Ehtnisba

December 19, 2022, 01:00:30 PM
Reply #259


If the spray of the Wolverine had occurred, this may be enough not to go and retrieve anymore equipment.
С чего такое утверждение? Подробнее объясните. Допустим что в палатке ужасный запах от Россомахи, хотя это вызывает улыбку. Но, допустим, что так. В таком случае, что не даёт взять топор с пилой ? Не вижу никаких причин.
Why such a statement? Explain more. Let's say that in the tent there is a terrible smell from Wolverine, although this causes a smile. But let's assume that it is. In this case, what prevents you from taking an ax with a saw? I don't see any reason.

I too, smiled and raised an eyebrow at the thought. Игорь Б.  is listed on here as a member and has done a lot of research. It may or not all be correct but I respect his logic and even if the Wolverine was not the catalyst for the evacuation of the tent there is a lot of food for thought. He has the links to his hypothesis on his profile. I find it interesting.

My interpretation might be slightly different to his , so please understand that I am not directly quoting him here.

The chemical spray would be concentrated inside the tent. (Skunk spray can have dangerous effects on dogs and actually kill a dog with certain gene's. This is recorded and known. )

It is a rare occurance that a Wolverine will spray and there are only a few accounts of humans experiencing the smell. This is in the open air ,on clothes or dogs that have chased a Wolverine. The smell is allegedly awful.  So, if it happened in the tent, the effects could have been quite severe in the first instance. Eyes, vision, nose, throat and lungs etc. Enough to make a quick exit and slash the tent to exit. From the hikers perspective , they would not know what happened, there may have been no instruction in tourist books of the Wolverines spray.

Given the irritation that it can cause, any return to the tent with its smell would enhance the already frustrating symptoms. There may be fear of being blinded or death or worse. And maybe they thought the beast may spray again. There are reports of the dilated pupils, which implies toxins. From research, Igor b shows that this should not be the case in hypothermia. Also the reactions of the search dog's on arrival are noted as strange.

They may have gone to try and find water to wash or rinse in the ravine , chose the ceder for wood as it is the best source and return later to the tent when beast/smell has gone.

It would be a theory easy to disprove, with a tent and a Wolverine. It may raise a smile and I understand that completely. However, certainly not the worst idea for leaving the tent.


December 19, 2022, 01:11:58 PM
Reply #260


From the hikers perspective , they would not know what happened, there may have been no instruction in tourist books of the Wolverines spray.
И сейчас нет никаких инструкций в туристических справочниках по поводу росомах. Как думаете, почему ?
And now there are no instructions in tourist guides about wolverines. Why do you think?
« Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 01:20:26 PM by Зайцев »
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=6#p11

December 19, 2022, 01:18:52 PM
Reply #261


They may have gone to try and find water to wash or rinse in the ravine , chose the ceder for wood as it is the best source and return later to the tent when beast/smell has gone.

It would be a theory easy to disprove, with a tent and a Wolverine. It may raise a smile and I understand that completely. However, certainly not the worst idea for leaving the tent.
Так кто мешает вернуться то? Палатка разрезана, с вентиляцией. Большой концентрации уже не будет. Запах имеет особенность выветриваться. Через 10 минут можно взять топоры, пилу и вёдра и пойти вниз, развести большой костёр. Туристы же не идиоты, чтобы, поддавшись панике, через какое то время, проанализировав ситуацию, не вернуться к палатке и не взять необходимое снаряжение. Вы тут наслушались человека, который сам в лесу никогда не был.
So who's stopping you from coming back? The tent is cut, with ventilation. There will be no more concentration. The scent has a tendency to dissipate. After 10 minutes, you can take axes, a saw and buckets and go downstairs, make a big fire. Tourists are not idiots, so that, having succumbed to panic, after some time, after analyzing the situation, they do not return to the tent and take the necessary equipment. You have heard enough of a man who himself has never been in the forest.
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=6#p11

December 19, 2022, 01:26:44 PM
Reply #262


From the hikers perspective , they would not know what happened, there may have been no instruction in tourist books of the Wolverines spray.
И сейчас нет никаких инструкций в туристических справочниках по поводу россомах. Как думаете, почему ?

