Dyatlov Pass Forum

Theories Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: anna_pycckux on December 14, 2022, 01:57:50 PM

Title: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on December 14, 2022, 01:57:50 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pi36LmqspXs&t=664s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pi36LmqspXs&t=664s)
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on December 14, 2022, 02:10:49 PM
(https://i.ibb.co/XjksZjy/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/BcKZVc4)
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on December 15, 2022, 08:07:09 AM
    "Госзаказ на ликвидацию" Основные моменты, которые привели группу Дятлова к трагедии.
     1.У власти стояли сталинисты, такие как Кириленко, 1906 года рождения.. с  кровью впитавшие сталинский метод правления.
     2.Скандальная конференция в УПИ. Партийцы были напуганы растеряны.. Они больше всего боялись повторения ситуации.

     3.Началось ужесточение борьбы с инакомыслием, с оппозицией. Особенно – после письма из Кремля «О пресечении вылазок антисоветских элементов с обращением внимания на молодежь и студенчество»..

      4. Как следствие - расцвело стукачество и доносительство. Под эту раздачу попали дятловцы.. особенно Колмогорова, Дятлов, Дубинина, которые наверняка отказались вербоваться в ряды осведомителей. Им скорее всего пригрозили: «не сносить вам головы». Тогда и появились ложные доносы, которые подводили студентов под смертную казнь. Ю. Юдин: «На дятловцев строчились доносы, что они шпионы и черт те что, и хотя сбежать за границу».

5. Главой Свердловской области был человек ограниченный умственно, жестокий, злопамятный карьерист. Мы помним из истории, как не без помощи Кириленко был расстрелян Новочеркасский бунт безоружных рабочих, протест комсомольцев в Тимертау - 59, митинги в Чимкенте.. Все подавления этих протестов  решались Кремлевскими комиссиями и каждый раз в такую комиссию входил А П Кириленко. Потому  я считаю, что Новочеркасский расстрел, Тимертау, Чимкент, Перевал Дятлова – это звенья одной цепи расправы с неугодными, инакомыслящими.

6.21 съезд КПСС послужил отправной точкой для ликвидации группы, на которую строчились страшные доносы, что они хотят сбежать за границу. Представьте: идет съезд, Кириленко рапортует: Свердловская область идет семимильными шагами к вершинам коммунизма, - а ему докладывают, что студенты в его области массово бегут на запад.
7.Партийные руководители брали дело под свой контроль и заставляли прокуроров и сдедователей лжесвидетельствовать, что группа погибла от несчастного случая, то есть не справились с плохой погодой. Приказали закрыть дело не расследованным.. и засекретить.

Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Ehtnisba on December 17, 2022, 04:53:57 PM
    "Госзаказ на ликвидацию" Основные моменты, которые привели группу Дятлова к трагедии.
     1.У власти стояли сталинисты, такие как Кириленко, 1906 года рождения.. с  кровью впитавшие сталинский метод правления.
     2.Скандальная конференция в УПИ. Партийцы были напуганы растеряны.. Они больше всего боялись повторения ситуации.

     3.Началось ужесточение борьбы с инакомыслием, с оппозицией. Особенно – после письма из Кремля «О пресечении вылазок антисоветских элементов с обращением внимания на молодежь и студенчество»..

      4. Как следствие - расцвело стукачество и доносительство. Под эту раздачу попали дятловцы.. особенно Колмогорова, Дятлов, Дубинина, которые наверняка отказались вербоваться в ряды осведомителей. Им скорее всего пригрозили: «не сносить вам головы». Тогда и появились ложные доносы, которые подводили студентов под смертную казнь. Ю. Юдин: «На дятловцев строчились доносы, что они шпионы и черт те что, и хотя сбежать за границу».

5. Главой Свердловской области был человек ограниченный умственно, жестокий, злопамятный карьерист. Мы помним из истории, как не без помощи Кириленко был расстрелян Новочеркасский бунт безоружных рабочих, протест комсомольцев в Тимертау - 59, митинги в Чимкенте.. Все подавления этих протестов  решались Кремлевскими комиссиями и каждый раз в такую комиссию входил А П Кириленко. Потому  я считаю, что Новочеркасский расстрел, Тимертау, Чимкент, Перевал Дятлова – это звенья одной цепи расправы с неугодными, инакомыслящими.

6.21 съезд КПСС послужил отправной точкой для ликвидации группы, на которую строчились страшные доносы, что они хотят сбежать за границу. Представьте: идет съезд, Кириленко рапортует: Свердловская область идет семимильными шагами к вершинам коммунизма, - а ему докладывают, что студенты в его области массово бегут на запад.
7.Партийные руководители брали дело под свой контроль и заставляли прокуроров и сдедователей лжесвидетельствовать, что группа погибла от несчастного случая, то есть не справились с плохой погодой. Приказали закрыть дело не расследованным.. и засекретить.

Russian is not my native, but as much I can understand thanks to being close to Bulgarian - you are also supporting murder by order which also what me and Charles think. Your explanation of the reason is interesting, but I couldn't understand why someone thought they are deserters and how from Urals someone  gonna be able walk it up north to Finland or else?
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: GlennM on December 17, 2022, 09:03:24 PM
Follow the money! Murder only lakes sense if you are paid somehow. Write a book about the DP9 getting murdered? Guess who gets paid?  There is much discussion about revenge and professional killers. Professionals work for money and revenge doesn't pay. Follow the money, then others will start to think,differently. Otherwise, it is all smoke and mirrors (illusion).
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on December 18, 2022, 12:22:15 AM
////я не мог понять, почему кто-то думал, что они дезертиры, и как с Урала кто-то сможет пройти на север до Финляндии или еще куда-нибудь?////

Это фантазия в  головах у партийцев, в т ч Кириленко. Туристы никуда не собирались сбегать, но на них писались ложные доносы, что под видом похода могут сбежать на запад. У Дятлова и его друзей было много завистников,  так  как они были яркими и смелыми личностями... Главный обкомовец Кириленко, провожая поисковиков на перевал, напутствовал: ищите, может найдете следы, как они убежали без портков  в Норвегию" смотри видеоролик с показаниями поисковика Бориса Слобцова.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on December 18, 2022, 12:28:21 AM
Follow the money! Murder only lakes sense if you are paid somehow. Write a book about the DP9 getting murdered? Guess who gets paid?  There is much discussion about revenge and professional killers. Professionals work for money and revenge doesn't pay. Follow the money, then others will start to think,differently. Otherwise, it is all smoke and mirrors (illusion).
Спасибо за важный комментарий.. но вы, американцы, привыкли все мерить деньгами.. У меня был друг американский профессор, потому я об этом знаю. Но в СССР в 50-х годах главенствовали не деньги, а главенствовал приказ от служителей КПСС. Приказ не мог быть не выполнен, иначе могло быть наказание вплоть до смертной казни.
У слишком смелых и волевых ребят могли быть завистники а так же те, кто хотел отомстить ребятам за их строптивость (есть косвенные доказательства, что они отказались подчиниться воле КГБ). Потому на них писались ложные доносы. ИМЕННО ИЗ_ЗА ЛОЖНОГО ДОНОСА ГРУППА БЫЛА ЛИКВИДИРОВАНА.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on December 18, 2022, 02:38:00 AM
Если версию "Уральская голгофа или "Госзаказ на ликвидацию" выразить в двух словах (в книге она изложена на 350 страницах), то она прозвучит так:
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Ehtnisba on December 19, 2022, 12:14:36 PM
////я не мог понять, почему кто-то думал, что они дезертиры, и как с Урала кто-то сможет пройти на север до Финляндии или еще куда-нибудь?////

Это фантазия в  головах у партийцев, в т ч Кириленко. Туристы никуда не собирались сбегать, но на них писались ложные доносы, что под видом похода могут сбежать на запад. У Дятлова и его друзей было много завистников,  так  как они были яркими и смелыми личностями... Главный обкомовец Кириленко, провожая поисковиков на перевал, напутствовал: ищите, может найдете следы, как они убежали без портков  в Норвегию" смотри видеоролик с показаниями поисковика Бориса Слобцова.

Speaking about jealousy - it is a typical trait in my country even today. With jealousy fantasy is not needed. I still remember my university years and who were the loved ones. Not the progressive capable ones, but the dull bringers of coffees to the professors. Jealousy then and now is a big motiv I think in both our nations, no offense intended. But the spirit of "put a stain on whoever does and can more than the herd' in my opinion is alive today. Only that executions are rarity, but messing ones life for the sake of " why he/she is capable" is a common thing.
Otherwise is beyond mad fantasy to reach Norway from there. And all types of bad rumours can be accumulated. English sources always love to describe the group as "good communists". To me what foreigners imagine under this description is laughable .
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on December 19, 2022, 03:06:19 PM
Speaking about jealousy - it is a typical trait in my country even today. With jealousy fantasy is not needed. I still remember my university years and who were the loved ones. Not the progressive capable ones, but the dull bringers of coffees to the professors. Jealousy then and now is a big motiv I think in both our nations, no offense intended. But the spirit of "put a stain on whoever does and can more than the herd' in my opinion is alive today...

Я поняла.. вы имели ввиду - зависть. Из-за зависти совершаются страшные преступления. А еще из-за мести. Если Дятлов и его друзья не подчинились КГБ и отказались вербоваться в доносчики и осведомители - им могли отомстить. Юрий Юдин говорил, что на ребят строчились ложные доносы о готовящемся побеге за границу. Да, это запредельная фантазия, но нужен был повод.. и он нашелся. Все это отвечает обстановке СССР конца 50-х годов.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 07, 2023, 10:29:22 AM
Следователь Лев Иванов много врал  в материалах дела и в статье "Тайна огненных шаров".
цитата Лев Иванов: " Одно  у меня оправдание: не свою волю выполнял". Лев Иванов выполнял волю партии, обкома, который диктовал ему как поступать и как вести следствие.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69iyp9clhTw&t=133s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69iyp9clhTw&t=133s)
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: tenne on January 07, 2023, 01:16:21 PM
Thank you for your thoughtful post and introducing another element I had never thought of
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 11, 2023, 04:29:43 AM
В теме Перевала Дятлова - все пути ведут в Свердловский обком, в  кабинет Кириленко А. П. Кириленко А П - глава Свердловского обкома, который накануне 21 Съезда КПСС мог отдать приказ о ликвидации группы "антисоветчиков". Со слов Ю Юдина на Дятлова и его друзей строчились доносы, что они "шпионы и черте те что и хотят сбежать на запад".(с) Юрий Юдин. ДЯТЛОВЦЫ ПОГИБЛИ ИЗ-ЗА ЛОЖНОГО ДОНОСА, ЧТО ОНИ ЯКОБЫ ВРАГИ НАРОДА И ВРАГИ СОЦИАЛИСТИЧЕСКОЙ СИСТЕМЫ.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukcT0EztIxI&t=135s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukcT0EztIxI&t=135s)
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 11, 2023, 04:35:24 AM
(https://i.ibb.co/VWRPf1T/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/C5gTRcQ)
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: GlennM on January 11, 2023, 06:22:03 AM
I disagree.
1. No evidence of wrong doing.
2. Route not conducive to escape
3. Too many influential surviving families
4. Yuri Yuden not liquidated
5. No " show trial"
6. No effort to shame deceased. Quite the opposite. They were treated with respect and given a monument and a geographical location.
7. No official advanced their career as a hero of the people from this.

Modern day conspiracy theorists seek not truth, but fame and money by exploiting a natural calamity.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: RMK on January 11, 2023, 09:26:25 AM
I agree with GlennM.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Зайцев on January 11, 2023, 09:34:38 AM
I agree with GlennM.
С Гленом все согласны. Вряд ли вы найдёте не согласных, кроме самой писательницы фантастических рассказов
Everyone agrees with Glen. It is unlikely that you will find those who disagree, except for the writer of fantastic stories herself.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Ehtnisba on January 11, 2023, 09:53:34 AM
Speaking about jealousy - it is a typical trait in my country even today. With jealousy fantasy is not needed. I still remember my university years and who were the loved ones. Not the progressive capable ones, but the dull bringers of coffees to the professors. Jealousy then and now is a big motiv I think in both our nations, no offense intended. But the spirit of "put a stain on whoever does and can more than the herd' in my opinion is alive today...

Я поняла.. вы имели ввиду - зависть. Из-за зависти совершаются страшные преступления. А еще из-за мести. Если Дятлов и его друзья не подчинились КГБ и отказались вербоваться в доносчики и осведомители - им могли отомстить. Юрий Юдин говорил, что на ребят строчились ложные доносы о готовящемся побеге за границу. Да, это запредельная фантазия, но нужен был повод.. и он нашелся. Все это отвечает обстановке СССР конца 50-х годов.

Your version is the saddest, but for me it is the first that makes sense, understanding that , yes, in our countries you follow the hate, not the money. Revenge, envy is never been motiv about money. Our US users can hardly understand that money are usually the least reason for someone's honour or ill intentions.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Ehtnisba on January 11, 2023, 09:57:04 AM
I disagree.
1. No evidence of wrong doing.
2. Route not conducive to escape
3. Too many influential surviving families
4. Yuri Yuden not liquidated
5. No " show trial"
6. No effort to shame deceased. Quite the opposite. They were treated with respect and given a monument and a geographical location.
7. No official advanced their career as a hero of the people from this.

Modern day conspiracy theorists seek not truth, but fame and money by exploiting a natural calamity.

No need for either of those. It hasn't happened in US. Our nations has different thinking and culture, hence the cultural gap create confusion . Saying this with all best intentions.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 11, 2023, 10:53:09 AM
Я не согласен.
1. Нет доказательств неправильного поведения.
2. Маршрут, не способствующий побегу
3. Слишком много влиятельных выживших семей
4. Юрий Юден не ликвидирован
5. Никакого "показательного процесса"
6. Никаких попыток пристыдить покойного. Совсем наоборот. К ним относились с уважением и дали памятник и географическое положение.
7. Ни один чиновник не продвинул свою карьеру в качестве героя народа от этого.
Современные сторонники теории заговора ищут не правду, а славу и деньги, используя стихийное бедствие.

1. никакого неправильного поведения не было! Ребята были патриоты своей родины. очень смелые, спортивные. волевые.  Партийцы таких не любили и боялись. На ребят строчились ложные доносы (со слов Юрия Юдина). и обстановка в  УПИ была гнетущая, все друг на друга "стучали", то есть доносили.
2. Маршрут не соответствовал побегу. Но что было в  головах партийцев, таких как Кириленко - только Бог знал. Доносы были ложные, но партийцы верили этим доносам и хотели уничтожить смелых и отчаянных ребят. Поисковик Борис Слобцов, цитата: "Когда мы уезжали на поиски Кириленко нас провожал словами: ищите, может найдете как они раздетые, без всего  в Норвегию удрали". Кириленко по сути признался, что ребята ликвидированы, они замерзли и сбежать уже не смогут.
3. Дети влиятельных родителей, таких как Кривонищенко, Слобцов, Дубинин - оказались ликвидированы, т к признаны антисоветчиками.
4.Юрий Юдин выжил, но всю жизнь боялся, что его так же ликвидируют. Он не женился. Сделал карьеру, так ему скорее всего обещал Кириленко. Юрий Юдин мог в чем-то содействовать КГБ, например в сообщении точного маршрута после 2 Северного.
5. Показательный процесс не был нужен. Ибо процесс мог поднять шум, не нужный партийцам.
6. Были попытки пристыдить покойных. В УПИ срывались объявления о похоронах. На кладбище дежурили КГБ, о ребятах говорили, что они хотели сбежать на запад.. то есть что они могли быть шпионами. Ребят хотели опорочить.. А похоронить хотели в Ивделе или в горах.
7. Кириленко, Ештокин и следователь Иванов продвинулись после этого дела по карьерной лестнице. Кириленко переехал  в Кремль.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 11, 2023, 11:08:49 AM
Ваша версия самая печальная, но для меня она первая, которая имеет смысл, понимая, что да, в наших странах вы следуете за ненавистью, а не за деньгами. Месть, зависть никогда не были мотивированы деньгами. Наши пользователи в США вряд ли могут понять, что деньги обычно являются наименьшей причиной для чьей-либо чести или дурных намерений.
Да, в нашей стране в 1950-х годах деньги не были главным, но главным была должность. И это было равноценно деньгам, ибо высокие партийные должности имели большие привилегии и всяческие блага. а главное - власть над людьми!
Кириленко мечтал о карьере, но если бы в его области студенты сбежали на запад - это был бы большой скандал на весь мир. И кириленко после такого скандала могли уволить и лишить будущей карьеры.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: GlennM on January 11, 2023, 02:56:21 PM
Да, в нашей стране в 1950-х годах деньги не были главным, но главным была должность. И это было равноценно деньгам, ибо высокие партийные должности имели большие привилегии и всяческие блага. а главное - власть над людьми!
Кириленко мечтал о карьере, но если бы в его области студенты сбежали на запад - это был бы большой скандал на весь мир. И кириленко после такого скандала могли уволить и лишить будущей карьеры.

The arguement is that disloyalty is punished and the punishers do so for patriotism,  not payment. I do not subscribe to this belief. The executioner ALWAYS gets paid. There was no execution! The only reason for it would be to send a strong message to the fearful public. As criminals and defectors,there would be (1) no autopsy (2) no military transport (3) no grave monument. Conspiracy theories are fantasy.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: RMK on January 11, 2023, 03:26:31 PM
1. никакого неправильного поведения не было! Ребята были патриоты своей родины. очень смелые, спортивные. волевые.  Партийцы таких не любили и боялись. На ребят строчились ложные доносы (со слов Юрия Юдина). и обстановка в  УПИ была гнетущая, все друг на друга "стучали", то есть доносили.
2. Маршрут не соответствовал побегу. Но что было в  головах партийцев, таких как Кириленко - только Бог знал. Доносы были ложные, но партийцы верили этим доносам и хотели уничтожить смелых и отчаянных ребят. Поисковик Борис Слобцов, цитата: "Когда мы уезжали на поиски Кириленко нас провожал словами: ищите, может найдете как они раздетые, без всего  в Норвегию удрали". Кириленко по сути признался, что ребята ликвидированы, они замерзли и сбежать уже не смогут.
3. Дети влиятельных родителей, таких как Кривонищенко, Слобцов, Дубинин - оказались ликвидированы, т к признаны антисоветчиками.
4.Юрий Юдин выжил, но всю жизнь боялся, что его так же ликвидируют. Он не женился. Сделал карьеру, так ему скорее всего обещал Кириленко. Юрий Юдин мог в чем-то содействовать КГБ, например в сообщении точного маршрута после 2 Северного.
5. Показательный процесс не был нужен. Ибо процесс мог поднять шум, не нужный партийцам.
6. Были попытки пристыдить покойных. В УПИ срывались объявления о похоронах. На кладбище дежурили КГБ, о ребятах говорили, что они хотели сбежать на запад.. то есть что они могли быть шпионами. Ребят хотели опорочить.. А похоронить хотели в Ивделе или в горах.
7. Кириленко, Ештокин и следователь Иванов продвинулись после этого дела по карьерной лестнице. Кириленко переехал  в Кремль.
Surely, you must be joking here!  I doubt very much that anyone at that time would have actually believed (1) that the Dyatlovites were disloyal to the Motherland & the CPSU, and (2) that they intended to defect to an adversary.  If the Dyatlovites really wanted to defect, they would not have made their trip to the Northern Urals.  Instead, they would have toured the countryside someplace in the USSR more amenable for fleeing to a NATO-aligned (or at least, neutral) country...the Caucasus perhaps, to try to reach NATO-aligned Turkey?  Or maybe Karelia or the Kola Peninsula, to try to reach NATO-aligned Norway (or at least, neutral Finland)?  Besides, Dyatlov's campaign took place during the "Kruschev Thaw".  Without the paranoid old Georgian in charge anymore, I find it hard to believe that denouncing someone as disloyal, but without supporting evidence, would get the same result that it might have had under the previous General Secretary.

Зайцев, does anna_pycckux also post such silliness on Russian-language forums, or is it a special treat she saves for our English-language forums?

Конечно, вы, должно быть, шутите здесь! Я очень сомневаюсь, что кто-либо в то время действительно поверил бы (1) в то, что дятловцы были нелояльны Родине и КПСС, и (2) что они намеревались перейти на сторону противника. Если бы дятловцы действительно хотели дезертировать, они бы не отправились на Северный Урал. Вместо этого они отправились бы в турне по сельской местности где-нибудь в СССР, более подходящем для бегства в присоединившуюся к НАТО (или, по крайней мере, нейтральную) страну... возможно, на Кавказ, чтобы попытаться добраться до присоединившейся к НАТО Турции? Или, может быть, Карелия или Кольский полуостров, чтобы попытаться достичь Норвегии, присоединившейся к НАТО (или, по крайней мере, нейтральной Финляндии)? Кроме того, предвыборная кампания Дятлова проходила во время "Хрущевской Оттепели". Без параноидального старого грузина, который больше не стоит у руля, мне трудно поверить, что обвинение кого-то в нелояльности, но без подтверждающих доказательств, привело бы к тому же результату, который это могло бы иметь при предыдущем Генеральном секретаре.

Зайцев, anna_pycckux тоже публикует подобные глупости на русскоязычных форумах, или это особое удовольствие, которое она приберегает для наших англоязычных форумов?
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: RMK on January 11, 2023, 03:41:12 PM
I disagree.
1. No evidence of wrong doing.
2. Route not conducive to escape
3. Too many influential surviving families
4. Yuri Yuden not liquidated
5. No " show trial"
6. No effort to shame deceased. Quite the opposite. They were treated with respect and given a monument and a geographical location.
7. No official advanced their career as a hero of the people from this.

Modern day conspiracy theorists seek not truth, but fame and money by exploiting a natural calamity.

No need for either of those. It hasn't happened in US. Our nations has different thinking and culture, hence the cultural gap create confusion . Saying this with all best intentions.
I'm not trying to argue with you, just curious: what do you mean here by "our nations"?

Я не пытаюсь спорить с вами; мне просто любопытно: что вы подразумеваете здесь под "нашими нациями"?

edit: sorry about double-posting...
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Ehtnisba on January 11, 2023, 05:45:48 PM
I disagree.
1. No evidence of wrong doing.
2. Route not conducive to escape
3. Too many influential surviving families
4. Yuri Yuden not liquidated
5. No " show trial"
6. No effort to shame deceased. Quite the opposite. They were treated with respect and given a monument and a geographical location.
7. No official advanced their career as a hero of the people from this.

Modern day conspiracy theorists seek not truth, but fame and money by exploiting a natural calamity.

No need for either of those. It hasn't happened in US. Our nations has different thinking and culture, hence the cultural gap create confusion . Saying this with all best intentions.
I'm not trying to argue with you, just curious: what do you mean here by "our nations"?

Я не пытаюсь спорить с вами; мне просто любопытно: что вы подразумеваете здесь под "нашими нациями"?

edit: sorry about double-posting...

Slavic and ex-eastern block. There is really cultural gap created with times and still here, for my sadness.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Почемучка on January 11, 2023, 09:46:48 PM

Зайцев, does anna_pycckux also post such silliness on Russian-language forums, or is it a special treat she saves for our English-language forums?

Зайцев, anna_pycckux тоже публикует подобные глупости на русскоязычных форумах, или это особое удовольствие, которое она приберегает для наших англоязычных форумов?
Отвечу за него. Аннушку Русских забанили везде где она подвигает свою идею. На Российских площадках уже никто с ней не дебатирует, а просто и на раз - банят. Есть пара площадок где её терпят. Причина - это площадки созданные изгоями от исследовательской части. Изгой - это не совсем потерянный исследователь со своими странными привычками и предпочтениями. Аннушка - это не изгой. Это - нелюдь.

I will answer for him. Annushka Russkikh was banned wherever she promotes her idea. On the Russian sites, no one is debating with her, but simply and once - banned. There are a couple of sites where it is tolerated. The reason is the sites created by outcasts from the research unit. An outcast is not a completely lost explorer with his own strange habits and preferences. Annushka is not an outcast. This is nonhuman.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Почемучка on January 11, 2023, 09:50:38 PM

Slavic and ex-eastern block. There is really cultural gap created with times and still here, for my sadness.
И Вы видимо видите - что обогнали русских на этом забеге на три круга вперед?
And you apparently see that you overtook the Russians in this race three laps ahead?
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: RMK on January 12, 2023, 06:32:21 AM
I'm not trying to argue with you, just curious: what do you mean here by "our nations"?

Я не пытаюсь спорить с вами; мне просто любопытно: что вы подразумеваете здесь под "нашими нациями"?

edit: sorry about double-posting...

Slavic and ex-eastern block. There is really cultural gap created with times and still here, for my sadness.
I see.  I figured you meant something like that, but I wanted to be sure.

Понимаю.  Я догадался, что ты имеешь в виду что-то в этом роде, но я хотел быть уверенным.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: GlennM on January 12, 2023, 08:42:14 AM
You do not get two chances to make a first impression. An outcast may be passionate about their point of view. Humans have three brains in their skull. The vegetable brain controls breathingmand heart beat. The shark brain controls emotion and the new brain regulates choice saying yes or no to impulses.

Outcasts are immature in the sense they permit the shark brain free expression by nor regulating it with the new brain. Emotions from the shark brain do not know right from wrong. The new brain does know the difference.

Forum members can tolerate a degree of zealous passion by members defending their point of view. However when the attack moves from the topic to the membership, a line has been crossed. It becomes smoke and noise, signifying nothing.

Participate intelligently, with emotions subservient to intelligence and we will all be he better for it.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 12, 2023, 03:04:48 PM
. Аннушка - это не изгой. Это - нелюдь.

Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Ehtnisba on January 12, 2023, 05:38:31 PM

Slavic and ex-eastern block. There is really cultural gap created with times and still here, for my sadness.
И Вы видимо видите - что обогнали русских на этом забеге на три круга вперед?
And you apparently see that you overtook the Russians in this race three laps ahead?

Not at all. It is close to Bulgarian . My parents has told me just words. I can't speak it, but can your snarky attitude from your original texts. Why are you acting like a Russian Queen?
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Ehtnisba on January 12, 2023, 05:46:27 PM
Ваша версия самая печальная, но для меня она первая, которая имеет смысл, понимая, что да, в наших странах вы следуете за ненавистью, а не за деньгами. Месть, зависть никогда не были мотивированы деньгами. Наши пользователи в США вряд ли могут понять, что деньги обычно являются наименьшей причиной для чьей-либо чести или дурных намерений.
Да, в нашей стране в 1950-х годах деньги не были главным, но главным была должность. И это было равноценно деньгам, ибо высокие партийные должности имели большие привилегии и всяческие блага. а главное - власть над людьми!
Кириленко мечтал о карьере, но если бы в его области студенты сбежали на запад - это был бы большой скандал на весь мир. И кириленко после такого скандала могли уволить и лишить будущей карьеры.

It is a pity a lady offends you and everybody with not grammatical Russian speech. I saw how attacked are you while she is even angry that due to both speaking Slavic languages I just manage to read but not talk. ... Your version is very well  constructed while from her Magesti I know only about Zina broken heart and ill sarcasm. All the best!
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Ehtnisba on January 12, 2023, 05:48:30 PM
Да, в нашей стране в 1950-х годах деньги не были главным, но главным была должность. И это было равноценно деньгам, ибо высокие партийные должности имели большие привилегии и всяческие блага. а главное - власть над людьми!
Кириленко мечтал о карьере, но если бы в его области студенты сбежали на запад - это был бы большой скандал на весь мир. И кириленко после такого скандала могли уволить и лишить будущей карьеры.

The arguement is that disloyalty is punished and the punishers do so for patriotism,  not payment. I do not subscribe to this belief. The executioner ALWAYS gets paid. There was no execution! The only reason for it would be to send a strong message to the fearful public. As criminals and defectors,there would be (1) no autopsy (2) no military transport (3) no grave monument. Conspiracy theories are fantasy.

