April 29, 2024, 10:52:17 AM
Dyatlov Pass Forum

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General Discussion / Re: Mansi question
« Last post by Teddy on April 28, 2024, 11:57:44 PM »
Then again, doesn't 1079's name translate as " nothing goes there?" If so, why would Mansi bother to hunt where the game is not?

General Discussion / Re: Tent
« Last post by GlennM on April 28, 2024, 04:24:09 PM »
I still think the post raises two issues, one of greater importance. That issue is who authored the unknown diary? If it can not be authenticated then its contents are heresay. Secondly, patching or not patching the tent is trivial. I still contend that the topic was brought up in order to get insight into the mindset of the hikers.  Based on the gestalt of diaries and physical evidence, I feel that the whole business of patching the canvas was intellectualized hormonal hijinks.
General Discussion / Re: Mansi question
« Last post by GlennM on April 28, 2024, 04:14:18 PM »
Then again, doesn't 1079's name translate as " nothing goes there?" If so, why would Mansi bother to hunt where the game is not?
General Discussion / Treks
« Last post by KathleenDSmith1 on April 28, 2024, 10:27:59 AM »
Everyone and Teddy:

This is why,   I started to get involved with this incident of all 9 hikers...it's seem that whoever did this to all 9 hikers wanted to have everyone too believe all 9 hikers didn't have any skiing or camping experience...so I found in Dyatlov Pass "TREKS"

sending image

General Discussion / Re: Mansi question
« Last post by amashilu on April 28, 2024, 09:33:03 AM »
Yes, maybe. That is certainly one possibility.
General Discussion / Re: Tent
« Last post by Ziljoe on April 28, 2024, 08:54:30 AM »
I missed a couple of things. It is reported that the tent was torn and a pin was holding part of the tent together when first found , also it was torn in places but it was unknown if it was the first two searches that tore it, there was a clear even cut on one side that looked like it had been done with a knife.

I log of wood was found in the snow next to the tent at the rear end. ( I totally missed that).
General Discussion / Re: Mansi question
« Last post by Axelrod on April 28, 2024, 08:27:21 AM »
If the Mansi had found the corpses earlier than Sharavin and Koptelov, they would have reported it.
But the Mansi reported only about the traces of skis that they saw from the Auspiya side.
General Discussion / Mansi question
« Last post by amashilu on April 28, 2024, 05:56:35 AM »
The DP9 died at the beginning of February, but their bodies were not found for almost a month (temporarily excluding the possibility that the case began on February 6, as some paperwork seems to indicate).

Mansi people lived in this area and were certainly more familiar with it than any of the Russian visitors, the way we are all familiar with our own neighborhoods; for instance, I have read that the cedar area was a resting place for Mansi hunters.

During the month that the bodies were not found, is it likely that one or more of the Mansi at least saw them? If so, what would that Mansi have done? Maybe nothing, just gone home and talked about it. Or maybe have moved the bodies in an attempt to respect and care for them? The two under the cedar do look as if they have been moved and positioned.

This question is likely not "important" in helping solve anything, but I have long wondered about it.
General Discussion / Re: Tent
« Last post by anna_pycckux on April 28, 2024, 04:05:24 AM »
You don't have to read Anna. Read sheet 49 of the Criminal Case, the testimony of forester Pashin. Draw your own conclusions..
General Discussion / Re: Tent
« Last post by Ziljoe on April 28, 2024, 12:19:55 AM »
Everyone and Teddy: Please if anyone could clarify what did Lyuda meant (copied and paste) in the Unknown Diary, Lyuda stated there are some many holes in the tent...and what I'm talking about is "Cuts" of the Tent and the "Holes" in the tent???

From the testimony of forester Pashin, see case sheet 49, from the interrogation of forester Pashin, it can be concluded that the tent was not cut on February 24 because there were things inside, but he does not say that everything inside is covered with snow. The tent was later cut down by M. Sharavin. The forester did not see any traces of Dyatlov's group, although the forester is a professional in detecting human or animal tracks. In the photo: the tent is not covered with snow, but scattered with a shovel. Conclusion: tourists did not cut the tent themselves, did not run out into the cold naked. This is exactly what the forgers convince us of.

I read a bit differently Anna.

Pashin did not find the tent, others in his group did later on the 27th of February. Pashin did find a number of traces of both the hikers and Mansi ski trails along with two campsites. One campsite was an earlier campsite of the hikers and another of Mansi and elks/moose which he assumed was after the hikers campsite because the Mansi traces were fresher than the hikers campsite. (So there people there after the hikers in a radius of at least 10km .)

The hikers trail to the final campsite on 1079 was blown by snow and wind, there was no traces of hikers , outsiders or Mansi on 1079, only the mixed foot prints leading away from the tent to the ceder/ravine.

Pashin refers to this campsite but the translation is a bit confusing in the English Vs Russian. There seems to be slight differences.

They were also not naked, poorly dressed for being outside for any length of time, yes, but not naked. It loks like there was some kind of preparation going on at the time of the incident, as in a change of clothes after setting the tent up , clothes for sleeping in, or getting ready to start the next day.

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