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Author Topic: Nitrogen dioxide slowly converts to Nitric acid on contact  (Read 95192 times)

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December 26, 2018, 06:00:51 AM
Reply #90

Nigel Evans

All the DPI evidence fits the NO2 theory except for the ravine injuries.

December 26, 2018, 04:26:31 PM
Reply #91


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
All the DPI evidence fits the NO2 theory except for the ravine injuries.

Can you be SPECIFIC about the EVIDENCE  !  ?

December 27, 2018, 05:10:25 AM
Reply #92

Nigel Evans

All the DPI evidence fits the NO2 theory except for the ravine injuries.

Can you be SPECIFIC about the EVIDENCE  !  ?
I'm not going to repeat myself, see my post #83.

December 27, 2018, 05:16:20 AM
Reply #93

Nigel Evans

You mean all your narratives are speculation.Everyone's narrative is speculation?

The Hot Spot yes I have seen a photo but its difficult to say.
Not sure what you state is actually EVIDENCE regarding the footprints in the snow.At least one expedition to the DP has tried to recreate the footsteps in cold powder and the wind blows them away within 24 hours.
Yuri D foam on face EVIDENCE but doesnt state cause.It's this speculation thingy again.

Yes I know people have talked about the ORANGE FACES but what about the OFFICIAL RECORD.The narrative is that the morgue photos and the pathologist's report don't show the dark orange faces because the reaction took place slowly mainly after the autopsies. Hence the pathologist didn't record them.

Lyudmila's face colour that could be explained by decompostion  !  ?
Yellow skin could be caused by decomposition ! ?It's possible but it would be all over? Not just the face and with a white chin?

I wouldnt trust any Barrister at any time. And State Prosecutors also can leave a lot to be desired.
For a practicing barrister to say "it must have been the fire orbs" is perhaps showing some character and regard for the truth...

Iam not saying that the State prosecutor was CRAZY, just that I wouldnt TRUST WHAT HE STATED. But he may well have been correct regarding some kind of aerial phenomenon, which he described as FIRE ORBS, but may have been something else.It could part of some elaborate coverup of course, in concert with his superior but my narrative chooses to believe them.

Nigel,  what about a chemical weapon test.  Rather than a nerve agent maybe some kind of noxious gas like NO2?  Then the rest of your theory would be more credible. Have you ever thought about the chemical weapon option?

My top candidates are

1. a weapon test possibly nuclear, but could be chemical
2. Murder
3. Infrasound and group induced panic

A man made version of no2 would be best explained as rocket fuel. But rocket fuel or weapon versions of the narrative would be too transient. The high winds would disperse the gas too quickly.  High winds producing microwaves would be persistent and is the better theory.

December 27, 2018, 03:02:04 PM
Reply #94


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
All the DPI evidence fits the NO2 theory except for the ravine injuries.

Can you be SPECIFIC about the EVIDENCE  !  ?
I'm not going to repeat myself, see my post #83.

Ok. I see what you are getting at.

December 27, 2018, 03:11:11 PM
Reply #95


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
All the DPI evidence fits the NO2 theory except for the ravine injuries.
Might fit the theory. You can not say with absolute certainty that all the Dyatlov Pass Incident EVIDENCE fits the NO2 theory except for the ravine injuries.

December 28, 2018, 02:37:01 AM
Reply #96

Nigel Evans

Might fit the theory. You can not say with absolute certainty that all the Dyatlov Pass Incident EVIDENCE fits the NO2 theory except for the ravine injuries.
Yes i can. Maybe we have a different understanding of what "fit" means in this context.
Strictly speaking it's the NO2 + N2O theory, nitrogen dioxide and nitrous oxide can explain all the evidence wrt the DPI except for the ravine injuries.

Now about the ravine injuries....
One of the theories to explain them is as i have already discussed - ball lightning rollers. This would be a fit on two counts (1) it explains Ivanov's obsession with "fire orbs". (2) the source of these would be from the same electro magnetic processes that explain the NO2/N2O and which imo were photographed by Semyon.