Not it this time. Is was honour that pays ☺
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Почемучка on January 12, 2023, 09:23:13 PM

Not at all. It is close to Bulgarian . My parents has told me just words. I can't speak it, but can your snarky attitude from your original texts. Why are you acting like a Russian Queen?
Вы уж как-то выберете берег. Если сильно горюете по ушедшему месье Чарльзу. Он называл меня сталинским ископаемым. Вы вообще ушли на королев. Культурный разрыв очевиден. Я представляю - разрыв Ваших шаблонов о СССР и России.
You will somehow choose the coast. If you grieve greatly for the departed Monsieur Charles. He called me a Stalinist fossil. You generally went to the queens. The cultural divide is clear. I imagine - breaking your patterns about the USSR and Russia.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Почемучка on January 12, 2023, 09:26:55 PM

It is a pity a lady offends you and everybody with not grammatical Russian speech. I saw how attacked are you while she is even angry that due to both speaking Slavic languages I just manage to read but not talk. ... Your version is very well  constructed while from her Magesti I know only about Zina broken heart and ill sarcasm. All the best!
Не переживайте так за Аннушку. Ей за её творчество говорили куда более резкие слова в трех этажном русском мате. Я- то  еще как человек с цветистой речью - подбираю выражения поутонченнее. Модераторы/админы многих ресурсов отправили её на три громких русских буквы...
Самое печальное - что эта писательница/пиздательница до сих пор живет в России. Шла бы уж искать улицу красных фонарей где-нибудь за пределами такой противной ей Родины...
Don't worry so much about Annushka. Much harsher words were said to her for her work in a three-story Russian mat. I am still like a person with a flowery speech - I select more subtle expressions. Moderators / admins of many resources sent it to three loud Russian letters ...
The saddest thing is that this writer / pizdatelnitsa still lives in Russia. I would go to look for the red-light district somewhere outside the borders of such a disgusting motherland ...
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Ehtnisba on January 13, 2023, 01:19:18 AM

It is a pity a lady offends you and everybody with not grammatical Russian speech. I saw how attacked are you while she is even angry that due to both speaking Slavic languages I just manage to read but not talk. ... Your version is very well  constructed while from her Magesti I know only about Zina broken heart and ill sarcasm. All the best!
Не переживайте так за Аннушку. Ей за её творчество говорили куда более резкие слова в трех этажном русском мате. Я- то  еще как человек с цветистой речью - подбираю выражения поутонченнее. Модераторы/админы многих ресурсов отправили её на три громких русских буквы...
Самое печальное - что эта писательница/пиздательница до сих пор живет в России. Шла бы уж искать улицу красных фонарей где-нибудь за пределами такой противной ей Родины...
Don't worry so much about Annushka. Much harsher words were said to her for her work in a three-story Russian mat. I am still like a person with a flowery speech - I select more subtle expressions. Moderators / admins of many resources sent it to three loud Russian letters ...
The saddest thing is that this writer / pizdatelnitsa still lives in Russia. I would go to look for the red-light district somewhere outside the borders of such a disgusting motherland ...

I apologised to you, due to wrongly interpreting how you answered to my message for RMK that "follow the money" is due to cultural gap between US and all ex- eastern block. It was badly machine translation and odd phrasing in Russian for me to get.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Ehtnisba on January 13, 2023, 01:40:25 AM

It is a pity a lady offends you and everybody with not grammatical Russian speech. I saw how attacked are you while she is even angry that due to both speaking Slavic languages I just manage to read but not talk. ... Your version is very well  constructed while from her Magesti I know only about Zina broken heart and ill sarcasm. All the best!
Не переживайте так за Аннушку. Ей за её творчество говорили куда более резкие слова в трех этажном русском мате. Я- то  еще как человек с цветистой речью - подбираю выражения поутонченнее. Модераторы/админы многих ресурсов отправили её на три громких русских буквы...
Самое печальное - что эта писательница/пиздательница до сих пор живет в России. Шла бы уж искать улицу красных фонарей где-нибудь за пределами такой противной ей Родины...
Don't worry so much about Annushka. Much harsher words were said to her for her work in a three-story Russian mat. I am still like a person with a flowery speech - I select more subtle expressions. Moderators / admins of many resources sent it to three loud Russian letters ...
The saddest thing is that this writer / pizdatelnitsa still lives in Russia. I would go to look for the red-light district somewhere outside the borders of such a disgusting motherland ...

пиздательница 😆😆😆😆 love this
I saw all Charles turned to and felt offended too. His theory was just interesting.
I am from same side as you lived   in the time of SSSR but in smaller eastern block country. Could use " capitalist pig" about Charles words and dreams. What I know about Stalin is being a great leader and don't mind when they call me stalinist or communist. I am ashamed by my parliament now, and many many others from my country are standing with Russia knowing what your country has done for us as help. The cultural gap I mentioned was for RMK , meaning U S and his "follow the money" compared to Eastern Block where honour and feelings must be followed.
Anushka just has new version so as not an expert I am interested. Yours finally understood makes so much sense. Applauds! And as I sais apologies for missing what you meant about my answer to RMK and the gap of cultures. It eas gap between money and values meant .
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 13, 2023, 01:57:23 AM
Версия Анны Русских имеет больше всех подтверждений и доказательств. Главные свидетели событий Юрий Юдин, Борис Слобцов. Владимир Аскинадзи говорят (смотри видеоролик):
Юрий Юдин: когда я  учился, был студентом, на друзей Дятлова - собирали компромат, что они шпионы и черт те что и собираются сбежать за границу.
Борис Слобцов- один из первых поисковиков:
Когда нас отправляли на поиски, Кириленко сказал, смотрите, не сбежали ли они раздетыми и без всего в Норвегию?!
Владимир Аскенадзи - поисковик в мае 1959:
Когда нас отправляли на поиски, в парткоме сказали, ищите, может найдете следы, как они сбежали за границу!!
такие балаболки как Почемучка могут только завидовать исследователям, открывшим тайну Перевала Дятлова, ибо сами могут только тявкать не по делу и без толку. Зпабаненные на тайне.ли - это самые почетные исследователи, именно таких банят на тайне.ли.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJy0dgnsCsU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJy0dgnsCsU)
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Почемучка on January 13, 2023, 02:10:50 AM

пиздательница 😆😆😆😆 love this

Пользуйтесь на здоровье. Это очередной мой мем. Производное слово от слова издательница.
У меня еще по Перевалу Дятлова есть - "чумоватый нечум", "41-Песенный".
Use on health. This is my next meme. A derivative of the word publisher.
I also have on the Dyatlov Pass - "Freaky Nechum", "41-Song".
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 13, 2023, 02:13:28 AM
Окишев - заместитель прокурора Свердловской области и следователь Коротаев говорят о том, что Обком принуждал следствие идти по ложному пути, якобы туристы замерзли сами.
Кириленко оправил в ЦК. в Москву протокол с личной подписью, 10 марта 1959 года, что туристы сами замерзли. При этом еще не было закончено следствие и якобы не были найдены 4 трупа. В Кремле приняли этот протокол и подписали, вместо того, чтоб сделать Кириленко выговор о быстром и не корректном заключении.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQ_at4A4lpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQ_at4A4lpg)
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 15, 2023, 08:16:35 AM
В моей версии "Уральская голгофа" я предполагаю, что Люда Дубинина была изнасилована ликвидаторами.
Признаки изнасилования:
1. На Люде надето чужое нижнее белье, не соответствующее суровому зимнему походу.
Трусы мужские сатиновые, синие. Пояс дамский с резинками-подвязками. Чулки.. с левой ноги чулок спущен. - Это из Судебно-медицинской экспертизы. лист Дела 355 акт 4.
2. Трико разорвано в области промежности и в области резинки. - лист 355
3. На наружной и передней поверхности левого бедра, в средней трети, разлитой кровоподтек синюшно-лилового цвета на участке размером 10 х 5 см., с кровоизлиянием в толщу кожных покровов. - лист 366
4. Суд мед эксперт описывает слизистую влагалища лилово-красного цвета. Одновременно описывает наличие девственности, которой быть не могло  при видимой лилово-красной слизистой.
В МОРГ ПРИГЛАШАЛСЯ ВРАЧ ГИНЕКОЛОГ (со слов медсестры Солтер)
5. у Люды переломаны почти все ребра. Отсутствует язык и глазные яблоки. По всем признакам Люда приняла страшную, мучительную и мученическую смерть от ликвидаторов. Имеются все признаки изнасилования..,что отвергает все версии кроме криминала.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqoJ6BNye64&t=11s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqoJ6BNye64&t=11s)
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 15, 2023, 08:34:13 AM
(https://i.ibb.co/GdH300S/image.png) (https://ibb.co/nwP8bbJ).(https://i.ibb.co/Xt7gM09/image.gif) (https://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Зайцев on January 15, 2023, 10:00:56 AM

4. Суд мед эксперт описывает слизистую влагалища лилово-красного цвета. Одновременно описывает наличие девственности, которой быть не могло  при видимой лилово-красной слизистой.

Почему вы выносите на общественность свои бредовые фантазии ?
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 15, 2023, 11:18:36 AM
[\quote]Зайцев: Почему вы выносите на общественность свои бредовые фантазии ?
где, в  чем вы увидели фантазии?
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: LANDAU on January 15, 2023, 12:56:24 PM

It is a pity a lady offends you and everybody with not grammatical Russian speech. I saw how attacked are you while she is even angry that due to both speaking Slavic languages I just manage to read but not talk. ... Your version is very well  constructed while from her Magesti I know only about Zina broken heart and ill sarcasm. All the best!
Не переживайте так за Аннушку. Ей за её творчество говорили куда более резкие слова в трех этажном русском мате. Я- то  еще как человек с цветистой речью - подбираю выражения поутонченнее. Модераторы/админы многих ресурсов отправили её на три громких русских буквы...
Самое печальное - что эта писательница/пиздательница до сих пор живет в России. Шла бы уж искать улицу красных фонарей где-нибудь за пределами такой противной ей Родины...
Don't worry so much about Annushka. Much harsher words were said to her for her work in a three-story Russian mat. I am still like a person with a flowery speech - I select more subtle expressions. Moderators / admins of many resources sent it to three loud Russian letters ...
The saddest thing is that this writer / pizdatelnitsa still lives in Russia. I would go to look for the red-light district somewhere outside the borders of such a disgusting motherland ...
I confirm and subscribe to every word.  Standing ovation for you  Почемучка!!
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Loose}{Cannon on January 15, 2023, 06:47:07 PM
Please read rule 11…. perhaps 1-10 again while your at it. Be civil.


Also…. do not report to moderator simply because you do not subscribe to someone else’s theory. 

Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Почемучка on January 15, 2023, 10:29:18 PM

I confirm and subscribe to every word.  Standing ovation for you  Почемучка!!
Жаль что Борзенков В.А. покинул форум. Мы бы с ним держали оборону как надо...
It is a pity that Borzenkov V.A. left the forum. We would hold the defense with him as it should ...
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 16, 2023, 12:28:58 AM
В моей версии "Уральская голгофа" я предполагаю, что Люда Дубинина была изнасилована ликвидаторами.
Признаки изнасилования:
1. На Люде надето чужое нижнее белье, не соответствующее суровому зимнему походу.
Трусы мужские сатиновые, синие. Пояс дамский с резинками-подвязками. Чулки.. с левой ноги чулок спущен. - Это из Судебно-медицинской экспертизы. лист Дела 355 акт 4.
2. Трико разорвано в области промежности и в области резинки. - лист 355
3. На наружной и передней поверхности левого бедра, в средней трети, разлитой кровоподтек синюшно-лилового цвета на участке размером 10 х 5 см., с кровоизлиянием в толщу кожных покровов. - лист 366
4. Суд мед эксперт описывает слизистую влагалища лилово-красного цвета. Одновременно описывает наличие девственности, которой быть не могло  при видимой лилово-красной слизистой.
В МОРГ ПРИГЛАШАЛСЯ ВРАЧ ГИНЕКОЛОГ (со слов медсестры Солтер)
5. у Люды переломаны почти все ребра. Отсутствует язык и глазные яблоки. По всем признакам Люда приняла страшную, мучительную и мученическую смерть от ликвидаторов. Имеются все признаки изнасилования..,что отвергает все версии кроме криминала.
In my version of the Ural Golgotha, I assume that Lyudmila Dubinina was raped by liquidators.
Signs of rape:
1. People wear someone else's underwear, which does not correspond to the harsh winter campaign.
Men's satin, blue underpants. Women's belt with elastic garters. Stockings.. the stocking is lowered from the left leg. - This is from the conclusion of the forensic medical examination. Sample sheet 355 act 4.2
. The swimsuit is torn in the crotch area and in the elastic band area. - sheet 355
3. On the outer and anterior surface of the left thigh, in the middle third, there is a bruise of bluish-purple color on an area measuring 10 x 5 cm, with hemorrhage in the thickness of the skin. - sheet 366
4. A forensic medical expert describes the vaginal mucosa as purplish-red. At the same time, the presence of virginity is described, which could not be with a visible purplish-red mucous membrane.
5. Almost all of Luda's ribs are broken. The tongue and eyeballs are missing. By all indications, the People accepted a terrible, painful and martyr's death from the liquidators. There are all signs of rape..which rejects all versions except criminal
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 16, 2023, 12:34:12 AM
НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ (но текст сразу, автоматически преображается в  русский язык)
In my version of the Ural Golgotha, I assume that Lyudmila Dubinina was raped by liquidators.
Signs of rape:
1. People wear someone else's underwear, which does not correspond to the harsh winter campaign.
Men's satin, blue underpants. Women's belt with elastic garters. Stockings.. the stocking is lowered from the left leg. - This is from the conclusion of the forensic medical examination. Sample sheet 355 act 4.2
. The swimsuit is torn in the crotch area and in the elastic band area. - sheet 355
3. On the outer and anterior surface of the left thigh, in the middle third, there is a bruise of bluish-purple color on an area measuring 10 x 5 cm, with hemorrhage in the thickness of the skin. - sheet 366
4. A forensic medical expert describes the vaginal mucosa as purplish-red. At the same time, the presence of virginity is described, which could not be with a visible purplish-red mucous membrane.
5. Almost all of Luda's ribs are broken. The tongue and eyeballs are missing. By all indications, the People accepted a terrible, painful and martyr's death from the liquidators. There are all signs of rape..which rejects all versions except criminal
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Зайцев on January 16, 2023, 12:59:49 AM

In my version of the Ural Golgotha, I assume that Lyudmila Dubinina was raped by liquidators.

Most recently, you stated that Doroshenko and Krivonischenko were raped by the liquidators. Even earlier, you claimed that Doroshenko and Krivonischenko were gay and there was sex between them before they died. You already have something incomprehensible in your brain. You are obsessed with sex and insult the memory of dead tourists with your violent fantasies.
Совсем недавно вы заявляли, что Дорошенко и Кривонищенко изнасиловали ликвидаторы. Ещё ранее вы утверждали, что Дорошенко и Кривонищенко были геями и между ними был интим перед смертью. У вас уже вообще что-то непонятное в мозгах. Вы помешаны на сексе и своими бурными фантазиями оскорбляете память погибших туристов.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 16, 2023, 01:11:05 AM

In my version of the Ural Golgotha, I assume that Lyudmila Dubinina was raped by liquidators.

Most recently, you stated that Doroshenko and Krivonischenko were raped by the liquidators. Even earlier, you claimed that Doroshenko and Krivonischenko were gay and there was sex between them before they died. You already have something incomprehensible in your brain. You are obsessed with sex and insult the memory of dead tourists with your violent fantasies.
Совсем недавно вы заявляли, что Дорошенко и Кривонищенко изнасиловали ликвидаторы. Ещё ранее вы утверждали, что Дорошенко и Кривонищенко были геями и между ними был интим перед смертью. У вас уже вообще что-то непонятное в мозгах. Вы помешаны на сексе и своими бурными фантазиями оскорбляете память погибших туристов.
ВЫ ОСКОРБЛЯЕТЕ И УНИЖАЕТЕ МЕНЯ!! НАГЛО ЛЖЕТЕ!!! Нигде я такого не писала и не утверждала! Моя книга получила высокую оценнку от многих авторитетных людей, в том числе от Владимира Михайловича Аскенадзи, закуплена западными университетами!! То, что вы сейчас написали - это откровенная ложь!!! ПРОСИТЕ У МЕНЯ ПРОЩЕНИЯ!!
YOU INSULT AND HUMILIATE ME!! BLATANTLY LYING!!! I have never written or claimed this anywhere! My book was highly appreciated by many reputable people, including Vladimir Mikhailovich Askinaji, and was purchased by Western universities!! What you have just written is an outright lie!!! ASK MY FORGIVENESS!!
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 16, 2023, 01:16:20 AM
Версия Анны Русских "Уральская голгофа или госзаказ на ликвидацию" - это версия номер ОДИН!!! Многие это понимают, отсюда идут нападки от лиц, которые сами не создали ни одной версии!!

Anna Russian's version of "Ural Golgotha or the state order for liquidation" is version number ONE!!! Many people understand this, hence the attacks from individuals who have not created any versions themselves!!
(https://i.ibb.co/vkHWPCc/image.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Почемучка on January 16, 2023, 01:20:42 AM

Most recently, you stated that Doroshenko and Krivonischenko were raped by the liquidators. Even earlier, you claimed that Doroshenko and Krivonischenko were gay and there was sex between them before they died. You already have something incomprehensible in your brain. You are obsessed with sex and insult the memory of dead tourists with your violent fantasies.
Совсем недавно вы заявляли, что Дорошенко и Кривонищенко изнасиловали ликвидаторы. Ещё ранее вы утверждали, что Дорошенко и Кривонищенко были геями и между ними был интим перед смертью. У вас уже вообще что-то непонятное в мозгах. Вы помешаны на сексе и своими бурными фантазиями оскорбляете память погибших туристов.

Зайцев, ну что Вы в самом деле? Если Аннушка Русских так знакома с темой изнасилования, не будучи медиком хотя бы в специализации гинеколог - то выбирать не из чего. Источник знаний только один. Её огромный жизненный опыт.
Автор имеет целью рассказать о своих фиаско и трагедиях аллегорическим языком версии. Она явно - жертва. Её можно только жалеть и кидать в шляпу денег на новые колготки...
Zaitsev, what are you really? If Annushka Russkikh is so familiar with the topic of rape, not being a doctor at least in the specialization of a gynecologist, then there is nothing to choose from. There is only one source of knowledge. Her great life experience.
The author aims to tell about his fiasco and tragedies in the allegorical language of the version. She is clearly a victim. You can only feel sorry for her and throw money into the hat for new tights ...
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 16, 2023, 01:24:34 AM
Зайцев, ну что Вы в самом деле? Если Аннушка Русских так знакома с темой изнасилования, не будучи медиком хотя бы в специализации гинеколог - то выбирать не из чего. Источник знаний только один. Её огромный жизненный опыт.
Почемучка, опровергнуть тему возможного изнасилования Люды Дубининой не в  состоянии? Есть что возразить по приведенным мной пунктам? ЕСЛИ НЕЧЕГО - ТО ОТОЙДИ В СТОРОНКУ И ПОМОЛЧИ. ОТОЙДИ ОТ МЕНЯ, САТАНА!!

Why can't you refute the topic of the possible rape of Luda Dubinina? Is there anything to object to the points I have given? IF THERE'S NOTHING, THEN STEP ASIDE AND BE QUIET. GET AWAY FROM ME, SATAN!!
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Почемучка on January 16, 2023, 03:16:58 AM
Для читающих тему я могу уточнить, что шесть высоко квалифицированных судебно-медицинских экспертов в разные года тщательно изучали Акты СМИ всех погибших. И девушек - с особой тщательностью. Не считая самого Б.А.Возрожденного
1) 2000 год Комиссионая экспертиза из 4-х специалистов своего дела
2) 2013 год - Лысый.В.И. Профессионал известный на всю Россию
3) Привлеченный "Комсомольской правдой" Туманов Э.В.

Они все имели и имеют прекрасное представление - какие следы и где остаются при половом насилии. Как долго они сохраняются и на что похожи. Как и специфику их получения.

Никто из них не обнаружил следов изнасилования. Никто.
Аннушка Русских обо всем этом - в курсе. Тем не менее - имеем то что имеем. Она продолжает заявлять противоположное мнение.
Собственно - с нею все понятно.

For those reading the topic, I can clarify that six highly qualified forensic experts in different years carefully studied the Media Acts of all the victims. And girls - with special care. Not counting B.A. Vozrozhdenny himself
1) 2000 Commission examination of 4 experts in their field
2) 2013 - Bald.V.I. A professional known throughout Russia
3) Attracted by "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Tumanov E.V.
They all had and have an excellent idea - what traces and where are left during sexual violence. How long do they last and what do they look like. As well as the specifics of their receipt.

None of them found signs of rape. Nobody.
Annushka Russkikh is aware of all this. However, we have what we have. She continues to state the opposite opinion.
Actually - everything is clear with her.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 16, 2023, 03:42:27 AM
Для читающих тему я могу уточнить, что шесть высоко квалифицированных судебно-медицинских экспертов в разные года тщательно изучали Акты СМИ всех погибших. И девушек - с особой тщательностью. Не считая самого Б.А.Возрожденного

1. Почему не называешь фамилии этих 6 -х экспертов??? Все говоришь голословно!!!
2. Известно тебе, что эти эксперты не видели в глаза трупа Люды дубининой, а изучали СМЭ Возрожденного, который писал не всю правду, ибо над ним стоял прокурор Клинов и диктовал волю партии??
В морг вызывалась Гинеколог А. Тарановва (со слов медсестры Сотер), но Таранова в интервью Нечаеву ясно дала понять, что никогда не скажет ничего запретного!!!
На скриншотах доказательство того, что гинеколог вызывалась в  морг. Есть так и видеосвидетелельство от медсестры Солтер.

1. Why don't you mention the names of these 6 experts???
2. Do you know that these experts did not see the corpse of Luda dubinina in the eyes, but studied the SEE of the Reborn, who did not write the whole truth, because prosecutor Klinov stood over him and dictated the will of the party?? Gynecologist
A. Taranovva was called to the morgue (according to the nurse Soter), but Taranova in an interview with Nechaev, she made it clear that she would never say anything forbidden!!!
The screenshots show proof that the gynecologist was called to the morgue. There is also a video testimony from Nurse Salter.
(https://i.ibb.co/1qHbyCd/image.png) (https://imgbb.com/).
(https://i.ibb.co/r5pLymP/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/8PxR803)
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Зайцев on January 16, 2023, 05:17:55 AM

In my version of the Ural Golgotha, I assume that Lyudmila Dubinina was raped by liquidators.

Most recently, you stated that Doroshenko and Krivonischenko were raped by the liquidators. Even earlier, you claimed that Doroshenko and Krivonischenko were gay and there was sex between them before they died. You already have something incomprehensible in your brain. You are obsessed with sex and insult the memory of dead tourists with your violent fantasies.
Совсем недавно вы заявляли, что Дорошенко и Кривонищенко изнасиловали ликвидаторы. Ещё ранее вы утверждали, что Дорошенко и Кривонищенко были геями и между ними был интим перед смертью. У вас уже вообще что-то непонятное в мозгах. Вы помешаны на сексе и своими бурными фантазиями оскорбляете память погибших туристов.
ВЫ ОСКОРБЛЯЕТЕ И УНИЖАЕТЕ МЕНЯ!! НАГЛО ЛЖЕТЕ!!! Нигде я такого не писала и не утверждала! Моя книга получила высокую оценнку от многих авторитетных людей, в том числе от Владимира Михайловича Аскенадзи, закуплена западными университетами!! То, что вы сейчас написали - это откровенная ложь!!! ПРОСИТЕ У МЕНЯ ПРОЩЕНИЯ!!
YOU INSULT AND HUMILIATE ME!! BLATANTLY LYING!!! I have never written or claimed this anywhere! My book was highly appreciated by many reputable people, including Vladimir Mikhailovich Askinaji, and was purchased by Western universities!! What you have just written is an outright lie!!! ASK MY FORGIVENESS!!
So, I'm sorry, screenshots of these statements of yours are still being discussed on the Pathfinder forum. There they are. Are you not aware? And you didn't delete all the messages. There are some more in the public domain on the Yanezh forum.
I think it will be superfluous to copy screenshots to this forum. It's a disgrace to foreigners.
Так, я прошу прощение, скрины этих ваших заявлений до сих пор обсуждаются на форуме Следопыт. Там они есть. Вы разве не в курсе ? Да и сами сообщения вы не все удалили. На форуме Янежа ещё некоторые в открытом доступе.
Думаю будет лишним, на этот форум скрины копировать. Это же какой позор перед иностранцами.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Почемучка on January 16, 2023, 05:25:14 AM
It's a disgrace to foreigners.
 Это же какой позор перед иностранцами.
Зайцев, Аннушка Русских не в состоянии правильно написать фамилию В.М.Аскинадзи. Давай оставим автора в забвении, а то она свое имя - забудет...И она скоро сломает клавишу  Caps Lock. Пожалей компьютера...
Zaitsev, Annushka Russkikh are not able to correctly write the name of V.M. Askinadzi. Let's leave the author in oblivion, otherwise she will forget her name ... And she will soon break the Caps Lock key. Have pity on the computer...

ВЫ ОСКОРБЛЯЕТЕ И УНИЖАЕТЕ МЕНЯ!! НАГЛО ЛЖЕТЕ!!! Нигде я такого не писала и не утверждала! Моя книга получила высокую оценнку от многих авторитетных людей, в том числе от Владимира Михайловича Аскенадзи, закуплена западными университетами!! То, что вы сейчас написали - это откровенная ложь!!! ПРОСИТЕ У МЕНЯ ПРОЩЕНИЯ!!
YOU INSULT AND HUMILIATE ME!! BLATANTLY LYING!!! I have never written or claimed this anywhere! My book was highly appreciated by many reputable people, including Vladimir Mikhailovich Askinaji, and was purchased by Western universities!! What you have just written is an outright lie!!! ASK MY FORGIVENESS!!

Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Loose}{Cannon on January 16, 2023, 05:40:11 AM
Everyone take a corner and relax.

Thread closed
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Loose}{Cannon on January 17, 2023, 04:59:09 AM
Thread open.  Stay civil.

That means everybody
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Loose}{Cannon on January 17, 2023, 05:01:00 AM
Oh…..  please make the thread title English.  Thank you
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 17, 2023, 05:10:53 AM
Я обращаюсь к Американским друзьям, расследующим тему:
В Америку эмигрировал один из бывших студентов УПИ, Евгений Шунько. Он был отчислен из УПИ после скандальной конференции 1956 года. Его некоторое время преследовал сам Кириленко, писал руководству о том. что их сотрудник Е. Шунько является антисоветчиком. Евгений Шунько был вынужден эмигрировать в Америку. К сожалению, он уже скончался. Но есть его американский адрес и возможно его родственники, дети что-то знают про обстановку в Упи, про Свердловский обком и про группу Дятлова. Возможно, Евгений Шунько им рассказывал.
Вот его Американский адрес:
Evgeny Shun'ko
Chief Scientist
WINTEK Electro - Optics Corp.
1665 Highland Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
E-mail: eshunko@wintekeo.com
Tel.: + 1 734 477 5480

I appeal to American friends investigating the topic:
One of the former students of UPI, Evgeny Shunko, emigrated to America. He was expelled from the UPI after the scandalous 1956 conference. He was chased by Kirilenko himself for some time, wrote to the management about that. that their employee E. Shunko is an anti-Soviet. Evgeny Shunko was forced to emigrate to America. Unfortunately, he has already passed away. But there is his American address and perhaps his relatives, children know something about the situation in the Upi, about the Sverdlovsk regional committee and about the Dyatlov group. Perhaps Evgeny Shunko told them.
Here is his American address:
Evgeny Shun'ko
Chief Scientist
WINTEK Electro - Optics Corp.
1665 Highland Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
E-mail: eshunko@wintekeo.com
Tel.: + 1 734 477 5480

(https://i.ibb.co/j60V8HY/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/C1CJwWy)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Loose}{Cannon on January 17, 2023, 05:52:22 AM
I am nowhere near Michigan or I would. 
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Почемучка on January 17, 2023, 06:00:48 AM
Что известно про аргумент в лице Шунько Е.В.
What is known about the argument in the person of Shunko E.V.
Евгений Владимирович родился в 1937 г. Окон­чил физический фа­куль­тет НГУ (первый вы­пуск). Сотрудник ИЯФ СО АН СССР. Кандидат физико-математических наук. Спе­циа­лист в об­лас­ти физики плазмы. Бард, автор известных песен.
Evgeniy Vladimirovich was born in 1937. He graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Novosibirsk State University (first graduation). Employee of the INP SB AS USSR. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Plasma physics specialist. Bard, author of famous songs.

