October 06, 2024, 01:41:15 AM
Dyatlov Pass Forum

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General Discussion / Re: The exact location of the Dyatlov group's tent
« Last post by time2fly on October 02, 2024, 03:59:04 AM »
Oleg, thank you for your interesting analysis.

However, did you consider that your photos were taken at a different focal length as the original ones from the search group?

There is probably no information available about the focal length of the searcher cameras, so to me it would make sense to also apply your markers in a horizontal way, to rule out any focal distortion.

General Discussion / Re: Money on Dyatlov group
« Last post by Teddy on October 02, 2024, 03:32:31 AM »
Ok, so the material wasn't brought on the hike. I'm afraid I don't know if it was or wasn't, I thought it might have been used for the dividing sheet in the tent or boot covers. I didn't know what the material was used for.

I provided a link in my original post what cambric aka batiste is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambric

This post started with the cambric but ended with the question: where are the pocket money of Krivonischenko, Kolevatov, and Zolotaryov?
General Discussion / Re: Money on Dyatlov group
« Last post by Ziljoe on October 02, 2024, 03:19:13 AM »
Ok, so the material wasn't brought on the hike. I'm afraid I don't know if it was or wasn't, I thought it might have been used for the dividing sheet in the tent or boot covers. I didn't know what the material was used for.

So Lyuda got side tracked on a shopping spree for her summer dress and may have used some of the funds. This sounds a reasonable explanation. It could be that she is berating herself and it will be forgotten about in a couple of days.

I have your book teddy and it raises good ideas. The tree is the most interesting part but I can't work out the chronology of the bodies being found then returned and then staging the footprints. Im stuck with making that work because of lack of evidence.
General Discussion / Re: Money on Dyatlov group
« Last post by Teddy on October 02, 2024, 02:48:26 AM »
A small amount of missing money doesn't ring any alarm bells and I'm not sure if someone would buy 5 meters of cambric to carry around on hike as extra luggage. If I understand it correctly Lyuda bought it at the railway station and people came to say goodbye and she may have gave the material to one of them. Or it was used for the hike as the divider in the tent or for covers for the boots?.
The fabric is not suitable for anything on the trek and it was not brought on the trek.
The fabric is used for summer dresses.
The fabric was left back in Sverdlovsk, it is a private purchase that took Lyuda the time to wait in line for a whole day instead of preparing for the trek. This is why she is mad at herself.

I struggle with them being found, stripped, redressed and then put back at the location to be found again?
This is the gist of my book.
It would be a concern if the rockets fall out of the sky at random. From what I can see there are lots of tourist tours to Dyatlov pass , including, 4x4's , helicopters , walkers etc. Hopefully a one time occurance.
Valery Anyamov told us about these parts of the rocket in an interview.
This is what it looks like

This place is located 14 kilometers from Otorten and 17 kilometers from the found tent of the Dyatlov group

Question: How can the military allow missile debris to fall into such a populated tourist area?
General Discussion / Re: Money on Dyatlov group
« Last post by Ziljoe on October 01, 2024, 07:29:49 PM »
A small amount of missing money doesn't ring any alarm bells and I'm not sure if someone would buy 5 meters of cambric to carry around on hike as extra luggage. If I understand it correctly Lyuda bought it at the railway station and people came to say goodbye and she may have gave the material to one of them. Or it was used for the hike as the divider in the tent or for covers for the boots?.

I struggle with them being found , stripped , redressed and then put back at the location to be found again?.

If they were to make a labaz , then I think they put it in the correct location for their return.  logs were cut to save them the work of doing it again , the repacking of the labaz items would be easier to do at an overnight campsite where they could warm up by the fire and thaw food items.

I don't think they would have put the labaz on the hill side as they wouldn't know the weather conditions on their return , this could cause two problems...1) to find it again , 2) to unpack their back packs and re pack the labaz items to  then move on to another campsite to unpack it all again.
General Discussion / Re: Money on Dyatlov group
« Last post by GlennM on October 01, 2024, 11:35:14 AM »
Thanks for the replies. I get a hard no, tinder for fire and investigative data report from your replies. If there is anything of value to this thread, for me it is that the Soviet investigators did not play at their work. It appears that in every instance, there was investigation, analysis and documentation. I do not detect coverup. Too, the deceased were treated humanely. The major friction it seems revolved around the transport of the bodies in an unapproved manner by helicopter ( zinc containers) and the speed with which closure was wrought from the burials. Better to finalize their services than have things delayed.

General Discussion / Re: Money on Dyatlov group
« Last post by Axelrod on October 01, 2024, 09:43:09 AM »
I don't really care how they spent the money, that's the tourists' right.
Much more interesting is how the investigation took it into account.


Given to the prosecutor, comrade Ivanov, that I, Yuri Efimovich Yudin (address: Sverdlovsk, Vtuzgorodok, 8th student building, room 513), received two hundred and fifty rubles (250 rubles) from the money found on the Dyatlov group.

Signature: (Yudin's signature) March 8, 1958



10. 975 rubles – wherein?
11. 700 rubles in a tin can

I understand this entry as follows: Ivanov gave Yudin 250 rubles out of 950 rubles, and it came out to 700 rubles.
Now Ivanov does not remember this fact and cannot understand where the 950+25 rubles disappeared to. Wherer are 25 roubles?
Or am I misunderstanding something here???

Second moment I have already mentioned.


5 rubles in Z. Kolmogorova's jacket.


, in the jacket's pockets were found: a photo id on Kolmogorova's name, 5 rub. money (rubles)


2/VII 6 rubles found on Zina Kolmogorova were given to Kolmogorova’s parents (signature Ivanov) 2/VII-1959

Why 6 rubles?
It might be only
Sheet 216 Closer to the cedar were found eight rubles of money, in two bills of 3 and 5

Maybe 8 roubles were supposed for 8 persones, except Zolotaryov
Why Dubinina's mother didn't receive exora 1 rouble? Or 8 persones except Dubiniba who was an accountant of common money&
So many questions arise....

In general, so far it seems that the investigator is trying to conduct an investigation, but he is not succeeding. Of course, Ivanov did not assume that his notes would be studied by investigators from different countries in 65 years.
General Discussion / Re: Money on Dyatlov group
« Last post by Teddy on October 01, 2024, 07:37:56 AM »
That said, is there a link to be forged to connect money to their deaths. How could this precipitate what happened next?

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