And now there are no instructions in tourist guides about wolverines. Why do you think?

I think because it has never happened before or ever been recorded as happing since. It was a one off event. So there would no reason to have instructions in tourist guides. I don't think it's been mentioned by any official capacity. Probably because we all laugh as soon as it's suggested.

It has not been proven. However, Igor b sites testimonies of wolverines entering tents of hikers. Just no spray. One account is a hiker  waking to his face being licked another , sharing a snow hole with a man. The point being , that Wolverine's will enter small spaces with humans. Looking for food.

I can't do Igor b's hypothesis justice as it is in-depth. But it is worthy of attention because of his observations regardless of wolverines. He discusses a lot of questions that we all ask. He hasn't got a book , so I'm not advertising , just bringing attention to a plausible explanation. One that I definitely dismissed from the start. I was pleasantly surprised by his matter of fact way.


December 19, 2022, 01:34:18 PM
Reply #263


They may have gone to try and find water to wash or rinse in the ravine , chose the ceder for wood as it is the best source and return later to the tent when beast/smell has gone.

It would be a theory easy to disprove, with a tent and a Wolverine. It may raise a smile and I understand that completely. However, certainly not the worst idea for leaving the tent.
Так кто мешает вернуться то? Палатка разрезана, с вентиляцией. Большой концентрации уже не будет. Запах имеет особенность выветриваться. Через 10 минут можно взять топоры, пилу и вёдра и пойти вниз, развести большой костёр. Туристы же не идиоты, чтобы, поддавшись панике, через какое то время, проанализировав ситуацию, не вернуться к палатке и не взять необходимое снаряжение. Вы тут наслушались человека, который сам в лесу никогда не был.
So who's stopping you from coming back? The tent is cut, with ventilation. There will be no more concentration. The scent has a tendency to dissipate. After 10 minutes, you can take axes, a saw and buckets and go downstairs, make a big fire. Tourists are not idiots, so that, having succumbed to panic, after some time, after analyzing the situation, they do not return to the tent and take the necessary equipment. You have heard enough of a man who himself has never been in the forest.

As i understand it, the effect lasts a lot longer and can linger for 2 weeks Especially once inhaled , it is suggested to be like tear gas. This also a suggestion that is why no animals attempted to eat the bodies. There are a lot of links , small details ,that when put together make a compelling theory.

I know it's not the most popular hypothesis but worth a read. Charles didn't like it....

December 19, 2022, 01:44:26 PM
Reply #264


Всё правильно. Этого не случалось ни ранее, ни позже, ни в 59 году.
Я 25 лет путешествую в горах Сибири и 4-5 раз встречал росомах. Они у нас есть, их много. Я никогда ни от кого не слышал о том, что росомаха может принести вред своим выделением запаха. А я общался с разными местными таёжниками и охотниками, вы уж поверьте. Если бы что-то подобное случалось, об этом бы знали. Никогда никому в палатку росомаха не залазила и не выгоняла запахом. Никогда.
Everything is correct. This did not happen either before, or later, or in 59.
I have been traveling in the mountains of Siberia for 25 years and met wolverines 4-5 times. We have them, there are many of them. I have never heard from anyone that the wolverine can be harmful with its odor. And I talked with various local taiga dwellers and hunters, believe me. If something like this happened, they would know about it. The wolverine never climbed into anyone's tent and drove out the smell. Never.
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=6#p11

December 19, 2022, 01:53:15 PM
Reply #265


As i understand it, the effect lasts a lot longer and can linger for 2 weeks Especially once inhaled , it is suggested to be like tear gas. This also a suggestion that is why no animals attempted to eat the bodies. There are a lot of links , small details ,that when put together make a compelling theory.