Я понимал, что в распадающейся стране буду не востребован, а возраст мой перевалил за 50, и в 1991 эмигрировал в США вместе с моей семьей. Сразу скажу, никто нас не ждал с объятиями. Граждане США жили там без нас 200 лет и могли продолжать это делать без драматического для них урона. Хотя мой спонсор, Джулия Томпсон - профессор Питтсбургского Университета - сделала много, чтобы мы могли войти в американскую жизнь как можно мягче, все давалось с трудом. Особенно английский. В школе я учил немецкий. Но, поступив в УПИ, осознал что английский это - латынь нашего времени. В силу многих причин (включая и мое разгильдяйство), мой английский развивался медленно и печально. Видимо, у нас с ним была взаимная идеосинкразия.
   Я получил позицию в Питтсбургском Университете, где принимал участие в создании Черенковской камеры для Брукхевенского проекта. Когда кончился грант, я нашел место в маленькой фирме, занимающейся обработкой компъютерных образов для отбраковки промышленных изделий на конвейере. Затем я открыл свою крошечную фирму по производству источников ионов для нужд полупроводниковой промышленности. Вскоре я получил приглашение занять пост Главного Ученого (Chief Scientist) в Wintek Electro-Optics Corporation, где и работаю по сей день. Основное направление моей деятельности - развитие и приложение физики плазмы для нужд науки, полупроводниковой индустрии, производства плоских дисплеев, обработки поверхностей материалов для различных практических нужд.
I understood that in a disintegrating country I would not be in demand, and my age was over 50, and in 1991 I emigrated to the USA with my family. I must say right away that no one was waiting for us with hugs. US citizens lived there without us for 200 years and could continue to do so without dramatic damage to them. Although my sponsor, Julia Thompson, a professor at the University of Pittsburgh, did a lot to get us into American life as gently as possible, it was hard work. Especially English. At school I studied German. But, having entered the UPI, I realized that English is the Latin of our time. For many reasons (including my slovenliness), my English progress was slow and sad. Apparently, we had a mutual ideosyncrasy with him.
I got a position at the University of Pittsburgh where I was involved in building the Cherenkov chamber for the Brookhaven Project. When the grant ran out, I found a job at a small firm that processed computer images to reject industrial products on an assembly line. Then I started my tiny ion source firm for the semiconductor industry.
Soon I received an invitation to take the post of Chief Scientist at Wintek Electro-Optics Corporation, where I work to this day. The main direction of my activity is the development and application of plasma physics for the needs of science, the semiconductor industry, the production of flat displays, surface treatment of materials for various practical needs.

Как видим из его собственных слов - Шунько вполне не плохо проживал в СССР и только когда дело шло к его распаду: решил искать другое место под солнцем. Годом смены страны проживания стал 1991 год. До этого он успешно использовал полученное образование и полученные льготы по специальности.

As we can see from his own words, Shunko did not live badly in the USSR, and only when it came to its collapse did he decide to look for another place under the sun. The year of change of the country of residence was 1991. Prior to that, he successfully used the education he received and the benefits he received in his specialty.

Вот реакция Кириленко на выступление Немелкова
В конце - концов приехал товарищ Кириленко - первый секретарь Свердловского Обкома. Он услышал выступление Артура в Нью Йорке по радио "Голос Америки". Кириленко произнес невнятную слезливую речь, содержание которой сводилось к: "Ну что же вы, мальчики и девочки, делаете?". Детский сад. А мы ведь были дети военного времени. Кириленко был старый, беспомощный, жалкий.
In the end, Comrade Kirilenko arrived - the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee. He heard Arthur speak in New York on Voice of America radio. Kirilenko delivered an indistinct tearful speech, the content of which boiled down to: "Well, what are you, boys and girls, doing?" Kindergarten. But we were children of wartime. Kirilenko was old, helpless, miserable.

У кого стынет кровь в жилах от этого описания?  Я требую чтобы все у кого дрожат коленки от этих подробностей - назвали свои ники.
Лично мне смешно.
Who's blood runs cold from this description? I demand that everyone whose knees are trembling from these details give their nicknames.
Personally, I find it funny.

А вот о мерах воздействия Кириленко на критически мыслящую молодежь.
But about Kirilenko's measures of influence on critically thinking youth.
Однажды, после такого разговора, он неожиданно сказал: "Давай-ка, мы съездим с тобой ко мне в Президиум.". Имелось в виду - в Президиум Сибирского Отделения Академии Наук СССР. Михаил Алексеевич был, по совместительству, Президентом СО АН СССР. Хоть я и очень спешил на работу, но знал, что он попусту звать меня никуда не будет. В кабинете он достал из стола некий документ, внимательно просмотрел его, протянул мне и сказал: "Читай.". Я взял бумагу и поначалу никак не мог включиться в содержание. Однако, постепенно, смысл документа начал до меня доходить. В бумаге разъяснялось, что я - отпетый антисоветчик, враг со склонностью к антисоветской пропаганде и подрывной деятельности, о чем член ЦК КПСС товарищ Кириленко и ставит в известность члена ЦК КПСС товарища Лаврентьева.
Once, after such a conversation, he suddenly said: "Come on, we'll go with you to my Presidium." It meant - to the Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Mikhail Alekseevich was, concurrently, the President of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Although I was in a hurry to get to work, I knew that he would not call me anywhere in vain. In the office, he took a certain document from the table, looked it over carefully, handed it to me and said: "Read."I took the paper and at first I could not get involved in the content. Gradually, however, the meaning of the document began to dawn on me. The paper explained that I was an inveterate anti-Soviet, an enemy with a penchant for anti-Soviet propaganda and subversive activities, about which Comrade Kirilenko, member of the Central Committee of the CPSU, informs Comrade Lavrentiev, member of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

Все бы ничего - но это выдумка от первого и до последнего слова. Ибо в 1962 году - Кириленко было уже не до какого-то Шунько. А еще позже в 1972 году, о чем речь идет в данном эпизоде - сильно, сильно не до него.
А если бы вдруг это случилось - то Шунько не только ничего бы не читал, а просто получил на руки трудовую без объяснений. Ибо не такой уж он судя по описанию ценный специалист и незаменимый научный деятель. Так себе мистер Врун.
Новосибирск и Академгородок в нем - никуда не девались. Папки кадровых дел хранимы. Запросить подробности про эту ложь - ноль проблем. Представляю какое там содержание в его личном деле. Но врать он - мастер. Потому что в 1972 году Кириленко на такой лестнице партийной иерархии, что никто бы не пошел против него. Будь он ученым хоть семи пядей во лбу.
Everything would be fine - but this is an invention from the first to the last word. For in 1962, Kirilenko was no longer up to some kind of Shunko. And even later in 1972, which is what this episode is about - much, much not up to it.
And if this happened all of a sudden, then Shunko would not only not read anything, but simply received a work paper without explanation. For, judging by the description, he is not such a valuable specialist and irreplaceable scientist. So-so Mr. Vrun.
Novosibirsk and Akademgorodok in it have not gone anywhere. Folders of personnel files are stored. Asking for details about this lie - zero.
problems. I can imagine what kind of content there is in his personal file.But he is a master at lying. Because in 1972, Kirilenko was on such a ladder of the party hierarchy that no one would go against him. Whether he is a scientist of at least seven spans in the forehead.

П.С. Рассказы Аннушки Русских - впечатляющи только для тех, кто никогда не жил в СССР. Есть тут такие?
P.S. The stories of Annushka the Russians are impressive only for those who have never lived in the USSR. Are there any here?
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: ilahiyol on January 17, 2023, 05:34:06 PM
Small cuts in the tent prove that there is a struggle against the external enemy. The Unknown Force must have attacked the tent from the tent entrance side. The youth took knives and ice axes in their hands. They thought they would protect themselves with these. And they waved knives from inside the tent to scare away the unknown Power. Small cuts are proof of that. But the Unknown Force paid no attention to them. And the young people realized that knives and axes could not protect them. And the unknown Power wanted to get them out of the tent. And for that, he pretended to attack them. Young people tried to stay in the tent. They resisted. The unknown Force attacked again. Again, the youth resisted. They did not want to leave the tent. He attacked again. Again, the youth resisted. They didn't want to leave their safe harbor in the tent. But when the unknown Force attacked violently for the last time, the youths cut through the tent completely and came out!!! They resisted to the end. They didn't give up easily. But outside they still had a hope of living. But the unknown Force had already made its decision. He caught them one by one and killed them. May God forgive them and take them to Heaven. amen.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 18, 2023, 01:45:43 AM
They didn't give up easily. But outside they still had a hope of living. But the unknown Force had already made its decision. He caught them one by one and killed them. May God forgive them and take them to Heaven. amen.
Неведомая сила - это ликвидаторы, военные, которые были посланы для того, чтоб группу раздеть и заморозить, якобы они сами замерзли от плохой погоды. А палатка была разрублена поисковиками-студентами Шаравиным и Слобцовым, они сами в  этом признались.

An unknown force is the liquidators, the military, who were sent to strip and freeze the group, allegedly they themselves froze from bad weather. And the tent was cut by search engines-students Sharavin and Slobtsov, they admitted it themselves.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 18, 2023, 01:59:30 AM
The student search engine Sharavin and Slobtsov first discovered the tent on February 26 and to look into it, they cut the ramp with an ice pick. From myself, I can assume that they received such a task from the leadership in order to hide the traces of dilapidation and raggedness of the tent. UPI sent the woodpeckers on a hike with a torn and dilapidated tent
(https://i.ibb.co/X85FjRf/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/JQprmJW)
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Per Inge Oestmoen on January 18, 2023, 02:37:51 AM
Follow the money! Murder only lakes sense if you are paid somehow. Write a book about the DP9 getting murdered? Guess who gets paid?  There is much discussion about revenge and professional killers. Professionals work for money and revenge doesn't pay. Follow the money, then others will start to think,differently. Otherwise, it is all smoke and mirrors (illusion).

KGB special forces are professionals. Among their duties is the act of eliminating people who are perceived as potential or real threats to state security. People who witness or observe something the state wants to keep secret, may become a threat to state security. More often than not, such killing are orchestrated as "suicides," "accidents," "heart attacks" or "natural deaths."

Such professionals are extremely sophisticated, well educated and thoroughly trained, and they know how to make a murder look like a natural death or an accident.

In the Dyatlov Pass case, if there had not been a sudden rise in temperature during the night of February 2, 1959, it would have been a perfect operation because the nine victims would have frozen to death after they were forced out from the tent improperly dressed.

This has nothing with money to do - it is about state security. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union could not afford to take any risks.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 18, 2023, 03:07:52 AM
KGB special forces are professionals. Among their duties is the act of eliminating people who are perceived as potential or real threats to state security. People who witness or observe something the state wants to keep secret, may become a threat to state security. More often than not, such killing are orchestrated as "suicides," "accidents," "heart attacks" or "natural deaths."
Such professionals are extremely sophisticated, well educated and thoroughly trained, and they know how to make a murder look like a natural death or an accident.
In the Dyatlov Pass case, if there had not been a sudden rise in temperature during the night of February 2, 1959, it would have been a perfect operation because the nine victims would have frozen to death after they were forced out from the tent improperly dressed.
This has nothing with money to do - it is about state security. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union could not afford to take any risks.
Thank you for understanding the situation. According to my version, there was an order to freeze the group without using firearms, as if they died through their own fault. the group was liquidated on a false denunciation that allegedly Dyatlov was going to flee abroad (this was told by the main witness of the events, Yuri Yudin) during the 21st congress of the CPSU. The denunciation was false in order to destroy the brave, athletic, free-thinking guys who posed a threat to the authorities. Money in this case also matters, because if the denunciation turned out to be true, and during the 21st congress the students tried to escape to the west - the whole world would talk about it and the career of the party leadership would be cut short, which means the head of the Sverdlovsk regional Committee Kirilenko would lose his position, good money, privileges and power! He couldn't let that happen.
Kirilenko was the head of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee in 1959. from the characteristics given to him by authoritative persons, he was a bulldozer-type man, a cad, a tyrant, a bonecracker, and so on...
(https://i.ibb.co/p0HpvrP/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/8KyVD4B)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 18, 2023, 03:04:48 AM
The head of the KGB of the Sverdlovsk region in 1959 - Ilyichev. The KGB was completely subordinate to the party apparatus
(https://i.ibb.co/yhpSGzZ/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/RhNyZXs)
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Per Inge Oestmoen on January 18, 2023, 04:13:55 AM

I disagree.

1. No evidence of wrong doing.
2. Route not conducive to escape
3. Too many influential surviving families
4. Yuri Yuden not liquidated
5. No " show trial"
6. No effort to shame deceased. Quite the opposite. They were treated with respect and given a monument and a geographical location.
7. No official advanced their career as a hero of the people from this.

Modern day conspiracy theorists seek not truth, but fame and money by exploiting a natural calamity.

Answers to the above:

1. The evidence is that nine students left their tent for no apparent reason: There was no avalanche, no snow slabs, no factors that could make the students leave their tent improperly dressed. Further; the nine students were improperly dressed. They left not in a hurry, but in a ordered fashion that tells us that they just walked away. They would never have done that voluntarily without being properly dressed. Lastly; the injuries found on the bodies are the decisive evidence. These injuries are all consistent with human attack, and most only with human attack with lethal intent.

2. There was no one who had any reason to escape, since no one could know that they were in danger before the attack. The students only intended to pass through the area. Unfortunately, someone decided that they came to an area where they were not supposed to enter.

3. The nine students were loyal Soviet citizens and had families and friends belonging to the influential strata in society. That is precisely why the killing mission had to be orchestrated in such a way as to make it look like an accident. If the nine victims had just disappeared, or if they had simply been shot and put in closed coffins, everyone would have known what happened. Because the nine belonged to the respected people in society, their elimination had to be organized as an "accident."

4. Yuri Yudin was not with the group when they reached the area where the others died. Therefore he was not among those who were at the wrong place and had to be eliminated. Yuri Yudin never entered the forbidden area. There was no need to execute him.

5. What purpose would a show trial have in the Dyatlov Pass case have? Precisely none. Show trials are only relevant when there is a need to make scapegoats. If people become witnesses to something the authorities want to hide at all cost, what matters is to prevent the secret to become known to the public. In that case, the normal procedure is to orchestrate an "accident" or a "natural death."

6. If the purpose of a state killing is to eliminate persons who have witnessed or observed something like a secret traning and test area, it would be totally senseless to shame these people afterwards. Instead they are killed preventively in a sophisticated way and then treated with full honors. More than likely, this was what happened to the Dyatlov group.

7. Would anyone receive a publicly announced career advancement from a killing that was from the outset planned as an operation designed to look like a natural accident? Hardly.

It is no "conspiracy therory" to observe that the Dyatlov Pass tragedy is due to human attack. Every piece of evidence, in addition to the many subsequent cover-up efforts made by the authorities, points to a well-planned, calculated murder orchestrated by the security forces.

Please have a look at the injuries and the evidence.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Per Inge Oestmoen on January 18, 2023, 04:30:11 AM
KGB special forces are professionals. Among their duties is the act of eliminating people who are perceived as potential or real threats to state security. People who witness or observe something the state wants to keep secret, may become a threat to state security. More often than not, such killing are orchestrated as "suicides," "accidents," "heart attacks" or "natural deaths."
Such professionals are extremely sophisticated, well educated and thoroughly trained, and they know how to make a murder look like a natural death or an accident.
In the Dyatlov Pass case, if there had not been a sudden rise in temperature during the night of February 2, 1959, it would have been a perfect operation because the nine victims would have frozen to death after they were forced out from the tent improperly dressed.
This has nothing with money to do - it is about state security. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union could not afford to take any risks.
Thank you for understanding the situation. According to my version, there was an order to freeze the group without using firearms, as if they died through their own fault. the group was liquidated on a false denunciation that allegedly Dyatlov was going to flee abroad (this was told by the main witness of the events, Yuri Yudin) during the 21st congress of the CPSU. The denunciation was false in order to destroy the brave, athletic, free-thinking guys who posed a threat to the authorities. Money in this case also matters, because if the denunciation turned out to be true, and during the 21st congress the students tried to escape to the west - the whole world would talk about it and the career of the party leadership would be cut short, which means the head of the Sverdlovsk regional Committee Kirilenko would lose his position, good money, privileges and power! He couldn't let that happen.
Kirilenko was the head of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee in 1959. from the characteristics given to him by authoritative persons, he was a bulldozer-type man, a cad, a tyrant, a bonecracker, and so on...
(https://i.ibb.co/p0HpvrP/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/8KyVD4B)

That is also a possibility.

We thus have two possibilities:

- The students intended to flee abroad. I do not know what indications there are for this. I do not see this as very probable, though.

- The students entered into an area where the state performed some kind of activity or installations they wanted to hide at all cost. The students observed it, and even if they were loyal Soviet citizens some of them might later tell a spouse, friend, child or colleague what they had observed. The state could not take such a risk, and the nine had to be executed in order to prevent them from ever telling anyone what they had seen. Because an obvious killing would create political unrest and protests, it had to be done in a clever way.

To chase the nine victims out from the tent improperly dressed is a brilliant way of killing them. If the temperature had been a little lower, this would have been a perfect operation. However, the temperature was around -15C during the fateful night, and the students did not perish as soon as intended. They had to be hunted down and killed.

The following injuries is evidence that they were killed by humans.

Some people have stated that the crushed rib cages of Dubinina and Zolotaryov could not have been caused by humans. That is wrong. A trained close combat specialist can easily break the ribs of people with elbow strikes, and I have learned these strikes when I trained jiu jitsu. Also, I was told that precisely that technique is used by some police forces.

The injuries of Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle are also very illustrative. The blow to the biceps is a well known police technique often used to paralyze the arm, and it is very difficult not to see the shape of a rifle butt in the damage to his head:


To say that is the result of an "accident" is an insult to thinking people. These injuries are what professional police special forces like the KGB would create.

This was no accident.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Почемучка on January 18, 2023, 05:17:05 AM

This was no accident.
О да... Это не случайность, что Вы обрели Аннушку Русских.
Oh yes... It's not an accident that you found Annushka Russkikh.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 18, 2023, 08:55:04 AM
was told that precisely that technique is used by some police forces. 
To say that is the result of an "accident" is an insult to thinking people. These injuries are what professional police special forces like the KGB would create. This was no accident.
I agree with you completely! But there are some details:
1. Dyatlov's group did not go out naked and barefoot. According to my version, they were asked to leave the tent by deception (for example, to help a wounded hunter). In such cases, there is always deception. The guys came out dressed and shod, most likely not all of them came out, but for example, four. Going down the slope to the fire, they fell into a trap. They were forced to undress. But the guys fought back, and then they began to kill them, and then undress them.
2. I also assume that there were dogs with the liquidators, one or more, so that the guys could not escape.
3. Those who remained in the tent were waiting for the return of their comrades, but not waiting - they went in search of them warmly dressed, but also fell into a trap. They climbed the cedar to escape from the attack of dogs. Many guys have obvious bites and traces of dog jaws on their hands and faces, especially Krivonishchenko, Zina and Igor had lacerations on their hands. In the postmortem photos, Igor and Zina have identical traces of dog jaws on their faces.. See the photo.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 18, 2023, 09:03:05 AM
(https://i.ibb.co/MNy8Xgj/3.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/).
(https://i.ibb.co/ZLrfNLb/image.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/).
(https://i.ibb.co/2qvNZ5M/1.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
(https://i.ibb.co/Cwq5gs0/2.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 18, 2023, 09:10:38 AM
(https://i.ibb.co/GTj0kVX/u-68d4893d4b97cc61e126720cdfd4e31c-800.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Wt16FcQ)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 19, 2023, 03:11:54 AM
Еще про вероятные укусы собак, которые били с ликвидаторами:
1. одинаковые следы собачьих челюстей на лицах Зины и Игоря.
(https://i.ibb.co/bP4rZjq/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/rmBZSKT)
(https://i.ibb.co/9y6W5Vd/image.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 19, 2023, 03:10:45 AM
Georgy Krivonishchenko is missing the tip of his nose. The forensic medical expert writes about this in the case file (indicated in the screenshot)
(https://i.ibb.co/bgVb4jK/image.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/).
(https://i.ibb.co/mCgxKMT/4.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
(https://i.ibb.co/P6RpWG2/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/VqdyCYF)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on January 19, 2023, 03:18:12 AM
Еще про вероятные укусы собак, которые били с ликвидаторами:
1. одинаковые следы собачьих челюстей на лицах Зины и Игоря.
(https://i.ibb.co/bP4rZjq/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/rmBZSKT)
(https://i.ibb.co/9y6W5Vd/image.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)

Was it a Chihuahua?

Military or police dogs are trained to go for the thigh or arm. There are no reports of teeth punctures by the searchers or autopsy. If there was then they could have blamed wolf's and it would be end of the story.

I would also suspect there would have been defense wounds or much more damage to the face by a guard dog.

It's just an out of focus picture. 
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 19, 2023, 03:50:25 AM
Military or police dogs are trained to go for the thigh or arm. There are no reports of teeth punctures by the searchers or autopsy. If there was then they could have blamed wolf's and it would be end of the story.
I would also suspect there would have been defense wounds or much more damage to the face by a guard dog. It's just an out of focus picture.
I think dogs bite people lying down for their faces. Although there are also wounds on the hands of woodpeckers with peeling of the epidermis, with bites and claw marks. The photo shows Thibault's hand.
(https://i.ibb.co/Ctd6XTS/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/BPDG7SY)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on January 19, 2023, 03:52:01 AM
Еще про вероятные укусы собак, которые били с ликвидаторами:
1. одинаковые следы собачьих челюстей на лицах Зины и Игоря.
(https://i.ibb.co/bP4rZjq/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/rmBZSKT)
(https://i.ibb.co/9y6W5Vd/image.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)

Out of interest anna_pycckux, where is the first picture here from. I haven't seen that on this site although it looks cropped. Do you have the original?
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 19, 2023, 03:56:27 AM
I don't have any secret sources of photos of my own. I take all photos from open access.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on January 19, 2023, 04:27:08 AM
I don't have any secret sources of photos of my own. I take all photos from open access.

No problem but where did you get the photo. Is it Zina ? Where was it sourced ? It's a photo that is missing from this resource and would be good to have. More might be missing...
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 19, 2023, 05:03:33 AM
Yes, this is Zina's photo.
There are many photos in the Dyatlov Group Memory Fund that are not presented to the public or are presented in such a way as, for example, this photo. But apparently there is a preserved original version in the fund, which was shown in the TV program. People managed to take pictures from the screen. Now researcher Max Yuryev is researching this photo and has already concluded that it may be Georgy Krivonishchenko in the first hours of the murder. This is the version.
(https://i.ibb.co/F3JgKmK/image.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/).
(https://i.ibb.co/GCLgKP8/2.jpg) (https://ibb.co/c2HzGTZ)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Почемучка on January 19, 2023, 08:19:07 AM

No problem but where did you get the photo. Is it Zina ? Where was it sourced ? It's a photo that is missing from this resource and would be good to have. More might be missing...
Отзеркалено и обрезано
Mirrored and cropped
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on January 19, 2023, 08:48:26 AM

No problem but where did you get the photo. Is it Zina ? Where was it sourced ? It's a photo that is missing from this resource and would be good to have. More might be missing...
Отзеркалено и обрезано
Mirrored and cropped

Thank you. I've never really looked at them.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: RMK on January 19, 2023, 03:11:25 PM
The student search engine Sharavin and Slobtsov first discovered the tent on February 26 and to look into it, they cut the ramp with an ice pick. From myself, I can assume that they received such a task from the leadership in order to hide the traces of dilapidation and raggedness of the tent. UPI sent the woodpeckers on a hike with a torn and dilapidated tent
(https://i.ibb.co/X85FjRf/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/JQprmJW)
Wow!  anna_pycckux, for once, I actually agree with one of your posts!

Ух ты!  anna_pycckux, в кои-то веки я действительно согласна с одним из ваших постов!

the group was liquidated on a false denunciation that allegedly Dyatlov was going to flee abroad (this was told by the main witness of the events, Yuri Yudin) during the 21st congress of the CPSU. The denunciation was false in order to destroy the brave, athletic, free-thinking guys who posed a threat to the authorities.
In what way would the 9 Dyatlov hikers pose a threat to the authorities?  There is no evidence that they had political ambitions.

Каким образом 9 туристов Дятлова представляли бы угрозу для властей?  Нет никаких доказательств того, что у них были политические амбиции.

2. I also assume that there were dogs with the liquidators, one or more, so that the guys could not escape.
3. Those who remained in the tent were waiting for the return of their comrades, but not waiting - they went in search of them warmly dressed, but also fell into a trap. They climbed the cedar to escape from the attack of dogs. Many guys have obvious bites and traces of dog jaws on their hands and faces, especially Krivonishchenko, Zina and Igor had lacerations on their hands. In the postmortem photos, Igor and Zina have identical traces of dog jaws on their faces.. See the photo.
Dogs?  I don't think so.  First of all, you are zooming in way too far on grainy, 1950s-era photographs to be able to describe, with certainty, what is visible; you are also looking not at the original photographic prints, but a digitized image of those prints.  The image is in JPEG format, which is a "lossy" compressed-image format, and JPEG compression is known to introduce visual artifacts.

Second of all, animals do not bother to obliterate their footprints in snow, and dogs leave footprints that are fairly deep and visible (especially compared to those of, say, a wolverine).  The searchers did not find any traces animal activity around the Dyatlovites' apparent last campsite.  Besides, as Ziljoe pointed out, if there were dog tracks around there, the authorities could have attributed them to wolves, and blamed the wolves as a contributing factor in the Dyatlov Pass Incident.

Собаки?  Я так не думаю.  Прежде всего, вы слишком сильно увеличиваете масштаб на зернистых фотографиях 1950-х годов, чтобы иметь возможность с уверенностью описать то, что видно; вы также смотрите не на оригинальные фотографические отпечатки, а на оцифрованное изображение этих отпечатков.  Изображение находится в формате JPEG, который является форматом сжатого изображения с потерями, а сжатие JPEG, как известно, приводит к появлению визуальных артефактов.

Во-вторых, животные не утруждают себя тем, чтобы стереть свои следы на снегу, а собаки оставляют довольно глубокие и заметные следы (особенно по сравнению, скажем, с следами росомахи).  Поисковики не обнаружили никаких следов активности животных вокруг предполагаемого последнего места стоянки дятловцев.  Кроме того, как отметил Зилджо, если бы там были собачьи следы, власти могли бы приписать их волкам и обвинить волков как фактор, способствующий инциденту на перевале Дятлова.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 19, 2023, 03:56:43 PM
the group was liquidated on a false denunciation that allegedly Dyatlov was going to flee abroad (this was told by the main witness of the events, Yuri Yudin) during the 21st congress of the CPSU. The denunciation was false in order to destroy the brave, athletic, free-thinking guys who posed a threat to the authorities.
In what way would the 9 Dyatlov hikers pose a threat to the authorities?  There is no evidence that they had political ambitions.

Каким образом 9 туристов Дятлова представляли бы угрозу для властей?  Нет никаких доказательств того, что у них были политические амбиции.

2. I also assume that there were dogs with the liquidators, one or more, so that the guys could not escape.
3. Those who remained in the tent were waiting for the return of their comrades, but not waiting - they went in search of them warmly dressed, but also fell into a trap. They climbed the cedar to escape from the attack of dogs. Many guys have obvious bites and traces of dog jaws on their hands and faces, especially Krivonishchenko, Zina and Igor had lacerations on their hands. In the postmortem photos, Igor and Zina have identical traces of dog jaws on their faces.. See the photo.
Dogs?  I don't think so.  First of all, you are zooming in way too far on grainy, 1950s-era photographs to be able to describe, with certainty, what is visible; you are also looking not at the original photographic prints, but a digitized image of those prints.  The image is in JPEG format, which is a "lossy" compressed-image format, and JPEG compression is known to introduce visual artifacts.