But it occurs to me that there is another theory concerning nitrous oxide....

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is heavier than air and has a boiling point of -90C and is of course heavily intoxicating to the extent that you can lose control of your limbs.

Now if the gas is unaffected by the cold and is heavier than air and is being produced at the top of the hill, it follows that it will obey gravity and travel down the hill.

Q. And what is at the bottom of this particular hill?

A. The ravine....

Q. And where is there a concentration of bodies?
A. In the ravine....

So maybe there is a theory here. The heavier than air N2O gas would end up in the ravine and displace most/all of the air creating a much higher concentration. So anyone near it's edge could suffer sudden and complete loss of control and fall into the ravine. Maybe one after the other like lemmings going over a cliff... So the first to fall would be injured by the second, the third would injure the first and second etc. The argument against the "falling theory" has been that people instinctively would put their hands out to protect themselves and hence you would need to see appropriate injuries (broken hands/arms/legs) for the theory to hold but N2O allows us to consider them falling without that control, like unconscious dummies landing on top of each other. This helps explain why some pathologists consider the injury profile to be from more than one event. Semyon's exhumation discovered that the pathologist had missed a fractured shoulder blade and he must have been lying on his back when his chest was crushed?
So here's a narrative.
They decide to build a den in the ravine which results in the discovered work.They go for a walk maybe to collect more branches/twigs etc.Up to this point the N2O concentration has been minimal.Now it strengthens and displaces all the air in the ravine and at the side/edge.The group return through the forest perhaps walking closely in single file.
As they reach the ravine edge they suffer immediate loss of control and fall in landing on top of each other. It could be that they slide down a steep slope picking up speed and momentum before reaching the actual drop.
The first to fall suffer the worst injuries, the last to fall the least which could include "combat injuries". Rustem has a fractured skull and internal bleeding that will cause him to give up relatively soon. Nicolai's head has been pushed into the ice so hard one side of the skull has caved in.
Now the N2O clears as it continues flowing down the ravine under gravity.There are only three able bodied survivors, Zina, Igor and Rustem.They lay the dead and injured in a row to assist them and try and conserve heat. As members die clothing is moved to the living. This includes scavenging from the 2 Yuris.
It is decided that they must try and retrieve more clothing/blankets etc from the tent if the injured have any chance. Semyon is still conscious and attempting to make notes.Zina and Rustem start the uphill journey. However Rustem cannot handle it and lies down in the snow. Zina adjusts his cap and heads off. However she has been affected by the NO2 -> nitric acid reaction and her cardio vascular abilities are much reduced to the extent that she has to crawl to try and continue until the crawling comes to a halt and she succumbs to the cold.
Igor waits for their return which never happens. Eventually he makes his way back but he to is affected by the NO2 and hasn't the strength for the incline. The lack of cardio vascular ability of the "returning three" explains the close grouping, they are all found within 300 metres of each other. Presumably as the incline steepens.

So now the NO2/N2O theory explains all the DPI evidence, every single item....

 loco1 loco1 loco1 loco1 loco1 loco1 loco1 loco1 loco1 loco1 loco1 loco1 loco1

« Last Edit: December 28, 2018, 11:11:19 AM by Nigel Evans »

December 28, 2018, 06:10:15 PM
Reply #97


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Might fit the theory. You can not say with absolute certainty that all the Dyatlov Pass Incident EVIDENCE fits the NO2 theory except for the ravine injuries.
Yes i can. Maybe we have a different understanding of what "fit" means in this context.
Strictly speaking it's the NO2 + N2O theory, nitrogen dioxide and nitrous oxide can explain all the evidence wrt the DPI except for the ravine injuries.

Now about the ravine injuries....
One of the theories to explain them is as i have already discussed - ball lightning rollers. This would be a fit on two counts (1) it explains Ivanov's obsession with "fire orbs". (2) the source of these would be from the same electro magnetic processes that explain the NO2/N2O and which imo were photographed by Semyon.

But it occurs to me that there is another theory concerning nitrous oxide....