I know it's not the most popular hypothesis but worth a read. Charles didn't like it....
Не нужно рассматривать покидание палатки, как единичный факт. Рассматривайте в комплексе.
1. Палатка разрезана изнутри.
2.После этого палатка покинута всей группой
3. Ничего не взяли для выживания в условиях холода
4. Не вернулись к палатке через промежуток времени.
Вот когда ваша версия будет соответствовать всем четырём утверждениям, тогда она состоятельна. А росомах, белок, бурундуков и куропаток предлагаю забыть и не тратить время на их обсуждение.
It is not necessary to consider leaving the tent as a single fact. Consider in a complex.
1. The tent is cut from the inside.
2. After that, the tent is abandoned by the whole group
3. They took nothing to survive in the cold
4. Did not return to the tent after a period of time.
That's when your version will match all four statements, then it is consistent. And I propose to forget wolverines, squirrels, chipmunks and partridges and not waste time discussing them.
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=6#p11

December 19, 2022, 02:12:17 PM
Reply #266


I can't do Igor b's hypothesis justice as it is in-depth. But it is worthy of attention because of his observations regardless of wolverines. He discusses a lot of questions that we all ask. He hasn't got a book , so I'm not advertising , just bringing attention to a plausible explanation. One that I definitely dismissed from the start. I was pleasantly surprised by his matter of fact way.
Можно придумать любую версию этой трагедии и начать её много лет доказывать. Например, на палатку помочился овцебык и выгнал из палатки туристов. Раньше такого не случалось, это единичный случай. А так как запах мочи овцебыка сильнее запаха мочи росомахи, это и есть истина. Через много лет и про автора этой версии вы скажете все те же слова, что и про Игоря Б.
Кстати, объём мочи овцебыка превосходит объём мочи росомахи в 50 раз, значит и эффект будет в 50 раз сильнее. Дарю вам эту версию. Можете развивать.
You can come up with any version of this tragedy and start proving it for many years. For example, a musk ox urinated on the tent and drove tourists out of the tent. This has never happened before, this is an isolated case. And since the smell of musk ox urine is stronger than the smell of wolverine urine, this is the truth. Many years later, you will say the same words about the author of this version as about Igor B.
By the way, the volume of musk ox urine exceeds the volume of wolverine urine by 50 times, which means that the effect will be 50 times stronger. I give you this version. You can develop.
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=6#p11

December 19, 2022, 02:14:42 PM
Reply #267


Всё правильно. Этого не случалось ни ранее, ни позже, ни в 59 году.
Я 25 лет путешествую в горах Сибири и 4-5 раз встречал росомах. Они у нас есть, их много. Я никогда ни от кого не слышал о том, что росомаха может принести вред своим выделением запаха. А я общался с разными местными таёжниками и охотниками, вы уж поверьте. Если бы что-то подобное случалось, об этом бы знали. Никогда никому в палатку росомаха не залазила и не выгоняла запахом. Никогда.
Everything is correct. This did not happen either before, or later, or in 59.
I have been traveling in the mountains of Siberia for 25 years and met wolverines 4-5 times. We have them, there are many of them. I have never heard from anyone that the wolverine can be harmful with its odor. And I talked with various local taiga dwellers and hunters, believe me. If something like this happened, they would know about it. The wolverine never climbed into anyone's tent and drove out the smell. Never.

I agree with you but sometimes things come together to make a perfect storm. I am only answering your questions.

The Wolverine only sprays in defence when in trouble. The Wolverine will fight bears and wolf's, and sometimes win. It is a strange beast and not fully understood.

It is only how I understand the hypothesis of the Wolverine. I lean towards a natural event but as yet I haven't read anything better  and complete.

I have no ideas better than what have already been put forward by many forum members or others. I am flexible and only wish to share knowledge.

What do you think happened?


December 19, 2022, 02:19:30 PM
Reply #268


The following users thanked this post: RMK, Ziljoe

December 19, 2022, 02:23:09 PM
Reply #269