Second of all, animals do not bother to obliterate their footprints in snow, and dogs leave footprints that are fairly deep and visible (especially compared to those of, say, a wolverine).  The searchers did not find any traces animal activity around the Dyatlovites' apparent last campsite.  Besides, as Ziljoe pointed out, if there were dog tracks around there, the authorities could have attributed them to wolves, and blamed the wolves as a contributing factor in the Dyatlov Pass Incident.
Собаки?  Я так не думаю.  Прежде всего, вы слишком сильно увеличиваете масштаб на зернистых фотографиях 1950-х годов, чтобы иметь возможность с уверенностью описать то, что видно; вы также смотрите не на оригинальные фотографические отпечатки, а на оцифрованное изображение этих отпечатков.  Изображение находится в формате JPEG, который является форматом сжатого изображения с потерями, а сжатие JPEG, как известно, приводит к появлению визуальных артефактов.
Во-вторых, животные не утруждают себя тем, чтобы стереть свои следы на снегу, а собаки оставляют довольно глубокие и заметные следы (особенно по сравнению, скажем, с следами росомахи).  Поисковики не обнаружили никаких следов активности животных вокруг предполагаемого последнего места стоянки дятловцев.  Кроме того, как отметил Зилджо, если бы там были собачьи следы, власти могли бы приписать их волкам и обвинить волков как фактор, способствующий инциденту на перевале Дятлова.
RMK, I answer:
1. How would 9 Dyatlov tourists pose a threat to the authorities? You should carefully study my 3 very first posts in the topic. It tells in detail how brave, strong-willed, free-thinking guys, patriots of their homeland, posed a danger to the authorities. At that time, the UPI had an oppressive situation of surveillance and denunciation. At the end of 1956, a decree "On the fight against anti-Soviets" came from Moscow, special attention was paid to students. There is an archive document.
2. Denunciations were written against Dyatlov's friends (Dubinina, Kolevatov, Kolmogorova) that they were spies and wanted to escape abroad - according to Yuri Yudin, the main witness of the events. he confirmed his words repeatedly.
3. In my opinion, there is a place to be revenge or envy. Revenge of the KGB for refusing to enlist as informers. Envy - from those persons, students who dreamed of staying at the UPI at the department, but instead of them the talented Dyatlov was left at the department. These envious people could compose false denunciations about the woodpeckers, and according to such denunciations, the group came under execution as traitors to the motherland. According to my version, on the eve of the CPSU congress, the group went on a hike and was liquidated by order under the guise of freezing from bad weather. I have a book written, it has more than 300 pages and a lot of evidence, if not direct, then indirect. I consider my version to be the most truthful of all versions.
4. About dogs. The liquidators must have dogs, so that the group could not escape. The wounds in the photo are quite eloquent, and in addition to the photo, there is a description of the medical examiner, who describes open lacerations on the hands and faces, skin damage, but does not name the cause of these wounds.
Thank you for the interesting questions.
(https://i.ibb.co/f9Dn125/be04ff4e.jpg) (https://ibb.co/vhXQwHG)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: RMK on January 19, 2023, 04:21:12 PM
RMK, I answer:
1. How would 9 Dyatlov tourists pose a threat to the authorities? You should carefully study my 3 very first posts in the topic. It tells in detail how brave, strong-willed, free-thinking guys, patriots of their homeland, posed a danger to the authorities. At that time, the UPI had an oppressive situation of surveillance and denunciation. At the end of 1956, a decree "On the fight against anti-Soviets" came from Moscow, special attention was paid to students. There is an archive document.
2. Denunciations were written against Dyatlov's friends (Dubinina, Kolevatov, Kolmogorova) that they were spies and wanted to escape abroad - according to Yuri Yudin, the main witness of the events. he confirmed his words repeatedly.
3. In my opinion, there is a place to be revenge or envy. Revenge of the KGB for refusing to enlist as informers. Envy - from those persons, students who dreamed of staying at the UPI at the department, but instead of them the talented Dyatlov was left at the department. These envious people could compose false denunciations about the woodpeckers, and according to such denunciations, the group came under execution as traitors to the motherland. According to my version, on the eve of the CPSU congress, the group went on a hike and was liquidated by order under the guise of freezing from bad weather. I have a book written, it has more than 300 pages and a lot of evidence, if not direct, then indirect. I consider my version to be the most truthful of all versions.
4. About dogs. The liquidators must have dogs, so that the group could not escape. The wounds in the photo are quite eloquent, and in addition to the photo, there is a description of the medical examiner, who describes open lacerations on the hands and faces, skin damage, but does not name the cause of these wounds.
Thank you for the interesting questions.
Thank you for your respectful reply.  I will respond at some later time.  I must admit, I am more interested in your posts when they do not overuse "ALL CAPITALS" and boldface.

Спасибо вам за ваш уважительный ответ. Я отвечу как-нибудь позже. Должен признаться, меня больше интересуют ваши посты, когда они не злоупотребляют "ВСЕМИ ЗАГЛАВНЫМИ буквами" и жирным шрифтом .
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Larisa on January 19, 2023, 05:41:55 PM
Анна, понять одного не могу?! Ну... доказали вы себе что то.. зачем на англоязычный форум всякую хрень выносить?
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 20, 2023, 12:40:41 AM
It's desa! Anna is a declassified disinformer for a long time!
  Прослеживается почерк Почемучки!!!
I live in St. Petersburg, I am the author of 4 books and numerous magazine publications, I give creative evenings in the libraries of the city. they know me... And who are you, Larisa? Tell me about yourself, but without hysteria.
(https://i.ibb.co/DCCKD0Y/2.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
(https://i.ibb.co/vD5YWXb/image.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
(https://i.ibb.co/XZ04QZ5/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/bgw30gv)
(https://i.ibb.co/YNYhTrP/image.png) (https://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 20, 2023, 01:14:53 AM
And now let's continue about the possible rape of Luda Dubinina in my version.
Signs of rape:
1. People are wearing someone else's underwear that does not correspond to the harsh winter campaign.
Men's satin, blue underpants. Ladies' belt with elastic bands-garters. Stockings.. the stocking is lowered from the left leg. - This is from the Forensic Medical Examination. Case Sheet 355 act 4.
2. The leotard is torn in the crotch area and in the elastic band area. - sheet 355
3. There is a hematoma on the thigh. - sheet 366
4. The court medical expert describes the vaginal mucosa purple-red. At the same time describes the presence of virginity, which could not be with a visible purple-red mucosa.
5. Gynecologist A. Taranova was invited to the morgue.
I add:
the medical examiner made an incision of the uterus and found a small amount of mucus. (see screenshot). The contents of the uterus should be sent for examination, but there is no conclusion in the case file. Nowadays, gynecologist Taranova gave an interview to researcher Nechaev, but answered questions mainly: "I don't know, I don't remember..". And she made it clear that she did not intend to give out secrets. Everything testifies to the possible rape of Luda Dubinina, that is, this fact confirms the criminal version of the murder and nothing more.
(https://i.ibb.co/QYd5bvd/4.jpg) (https://ibb.co/j3Rp6kR)
(https://i.ibb.co/jZM4vw9/image.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 21, 2023, 08:14:55 AM
Evidence of the criminal version.
1. The authorities in Moscow were closely involved in the tragedy, controlled the course of the investigation, received reports from Sverdlovsk. (I have submitted documents published by journalists of the KP newspaper on this forum) Because of an avalanche or bad weather, the authorities would not deal with this matter. In Ivdel, the search was controlled by Yeshtokin, deputy. Kirilenko. Kirilenko himself came to Ivdel twice.
2. There were strangers on the pass, their presence is confirmed by the found soldier's winding, the flashlight found on the tent. The fire under the cedar made of thick twigs could not be lit by woodpeckers. According to Sharavin, there was a brown blanket on the corpses under the cedar.
3. Most of the corpses were undressed and also had injuries incompatible with life. The guys themselves, of their own free will, would not undress. Who divided them? Almost everyone has a traumatic brain injury and many have neck damage (butt blows to the adam's apple?). Do not forget that the Court. Med. The expert was a forced laborer. He wrote and did what he was told.
4. Lyudmila Dubinina is wearing someone else's underwear and signs of rape.
5. All the guys have dog bite marks and claw marks on their hands and faces. Slobodin's corpse eloquently says that he died in a fight. (clenched fists, puffy face with swollen, bruised eyes).
6. Investigator Ivanov was not interested in finding the truth. He didn't take fingerprints, didn't take pictures. According to search engines, the pictures were taken by students.
7. Investigator Ivanov confessed in an article in 1990, "I have only one excuse, I did not fulfill my will." And I asked for forgiveness from the parents of the dyatlovites.
8. Already in August 1959, the regional committee member Kirilenko was sent to Timertau to suppress the Komsomol protest. He also participated in the Kremlin commission for the suppression of protests in Novocherkassk and Shymkent. The suppression of protests ended with the execution of convicts. I believe that the events in Timertau, Novocherkassk, Shymkent and the Dyatlov Pass are links in the same chain.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: amashilu on January 21, 2023, 10:26:31 AM

(https://i.ibb.co/QYd5bvd/4.jpg) (https://ibb.co/j3Rp6kR)

Hi Anna, this image you posted that contains Russian text, is it all translated into English in your post, or is it something different? Please be sure to post everything in English, as I'm sure our forum members would like to know what you have to say.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Loose}{Cannon on January 21, 2023, 10:33:59 AM
It's desa! Anna is a declassified disinformer for a long time!
  Прослеживается почерк Почемучки!!!
I live in St. Petersburg, I am the author of 4 books and numerous magazine publications, I give creative evenings in the libraries of the city. they know me... And who are you, Larisa? Tell me about yourself, but without hysteria.


Larisa has been permanently banned 
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 21, 2023, 10:53:23 AM
Hi Anna, this image you posted that contains Russian text, is it all translated into English in your post, or is it something different? Please be sure to post everything in English, as I'm sure our forum members would like to know what you have to say.
Hi! I always describe the documents submitted by me in the post, at least what is underlined. In this case, the screenshot describes a forensic examination of Lyudmila's internal organs and the fact that her uterus was examined and an incision was made and mucus was found, which by law should be sent for examination. But there is no expert opinion in the case. That is, a lot is hidden in the case. This topic is very difficult, but we have to find the truth
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 21, 2023, 10:56:02 AM
It's desa! Anna is a declassified disinformer for a long time!
  Прослеживается почерк Почемучки!!!
I live in St. Petersburg, I am the author of 4 books and numerous magazine publications, I give creative evenings in the libraries of the city. they know me... And who are you, Larisa? Tell me about yourself, but without hysteria.


Larisa has been permanently banned
Благодарю. прошу: уберите ее грязные сообщения с этой страницы.
Thank you. please: remove her dirty messages from this page.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: amashilu on January 21, 2023, 11:26:50 AM
The two messages in question have been removed.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 22, 2023, 12:11:21 AM
For an American audience that is not familiar with the historical events in Novocherkassk in 1962.
Wikipedia quote "Novocherkassk shooting" is the name of the historical events that took place in the city of Novocherkassk, Rostov region of the RSFSR on June 1-3, 1962 as a result of a strike by workers of the Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant and other citizens in response to price increases… The speech was suppressed by the police, the army and the KGB of the USSR, and all information about the Novocherkassk events, including the number of dead and wounded, was classified.

Quote from the author Zenkovich, who knew Kirilenko personally: Kirilenko A. P..... From 1962 to 1966, First Deputy Chairman of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU for the RSFSR. 01.06.1962 arrived in Novocherkassk, where there was a rally of workers dissatisfied with the increase in prices, and persuaded N. S. Khrushchev to the decision to bring troops into the city. Together with A. I. Mikoyan, F. R. Kozlov, A. N. Shelepin, D. S. Polyansky, who arrived, they received N. S. Khrushchev's consent to forcibly suppress the demonstration. As a result, 20 people were killed, including two women, and 87 people were injured – author Zenkovich N. https://www.e-reading.by/chapter.php/1031727/86/Zenkovich_-_Samye_zakrytye_lyudi.html
An episode from Konchalovsky's feature film "Dear Comrades" about the Novocherkassk shooting of 1961.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCXjqf4qyqE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCXjqf4qyqE)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 22, 2023, 12:20:04 AM
8. Already in August 1959, the regional committee member Kirilenko was sent to Timertau to suppress the Komsomol protest. He also participated in the Kremlin commission for the suppression of protests in Novocherkassk and Shymkent. The suppression of protests ended with the execution of convicts. I believe that the events in Timertau, Novocherkassk, Shymkent and the Dyatlov Pass are links in the same chain.
на фото Кириленко и глава КГБ СССР А. Шелепин. Из документального фильма "Расстрел демонстрации рабочих в Новочеркасске"
(https://i.ibb.co/4NB5vDs/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/cTz7fpb)
in the photo Kirilenko and the head of the KGB of the USSR A. Shelepin. From the documentary "The shooting of the workers' demonstration in Novocherkassk"
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 23, 2023, 12:16:31 AM
I appeal to everyone who will go to the conference: ask about the Chairman of the UPI Trade Union Committee of 1959. Any information is interesting. This Chairman of the trade union committee may be an accomplice of those who ruined the group. Dirt was collected even before the campaign.
Partial translation of the text from the screenshot. Interview with Yuri Yudin to Navigator:
YU: The compromising material was collected even before it became known that the group was missing. Since the case was opened immediately upon the fact of the tragedy, it was immediately opened. Everyone knows about it. That's why they worked as they had to, that we were all spies there, that we were the devil knows what, and collected dirt. Dirt was collected through the trade union committee of our institute. This is a bunch of people, they were stunned, surprised, why are they collecting dirt on everyone? And they rejected everything else. And they told me that we were protecting you there. And I didn't know that.
Navig: There, where was it defended?
Yu Yu: Yes, at the institute when I was studying. I was a student.

(https://i.ibb.co/G9LmqxR/1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/zFYdznZ)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 23, 2023, 12:19:56 AM
On February 2, 2023, a regular conference dedicated to the Memory of the Dyatlov group will be held. The conference is organized by the UPI Trade Union Committee. Does the UPI Trade Union Committee know that in 1959 its employees collected dirt on Dyatlov and his comrades, wrote denunciations that they were anti-Soviets and spies? This was told by Yuri Yudin. This was done by the Chairman of the uPI Trade Union Committee, the namesake of Rustem Slobodin – V. E. Slobodin. No one has seen this Chairman of the trade union Committee, no one knows if he is alive, no one has interviewed him! His portrait should hang in the premises of the UPI Trade Union Committee
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 23, 2023, 11:48:43 PM
UPI in the spring of 1959. Aren't there too many dead?!
In the party archive of the UPI there is a journal of removing students from Komsomol registration. I would like to see data starting from the end of 1956, after a scandalous opposition conference, a roundup of students began. But we managed to find out the data on de-registration for several days in March and June 1959. I clarify: the following were removed from the Komsomol register: deceased, expelled from the Komsomol, expelled from the UPI, completed their studies or transferred to other regions.

Timonin N. V. was removed from the register on March 9, - expelled,
Kolmogorova Z. A. was removed from the register on March 11, died
Doroshenko Yu. N. was removed from the register on March 11, died
Dyatlov And A – removed from the register on March 11, died
Kolevatov A C was removed on June 8 - died
Dubinina L. A. was removed from the register on June 8, - died
Demyanenko Vladimir Vasilyevich, died in the spring of 1959, was removed from the register on June 8.
Anatoly Stepanovich Yashunin was expelled on June 8.
Ledzinsky Leonid Stepanovich 12.06.59 expelled from the Komsomol
Reshetnikov Gennady Ivanovich 12.06 excluded from the members of the Komsomol
Marx Stanislav Vladimirovich 8 06.59 in the army (expelled)
It is also known that in March, a student Nikitin Viktor Alekseevich, born in 1938, was buried next to the guys of Dyatlov's group. It is known that in February he took exams and in February he died allegedly from pneumonia.
In the book by Anna Matveeva - http://taina.li/forum/index.php?msg=85830 The following is said: "... Another UPI student who had nothing to do with the tragedy, Nikitin, who died at about the same time from pneumonia, was buried together with the Dyatlovites. Relatives of the Dyatlovites recall that next to the tourists they tried to bury another student who was killed in a fight at the train station..."
Student Ozhegov was killed on May 28, 1959, Lev Ivanov was investigating.
In total, 10 students died in a few days in March, June 1959 (including one who died in a fight at the train station), 3 were expelled from the UPI, 2 were excluded from the Komsomol.
At the same time, we know that students valued their studies, their place in the UPI and the prospect of getting a good specialty in the future. It would be good to know the true picture of the number of students who died in UPI and expelled.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 26, 2023, 12:01:58 AM
(https://i.ibb.co/vYfZvjt/image.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
© "Unyielding Zina against the service seducer"
From the book © "Ural Golgotha or the state order for liquidation". Supplement to the main version of the "State order for liquidation".
The beautiful Zina and Yura Doroshenko loved each other. The beautiful Zina was preparing for the wedding. At home, in her village, everyone perceived Yuri as a groom. Yuri went home to Zina, got acquainted with her family, which indicates his serious intentions. The young couple was happy. Life seemed magical and fabulous to them, and the future seemed serene, filled with pleasant discoveries and new reasons for joy.
Suddenly there is a gap, and even as if for no reason. Doroshenko defiantly walks by the hand with the other. What could have happened? Did Doroshenko suddenly fall out of love with his chosen one, which every student with an increased scholarship and the prospect of a red diploma dreamed of? And what could have happened was this.
UPI students were recruited one by one by the special services, the time was like this. It is natural to assume that such bright personalities as Dyatlov and Kolmogorov were recruited in the first place. The fact that the guys did not succumb to recruitment, we learn from Zina's diary. "How correctly Volt said!" — the phrase was thrown after watching the film "Golden Symphony". And what did Volt say? And here's what: "You won't be able to buy an athlete!" Yuri Yudin: All men were not indifferent to Zina, always, in any company. And even she herself writes that wherever she appears, everyone comes to her with the question: "Oh, it seems that you are a countryman that I know you." She had such a sociable character. Wherever she appeared, she filled the entire space with a pleasant spiritual fragrance.
Surely an elderly, accustomed to the fear and submission of the interrogated, the gabist began to drool at the sight of a young beauty. Perhaps Zina was offered a relationship and patronage, which she refused, admitting that she had a fiance and it was getting to the wedding. Doroshenko was immediately summoned, intimidated by the demands to leave the girl. "Either you immediately look for another girlfriend, or your whole life is going downhill!" — spluttering with saliva, the formidable gabist sets the condition. Yuri Doroshenko, without hesitation, leaves Zina in the hope that after the end of the UPI, when they become free from total third-party control, he will return again, explain everything and the couple will restore relations.
Zina, not understanding what happened, suddenly feels emptiness instead of Doroshenko's strong and reliable shoulder. Pride does not allow her to pester Yuri with questions. But for a lustful gabist, she still remains distant and unattainable, like the screen image of Greta Garbo for a projectionist.
One day, in response to the harassment of a gabist bumpkin, Zina slapped him in the face on the order to undress. The man pulled a pistol from his holster. "You'll disappear, ****, with your Doroshenko, and no one will find you!" the old libertine said through his teeth. And Zina, full of indignation, threatened the security guard with exposure, left his office, leaving the door open, and no longer appeared on calls.
Further events are known to us — with a small addition that the bandits under the control of the Ivdel military unit, who were ordered to strip and freeze the group, confused Zina with Luda. They mocked her from the bottom of their hearts, forgetting about the task to freeze without obvious injury .....
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 28, 2023, 04:48:15 AM
You will somehow choose the coast. If you grieve greatly for the departed Monsieur Charles. He called me a Stalinist fossil.
Я согласна с сэром Чарльзом, Почемучка - это сталинское ископаемое!
I agree with Sir Charles. Why is a Stalinist fossil!
Жаль что Борзенков В.А. покинул форум. Мы бы с ним держали оборону как надо...
It is a pity that Borzenkov V.A. left the forum. We would hold the defense with him as it should ...
Призвала Борзенкова на помощь?? Он тут же огласил весь форум матерным рыком. Радуйся, твоя провокация удалась.. Даже освободили раньше срока.
Did you call Borzenkov for help?? He immediately announced the entire forum with an obscene growl. Rejoice, your provocation has succeeded.. Even released early.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 28, 2023, 04:57:14 AM
Зина и ее цитата из дневника.
Зина – умница. Она дала подсказку, косвенное доказательство, что Дятлов и его друзья отказались вербоваться в  стукачи КГБ. В то время стукачам платили пол ставки лаборанта и предлагали карьерную перспективу.
«Как верно сказал Вольт!» - написала Зина.
Вальтер из фильма «Золотая симфония» сказал: «Я отказываюсь принять ваше предложение! Вам не купить меня! У спортсмена есть свое честолюбие»

Zina and her quote from the diary.
Zina is a smart girl. She gave a hint, indirect proof that Dyatlov and his friends refused to enlist as KGB informers. At that time, informers were paid half the rate of a laboratory assistant and offered a career perspective.
"How true Volt said!" - wrote Zina.
Walter from the film "Golden Symphony" said: "I refuse to accept your offer! You can't buy me! An athlete has his own ambition"
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 28, 2023, 05:46:28 AM
фильм "Золотая симфония" - ребята смотрели в Вижае и были в  восторге от яркого, музыкального кино.
Эпизод (несколько секунд), о котором Зина написала в  своем дневнике: "Как верно сказал Вольт!"
Цитата: "Вам не удастся купить меня"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zC_dtLlKjFc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zC_dtLlKjFc)
the film "Golden Symphony" - the guys watch in Vizhay and were delighted with the bright, musical cinema.
The episode (a few seconds) about which Zina wrote in her diary: "How correctly Volt said!"
Quote: "You won't be able to buy me"
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: marieuk on January 28, 2023, 10:41:33 AM
Thank you so much for clearing that mystery up.  For ages I've wondered who Volt was and what he said. 
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Почемучка on January 28, 2023, 11:37:54 PM
Thank you so much for clearing that mystery up.  For ages I've wondered who Volt was and what he said.
Я просила, чтобы все что Анна Русских дает как доказательства - проверять. Обязательно и во имя своей же чести и совести. Честь и совесть Анны Васильевны Охременко - это отсутствующие понятия.

I asked that everything that Anna Russkikh gives as evidence be checked. Necessarily and in the name of their own honor and conscience. The honor and conscience of Anna Vasilievna Okhremenko are missing concepts.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Почемучка on January 28, 2023, 11:47:04 PM
Дело в том, что главного героя фильм "Золотая симфония" в русском переводе звали - Вальтер. Что разумеется - совершенно не Вольт.
А среди изречений этого кино-героя были другие фразы:

"Необходимо поменять мнение о девушке, позволяющей другому себя целовать"
"Кроме денег есть такое понятие, как честь спортсмена и идеализм"

The fact is that the main character of the film "Golden Symphony" in Russian translation was called - Walter. Which, of course, is not Volt at all.
And among the sayings of this movie hero were other phrases:

"You need to change your mind about a girl who allows another to kiss her"
"In addition to money, there is such a thing as the honor of an athlete and idealism"

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 29, 2023, 12:27:04 AM
 «Вольт» - так Зина назвала главного героя фильма в  своем дневнике.
Перевод эпизода Золотой симфонии:
 - Я отказываюсь от этого.
- … и прекрасное содержание.
- Нет!
- Сказочное содержание.
- Нет!
- Но вы будете иметь хороший заработок. Заключим договор и зарабатывайте себе деньги.
 - Деньги, деньги.. Кроме денег еще есть такое понятие как честолюбие спортсмена и идеализм. Можете смеяться, но я остаюсь при своем. Плевал я на ваши деньги! Вам не купить меня!!

"Volt" is how Zina called the main character of the film in her diary.
Translation of the Golden Symphony episode:
 - I refuse it.
- ...and excellent content.
- No!
- Fabulous content.
- No!
- But you will have a good income. Let's conclude a contract and earn money for yourself.
 - Money, money.. Besides money, there is also such a thing as an athlete's ambition and idealism. You can laugh, but I stand by my own. I spit on your money! You can't buy me!!
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 29, 2023, 12:48:53 AM
Когда Зина писала  в дневнике: "Как верно сказал Вольт!" - она находилась под впечатлением прошедшего дня и фильма "Золотая симфония".
Строки из дневника Зины:
"Но опять же вспоминаются слова Вольта. Как верно тогда он сказал. Ходили на «Золотую симфонию» Какая сила! Просто здорово!"
Почемучача, если хочешь здесь опровергнуть мои сообщения, то приводы ссылки действительно авторитетных людей, а не каких-то "Нина НН"
и ты не умеешь мыслить логически: если бы Зина вдруг ностальгировала по воспоминаниям никому неизвестного философа под псевдонимом Вольт - она говорила бы о его цитатах. Но ребята находились под впечатлением фильма Золотая симфония, философских обсуждений в дневниках не наблюдается.

When Zina wrote in her diary: "How correctly Volt said!" she was under the impression of the past day and the film "Golden Symphony".
Lines from Zina 's diary:
"But again, Volt's words come to mind. How true he said then. We went to the "Golden Symphony" What a power! Just great!"

Whychacha, if you want to refute my messages here, then give links of really reputable people, and not some "Нина НН" and you don't know how to think logically: if Zina were suddenly nostalgic for the memories of an unknown philosopher under the pseudonym Volt, she would talk about his quotes. But the guys were impressed by the film Golden Symphony, there are no philosophical discussions in the diaries.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 29, 2023, 01:32:23 AM
I asked that everything that Anna Russkikh gives as evidence be checked. Necessarily and in the name of their own honor and conscience. The honor and conscience of Anna Vasilievna Okhremenko are missing concepts.
Тебе следует заботиться о свей чести и совести. Ты пришла сюда, на этот форум с  какой целью? Опорочить настоящих исследователей, ближе всех стоящих к истине. Ты пришла сюда, чтоб всех запутать и загадить этот форум.
Но американцы не глупые, они видят что к  чему, недаром сэр Чарльз тебя назвал поклонницей Сталина.
Почемучка, сколько тебе платят за твою работу по развалу темы Перевала Дятлова??

You should take care of your honor and conscience. You came here to this forum for what purpose? To discredit the real researchers who are closest to the truth. You came here to confuse everyone and make a mess of this forum.
But Americans are not stupid, they see what's what, no wonder Sir Charles called you a fan of Stalin.
Почемучка, How much do you get paid for your work on the collapse of the Dyatlov Pass theme??
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 29, 2023, 01:36:23 AM
incorrect translation. That's right: Почемучка, how much do you get paid for the work on the collapse of the current topic?
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 01, 2023, 05:51:14 AM
ПТИЦЫН ГА 2.02.2009: «ИМ ПОМОГЛИ УМЕРЕТЬ НА ЭТОМ МОРОЗЕ». – еще одно подтверждение моей версии ликвидации.
Птицын Геннадий Александрович – очень авторитетный спортсмен, бывший студент УПИ, Мастер спорта по туризму, Заслуженный путешественник России, архитектор Свердловска (Екатеринбурга).
Запись конференции 2.02.2009 Цитата из видео:
«Эти природные условия не могли их погубить. А раздел кто их? Почему они разделись? Полтора километра немыслимое расстояние в этих условиях. …. Им помогли умереть на этом морозе, при помощи этого мороза. Кто? Я не знаю. Но  я уверен что так было».
Версия «Госзаказ на ликвидацию», опубликованная в 2018 году так же предполагает, что туристов ликвидировали. Их раздели, чтоб они замерзли. Приказ был отдан партийной властью, ибо без указа партии никто ничего делать не смел.

PTITSYN G.A. 2.02.2009: "THEY WERE HELPED TO DIE IN THIS COLD." – another confirmation of my version of liquidation.
Ptitsyn Gennady Alexandrovich is a very reputable athlete, a former student of UPI, master of Sports in tourism, Honored Traveler of Russia, architect of Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg).
Conference recording 2.02.2009 Quote from the video:
"These natural conditions could not destroy them. Who took off their clothes? Why did they undress? One and a half kilometers is an unthinkable distance in these conditions ..... They were helped to die in this frost, with the help of this frost. Who? I don't know. But I'm sure it was."
The version of the "State Liquidation Order" published in 2018 also suggests that tourists were liquidated. They were stripped so that they froze. The order was given by the party authorities, because no one dared to do anything without the instructions of the party
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8Rt-WCtzkE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8Rt-WCtzkE)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: GlennM on February 01, 2023, 07:47:19 AM
...or it was paradoxical cold undressing.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 01, 2023, 09:11:30 AM
...or it was paradoxical cold undressing.
..... как способ убийства.
.........as a way of killing
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 02, 2023, 02:31:31 AM
"У нас много женщин, которые яро выступают со своими версиями. Взять Анну Русских, которая обвинила Кириленко, первого секретаря обкома партии, доказала, материалы предоставила, книгу написала "Уральская Голгофа".

"We have a lot of women who are vehemently speaking out with their versions. Take Anna Russian, who accused Kirilenko, the first secretary of the regional party committee, proved, provided materials, wrote the book "Ural Golgotha".
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_spyx9xrbY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_spyx9xrbY)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 02, 2023, 09:29:46 AM
То же самое видео. Юрий Кунцевич, цитата: Анна Русских доказала....
Юрий Кунцевич не разбрасывался словами.
То же самое видео. Юрий Кунцевич, цитата: "Анна Русская доказала...."
Юрий Кунцевич не бросал слов на ветер.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzk3BHAAHtw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzk3BHAAHtw)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: amashilu on February 02, 2023, 09:35:06 AM
Anna, please translate this post into English and re-post it.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 02, 2023, 09:52:49 AM
Anna, please translate this post into English and re-post it.
good.. but then delete the top two similar posts from Yu. Kuntsevich.
Юрий Кунцевич, цитата: "Анна Русская доказала...." Юрий Кунцевич не бросал слов на ветер.
Yuri Kuntsevich, quote: "Anna Russian proved...." Yuri Kuntsevich did not throw words to the wind.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzk3BHAAHtw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzk3BHAAHtw)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 02, 2023, 09:55:05 AM
"We have a lot of women who are fiercely speaking out with their versions. Take Anna Russian, who accused Kirilenko, the first secretary of the regional party committee, proved, provided materials, wrote the book "Ural Golgotha".
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on February 02, 2023, 10:24:29 AM
"We have a lot of women who are fiercely speaking out with their versions. Take Anna Russian, who accused Kirilenko, the first secretary of the regional party committee, proved, provided materials, wrote the book "Ural Golgotha".