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is heavier than air and has a boiling point of -90C and is of course heavily intoxicating to the extent that you can lose control of your limbs.

Now if the gas is unaffected by the cold and is heavier than air and is being produced at the top of the hill, it follows that it will obey gravity and travel down the hill.

Q. And what is at the bottom of this particular hill?

A. The ravine....

Q. And where is there a concentration of bodies?
A. In the ravine....

So maybe there is a theory here. The heavier than air N2O gas would end up in the ravine and displace most/all of the air creating a much higher concentration. So anyone near it's edge could suffer sudden and complete loss of control and fall into the ravine. Maybe one after the other like lemmings going over a cliff... So the first to fall would be injured by the second, the third would injure the first and second etc. The argument against the "falling theory" has been that people instinctively would put their hands out to protect themselves and hence you would need to see appropriate injuries (broken hands/arms/legs) for the theory to hold but N2O allows us to consider them falling without that control, like unconscious dummies landing on top of each other. This helps explain why some pathologists consider the injury profile to be from more than one event. Semyon's exhumation discovered that the pathologist had missed a fractured shoulder blade and he must have been lying on his back when his chest was crushed?
So here's a narrative.
They decide to build a den in the ravine which results in the discovered work.They go for a walk maybe to collect more branches/twigs etc.Up to this point the N2O concentration has been minimal.Now it strengthens and displaces all the air in the ravine and at the side/edge.The group return through the forest perhaps walking closely in single file.
As they reach the ravine edge they suffer immediate loss of control and fall in landing on top of each other. It could be that they slide down a steep slope picking up speed and momentum before reaching the actual drop.
The first to fall suffer the worst injuries, the last to fall the least which could include "combat injuries". Rustem has a fractured skull and internal bleeding that will cause him to give up relatively soon. Nicolai's head has been pushed into the ice so hard one side of the skull has caved in.
Now the N2O clears as it continues flowing down the ravine under gravity.There are only three able bodied survivors, Zina, Igor and Rustem.They lay the dead and injured in a row to assist them and try and conserve heat. As members die clothing is moved to the living. This includes scavenging from the 2 Yuris.
It is decided that they must try and retrieve more clothing/blankets etc from the tent if the injured have any chance. Semyon is still conscious and attempting to make notes.Zina and Rustem start the uphill journey. However Rustem cannot handle it and lies down in the snow. Zina adjusts his cap and heads off. However she has been affected by the NO2 -> nitric acid reaction and her cardio vascular abilities are much reduced to the extent that she has to crawl to try and continue until the crawling comes to a halt and she succumbs to the cold.
Igor waits for their return which never happens. Eventually he makes his way back but he to is affected by the NO2 and hasn't the strength for the incline. The lack of cardio vascular ability of the "returning three" explains the close grouping, they are all found within 300 metres of each other. Presumably as the incline steepens.

So now the NO2/N2O theory explains all the DPI evidence, every single item....

 This is a confusing theory to say the least. May be its time to move on. You have no proof any way.

December 29, 2018, 03:04:05 AM
Reply #98

Nigel Evans

Move on? I'm building on the #1 theory for the DPI, Ivanov's fire orbs.

He saw all the evidence.....


December 30, 2018, 10:18:59 AM
Reply #99


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Move on? I'm building on the #1 theory for the DPI, Ivanov's fire orbs.

He saw all the evidence.....

Presumably  #1  means number one theory.  Well I suppose thats debatable. Any way we dont know for certain whether or not Ivanov did see all the evidence.

December 30, 2018, 01:29:22 PM
Reply #100

Nigel Evans

Move on? I'm building on the #1 theory for the DPI, Ivanov's fire orbs.

He saw all the evidence.....

Presumably  #1  means number one theory.  Well I suppose thats debatable. Any way we dont know for certain whether or not Ivanov did see all the evidence.

Yes his theory is the one to beat.

I'm happy to debate his theory but i wont be moving on from it.

He and the Central Committee saw some evidence (hidden from us) that made them act in the way they did.

January 02, 2019, 04:59:04 PM
Reply #101


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Move on? I'm building on the #1 theory for the DPI, Ivanov's fire orbs.

