The Russians are coming... And they have already arrived...
What do you mean?
Я говорю о том, чтобы несерьезно считать себя более осведомленным не будучи россиянином. И да, это в некотором роде - шутка, отсылка к бытующим вне России мифам - о России
I'm talking about not seriously considering yourself more knowledgeable without being a Russian.
And yes, this is in some way - a joke, a reference to the myths existing outside of Russia - about Russia.
Charles, well, let's say, representatives of the guards of places of detention: they could beat fugitive prisoners severely when they were caught. But tourists have never and nowhere been perceived by such a camp service as runaway prisoners. When capturing the fugitives, the troops have clear orientations on how the criminals look and how many of them. Because they have in their hands - the data of personal files for each escaped prisoner. This is an invariable component of the detention camps. And everywhere, including France.?
"Подсчитано, что за неполных 14 лет существования Ивдельлага там погибло около 30 000 человек."
"It is estimated that in the 14 years of Ivdellag's existence, about 30,000 people died there."
I don't say the tourists were mistaken as runaway prisoners. I say that Gulag guards killed many people and didn't care about killing people.
Вы до сих пор не осознали разницу между туристами и уголовниками? Вы приводите статистику на какой состав населения? Видимо на тот, что именно имел сроки заключения?
Туристы/альпинисты в России сидели по Гулагам, но они получили сроки заключения при Ежове и т.п.
В России нет обычая - туристов принимать за беглых уголовников. Ибо - они студенты учебных заведений, сотрудники предприятий и организаций.
Have you still not realized the difference between tourists and criminals? What statistics are you citing for the composition of the population? Apparently on the one that exactly had terms of imprisonment?
Tourists/climbers in Russia were imprisoned in the Gulags, but they received terms of imprisonment under Yezhov, etc.
In Russia, there is no custom - to take tourists for fugitive criminals. For - they are students of educational institutions, employees of enterprises and organizations.