Writing a book is a great accomplishment.

May I summarise what I understand it to imply in its simplest form.

That someone, or a group of people reported the DP9 of crimes/dissidence against the idealism of the Soviet Union.

The reporting of such acts would be taken seriously by the KGB/CSPU.

At some point the decision was taken to liquidate the DP9 by the KGB.

The opertuinty to do this was decided that during the hike would be the easiest way to liquidate them with the least complication to trials/investigations etc. ( This would also be a possible way to stop any activity in the UPI of acts against the state?) .

Rightly or wrongly , this is what was decided. Following , finding the bodies and the unusual circumstances at 1079 , this may have raised questions by the innocent investigators/searchers at the site and all the oddities of autopsies etc.

The mostly inoccent investigators , were told, case closed, end of, no more questions.

Is that basically a fair evaluation?.

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: GlennM on February 02, 2023, 11:40:05 AM
Anna has given us her " I can't be wrong" explanation.  She posts repeatedly in this forum trying to sell her concept ( and book). In her case, I can't be wrong, really means, I'm not illogical. She can have a logically consistent arguement based on false premises. She posits the DP9 were deserving of liquidation by employing the bandwagon effect logical fallacy. She then defends her point of view by citing any and all peripheral details that are a good fit. This is all logical, but has no meaningful bearing on what happened on 1079. When it comes down to proving anything, well logic and truth should be the same, but are not.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 03, 2023, 07:04:47 AM
.....This is all logical, but has no meaningful bearing on what happened on 1079. When it comes down to proving anything, well logic and truth should be the same, but are not.

My mistake is that I wrote the first posts in Russian. Read this and let me know what is illogical and what evidence is needed? I will publish them. A short version of the version of the "State Order for liquidation":
1. Stalinists like Kirilenko, who was born in 1906, were in power.. having absorbed the Stalinist method of government with blood.

2. The scandalous UPI conference of 1956 with a student's speech against the system. The party members were scared and confused.. They were most afraid of a repeat of the situation.

3. The fight against dissent and opposition has become tougher. Especially after the letter from the Kremlin "On the fight against anti-Soviet elements with attention to youth and students.".

4.As a consequence, information dissemination and exposure flourished. Dyatlovtsy fell under this distribution.. especially Kolmogorova, Dyatlov, Dubinin, who probably refused to enroll in the ranks of informants.  It was then that false denunciations appeared, because of which the students were threatened with the death penalty. Yu. Yudin: "Denunciations were written against the Dyatlovites that they were spies and wanted to flee abroad."
5. The head of the Sverdlovsk region was a mentally limited, cruel, vindictive careerist. We remember from history how, not without Kirilenko's help, the Novocherkassk riot of unarmed workers, the Komsomol protest in Timertau -59 and rallies in Shymkent were shot.. All suppression of these protests was decided by the Kremlin commissions and each time such a commission included A.P. Kirilenko. Therefore, I believe that the shootings in Novocherkassk, Timertau, Shymkent, on the Dyatlov Pass are links in one chain of repression.
6.21 The Congress of the CPSU served as a starting point for the liquidation of the group, to which terrible denunciations were written that they wanted to escape abroad. Imagine: a congress is taking place, Kiriyenko reports: The Sverdlovsk region is approaching the heights of communism by leaps and bounds, and he is informed that students in his region are fleeing en masse to the west.
7. The party leaders took control of the case and forced prosecutors and investigators to perjure themselves that the group died as a result of an accident, that is, they could not cope with the bad weather. Ordered to close the case, not investigated.. and classified.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 03, 2023, 07:08:59 AM
Is that basically a fair evaluation?.
да, справедливая, но есть еще детали..
Yes, that's fair, but there are other details..
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: GlennM on February 03, 2023, 12:37:15 PM
If #4 is valid then according to the bulk of the post, a bullet would be the best solution  to liquidate the hikers. This could be done by a long range sniper rifle. The killers would be in and out in a very short time. If this was political, then a death warrant could be pinned to each Hikerr's clothes. But, none of this happened. The opportunity to strike fear into the heart of dissidents fails because their death sends a mixed message of causality. A bullet by contrast, makes things certain.

If #4 is true, the government wished to control dissidents by free and public humiliation. Far more effective to arrest them at school, not in the middle of nowhere! Therefore, they were neither arrested, not humiliated before the public.

The reasoning provided above my post is logical, but one must accept all the premises l. My reply is also logical and speculative.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 03, 2023, 11:20:00 PM
The reasoning provided above my post is logical, but one must accept all the premises l. My reply is also logical and speculative.
About public humiliation. In the memory of the party members, the Komsomol conference, shameful for them, thundered all over the world. The arrest and trial of the best students can turn into unpredictability and a new protest for party members. In addition, "arrest" and "liquidate" are different concepts. In my personal opinion, the party members liked radical methods of dealing with the objectionable more.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 03, 2023, 11:30:51 PM
If #4 is valid then according to the bulk of the post, a bullet would be the best solution  to liquidate the hikers.
Насчет пули. Вы рассуждаете правильно, и, возможно такой вариант расстрела каждого неугодного поодиночке – рассматривался службами. Как пример: странный случай с Людмилой в походе 1957, когда ее ранили в ногу. Не было ли это покушением? Но у снайпера дрогнула рука? Петр Бартоломей объясняет этот случай так (смотри скриншот): Барто был руководителем похода в  Саяны. В походе они охотились на белок. Участник похода Ведерников стукнул ружьем по дереву, и ружье выстрелило и попало Люде в ногу. Ведерникова уже нет, он ответить не может. Этот случай странный и мог быть неудачным покушением на Люду.

About the bullet. You are reasoning correctly, and perhaps this option of shooting each objectionable one by one was considered by the services. As an example: a strange case with Lyudmila on a hike in 1957, when she was wounded in the leg. Was it an attempted murder? But the sniper's hand was shaking? Peter Bartholomew explains this case as follows: Bartholomew was the leader of the Sayana company. During the hike, they hunted squirrels. Hunter Vladimir Vedernikov hit a tree with a gun, a shot occurred, a bullet hit Lyudmila in the leg. Vedernikov is no more, he can't answer. This case is strange and could have been an unsuccessful attempt on Lyudmila.
(https://i.ibb.co/SvrbCGy/image.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/).
(https://i.ibb.co/cwnXsTw/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/kJC6PcJ)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 06, 2023, 12:55:24 AM
Власть знала о трагедии уже 2 февраля! Об этом говорил Юрий Кунцевич (имеется видеосвидетельство), об этом же говорил Юрий Юдин: власть все знала до начала поисков.
В каком случае власть могла знать и молчать? Только в том, когда была причастна к трагедии на Перевале,
Не забываем, что дело было заведено 6 февраля, записка следователя Темпалова написана 15 февраля.

The authorities knew about the tragedy already on February 2! Yuri Kuntsevich talked about it (there is video evidence), Yuri Yudin also talked about it: the authorities knew everything even before the search for the missing began.
In what case could the authorities know and remain silent? Only when she was involved in the tragedy at the pass,
do not forget that the case was initiated on February 6, the note of investigator Tempаlhof was written on February 15.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 10, 2023, 01:38:19 PM
According to my version, there was no way out of the tent undressed!
In the evening, the guys were tricked into leaving the tent (for example, to help a wounded hunter) and escorted to a forest belt to a cedar tree, where a fire was burning and a flooring was made. The guys were trapped.. but the order to undress was met with resistance. A fight started.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 16, 2023, 09:59:34 AM
Indisputable facts that cannot be refuted, which form the picture of the tragedy
1. In the UPI in November 1956, a scandalous conference was held criticizing the authorities. (there is an archive document)
2. In December, the leadership of the CPSU Central Committee sent a document entitled "On combating anti-Soviet elements" to all party organizations throughout the country, demanding that attention be paid to young people and students. (there is an archival document).
3. The expulsion of unwanted students from the UP I began.
4. From January 27 to February 5, the 21st Congress of the CPSU was held in Moscow.
5. On February 2, Dyatlov's group of 9 people died in the Urals.
6. On February 6, a criminal case was opened without a number.
7. On February 20, the search began.
8. According to former student Slobtsov, they were escorted by Kirilenko with the words: "Look, maybe you will find traces of how they escaped to Norway undressed, without pants».
9. The characteristics of Kirilenko, the head of the Sverdlovsk regional Committee are the most negative. "Boor, tyrant, bonecracker, semi-literate, stupid, vindictive, bulldozer type"
10. On February 24, a tent was discovered by forester Pashin (see his testimony), on February 26, a tent was discovered by search engines Sharavin and Slobtsov.
11. On February 27, the first bodies were found near the cedar. Undressed, with lacerations of hands and face.
12. The search and the Criminal case were supervised by the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee. Yeshtokin was present in the Department. Kirilenko came to Ivdel twice.
13. Already on March 10, the regional committee creates a commission, which on March 27, 1959 comes to the conclusion that tourists died from frost. The report was sent to the Central Committee of the CPSU "the whole group died, they could not cope with the weather conditions." (archival documents are available). The investigation is not over yet, 4 corpses have not been found.
14. The investigation was conducted at the direction of the authorities. In fact, there was no investigation. Fingerprints have not been taken, there are no clear photographs, there is no investigation of the remains of the fire, there is no examination of fragments of internal organs. There is no case number.
15. The last corpses, with terrible injuries and someone else's underwear on Luda Dubinina, were found in May. At the same time, the case was dismissed on the instructions of the party.
16. In August 1956, a Komsomol protest broke out at the Komsomol construction site in Temirtau due to impossible living conditions and lack of food and water. Kirilenko goes to solve the problem with the protesting Komsomol members together with other members of the commission. The protest was brutally suppressed, killed and executed.

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 23, 2023, 11:15:58 AM
Mikhail Sharavin, who discovered the tent, cut it with an ice axe.
Former UPI student, search engine Mikhail Sharavin tells how he and B. Slobtsov found and cut the tent with an ice axe.
Quote (in abbreviation): when we ran up, we saw a pair of skis and an ice axe near the tent. My first thought was: is there anyone in the tent.  It was clear that they had crashed. We chop the snow and the front of the tent with an ice axe. At the bottom we found jackets, backpacks, a stove with firewood, a flask with alcohol, which we took with us to the search engine camp.
It is strange that the tent inside was not covered with snow.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjpL_20x13s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjpL_20x13s)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 26, 2023, 09:49:44 AM
On the screenshot:
On November 4, 1956, the issue was discussed at the Presidium of the Central Committee (in the Kremlin).:
"On the purification of universities from anti-Soviet elements." Furtseva, Pospelov, Shelepin and the Minister of Higher Education of the USSR were instructed to make appropriate proposals. On December 6, 1956, the Central Committee of the CPSU prepared a draft letter to all party organizations on measures to curb anti-Soviet hostile elements. It was also decided to develop a law on combating anti-Sovietism.
Second screenshot:
Archival document dated December 14, 1956
Draft letter "On strengthening party organizations to prevent the emergence of anti-Soviet elements."
It is impossible to translate this from Russian verbatim.
(https://i.ibb.co/y08HSBw/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/6Y4jBJ3).

(https://i.ibb.co/J34h50L/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/bbZfzqh)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: cib on February 26, 2023, 11:53:54 AM
Dear Anna, from your version I agree with you that the students were murdered and dogs were used, which, for example, caused a clear pattern of incised, stabbing and blunt wounds on Thibeaux right hand. Years ago and after 3 attempts without a response from the Foundation, I directly presented to the late Yuri Kuntsevich 2 expert reports based on the morphology and morphometry of the dental semi-arches of a dog with a dolichocephalic skull, such as the German shepherd. And also, photos throughout my life, amateur training various dog breeds of prey including: Boxer, spanish Alano, Bullterrier and Rottweiler.

(https://i.ibb.co/zGyQRCj/fotoefectos-com-63.jpg) (https://ibb.co/HnWBzR1)
(https://i.ibb.co/yP76v2j/fotoefectos-com-34.jpg) (https://ibb.co/jfsy0tX)
(https://i.ibb.co/3WgVcYs/fotoefectos-com-54.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Dk0mQgb)

The question is, ¿Was your version known to Yuri Kuntsevich or Professor Bartholomew?.

Greetings.  thanky1
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 26, 2023, 12:26:17 PM
Thank you, I'm glad I found a like-minded person who supports my version. I wrote about dog bites everywhere, but no one supported me. But I'm sure the guys are bitten by dogs. Bartholomew and Kuntsevich know about my version. they have my books. Bartholomew is an ardent opponent. And Kuntsevich (see the top post), said, "Anna Russian wrote a book and proved.." MY VERSION IS A CRIME. THEY WERE KILLED BY ORDER FROM ABOVE (because of A false denunciation).
(https://i.ibb.co/2qr99JC/3.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/).(https://i.ibb.co/HYBj92F/image.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/).(https://i.ibb.co/4Vms8j4/1.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/).(https://i.ibb.co/265rb0H/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/1nbNSYj)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 26, 2023, 12:29:23 PM
(https://i.ibb.co/bz5wsJK/image.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/).(https://i.ibb.co/xSVXGXV/4.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: cib on February 26, 2023, 01:55:43 PM
Thanks for your answer. I got a positive response from Yuri Kuntsevich and he told me that he was going to add my version to his investigation. We both agreed that the illogical and suicidal location of the store was a setup and also a falsehood, the fact that an expert like Igor Dyatlov had ordered to abandon and deviate 1.5 km from the traditional and sheltered route of Mansi hunters to access and descend to the tributaries of the Lozva on its way to Otorten.

Green: Path. Red: Tent Yellow: Crater

(https://i.ibb.co/nQtBWWG/fotoefectos-com-64.jpg) (https://ibb.co/BTFG11p)

I feel that prof. Bartholomew be so hostile to you. I agree with him that the event was due to the launch of a missile, what happens is that I think it was the ICBM R-7 and the Storm. I have not had the pleasure of communicating with him, but I did present Yuri Kuntsevich with Soviet maps of missile trajectories and it can be seen how the Baikonur-Nova Zembla route flies over the Dyatlov Pass on the Northern Route. Numerous testimonies, both civilian and military, attest to several sightings as well as a missile monitoring and control station at the Ilych base, located 21 km from the pass. My hypothesis has the virtue of satisfying those people who think that even if the store was on a hillside lashed by the winds, something happened to make them flee and it is simply the existence of an explosion crater that hit the eastern slope of Jólat Siajl and was photographed by Semyon. The sudden release of kinetic energy was recorded by the sophisticated Yekaterinburg CKM seismograph on the night of February 2, 1959 at 4:02 am local time. The next day, military technicians from the Ilych station flew over the area of the failed launch and, seeing the students, reported it and ordered the Ivdellag Vokhr guards to arrest them. But they defended themselves and a fight occurred, with tragic consequences for the students, as postulated by the forensic pathologist Tumanov and the Spanish professor of physical medicine, Miguel Angel Pertierra.

1. North Route trajectory
(https://i.ibb.co/FXHGzff/5-1-1024x569-1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/jzJ7Dxx)

2. Tracking parameters of the missile from the Ilych base.
(https://i.ibb.co/4g99M6s/rkpiis-2016-3-2a.png) (https://ibb.co/cXMMtGb)

3. photo of the missile obtained by Zolotaryov
(https://i.ibb.co/M7fDG2Q/Zolotaryov-camera-07.jpg) (https://ibb.co/2dS7snH)

4. Crater coordinates
61°45'48.6"N 59°24'30.2"E

5. Seismogram
(https://i.ibb.co/dQmKBsK/1367683887-seysmogramma-sve-sh-ew-02-0-copia.jpg) (https://ibb.co/zS6fsWf)

(https://i.ibb.co/K7SFpLN/images-1.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
(https://i.ibb.co/hDfbmbH/800px.jpg) (https://ibb.co/vZYpjpm)

7. Rebuttals of the official version of forensics Tumanov and Pertierra.

Greetings.  thanky1

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on February 26, 2023, 03:33:35 PM
Thanks for your answer. I got a positive response from Yuri Kuntsevich and he told me that he was going to add my version to his investigation. We both agreed that the illogical and suicidal location of the store was a setup and also a falsehood, the fact that an expert like Igor Dyatlov had ordered to abandon and deviate 1.5 km from the traditional and sheltered route of Mansi hunters to access and descend to the tributaries of the Lozva on its way to Otorten.

Green: Path. Red: Tent Yellow: Crater

(https://i.ibb.co/nQtBWWG/fotoefectos-com-64.jpg) (https://ibb.co/BTFG11p)

I feel that prof. Bartholomew be so hostile to you. I agree with him that the event was due to the launch of a missile, what happens is that I think it was the ICBM R-7 and the Storm. I have not had the pleasure of communicating with him, but I did present Yuri Kuntsevich with Soviet maps of missile trajectories and it can be seen how the Baikonur-Nova Zembla route flies over the Dyatlov Pass on the Northern Route. Numerous testimonies, both civilian and military, attest to several sightings as well as a missile monitoring and control station at the Ilych base, located 21 km from the pass. My hypothesis has the virtue of satisfying those people who think that even if the store was on a hillside lashed by the winds, something happened to make them flee and it is simply the existence of an explosion crater that hit the eastern slope of Jólat Siajl and was photographed by Semyon. The sudden release of kinetic energy was recorded by the sophisticated Yekaterinburg CKM seismograph on the night of February 2, 1959 at 4:02 am local time. The next day, military technicians from the Ilych station flew over the area of the failed launch and, seeing the students, reported it and ordered the Ivdellag Vokhr guards to arrest them. But they defended themselves and a fight occurred, with tragic consequences for the students, as postulated by the forensic pathologist Tumanov and the Spanish professor of physical medicine, Miguel Angel Pertierra.

1. North Route trajectory
(https://i.ibb.co/FXHGzff/5-1-1024x569-1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/jzJ7Dxx)

2. Tracking parameters of the missile from the Ilych base.
(https://i.ibb.co/4g99M6s/rkpiis-2016-3-2a.png) (https://ibb.co/cXMMtGb)

3. photo of the missile obtained by Zolotaryov
(https://i.ibb.co/M7fDG2Q/Zolotaryov-camera-07.jpg) (https://ibb.co/2dS7snH)

4. Crater coordinates
61°45'48.6"N 59°24'30.2"E

5. Seismogram
(https://i.ibb.co/dQmKBsK/1367683887-seysmogramma-sve-sh-ew-02-0-copia.jpg) (https://ibb.co/zS6fsWf)

(https://i.ibb.co/K7SFpLN/images-1.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
(https://i.ibb.co/hDfbmbH/800px.jpg) (https://ibb.co/vZYpjpm)

7. Rebuttals of the official version of forensics Tumanov and Pertierra.

Greetings.  thanky1

Hi cib,

Why was the set up of the store illogical and suicidal location? Why was it a set up and a falsehood?  It's not a trick question and the map detail is interesting.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: tenne on February 26, 2023, 03:40:36 PM
I think that with the dog bites it would be interesting to see if police dogs and army? KGB? dogs are trained differently as to where to bite? I can see non-police dogs not being trained to grab onto the arm and being trained to do much more damage but I'm not sure that is what was done or is done.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on February 26, 2023, 04:07:19 PM
I think that with the dog bites it would be interesting to see if police dogs and army? KGB? dogs are trained differently as to where to bite? I can see non-police dogs not being trained to grab onto the arm and being trained to do much more damage but I'm not sure that is what was done or is done.

I am no expert, on dogs trained for police or war but I have a couple of observations. In the UK and west they are trained to grab the are or thigh. With limited penetration. ( Law suits would be huge other wise, death by punctured arteries , disfigurement etc. ) .

This might not be the case in 1950's Russia, I don't know but again there is a practicality on how and why dogs are used. I don't think it has anything to do with biting a hand or the fleash of a cheek.

If the dog is trained to kill, it's a different thing all together. The examples of dog bites being shown in the photos are of untrained dogs or strays  biting. They show no sign of ripping fleash. When a trained dog bites the clothes or leg/ arm it's to stop the Pearson. At which point does the dog , if trained bite the hand or face and let go . Where are the defence wounds?

There should be forearm bite marks at the very least or open wounds at very least.

There is nothing to support dog, wolf or anything else in the autopsy?

Why bring dogs anyway?

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: cib on February 26, 2023, 04:13:45 PM
Hi, Ziljoe and Tenee. I don't want to be rude, but like Teddy I neither debate nor counter argument, because I already did it in his day and in this forum en 2019. I recommend a version with which I agree 100% and personally enriched with 3 tests:

1. Soviet Baikonur-Nova Zembla missile trajectory map.

2. Location of the crater produced by an ICBM R-7 missile.

3. Verification of the impact, by seismogram.

Version by Alexander Kas : http://istclub.ru/topic/17-%d1%82%d0%b0%d0%b9%d0%bd%d0%b0-%d0%b3%d0%b8%d0%b1

Greetings to both.

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on February 26, 2023, 04:38:50 PM
Hi, Ziljoe and Tenee. I don't want to be rude, but like Teddy I neither debate nor counter argument, because I already did it in his day and in this forum en 2019. I recommend a version with which I agree 100% and personally enriched with 3 tests:

1. Soviet Baikonur-Nova Zembla missile trajectory map.

2. Location of the crater produced by an ICBM R-7 missile.

3. Verification of the impact, by seismogram.

Version by Alexander Kas : http://istclub.ru/topic/17-%d1%82%d0%b0%d0%b9%d0%bd%d0%b0-%d0%b3%d0%b8%d0%b1

Greetings to both.

I'm comfortable with that cib. But I will ask questions, these questions are for my own understanding.

At this moment in time I can't see or understand the use of dogs or your doubling up with a rocket test and the illogical set up of the store / labaz, / cache.

You have put forward a rocket crash, dogs and your experience with dogs and the labaz being illogical.

There must be a chronological order, which happened first?
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: GlennM on February 26, 2023, 10:25:48 PM
The tent was snowed up, except for the entrance, the southern abutting end, which was sticking out from under the snow. The tent’s canvas was covered with hardened swelled up snow 15-20 cm (4-6 in) deep. There was an ice-ax stuck near the entrance and a flashlight on the tent’s top, closer to the entrance. There was around 5-10 cm (2-4 in) of snow under it; however, the flashlight itself was not snowed up. No other items were noticed outside the tent. Below, to the east from the tent, there was a visible section of snow, which looked as if lowered or blown out or flattened, about 7 m (23 feet) wide.

It seems to me that if I was an assassin, I would control the situation by insisting each hiker come out one by one through the tent flap in front. Yet, the prevailing explanation is that (1) they cut their way out of the tent (2) they went in different directions upon exit (3) they regrouped and went to the woods. In short, what the physical evidence shows is the very anthisis of what a cold calculating murderer would allow. It was not murder. But, don't let facts get in the way of a good story!
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: cib on February 26, 2023, 10:27:31 PM
It's very simple to understand, Ziljoe. You assume that the official version is true and I am false. ¿Do I have to convince you otherwise?, no, because everyone chooses their own path. The bottom line is that the Dyatlov Pass was, is, and will continue to be a state secret that not even Yeltsin himself, with Perestroika + glasnot, could reveal, and that together with his wife they studied at the same university as the students. Likewise, the relatives of the victims wrote to Putin and washed their hands of it. In addition, on January 1, 2021, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishutin approved by legislative decree new tax regulations to expand and perpetuate said state secrets. From a legal point of view, the case will only be resolved if criminal proceedings are initiated by the relatives of the victims. In this process, the official exhumation is key to validating or refuting those that were carried out in 1959. But there is a problem that in the conference for the 64th anniversary of the tragedy, Professor Bartolomew stated, and that is that, due to longevity, they are the people involved die and there is a risk that the case will be lost in oblivion or in commemorative acts and not in critical investigation. Years ago, I told Yuri Kuntsevich that I personally paid for a drone to check the explosion crater. I also told Teddy last year and got no response from the two of us. There they...

Source: http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001202111020035?index=0&rangeSize=1

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 26, 2023, 10:30:08 PM
I feel that prof. Bartholomew be so hostile to you.
kib, I'm asking you not to advertise the rocket version. You can open your topic on the forum. Bartholomew is against my version because he knows that my version is the only true one. At that time, he studied at UPI, he was on the council of the trade union committee, which collected dirt on Dyatlov, and therefore he is afraid that I may also accuse him of betraying the group.
THE VERSION ABOUT THE MISSILES IS A FAKE, SPREAD BY THE KGB AS DISINFORMATION. The whole of Sverdlovsk and the UPI trade union committee talked about the missile version, but no one was punished for disclosing state Secrets.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 26, 2023, 10:38:55 PM
It seems to me that if I was an assassin, I would control the situation by insisting each hiker come out one by one through the tent flap in front.
According to my version, the group did not run out of the tent without clothes. They came out warmly dressed. They were tricked into helping (for example, a wounded hunter). Running out naked into the cold is absurd! In addition, the soles of the feet were not damaged, and the socks were not torn.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: cib on February 26, 2023, 10:45:57 PM
Dear Anna:

1. cib, not kib.
2. I write what I want because democratic freedom of expression protects me.
3. You don't have to yell at me in capital letters and highlight your personal opinion in bold.
4. If you allow me, it is a bit arrogant and arrogant, that your version is the only true one.
5. Your personal problems with Professor Bartolomé are not my problems.
6. I love it when you get angry. If you visit Spain, I invite you to dinner.

Greetings. thanky1
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 26, 2023, 10:49:21 PM
The examples of dog bites being shown in the photos are of untrained dogs or strays  biting. They show no sign of ripping fleash. When a trained dog bites the clothes or leg/ arm it's to stop the Pearson.
The dogs were probably poorly trained and didn't even want to get out of the helicopter. The bites on the cheeks and hands are obvious! VOHR took dogs to catch fugitives. In this case, so that the group could not escape from the liquidators.
The guys climbed the cedar tree to escape from the dogs!
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 26, 2023, 10:56:10 PM
Dear Anna:
2. I write what I want because democratic freedom of expression protects me.
I am also for freedom of expression of my thoughts and arguments. You can refute my version, I will listen carefully and even with pleasure. But do not advertise a rocket here, otherwise I will refute in bold.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: cib on February 26, 2023, 11:26:26 PM
Breathe, Anna. We both agree that there was a murder, the difference is that you think it was politically motivated and I don't. And I insist again, that in this international forum, I plan to write wherever I want and whatever I want. ¿Is it clear to you?.

Thanks and kind regards  thanky1
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: amashilu on February 27, 2023, 05:43:18 AM

I am interested in your theory. Can you tell more about it?

For example:
How did the Ravine 4 get such horrific injuries?  —  were these from the rocket blast, or were they from the fight with the men sent to arrest them?
A flattened skull and crushed ribs would take so much force, they would be disabled and could not have walked; how did these guys get to the stream?
If the plane sent to look over the rocket area did not come until the next day, what did the hikers do in the meantime? Were they already injured?
And what are your thoughts on the snow "den"?

Thank you, all the best.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: cib on February 27, 2023, 07:59:37 AM
Thank you very much for your interest, Amashilu. I will send you your questions privately, because yesterday I told Ziljoe and Tenne that after so many years of interest in the tragic event, I no longer feel like debating or refuting. I can even understand Anna discomfort with me since it is a specific thread of her version, but I do not accept impositions and I do give reasons. As I already explained yesterday, I recommend that you read the links that I put regarding the traumatic injuries of students and the version of Alexander kas. I don't want to be arrogant, but my version is based, among other data, on expert reports from various university faculties in Spain, such as Veterinary Sciences, Geology and the National Seismological Center. As well as my experience as an amateur trainer of prey dogs, a non-federated mountaineer and a simple soldier who did my country's compulsory military service in the Special Operations Company. For me, the Dyatlov Case has required time, effort and why not say it, money. ¿Can I be wrong in my conclusions? Of course.