He saw all the evidence.....

Presumably  #1  means number one theory.  Well I suppose thats debatable. Any way we dont know for certain whether or not Ivanov did see all the evidence.

Yes his theory is the one to beat.

I'm happy to debate his theory but i wont be moving on from it.

He and the Central Committee saw some evidence (hidden from us) that made them act in the way they did.

So if they saw some evidence that made them act in the way they did, how can we know what that evidence was  !  ? 

January 03, 2019, 02:25:16 AM
Reply #102

Nigel Evans

Move on? I'm building on the #1 theory for the DPI, Ivanov's fire orbs.

He saw all the evidence.....

Presumably  #1  means number one theory.  Well I suppose thats debatable. Any way we dont know for certain whether or not Ivanov did see all the evidence.

Yes his theory is the one to beat.

I'm happy to debate his theory but i wont be moving on from it.

He and the Central Committee saw some evidence (hidden from us) that made them act in the way they did.

So if they saw some evidence that made them act in the way they did, how can we know what that evidence was  !  ?

Because in the 1990s (when he was no longer afraid for his life in speaking out) he said it must have been the fire orbs.

So a question for you. Where do you think he got that evidence from? For fire orbs?

January 04, 2019, 07:38:25 AM
Reply #103


So now the NO2/N2O theory explains all the DPI evidence, every single item....

Except of course why they left the tent to begin with in a calm/orderly fashion, and how the piloted fireball 'got' the 2 Yuris.     nose1

One major thing here I believe you to be overlooking......  wind.  It will easily disperse/dilute and thin out any and all gasses.  You seem to be under the impression this environment was like a controlled lab in which no wind etc exists.  In order for this gas plume to travel taking the path of least resistance provided by gravity and maintain any significant density, you will need....... no wind.

Secondly,  If this gas plume was toxic enough to kill smog ingesting tobacco smoking humans, you bet your azz the entire width and breadth of the plume would kill every single living varmint and insect.  Where is the path of death carved out by this thing?
« Last Edit: January 04, 2019, 08:25:30 AM by Loose}{Cannon »
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

January 04, 2019, 07:40:30 AM
Reply #104


So a question for you. Where do you think he got that evidence from? For fire orbs?

Let us be clear.....

Ivanov the incompetent said it was PILOTED FIRE BALLS
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

January 04, 2019, 08:01:45 AM
Reply #105


All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

January 04, 2019, 08:28:44 AM
Reply #106

Nigel Evans

So now the NO2/N2O theory explains all the DPI evidence, every single item....

Except of course why the left the tent to begin with in a calm/orderly fashion, and how the piloted fireball 'got' the 2 Yuris.     nose1
Happy New Year!  loco1 They didn't leave the tent in an orderly fashion? No footwear, Rustem only wearing one boot? Doesn't seem orderly to me...  dance1
Once they had got some distance from the tent Shavarin says that they seem to have stood in a (orderly) line. It all fits with the narrative. The plume changed direction in the wind and enveloped the tent, they have to immediately escape to better air, then they stand and consider their options. Perhaps Yuri D attempted to return and died for it.
My narrative doesn't have piloted fireballs that get the 2 Yuris.

One major thing here I believe you to be overlooking......  wind.  It will easily disperse/dilute and thin out any and all gasses.  You seem to be under the impression this environment was like a controlled lab in which no wind etc exists.  In order for this gas plume to travel taking the path of least resistance provided by gravity and maintain any significant density, you will need....... no wind.
No the narrative is that the (high) winds were from the West so the eastern side below the ridge would be more sheltered. There can still be wind, although it's my understanding that there would be little wind by the cedar.

Secondly,  If this gas plume was toxic enough to kill smog ingesting tobacco smoking humans, you bet your azz the entire width and breadth of the plume would kill every single living varmint and insect.  Where is the path of death carved out by this thing?Do you recall that an unusual number of dead birds were found?