I wish you the best and greetings to all.  thanky1
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: amashilu on February 27, 2023, 08:19:10 AM
Thank you so much, cib. I did open your links a couple days ago, but one is in Russian and the other is in Spanish and in my boundless laziness, I was hoping to not have to translate, so thought I would try to short-cut by just asking you.  grin1
I look forward to a private message from you. Your theory is intriguing.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 27, 2023, 09:15:10 AM
Thank you so much, cib. I did open your links a couple days ago, but one is in Russian and the other is in Spanish and in my boundless laziness,.. 
I see that cib does not have specific answers to specific questions.. but my version answers all the questions:
1. Terrible injuries in the stream - the result of a fight between tourists and liquidators. There was an order to undress so that the tourists froze to death. But the tourists were not weak and submissive. The tourists resisted. A fight started. But the forces were unequal. The tourists were tired and couldn't kill.
2. I repeat: tourists did not leave the tent wounded or undressed. They were lured out of the tent by deception. (to help a wounded hunter)
3. Tourists did not make any snow lair.
4. The helicopter that arrived the next morning could have arrived to pick up the liquidators and make sure that the task was completed
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on February 27, 2023, 10:13:36 AM
It's very simple to understand, Ziljoe. You assume that the official version is true and I am false. ¿Do I have to convince you otherwise?, no, because everyone chooses their own path. The bottom line is that the Dyatlov Pass was, is, and will continue to be a state secret that not even Yeltsin himself, with Perestroika + glasnot, could reveal, and that together with his wife they studied at the same university as the students. Likewise, the relatives of the victims wrote to Putin and washed their hands of it. In addition, on January 1, 2021, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishutin approved by legislative decree new tax regulations to expand and perpetuate said state secrets. From a legal point of view, the case will only be resolved if criminal proceedings are initiated by the relatives of the victims. In this process, the official exhumation is key to validating or refuting those that were carried out in 1959. But there is a problem that in the conference for the 64th anniversary of the tragedy, Professor Bartolomew stated, and that is that, due to longevity, they are the people involved die and there is a risk that the case will be lost in oblivion or in commemorative acts and not in critical investigation. Years ago, I told Yuri Kuntsevich that I personally paid for a drone to check the explosion crater. I also told Teddy last year and got no response from the two of us. There they...

Source: http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001202111020035?index=0&rangeSize=1


Hi cib

You assume that I think the official version was true and also assume that I think your version is false.

What I think , is that the official version is all they can conclude. The case files are contradictive , the evidence poorly documented and I believe this is within the realms of genuine good intentions. The search/ rescue of 9 people

The case files are extremely open, it's so natural in its flow of miscommunication and contradictions by eye witnesses that it has a lot of credibility .

I can't see why dog bites were not reported when fractured skulls were , the nurse would have said in her later statements that they had dog bites. I personally think it's impossible to look at an old black a white photo  and say it was a dog bite, especially one that has been submerged in water and exposed to frostbite.

The case may remain a state secret for two reasons.

1) perhaps there is no secret. We have everything that the authorities have .

2) that the state are protecting other secrets that could expose Russias security.

I am opened minded but have yet to read, hear or see anything conclusive against the official version.  Not one witness at the time has said anything that factually says otherwise. They all speculate in their statements that It could of been this or that. They were all there at different times  and different locations swapping their own observations amoungst each other by word of mouth.

It is frustrating .
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ehtnisba on February 27, 2023, 11:11:05 AM
(https://i.ibb.co/MNy8Xgj/3.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/).
(https://i.ibb.co/ZLrfNLb/image.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/).
(https://i.ibb.co/2qvNZ5M/1.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
(https://i.ibb.co/Cwq5gs0/2.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)

Which hand is this? Looks like the the skin is pealed from all the fingers to the middle of the hand? It is enormous skin hanging . And I think this is not a body from the water where in the coroner report is written that there is bath skin which peals down
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: amashilu on February 27, 2023, 11:30:19 AM
It's Krivonischenko.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 27, 2023, 11:44:58 AM
yes, Krivonishchenko's arm, and it looks like it is broken in the area of the wrist joint.
(https://i.ibb.co/0fdwtJp/5.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ehtnisba on February 27, 2023, 12:46:10 PM
It's Krivonischenko.

What about that big hanging skin? Or it is some play of shadows? It looks to me quite odd how his hand is half skinned. Never have paid attention to his hand until now. That image really stroke me as a weird injury that can't find in the coroner's report.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ehtnisba on February 27, 2023, 02:02:58 PM
yes, Krivonishchenko's arm, and it looks like it is broken in the area of the wrist joint.
(https://i.ibb.co/0fdwtJp/5.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)

It also looks with big rugged flesh wound and very unusual amount of loose skin. Like he or somebody else has been dragging that fat piece of skin . Looks extremely painful , kind of like torture wound. My cat once couldn't detach his claws (they pierced my hand skin and he started to drag in opposite way) and my skin pealed just few mm but not just its upper part , I mean the whole layer of skin down to my muscle. It was extremely painful for seconds and all remained swollen for weeks. Seeing  his hand can"t imagine the agony if this is not some play of shadows to make it look so deep ?
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on February 27, 2023, 02:59:56 PM
There is no report of a broken wrist, if they were going to avoid reporting broken bone or fractures, they would not have reported the other fractures.

What it says regarding the left hand.

"In the middle phalanx of the fingers 4-5 cutaneous wound with hard edges and charred surface
detachment of the 2 cm epidermis on the back of his left hand'"

Epidermis being the top layer of skin at about .5 of a mm.

I think there's easier ways to torture people than pealing of .5 mm of skin on a cold and windy night.

Your cat sounds like a panther or lion!  shock1
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ehtnisba on February 27, 2023, 04:32:40 PM
There is no report of a broken wrist, if they were going to avoid reporting broken bone or fractures, they would not have reported the other fractures.

What it says regarding the left hand.

"In the middle phalanx of the fingers 4-5 cutaneous wound with hard edges and charred surface
detachment of the 2 cm epidermis on the back of his left hand'"

Epidermis being the top layer of skin at about .5 of a mm.

I think there's easier ways to torture people than pealing of .5 mm of skin on a cold and windy night.

Your cat sounds like a panther or lion!  shock1

Haha he is fluffy easily scared british shorthair. I had no cage and needed just to take him out of the car and let him home. The sound of the traffick startled him to catch on me with all nails possible 😆😆😆

So 5sm pealed skin sounds really terrific if I imagine the pealing as it happened to me. Half mm skin thickness gonna hurt. I don't think it is way of torture, but makes me curious what could cause to such extend without one not screaming his lungs out of pain. Or I could be very biased due to my experience and on a cold /frostbitten hand it can happen without feeling it this way. The place of that wound is the most strange , when no cat is involved.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: cib on February 27, 2023, 11:19:35 PM
Good morning, Anna. In my opinion, your politically motivated removal assumption is wrong and actually ended up in court for defamation since you were unable to produce any official removal documents for the 9 students. Please, I need you to develop 2 very simple questions:

1. ¿What military or paramilitary unit did the liquidators belong to?.

2. ¿Which air unit of the Soviet Army did the rescue helicopter belong to and from which base did it depart?.

¡Ah! Since you and I have had a relationship with Yuri Kuntsevich, I am attaching photos with remains of an ICBM UR-100 missile found in the Dyatlov Pass, an Ak-47 cal projectile. 7.62 and another historical photo from 1985 with missile fragments. Be an adult and don't get angry, but you already know that the prof. Bartolomé and I fully agree that the Dyatlov Case is technological in origin.

(https://i.ibb.co/tHMFYCG/fotoefectos-com-69.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
(https://i.ibb.co/c3hsxmR/Dyatlov-pass-rocket-launch-01.jpg) (https://ibb.co/MSkJ9XK)
(https://i.ibb.co/sRF2LVm/f-24.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
(https://i.ibb.co/Cw4fSK7/wr-960.jpg) (https://ibb.co/kGztP28)

Regards  thanky1

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on February 28, 2023, 02:23:28 AM
Hi cib,

Do you have any info on the bullet. Having had a quick Google regarding the round with the red tip, it seems it could be a incendiary or tracer round and dare I even mention it, a explosive round....
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: cib on February 28, 2023, 03:11:35 AM
Hi, Ziljoe. It is an incendiary-piercing bullet mod. B-32

(https://i.ibb.co/J7Pskcg/fotoefectos-com-72.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on February 28, 2023, 03:57:58 AM
Thanks cib,

I want ask some questions and there not designed to trip you up and you might not have the answers.

You have some military back ground I believe. Why would any personnel  have that round on them. Is it not a spealised  type of ammunition?.

Is there any dates to manufacture?

The picture of the round doesn't look like it hit anything? It may have been fired into the sky and fell. However it is a curiosity.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: cib on February 28, 2023, 05:05:41 AM
Thanks to you, Ziljoe. I don't forget that last year you helped me in a private matter.

1. The ammunition is military and may indicate its presence in the area. But I am making an assumption and not an assertion.

2. It is a common projectile adopted by the Red Army in 1932, which had a modernized version called B-32M in 1954. The projectile that is specialized due to its limited production is the BS-40 incendiary-piercing because its core was made of ceramic metal based on tungsten carbide and its production stopped in 1941.

(https://i.ibb.co/94gFgdn/fotoefectos-com-74.jpg) (https://ibb.co/xgLpLrh)

3. The projectile was fired, because you can see the grooves or helical grooves inside the rifled barrel. And its directional trajectory, since there was no deformation, was both in a vertical and horizontal plane.

Regards.  thumb1

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 28, 2023, 05:14:09 AM
Be an adult and don't get angry, but you already know that the prof. Bartolomé and I fully agree that the Dyatlov Case is technological in origin.
Bartholomew is not an authority for me.. At one time, he appropriated my book, which I donated to the UPI library. However, after much bickering, he sent the money. Barton was on the board of the UPI trade union committee, and Yu. Yudin said that the trade union committee was scribbling denunciations and dirty lampoons on the Dyatlovites.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 28, 2023, 05:19:39 AM
Since you and I have had a relationship with Yuri Kuntsevich, I am attaching photos with remains of an ICBM UR-100 missile found in the Dyatlov Pass, an Ak-47 cal projectile. 7.62
This piece of iron means nothing.. it was examined in the laboratory and came to the conclusion that it does not belong to the rocket.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 28, 2023, 05:33:02 AM
Good morning, Anna. In my opinion, your politically motivated removal assumption is wrong and actually ended up in court for defamation since you were unable to produce any official removal documents for the 9 students.
My trial proves that my version is the closest hypothesis to the truth!! Otherwise Varsegova would not have taken up my book. MY VERSION WAS RECOGNIZED BY THE COURT OF THE 1ST INSTANCE. MY BOOK BECAME THE WINNER IN THE APPEAL, AND THE CASSATION AND THE SUPREME COURT STRENGTHENED MY VICTORY!!! thumb1 thumb1 dance1 dance1 dance1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFrGuyw1V8s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFrGuyw1V8s)

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: cib on February 28, 2023, 06:57:09 AM
Let's go in parts, dear Anna.

1. You have not answered the 2 questions I have asked you.

2. In relation to judicial proceedings, until you see a final judicial sentence and hear the arguments of the prosecution lawyer, your Abba music video is just music. Nevertheless:
2.1. I don't want to see you in jail.
2.2. Just like I did with Teddy book, I volunteer to translate your book into Spanish. (Teddy: he did no such thing. And now is out of the forum.)
2.3. I insist that if you come to Spain I invite you to dinner.

3. ¿Which laboratory denied that the found part of a missile was false? I am writing this to you, because the fragment of the gas generator of the turbopump unit of the engine of the ICBM UR-100 with serial number 15d9 -1-020 N109 21115d96 24-010 N109 211 was analyzed by the Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Energy Sciences. Materials and this was his technical opinion: "The "15D96" is a RD-0234 propulsion system of the first stage of the MBR 15A35 (UR-100N UTTH, other names SS-19 mod.3, "Stiletto", under contract OSV- 1 RS-18B) developed by NPO Mashinostroeniya (chief designer V. N. Chelomey). Consists of four 15D95 engines. The rocket began testing in 1973 from Baikonur. Serially produced since 1974 at the plant Khrunichev (then a branch of NPO Mashinostroeniya) , and the engine was produced in Voronezh and Perm. In combat service since 1975. The resource has been extended to 30 years. It is currently being withdrawn from service"

(https://i.ibb.co/60Wztnv/wr-750.jpg) (https://ibb.co/MkCr128)
(https://i.ibb.co/fr861GD/i-077-1.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)


Regards.  thanky1

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 28, 2023, 07:05:48 AM
yes, Krivonishchenko's arm, and it looks like it is broken in the area of the wrist joint.
(https://i.ibb.co/0fdwtJp/5.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
This is a terrible laceration on the arm. There should be a lot of blood from this wound. But it is strange that there is no blood on the shirt.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 28, 2023, 07:14:58 AM
1. what court are you talking about?
2. Quote: The panel surface is not machined. And this cannot be either in aviation or in rocket science.
Читайте на WWW.KP.RU: https://www.kp.ru/daily/26926.4/3972807/
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 28, 2023, 07:31:04 AM
киб хватит гнать пургу!
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: amashilu on February 28, 2023, 09:08:13 AM
киб хватит гнать пургу!

Anna, please translate this into English and re-post here.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 28, 2023, 09:29:09 AM
Anna, please translate this into English and re-post here.
This slang is not translatable. Close translation ciba stop talking nonsense or stop grinding the snow wind
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: RMK on February 28, 2023, 05:34:09 PM
(https://i.ibb.co/Cw4fSK7/wr-960.jpg) (https://ibb.co/kGztP28)
I MUST ask: what is the context for this peculiar photo?
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: cib on February 28, 2023, 07:25:42 PM
Good evening RMX. The context is an expedition carried out in 1985 by Alexander Dunkov to the Dyatlov Pass and found the fragment of a thermal insulating panel corresponding to an UR-100 ICBM.

(https://i.ibb.co/cwnckBN/doc2fb-image-02000045-copia.jpg) (https://ibb.co/HC8DBSr)

In 1991 he returned to Dyatlov Pass and found an annular portion of a missile nozzle.

(https://i.ibb.co/LzKVJKq/fotoefectos-com-75.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
(https://i.ibb.co/ftDfrmd/2.png) (https://ibb.co/NpT5Ww2)

Nothing new under the sun, because near the Dyatlov Pass more remains have been found,

(https://i.ibb.co/54R0sHN/fotoefectos-com-76.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
(https://i.ibb.co/gJvyH3F/R1-2018-09-12-11-52-0-00-30-720-560px.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)

which proves that it is a transit route for both the military and aerospace industries, since the days of the Soviet Union.

(https://i.ibb.co/1JD14Bt/5-1-1024x569-1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/93F6dBk)

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 28, 2023, 11:40:13 PM
Review of the book Ural Golgotha or the State Order for Liquidation" by V. M. Askinazi. (excerpts)
"... in order to write such a work, you need to "dig through" so many materials, be able to systematize them down to the smallest fragments, but the main thing is to have the ability, and if you want, the talent to present it so that the reader, who is not even familiar with the topic, has the desire to read the book. This is not given to everyone...."
"The investigative actions, and the court-medical examination were done so that, God forbid, to determine the true picture of the death of the group. ...the authorities had a huge experience in hiding their crimes!!..."

(https://i.ibb.co/T11XgB7/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/JqqLsRG)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 28, 2023, 11:59:36 PM
Photo of Krivonischenko and Doroshenko under the cedar. Pay attention to how clean, white long johns are. If Krivonischenko had run in this form from a tent for 1.5 km, the  long johns would not have been so clean and white. There is also a possibility that in the undressed form of tourists, dogs were ruffled, hence the torn clothes.

(https://i.ibb.co/G99MKcc/1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/SccmhRR)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on March 01, 2023, 12:25:02 AM
Or to look at it another way, they didn't leave the tent in that condition. There are no reports in the autopsy of dog bites nor by the on site witnesses ,neither do any of the family members at the funeral mention dog bites on the open coffins.

If the autopsy reports were dilberatly covering up or withholding information regarding the wounds and injuries, then Surely they would have covered up the fractures and with held that information?

If there were bites they could have blamed wolves or a Wolverine and everything would have been  signed and sealed with no speculation.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on March 01, 2023, 12:46:09 AM
A lot of things are not written in the reports and in the forensic examination.  And the special services worked a lot with the parents and told them to be silent, this fact is well known..
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on March 01, 2023, 12:57:56 AM
Or to look at it another way, they didn't leave the tent in that condition. There are no reports in the autopsy of dog bites nor by the on site witnesses ,neither do any of the family members at the funeral mention dog bites on the open coffins.

(https://i.ibb.co/5LGcnNw/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/SB5vdhG)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on March 05, 2023, 12:24:54 AM
Captain Chernyshov – was one of the liquidators??
Chernyshov was a resident of Vyatka Krai, Verkhoshizhemskiy district.
Screenshot from the VK site "My Verkhoshizhemsky district"
«A resident of the Verkhoshizhemsky district is suspected of murdering a group of Dyatlov.
Quote: ".. Chernyshov was appointed deputy chief of searches – Maslennikov, and after his departure headed the search headquarters…
According to researcher-activist Alexander Kasa, it was Chernyshov's group that participated in the mass murder....
Chernyshov's group is a special group of the Ivdellag, which was engaged in special operations to search for and detain fugitives..
In the photo, Chernyshev shows his tongue.
(https://i.ibb.co/6DNhYQN/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/dk79BZ7).(https://i.ibb.co/T2K19Pn/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/yPhpHgM).(https://i.ibb.co/JKPBghL/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/g3Cjhn1)
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: Per Inge Oestmoen on March 21, 2023, 09:01:06 AM
I disagree.
1. No evidence of wrong doing.
2. Route not conducive to escape
3. Too many influential surviving families
4. Yuri Yuden not liquidated
5. No " show trial"
6. No effort to shame deceased. Quite the opposite. They were treated with respect and given a monument and a geographical location.
7. No official advanced their career as a hero of the people from this.

Modern day conspiracy theorists seek not truth, but fame and money by exploiting a natural calamity.

Every single injury speaks of murder.

The fact that the nine students were from rather high-ranking strata in society, was the very reason why the whole mission had to be arranged to look like an accident.

There was no need to defame anyone. The students were loyal Soviet citizens who, unfortunately for them, were at the wrong place at the wrong time. It was a preventive killing, to preclude any further mention of what the nine had observed.

The KGB were specialists in the orchestrating of "accidents," "suicides" and "natural deaths." The Soviet security police are the most likely perpetrators of this deed.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on March 21, 2023, 01:07:48 PM
There was no need to defame anyone. The students were loyal Soviet citizens who, unfortunately for them, were at the wrong place at the wrong time. It was a preventive killing, to preclude any further mention of what the nine had observed.
The KGB were specialists in the orchestrating of "accidents," "suicides" and "natural deaths." The Soviet security police are the most likely perpetrators of this deed.
Do not forget that the 21st Congress of the CPSU was held at the same time. The party organs could not allow Soviet tourists to escape to the west. It was a false denunciation. And it was a precautionary measure.
Once, a long time ago, I asked a priest: why was Christ crucified?
The priest replied: No way! They crucified him because they were afraid that something would happen.
Title: Re: Госзаказ на ликвидацию. Версия Анны Русских.(с)
Post by: anna_pycckux on March 21, 2023, 01:17:18 PM
Every single injury speaks of murder.
The fact that the nine students were from rather high-ranking strata in society, was the very reason why the whole mission had to be arranged to look like an accident.
Of the 10 students, Zina Kolmogorova, Yuri Doroshenko, Semyon Zolotarev, Yuri Yudin, Sasha Kolevatov were from simple, poor families.But they were brave, honest and principled guys
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on April 05, 2023, 08:44:37 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpVzaEO7b08&t=254s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpVzaEO7b08&t=254s)
Angel Hunting - laughter and Sadness,
Hunting for angels - nothing is a pity,
On a Wild Hill - reality or a dream?
On A Wild Hill - A Wild Paddock
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on April 13, 2023, 09:32:16 PM
In 1959, 9 young, promising guys died in the Ural Mountains. They died a painful, horrible death, and the perpetrators have not yet been announced. The investigation was not conducted properly, the case was closed, the perpetrators of the tragedy were not named.
But 60 years later, a trial took place.... over the book-version of Anna Russian "Ural Golgotha, or the state order for liquidation". The trial was fantastic, unreal and absurd. This process eclipsed the "PROCESS" of Franz Kafka. I have written a book about this process and my philosophical discoveries. The book was published the other day, in April 2023.

(https://i.ibb.co/41j71yb/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/jJLTJKC)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on June 05, 2023, 03:58:49 AM
In my book, in addition to the main one, there is a version called "Zina against the seducer from the KGB." The version is based on well-known facts. Yu. Yudin about Zina: "All men were not indifferent to her." One day Zina was summoned to the KGB to conclude a cooperation agreement. An elderly KGB officer drooled at the sight of a beautiful girl. He offered her his protection for the fact that she agreed to become his mistress. Zina refused. She said she had a fiance. Doroshenko was immediately warned: "Either you get another girl, or your whole life is going downhill."

Doroshenko decided to leave Zina for a while until UPI is completed and he becomes independent. But Zina still remained inaccessible to a KGB officer, like the screen image of Greta Garbo for a projectionist. Once, having ordered to undress, he received a slap in the face from Zina. "You're going to disappear, you're going to die, ****," the gabist barked, pulling out a gun. Zina slammed the door and did not appear on calls. From that moment on, false denunciations began to be written against Zina, Doroshenko, Dyatlov and other friends of Zina that they were anti-Soviets.

The KGB officer kept his word. During the winter campaign of 1959, a group of tourists was destroyed. The liquidators confused Zina with Luda, and Luda suffered more than others. According to my version, Luda was raped. (c)..

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPCf_AoyEmg&t=159s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPCf_AoyEmg&t=159s)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on June 05, 2023, 08:52:18 AM
There are no facts in this version.
Where are the facts Anna ?

How on earth did anyone know what Zina possibly said in a room with a KGB officer to be able to quote her?.

I have to be honest, I think it is absolutely disgusting that you sensational and post such things and promote your book.

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on June 05, 2023, 09:26:25 AM
I repeat the well-known, reliable facts:
1. Zina was beautiful and charming, liked by all men.
2. Zina had a groom Doroshenko, and it was getting close to the wedding.
3. The fact that the KGB recruited the most capable and sociable students into its ranks is also a well-known fact.
4. The fact that KGB officers considered themselves omnipotent, accustomed to submission is also a well-known fact.
5. Suddenly, a gap occurs between the lovers Zina and Yuri for some unknown reason. What could have happened?
6. The fact that denunciations were written against Dyatlov's group is a well-known fact, which was repeatedly reported by Yuri Yudin.
7. The fact that Dyatlov's group, including Zina and Luda, died in the campaign, is an indisputable fact.
 It's strange that you don't resent the version about a Snowman, an avalanche or an atomic explosion. It's strange that you are annoyed by my unique version, and not even one.
If the investigation had been conducted honestly, this version would certainly have been worked out by investigators and prosecutors.
Do you have your own version? Do you have a book?
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on June 05, 2023, 12:24:32 PM
There's a lot to chew through , Anna

What has Zina being beautiful got to do with it all? Many men like many women and many women like men. Men like men and women , women and everything inbetween. The use of charming is a respectful phrase. What is your fact?

When were Doroshenko and Zina to be married?

What are the KGB recruitment requirements? To be rapist's?

How is it well known fact that KGB officers are ominpotent?

Lovers end relationships all the time , for numerous reasons. Zina speaks of her heart ache . No more no less , life, hobbies go on.

Did the denunciations come to knowledge before  or after the hikers deaths?

Yep, I agree that they all died .

I have spoke about the snowman and many other theories. No one  that has talked about their version has pushed their book or stated fact s from videos with no context.

I find it interesting, to say the least, that you alone , who was not there at the time, did not see the bodies, did not do an autopsy, did not interview anyone face to face , can conclude that your version is what happened.

No ,I do not have my own version . Reasons being , I cannot state things where I do not have facts . I speculate along with other members in the hope that we have a eurka moment.

The facts I can observe are , Russia / USSR  encouraged it's population to do outdoor activities. This includes hiking , camping etc. This seems to be a honest and innocent pastime in Russia.

Accidents happen in such activities, this includes, the UK , USA, Canada , the west in general. All over the world people go camping .

We only have two questions to the DPI.

1/ why leave the tent
2/ how did  the rib injuries and skull fracture occur.

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on June 05, 2023, 12:34:51 PM
1/ why leave the tent
2/ how did  the rib injuries and skull fracture occur.
Leaving the tent and injuries to the ribs and skull are secondary. Basic: who killed and the reason for the murder.
These are the questions I am looking for an answer to.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on June 05, 2023, 12:44:04 PM
1/ why leave the tent
2/ how did  the rib injuries and skull fracture occur.
Leaving the tent and injuries to the ribs and skull are secondary. Basic: who killed and the reason for the murder.
These are the questions I am looking for an answer to.

The only facts we have are that 9 bodies were found dead . It is not a fact that they were murdered. That is a possibility but not a fact.

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on June 05, 2023, 09:49:17 PM
What has Zina being beautiful got to do with it all? Many men like many women and many women like men. Men like men and women , women and everything inbetween.

Two harmless facts in combination with others can be the cause of the tragedy. Your problem is that you can't build versions based on a lot of disturbing facts
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on July 01, 2023, 11:34:38 PM
E. Okishev, deputy head of the Prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region, in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists: there were people who received the task (!!!), or servicemen from the nearest military unit. These versions have been worked out and confirmed. But the case was immediately taken away and told to say that they died as a result of an accident" THE VERSION OF THE STATE ORDER FOR LIQUIDATION IS CONFIRMED!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb7qBp_FHR0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb7qBp_FHR0)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: eurocentric on July 03, 2023, 02:32:28 PM
I'll take your word for it because without translation subtitles non-Russians at this English-speaking site will not have a clue what they are saying, to me it could just as easily be an elderly couple talking about their bowel management.

BTW I'm glad to see you're back Anna, while I may not agree with your theory your long silence had me fearing something had happened to you.

This is sometimes said of "911 truthers"; that if they were right about a State conspiracy, wouldn't the organisations they accuse see to it that they died in accidents etc, and although the KGB is defunct and replaced with another outfit, if this was a Soviet/Russian State secret and you were its biggest published exposer don't you think they'd have liquidated you by now? Instead you seem to enjoy a remarkable freedom of speech in a country not exactly known for it.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on July 04, 2023, 12:13:27 AM
thank for concern.  I do not think that the disclosure of the secrets of the Dyatlov Pass carries any danger.  Many are sure that the CPSU is involved in this case, but they do not say it out loud. I'm just trying to collect the available evidence, even indirect, and build a tragic event in a coherent line.  As you can see, there are more and more such proofs. But there is serious harassment against me on the Russian-language Internet. No one wants to consider the topic disclosed..
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on July 04, 2023, 12:26:47 AM
link to the full video, authored by journalist Natalia Varsegova, unfortunately, also without subtitles.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: eurocentric on July 04, 2023, 11:51:08 AM
thank for concern.  I do not think that the disclosure of the secrets of the Dyatlov Pass carries any danger.  Many are sure that the CPSU is involved in this case, but they do not say it out loud. I'm just trying to collect the available evidence, even indirect, and build a tragic event in a coherent line.  As you can see, there are more and more such proofs. But there is serious harassment against me on the Russian-language Internet. No one wants to consider the topic disclosed..

That's sad to hear. I suspect it isn't due to the basis of your theory, that the KGB murdered the hikers, as that is as plausible as any other attacker theory, but the devil is in the details - that they were presumed to be defecting from such a remote place, far away from the border and without adequate food or hunting gear to survive such a feat, or that the girls were raped.

If you refined those elements, perhaps suggesting the KGB specifically wanted 2 or 3 of the hikers dead, had files on them, and saw this as a perfect opportunity to liquidate them, the others becoming 7 misfortunate witnesses who also had to be extinguished, and dropped the rape idea, then there probably wouldn't be this outraged posse after you who will think you are challenging the entire Dyatlov group's patriotism.

That said, there are other theories which I'm surprised they don't take equal umbrage to, such as the idea Semyon went rogue and threatened the others with an ice axe, sending them to their frozen deaths, which defames a decorated war veteran, and it seems that within Russia certain quarters imagine that Yuri Yudin knew they were going to die and lied about his sciatica in order to cowardly back away, or, as with the mini-series, he listened to forest spirits and, unable to convince Igor on the train not to go there, he ultimately saved himself when they seem to think he should have died with his comrades.

Maybe that's how it works with Russian psyche; you can defame an individual hiker, say what you shockingly like, but suggesting they all wanted to leave their beloved country is a bridge too far.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on July 04, 2023, 02:58:45 PM
Maybe that's how it works with Russian psyche; you can defame an individual hiker, say what you shockingly like, but suggesting they all wanted to leave their beloved country is a bridge too far.
I'm tired of repeating that tourists were not going to cross the border and run away. THEY DIED ON A FALSE DENUNCIATION!  Terrible denunciations were written against the guys. Why? There are many reasons for this. Home: Dyatlov and his friends (Kolevatov, Kolmogorov, Dubinina, Doroshenko) with their freedom of thought - refused to be recruited as KGB agents. The denunciations were written by the UPI trade union committee. By the way, Pyotr Varfolomeev was on the council of the trade union committee, I think he knows a lot.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on July 04, 2023, 03:39:42 PM
Maybe that's how it works with Russian psyche; you can defame an individual hiker, say what you shockingly like, but suggesting they all wanted to leave their beloved country is a bridge too far.
I'm tired of repeating that tourists were not going to cross the border and run away. THEY DIED ON A FALSE DENUNCIATION!  Terrible denunciations were written against the guys. Why? There are many reasons for this. Home: Dyatlov and his friends (Kolevatov, Kolmogorov, Dubinina, Doroshenko) with their freedom of thought - refused to be recruited as KGB agents. The denunciations were written by the UPI trade union committee. By the way, Pyotr Varfolomeev was on the council of the trade union committee, I think he knows a lot.

I'm not sure of the exact chronical order of events you propose. I'm sure people refused to be recruited all the time.

From what I understand is that the denunciation came after it was discovered they went missing . Is this correct?
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on July 04, 2023, 10:59:01 PM
From what I understand is that the denunciation came after it was discovered they went missing . Is this correct?
According to Yuri Yudin, the denunciations were collected during his studies. And in the denunciations it was written that Dyatlov's group were spies and they wanted to escape abroad. Kirilenko, the head of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee, would not have been able to safely go to the 21st congress of the CPSU if he had been informed that a group of tourists was going to escape abroad. Yes, perhaps not everyone agreed to work for the KGB (Vladimir Askinaji refused such an offer), but such terrible denunciations were not written on all students. In order not to ask similar questions in the future, study my version from the first pages.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on July 05, 2023, 09:19:56 AM

I'm asking because I don't fully understand where the denunciations start as your evidence. Where is it written that the Dyatlov group were spies and they wanted to escape abroad?. Is this before December 1958?
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Axelrod on July 05, 2023, 09:32:50 AM
Text of Okishev interview is similar to this https://dyatlovpass.com/evgeniy-okishev-2013
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on July 05, 2023, 10:24:24 AM
Anna, I'm asking because I don't fully understand where the denunciations start as your evidence. Where is it written that the Dyatlov group were spies and they wanted to escape abroad?. Is this before December 1958?
That denunciations were written against Dyatlov and his friends (Dubinin, Kolmogorov, Kolevatov, Doroshenko and Yudin) that they were spies and wanted to escape abroad," Yuri Yudin said. His interviews with journalists and researchers were repeated many, many times: "The UPI Trade Union Committee wrote denunciations of Dyatlov and his friends, collected compromising materials" Question: When? Answer: "While studying." It is strange that the journalists did not focus on this. In the 50s, in the era of Khrushchev, it was a terrible accusation (treason to the Motherland), for which the death penalty was imposed. There is a lot of information on this topic in Russian, but no one except me has considered this topic.
see 01:02 Yuri Yudin, as always not specifically: "They were doomed... They were not needed.. So spies..."
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on July 05, 2023, 10:32:37 AM
these some screenshots from Yuri Yudin's interview can probably be translated. He tells how the trade union committee collected compromising materials and false denunciations on Dyatlov's group.
(https://i.ibb.co/J5kJP2w/1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/ZWTDCKp).
(https://i.ibb.co/jvCXKdy/1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/ynzjTD6).
(https://i.ibb.co/CbSywXb/1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/6HqSypH)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on July 05, 2023, 12:12:44 PM
My questions are not to catch you out Anna and only to explore , I have difficulty understanding the timeline of reported events. We can read a lot into those statements but I will raise a couple of points if that's ok.

It looks like the KGB come to investigate after they are aware that the Dyatlov group didn't return and not a moment before. I don't know if it was common practice in USSR by the KGB to investigate such concerns but it seems there is a certain amount of paranoia with students and governing bodies. ( Students always like to challenge political ideas, even in the west, seems a right of passage) .

There might be some truth in these statements but in a different context.If the KGB thought that the Dyatlov group( or any other  groups) were against the political system and were perhaps thinking of leaving the country or had important information for the west, then fast action would need to be taken. The KGB might have worked in the interest to catch them" if "they had gone to another country.

The KGB 's ass would be on the line if they missed potential spies and they made their escape , hence , perhaps explaining  their involvement and questioning ?. They would not want to look stupid.

So ,before the tent and bodies were found , rightly or wrongly, the KGB explored the fact that the Dyatlov group may have tried to leave the USSR.  This was not the case as we know and it's here that everyone is upset and angry at these accusations and defends the DP9. It is ultimately an insult to the students and families.

My interpretation is as soon as students are reported missing , the KGB came in heavy handed , looking for spies . This is their job . In parallel there was a search and rescue effort being organised by other governing departments ,students,Mansi and military.

This may explain the sarcastic comment by one of the lead investigators when he refers to them escaping half naked to the Norwegian border. ( I've forgotten the name and quote) . He's responding to the stupidity and paranoia  of the accusations by the KGB.

Again, to me, it looks like everyone gets confused at the time of the incident and speculates . If we assume that there is zero conspiracy or planning of anyone's deaths and that there never was  , then the fact is , everyone is going about their daily lives as normal, shopping, being a student, various tourists going on different hikes, sweeping snow off the roads , Mansi hearing dear and everyone drinking vodka . 

 If the KGB were involved in the murder, I doubt we would be reading about their involvement in any capacity.

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on July 05, 2023, 10:53:44 PM
My questions are not to catch you out Anna and only to explore , I have difficulty understanding the timeline of reported events. We can read a lot into those statements ...
you can only catch someone who is lying. But my version is based on evidence, even indirect. Therefore, it is not possible to catch me.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on July 05, 2023, 11:07:17 PM
I have difficulty understanding the timeline of reported events. We can read a lot into those statements but I will raise a couple of points if that's ok.
It looks like the KGB come to investigate after they are aware that the Dyatlov group didn't return and not a moment before.
The chronicle of events, according to my version, looks like this:
1. At the end of 1956, a shameful event for the authorities took place in the UPI: Komsomol conference with criticism of the CPSU.
2. A "roundup" began in UPI, surveillance of unwanted students, KGB agents followed everyone.
3. Dyatlov and his friends were bright, free-thinking personalities. On the eve of the 21st Congress of the CPSU, in 1958, while studying at Dyatlov and his friends, especially terrible denunciations were collected that they were traitors to the Motherland (according to Yuri Yudin).
Further events are known to us.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on July 05, 2023, 11:12:13 PM
My questions are not to catch you out Anna and only to explore , I have difficulty understanding the timeline of reported events. We can read a lot into those statements ...
you can only catch someone who is lying. But my version is based on evidence, even indirect. Therefore, it is not possible to catch me.
I don't think you are lying, I'm trying to understand the timeline and logic. Some of the things you state I don't agree with other things are interesting.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on July 05, 2023, 11:26:43 PM
I have difficulty understanding the timeline of reported events. We can read a lot into those statements but I will raise a couple of points if that's ok.
It looks like the KGB come to investigate after they are aware that the Dyatlov group didn't return and not a moment before.
The chronicle of events, according to my version, looks like this:
1. At the end of 1956, a shameful event for the authorities took place in the UPI: Komsomol conference with criticism of the CPSU.
2. A "roundup" began in UPI, surveillance of unwanted students, KGB agents followed everyone.
3. Dyatlov and his friends were bright, free-thinking personalities. On the eve of the 21st Congress of the CPSU, in 1958, while studying at Dyatlov and his friends, especially terrible denunciations were collected that they were traitors to the Motherland (according to Yuri Yudin).
Further events are known to us.

Thank you.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on July 06, 2023, 02:40:22 AM
Why were no actions taken against Dyatlov. Was it just Dyatlov or other students at the UPI?

What were Komsomol - Young Communist League criticising about the CPSU in 1958?

And , why were denunications brought forth in 1958 against Dyatlov, was it just him or others?

Yuri Yudin thinks that the incident was a result of a military rocket or accident?
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Axelrod on July 06, 2023, 03:01:34 AM
Thanl you for interviews with Yudin. I don't share completely your ideas and interpretations, but I have found for myself many interesting Russian texts of interviews with Yudin not known for me before.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on July 06, 2023, 08:10:05 AM
Thanl you for interviews with Yudin. I don't share completely your ideas and interpretations, but I have found for myself many interesting Russian texts of interviews with Yudin not known for me before.
Yuri Yudin is the main witness of the events. His testimony cannot be ignored.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on July 06, 2023, 08:21:10 AM

1. According to Yuri Yudin, they were Dyatlov, Kolmogorov, Doroshenko, Kolevatov, Yudin, Dubinin. I have already written about this, read carefully and look at the screenshots. Compromising material was collected on these students.
2. Type in Google "18 scandalous Komsomol conference in UPI 1956 Sverdlovsk".
3. I answered, and repeatedly.
4. Yuri Yudin said: "I am sure that violence was committed against the guys.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on July 06, 2023, 09:56:00 AM

Unfortunately a lot of what you posted is disjointed and screen shots take extra effort to translate without accuracy.

It takes a lot of work to understand all the CPSU connections and the youth reserve's but interesting.

This is what is said about Yuri Yudin

" By the way, Yuri Yudin didn't believe that the cause of the death of his friends was a natural disaster, in particular an avalanche. He adhered to the theory that they were victims of tests of super-powerful weapons, after all, not so far from the pass, now called after the leader of the group was a military testing ground "
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on July 06, 2023, 11:05:34 AM
" By the way, Yuri Yudin didn't believe that the cause of the death of his friends was a natural disaster, in particular an avalanche. He adhered to the theory that they were victims of tests of super-powerful weapons, after all, not so far from the pass, now called after the leader of the group was a military testing ground "
I do not know whose quote you gave as an example, but here is a quote from Yuri Yudin himself (this is the answer to the 74th question of researcher Maya Piskareva): "Violence has been committed against the guys, now I have no doubt about it." see the screenshot. As for the CPSU, to make it clear to you: the country was dominated by the CPSU and the main body of the Central Committee of the CPSU, to which all structures, including the KGB, the military, prosecutors, etc., were subordinate.

(https://i.ibb.co/sH3XynH/1.jpg) (https://ibb.co/PQCVwKQ)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on July 06, 2023, 12:14:07 PM

The quote comes from here: Yuri Yudin often changed his mind and there's speculation to what he actually thought


If I understand your picture of the statement
"Violence has been committed against the guys, now I have no doubt about it."

He is quoting some other so called  experts ( this seems to happen a lot , selective experts that contradict each other) .

It seems yuri doesn't find out about the injuries for 40 years. If I have translated and read the photo you put up correctly that is..... ( I think it's on the main Dyatlov site) , Yuri didn't seem to question the official case until it had been spinned it to a web of mystery?

Yuri says this below...Yuri had no suspicion for 40 years of wrong doing or KGB or CPSU investigations.

"In general, I didn’t have any records and personal notes, because I was a citizen, a student of the country, for the Motherland, I was a raven for the Motherland, and I believed, absolutely believed the investigation, and I had no opportunity to doubt anything. Ivanov told me that there was an elemental force, a snowstorm, that they froze, that I would be doomed there along with them, I would die, I would be the tenth. That's the level at which I had knowledge of the death pits of robits."

I know there will e mistakes in this translation but I think we must be careful when we chose statements and don't follow the full sentence. To me ,it reads  Yuri Yudin is listening to the experts that are speculating 40 years after , we know that it's possible to walk in socks and build shelters. We know a snow hole can be built , sticks , trees can be cut and that there are natural occurring snow caves and snow cornice in the ravine. However , the injuries are consistent with crush injuries, these crush injuries are consistent with being found under 4 meters of snow.

Here's what I translated fro Anna's photo. .

because he made this dam. Zhenya just showed me these materials. Here on the dam stands Orpokov, Askonadi, all our guys are searchers and soldiers of Indollag, and their commanders, well, and there are other izdollaki employees. Yes, next question.

74. Do you keep any notes, personal notes about that tragedy, did you then keep notes, a diary in search of the Dyatlov group? Are you going to publish them?

Yu.Yu. Well, even then I didn’t directly participate in the search. Firstly, the morale was inappropriate, and then I was sick of the donkey, if I wanted to, they would take me on a search. And I was brought in by the prosecutor for identification, and I recognized the corpses when I first saw them. In general, I didn’t have any records and personal notes, because I was a citizen, a student of the country, for the Motherland, I was a raven for the Motherland, and I believed, absolutely believed the investigation, and I had no opportunity to doubt anything. Ivanov told me that there was an elemental force, a snowstorm, that they froze, that I would be doomed there along with them, I would die, I would be the tenth. That's the level at which I had knowledge of the death pits of robits. I found out that they all had injuries that were incomparable with life, 40 years later, when the guys from the Dyatlov Fund saved me for Sverdlovsk. We have a doctor of sciences, a herbal voice doctor of medicine, a doctor of sciences, back in 1999 he analyzed this case, these injuries, and these protocols of a forensic medical examination. And he said that absolutely all the participants were crushed, and the dava Kolevatov, who had injuries incomparable with life. And this is all disguised, but now they are trying to claim that they, with such injuries, barefoot, without mittens, could do some actions, even dig a cave, there is 5 meters to make a window in general, all the circumstances of the trandia of this really tragedy became known to me only through 40 years after the incident. Naturally, if I thought that there was violence against the guys and

I have no doubt, I was 40 years old, I went there everywhere, met with maxi, but I didn’t even have such a question
! But like this. God believed... We were kept in ignorance, and now they are holding us for cattle. Secret business before

is still available. Am I going to publish my entries? Well, Zhenya is standing here, I have tips. Well, struppirovat and give it to us. Well, I'll try to fulfill his request in the coming months.

75. It is to see Grigory's notebooks printed completely. They are kept by Rimma Pechurkina. H

would you ask her why she doesn't want to publish all the notebooks? After all, they are waiting for everyone explored it

public domain.

Yu.Yu. It's like Rimma Alexandrovna's private matter. She showed me the notebooks, and they are all hand- made for herself, but I have no right to put them into circulation without the consent of Grigoriev himself. Now, if in the nearest

time he. I will write to him, if he allows it, then it is possible. And he himself can publish them in full
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: amashilu on July 06, 2023, 12:25:27 PM
From Ziljoe's translation of Anna's attachment:

We have a doctor of sciences, a herbal voice doctor of medicine, a doctor of sciences, back in 1999 he analyzed this case, these injuries, and these protocols of a forensic medical examination. And he said that absolutely all the participants were crushed, and the dava Kolevatov, who had injuries incomparable with life. And this is all disguised, but now they are trying to claim that they, with such injuries, barefoot, without mittens, could do some actions, even dig a cave, there is 5 meters to make a window in general, all the circumstances of the trandia of this really tragedy became known to me only through 40 years after the incident.

I'm curious about the "crushed" comment.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on July 06, 2023, 12:32:50 PM
A number of "experts" have referred to the injuries being consistent with crush injuries. We have four plausible causes.

1) snow collapse from a snow hole 'at the ravine'.

2) a tree falling, (and bodies moved)

3) people falling from the ceder on to bodies below( bodies moved)

4) intentional violence by various methods. ( Bodies moved)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Axelrod on July 06, 2023, 01:11:04 PM
 And he said that absolutely all the participants were injured...
....not crushed...
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on July 06, 2023, 01:31:54 PM
I'm curious about the "crushed" comment.
crushed is a wrong translation. The original says "WOUNDED." All the guys had injuries.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on July 06, 2023, 01:54:39 PM
Injuries and wound overlap in English. Wound usually means broken skin. Injury can mean more serious.

I did my best with the translation, although it would make more sense to say

"all the participants had injuries"

"all the participants had wounds"

It's difficult to know the context to which Yuri Yudin refers to this doctor. Yuri Yudin is only relaying a conversation that he recalls. Yuri might be only refering to the ravine 4 in relation to what this doctor said. The interviewer isn't exactly brilliant either.

Imagine us lot asking questions....
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on July 10, 2023, 11:00:20 AM
conclusions. All the most important things that Yuri Yudin told us.
(https://i.ibb.co/gz2FPR1/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/HnSpxHv)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on July 10, 2023, 11:20:17 AM
Can we have it in English ? What things did Yuri Yudin tell us? I'm having difficulty translating the picture text. I'm getting a load of rubbish.

Or copy the link and post?
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on July 10, 2023, 11:54:52 AM
It is easier to translate from russian text in a post rather than a photo Anna. However, here's what I think is being said from your photo.


The most significant and striking facts reported by Yuri Efimovich Yudin:

1. The death of the Dyatlov tourist group was a state secret.

2. Tourists were doomed to death (according to L. Ivanov).

3. The investigation was in fact a fiction.

4. The investigation was carried out under control.

5. There are many traces of the activities of strangers at the site of the discovery of the tent and the bodies of tourists:

5.1. bodies were turned over by strangers;

5.2. strangers used tourists' blankets to drag the bodies to the stream; 5.3. a ski pole shortened with a knife was found in the tent;

5.4. two soldier windings;

5.5. near the tent, pieces of film of unknown origin (someone was filming the site before the arrival of search engines);

5.6. a footprint with a heel in the snow (tourists were found without boots); -

5.7. a fragment of a ski 20 meters from the tent;

5.8. cloth belt with straps at the ends in the area of ​​cedar;

5.9. several ebonite sheaths and several soldiers' knives, of which only two knives with sheaths were found to belong to tourists, the fate of the rest (the number remained unknown) is covered in darkness;

5.10. cuffs from a jacket and a sweater, which tourists did not have;

5.11. two pairs of "extra" skis; 5.12. two pairs of "extra" ski boots.

6. There were no ski tracks to the tent.

7. Through the trade union committee of the UPI, compromising evidence was collected on the Dyatlovites to accuse them of treason: they allegedly

were going to go abroad.

*8. There was a second fire in the stream, the wood for which was sawn and chopped. It was forbidden there


9. The Mansi people did not meet with the Dyatlovites and did not see their traces along the Auspiya River, but they knew about the tragedy on

Otortene from the very beginning.

10. An investigation into the deaths of tourists began in early February.

11. Not far from the tent was the plague of Kurikov. This tent examined Maslennikov.

12. People fell ill after searching: from the students of Suvorov, from the servicemen of Syunikai.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on August 18, 2023, 11:50:46 PM
Authoritative experts say: tourists were killed by outsiders!
honored tourist, master of sports Ptitsyn came to the conclusion: they were killed! American experts came to the conclusion: they were killed! Expert Sakharova: they were killed! Journalist Yuri Yarovoy: tourists were killed by order! Prosecutor Okishev: we considered the version of contract murder! Lawyer Chernousov: the state is guilty!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nW5Y3dZ3MTs&t=156s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nW5Y3dZ3MTs&t=156s)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on September 08, 2023, 02:19:54 AM
the investigation of the Dyatlov Pass topic continues. Information was found that the Secretary of the regional Committee Kirilenko A P was a Freemason, that is, a representative of the interests of this organization. Information from the book "Secret Forces in the History of Russia" - philologist, Doctor of Philology, Professor Yu K. Begunov. In the video there is an excerpt of a lecture by Academician Osipov about the tasks of the Masons to destroy Christianity.
Professor Osipov's quote: "With what cruelty, with what sadism these people were destroyed! And you won't find any reason for it." I refrain from making personal assumptions, referring to reputable people. When copying and retelling the materials I found, a link to Anna Russian is mandatory.
information for reflection
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi7X6u4Q7-w (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi7X6u4Q7-w)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on September 25, 2023, 04:22:38 AM
Evidence that the tourists were connected...
A rare photo of Rustem Slobodin with a piece of belt on his forearm. The palm is clearly swollen.  It's strange that no one has seen this before me.

(https://i.ibb.co/gDGYf8h/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/P5RkPy0).
(https://i.ibb.co/YZG40jz/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/3zH5RhD)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on September 25, 2023, 12:26:47 PM
Looks like the leg of the table to me? I certainly couldn't tell if the palm is swollen from the photo, he may have been crawling on his Palm's?
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on September 26, 2023, 09:40:16 AM
I found another photo of Rustem. The photo shows the left hand. Red circle pointing to the left forearm. There is a black belt around the forearm. Someone wrote: "a wristwatch." But my opinion: these are the remnants of a torn belt that bound his hands. Perhaps this piece of belt is frozen to the sleeve.

(https://i.ibb.co/mFhWZMj/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Pz1HXfL).
(https://i.ibb.co/t414r5x/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/HV9V8Qx)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on September 26, 2023, 01:25:10 PM
I found another photo of Rustem. The photo shows the left hand. Red circle pointing to the left forearm. There is a black belt around the forearm. Someone wrote: "a wristwatch." But my opinion: these are the remnants of a torn belt that bound his hands. Perhaps this piece of belt is frozen to the sleeve.

(https://i.ibb.co/mFhWZMj/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Pz1HXfL).
(https://i.ibb.co/t414r5x/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/HV9V8Qx)

Thanks Anna, it does state he was wearing a watch on his left wrist though.

On the left hand there is a watch “Zvezda”, time 8:45.

We can't tell anything from the photo for certain but we do know it's reported that he was wearing a watch. Most likely the watch strap is what we see in the photo.

 If they didn't report some kind of belt in the autopsy , well we can go down any road with speculation .
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Олег Таймень on September 27, 2023, 09:53:04 AM
Evidence that the tourists were connected...
A rare photo of Rustem Slobodin with a piece of belt on his forearm. The palm is clearly swollen.  It's strange that no one has seen this before me.
No one has seen this before. No one can see you after you either.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on September 27, 2023, 01:34:49 PM
We can't tell anything from the photo for certain but we do know it's reported that he was wearing a watch.
It doesn't look like a clock. It looks like a piece of a belt.

(https://i.ibb.co/bm5F9Jm/image.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/).
(https://i.ibb.co/RHH9sdP/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/9YYN1S2)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on September 27, 2023, 02:44:34 PM
It looks more like a fold in the clothing to me.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on October 16, 2023, 02:07:57 AM
It looks more like a fold in the clothing to me.
It can't be a crease. We see that the sleeve was loose and wide, but in one place, above the wrist, it is compressed. I think it's all the fault of a piece of belt or rope left after his hands were tied.
(https://i.ibb.co/7N8wdbG/2.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on October 16, 2023, 02:29:36 AM
It was a brutal murder and, most likely, a contract one, which is confirmed by authoritative sources. We are listening to the most important witnesses and experts: this is V. Korotaev, an investigator from the 59th, this is the respected search engine V.M. Askenazi, a former UPI student, this is Yu.Yudin, who said that the group was killed by outsiders using butts. This is an experienced forensic expert Natalia Sakharova. An employee of the American FBI, an honored, honorary tourist Ptitsyn, an expert Tumanov, a search engine former military Syunikaev, this is a journalist, a search engine Yuri Yarovoy, who stated in his book about a contract killing, the main witness, prosecutor Okishev, who announced the murder on assignment, Kirilenko himself, who blabbed about that he knows everything even before the search for tourists,, Yuri Kuntsevich, who managed to say that Anna Russian proved in her book.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHQ58BN_BUA&t=270s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHQ58BN_BUA&t=270s)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on November 28, 2023, 03:31:47 AM
The party authorities were aware of the death of tourists from the first days. This is evidenced by the investigators and prosecutors who dealt with this case. Moreover, an employee of the regional committee Ermash told Kolevatov's sister that tourists who were not found could live no more than 1.5–2 hours after the death of those found.
Yu. Kuntsevich: the secret was that party officials were tied up and did not want to give up their accomplices. Investigator Korotaev, referring to Lev Ivanov: An irresistible force is a state machine. THE STATE KILLED THEM.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyeVu0FDCR0&t=212s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyeVu0FDCR0&t=212s)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on December 15, 2023, 06:12:22 AM
Communist congresses and related events.
 I studied the history of Communist congresses and found out: by chance or not, but congresses were often accompanied by tragic events (I quote this in abbreviations):
1905, April, the 3rd Congress of the CPSU is taking place.
In January 1905, a peaceful march of workers was shot in Petrograd (St. Petersburg).

The Congress of 1918, March.
On February 18, 1918, the shooting of a church procession in Tula.

1925 – 14th Congress from December 18 to 31
On December 28, 1925, the famous poet Sergei Yesenin was killed (he was 30 years old).

Next: The Congresses of 1934 and 1939 – the time of the Great Terror. In 1937 and 38 alone, 1,344,923 people were convicted for political reasons, 681,692 of them were sentenced to capital punishment… It is unknown how many died from starvation, torture and unbearable conditions.
The congresses of 1952 and 1956 were also accompanied by bloody tragedies.

1959, the 21st Congress - the death of the Dyatlov group. The campaign was organized in honor of the 21st Congress of the CPSU.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNAzXOd-V9E (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNAzXOd-V9E)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on December 15, 2023, 10:51:21 AM
Many congresses are accompanied by tragic events by the nature of their meaning and the fact that serious conflicts need resolution . Unfortunately they are hotspots for tragic events, especially where the established authority is being challenged by the masses.

They are in the most part formal and will have representation from several groups, parties, unions , religious leaders and so on. They can easily escalate .

Such things have happened in the west in the past and still do to this day, the UK government has changed the law on groups or protesters gathering to try and avoid such large groups.

The G8 summit gets lots of  public protesters against capitalism for example.

Throw in , sexual freedom, famine, womens rights , religion, workers rights, taxes etc, then there's always the potential for tragic events, historically the UK is littered with them.

I can't see the link to a group of hikers doing their pass time to get a certificate and see how this would be a threat to any soviet faction/union/ party whatsoever that some authority would order their deaths during the 21st anniversary.

It's in the middle of winter, several other groups of hikers are doing the same , there's Mansi roaming and moving throughout the trails making their living.

I believe it's well known that many tourist trips ended in injuries or fatalities, Dyatlov pass is not unique in this regard.

I do not see what message could  be given if they were killed, what would be achieved by their murder ? They are not storming the winter palace with some ideologies, they are in the middle of nowhere, talking stories of love and music, collecting stones and taking photos . They were out of the way of any potential challenge to ,or celebration of, the 21st Congress . 

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on December 15, 2023, 11:31:33 AM
They were out of the way of any potential challenge to ,or celebration of, the 21st Congress .
I have already written about this many times: DYATLOV'S GROUP WAS KILLED ON A FALSE DENUNCIATION.
Yuri Yudin, quote (interview with A. Nechaev):
- ..The UPI trade union committee was collecting information about Dyatlov's group that they were going to flee abroad..
- When was the information collected?
 - When I was studying.

B. Slobtsov in the TV program.
- When we were going to search, Kirilenko told us: look for them, maybe you will find how they escaped to Norway undressed.
Escaping abroad in 59 was equated to high treason and was punishable by death.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on December 15, 2023, 01:02:05 PM
Yes, you have written about this many times. That still does not make it a fact.

How does Yuri Yudin know this? Yuri changes his mind several times( like the rest of us) .

As far as I can find , these denunciations only appear later in the Dyatlov story and are pure speculation by some of those involved. I think Kirilenko comment is just the sarcasm and his point is not to be so stupid to suggest they are trying to escape. He's basically saying how stupid and impractical  the thought of them escaping is by the distance and clothing.

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: GlennM on December 15, 2023, 09:22:48 PM
Considering that none were rocket scientists in the first place...
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on December 15, 2023, 10:18:48 PM
Откуда Юрий Юдин знает об этом? Юрий несколько раз меняет свое мнение (как и все мы) .
As far as I can find , these denunciations only appear later in the Dyatlov story and are pure speculation by some of those involved. I think Kirilenko comment is just the sarcasm and his point is not to be so stupid to suggest they are trying to escape. He's basically saying how stupid and impractical  the thought of them escaping is by the distance and clothing.
1. I'm not changing my mind.
2. Yu.Yudin knew about this from the students. He was warned by students from the trade union committee. He was also told that the trade union committee was protecting him. Yudin was protected because he was quiet, accommodating, non-confrontational and helpful.
3. Yu. Yudin did not change his mind when he spoke about denunciations of Dyatlov's group. This is known from various interviews: A. Nechaev, journalists of the KP newspaper, Maya Piskareva.
4. Yes, Kirilenko was ironic and ridiculed when he talked about the escape of tourists to Norway. No one would have thought of that! And Kirilenko thought of it! From where? From denunciations!
5. V.M. Askenaji (video interview): When I was going to search, I was called to the UPI party committee and told: "See if there are any tracks leading abroad."
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on December 16, 2023, 01:58:02 AM
I'm not trying to make you change your mind.

You say this yourself " Perhaps a criminal case was initiated against the guys on the basis of denunciations." . You speculate.

So why did none of these other students come forward years later? Why didn't they think that Yudin was going to try and escape? Why risk telling him and none of the others?

The various interviews come from speculation after the Dyatlov pass becomes popularised in media and everyone reads the released material of each other.

It was already a half mixed puddle before everyone started getting interviewed and becoming mildly famous. The information we now have is extremely muddy.

From what I understand, Kirilenko did not think they escaped or were even trying to, kirilenko was ridiculing those that suggested that they tried to escape.