January 04, 2019, 08:32:08 AM
Reply #107

Nigel Evans

NO wind

Yes my N2O theory for the ravine has it that it filled up with N2O (right up to the tops of the trees) displacing the breathable air. Then they fell in on top of each other without attempting to break their falls with their arms. Alexander goes in head first?

January 04, 2019, 08:32:24 AM
Reply #108


Do you recall that an unusual number of dead birds were found?

More fake news....  Your referring to a picture of the search crew holding birds they killed for.... dinner.    bat1
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

January 04, 2019, 08:36:20 AM
Reply #109


Yes my N2O theory for the ravine has it that it filled up with N2O (right up to the tops of the trees) displacing the breathable air.

And... for this to happen as you say, there would need to be little to no wind.

Does this look like a no-wind situation to you?

All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

January 04, 2019, 10:03:48 AM
Reply #110

Nigel Evans

Do you recall that an unusual number of dead birds were found?

More fake news....  Your referring to a picture of the search crew holding birds they killed for.... dinner.    bat1

Now if only the local people gave the hill a suitable name, something like "Dead Mountain" that would fit my theory perfectly....
 quiet1 quiet1 quiet1 quiet1 quiet1 quiet1 quiet1


January 04, 2019, 10:04:57 AM
Reply #111

Nigel Evans

Yes my N2O theory for the ravine has it that it filled up with N2O (right up to the tops of the trees) displacing the breathable air.

And... for this to happen as you say, there would need to be little to no wind.

Does this look like a no-wind situation to you?

Definitely a some wind situation...

January 04, 2019, 10:26:17 AM
Reply #112


Do you recall that an unusual number of dead birds were found?

More fake news....  Your referring to a picture of the search crew holding birds they killed for.... dinner.    bat1

Now if only the local people gave the hill a suitable name, something like "Dead Mountain" that would fit my theory perfectly....
 quiet1 quiet1 quiet1 quiet1 quiet1 quiet1 quiet1

More fake news folks....    The mountain got its name because there is no game or vegetation in which to hunt/gather.  Not because Piloted Fire Balls chase/kill everything living there.
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

January 04, 2019, 01:07:42 PM
Reply #113

Nigel Evans

Do you recall that an unusual number of dead birds were found?

More fake news....  Your referring to a picture of the search crew holding birds they killed for.... dinner.    bat1

Now if only the local people gave the hill a suitable name, something like "Dead Mountain" that would fit my theory perfectly....
 quiet1 quiet1 quiet1 quiet1 quiet1 quiet1 quiet1

More fake news folks....    The mountain got its name because there is no game or vegetation in which to hunt/gather.  Not because Piloted Fire Balls chase/kill everything living there.

Or occasional doses of poison gas.

January 04, 2019, 02:23:17 PM
Reply #114


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Move on? I'm building on the #1 theory for the DPI, Ivanov's fire orbs.

He saw all the evidence.....

Presumably  #1  means number one theory.  Well I suppose thats debatable. Any way we dont know for certain whether or not Ivanov did see all the evidence.

Yes his theory is the one to beat.

I'm happy to debate his theory but i wont be moving on from it.

He and the Central Committee saw some evidence (hidden from us) that made them act in the way they did.

So if they saw some evidence that made them act in the way they did, how can we know what that evidence was  !  ?

Because in the 1990s (when he was no longer afraid for his life in speaking out) he said it must have been the fire orbs.

So a question for you. Where do you think he got that evidence from? For fire orbs?

But where is the evidence for the so called 'Fire Orbs'  !  ?  Lights seen in the sky do not mean that they were 'Fire Orbs'. 

January 04, 2019, 02:30:00 PM
Reply #115

Nigel Evans

Move on? I'm building on the #1 theory for the DPI, Ivanov's fire orbs.

He saw all the evidence.....

Presumably  #1  means number one theory.  Well I suppose thats debatable. Any way we dont know for certain whether or not Ivanov did see all the evidence.

Yes his theory is the one to beat.

I'm happy to debate his theory but i wont be moving on from it.

He and the Central Committee saw some evidence (hidden from us) that made them act in the way they did.