V.M. Askenaji , says it, or so you say. It is perhaps through this statement that kirilenko ridicules who ever suggests it.

I do not know if it's actual Russian grammar ,humour or even a translation error but..."See if there are any tracks leading abroad"

Should it perhaps be , signs or indications leading abroad instead of tracks? .

My thinking is no one even thought that they would escape from the Urals , I'm sure you said that yourself Anna. They are speculating and grabbing at straws as the bodies are missing. It is at that point they may think that some of them tried to escape.

It's gossip, after the event. The denunciations, if they happened, probably started after they did not return as expected.

Remember, all the witnesses, or people at the time and at the earliest statements, speculate as we do. They all suggested, avalanche, hurricane, murder by prisoners, murder by Mansi and rockets in the sky. No one could work it out in 1959, but no one really challenged it at the time, it was closed and they moved on. Since then, the case has been dug up , opened and thrown to the public eye as a riddle that can't be solved.

It makes no sense to kill them on a cold hill and not serve as a warning to others . 
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: GlennM on December 16, 2023, 05:51:17 AM
What I percieve is that the group was not cohesive. The diaries speak to fanciful ideals, sexual tension, petty thievery, pouting uncomfortable sleeping positions and petty punishments. I understand that when a decision was made to get an early start, nobody wanted to get out of bed. Nobody wanted to mend the torn tent. I sense that the women in the group were assertive in their independence. Nine people in a tent divided by a curtain? That is quite a hardship for 7 men. Some who carried romantic photos and suppressed urges. Even in death the women were physically apart from the men.

Now, figure in the weather. The hikers rode most of the way and only started to really work after leaving the last camp. The uphill trek was exhausting and the river was too brittle for skiing. Backtracking only leads to more fatigue and frustration. Tired bodies make for tired minds and poor decision making.

It would not suprise me to believe that drama in the tent caused them all to exit and stomp down to the woods. Who needs assasins when you have hormones?
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on December 16, 2023, 08:43:17 AM
I do not know if it's actual Russian grammar ,humour or even a translation error but..."See if there are any tracks leading abroad"  .

There is no translation error here. Askenaji said exactly that: "FOOTPRINTS"

The whole point of the mystery of Dyatlov Pass is that we, researchers, are mostly educated and logically thinking people. We cannot explain the actions and reasoning of illiterate and stupid party apparatchiks. Do not forget that illiterate villagers were in power. (Khrushchev could not read and write until his old age). It is pointless to look for logic in their actions. Their mistakes were corrected by the KGB, but how were they corrected? They messed up the case even more. THIS IS THE WHOLE MYSTERY OF THE DYATLOV PASS.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on December 16, 2023, 08:49:33 AM
Who needs assasins when you have hormones?
You can't understand the Russian guys of the 50s. They were fearless, strong-willed, able to keep their instincts under control. I'm sure most of them were virgins.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on December 16, 2023, 12:31:37 PM
I do not know if it's actual Russian grammar ,humour or even a translation error but..."See if there are any tracks leading abroad"  .

There is no translation error here. Askenaji said exactly that: "FOOTPRINTS"

The whole point of the mystery of Dyatlov Pass is that we, researchers, are mostly educated and logically thinking people. We cannot explain the actions and reasoning of illiterate and stupid party apparatchiks. Do not forget that illiterate villagers were in power. (Khrushchev could not read and write until his old age). It is pointless to look for logic in their actions. Their mistakes were corrected by the KGB, but how were they corrected? They messed up the case even more. THIS IS THE WHOLE MYSTERY OF THE DYATLOV PASS.

Could I have more of the quote, other than "footprints" . No one is going to follow footprints from the middle of Russia to a boarder.

Educated people don't always think logically unfortunately.

The point I'm trying understand, is when we're these denunciations made. What is the timeline ?

If the KGB were involved after Dyatlov went missing and were asking questions in the timeframe , let's say, after the 12th of February, then that makes sense. The 21st Congress is from the 27th January to the 5 th of February.

If the KGB were asking questions before they even started their hike and Yuri Yudin knew, why did he not say anything, why even start the hike and just say his back was playing up before?

It's evident that there was no intention by the DP9 to leave the Soviet Union, at least during this hike. Could it be, that these statements by witnesses are a bit muddled up ?.

For example, if some of my friends went missing , I would expect questions from the police. If I was their teacher, leader or friend, I would expect background questions along the line of, did they take drugs, was there money problems, were there tensions etc etc.

Depending on the skills of those asking questions, ( this includes KGB, the investigators at the time, friends, and following researchers over the last 60 years) it can paint a very inaccurate picture . I think it's important that we are accurate as to when some of the evidence appeared.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on December 16, 2023, 12:53:30 PM
It's evident that there was no intention by the DP9 to leave the Soviet Union, at least during this hike. Could it be, that these statements by witnesses are a bit muddled up ?.
You didn't understand anything in my version.. These are not witness statements, but denunciations. FALSE denunciations in order to destroy Dyatlov and his friends.. I won't say it again. Check out my version from page 1.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on December 16, 2023, 12:58:42 PM
The point I'm trying understand, is when we're these denunciations made. What is the timeline ?
Read the answer 243. Yu Yudin answers: the denunciations were written by the UPI Trade Union Committee during the students' studies.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on December 16, 2023, 02:06:26 PM
It's evident that there was no intention by the DP9 to leave the Soviet Union, at least during this hike. Could it be, that these statements by witnesses are a bit muddled up ?.
You didn't understand anything in my version.. These are not witness statements, but denunciations. FALSE denunciations in order to destroy Dyatlov and his friends.. I won't say it again. Check out my version from page 1.

Agree, but when and where did the denunciations start. Were the denunciations documented before they the incident? Or is it Yudin that says that there were denunciations in hindsight? 
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on December 16, 2023, 11:13:45 PM
From a telephone conversation with V. Askinazdi:
Denunciations of all students were submitted to UPI.
My answer:
I am sure that such terrible and false denunciations about the impending flight abroad were written for some reason only on Dyatlov's group.
You can read more about the situation at UPI and the work of special services at UPI here (section 2):
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 22, 2024, 11:14:18 AM
An appeal to the 2024 conference dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Dyatlov Pass tragedy.

My version sounds like a government liquidation order or died on a false denunciation. We can also say this: the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU in the fight against free-thinking Komsomol members.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kB-UjEQvbqY&t=46s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kB-UjEQvbqY&t=46s)

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on January 22, 2024, 12:26:41 PM
Hi Anna,

Can you post the transcript of your videos?
For me it's easy to translate written Russian language to English although there might be errors but in video , you tube or otherwise, it's next to impossible.

I appreciate the false denunciation concept but I would be interested in understanding the  evidence. I think the forum would love to engage in debate, unfortunately, for me at least , it's difficult to understand.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 22, 2024, 12:59:22 PM
   excuseme Unfortunately, I cannot translate the entire video clip and all the documents that it contains. I can only say that I have given strong evidence-based arguments.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: GlennM on January 22, 2024, 05:19:49 PM
 Yuden's politics could have gotten him in trouble, but they didnt. If he did get in trouble, he would be identified as an enemy of the State and linked to the defecting hikers. None of this happened. Seems strange to me.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 23, 2024, 03:29:23 AM
Yuden's politics could have gotten him in trouble, but they didnt. If he did get in trouble, he would be identified as an enemy of the State and linked to the defecting hikers. None of this happened. Seems strange to me.
Yudin's policy was silence. He started talking about the tragedy in the early 90s, when freedom of speech appeared in the country.
This screenshot says:
(https://i.ibb.co/Y78Bw1v/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/QFnvtTs)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: GlennM on January 24, 2024, 08:23:55 PM
Still, it seems peculiar that highly educated, loyal and productive Soviet youth, some with influential parents would be targeted at a time when Khrushchev was praising youth and sport. Just because hiking in the back woods is not Olympic competition,  I see no reason their lives should be forfeit. They were all in many ways model Soviets.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 28, 2024, 11:39:58 AM
I see no reason their lives should be forfeit. They were all in many ways model Soviets.
If you had lived in Russia in the 50s, the reasons would have been obvious to you. You just need to know the history, to know what "Stalinism" is, when the best of the best were destroyed by false denunciations. After Stalin, the same Stalinists with Stalinist methods of government remained in power in the country.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on January 28, 2024, 12:14:15 PM
I see no reason their lives should be forfeit. They were all in many ways model Soviets.
If you had lived in Russia in the 50s, the reasons would have been obvious to you. You just need to know the history, to know what "Stalinism" is, when the best of the best were destroyed by false denunciations. After Stalin, the same Stalinists with Stalinist methods of government remained in power in the country.

I don't think anyone here would argue there was paranoia within factions in the Soviet Union and wrong done.

But I would add caution to any assumptions that unexplained deaths automatically fall into the catagory of it was planned murder or otherwise.

There are patterns to tourists in Russia falling into trouble on many hikes or rafting, there were also perhaps inadequate planning to ensure the best resources were given to group, also the group seemed confident in their own abilities. This happens time and time again in many countries.

It would be better to take a neutral position and consider the state may being involved rather than "they were" , because " that's what they do!" .

As Glenn states, there is no reason their lives should be forfeit, even with denunciations ?. They weren't leaving the country from the Urals as I believe was one of the claims, it was only after they had not returned that it was suggested that they may have tried to leave to another country.

It sounds like speculation, along with , UFOs, rockets, military  , hurricanes and Mansi. I think all the searcher's/ investigators speculated at the time and then repeated these stories later when the Dyatlov pass came back into the media attention.

It seems many of our debates revolve around what witnesses "thought" and then have been accepted as fact, when in fact it was just gossip.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: GlennM on January 28, 2024, 01:32:17 PM
In my limited understanding, Stalin did not like criticism. He thought that thinking prople were likely to find fault with him. By eliminating the best of the best, he believed he could control it. Similarly, Hitler and the Nazi's thought that by eliminating physically and mentally inferior Germans,  then others, the Germanic race would be purified. There were two fundamental flaws in that reasoning. First, it was a misunderstanding of Darwinism. Secondly, the persecuters did not understand Mendelian genetics and lethal recessives. Similarly, Stalin could never genetically dumb down the Russian population through pogroms.

In the post Stalinist environment that the DP9 lived and died in,  there  was a distinct advantage to being smart, this for the good of the nation. There was also an emphasis on physical perfection in olympians. Masters of Sport seems to be a way of achieving an excellence in physical challenges while simultaneously being in an occupation which advances the Soviet. This is what I believe the DP9 were all about ( Zolo excepted).  Therefore, it makes absolutely no rational sense to suppose that "old school Stalinists" are going to tramp around in the snow 40 miles from anywhere,  looking for some innocent university upperclassmen to kill. There was most certainly no liquidation order. There was certainly no liquidation of the DP9. What there was instead was a prolonged effort to find and deal with the residue of an unexpected tragedy.  After all, the Blinov group didn't get assassinated and they were also fresh meat.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 29, 2024, 05:27:54 AM
In the post Stalinist environment that the DP9 lived and died in,  there  was a distinct advantage to being smart, this for the good of the nation.
You are reasoning correctly and logically. Unfortunately, the illiterate communists who were in power were sometimes far from logic and common sense. The best of the best, and even athletic, strong–willed, intelligent, free-thinking - were a threat to the Stalinist-Khrushchev system. Characteristics of Kirilenko, the head of the regional committee: illiterate, bulldozer-type, bonecrusher, vindictive, etc. (taken from books and newspaper
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 29, 2024, 05:34:39 AM
It seems many of our debates revolve around what witnesses "thought" and then have been accepted as fact, when in fact it was just gossip.
My version is based on documents, on such witnesses as Yu. Yudin, B. Slobtsov, V. Askenazi, etc. - all these are authoritative personalities, but not gossips.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: Ziljoe on January 29, 2024, 06:21:26 AM
It seems many of our debates revolve around what witnesses "thought" and then have been accepted as fact, when in fact it was just gossip.
My version is based on documents, on such witnesses as Yu. Yudin, B. Slobtsov, V. Askenazi, etc. - all these are authoritative personalities, but not gossips.

Why are they authorities, what documents, are you talking about statements , which statements, when and what was said. You wrote a book , evidence your proof? 
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 29, 2024, 08:03:09 AM
Why are they authorities, what documents, are you talking about statements , which statements, when and what was said. You wrote a book , evidence your proof?
All the details are in my book. If you need a book, I'll send it. Please provide your email address. I can send a paper or electronic version.
(https://i.ibb.co/n3q2V0y/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/q0LG4n8)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: GlennM on January 30, 2024, 07:06:47 PM
Anna demonstrates generosity and committment by offering her book. That is a good thing. If the book is Russian, it can be thought to serve Anna's claim that it takes one to know one, and non Russians are poorly equipped to know or understand the language, the hidden meanings and the social/political climate going into the 1960's in Soviet Russia.

I feel the hikers died from natural causes, Anna disputes this. Both points of view are logical. Logic is not truth. We could both be wrong, but I do not believe we can both be right.

Thank you Anna for offering Ziljoe a deep dive into your point of view.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on January 31, 2024, 02:52:43 AM
Anna demonstrates generosity and committment by offering her book.
I really wanted to translate my book into English so that it would be available for everyone to read. Unfortunately, I am not able to pay the price that was asked of me for the transfer. I'm sure this is the book. anyone who really wants to get acquainted with the book will find an opportunity to purchase and translate it. The book was acquired by the Universities of Munich, Berlin and Helsinki.
I am grateful for an adequate comment. Any version has the right to exist until the truth is revealed.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 02, 2024, 01:19:28 AM
What is the secret of Dyatlov Pass?
The whole point of the mystery of Dyatlov Pass is that modern researchers are mostly educated and logically minded people. We cannot explain the actions and reasoning of illiterate party apparatchiks, who are far from logic and common sense. Do not forget that at the end of the 50s of the last century, the same supporters of the Stalinist system of government, the former illiterate peasants, were in power. They were faced with the task of retaining power at any cost.
Advanced, free-thinking and rebellious students posed a danger to them. The state relied on a system of surveillance and informers. But after the 20th Congress of the CPSU, with the exposure of the cult of personality and excesses, the policy of mass repression was abolished. Rather, it was driven under the rug, and instead of direct executions and official trials, the objectionable were hidden in psychiatric hospitals, or they received an injection with an umbrella, or died in a fight, from a fleeting unexpected illness, went missing or froze on a hike.
Because of false denunciations, it was sometimes necessary to eliminate the innocent, but the wood is being cut down, chips are flying, it was considered better to pre-empt the situation than to make a mistake, for which the responsible special services were severely punished. Criminal mistakes were corrected by secrecy, obfuscation, forgery and intimidation of the population. This was the case, for example, with the Novocherkassk shooting of rebellious workers who were dissatisfied with the increase in food prices and at the same time the reduction in labor prices.
The public, despite thousands of witnesses to the event, learned about this tragedy only in the 90s during perestroika and glasnost, the same happened with the events in Timertau, Shymkent and other rebellious cities. Dyatlov Pass can be placed in the same row. The best of the best students were eliminated during the 21st congress of the CPSU on a campaign so that they could not escape to the west (as stated in the denunciations from the words of YU), exposing the socialist system to world shame.
The group was liquidated on a false denunciation, the head of the regional committee (according to the characteristics of those who knew him – bonecrusher, bulldozer type) fulfilled the resolution of the Central Committee "On combating the attacks of anti-Soviet elements" - literally, radically and for his loyalty and courage - was promoted, moved to the Kremlin.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApDuRKvFoaE&t=154s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApDuRKvFoaE&t=154s)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: GlennM on February 02, 2024, 03:35:44 AM
With respect,,Russia did in 90 years what it took America 200 years to accomplish. This is not achieved by eliminating your best and brightest.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 02, 2024, 04:17:33 AM
With respect,,Russia did in 90 years what it took America 200 years to accomplish. This is not achieved by eliminating your best and brightest.
Imagine what Russia would have been like if the best of the best had not been destroyed in the Stalin-Khrushchev era... and the best brains wouldn't have gone west.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: GlennM on February 02, 2024, 04:31:03 PM
Yes, if the two countries cooperated on the peaceful use of nuclear energy and sustain the cooperative exploration of space, much will be gained.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 02, 2024, 10:50:14 PM
Yes, if the two countries cooperated on the peaceful use of nuclear energy and sustain the cooperative exploration of space, much will be gained.
I disagree with you. Because I think that first of all we need to turn our eyes to the earth, where there is a lot of hungry and homeless people, where there is a lot of injustice, disorder, various diseases and crimes..
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on February 09, 2024, 08:40:09 AM
A letter with a false denunciation of Dyatlov and his friends was attached to the criminal case??!

In the criminal case, paragraph 1, the prosecutor from Moscow notifies by the attached letter about the return of the case after verification. The letter is accompanied by the case itself in one volume, an album (with photos?) and a copy of Comrade Slobodin's letter. I explain: V.E. Slobodin, an official, chairman of the UPI trade union committee, namesake of Rustem, who (according to Yuri Yudin, scribbles denunciations of Dyatlov's group).

The letter of the namesake Rustem Slobodin is on a par with the criminal case itself and the photos.

Perhaps this letter was a copy of the denunciation that ruined the group. The phrase about a copy of Comrade Slobodin's letter is boldly crossed out. Who removed the letter and photos from the criminal case? Who crossed out the phrase? It is clear that this is someone who is not interested in solving the crime.

Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on March 18, 2024, 04:17:47 AM
                                        an important document of 1959. SHELEPIN'S ORDER

 This forum has collected a large number of invaluable documents related to this topic. But I did not find one very important document that appeared on the Internet relatively recently. A photocopy of the document that Ildar told about on the YouTube channel was attached to Ildar Garifullin's email. The document was named the ORDER of SHELEPIN. Shelepin was the head of the KGB in 1959. The document was declared a fake. But I don't agree with that. The main reason for my disagreement is THAT THE ORDER WAS EXECUTED.
The text of February 6, 1959 refers to the classification of information on the death of Dyatlov's group. About the harsh pressure on all those who disagree with the official version. The names of the officials who held responsible positions in 1959 are indicated. Quote from THE ORDER: "to open a criminal case on the death of a group of civilians, conduct a thorough investigation and close the case as soon as possible due to the lack of corpus delicti..." The document has not been subjected to an expert assessment for authenticity. But the strangest thing is that the Dyatlov Group Memory Foundation and journalists were not interested in it. My detailed, line-by-line analysis of the document is available on the YouTube channel in 20 videos.

(https://i.ibb.co/NC8yN8r/6.jpg) (https://ibb.co/pwtLKtQ)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: amashilu on March 18, 2024, 06:20:58 AM
Anna, this looks like a very interesting document, especially that it is dated Feb. 6, 1959, matching the other 2 or 3 documents that seem to indicate the hikers' deaths were known by authorities that early. But when I go to your video channel for more information, English captions are not available. Is it possible you could translate this one page into English for us and post it here?
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on March 18, 2024, 06:58:48 AM
OK, although it's not easy. I will try to translate it in parts
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on March 18, 2024, 07:08:35 AM
Inside the stamp: To be returned. 0680 February 6, 1959, 6th SECTOR of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Next to it, to the right of the stamp: Copying is prohibited. Sector "N", copy No. 1.
Coat of arms of the USSR. Just below: The USSR State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. February 6, 1959. Moscow. On II-59 dated 02/6/1959.

To the Deputy Chairman of the KGB at the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Colonel-General Belchenko SS
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on March 18, 2024, 07:22:07 AM
In connection with the situation that caused the death of civilians, namely unauthorized ski tourists: I. A. Dyatlov, Z. A. Kolmogorova, R.V. Slobodin, Yu. N. Doroshenko, G. A. Krivonishchenko, N. V. Thibault-Brignol, L. A. Dubinina, A. S. Kolevatov, S. A. Zolotarev, I order urgently all information should be classified, all available and those materials that will be collected in the case of the death of tourists by the investigative authorities, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor's Office, personal belongings that can be information carriers should be immediately seized and transferred to the NGO of the Department of Internal Affairs.
To appoint the head of the KGB for the Sverdlovsk region, Colonel of the KGB Ilyichev A.V., responsible for maintaining special secrecy, with all the ensuing details, to appoint the head of the KGB for the Ural Region, Colonel Fedorov M. A.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on March 18, 2024, 07:37:06 AM
The bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor's Office under control should initiate a criminal case on the death of civilians, conduct a thorough investigation and close the case as soon as possible due to the lack of corpus delicti and the non-violent nature of the death of civilians. The investigation should organize search operations involving civilians with mandatory instruction regarding the official version of the tragedy. The discovered bodies are to be processed, examined and immediately buried.

To carry out a measure of influence with the relatives of the victims – persuasion, in extreme cases coercion. Do not exclude a special case of disagreement, act accordingly. Destroy information about S. A. Zolotarev. The spread of rumors and versions other than the official one should be severely suppressed, and any attempts at unauthorized investigation should be severely suppressed. In case of any special kind of obstacles, immediately report personally to the Chairman of the KGB. In case of a similar situation, react according to the instructions.
Chairman of the KGB at the Council of Ministers of the USSR A. N. Shelepin. Signature.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on March 18, 2024, 07:45:04 AM
link to my videos on the analysis of the document Shelepin's Order on the YouTube channel for those who speak Russian
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on March 18, 2024, 08:00:16 AM
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on March 18, 2024, 08:46:39 AM
I want to draw attention to the fact that Shelepin's order specifies the date of February 6th. A criminal case was also opened on February 6. Apparently, they were in such a hurry to carry out the order that they attached Popov's interrogation about the weather on February 6, 59 to the case. The names of the tourists are listed in the order in which they will be discovered in late February and early May: first, five with less damage, then four in the stream. That is, we can say that Shelepin's order was carried out verbatim.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: gunmat on March 18, 2024, 10:33:56 AM
A motive is established. But with how much credibility? Fleeing westward would require a chain of contacts through a desolate area. Couldn't the KGB, with its extensive powers, simply arrest the members and eliminate them without causing too much fuss?
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on March 18, 2024, 11:02:21 AM
There was no escape to the west and was not supposed to be. It was a false denunciation from informers from the UPI. The KGB did not have a task to search for chains of contacts. The KGB sent down instructions from the CPSU to liquidate the group in order to avoid escape during the 21st Congress of the CPSU.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: amashilu on March 18, 2024, 02:32:21 PM
This is fascinating, Anna.
Do you have any clue why this sentence is there? "Destroy information about S. A. Zolotarev."
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on March 18, 2024, 03:41:56 PM
This is fascinating, Anna.
Do you have any clue why this sentence is there? "Destroy information about S. A. Zolotarev."
My thoughts on Zolotarev are very different from other versions in which Zolotarev is credited with some special role. I believe that Zolotarev went hiking in order to increase his tourist rank by hiking 3 categories of difficulty and have a promotion in a tourist career. As he himself said about it. He got into the group on the last day by accident. It turned out that the liquidators, following the order, did not know the exact composition of the group and eliminated everyone.
The murder of Zolotarev: a party member, a front-line soldier who went through the entire war in peacetime, by his compatriots - it was a mistake in completing the task and a terrible shame for the CPSU. Therefore, all information about Zolotarev is intentionally confusing and strictly classified. The authorities paid Zolotarev's mother compensation in the amount of 1,000 rubles plus a funeral at the expense of the state. No other monetary payments were made to any of the relatives.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: amashilu on March 19, 2024, 06:33:02 AM
The murder of Zolotarev: a party member, a front-line soldier who went through the entire war in peacetime, by his compatriots - it was a mistake in completing the task and a terrible shame for the CPSU[/b]. Therefore, all information about Zolotarev is intentionally confusing and strictly classified. The authorities paid Zolotarev's mother compensation in the amount of 1,000 rubles plus a funeral at the expense of the state. No other monetary payments were made to any of the relatives.

I don't know if it makes sense to specifically single out Zolotaryev's information for destruction because he was a war hero and had been mistakenly killed by this order. His body will eventually be found anyway, his identity will be revealed, and his war hero records still exist, is that right? So there must be some other information that they want destroyed.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on March 19, 2024, 10:38:35 AM
His body will eventually be found anyway, his identity will be revealed, and his war hero records still exist, is that right? So there must be some other information that they want destroyed.
The body was extremely disfigured, it has not yet been identified as Zolotarev's body, his identity has not been precisely determined. Zolotarev is buried or someone else. And it will never be determined. This confusion with the body and even with the documents on Zolotarev is intentional. The authorities decided to cover up their crime with this confusion and concealment (in my personal opinion). Even Zolotarev's death certificate is available with a different date. Quote: he died in December 1958 on a camping trip.
Photo: Zolotarev's death nformation from the military enlistment office. http://www.dyatlovpassmystery.3nx.ru/viewtopic.php?p=7041

(https://i.ibb.co/XsGR88X/image.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/). (https://i.ibb.co/5YkvZZZ/image.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: WAB on March 19, 2024, 03:21:32 PM
                                        an important document of 1959. SHELEPIN'S ORDER

I rarely get to visit this forum, but here I got another example at the level of hardened marasmus, which is fed by my compatriots to the respected readers of this forum.....
That this "order" is an absolute fake is clear for at least 2 reasons. Probably, one can find several more examples of deception, but we can limit ourselves to these two for now:

1. The form itself, on which this is drawn by someone very obviously ignorant.
The actual appearance of such a form looks like this:


Compare this, and it is immediately clear that this was a deliberately made-up fake.
This kind of letterhead is for letters to other organizations, but in no way for "orders" within the same organization.
2. People who made this fake do not have even an elementary idea of how office work was conducted in any organizations in the USSR at that level and of that period.
The chief (head) of such an organization does not need to write an "order" to his deputy on such (or any other) form. It was done on ordinary paper. There was no point in making everything so "solemn".
If you think about the content, it becomes ridiculous. There is a lot of pathos and almost no meaning. One need only ask oneself: what was all this done for? Only everything that should have been done by any of the organizations named there is listed. For example, the prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region. And what is this "observance of special secrecy" if almost the entire Sverdlovsk region is talking about it. It turns out that this "order" was written by complete idiots for other idiots.
Fools were never hired by any special service.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on March 19, 2024, 11:58:08 PM
rarely get to visit this forum, but here I got another example at the level of hardened marasmus, which is fed by my compatriots to the respected readers of this forum.....
I ask you to ask my forgiveness for such a statement. This is a respected forum and such statements are unacceptable here. I ask the moderator to pay attention to this.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on March 20, 2024, 12:07:27 AM
I answer:
1.   About the form. It is necessary to give an example of a document on such a form, and not an empty form. For example, I analyzed this "SHELEPIN'S ORDER" in 20 videos and gave an example of several similar documents of that time with a similar design. There is even a note by Shelepin to Khrushchev (March 1959), handwritten on plain paper, and it was accepted, reviewed and recognized as authentic, since there is a protocol.
2.   About what the whole of Sverdlovsk was saying. I agree. He talked about the rocket launch disaster. For the disinformation loudly launched by the KGB about the rocket worked in 1959, and it still works now.
3.   VAB, how can a document be declared a fake if it has not passed an expert assessment and we know that the order was executed verbatim. There are some rough edges in the "ORDER", but they only confirm the authenticity of the document.

An example of how KGB Chairman Shelepin wrote some documents by hand on plain paper, and they were taken into account and reviewed. The 1959 evidence is listed below.

(https://i.ibb.co/6cMry1K/image.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/). (https://i.ibb.co/TmgMhhg/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/pJLjXXL)
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on March 20, 2024, 12:16:23 AM
I ask you not to focus on the number 0680 on the red stamp. This number is listed on all documents that were archived from Malin's safe after he left office in 1965.

You still haven't answered my question about the tragedy in Khibiny. It looks like you have nothing to say.
Title: Re: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Post by: anna_pycckux on April 23, 2024, 12:31:07 AM
I would like to discuss an article in the KP newspaper for 2012, in which it is written that during the delivery of tourists to the morgue of the Ivdel hospital, Yuri Yudin was also in the Ivdel and watched the corpses through the hospital window. For some reason, this message in the article went unnoticed and was not discussed anywhere.
Quote from the article:
"I was young then, I worked as a nurse," recalls Zoya Nikitichna Savina. - I saw them at the bus stop. Everyone is so funny. They laughed loudly. And then they were brought to the morgue, I looked through the window. The girl was lying there and the guys, I don't remember how long. The girl had socks on her feet. And their friend, the guy who didn't go with them, stood under the windows of the morgue and cried … In the same hospital, Maria Ivanovna Salter worked as a surgical assistant in the morgue..."
It turns out that Yudin knew about the death of tourists, saw their bodies even before the official search. Why Yudin returned from a hike and stayed in the city of Ivdel is a separate conversation.
Perhaps he was waiting for the guys to return, and for this trip to be taken into account by the tourist club. Or maybe he was doing the work of the special services.