So if they saw some evidence that made them act in the way they did, how can we know what that evidence was  !  ?

Because in the 1990s (when he was no longer afraid for his life in speaking out) he said it must have been the fire orbs.

So a question for you. Where do you think he got that evidence from? For fire orbs?

But where is the evidence for the so called 'Fire Orbs'  !  ?  Lights seen in the sky do not mean that they were 'Fire Orbs'.
 bang1 bang1 bang1 bang1 bang1 bang1 bang1

January 07, 2019, 02:11:36 PM
Reply #116


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Move on? I'm building on the #1 theory for the DPI, Ivanov's fire orbs.

He saw all the evidence.....

Presumably  #1  means number one theory.  Well I suppose thats debatable. Any way we dont know for certain whether or not Ivanov did see all the evidence.

Yes his theory is the one to beat.

I'm happy to debate his theory but i wont be moving on from it.

He and the Central Committee saw some evidence (hidden from us) that made them act in the way they did.

So if they saw some evidence that made them act in the way they did, how can we know what that evidence was  !  ?

Because in the 1990s (when he was no longer afraid for his life in speaking out) he said it must have been the fire orbs.

So a question for you. Where do you think he got that evidence from? For fire orbs?

But where is the evidence for the so called 'Fire Orbs'  !  ?  Lights seen in the sky do not mean that they were 'Fire Orbs'.
 bang1 bang1 bang1 bang1 bang1 bang1 bang1

Unbelievable is not the answer to the question  !  ?

January 08, 2019, 04:22:59 PM
Reply #117

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Hi there.

I'm open minded about the source of the gas but it's true that high winds in a snowstorm create good electrical conditions and of course BL is a solution for the ravine deaths.

But i think the NO2 is the one to beat given that it fits well with the DPI also explains some unusual features of Chivruay (also high winds 50m/s!).

Hi Nigel,

I am glad that you are open minded about the source of the no2. Also as I stated a while ago I like your lateral thinking even if it seems a bit off piste.  Reading through all of these posts has certainly given me a smile.

Anyway, as you may know I am not fixed on any particular theory yet, and am open to all ideas.  However one of the ideas I have been looking into is the military accident as per the topic I set up a while ago, although as presented there the theory is not really substantiated in any way.

It is interesting though that my investigation has led me independently to the possibility that the Dyatlov group were overcome by nitrogen dioxide gas.  However, the source is not ball lightning, so let's see how open minded you are about it?

Anyway, let's go back to the military accident. In my hypothesis on the night of 1st Feb 1959, it is possible that the military had chosen this area to test a low yield nuclear device.  Possibly a neutron bomb, possibly a trigger for a hydrog bomb.

On the night, the group set up camp probably had a meal and where settling in for the night.  I believe that at some point they noticed some strange activity going on in the sky.  I believ Semyon grabbed his camera and accompanied by several others went outside to observe and take some pictures.  Shot 1 of Semyons camera which is the only legible photo that was made available shows a large bright object filling the top left of the photo with 3 heads at the bottom of the shot.  This may have been the first detonation.  It may have been the only detonation too, but I doubt it.  A 1kt low yield device produced lethal radiation up to 1.2 km.  there would have been a shock wave but the over pressure would only be less than 5psi and not capable of causing significant injury to people, but it would have been a surprise nonetheless.  Next comes the wind blast.  This could have been up to 330m/s almost sonic speeds, but probably less where they were, but this could have picked some of them up and knocked them flying.  They could easily have picked up some significant injuries.

So nuclear device creates a fire ball.  This could easily have been up to about 500 metres in diameter.  A fire ball of 500m would be visible from 70km away as a fire orb about the size of the moon.  Obviously would depend on visibility etc that night.

Now comes the bit you may be interested in:

The 500m fire ball is mainly made of what? Yes - its nitrogen dioxide.  Pretty much all of the oxygen available in the fire ball could be converted into nitrogen dioxide.  This would be of very high concentration - of the order of 200,000 ppm no2.  Now even if this were diluted down it woulld still give about 40 cubic kilometres of gas with an LD50 concentration within an hour or two of exposure. (these are base on rough calculations).

So what happens to this fire ball of no2 gas.  Well the mushroom cloud and column would rise, possibly up to several thousand feet under normal STP conditions.  But this mushroom cloud is in a very very cold environment.  The cloud would cool very rapidly.  The No2 would condense into an aerosol, and maybe even freeze into tiny solid dust like particles.  No2 is heavier than air and certainly liquid droplets or solid dust will be much heavier, and the mushroom cloud and column could start to collapse back to the ground.  Kind of like pyro clastic flow from a volcano.  Is also possible that the air surrounding the no2 would still be relatively warm, being from a giant cooling fire ball.

Anyway, if the Dyatlov group were down wind of the cloud which would now be hugging the landscape like giant patch of foggy dust or as an aerosol they would be in big trouble.  It would certainly prompt them to vacate the tent and move down the slope away from the toxic dust/gas mixture if they were physically able to after the wind blast had hit them.

Kholat Syakhl may have been like the gates of Hades on 1st Feb 1959.  Would not have been a nice place to be.  Heat flash, lethal radiation, shock waves, hurricane force wind blasts, lethal cloud of radiative toxic no2 fog and to top it all off - lethal sub zero temperatures.


January 09, 2019, 09:21:04 AM
Reply #118

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Just to build on my post above I have done a slightly more technical analysis of Semyon’s photo (shot 1).  Assuming the photo was taken outside the tent. Towards the bottom of the photo there are three heads these are fairly level so assume camera was held level.  At the same level of the heads you can just make out the ground with significant contrast suggesting that above the ground level is the sky.  The angle of this ground is slightly sloping but quite level suggesting that the camera is pointing up the slope. I think the slope angle was about 30 degrees.  The large bright object that fills the left of the image appears to be about 10 degrees of arc on the sky. For a 500 metre fire ball that would place it about 2 to 3 km from the tent over the top and just behind Kholat Syakhl.  From what I have read on this forum the wind direction that night was down the slope roughly toward the cedar tree. That would put the Dyatlov group down wind of the fire ball and in line with a collapsing cloud of noxious NO2. 

The cloud being much heavier than air would form a blanket moving over the top of the mountain and around its sides.

The group in an attempt to escape this made their way down the slope.  If the toxic cloud hugged the ground like a blanket it would be worth looking for somewhere high that you could climb to get breathable air.  The cedar tree was a high spot.  Climb 5 metres to avoid cloud and hang on for as long as you can until cloud dispersed.  Maybe the cloud was too much for some of them and they fell.

By the time the cloud disperses some of the group have severe hypothermia. Now we need to build a fire to save their lives.  But it’s too late.


January 09, 2019, 09:58:07 AM
Reply #119


Only issue is.... 

This picture

Is a blown up and highly manipulated section of this picture...

And THAT picture wasn't taken by anyone of the Dyatlov group.


The technician in the crime lab was given a camera with a film inside which he has to develop and give back to the investigators. Old cameras have film in a cartridge, the camera makes a photo by (1) pressing the shutter and then (2) using the film advance lever to draw next blank frame from the cartridge. Some people do (2) right after (1), some do (2) right before the the shot. The technician has no way of knowing if the camera is in position (1) or (2). Rewinding the film is only possible in position (1). The technician can either use the film advance lever which will not work if the camera is in position (2) or press the shutter which will not work if the camera is in position (1). Pushing the lever too hard can damage the film. Usually the lab technicians pressed the shutter and if doesn't go off then the film can be rewinded. If it does go off then the film can also be rewinded but the there is one last technological photo which captures whatever is in front at that particular moment - wall, ashtray, table, papers, and a lot of unidentifiable objects nearly always out of focus. The shutter of Krivonischenko's camera was cocked, so the notorious photo №34 came to life. Initially this frame was not presented in the investigation as pаrt of the film, and it should have remained that way, because introducing it at a later time inflated even further the monstrous significance that this photo is gaining.

Please read this in its entirety

All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!